How to make money in GTA Online. An easy way to make money in GTA Online by selling cars The most profitable missions in GTA 5 online

  • 10.10.2023

Ways on how and how to quickly make money in GTA online, as well as tips on how to store it and what to invest it in.

As in real life and virtual reality, the more money you have, the more confident you can feel and act.

That's why many novice players are interested in how to make money quickly in GTA online.

Moreover, the single-player version of the game in regular GTA differs from the multiplayer mode in many details and ways to earn money.

Therefore, beginners often feel confused and bewildered, and begin to search for a complete guide to the secrets of getting rich quick.

The difference between the off- and online versions is due to the fact that regular GTA 5 is a ready-made, complete project.

But GTA Online developers can change and improve, which is what they are doing.

But there is nothing to worry about: there are a lot of ways to make money in GTA online and everyone can find suitable options to improve their financial situation.

Read this article and get started!

What can you buy with the money you earn from GTA Online?

When you just start playing GTA online, you shouldn’t spend money on little things: clothes, tattoos, accessories.

It is better to purchase weapons or raise money for real estate.

You will be able to purchase property in GTA Online after reaching level five.

In this case, there is a restriction - one player can purchase only one building.

You can buy them using the Internet or by independently reaching the icon on the map (house icon).

The larger the property in terms of size and number of places for transport, the more expensive it will cost.

In total there are 65 objects at your disposal.

If you decide to start with a small garage, then you can sell it and buy something more substantial.

To help you get your bearings, here is a list of prices for some objects:

  • $25,000 - the cheapest property, a garage for two cars in the east of Los Santos;
  • $80,000 is the cheapest home available, which is on Rockford Drive;
  • $120,000 - a house with a six-car garage;
  • $200,000 - a house with a garage for a whole fleet of ten cars.

In addition to the money for the purchase, you need to be prepared to shell out $25-70 every day to pay for utilities.

But garage owners in GTA Online only have to pay the mechanic, but $50 daily.

How can you make money in gta online?

Work (completing tasks)

Maybe this method will not allow you to make money in GTA online as quickly as you would like. But this method is the most accessible and effective for everyone who is just starting to explore the world.

After all, the tasks that are offered to players are quite easy and can be completed in a short period of time.

In addition to the reward in the form of money, you will receive additional bonuses for this: a rank increase, plus reputation and statistics.

And zeal in completing work tasks will be rewarded with increased pay - the more often you do something, the more profitable tasks will open.

How to find tasks to earn money in GTA online?

It's also very simple.

Firstly, here and there on the map you can find special marks indicating that you can receive a task here.

And secondly, the task can be simplified using a smartphone.

The phone has a special “quick work” section. Click on it and you will see all the jobs available for completion.

Other participants in the virtual world of GTA online can also invite you to earn money on any tasks.

You can send invitations to anyone you want using the aforementioned “quick work” tab.

Additionally, tasks are unlocked when you complete missions within the game.


Many interesting finds may await you if you are not lazy to examine the bodies. They may well have some money on them.

This, of course, is not a full-fledged way to make money, but it will allow you to quickly get money with proper luck.

Also, do not ignore the various boxes (you will especially encounter a lot of interesting things during the mission from Martin). To open them, just shoot.

Inside is not money, but cocaine. But you can sell it and earn $500 per package.


After your player grows up a little and reaches level 15, you will have another opportunity to make money quickly.

When Ron calls you and gives you some work, you will need to go to Trevor.

After this, exactly what you need to make money opens up - a survival mission.

For each of them you can get a tidy sum – $20,000. At the same time, only 1 to 4 people participate in matches.


When you cross the “level 50” bar, you will receive a call from Lamar. He will make you an offer that you should not refuse: to rob another character.

There is no point in saying “no” because there may be quite a large sum at stake. But keep in mind that they can also treacherously sneak up on you and extort cash using threats.

True, in this case you can still resist. You just need to have time to jump to your feet and attack the attacker.


If the previous methods are designed primarily for beginners, then hunting people requires a more or less confident opinion about your shooting skills.

After all, the essence of the way to earn money is that you have to hunt for people for whose capture there is a reward.

The red dots on the radar will tell you where they are.

Don’t rush to go on the attack; most of the “targets” are also not foolproof. And if you don’t calculate your strengths, you won’t earn money, but you’ll lose it by waking up in the hospital.

Car theft

There are several important points that you should know before you make money by stealing cars and then selling them:

  • In one day of play (virtual, in reality it goes by quickly - only 48 minutes) you have the opportunity to sell only one car.
  • For a stolen car you will be offered no more than $9,500 - this is the maximum amount.
  • SUVs and coupes rate best.

    But the sedan will bring much less.

  • You shouldn't spend money on repairing your car before selling it.

    The fact is that the amount you spend on it and the size of the buyer’s “discount” are the same.
    Therefore, whatever one may say, the revenue will still be equal, but after doing repairs. you won't be able to make money that fast.

  • The best place to look for stolen cars is in the Richman area.

    The most expensive cars are found in this area.

  • A little secret: remember the cars that the character Simon will call you.

    As soon as you see these expensive “horses,” you need to immediately repaint them and drive them to him.
    You can earn money quickly and impressively.


There are several options for how to stage a robbery and quickly earn more money: classic and group.
  1. Here everything is according to the classics of the genre: you choose a target store, go in and threaten the seller with a weapon.

    When they give you money, you quickly run away.
    But it is always important to remain vigilant!
    In addition to the police, who will chase you, the seller himself may try to shoot you in the back.
    By the way, if you don’t want to make too much noise and attract unnecessary attention, you don’t have to shout during a robbery.
    Just hold the seller at gunpoint and you can even shoot at the counter once.
    True, without motivation in the form of shouting, a store employee will collect money much more slowly.
    You will have to control everything alone, but there is no need to divide the proceeds.

  2. If you are making a group attack, the strategy may change.

    For example, you can travel by helicopter.
    Well, they “parked” it at the entrance, did the job and flew away.
    Isn't it clever?
    This scheme can be done many times and still earn a lot of money.
    But sooner or later, police helicopters will still start a pursuit race.

About the ways you can make money in GTA online,

see also in the video:

How to store what you managed to earn in GTA Online?

It won't matter how much you can earn if you keep losing profits.

After all, someone else’s well-being can attract a lot of attention from other “residents” of the GTA online world.

And there is also the danger of dying and going to the hospital (the money, if you don’t already know, is written off). Because just like in the real world, you shouldn’t carry large amounts of cash with you.

It’s better and safer to send everything to the bank at the first opportunity.

Another way to use capital wisely is not to waste it on stupid things.

Clothes and tattoos are, of course, cool. But it is much more logical to save everything that you manage to earn, so that you can later invest in real estate and weapons.

But accessories, rags and other nonsense are not a man’s business and can easily wait.

Now you know, how to make money quickly in GTA online and you will be able to afford more than if you learned all these subtleties on your own and gradually.

At the same time, it is worth following the official news from the project developers.

After all, they can not only reduce the chances of getting quick and too easy money, but also add new methods to earn money.

As you know, the key theme of GTA 5 is money. Money is easy to spend, but earning it in GTA 5 is not so easy. In this article we will describe ways in which you can earn a small (or maybe a large) amount of money in a not entirely honest way, but without using codes. If you don't have enough cash to buy a shiny grenade launcher or super heavy armor, then be sure to read this article.

Lester's side missions

As the game progresses, Lester will help Franklin by giving him additional tasks related to the stock market. Listen carefully to Lester's words about whose shares will rise after the mission is completed. The more you invest in stocks, the more you will get out of it.

When to invest money in FlyUS

After completing the "Trouble with the Law" mission, FlyUS's stock price will plummet. Invest in them right away. When you complete the "Going Wild" mission (a few missions later), the stock price will rise to its previous level. For example, in my case, the stock price before “Trouble with the Law” was $250. After the mission it dropped to $120. When the mission was completed, the cost was again $240, thereby doubling my investment.

Ambush near an ATM

To get some quick cash, stand next to an ATM with your fists or a silenced weapon. As a rule, people who have just been to an ATM have their pockets full of money.

Rob them and run away before the police arrive.

Small antics = big money

In the first hours of the game, making money is incredibly difficult. If you need them right now, use one of the nineteen theft options in GTA 5.

Convenience stores and markets are easy targets. Enter the store, point your weapon at the cashier, take the money and run away before the police arrive.

Select a few suitable shops and find convenient hiding places nearby. Park your car in the direction of travel next to the store. Take the money, jump into the car and rush towards the shelter. By periodically visiting your favorite stores, you can score a tidy sum.

Some stores have two cash registers. Shoot the other cash register to open it. Be sure to wait for the money from the first cash register before shooting, otherwise you will have unnecessary witnesses.
You can also rob gun and clothing stores if you take out your weapon and take aim before entering the store. The employee won't start taking money out of the cash register, so shoot at the cash registers and take the cash yourself.
If you continually rob the same store, an employee might purchase a gun and not be afraid to use it.

Saving is the key to income

Early in the game, avoid the temptation to spend money on cars and weapons that you don't need. The opportunity to fill a brand new garage with beautiful cars is extremely appealing, but every dollar you spend is a dollar you'll need to buy the things you really need.

Steal a couple of cars and put them in your garage. If you need a car, you better steal it. Pick four main weapons (short range, long range, sniper, heavy) that you like and leave it at that for now. Always put weapons before cars. Weapons are much more difficult to obtain.

Complete the Jewelry Heist mission and other heists.

During the first robbery you can get real money, it will be enough to earn a decent amount on the stock market. Use our walkthrough to ensure the robbery goes off without a hitch, and remember that the most expensive jewelry is on the central counters next to the cash register.

Be sure to choose the best mercenaries to carry out robberies. In most cases, they will save you much more money and time than you would spend on their services.

According to the plot of the game, several more robberies await you, each of which will bring you even more money than the robbery of a jewelry store.

Manipulate the stock market

Keep an eye on the stock market and grow your savings.

When you have a large amount of money, start investing it, just act wisely. Franklin's series of missions, where Lester assigns him to kill someone, almost always involve corporate sabotage and stock market fraud. At the beginning of each mission, Lester will give advice on where exactly you should invest your money.

If your target is the CEO of a global pharmaceutical company, invest in their competitor. And don't forget that you can pause and listen to the latest dialogue in the menu if you missed anything!

Once you start a mission where the goal is to kill, you will no longer be able to switch to another hero. Since each hero has his own wallet and stock portfolio, before the mission you will have to set aside time and make investments on behalf of each of the three heroes. Don't let Franklin take all the profits! On the other hand, in the stock market, everything happens with a slight delay, so you can invest money immediately after completing the mission and still win.

How and where to invest money

After each kill, save the game multiple times at any save point to speed up the time until you reach the maximum income amount. Remember, always invest all the money of all three heroes. The amount of income may vary.

- Murder – Hotel: invest in BettaPharmaceuticals (BAWSAQ) before your mission. Income 40-50%.
- Murder - 4 targets: invest in Debonaire (LCN) before the mission. Income 80-90%. Immediately invest in Redwood (LCN) after selling Debonaire shares as Redwood shares are set to rise 300% in the coming days.
- Murder – Panel: invest in Fruit (BAWSAQ) before the mission. Income 50-60%.
- Murder – Bus: invest in Vapid (BAWSAQ) after the mission. Don't pay attention to the graphs or green/red arrows. If the stock price is below the “low” value, then it’s time to invest. Your return will be 80-90% after one or two gaming days (stock prices will still be low and then rise sharply), although you can get 150%.
- Murder – Construction: invest in GoldCoast (GCD) before your mission. Income 80-90%.

Cash van robbery

In the first hours of the game, one of the easiest ways to earn money is to rob a cash van. They will appear on the map periodically. Shoot the driver, then use the grenade launcher or C4 to break down the doors. Take the money (often the amount exceeds $5,000) and run away before the police arrive.

Perhaps you will be lucky and the guards will still be carrying the money to the armored personnel carrier. In this case, the task will be much easier. Kill the guards, take the money and run.

Invest in Merryweather Security

After completing the main storyline, Merryweather's stock price will be very low. Invest $30 million in company stock and get $6 million in profit.

Tips and tricks for saving money in GTA 5

- Discount in Ammu-Nation stores: If players complete all shooting missions, they will receive a 15% discount at all Ammu-Nation stores. If they complete all tasks for gold, the discount will be 25%.
- Free weapon upgrade: During the mission, visit the Ammu-Nation store and buy weapons and all upgrades for them. After this, kill yourself to fail the mission. As a result, you will get all your money back, but if you go back to the store, the weapon upgrades will still be marked as purchased. On the mission failure screen, press “Retry” (A, X), do not press “Exit” (B, O), otherwise the money will not be returned to you.
- Free machine repair: if you want to fix your car, just save the game and reload it. Your car will be like new.

Making money with hidden packages

There is one very cunning way to make a good fortune in GTA 5. To earn several tens of thousands of dollars in GTA 5 you need to purchase the Sonar Collections dock. Once you do this, you will have your own submarine with diving equipment.

As you know, the underwater world of GTA 5 is quite diverse. If you look hard enough, you can find hidden packages underwater. By picking up each of them you will receive $12,000. And here there is a little trick. As soon as you pick up the package found underwater and get your money, immediately switch to another character, and then immediately switch back. If you did everything quickly and your hero has not yet sailed away from the place of discovery, then you will see that the package lies there again, as if no one had picked it up. Grab him again, get another $12,000 and switch heroes again.

This cunning scheme can be carried out as many times as you like.

If you know other clever ways to make money in GTA 5, be sure to write to us about them.

A game Grand Theft Auto 5 is in many ways similar to real life, and not only in how close it has become to it in terms of graphics, physics of movements and image quality, this is all, of course, true, but the point is that in GTA 5 the same basic laws apply survival, just like in real life!
Sooner or later, we will be faced with a financial question when we start to lack funds, which is why we have collected all the relatively honest, without using and, and the most effective ways to make money in GTA 5, as well as a number of little tricks that will help us not only become beggars, but also increase your capital in GTA 5 and never need money!
So, let's begin to understand the issue, how to make a lot of money in GTA 5.

Kill and take the money

Those who played previous versions of the games Grand Theft Auto, and the majority of them know very well that random passers-by have money with them, which is quite suitable for us as pocket money, yes, if you are wondering how to make money quickly in GTA 5, then the simplest and most primitive way is to raid passers-by, kill them, and collect their money for your budget; of course, you shouldn’t repeat this in real life. But now, new opportunities are being added to the method described above, because we will periodically come across robbed people whom we can help by catching up with the criminal and taking the money from him; then it’s up to you to decide whether to return it to the victim or keep this bonus for yourself. To make money quickly in GTA 5, you shouldn’t bypass the detention of criminals, because money is often scattered around, don’t be shy, collect it!

Raid on collectors + ATMs

Another, more profitable, but also riskier way to make quick money in GTA 5 is to rob cash collectors. From time to time they will appear on the map, and there is no need to hesitate, because especially at the beginning of the game, any money is important for us, especially more or less decent ones. How to rob a cash-in-transit car in GTA 5? It's simple: we kill the driver and take out the doors using C4, or, if we have a grenade launcher in our arsenal, we can use it. That's it, the nth amount is available to us, which will replenish our budget, we take it, usually it exceeds 5 thousand USD, without wasting a second we run off! We draw your attention to the fact that you should first decide on the shelter to which we will rush after the robbery, because we don’t want to get caught by the cops and end up in .
Continuing our excursion into the question of how to make money in GTA 5 on PC, we find out that in addition to cash collectors, who sometimes transport quite good sums, there are also ATMs! Here you should choose the following strategy:
We watch for a passerby who is withdrawing money from an ATM, and after that, we immediately rob him; often, in the pockets of those who have been near the ATM, we can find a pleasant surprise in financial equivalent.

We rob stores

How else can you make money in GTA 5?
Let's move from robberies of random pedestrians and cash collectors to more permanent and what are called stationary objects - stores. After all, in GTA 5 there is a whole bunch of different shops and stores, shops, in general, those establishments where we can buy something, which means they have money, and in larger quantities than the pocket of the average passerby can accommodate. We go into the store, aim at the seller, take the treasured money and run away. By analogy with a cash-in-transit van, it is advisable to have a pre-planned shelter in which we will “make our feet” before the cops arrive.
Please note that in some establishments there are more than one cash register, in this case we wait for the money from the first, and then shoot at the second; the reverse order is undesirable because in this case we will have extra witnesses.
Do not take out your weapon without entering the stores and approaching the cashiers, in which case they will not get the money, in which case we will only have one option, again, shoot at the cash registers and do all the work for them!
And of course, do not overuse robberies of the same store in GTA 5, otherwise the owner will save the gun and will not be the least bit ashamed to try it on us.

We complete the mission of robbing a jewelry store and others

As a result of our first robbery, we will understand how to earn a lot in GTA 5, because we will have real money, which, of course, is not comparable to small additions as a result of street robbery.
Regarding the jewelry store robbery, remember, the most expensive jewelry is on the shelves near the cash register.
There is an opinion that in order for a robbery to go perfectly, it is necessary to hire the most expensive and therefore effective partners, yes, in part this is true, but we offer you all the little and not so tricks for completing missions, who is worth hiring and how not to overpay extra money for those partners who will simply take a larger share from us, but will not help in any way compared to cheaper ones, how to get the maximum profit from a mission, we have collected all this in a separate walkthrough instruction!

Leicester missions and stock markets

Now the time has come to find out how to earn a lot in GTA 5 by investing in the stock markets.
As the game progresses, we will periodically encounter missions from Lester, who will give various tasks to Franklin, and also give recommendations on which company shares will increase in price, in which we will invest, accordingly, the more money we invest, the more we will receive after the end of the mission and the takeoff of shares. Don't forget that there are three protagonists in GTA 5, and we can make investments on behalf of each of them! Plus, remember, if you missed what Lester said, you can listen to the last bit of dialogue again by pressing the pause button!

Manipulate the stock market

And now, perhaps, let’s delve into the question of how to quickly make money in GTA 5 in more detail using the following example.
Lester gives us the task of killing the CEO of the company, then, naturally, it will be profitable for us to invest in the shares of our competitors!
Do not forget that after the start of the assassination mission, we will no longer be able to switch between the protagonists, so in order to make money on the stock exchange in GTA 5, take the time and purchase shares of each of them before the start of the mission, or, as a last resort, if you were unable to do so to do, you have a little time after it ends, before the actions we took lead to drastic changes in the stock market.


In order for time to pass faster, after committing each mission kill, you need to save several times in any place in order to achieve the maximum profit value. As we have already noted, it is necessary to make investments from the wallets of all three protagonists; profits may vary.

And now, we bring to your attention brief recommendations on how to make money quickly in GTA 5.

Mission Assassination – Hotel:

Mission Assassination - 4 targets:

Mission Assassination – Panel:

Mission Assassination - Bus:

After completing the mission, we recommend investing in Vapid (BAWSAQ).
Don’t look at the rise/fall, all the graphs, arrows, etc., the main thing is to remember, when the stock price drops below the “low” value, it’s time to buy!
Your profit will be about 85%, and can reach a record 150% in 1-2 gaming days, during this period of time the price per share will be just as low, and then increase sharply.

Mission Assassination – Construction:

Investments in FlyUS

To make money in GTA 5, we also have recommendations regarding the FlyUS company; in order to be in the black on shares, do the following.
After completing the mission “Trouble with the Law,” we buy shares, because... their prices will drop significantly. We forget about these promotions before the mission “Get Off the Reels”, because after completing it the rate will rise sharply and we will be able to make good money.

Investing in Merryweather Security

And after the end of the main storyline, we can also easily and quickly make money in GTA 5 by purchasing shares of the Merryweather company, at which point their value will fall, having invested $30 million, we can end up with a profit of as much as $6 million.

Treasure underwater

We present to you another very good way to quickly earn money in GTA 5. To do this, we need to become the owner of the Sonar Collections dock, after which we have a personal bathyscaphe submarine for exploring the ocean depths, as well as the rest of the equipment necessary for this.

We all know very well that it is literally crammed with all kinds of surprises and interesting places, hidden from public eyes in quiet corners, and the oceanic expanses of GTA 5 are no exception, because they are fraught with a lot of interesting and exciting things! To make money after purchasing a dock, we need to use the following trick!

We have hidden treasures worth $12,000 underwater. What is the cunning associated with, you ask? But the thing is that as soon as you pick up the treasure, at the same second switch to another character and immediately back, if you do everything quickly, while the protagonist has not yet managed to swim away from the treasure, then you will find a pleasant surprise that the money is still there in the old place, and we can take them like this an unlimited number of times!

Finally, let's talk about saving money in GTA 5. After all, no matter how much we earn in the game, with expenses disproportionate to the profit we will have a chronic lack of funds. Of course, you need to take care of your finances, how exactly should you deny yourself everything? No, just keep in mind the small features and tricks of GTA 5! I think everyone will find interesting and new ways for themselves that will come in handy more than once in GTA 5!

The first thing I would like to mention is Ammu-Nation weapons stores; the following basic rules apply here:

Discounts are provided on everything in the amount of 15% and 25% if you have completed all shooting tasks in all Ammu-Nation branches, the latter is provided if you have completed all tasks for gold!

There is another way to save on weapons, or rather to upgrade or buy them for free, is that you start the mission, look into the Ammu-Nation store, buy what we need, then kill ourselves, thereby failing the mission. After that, we will have the spent amount in our account, and when we go back to the store, these purchases will already be purchased. And on the screen of a failed mission, press Repeat (A, X), and under no circumstances press Exit (B, O), because in this case, you will not see the money back!

There are several other interesting and useful ways to save money in GTA 5:

Do you want a brand new expensive car? Does this require a tidy sum? Take it away by dropping off the driver, put it in your garage, thereby guaranteeing its integrity, and voila you have a new iron horse absolutely free!

And if you need to repair a car in GTA 5, save the game and reload it, that’s it, our car is in perfect condition!

And, perhaps, most importantly, try to die less, because each “resurrection” will cost a pretty penny, and as you know, this is 5 thousand USD.

Also read detailed instructions on how to quickly earn a lot of money in GTA 5 Online.

It’s not for nothing that the expression “You can’t forbid living beautifully” has become a catchphrase, because it is precisely because of its permissiveness and the feeling of a rich life that GTA has gained such popularity among young gamers. For me, as a big fan of this series, it was a complete surprise that there were no cheats in the game’s story mode. But as it turned out, the developers worked on this point in detail: by the end of the game he will be able to boast of a couple of billion dollars in his account.

How to make a lot of money in GTA 5?

The game has several potential ways to fill your pocket with money, but the most important thing you should understand is that you should leave missions to eliminate targets from Lester to the very end, with the exception of those that affect the game's plot.

But we'll start from the very beginning - with robberies. This type of activity will bring each of the characters a significant amount, but read below how to increase it. The developers have given you complete freedom in choosing a team for the heist, but there is one ideal combination in which you can earn more than with other options.

This manual only works during the initial passage of the story; you can replay tasks, but this will in no way affect your income.

"The Jewel Store Job"

Before you start this task, each of the three characters invest in shares of Betta Pharmaceuticals (BET) on the BAWSAQ exchange. After completing the task, you will need to wait from 1 to 4 game days for the company's shares to reach their peak (from 2 to 12 saves). But don’t leave things to chance, constantly go to the exchange website and check, if the company’s shares have grown by about 50% (80% on old generation consoles), start selling. Don’t forget that you bought shares with each character, which means that the sale must be made using the same algorithm.

As soon as you have received a decent amount, go to the LCN exchange and buy securities of competitors - the BIL company. During trading on BAWSAQ, shares of this company were expected to fall by about 30%. You can wait another gaming day, but make sure that the price does not start to rise (acceptable price is 7.5 dollars per share), but even without this, the sale will bring you more than 100%. Don’t rush to sell: in our case we had to wait 7 game days. You can speed up time using a bed (save).

Blitz Play

No matter how much you hate Steve Haynes, you will have to do it for free for government agencies - that's why they are government.

"The Paleto Heist" (The Paleto Score)

The best option as a shooter is Packy McCreary, if you worked with him in the very first robbery. If not, then choose the Chief, his characteristics are quite suitable for this matter. But under no circumstances take Norm into the case - we won’t spoil it, but this is the worst option.

Only Franklin can make money in this robbery. Once again, choose Ricky Lakens for the role of the hacker, Norm Richards should take the place of the shooter, and take either Taliana Martinez or Kareem Denz as the driver.

Ricky may be a little slower than a professional hacker in terms of speed, but this is acceptable for this task. Despite his inexperience, Richards will cope with the task quite well (just don’t take him in the first option, otherwise he will die, which will cost you a pretty penny in the near future). Taliana Martinez is the best driver for this heist, but to choose her, you will have to complete a side mission where you need to save a girl from death. You will see her near an overturned car on the side of the road between two roads. Get her to Sandy Shores before she dies.

The option with Karim is only acceptable if you worked with him on the Jewelry Heist, otherwise there will be serious problems with the escape.

“The Big Score”

Taliana will do an excellent job of piloting, but if you replace her with Denza, you will have a plane crash. The shooter doesn't matter here, the cheapest one will do.
If you still decide to go through the robbery in a quiet way, then know that this will bring you 6 million less. In this case, McCreary or Chief will be suitable for the role of the first shooter, and Daryl Jones or Norman can be entrusted with the place of the second. Taliana and Karim are drivers, the role of the hacker should go to Ricky Lakens.

If you choose option B and do everything without a single blot, then in the end each of the characters will be able to receive 41 million GTA dollars.

Investing before Lester's missions

As mentioned earlier, you should leave these 4 tasks for the very end of the story, because the amount of income depends on the amount of investment. So, let's begin.

"The Multi Target Assassination"

Each of the three characters invest in the tobacco company Debonaire (DEB) on the LCN securities exchange. Now all that remains is to be patient and check the growth of quotes. Within a few in-game hours, the share price in the PC version of the game will increase by 52% (up to 80% on consoles) - it's time to sell.

Once you've raised money with Debonaire stock, it's time to buy shares of rival Redwood (RWC). This must be done quickly so that the company. After six to nine game days, the company’s quotes will return to normal, and you will earn 300% profit (330% on consoles).

"" (The Vice Assassination)

Buy Fruit Company (FRT) shares on BAWSAQ. After 2 saves, the price of assets on PC will rise by 25% (on consoles - 50%). After that, invest your savings in Facade (FAC) and monitor quotes - you can earn another 30% from this.

"Murder - Bus" (The Bus Assassination)

Here the algorithm of actions will have to be changed slightly. There is no need to invest money anywhere before starting; this should be done only after its completion. Be sure to look at the Vapid rate before completing the mission; you can buy shares when their market value drops by 2 times. After five or seven game days you will be able to earn 100% of your initial investment.

In addition to tasks to eliminate targets, the game has several other options for making money on the stock exchange. For example, you can help a business analyst whose car breaks down next to the highway () - this random event is called “HitchLift 1”.

The essence of the task is to complete in 2:20 min. you managed to deliver the analyst to Los Santos airport, and as a reward he will share insider information with you.

Before passing, invest all the funds of each of the heroes in the Tinkle company on BAWSAQ. After one game day, the increase in the value of shares in the PC version of the game will be approximately 30% (50% on consoles).

Another way to improve your financial condition, although very dubious, is to trust Mr. Bill Binder and invest in his portfolio generator on the website It is impossible to accurately predict the results, so we advise players with a lack of funds to refrain from this scam, but we wish good luck to those who do not know where else to spend their billions.

Independent earnings on LCN and BAWSAQ shares

Despite the fact that on the Internet you can often find information about the impact of a player’s actions in free mode on the shares of various companies, there is no confirmation of this. All actions in the game are fully thought out, so the price of quotes will not change if the property of competing companies is undermined.

How to make money on the stock exchange in GTA 5, and what are they created for then? In fact, everything is simple, on the LCN exchange, which does not depend on connecting to Rockstar servers, you can buy shares of companies at low prices and sell them at higher prices. However, you will have to study all the intricacies of trading, since the positive growth of securities today may not always continue in a day or two. Only the player himself can be held responsible for this type of earnings.

If after reading this article you still have questions, watch this video about ways to make money in the game.

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Money can be spent on cars, equipment, or purchasing housing as you complete various quests. However, to get all this you will need to accumulate savings, and depending on the level, the price of purchases increases. So the question of how to make money in GTA 5 turns out to be relevant here. Below are several ways to get rich by making millions as quickly as possible.

What to spend it on?
Here currency plays a big role and it is difficult to accumulate it. So its shortage will accompany the hero until the last missions, especially if he wants to buy a hotel or house. There are no loopholes for ill-gotten gains as the creators have not implemented it here. Therefore, you will have to earn money on your own.

There are several options for achieving this goal. It's winning a race, playing the stock market, finding treasure, or robbing a bank. In general, if you try, it’s not difficult to fill your wallet. Moreover, it is better to leave a number of tasks at the end, which is important for tasks from
Lester. With the exception of the plot ones, they should be saved until a large amount has been accumulated as a reserve, since the percentage of additional income depends on the amount of cash the gamer has.

Robbery of residents
The easiest way to get money is by robbing residents walking along the street. Naturally, it is impossible to accumulate wealth in this way, since almost no one carries a lot of cash with them. And in some cases people will resist, so in the absence of weapons the task will become more difficult.

Let's add a couple of tips for those who decide to rob passers-by. Look for those who have walked away from the ATM - they always have big trophies with them. It is also better to engage in such fishing in elite areas (Downtown). Those living there carry more cash with them compared to those living in working-class neighborhoods.

Attack on collectors

Obtaining cash using this method is simple and accessible. You can attack collectors regardless of the level of progress. You will need to find an icon on the map indicating a van carrying money and follow it. To complete, you need to catch up with the car, stop it and kill the collectors. Then all that remains is to break open the door from behind, using explosives or firing five to six shots at it. The prize in the van will be over $5,000. When you finish your work, start hiding from the police.

Store robbery

Small stores are good places where you can earn extra money almost from the very beginning. There are about 20 outlets in the city where sellers can give cash.

Before starting the operation, some preparation will be required. Think about how to escape from the crime scene: park the car in the direction of departure and leave it open. This will save precious seconds in the future. Then go inside the room and point the weapon at the seller - he will gradually begin to put money into the bag. You should not kill him, since the revenue will be much less, and the number of violation stars will increase.

If you have two cash registers, shoot at the second one to get the jackpot from it. In general, you can rob this way all the time, but you should periodically change objects. If you “come to visit” the same establishment, sooner or later the owner will buy a firearm and resist.

Visiting boutiques and AmmuNation

At first it seems that these places are created only for things, but there are also no greedy sellers here. You need to enter the selected building and wait until the entrance doors close. Then head towards the street and stop in their opening. When they open, shoot at the cash register and calmly collect the jackpot. There is no point in waiting for the seller to collect the green notes in a bag, since this is impossible.

This path to wealth is simple, because dollars in these places accumulate instantly and you can replenish your account in them unlimitedly. However, after committing a robbery, the doors will not open the next time. Therefore, use the car to block the exit. Then it will be enough to go inside, collect the income, leave the facility and repeat the action.

Learning to save

At the beginning of the conquest of Los Santos, saving is a necessity. So don't buy a car, clothes or other luxury items just yet. Invest in weapons initially to earn more. Here are solutions to help reduce costs:

Ammu-Nation offers a 15% discount if you complete the shooting range. If you earn gold marks, prices will decrease by 25%.
The arsenal is updated without extra costs. You will need to take any mission, visit Ammu-Nation at the time of its completion and purchase the entire assortment. Now fail the mission by suicide so the money goes back into your pockets. During your next visit, all purchases will be made automatically. Do not forget that after failure you must choose to repeat the quest.

Repairing a car is quite expensive. To save money, save the process and download it again. The car will be completely restored.

Winning on the race tracks

There are a lot of races held in Los Santos that allow you to get rich legally. The prizes are quite impressive, because the smallest is $6,000. But this applies to participation in tracks on SUVs or boats. You can become a participant in the race after paying a fee, and it is impressive. So at the start, this way to get hold of cash is not available.

Help strangers

Look at the map and look for red dots. They are random events that do not take work or time. Usually, to complete them you need to destroy some target or help a stranger escape from the police. You won't see big rewards here, but even a little extra cache definitely won't hurt.

In addition, there are 58 NPCs available in the game world that offer cash for special missions. One will offer to look for a lost spaceship, and the other will ask him to return a girl who recently disappeared. Such tasks are quite interesting and bring good income.


In the city there is the BAWSAQ exchange, where you can make good money by receiving additional quests from Lester. Earning money in this way is only available while connected to the PlayStation Network or Xbox LIVE, and without access to the network you will have to be content with other solutions. Completing these tasks allows you to accumulate almost 40 million. However, it is recommended to do them after completing the storyline, when you already have a good amount in your account. The income is proportional to the size of the initial capital, and the profit from a six-figure amount is much higher than from a three-figure amount.

  • Hotel. First of all, make an investment with all characters in BettaPharmaceuticals. Having committed a murder, their value will increase several times and reach 180%. Then get rid of them as prices continue to decline.
  • Panel. First, purchase Fruit securities. After completing the order, sell them completely and buy back Facade.
  • Bus. There is no need to do anything in advance, but once the victim is eliminated, go to the exchange and buy out Vapid in full. At this moment they are cheap, but then their cost will double.


This exchange allows you to get rich in single player mode. The stakes are not too higher compared to the online game, but for the offline mode they allow you to increase your score. There are also missions available here that, upon successful completion, will cause the prices of certain stocks to fall or rise.

Four goals. Before accepting the task, buy Debonair securities and only then start completing the quest. Wait until the price for them rises, and then sell them and invest in the Redwood Corporation. After the work is done, the latter’s assets will become cheaper and then rise in price again. But it will take quite a long time.
Construction. Acquire the GoldCoast Dev corporation, then eliminate the target and wait a day. During this time, shares will become more expensive by 80%. At this point, growth will stop, so you can get rid of them.

This exchange provides unofficial earnings. In a pirated or hacked version, connecting to online services is impossible, and therefore to BAWSAQ. However, for those who want to learn how to play on securities courses, LCN offers this method.

Maximum enrichment

In the fifth part of GTA, great attention is paid to raids, and several of them offer maximum enrichment in the plot. It should be warned here that the robberies must be successful the first time. If you fail them and complete them on the next attempt, you will not receive a cash reward.

  • Attack on a jewelry store. This quest will begin with the search for accomplices. Kareem Dentz is the best driver, Packie McReary is the shooter, and Ricky Lukens is the hacker. Tactics are also very important, so stick to the "smart approach B".
  • Operation in Paleto. After a successful robbery, the player will receive a reward exceeding 8 million. But remember that after shots in the back, the amount of the trophy will decrease. Leave Packie McReary as your partner if he was with you during the raid on the jewelry store. Otherwise, use the services of the Chief, since other characters die during the attack or charge too much for participation.
  • Attack on the Bureau. Here only Franklin will be rewarded. If you use option B, it will increase by another 30 thousand. Take Norm Richards as the shooter, Kareem Dentz as the driver, and Ricky Lukens as the burglar. The optimal tactic would be method B.
  • Huge jackpot. If everything goes according to plan, each hero will receive over 40 million. Taliana is the best choice for the role of a helicopter pilot, since she will complete everything without errors and will only ask for 5% of the proceeds. Entrust the work of the driver to Karim Dents. The choice of shooter does not matter, but exclude Gustavo Mota from the list. The best tactic would be B, since with A you will get 6.8 million less.
These were all the possibilities for making money in GTA 5. By taking full advantage of these tips, the heroes will receive millions in their accounts in a short time, and it will become much easier for the player to conquer the world. How do you earn money? - Write about it in the comments.