How to make money on resale: proven methods. What is profitable to resell: business secrets of whether to resell

  • 13.09.2023


If you want to earn a large amount of money, you can try to do it with the help of modern technologies and thanks to the eternal thirst of our citizens to buy. There are several options for modern business management based on the “buy” principle at your service. Here you must remember the main rule - look for places where things and products are sold cheap, so that you can later sell them at a higher price.

If the first negotiations were successful, you agreed on everything and started, then this is not the time to relax. Now the main task is to control final sales in the region. After a few months, sales of your products will become stable, and then you will need to think about their further development.

Video on the topic

Currently, China is a country that is developing at a rapid pace. And the hour is not far when China will take over the entire economic space of the world. So why not join this developing country and start on your own? business V China?

You will need

  • - international passport,
  • - visa,
  • - business idea,
  • - acquaintances in China.


China is a country where there are great opportunities to start your own business. After all, it is the world's largest supplier of raw materials and finished products to all countries of the world. That is why it is now becoming profitable to own business and in China. However, how to do this? Let's try to figure it out.1. Business idea. This is the very first step you need to take when starting your business V China. What would you like? Will your enterprise be profitable? Undoubtedly, one of the most developed and constantly growing industries in China is. That is why emphasis should be placed on this type of entrepreneurial activity. You can trade anything, the main thing is that you find what you like.

2. Search business-partners in China. This is a very important step when opening business and for . Without acquaintances and connections in the country, it will be very difficult for you to set up your business. But where to look for a partner or assistant? Today there are two ways: word of mouth or friends of friends who will tell you where to go, the product and how to rent or buy office space. The second way is the Internet. This is the best and at the same time the most dangerous way to find a partner, since there is a high probability of deception. It is best to look for a Chinese partner or assistant on the Chinese Internet (www. There are also a lot of offers for cooperation in RuNet. Here, an important condition will be that the partner company has a website in Chinese, since fraud on the Internet in China is regulated by law and the likelihood of fraud is reduced by half.

3. Preparation of documentation. In order to register an activity in the PRC, you will need, firstly, a foreign passport and a multiple-entry visa for a year or more. You can register a company in the name of your Chinese friend. This way you will avoid problems with Chinese laws and red tape with documents. If you still decide to apply business on yourself, then here you need to contact the Russian Consulate in China. They will help you with documents.

4. Learn Chinese, because even if your business and your assistants will speak Russian, knowledge of Chinese will help you avoid unpleasant situations with the same deception. IN China translators and development assistants business and quite often during negotiations they agree with suppliers on one amount, but the client (i.e. you) is told an inflated amount. You have to be very careful here.

5. Search for potential clients. If you still decide to sell something from China, then you should take care of your customers. Today, the search for clients also occurs via the Internet, or through client managers. It is best to hire a manager in Russia. This way you will save on communications.

There may be times when you need to resell product and do it in the shortest possible time and with the least losses. What to do in this case, especially if you do not specialize in wholesale supplies product A?


Check the integrity of all tags and labels on product e, as well as the integrity of the packaging. Check if you have product and all the necessary certificates confirming its quality and safety.

Do not under any circumstances advertise the fact that you are engaged in resale. product a (especially if you buy it at the nearest one). At the same time, always make sure that neighboring stores or retail outlets do not have the same product and, like yours and at lower prices or in an expanded assortment.

Exhibit that one product, which needs to be sold primarily in the center of the main display case, or place it within maximum accessibility of a potential buyer on the central counter.

If you do not work in a store with fixed prices or are its owner, then at the slightest interest of the buyer in product e, which urgently needs to be resold, reduce the price or promise a decent discount or some inexpensive related product. But do not reduce the price by more than 25%, otherwise the buyer will suspect something is wrong.

In case you decide to resell product, bypassing the store (or if you are not related to), first contact your friends, relatives or colleagues with an offer to buy a good one from you product at a favorable price. If your loved ones are like this product is not needed, submit an advertisement in one of the newspapers that is in greatest demand with a brief but succinct description of it. Avoid emotionally charged words when writing your ad.

Agree with the owners of retail outlets in the market about product and, having previously found out the average prices for it from other traders. Please note that resale is often product and retail can be done, at best, by novice entrepreneurs, and at worst, by random people who are not always comfortable with drugs. Therefore, before you suggest product to this or that merchant, pay attention to the assortment product and, location of the outlet, talk to the seller’s neighbors.

When demand exceeds supply, single sellers and small firms become vulnerable and risk falling out of the market due to a lack of working capital. To prevent the need to pay suppliers for goods that have not yet been sold, you need to come up with a special sales scheme.


Create a network of clients. This could be a customer base with contact information. You must be able to quickly contact all potential buyers. They should know you and be receptive to suggestions. For communication, sales agents, managers working for or electronic mailing lists can be used. To gather your base, use free events where customers fill out a survey to get important information. Warn that you will periodically communicate, but do this only on a topic in which the person is interested.

Take the goods for sale. Agree with the supplier that you will return unsold goods. You cannot guarantee that all people on the pre-order list will pay for the purchase. Therefore, an agreement with the supplier is necessary. During the negotiations, tell them that you work with regular customers, and the goods will not sit somewhere in the warehouse: everything will be decided within the next few days.

Make a specific offer to your clients. Please inform that the quantity of goods is limited and payment terms are possible only within the specified period of time. You can add a nice little thing to the purchase to encourage customers to make an immediate decision. Think about the profit margin and give customers delivery, special packaging or a gift.

Return unsold copies to the supplier. Do everything quickly. Do not keep goods in stock.

Helpful advice

More and more people prefer healthy eating. Fresh fish is one of the most valuable products in a healthy diet. However, finding quality products today is not always possible. Well-organized trade fish will be in demand and generate stable income.

You will need

  • - start-up capital;
  • - equipment;
  • - room


Conduct market research aimed at identifying your target clientele. If there are student dormitories and houses with young families nearby, it is advisable to open a department with smoked, dried fish and snacks for beer. And in the area of ​​fashionable houses and luxury new buildings, a store with chilled seafood and live seafood will certainly be in demand. fish valuable species.

Purchase special equipment: this will be the most significant expense for your business. To trade fresh chilled fish You'll need metal-lined counters on which to place the crushed ice. To sell live fish and luxury seafood, you need an aquarium setup that maintains a special microenvironment. You should talk about such equipment if you have a well-established logistics system with suppliers who can supply you with fresh goods on time. Frozen fish requires refrigeration units that will maintain a certain temperature and provide sufficient temperature for customers.

Correct display can increase fish sales by 30%. Expensive varieties of fish must be immediately cut into steaks and fillets. It is better to clean chilled seafood from those that are unpleasant to the consumer's eye. You can place decorative leaves and lemon slices around: this will make the products look more beautiful. Try to place frozen goods so that the grade and condition of the fish is clearly visible. Make sets for fish soup from bellies, fins and other scraps, placing them in beautiful containers.

For trade in smoked and salted fish Closed counters with a cooling system and lighting are required. As a rule, such products look quite appetizing, but the specific smell may irritate some buyers. Make sure you have tight packaging in which you will wrap the selected product.


According to the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the mass of ice glaze on frozen fish should be no more than 5% of the net weight. Monitor this indicator.

Helpful advice

Buyers do not always have an idea of ​​how to cook this or that type of fish. Make free recipe booklets and place them near counters.

Many people today are planning to open a small retail store. business. Setting up your own store to sell interesting things sounds like a really ideal plan. How can you successfully open this enterprise?

What is profitable to sell - 5 options for high-demand products + 5 fashionable products + 5 products that are suitable for trading online + useful tips.

If you want to open a business related to trade, you are probably interested in: what is profitable to sell.

This is a completely natural question that arises at the beginning of the entrepreneurial journey, because no one wants to work at a loss.

Due to the economic crisis, the purchasing power of the population has decreased, but people still continue to buy goods and use services.

It is for this reason that sales will always be in demand and profitable.

But you still need to find your niche, analyze demand and set adequate prices, otherwise you may be left with nothing, waiting for generous buyers.

How to determine the demand for goods that are profitable to sell?

Opening any business begins with market analysis, namely, determining demand.

Why is this so important?

Imagine finding suppliers from whom you purchase goods and opening a brick-and-mortar or virtual store.

You spend days, and then weeks, waiting for the first buyers, but the goods still lie there.

Where are the promised benefits and profits?

Therefore, to prevent such a situation from arising, it is necessary to conduct a demand analysis.

Instructions for demand analysis:

    Refer to the Internet.

    This will be especially true if you want.

    To do this, you need to study query statistics using Yandex Wordstat and Google Trends.

    For example, you want to sell educational toys for children.

    To do this, enter keywords and check the number of requests.

    If the figure is modest, it means that no one is interested in such a product.

    In a situation with a large number of requests, you have a chance to start selling your toys profitably, but at the same time, this niche may be occupied by many competitors who will create interference.

    Conduct marketing analysis.

    To do this, check the supply and demand ratio in the selected niche in your region.

    Pay attention to what people are buying and which stores are empty without customers.

    Also analyze the prices.

    Perhaps they are overpriced for some groups of goods, and therefore the population is not ready to buy them for this very reason.

    Decide on your target audience.

    Here, analyze the gender, age, purchasing power and location of your future buyers.

    For example, people from a small town are unlikely to appreciate your desire for luxury dishes, where one plate will cost 5,000 rubles.

    The same applies to the sale of agricultural machinery in the center of some metropolis.

    But if in your city there are many young families with small children, and there are no stores with goods for them, but you see that there is a demand for them, then this is definitely your option, and you will be able to sell them profitably.

    Conduct a survey of potential buyers.

    Compose a short questionnaire with questions, print out the required number of copies and distribute them to residents of your city.

    Questions should be short and succinct so that a person can answer them in just a few minutes.

    If you don’t want to bother with leaflets, then just conduct a survey on social networks.

    To do this, find groups in your city and talk to their administrators.

    Try a trial placement of contextual advertising on the Internet.

    Let's return to the online store.

    Thanks to this method, even before you start selling, you will be able to understand what is profitable to sell online.

    To do this, create a landing page on the Internet (the user goes to it when they click on the ad), on which you will place information about the product.

    Of course, users will not be able to place a real order, since they will be notified that the product is out of stock or there is a problem with the server.

    But by the number of clicks from the order page, you can analyze how interesting your product is to the population.

What is profitable to sell: 5 categories of goods “high demand”

Anyone who is at least a little familiar with the laws of economics knows that demand creates supply.

This truly catchphrase accurately demonstrates trade relations.

When a population has certain needs, someone must satisfy them.

And those seeking an answer to the question: “What is profitable to sell?” come to the rescue.

And what the population wants will be profitable.

Products in high demand include:


    But it’s important not to make a mistake here; if there is one grocery store for every three residential buildings, then this is definitely not an option.

    To sell food products profitably, you can choose one of the following options:

    • opening a store on a busy street or in a new area of ​​your city (this is especially true in big cities);
    • opening stores with a certain category of goods, where you can offer customers a wide range of tea/coffee, dairy products, baked goods, organic vegetables and fruits.
  1. Cosmetics, personal care products and household chemicals.

    After food, this category of goods is in second place, along with clothing.

    Such products are used up quickly, so people must constantly renew them.

    If you want to sell them profitably, then take a closer look at new brands, as well as those that can only be found on the Internet.

    Clothes and shoes.

    During a crisis, many are looking for an opportunity to save money, so it is profitable to sell inexpensive clothes and shoes.

    It tends to be updated more frequently among the population, so you may end up with repeat customers.

    If you are ready for a larger-scale business, but do not want to spend a lot of time and effort on advertising, then pay attention to popular franchises.

    It is profitable to sell them because babies grow quickly, so parents are forced to constantly buy something new.

    Particularly in demand are diapers, hygiene products, baby formula, bottles and other products necessary for children.

    Household products.

    This includes everything from small kitchen utensils to furniture and household appliances.

What is profitable to sell now?

Now let's move on to what is profitable to sell today.

    Small sports equipment and sportswear.

    If you take advantage of the fact that fitness is fashionable now, you can create a profitable business.

    Therefore, feel free to start selling home sports equipment (dumbbells, elastic bands, steppers, fitballs, weights, etc.), as well as sportswear.

    Coffee scrubs and Black Mask.

    These products gained their popularity thanks to.

    And despite their great variety, you can break through if you offer the girls new manufacturers or a better price.

    Original accessories.

    With the right presentation, you can profitably sell cases for phones and tablets, backpacks, bags, wallets, hand-knitted hats and scarves, newfangled chokers, jewelry, pillows, cups, photo frames, candles and home decorations.

    You will be required to create a specific concept for the chosen direction, and try to offer customers something that is not yet on the market.

    For example, you should not sell bags and wallets that can be bought in a regular store; offer handmade accessories or in a specific style.

    Anti-stress coloring pages (coloring books for adults).

    This is a bestseller this year and last year.

    You can really get hooked on these coloring books, and having painted one copy, you want to start a new one.

    Plus it's a great gift.

    Therefore, look for a variety of options so that the buyer can choose what he likes.

    Beard care products.

    Again, it was fashion that left its mark here.

    Increasingly, you can see young people and men growing beards on the streets.

    Therefore, various means for their care are extremely relevant.

    Open a small conceptual and stylish store with a wide range of beard care products (oil, gel, wax, shampoo), or create a website selling them.

    The second option is even more profitable, since you do not need to pay for the maintenance of a stationary point of sale.

What is profitable to sell online?

We gradually approached the topic of what is profitable to sell online.

The volume of online purchases is increasing every year, because buyers benefit from them:

  • no need to go anywhere and look for something,
  • you can buy everything that you can’t get in your city,
  • there is an opportunity to think things over and find a product at a better price.

Of course, it is profitable to sell clothes, cosmetics, children's, sports and household goods on the Internet.

But in this section I would like to talk about those categories that we have not yet touched upon.

5 profitable products to sell online:

    Electronic equipment and accessories for it.

    This includes smartphones, tablets, e-readers, smart watches, portable chargers, headphones, cases, protective glasses and films.

    A markup of 200-400% allows you to sell goods profitably and quickly recoup your investment.

    Despite the crisis, people periodically change their electronic equipment, especially since now it can be found to suit every taste and budget.

    Spare parts, cosmetics and accessories for cars.

    The constant increase in the number of cars leads to an increase in demand for various components and accessories for them.

    And during a crisis, sales of them increase to huge volumes.

    This is due to the fact that the population cannot always afford to buy a new car, so they prefer to update spare parts for it.

    In addition, not everyone lives in large cities, where there is a huge selection of spare parts, special cosmetics and accessories for the car.

    And you can find everything you need on the Internet.

    Drones and quadcopters.

    Nowadays there is a boom in products of this kind, as people love entertainment.

    By attaching a camera to them, you can view the earth from a bird's eye view, which certainly attracts people.

    The relevance of selling drones on the Internet is due to the fact that initially they could be ordered in foreign online stores.

    In addition, the network has a large selection of aircraft in different price categories.

    Hobby goods.

    This includes: embroidery, diamond mosaic, items for drawing, scrapbooking and decoupage, etc.

    Opening a store with this content is extremely unprofitable, since it is impossible to gather a large number of enthusiastic people in one locality.

    LED lightening.

    In an era of colossal energy consumption, many are switching to more economical consumption of light.

    LED lighting is 5-6 times more economical than incandescent lamps.

    This is why it is so profitable to sell new generation lighting.

    By providing a wide range of lamps of different wattages and price categories, you can satisfy customer demand.

To trade goods from China online,

Pay attention to some of the nuances that are outlined in the video:

Remember, only after a thorough demand analysis can you know what is profitable to sell now in modern world.

Take your time and look at a few ideas.

Explore each of them in more detail and choose what you like.

Only in this case will you be able to establish an interesting and profitable business.

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The basis of almost any business is the resale of something. Where do things in stores or markets come from? Do you think they are produced somewhere and immediately, taken straight to the point? But no. All rags, for example, are bought by shuttle, in bulk, in some place and resold at their own point at many times more expensive. This is true with almost any product and sometimes even services.

So why exactly should you work two or more jobs in order to pay, forgive me for being frank, for underpants that actually cost 100 percent less than what you would buy them for?

Why should other people profit from you, and not vice versa? Ask yourself this question if your conscience prevents you from engaging in this type of income. To make it clearer exactly how and how easy this method of generating income works, I will describe a story.

Working 12 hours a day at the factory and doing hard physical work, I received 15,000 rubles. Of this amount, I gave 5,000 to pay for utilities, and another 5,000 to ensure my own working capacity.

In other words, another 5,000 was spent on travel to and from work, plus food at work, work clothes, and so on. The remainder (less than a third of the amount) was left for literally everything else. Clothes, shoes, child support, entertainment and so on. As you understand, this is just a monstrously small amount.

The moment that changed my financial situation for the better, like all similar ones, happened completely spontaneously.

Besides work, my hobby was music. More precisely, a guitar. Just like my good friend. And then, one fine day, an acquaintance of mine asked me, as a person who has a lot of acquaintances among musicians, to sell his guitar.

The guitar was bought for 19,000 rubles 2 years ago in another city. She was “show-off” in appearance, but from a professional point of view it was quite the opposite.

And so, wanting to get rid of it as unnecessary trash, a friend asks to sell it for 2,000 rubles. It’s cheap, but they’ll buy it quickly, he explained. And needless to say, this instrument was sold a day later at a price twice as expensive. The friend was pleased with the urgency, and I received an income equal to my two 12-hour shifts at the plant.

Having decided that my friend was not the only “simpleton” in the city who was ready to sell a worthwhile product for pennies, I opened a popular bulletin board on the Internet. About twenty minutes later I found an advertisement for the sale of a phone with the following content:

Selling a phone of this and that model, complete set, warranty. Bought 2 weeks ago for 7,000 rubles. Reason for sale - bought for an elderly father, he cannot deal with it. Selling price 3000.

In the evening of the same day I had the phone, and a day later it was sold for 5000. 2 more shifts at the factory.

Day three. I came across an ad on a forum: “I’ll buy a Nokia E75 (apparently) in good condition for up to 3,500 thousand rubles.” I immediately go looking for sales advertisements on the Internet. 15 minutes later I find it. Perfect condition, complete set. The battery has been changed. 2000. On the same day I made another 1000.

Gradually, saving part of the income from such transactions, and putting the rest into circulation, I accumulated enough money to open my own, full-fledged consignment store for equipment. Then again and again.

Yes, by the way, after selling that very first guitar, a week later I was no longer working at the factory. Since the second instrument, bought for 2000, was sold for almost 6000, and the third bass guitar, bought for 5000, after a little repair and a month's time, sold for 15000.

This is how easy it is to make money in the modern world. The only negative, as a popular character from a Russian cartoon used to say: “To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy it.”

But you can earn money for your first investment by spending a month at the same plant. One month is not such a long time, you can be patient for the sake of fulfilling your desires and your own future business.