"Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers through familiarization with the origins of Russian folk culture" - presentation. Presentation "spiritual and moral education of children of preschool age in the context of the transition to the federal state before". Presentation on the Lives of the Saints

  • 05.01.2022

Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the biggest danger that lies in wait for our society today is not in the collapse of the economy, not in the change of the political system, but in the destruction of the individual. One of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard is to combine training and education into an integral educational process based on spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of a person, family, and society.



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SEMINAR: Spiritual and moral education of preschool children in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard. Deputy Head for VMR Tyapkina N.S. MUNICIPAL STATE PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION №13.

Realizing the catastrophic consequences of atheization, Russian society is trying today to restore the system of spiritual and moral education, which is clearly visible not only in the current Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ), but also in force from January 1, 2014, the federal state educational standard for preschool education (hereinafter - FSES DO). The federal state educational standard for preschool education establishes the priority of the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers, contributes to a more in-depth and purposeful study of the problem of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers. Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the biggest danger that lies in wait for our society today is not in the collapse of the economy, not in the change of the political system, but in the destruction of the individual. The tasks of spiritual and moral education are being developed in state regulations: the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (dated 29.12. January 2014 "Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education" (pr. No. 1155 of 10/17/2013). One of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard is to combine training and education into an integral educational process based on spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of a person, family, and society.

Goals: improving the quality of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers; familiarizing them with the moral and spiritual values ​​of Orthodox culture; - assistance in the revival of the best traditions of family education; “The task of education is to awaken attention to spiritual life ... If our pupil knows a lot, but is interested in empty interests, if he behaves perfectly, but he does not awaken a lively attention to moral and beautiful things, you have not reached the goal of education.” K.D.Ushinsky.

To cultivate respect for the moral standards of Christian morality; - to form a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the cultural heritage of their people; - to form love for the Motherland based on the study of national cultural traditions; - to form self-esteem as a representative of their people; respect for other nationalities; - to orient the family towards the spiritual and moral education of children, to form ideas about the forms of the traditional family way of life; - create conditions for the perception of a holistic picture of the world; - to carry out purposeful work on physical education, strengthening the will and endurance; - develop a respectful attitude towards work. main tasks:

The main directions of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of children: creating an environment that implies familiarity with the foundations and values ​​of Orthodox culture, the cultural and historical heritage of the Russian people; The standard of preschool education puts forward requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program. One of the Requirements for the developing subject-spatial environment is to take into account national and cultural conditions. At the same time, RPPS should be rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. Traveling exhibitions are organized for memorable dates: Victory Day, the anniversary of the preschool educational institution.

Mini-museum "Russian izba" Folk craft items Antiquity corner Here, preschoolers get acquainted with the household items of their ancestors, their names, purpose, ways of working with them. Corner of antiquity

other nations and peoples. Centers for patriotic and spiritual and moral education. Compound

Centers for patriotic education in groups

Centers for patriotic education. Mini-Museum XXII Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014. Athletes' achievements. History of Olympic Games. Olympic flame Olympic symbols and talismans. The results of the victories of our athletes. Awards for parents and children.

Centers for spiritual and moral education on the territory of the preschool educational institution At the fence - the scenery of the village street Russian beauty

In direct educational activities in the Russian izba, through the perception of folklore, the foundations of moral consciousness are laid, national self-consciousness is nurtured, and folk traditions are preserved. introducing children to traditional spiritual and moral values; The game character Kotik, found in folklore, helps kids remember the nursery rhyme, activate them in various games and fun. In the "Russian hut" preschoolers not only get acquainted with household items, their names, but also their functional use.

Vvv In the "hut" not only GCD is organized, but also games and entertainment. As you know, the development of the child occurs in the activity. No upbringing and teaching influence on the child can be carried out without the real activity of him.

; Children really like to wear Russian folk costumes, they study and examine the exhibits with interest.

The introduction of preschoolers to oral folk art contributes to the active development of the cultural riches of the Russian people, contact with the spiritual heritage of the past.

Acquaintance with folk art. From time immemorial, the Russian land has been famous for its craftsmen, people who are able to create and create real beauty with their own hands. Children get acquainted with the products of decorative and applied art of Russian masters.

Project activity My favorite city. Tula region My family! Russian folk holidays Connection line

International project "Connection Line"

The Unifying Power of Art International Creative Project.

the formation of spiritual and moral and moral and patriotic values ​​in children through the upbringing of love for the family and native land. From a young age, preschoolers are instilled with love for their family, their hometown. Kids of the 2nd junior group carefully prepared the exhibition for Mother's Day with love. Pupils of the senior group were actively involved in project activities to get acquainted with their native land, starting with their city. Sightseeing tour of Efremov.

Much has been written about the importance of introducing a child to the culture of his people, since turning to the father's heritage brings up respect, pride in the land on which you live. NOD "How our fortress was built"

It is the emphasis on knowledge of the history of the people, their culture that will help in the future to treat the cultural traditions of other peoples with respect and interest. GCD "How people lived in ancient times"

the formation of civic consciousness, love for the motherland and the Russian people; patriotic education; On the holiday on February 23, games, dances, sports competitions are held. Preschoolers demonstrate strength, agility, speed, endurance.

Victory Day. The holiday of May 9 in honor of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War is sacred for each of us and we are obliged to pass on the memory of the Victory, the feat of our people, the heroes of the war to future generations. This brings up a sense of patriotism, love for Russia, its people, forms respect and pride for the Fatherland, for the heroic deed of soldiers during the Second World War. Patriotic education of a child is the basis for the formation of a future citizen. In December, an excursion is held - a lesson on a traveling exhibition of the Museum of Local Lore.

Purposeful work is underway to form patriotic qualities on the example of the feat of war heroes, including child heroes. Teachers involve parents, grandparents in conversations, stories about family members who participated in the Second World War, looking at photos in family albums, reading about the heroic deeds of soldiers and the Russian people in this difficult time. Excursion to the museum "Zemlyanka".

Victory Day. Meetings with participants in those distant events arouse genuine interest and leave a deep imprint in the souls of children.

The Victory Day holiday in kindergarten is not a one-time event. This is a whole system of activities that organically fit into the educational process of a preschool institution.

the revival of the traditions of Orthodox family education and the way of the family; INTRODUCING CHILDREN TO SPIRITUAL CULTURE. Results of a survey of parents and teachers: Children should receive knowledge about traditional Orthodox culture in preschool educational institutions Results of a sociological study of teachers:

POKROV BATYUSHKA The way of life of the preschool educational institution is formed in accordance with the spiritual and moral traditions of the Russian people, the traditions of Orthodox pedagogy, the annual circle of holidays of the church and civil calendar, the Orthodox education of preschoolers Christmas.

Maslenitsa was considered a joyful holiday in Russia. Preschoolers play folk games, fun, obligatory action, farewell to winter - burning a scarecrow. In Christianity, the meaning of the Maslenitsa week, which prepares for Great Lent, is associated with a single goal - forgiveness of offenses, reconciliation with everyone, preparation for the path of repentance.

Holy Sunday of Christ. The purpose of such holidays is to introduce pupils to the origins of Russian folk culture, to restore the traditional way of life. Exhibitions of works by teachers, children and their parents are organized for the holidays.

In the spiritual upbringing of a child, one of the main tasks is to develop the habit of acts of mercy. With special love and awe, children and adults prepare unpretentious souvenirs for veterans. sensitive attitude. In the eyes of a person wise with rich life experience, we often see tears of gratitude for the warmth and attention, participation and sensitive attitude.

INTRODUCING CHILDREN TO SPIRITUAL CULTURE Excursion to the Church named after the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the village. New beautiful MKDOU No. 13, Efremov

Rector Father Pavel talks about the structure of the Temple. He introduces his shrines.

Some children have the experience of visiting the temple with their parents, venerate the icon, light candles.

Revival of the traditions of Orthodox family education and family way of life; Orthodox upbringing, love for the Motherland begins with the attitude towards the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother.

Propaganda among parents of the culture of motherhood, childhood, family traditions of education. Orthodox education, the formation of a sense of belonging to the history of the Motherland, through acquaintance with folk holidays and traditions, the way of life and way of life of one's people, undoubtedly, begins with the family. Kindergarten in its work with the family rely on parents as equal participants in the formation of the child's personality. Therefore, the close relationship between the teaching staff, children and parents is so important. Only under this condition is it possible to educate a whole personality.

Preschoolers show particular interest in the history of their native land during visits to the local history museum Acquaintance with their native city (history, natural and geographical features, holy and memorable places). connection with society. Excursion with the Museum of Local Lore.

MKUK "Ephraim Regional Museum of Art and Local Lore". Nativity of Christ Introduction to spiritual and moral education Shrovetide

Heroiko - patriotic club - museum "Zemlyanka"

MKOU secondary school №7

MOU DOD "Efremov Children's Art School". The development of artistic taste through the perception of the beauty of handicrafts, works of art of their own people.

Master class MOU DOD "Efremov Children's Art School".

Communication with society Sports and recreation complex "DYUSSH №3"

Labor In kindergarten, children purposefully join in labor, observe the professional activities of adults during excursions, targeted walks. fostering a respectful attitude to work as a duty commanded to man;

Preschoolers, characterizing the actions of literary heroes and their own, are aware of the moral values ​​of good and evil; - note the importance of a positive attitude to nature, to oneself, to others, to one's duties, to master the ways of behavior; - seek to show mercy and compassion in a given situation, do good deeds for loved ones, friends; - try to act fairly in relationships with peers, adults, live according to moral principles with the surrounding nature, in society. Work efficiency:

Patience, kindness and mercy to you!!!

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MKDOU Novovoronezh kindergarten No. 8 SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION OF A PRESCHOOL CHILD Competition "Star of Bethlehem"

Childhood is a time for the development of all human forces, both mental and bodily, the acquisition of knowledge about the world around us, the formation of moral skills and habits. At preschool age, there is an active accumulation of moral experience and an appeal to spiritual life.

The goals of the spiritual and moral education of a preschooler: To lay the foundations of a spiritual and moral personality with an active life position, the ability for perfection and harmonious interaction with other people. To educate in children mercy, compassion, the ability to forgive insults, the desire to help those in need, to be tolerant, peaceful in relationships with everyone. To teach to be an example for others not in words, but in deeds, to avoid evil, envy - to be content with what you have, to be able to ask for forgiveness, to act honestly, never to do to others what you do not want for yourself. Contribute to the preservation of purity, chastity Open the way to spiritual improvement and knowledge of national culture

OBJECTIVES OF EDUCATION: To bring up patriotic feelings that bind different generations. Teach ethical behavior and self-discipline. Improve artistic taste, develop the creative potential of each child. To form artistic and speech skills, replenish the vocabulary of children. To educate spiritual and moral feelings, revealing the meaning of Orthodoxy in a person's life, as an action of love, kindness, humanity, unity. Focus the family on the spiritual and moral education of children.

A characteristic feature of the work on the formation of a spiritual and moral attitude to the cultural heritage and a sense of belonging to it is the familiarization of children with peasant culture and life. Peasant art enters the life of a modern child along with a folk song, a fairy tale, an epic, which is why it is so close to him and understandable. The teachers of our preschool educational institution, together with their parents, children's theaters, help children get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifferent types of folk art and experience the attitude towards them in productive, playful activities.

Acquaintance of a child with folk art develops his taste and respect for material values ​​created by previous generations.

Optimal for spiritual and moral education in kindergarten is the holding of holidays

Remember! We are proud!

Matryoshka exhibition Teachers involve children and parents in the process of making folk toys, costumes and other items. This is very important, as it allows us to show the continuous connection of generations and the connection of art with spiritual traditions. Easter Kaleidoscope

We introduce children to folk costumes. We always turn to the game. Folk games are an integral part of the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.

Action "Children of Russia for Peace" Drawing - the winner of the All-Russian competition "My Family"

Cooperation with the school

The spiritual and moral education of preschool children is a kind of core around which it is advisable to build the entire process of their upbringing and education. The preschool teacher establishes a spiritual connection with the child every day. “The educator who does not fetter, but liberates, does not break, but forms, does not suppress, but elevates, does not dictate, but teaches, does not demand, but asks, experiences many inspired minutes with the child.” J. Korczak

Social interaction

Guests are always welcome! See you soon!

Expected results - a graduate child: Knows and respects the main socio-forming domestic folk traditions, loves the Motherland, native land, home, neighbors, respects elders; Respects the work of other people, consciously fulfills his duties; Keeps the millennial traditions of the defenders of our Motherland, feels responsible for the lives of his loved ones and his Fatherland; Considers his own and other people's behavior from a traditional Christian moral point of view for Russia; Knows and applies generally accepted norms and rules of conduct; Shows a benevolent attitude towards people around, wildlife, culture, literature, art; Possesses age-appropriate communication skills and abilities; Perceives the beauty of the native language, seeks to avoid words and expressions that litter the native speech.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Moral education of preschool children. Conversations on the education of a culture of behavior of preschoolers.

Practical material on the education of a culture of behavior of preschoolers. Presented in the form of conversations that can be conducted with older preschool children....

Russian nature... These words easily bring to mind a variety of familiar and expensive paintings. Slender pine forests and light birch groves. Green meadows full of freshness and golden bread...

Patriotic education of preschool children based on the implementation of the author's program "Hope of Russia" Social and moral education and development of preschool children: state, problems, prospects. Kirov, 2007

The article is devoted to the issues of introducing preschool children to folk culture....

Innovative activity in ecological education of preschool children. Consultation for educators (As part of the project “I want to know everything!” The use of modern pedagogical technologies in the environmental education of preschoolers)

Today, more than ever, the environmental problem has become one of the most pressing problems of modern society. Mankind will be able to save the environment, provided that everyone realizes the responsibility for...

NOD "Round dance of friendship" Relevance: The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent today. The patriotic education of preschool children is not only the education of love for one's home, family, kindergarten, city, native

Relevance: The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing today. Patriotic education of preschoolers is not only the education of love for one's home, se...

A brief report on the progress of work on the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of preschoolers in the framework of self-education

Today, material values ​​are extolled over spiritual ones, so children's ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism are distorted. In the moral education of modern children, there have been negative trends: books have faded into the background, their place has been taken by the TV screen, from which the characters of fairy tales, cartoon characters, who are not always distinguished by sincerity or moral purity, now constantly enter the life of a child. Children are distinguished by emotional, strong-willed and spiritual immaturity. In the education of preschool children, more attention began to be paid to cognitive development, preparing children for school. Parents take their children to additional classes, sparing neither time nor money for education. But there is no free time for reading books together, making gifts for loved ones, for walks, joint games. And who will give children moral lessons? Who will teach them first of all to be kind, sensitive, honest, fair? This means that we, teachers, need to fill the gap in the education of children's moral feelings and involve parents in this.

Between the social order of society for the formation of moral feelings in a child of preschool age as part of a general spiritual culture and traditional, stereotypical forms of work on spiritual and moral education in a preschool educational institution; between the growing need for the use of new programs aimed at developing moral feelings and the content of the program material on this topic; between the modern information-technological workload of the surrounding world And the failure in knowledge about the culture of the people.

Lack of knowledge of children about their native city, country, features of Russian traditions. Insufficient educational, theoretical and practical knowledge of teachers on the problem of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers. Insufficient formation of a system of work with parents on the problem of spiritual and moral education in the family.

Long-term pedagogical project (1 academic year). Designed for the work of teachers with children of preschool age. By the nature of contacts, it is open: parents and specialists are involved in the work on the project. By type, the project is mixed (information-practice-oriented).

To acquaint children with household items of antiquity; widely use all kinds of folklore as the richest source of cognitive development and spiritual and moral education of children; introduce folk holidays, rituals, traditions of the Russian people; to cultivate love and respect for Russian folk culture.

If you plan the educational process in accordance with the project, referring to the spiritual and moral traditions of domestic education and upbringing, then this will significantly increase the effectiveness of educational work on the spiritual and moral development of preschoolers, increase the competence of teachers, parents, expand educational space and provide active access to society.

Knowledge of children about the history, life of the Russian people; the formation of feelings of national dignity; widespread use of all types of folklore (songs, nursery rhymes, chants, proverbs, sayings, etc.); acquaintance with Russian folk art; improving the professional skills and competence of teachers; increasing the effectiveness of educational work on the spiritual and moral education of children.

Analysis of the state of the educational process on the problem. Identification and formulation of contradictions. Observation, diagnosis of children. Drawing up diagnostic maps of the levels of development of children. Studying the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem. Setting a specific goal of the pedagogical project. Definition of tasks. Formulation of a hypothesis. Development of a long-term work plan. Organization of the developing space.

Organization of a subject-developing environment in a group. Selection of material, manuals, toys, attributes for didactic, game, theatrical activities. The readiness of teachers, children for the implementation of the project. Parents' awareness of the importance of the project. Implementation of a system of developed classes into the educational process. Conducting consultations for parents. Conducting consultations for teachers. Organization of monitoring and creation of conditions for the successful activities of pupils under the project. Visiting the library, museum, St. Nicholas Church. A joint trip with children and parents to Mammoth Hermitage in the village of Otyassy

Games (didactic, role-playing, round dance, dramatization games, mobile); watching and discussing cartoons, videos; reading and discussion of works of different genres; creation of pedagogical situations of moral choice; observation of the work of adults, of nature, for a walk; production of items for games; design of exhibitions of works by masters of folk arts and crafts, books with illustrations, reproductions of paintings, etc., exhibitions of children's creativity; quizzes; staging and dramatization; thematic leisure activities, holidays, excursions.

Consultations Reminders-recommendations Reminders-recommendations Visual propaganda Visual propaganda Parents' meetings Parents' meetings Entertainment Leisure evenings Leisure evenings Creative competitions Creative competitions Round table Open days Open doors Questionnaires Individual counseling Individual counseling Work with parents Work with parents

Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture, we develop the personality of each child, who, we hope, will be the bearer of Russian character traits, since only on the basis of the past can one understand the present and foresee the future. And a people that does not pass on all the most valuable things from generation to generation is a people without a future.

References: 1. Alekseeva A.S. Methodological guide for the Orthodox education of preschool children. - M .: Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Moscow Patriarchate, Bondarev I.A. My first sacred story. Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate: Moscow Holy Danilov Monastery: IIA "Voice", Vasilyeva M.A., Gerbova V.V., Komarova T.S. "The program of education and training in kindergarten" M .: Mosaic-Synthesis Vishnevskaya V.N. The program of spiritual and patriotic education of children aged 5-7 years "Light of Russia". Moscow Publishing House 2004 5. Children's Bible. Edition of the Bible Society. Stockholm Grigoryeva G., Sergeeva D., Kochetkova N, Chirkova I, Program for early age groups "Krokha" (Nizhny Novgorod Institute for the Development of Education). 7. Doronova T.N. Interaction of a preschool institution with parents: a manual for employees of preschool educational institutions. M.: Enlightenment, Krupin V.N. Children's church calendar. - M .: Publishing house "OLMA-PRESS", Komarova T.S., Zaryanova O.Yu., Ivanova L.I., Beauty. Joy. Creativity: The program of aesthetic education of preschool children. Ch .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, Kopylova N.A., Miklyaeva N.V. Normative-legal bases of activity of preschool educational institution. M., Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist: The program of ecological education of preschoolers. Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez, Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture. (Tutorial). L.L. 1. Klyueva T.D., "Introducing preschoolers to the national culture" (Tambov, 1996). 2. Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. 3. Materials of the newspaper "Sunday school". 4. Naumenko G.M. "Folklore holiday" (M - 2000). 5. Novitskaya M.Yu. "Heritage".

"FOUNDATIONS OF SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN" Performed by teacher Zarnitsyna Galina Gennadievna Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 6 "Yolochka", Vetluga, 2013

True “It is hard to disagree with those who argue that without Christianity, the Orthodox faith, without the culture that arose on their basis, Russia would hardly have taken place. Therefore, it is important to return to these primary sources when we are re-acquiring ourselves, looking for the moral foundations of life” V. Putin

Tasks: Introduce children to the circle of the main Orthodox holidays and the spiritual and moral way of life. To introduce children to the moral foundations of Orthodox culture based on the study of examples from the life of saints and specific historical figures. To instill in children a sense of love and respect for the Motherland, their people, culture. To promote the formation of a respectful, attentive, merciful attitude towards neighbors, respect and love for parents and other people. To assist the family in shaping the personality of the child on the basis of familiarization with the traditions of Orthodox spiritual culture. To help in the development of social skills and skills of arbitrary behavior, attentiveness, patience, diligence, diligence.

Results of the parents' survey Some of the questions in the survey: 1. How often do you visit an Orthodox church? 2. Would you like your child to know the basics of Orthodox culture? 3. Would you like to know how to properly raise a child in a Christian way? 4. Would you like the kindergarten to hold joint events with the clergy?

2. Spiritual and moral education of preschool children Cultural and cognitive (meetings, targeted walks, excursions, watching videos, listening to audio cassettes). Moral and labor (self-service work, work on interests, productive activity, making gifts for the holidays).

Forms of work with parents Lecture hall on spiritual and moral topics with the participation of the clergyman and Orthodox teacher Bushuyeva G.V. "Duties of Christian parents", "On the baptism of children", "On prayer for children", "The role of the father in the family", etc. Information Orthodox corners for parents

Expected results Education of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality; Formation of a team where everyone is valuable in itself, and everyone is in harmony with each other; Formation of moral values ​​and traditions of the family; Expanding the scope of knowledge and horizons in the field of spiritual culture.

Lankina Olga
Presentation on the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers

Modern life and modern requirements for the profession require the search for new forms and methods in working with children. But, in my opinion, one of the main tasks - spiritual education in children-moral qualities, revealing the meaning of Orthodoxy in a person's life, as an action of love, kindness, humanity and unity.

I believe that the development of a child's personality should begin as early as possible. From the moment of birth, children are exposed to a wide variety of influences. The way of life at home, the conversations of elders, simple children's songs that the child listens to or sings on the mother's lap, television programs are all important factors that affect the mind and feelings of the child from a very early age. It would be very nice if all the children brought up in families where the conversations of adults have only a beneficial effect, where the general atmosphere contributes to the enrichment and ennoblement of the individual. I know how poor some of them are, how often they are deprived at an early age of favorable conditions for their development. Therefore, we teachers preschoolers, it is simply necessary to fill the soul of a child, pure as a white sheet, only with kindness, compassion, the ability to understand human and cultural values.

This is a very serious and responsible business. It is worth observing oneself, and one can see that the mind and heart are often drawn to light and empty impressions, the soul to idleness. It is important to oppose this emptiness and soullessness in time with a worthy moral spiritual counterweight. The divine fire lit in childhood will warm the soul and heart of the child. He will carry it to the people. For it is said in Scripture: "And having lighted a candle, they do not put it under a vessel, but on a candlestick, and it gives light to everyone in the house."

In his work in spiritually- the moral direction, I highlight such aspects as holding Orthodox holidays, excursions to the temple, listening to the sound of bells, looking at icons, getting to know the life of holy ascetics.

Church holidays have always been especially revered by the Russian people. Orthodox holidays are part of our history, our Orthodox culture, our way of life - everything without which we are not complete, not whole. Church-

but Orthodox holidays are spiritual heritage of the Russian people, its traditions. Ritual forms of Orthodox worship are crystallization spiritual experience of our Russian people.

In our kindergarten, the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Easter, Trinity Day and the Baptism of the Lord, the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary are celebrated -

tsy. The great work of the whole team precedes the holidays.

Not a single person remains indifferent to their preparation. The emotional mood is passed on to the children, and the presence of the priest, the constant guest of Father Vasily Grishanov, makes the holidays unforgettable events in the lives of children.

With what pleasure and reverence children sing festive Christmas and Easter troparia, how quickly and easily they memorize words that seem difficult to memorize. I am sure that singing can express better than a word or a gesture the most secret, deep spiritual states: delight, anxiety, sadness, hope, joy, tenderness,

gratitude. Spiritual the repertoire is wide and varied. These are holiday songs for children, spiritual choirs and chants. If to spiritual address the topic constantly and consistently, then it organically enters the life of the child. With what love children together with caregivers and musical directors participate in decorating the music hall and making gifts and costumes for theatrical plays on Orthodox subjects, in which children are constantly ready to participate. And songs and poems for the holiday are heard in the homes of children, and parents remember them, becoming involved in this action - touching the Russian Orthodox culture. Children help their parents to understand, and maybe discover the true meaning of this or that Orthodox event or holiday.

Conversations with the priest and excursions to the Iberian Church are the comprehension of beauty and harmony by our children, the knowledge of a completely different world.

Listening to the bell ringing is the penetration into the innermost world of feelings, thoughts and aspirations of our ancestors, the realization of the personally significant meaning of the bell ringing for Russian people in various life situations.

Looking at the icons together with the children, we study spiritual experience behind the work of the icon painter, allowing receive and comprehend the message passed down through the centuries. There is harmony everywhere and the absence of ugliness and disorder.

The life of the holy ascetics is a role model that is of great value in education. When we read the Lives of the Saints, we see different ways of moral perfection. It becomes clear that the closer to God, the more unique the personality. Conversely, if people from year to year spiritually impoverished, then more and more their originality is erased,


In my opinion, all topics have a broad universal significance.

nie, they are significant and serious. Through communication spiritual art with life, the main ethical laws are realized - Love, Goodness, Justice, according to which a person must live. Moral values ​​fill a person's life with true meaning.

We, educators, preschoolers, must always be aware of the personal and professional responsibility that falls on us in the implementation of processes spiritual and moral education of children and parents. We, dealing with baby souls, must constantly improve our spiritual world to approach the ideals of kindness and humanity for their pupils. One of the talented and deep teachers, priest Alexander Elchaninov wrote: "You can not heal other people's souls ( "help people"), without curing oneself, to put in order someone else's mental economy with chaos in one's own soul, to bring peace to others without having it in oneself "

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