Business plan for a children's playroom. How to open a children's playroom. List of necessary equipment and its cost

  • 31.10.2023

A children's playroom (children's entertainment center) is a place for a child or group of children to spend their leisure time under the supervision of the establishment's staff.

The first such business areas began to be organized in Russia at large shopping centers about 10 years ago. First of all, entrepreneurs focused on the needs of visitors to these centers. Or more precisely, to the need of parents to accommodate their children during a long shopping trip. The shortage of preschool institutions in the country was also taken into account. Both factors have contributed to the fact that children's playrooms have become a very profitable and actively developing line of business.

About the profitability of a children's entertainment center and the importance of the place

Opening a game room is much easier than a children's development center and, even more so, than a private kindergarten. There is no need to obtain a license to carry out educational activities, highly qualified personnel are not required, and the business can be organized at relatively low cost.

  1. When opening a soft play room of 30 m2, designed for a maximum of 20 children per day, you will need about 300 rubles. (this will include the cost of repairs (15%), equipment (65%), rent (10%), company registration (5%), salary for staff (5%). With average monthly expenses of 50 tr. and income of 100 tr. net profit will be about 50 tr.
  2. If you organize a gaming entertainment complex for children of approximately 70 sq. m, designed for a maximum of 70 children per day, then you will need at least 1 million rubles. With average monthly expenses of 80 tr. and income of 250 tr. net profit will be about 170 tr.

It happens that game rooms find their niche in residential areas, but this is the exception rather than the rule. This mainly applies to remote places, where such a corner can become perhaps the only way to organize leisure time for children and adults.

Franchise on the topic:"Town of Masters" (children's playroom franchise, investment 390 thousand rubles, profit from 90 thousand rubles.

Normative base

Before opening a business, you should try to carefully study the regulations relating to its organization. You can find out about them by contacting the territorial bodies of Rospotreb and Gospozhnadzor. Employees of these services must notify about sanitary standards and safety regulations, compliance with which is necessary for opening a children's care room. They will also provide guidance on the legislative framework of local significance.

  • For example, the Moscow Consumer Market Department has developed special “Recommendations for keeping children in children’s playrooms...”.
  • It is also important to understand federal documents. In particular, with those regulations that relate to children's play equipment. It must comply with the requirements of international (EN - 1176) and Russian (GOST R 52169-2003, GOST R 52168-2003, GOST R 52167-2003, GOST R 52299-2004, GOST R 52300-2004, GOST R 52301-2004) standards security.
  • In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Art. 9, 10 (clause 2) and Government Decree No. 1025, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a sign or stand that would indicate the details of the organization, work schedule, list of services provided, the procedure for their provision, prices, company rules, etc.
  • It is necessary to ensure in advance that employees have medical records. (Order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402). Special education credentials are not required.
  • When preparing the premises for a children's playroom, you must be guided by SanPin and SanPin Daily wet cleaning of surfaces, washing of toys, etc. must be carried out.
  • It is also worth knowing about the types of criminal and administrative liability that are provided for causing harm to the life and health of a child in the event of certain actions or inactions of playroom employees (69 Code of Civil Procedure, Article 79 of the Criminal Procedure Code, Article 118 of the Criminal Code, 109 of the Criminal Code, Article 1068 of the Civil Code , Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 151 of the Civil Code, Article 1081 of the Civil Code).
  • The “Technical Regulations” dedicated to fire safety requirements will also be useful.

What is needed to open

  1. The company is registered with the tax office (LLC or individual entrepreneur). We recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). This will cost less and will allow the use of preferential tax regimes in the future - UTII, simplified tax system, and, from 2013, a patent form of taxation.
  2. Next you need to decide on OKVED codes. We recommend specifying: 92.7 - etc. activities for organizing recreation and entertainment.
  3. Then you should register with the Pension Fund and other extra-budgetary funds
  4. You will need a cash register or strict reporting forms. They are subject to registration with the tax authorities
  5. The premises for the game room must be brought into compliance with the requirements of Rospotreb and Gospozhnadzor

Equipment for children's playroom

In order to organize a small playroom, it is enough to purchase one children’s labyrinth of 15-20 m2, which will cost at least 180-200 tr. You will also need a table and chair for an employee - 10 rubles and lockers for clothes (about 800 rubles for 1 section). The set is minimal; in the future it can be supplemented as much as the owner’s imagination and finances allow.

Three-story labyrinth for children's playroom

Nowadays, not a single children's playroom is complete without labyrinths. These spatial structures are usually made to order (about 1 month). However, sometimes, especially on sales, you can purchase them ready-made. Labyrinths can be of any size (from 10 to 100 m2) and configurations (slides, obstacles, shafts, passages, stairs, soft modules, climbing elements, dry pool with balls, etc.)

Foreign versions of labyrinth game complexes

As a rule, one organization is involved in drawing up a design project, manufacturing and installing a labyrinth. This play element is intended for children aged 3 to 12 years. You can separately install a children's trampoline, which on average will cost 70-90 rubles.

Children's trampoline

If your business is also aimed at children aged 1.5 - 4.5 years, then you need to create a separate corner with soft stuffed toys, construction sets, tables for drawing, and dry pools with balls.


Company employees must be able to work with children and understand the high degree of responsibility that is assigned to them. They are obliged to monitor the safety of equipment, order in the premises, and compliance with the rules by visitors. Usually, pedagogical students are accepted for such work. universities or retired former teaching staff. The work is carried out by 2 people in shifts.

Organization of activities

1 Game rooms are usually open from 9 am to 9 pm. The average fee for 1 hour of a child's stay is 100-120 rubles on weekdays and 150-180 rubles on holidays and weekends. Parents with children under 3 years of age usually enter for free, and adults accompanying children over 3 years of age are charged an additional 20-30 rubles.

2 The time the 1st child stays in the room should not exceed four hours. The rules need to stipulate the obligation of visitors to pick up their children after this period.

3 An employee of the center must receive the child upon presentation of a passport by the parent. Information about the child and the time of his admission must be entered in a separate notebook or accounting program.

4 Company employees must ensure that incoming children are healthy. Children with obvious signs of illness should not be allowed into the playroom. Otherwise, the organization’s reputation may be damaged; some clients will not want to return to places where children’s health issues are treated irresponsibly.

5 On weekdays, the most visitors occur from 16 to 21 hours, when parents pick up their children from schools and kindergartens and go shopping. In the first half of the day, you can try to increase the number of visitors by offering them discounts. They can also be installed for regular customers.

6 Consider seasonality. Children's rooms are in great demand from October to April, when the weather outside is less conducive to outdoor play. The decline occurs in the summer. During this season, they try to take many kids out to the countryside and spend more time with them outside.

7 If you are committed to further developing the center and increasing its profitability, then be sure to consider opening such areas as organizing holidays, competitions, creative clubs, and creating a children's cafe.

  • Where to begin?
  • Selecting a room
  • Required documents for opening
  • Necessary equipment
  • Business payback

Are you a novice businessman who wants to open his own business that does not require special knowledge and brings pleasure and joy? Opening a children's entertainment room is what you need. In this business, the main thing is to create an atmosphere of celebration and fun. Children's entertainment is a very profitable business; it is very difficult to save on children, sometimes sometimes impossible. Children are the flowers of life, parents always want to please their children and give them pleasure. There is always a stable demand for this type of service. In this article we will look at a small business plan on the topic “How to open a children's entertainment center from scratch.”

Where to begin?

First you need to decide what exactly you want to open. If you want to open a children's development center, for this you will need a lot more time and money. This is justified by the fact that you will need a license to conduct educational activities, select appropriate personnel, and develop or purchase mandatory teaching methods. With the opening of a children's entertainment center, everything is much simpler. An entertainment room will require several employees, thanks to this, at the first stage you will save on wages, and perhaps you can even perform some functions yourself. Mandatory knowledge is not required to open a children's entertainment center from scratch; you also save on obtaining a license.

Selecting a room

The choice of premises is a very important parameter that affects the payback and profitability of the business. The entertainment room should be located in a place where there is a large flow of people. If you decide to open your business in a big city, then it is advisable to choose large shopping centers. Young parents coming for shopping will be able to leave their child in the children's entertainment center for at least an hour. Mother-friends who came for shopping will leave their children for two hours. Children quickly get tired of shopping and walking, so a children's room with entertainment will serve as a salvation for parents. If you decide to open a business in a small town, then choose a place near kindergartens, near playgrounds. In small towns you can rarely find entertainment centers for children, so this can be a great idea for starting a business.

Many people who want to start their own business don't know where to start. Some have difficulty finding an idea, while others have difficulty implementing it.

One of the simple and not too expensive ideas is to open a children's playroom.

Market and competitor analysis

Business related to children is currently one of the most dynamic and profitable, since all parents are interested in, on the one hand, the comprehensive development of the child, and on the other, making his life more varied, fun and interesting.

That is why a fairly large number of potential competitors can be identified:

  • Family entertainment centers providing a large number of services - from cinemas to slot machines. Their main advantage is a wide range of services aimed at different age categories. On the other hand, prices in such establishments are usually quite high, and children cannot be there without parental supervision. This group also includes cinemas, amusement parks, bowling alleys, etc.
  • Private kindergartens and development centers are educational institutions with small groups in which you can leave a child for a certain amount of time. The advantage is that qualified specialists work with children, and they can be left for the whole day. However, parents often do things on weekends when such organizations are not open.
  • Museums conducting master classes - some museums are becoming child-oriented even without parents present. They organize excursions and special lessons that allow children to learn something new. Their main disadvantage is that the family will have to spend additional time traveling to the establishment, then returning to the store or other place, and after that on another trip to pick up the child.
  • Other children's rooms. This category of competitors has the most significant impact on the business being opened, so it is important that there are no such rooms within the same shopping center or any other similar place.

Accommodation options

A children's playroom can act as an independent business or as an auxiliary part of it (then the visit for children will be free, and the entrepreneur benefits by making a profit from the main business). In the latter case, this applies to the following cases of its placement:

  • Cinemas.
  • Beauty Salons.
  • Cafes and restaurants, etc.

In the case of independent business, game rooms are most often located in shopping centers or stores, as well as in hotels, airports and train stations.

Such points are becoming increasingly popular because they allow adult clients to have time to purchase necessary goods or receive services. In this case, not only buyers and children benefit (who do not have to go with their parents on errands that are uninteresting to them), but also those establishments that are located next to the playground: the more time adults have to make purchases in the store, the higher their average check.

You can also open a separate children's room, which can be located in a residential area (subject to compliance with the requirements). In this case, it will be an independent business, which will most likely require fewer costs, but much more effort to promote and attract customers.

Production plan

When opening such an establishment, it is necessary to install high-quality equipment, since it will be used by a large number of children, which can lead to various types of breakdowns. Therefore, to ensure durability, it is necessary to choose products made of wood or durable plastic.

In addition, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of furniture and various equipment. To do this, you need to understand the number of potential visitors to the room. Otherwise, a situation may arise where children struggle for some kind of entertainment, which will lead to negative emotions and loss of desire to come to this playroom again.

Finally, there are some rules to follow:

  • The room should have good lighting.
  • Ventilation must be provided in the room.
  • Employees must obtain medical records.
  • Constant wet cleaning is required.
  • Children with signs of infectious diseases cannot be admitted to the room.

In the following video you can see what such a gaming complex consists of:

Organizational plan

To open such a company, you must do the following:

  1. Decide on the concept of the business, approximately calculating the level of costs, profitability, identifying possible locations, etc.
  2. Study the legal basis for organizing such a project - this applies to both the legislation of the Russian Federation and local acts that are valid only in the territory where the organization will operate.
  3. Prepare the necessary documents and – the period is from 1 to 2 weeks.
  4. Find a room - from 3 to 4 weeks.
  5. To renovate the premises and purchase equipment - from 1 to 2 months.
  6. Find suitable employees.
  7. Organize the work of the establishment.
  8. Attract your first clients.

To successfully make a profit, you need to change the equipment from time to time: on the one hand, this will protect children from dangerous games with broken things, and on the other hand, it will allow those children who come to you often not to get bored.

Financial plan

The largest costs will go to the purchase of equipment - it will cost 200-800 thousand rubles, depending on its quality, quantity and size of the room. In addition, you will have to pay for rent from 30 thousand per month, provided that many landlords require payment for several months in advance.

Of the staff will be required administrator with a salary of 25 thousand rubles per month, as well as 1 or 2 specialists working with children(salary from 30 thousand in case of full-time work). Most often, it is not necessary to pay for the services of a cleaning lady, since shopping centers have specially hired staff.

In addition, the entrepreneur faces the following expenses:

  • Repair and design of the premises - from 100-150 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of the necessary documentation and permits - 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising expenses – from 7-8 thousand rubles per month, etc.

To make a stable profit and achieve payback within 9-12 months, it is necessary to set the average price of a visit in the region of 100-200 rubles per hour of stay.

Given that start-up costs around 1 million rubles and an average number of small clients of 50 people per day after reaching payback profit will be 170-250 thousand rubles per month.

Marketing plan and advertising

When opening, it is important to consider that best to launch in autumn, since in the summer most children will spend time on the playground (many shopping centers and stores build similar structures and provide the opportunity for children to play for free).

Additionally, you can organize entertainment events for children or for the family as a whole free of charge - this will attract more customers.

In order to increase the flow of visitors, first of all you need to come up with an interesting, sonorous name, a beautiful logo and a bright sign. In addition, you should print business cards or flyers and hand them out near the place where the game room is located.

A good idea would be to create a group on a social network in which various types of sweepstakes can be held. For example, an important source of income is holding children's parties. Accordingly, in one of the drawings the prize may be a free organization of an event for children.

Risk analysis

The main risks are related with the wrong choice of location: in particular, this may apply to the situation of placement in a shopping center, where there are several direct and indirect competitors, as well as the case when the room is located in a non-traffic area.

In the case of targeting a very narrow target audience (for example, children aged 5-6 years), the entrepreneur risks seriously reducing the profitability of the project and increasing the payback period.

Therefore, it is very important to purchase equipment and zone the space in such a way that staying in the room is interesting for both very young children and older children.

Thus, if you have a competent approach to organizing a children's playroom, you can quickly recoup costs and begin to receive a high level of profit. This business is not too complicated from an organizational point of view and is accessible to many people. One of the main conditions for success is having a love for children and a desire to develop in this area.

The policy of our state in recent years has been aimed at supporting young families and stimulating the birth rate. Thanks to this, the number of children increases every year. Thus, opening a children's playroom is a promising direction.

Young mothers often think about this business line, as they are especially acutely aware of the lack of play areas and have a deeper understanding of the needs of children and their parents.

This niche is very attractive from a business point of view. This is a fairly stable direction, since demand drops only in the summer months, when the main flow of customers laze on the warm city beach or leave the city altogether.

This business plan takes into account important aspects that are worth paying attention to in order to carry out effective activities in the future.

The main advantages of this idea:

  • High demand. Childcare services are very relevant and in demand in the modern world. Parents often have no one to leave their child with, so a children's playroom is an excellent and inexpensive alternative to a private nanny.
  • Fast payback. This type of business requires relatively small financial investments and is quickly repaid. This significant plus makes this field of activity quite in demand and competitive.
  • Small financial costs. Naturally, you won’t be able to open a game room from scratch; start-up capital is required, but still these costs are not so high compared to other areas.
  • It is easier to implement the idea of ​​opening a children's playroom than a child development center or a private kindergarten. For example, such activities do not require a license to conduct educational work or highly qualified specialists.

The initial investment amount is 542 000 rubles

Break-even point is reached on the fifth month of work.

The payback period is from 13 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A playroom for children is a specially equipped room where parents can leave their child to play for a certain time under adult supervision.

It is advisable to open a children's room in a shopping center. This is due to the large flow of people. Parents can leave their children and go shopping in peace. The owners of shopping centers also understand this, so sometimes, having empty space, they can lower rental rates.

Organizational aspects:

  • The opening hours of children's playrooms, as a rule, depend on the opening hours of the shopping center (10:00-22:00). On weekdays, for one hour of using the services of a children's room (in the case of 1 child), parents pay 150 rubles, and on weekends and holidays - 200 rubles.
  • The maximum duration of stay for 1 child is 4 hours. It is necessary to post rules regarding the schedule for visiting the institution and requirements for picking up children.
  • An employee of a children's playroom should accept a child only if the parent has a passport, which he must present. Information about what time the child was admitted is recorded in the visit log or in a regular notebook.
  • Children's playroom workers should not accept sick children, as they can make other children sick. In this regard, everything must be strict.
  • On weekdays, children's playroom services are in greatest demand from 16:00 to 21:00, as this is when parents go shopping. To increase traffic in the first half of the day, you can resort to such tricks as offering discounts. It is also rational to offer discounts to regular visitors.
  • Remember seasonality. The greatest demand for children's playroom services is typical for the period October-April. This is due to the fact that weather conditions do not allow children to be on outdoor playgrounds. Expect a decrease in demand in the summer.
  • In order to further develop and increase income, it will be necessary to organize festive events. For this purpose, various competitions and creative clubs will also be useful. You can set up a children's cafeteria, provide photo services, organize the sale of balloons and other holiday paraphernalia.

3. Description of the sales market

The main target audience of children's playrooms are families with children aged 2 to 6 years. As a rule, the parents of such children live at a high pace and it is important for them to make purchases as quickly as possible. The presence of children's rooms greatly simplifies this task.

The relevance of this business idea today is higher than ever: the birth rate is growing every year. This is due to both political support and the economic situation. This is also facilitated by strengthening family values ​​and increasing the level of general awareness in society.

The table shows the birth rate for 2013-2016. Over the past 4 years, this figure has been growing steadily.

Whole population

Urban population

Rural population

According to Rosstat, during this period (2013-2016), the country’s population increased by 3.2 million people, which is significant progress. And according to forecasts, this trend will only increase. The graph below shows the projected total fertility rate for the next 13 years.


(number of children per woman)

These data indicate a favorable demographic situation in the country and the prospects for population growth, which will have a positive impact on business niches related to children.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

Let us outline the main stages of launching a children's playroom.

Registration with government agencies and obtaining a license

  • For this business, we recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur to receive some tax benefits.
  • A license is not required to provide general educational services, which greatly simplifies the task.
  • Determination of OKVED codes - activities for organizing recreation and entertainment - 92.7.
  • Registration with a pension fund.
  • Obtaining permits for activities from the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • It is planned to use UTII as a taxation system. We believe that this is the most favorable tax regime for a gaming room, when the amount of tax does not depend on business income. With UTII, the tax is paid in the form of a fixed amount once a quarter.

Search for premises and repairs

  • Room area - 25 - 30 m2;
  • The room must be ventilated;
  • The room should be located near the entrance, and not at the very end of the corridor, where not every parent with a small child can reach;
  • The room itself should be spacious, bright, well decorated;
  • Restrooms must be located in close proximity to the rented premises.

Interior decoration of a game room

  • The interior of the children's playroom is designed in accordance with the preferences of little clients. We recommend using bright colors. We strongly advise against adding black or rich, dirty tones to the design of the playroom.
  • The game room must have at least two zones: for active games and a relaxation area. If you plan to host birthdays, parties and themed tea parties in the room, the room should have the appropriate equipment, or at least a place for it.
  • The room should be soft in the truest sense of the word. Literally everything here is made of printed material.

Game room and its equipment

Equipment for children must first and foremost be safe. You should purchase only certified toys that do not cause allergic reactions in children.

Equipment for children's playroom,rub.



Price for 1 piece.

total amount


Inflatable trampolines

Board games, drawing sets



6. Organizational structure

To operate the room effectively, two employees are required to work in shifts.

Employee responsibilities include:

  • look after the children;
  • ensure the safety of children;
  • keep the room clean;
  • monitor the operation of equipment;
  • communicate with children, teach them games and entertainment.

Employees who will look after children must be educated and decent. It is desirable that the nanny has a medical or pedagogical education. In addition, it is very important to find a common language with young visitors. Just listen to children and love to play with them, and they will return the favor. Children's playroom workers must have a medical certificate and undergo regular medical examinations. Remember that the safety of children depends on the attentiveness of the employee, so it is important to carefully select employees.

An ideal business for a young mother is opening a children's playroom. Often the thought of this matter comes to the minds of those who have a child (or even several children) in their arms, who have nowhere to take to have fun or nowhere to leave for an hour or two. Having analyzed the market, the lady with entrepreneurial savvy understands that this problem is relevant not only for her. The baby boom, which began thanks to government support in the form of maternity capital for a second child, makes the children's entertainment niche very interesting from a business point of view.

The business plan below “How to open a children's playroom” will clearly show what a novice entrepreneur needs to pay attention to at the stage of preparing a business in order to carry out effective activities in the future.

It cannot be said that a children's room is a highly profitable business. By doing this, an entrepreneur is unlikely to recoup the investment in a couple of months. However, this is a fairly stable enterprise, since demand for it drops only in the summer months, when the main flow of customers laze on the warm city beach or leave the city altogether.

Considering the summer outflow of clients, it is advisable to open a children's playroom in early autumn.

Market analysis and competitive assessment

In order to ensure that business investments are not lost forever, it is necessary to carefully study the current situation in the field of children's entertainment. So, it is important to find out:

You can find out whether there will be a demand for the room’s services by posting advertisements about its opening. If you receive calls or messages on social networks in response, it means the idea is relevant. If the ad does not generate interest, perhaps the market is oversaturated, the population of your city is too small, or there is low purchasing power of citizens who are not willing to pay for your services.

The analysis will help the entrepreneur assess the feasibility of entering this business. If it has shown that the children's playroom service will be in demand, you should proceed to the registration process.

How to open a playroom for children: registration

Any activity that generates profit, according to the law of our state, must be taxed. In order not to break the law, we should contact the tax office to complete the documents. For this business, it is preferable to register as a business, since, firstly, it is cheaper than, and secondly, an individual entrepreneur can receive some tax benefits.

A license is not required to provide general educational services, which greatly simplifies the task.

A visitor to the gaming room must receive a cash receipt or a strict reporting form from the operator. Most often they use forms that are ordered from any printing house.

There are no official requirements from licensing authorities yet, so we are doing everything possible to ensure that there are no complaints against the business during possible inspections:

  • the room must be ventilated;
  • disinfection should be carried out once a week;
  • children with visible symptoms of infectious or colds should not be allowed to visit;
  • A person without a criminal record and, preferably, with a pedagogical education should keep order and work with children: a teacher, nanny or kindergarten teacher, graduates or senior students of pedagogical secondary schools, universities and colleges.

What do you need to open a children's playroom?

Deciding on the location

One of the most important factors in organizing this business is its location, because the profitability of the business ultimately depends on how many children will visit the playroom.

When choosing a location for a children's room, entrepreneurs most often choose two placement options:

  • in a large shopping center. When choosing a shopping center, an entrepreneur bases his choice on the large flow of people. Parents can leave their child and go shopping in peace. The owners of shopping centers also understand this, so sometimes, having empty space, they make concessions in terms of rent: they significantly lower the rental rate or even provide space for accommodation for free. The option of paying rent with 10-20 percent of the profit is also being considered;
  • room opening in a residential area It is interesting because a large number of people in a densely populated microdistrict of a metropolis do not have enough time to overcome the long road, often with traffic jams, to shopping centers. Therefore, it is quite convenient for them to have a small children’s room near their home, kindergarten or school.

When choosing a room, you need to pay attention to some details:

  • if we are talking about a shopping center, then the room should be located near the entrance, and not at the very end of the corridor, where not every parent with a small child can reach;
  • If we are located in a residential area, it is ideal to rent the first floor of the building. It’s great if you have access to a separate entrance, for example, from the end of the building;
  • the room itself must be spacious, bright, well-finished, the room must meet all the requirements of the fire department and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • toilet rooms must be located either in the rented premises or in close proximity to it;
  • The area of ​​the room must be at least 30 square meters. meters.

The size of the room depends on how much you are willing to pay for rent and the expected number of children present at one time. If you plan that ten children can be in the room at the same time, then twenty square meters of space will be enough.

Decorating the interior of the game room

It’s no secret that children love everything bright and colorful, which is why the interior of a children’s playroom is designed in accordance with the preferences of little clients. We strongly advise against adding black or rich, dirty tones to the design of the playroom.

The games room must have at least two zones: for active games and a relaxation area. If you plan to host birthdays, parties and themed tea parties in the room, the room should have the appropriate equipment, or at least a place for it.

Game room and its equipment

When purchasing the necessary equipment for a game room, it is necessary to be guided by the direction of the business, which the entrepreneur should have already decided on by this time based on the data obtained during the market analysis.

If the bulk of future visitors will be between one and three years old, the room should be soft in the truest sense of the word. Literally everything here is made of printed material. These include houses, various construction sets with large details, and soft puzzles.

Older children will appreciate the area where they can draw and sculpt from plasticine. There can be tables and chairs, easels, cabinets with all the necessary materials.

The main cost is the purchase of children's multi-level labyrinths with many obstacles, slides, ladders, pears, ropes, etc. Bright slides, made of extra-strong carbon fiber, especially delight children, since they can slide down into a special dry pool with thousands of multi-colored balls. By the way, in the dry pool, in addition to pleasure, children also receive a full body massage.

Many people place small inflatable trampolines or sports nets in the children's room, since children of all ages love to jump.

In addition, attention should be paid to functional furniture: sofas, armchairs, hangers for outerwear, cabinets for books and materials, shelves for first shoes, a table for staff, etc.

It's no secret that the more varied the room's equipment, the more interesting it will be for children. Therefore, only your own imagination and available funds can limit here.


You need to start looking for staff to work in the game room one and a half to two months before the expected opening. Hiring the wrong person to work sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences: mistreatment of children, lack of order in the room, damage to equipment, and even withholding proceeds from the owner. Therefore, it is important to approach this stage as responsibly as possible.

Of course, the ideal option is to work in the playroom yourself for two to three months. Then, having studied the entire process “from the inside,” it will be easier to find personnel and subsequently control them. The easiest way to find an employee is to post a hiring message on a job board.

In addition, for an employee to love children and be able to communicate with them, he must do the following: tasks:

  • ensure the safety of children while they are in the playroom,
  • conduct introductory mini-excursions, showing kids what is located and where,
  • monitor the proper operation of existing equipment,
  • maintain cleanliness and order in the room.

Financial part

So, we found out how to open a children's playroom from registration to equipment. What are the financial costs and expected profit?

The purchase of all necessary equipment will require from 200 thousand rubles minimum to one and a half million maximum. Plus, to the initial expenses - registration as an individual entrepreneur - 5,000 rubles, minor cosmetic repairs of the premises - about 10,000 rubles.

In addition, there are constant expenses, such as:

  • rental of premises - from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the chosen location;
  • salary for metropolis workers, taking into account that they will work in two shifts - 2 people * 15,000 rubles each = 30,000 rubles; wages in a small locality are 7-8 thousand rubles.

The cost of a child visiting a children's playroom varies from 100 rubles in a small town to 200 rubles per hour in a large metropolis. If we consider that in a large shopping center, on average, 5 people per hour will visit the room, the revenue will be about 10,000 rubles for a 10-hour shift. In a small locality, the visitor statistics are less pleasant: the room is visited by 10-12 people a day, respectively, the daily revenue will be 1000-1200 rubles.

After making calculations, we find out that average profit in a city with a million population will be about 200 thousand rubles per month, and in a sparsely populated area - about eighteen thousand rubles.

So, as the business plan for a children's room shows, in order for it to be profitable, it is enough to correctly analyze the market, find a good location, purchase high-quality equipment, select personnel and conduct a good advertising campaign. Thanks to the above actions, the opened gaming room will have regular customers, bringing a stable profit to the business owner.


If a business related to children is an area in which you want to devote your time and achieve success, pay attention to inexpensive franchises that allow you to purchase a ready-made business for a small amount, for example, related to the sale of unique toys.

Thus, it provides entrepreneurs with the opportunity to start a business selling unique modern dolls. They are created from environmentally friendly, high-quality materials. Handmade is unique and aesthetically appealing. The products are in great demand, so they will bring high profits to entrepreneurs.

A franchise worth 59 thousand rubles offers favorable conditions. Partners will receive their own online store, step-by-step instructions, catalogs of dolls and dresses for them, and much more. Cooperation will be as profitable as possible, since businessmen will require a minimum of effort for promotion.