Types of social service systems. Objects and subjects of theory and practice of social work. Basis for classification and types. Guaranteed rights for recipients of social services

  • 08.12.2023

The social service system includes a network of specialized institutions designed to serve relevant groups of the population.

An important place in this system is given to territorial centers of social services for the population.

Territorial social service is a set of governing bodies and specialized institutions that provide direct social services to various groups and categories of the population on the territory of various administrative units of the Russian Federation: in regions, urban and rural areas, microdistricts, etc.

The functions of managing issues of social services for the population in the subordinate territory are carried out by the social protection authorities. Local authorities (as well as non-state, public, private and other organizations with a license) create specialized social service institutions, the leading place among which is given to territorial social service centers. In accordance with the approximate Regulations on the Center for Social Services (Order of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia dated July 20, 1993 No. 137). A social service center is an institution for social protection of the population that carries out organizational and practical activities in the territory of a city or district to provide various types of social assistance to elderly citizens, the disabled and other groups of the population in need of social support. Such centers may have in their structure various social service units, including day care departments for the elderly and disabled, social assistance at home, emergency social assistance services, as well as others created taking into account the need and available capabilities. The centers provide comprehensive social assistance of various types: psychological, legal, rehabilitation, socio-pedagogical, medical and social, preventive, etc.

The territorial service may also include functional specialized centers, institutions and social service enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership.

Today one can observe how the network of social service institutions and enterprises is constantly developing, new types of them are emerging, making it possible to cover an increasingly wider range of social problems of various layers and groups of the population. The social service system is still in its formation stage.

Funding for social service institutions is carried out, as a rule, on a budgetary basis. Thus, the financial resources of the social service are formed from:

  • - standard deductions from budgets of the corresponding level in the amount of at least 2% of the budget expenditures;
  • - revenues from the fund for social support of the population by allocating part of the funds for the purpose of social support for families with children;
  • - funds from the federal budget for the implementation of statutory tasks;
  • - finances as a result of the redistribution of funds between committees and departments of services at various levels for the implementation of regional, city and district programs;
  • - additional funds for regional and local budgets to provide targeted measures to adapt population incomes to the rising cost of living and more;
  • - income from paid services and from the economic activities of service institutions;
  • - charitable donations and contributions from enterprises, public organizations and individuals, proceeds from charitable events.

The funds of specialized centers are formed depending on the type of activity and the type of organization of their financing: budgetary, self-supporting or mixed. When the center organizes paid services to the population and receives profit, it is directed to the further development of the center’s core activities and is exempt from taxation in terms of funds credited to the local budget.

The main principle of organizing social services in the Russian Federation is the territorial principle. At the same time, social services of various ministries and departments are considered as integral components (or sectors) of territorial social services.

Sometimes local social service institutions have dual administrative subordination and several sources of funding. At the same time, practice proves the need to establish a subsystem of social services within individual departments, for example, social protection of the population, education, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the employment service.

However, the development of social service institutions is hampered today by the following factors:

  • - weak legal framework of the social service system;
  • - limited financial resources available to federal and regional authorities, as well as local governments;
  • - lack of coordination in the activities of ministries and departments in the field of social services;
  • - lack of personnel with professional training in the field of social work;
  • - low social status and inadequate wages of social service workers;
  • - insufficient use of financial, economic and intellectual capabilities of non-governmental institutions.

Social service institutions for families and children

An important aspect in regulating socio-economic processes in society is the protection and support of the institution of family. The basic principles in organizing social assistance in this direction on the part of state, municipal and public organizations can be expressed as follows:

  • - expanding the family’s capabilities to solve vital problems;
  • - establishing family connections with other groups, organizations and social institutions that provide resources and support opportunities;
  • - promoting the effective and humane development of the family as a socio-economic system;
  • - development of self-help to improve family social policy in the territories.

Plans for the development of social service institutions for families and children are, as a rule, linked to the tasks of implementing regional family policy programs. Currently, the development of horizontal structures of the social assistance system for families is underway at all levels, taking into account the specifics of the regions. Thus, at the district (city) level, organizers of social services serving families must know the needs of the population for such services. For these purposes, it is necessary to take into account the types of families, the presence of acute problems, and the attitude of the population towards such a service; in cases of need, to form public opinion regarding the creation of an appropriate service and the possibility of any resident of the region applying to it. The practice of establishing social assistance services for families in Russia shows that in the district (microdistrict) it is necessary to provide a range of social services to both children and parents.

Regional institutions are also called upon to perform scientific and methodological functions: for example, a comprehensive regional center for social assistance to families and children or a regional center for social health of the population should, based on the local situation, make recommendations to government agencies. Such regional institutions as the “Trust” service, etc., also seem quite promising.

The social assistance service should be organized as an open system in accordance with the social situation of a particular territory, where individual institutions and service units act as structures of elements created as needed.

The State Family and Children Assistance Service performs the following functions:

  • - analytical: studies the problems and needs of families or team members;
  • - planning and organizational: plans and organizes social services in society;
  • - managerial: ensures contact with government bodies on which the solution to the client’s problems depends, seeks solutions, evaluates the results of certain activities, etc.;
  • - informational: informs the population about the possibilities of the service, new government decisions on social protection of the population.

Social work in these services can be expressed in various forms of assistance to the family. For example, there is emergency care for acute mental conditions of a person caused by social conditions or a difficult life situation, which is aimed at removing or reducing the negative consequences of such conditions, including the possibility of suicide. This assistance can be provided by such institutions and service units as hotlines, emergency psychological aid centers and others.

Help can be long-term in nature when, in difficult life situations, the client is provided not only primary, but also more in-depth support aimed at improving the situation, identifying internal reserves and developing a person’s faith in one’s own strengths, in the ability to independently overcome life’s difficulties. Such assistance is provided in territorial centers for social assistance to families, social shelters for children and adolescents (mothers with children), rehabilitation centers, centers for helping children without parental care, in psychological and pedagogical consultations, territorial teams of social workers, which include social workers , specializing in different types of families, problems, etc.

The assistance provided can be direct or indirect. Direct assistance is aimed directly at protecting the rights and interests of a person, improving his living conditions, removing unwanted mental states, etc. Indirect assistance is provided through work with the client’s social environment (family, work team members, friends, street company and others), through various government organizations and foundations.

In addition, assistance can be responsive - in response to the current situation or the client’s request, as well as preventive in nature, that is, preventing a predicted unfavorable situation.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia dated April 14, 2013 No. 47, the Approximate Regulations on the Territorial Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children were approved, which defines it as an institution of the state social protection system intended for comprehensive services in the territory of a city, district or microdistrict families and children in need of social support, through the provision of timely and qualified social assistance of various types.

The center may have in its structure various divisions of social services for families and children, including departments of primary reception, information, analysis and forecasting, socio-economic assistance, medical and social assistance, psychological and pedagogical assistance, prevention of neglect of children and adolescents, etc. d.

The purpose of the Center is to promote the realization of the right of families and children to protection and assistance from the state, the development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, improvement of socio-economic living conditions, indicators of social health and well-being of families and children, humanization of family ties with society and the state, establishing harmonious family relationships.

The main objectives of the Center are:

  • - identifying the causes and factors of social ill-being of specific families and children, their needs for social assistance;
  • - identification and provision of specific types and forms of socio-economic, medical-social, psychological-social, socio-pedagogical, legal and other social services to families and children in need of social assistance;
  • - support for families and individual citizens in solving problems of their self-sufficiency, realizing their own capabilities to overcome difficult life situations;
  • - social patronage of families and individual citizens in need of social assistance, rehabilitation and support;
  • - participation in the work to prevent the neglect of minors and protect their rights;
  • - analysis of the level of social services for families with children in a city, district, microdistrict, forecasting their need for social assistance and preparation of proposals for the development of the sphere of social services;
  • - involvement of various government and non-governmental organizations in solving issues of social services for families and children.

The categories and groups of the population to which the Center provides social services include: - families: single-parent families, large families, low-income families, etc.; - children and adolescents who find themselves in unfavorable family conditions that threaten their health and development; orphaned or left without parental care; having deviations in physical and mental development, including disabled people, etc.; - adult citizens (pregnant women and nursing mothers; having dependent minor children, etc.); - former pupils of orphanages and boarding schools .

In the Russian Federation, as throughout the world, there is a trend of population aging. According to the UN Population Division, in developed countries the proportion of older people will increase from 21 to 28% by 2050. In Russia, by 2010, the share of people of retirement age already exceeds one third.

In this regard, in modern conditions, institutions of social services for older people and interdepartmental work on organizing social support for this group of the population are becoming important. This is due not only to an increase in the proportion of older people in the population, but also to the solution of problems arising from this phenomenon: changes in the social status of a person in old age, cessation or limitation of work, transformation of value guidelines, the very way of life and communication, as well as the emergence of various difficulties both in social and everyday life and in psychological adaptation to new conditions, which dictates the need to develop and implement specific approaches, forms and methods of social work with pensioners and older people.

Social services for older people are carried out in accordance with the ethical principles of the International Labor Organization.

Personal dignity is the right to decent treatment, treatment, social assistance and support.

Freedom of choice - every elderly person has the right to choose between being kept at home and living in a shelter, temporary or permanent.

Coordination of assistance - assistance provided by various social bodies must be proactive, coordinated and consistent.

Individualization of assistance - assistance is provided, first of all, to the elderly citizen himself, taking into account his environment.

Eliminating the gap between sanitary and social care - given the priority nature of the health criterion, the level of financial assistance cannot depend on the standard of living and place of residence.

The regulatory framework for social work with older people in the Russian Federation is the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” (dated December 10, 1995), according to which the scope of social services provided to older people includes: social household, social-medical, psychological-pedagogical, social-legal services; material assistance and social adaptation and rehabilitation of older people.

At the initial stages of the development of the social assistance system for older people, social workers focused on solving such urgent problems as organizing food, medical services, housing, and material support in order to create normal living conditions for them.

At the present stage, the organization of assistance to older people, along with the solution of these traditional social problems, involves the development of social technologies, the introduction of which will help resolve issues related to psychological difficulties that arise in older people in the process of communication or due to loneliness, as well as socio-psychological problems - how older people perceive other age groups, what are their social problems, their relationships with people around them, the role and status of older people in the family and society, etc. It should be noted that there are different categories of older people. Among them there are people:

  • - not in need of help;
  • - partially disabled;
  • - in need of maintenance;
  • - requiring constant care, etc.

As a rule, social assistance, rehabilitation, and correction programs are developed depending on the membership of a particular category of older people. This is also related to the use of various principles, methods, and techniques for working with clients.

The basic principles of working with older people are respect and interest in the client’s personality, emphasis on the need and usefulness of his experience and knowledge to the people around him. It is important to perceive an elderly person not only as an object, but also as a subject of social work. This should help find and develop their internal reserves that promote self-realization, self-support and self-defense. An important role is played by the professional competence of the social worker, which includes knowledge of the gerontological and psychological characteristics of age, taking into account the client’s belonging to a particular social group.

Help for the elderly is provided by social protection authorities through their departments, which identify and monitor, provide various types of social support, offer and provide paid services. Social services are provided by decision of social protection bodies in institutions subordinate to them or under agreements concluded by social protection bodies with social service institutions of other forms of ownership.

The function of social protection and assistance is performed by the following institutions: - boarding homes; - day and night care departments; - special homes for single elderly people; - hospitals and departments for chronically ill people; - hospitals of various types; - territorial social service centers; - social service departments. home care; - gerontological centers, etc.

Figure 1. Basic scheme of functioning of social services for the elderly

In the system of inpatient institutions of the Russian Federation, a relatively new element is special houses for the permanent residence of single elderly people and married couples who have retained full or partial ability for self-care in everyday life and need appropriate conditions for self-realization of basic life needs.

The approximate Regulations on a special home for such pensioners (approved by order of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia dated April 14, 1994 No. 47) lists its functions: - providing favorable conditions for living and self-care; - providing resident elderly citizens with constant social, everyday and medical care; - creating conditions for maintaining an active lifestyle, including feasible work activity.

From the point of view of architecture and layout, special houses must correspond to the age characteristics of the living population of citizens. Such a house consists of one - two-room apartments, includes a complex of social services: a medical office, a library and a room for club work, a dining room (buffet), points for ordering food products, handing over things to the laundry and dry cleaning, as well as premises for work, etc.

The special house is equipped with small-scale mechanization facilities that facilitate self-service for the elderly citizens living in it, and it also has a 24-hour control center, provided with internal communications with all residential premises and external telephone communications.

Medical care for citizens living in a special house is provided by relevant specialists from territorial treatment and preventive institutions.

Based on current legislation, citizens living in such houses are paid a full pension. They have the right to priority referral to inpatient institutions of social protection authorities.

The organization of special homes for single elderly people and elderly couples is one of the promising ways to solve a whole range of social problems of pensioners and senior citizens.

in social work"

Option 1

1. Social service systems are of the following types:

d) regional and local.

2. The main goals of social work management include the following:

4. Providing social support, providing social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, carrying out social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations - this is:

a) social services;

c) social rehabilitation;

d) social readaptation.

5. The objects of management in social work are:

a) social workers, employees of social protection services and institutions, as well as the entire system of relationships that develop between people when providing social assistance to the population;

b) the leadership of services and institutions, the management bodies formed by them, endowed with management functions;

c) employees of public sector enterprises;

d) employees of non-budgetary enterprises.

a) complaints;

b) appeals;

c) requirements;

d) having a passport.

7. Providing social services to citizens in need of permanent or temporary non-stationary social services is a type of service called:

8. Social services in stationary social service institutions are provided by:

b) providing social services to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care, and ensures the creation of living conditions appropriate to their age and state of health, carrying out measures of a medical, psychological, social nature, nutrition and care, as well as organizing feasible work, rest and leisure;

c) provision of assistance by social services in professional, social, psychological rehabilitation to disabled people, persons with disabilities, juvenile delinquents, and other citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations and in need of rehabilitation services;

d) increasing stress resistance and psychological culture of the population, especially in the sphere of interpersonal, family, and parental communication; assistance to citizens in creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual respect, a favorable microclimate in the family, overcoming conflicts and other violations of marital and family relations.

9. Every citizen has the right to receive free information about the possibilities, types, procedures and conditions of social services from the following bodies:

a) in the housing office;

b) at the place of work;

d) HR department.

10. Social services are provided by social services

a) free of charge;

b) for a fee;

c) free and for a fee;

d) compensatory.

11. Free social services in the state system of social services are provided:

c) citizens working in private enterprises;

d) employees of non-budgetary spheres.

12. Territorial centers for social assistance to families and children include:

c) social rehabilitation centers for minors; assistance centers for children left without parental care; social shelters for children and adolescents;

d) day care homes.

13. The main goals of territorial centers for social assistance to families and children are:

a) organizing the operation of an emergency psychological helpline;

b) realization of the right of families and children to protection and assistance from the state, development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, improvement of social living conditions, indicators of social well-being and health improvement of families and children;

c) measures to increase stress resistance and psychological culture of the population, especially in the field of interpersonal, family, and parental communication;

14. The tasks of territorial centers for social assistance to families and children include:

a) identifying the causes and factors of social ill-being of specific families and children, their needs for social assistance, identifying and providing specific types and forms of socio-economic, medical and social, psychological and social, socio-pedagogical, legal and other social services to families and children those in need of social assistance;

d) providing a temporary place of stay or overnight accommodation to persons who find themselves without a specific place of residence and occupation.

15. Financial assistance is provided to citizens in difficult life situations in the form of:

b) provision of housing, payment of funds, provision of special vehicles, technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people;

c) cleaning the apartment, caring for bedridden patients,

16. Social services are provided on the basis of:

a) complaints;

b) appeals;

c) all answers are correct.

17. Functions of a social shelter for children and adolescents:

a) provision of temporary accommodation for children and adolescents in normal living conditions; providing adolescents with the opportunity to attend educational institutions during their stay in the shelter; provision of psychological, psycho-correctional assistance;

c) providing permanent residence to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care;

c) disabled people, parents, guardians and trustees of disabled people, as well as citizens actively working in the Company who have reached 16 years of age;

d) citizens without a fixed place of residence and occupation.

19. The main tasks of social assistance institutions for persons without a fixed place of residence are:

c) providing a temporary place of stay or overnight accommodation to persons who find themselves without a specific place of residence and occupation, primarily to elderly people and disabled people; providing assistance in the implementation of measures for the social adaptation of persons who have lost socially useful connections (primarily persons released from prison) to living conditions in society;

d) development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, improvement of social living conditions, indicators of social well-being and family health.

20. Functions of the Night Stay House:

c) provision of a free bed with bedding for an overnight stay for 12 hours; providing a voucher for one free meal; advisory assistance in matters of household and employment placement, placement in inpatient social service institutions; for those in need - first aid and sanitary treatment;

d) providing permanent residence to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care.

21. The objectives of the social rehabilitation center for minors are:

a) identifying the causes of social maladaptation of a minor; psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children aimed at adoption, establishing the forms and degrees of their social maladjustment; development of individual programs for social rehabilitation of adolescents;

b) increasing stress resistance and psychological culture of the population, especially in the sphere of interpersonal, family, and parental communication; assistance to citizens in creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual respect, a favorable microclimate in the family, overcoming conflicts and other violations of marital and family relations;

c) medical care and treatment, medical rehabilitation and organization of consultations with medical specialists, promoting the prolongation of an active lifestyle, as well as hospitalization of those in need in medical institutions of health authorities;

d) providing a temporary place of stay or overnight accommodation to persons who find themselves without a specific place of residence and occupation.

22. The main goal of the center for helping children without parental care:

a) providing a temporary place of stay or overnight accommodation to persons who find themselves without a specific place of residence and occupation;

c) development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, improvement of social living conditions, indicators of social well-being and health improvement of families and children;

d) providing permanent residence to the elderly and disabled people in need of care, household and medical services.

23. Functions of the bodies of the social protection system at the federal level:

c) provision by social service institutions during the daytime of social, social, medical and other services to citizens who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement and find themselves in difficult life situations;

d) development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, improvement of social living conditions, indicators of social well-being and improvement of family health.

24. The structural units of the social rehabilitation center for minors include:

b) organizational and methodological department, department of psychological and pedagogical assistance to citizens;

c) department of social maladaptation, department of implementation of social rehabilitation programs;

d) day care department; inpatient department.

25. Objectives of a special boarding house for the elderly and disabled:

c) identifying the causes of social maladaptation of a minor; psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children aimed at adoption, establishing the forms and degrees of their social maladjustment; development of individual programs for social rehabilitation of adolescents;

d) providing medical care, drawing up individual rehabilitation programs, providing material support and providing a place of temporary stay to persons who find themselves without a specific place of residence and occupation.

26. The main goals of the All-Russian Societies for working with disabled people are:

a) development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, improvement of social living conditions, indicators of social well-being and family health;

c) ensuring the psychological security of the population, supporting and strengthening their mental health, creating favorable psychological, social and socio-pedagogical conditions for family education of children and their socialization;

d) provision by social service institutions during the daytime of social, social, medical and other services to citizens who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement and find themselves in difficult life situations.

27. The following citizens can be members of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People:

b) teenage children from 4 to 18 years old, who voluntarily applied, were abandoned, got lost, whose identity has not been established;

c) citizens without a fixed place of residence and occupation;

d) children who have lost family, kinship and other social ties; children who refused to live in a boarding school; children left without care and means of subsistence; children subjected to any form of physical or mental violence.

28. Social services are provided by social services

a) free of charge;

b) for a fee;

c) all answers are correct.

a) organization of pension services and provision of benefits, social services, medical and social examination, provision of prosthetic and orthopedic care, etc.;

30. The purpose of creating a special boarding house is:

Option 2

1. The main goals of social work management include the following:

a) creating conditions in which clients can demonstrate their capabilities to the maximum extent and receive everything that is due to them by law;

b) provision by social service institutions during the daytime of social, social, medical and other services to citizens who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement and find themselves in difficult life situations;

c) increasing the degree of independence of clients, their ability to control their lives and more effectively resolve emerging problems; adaptation or readaptation of people in society;

d) measures to increase stress resistance and psychological culture of the population, especially in the field of interpersonal, family, and parental communication.

2. The objects of management in social work are:

a) social workers, employees of social protection services and institutions, as well as the entire system of relationships that develop between people when providing social assistance to the population;

b) the leadership of services and institutions, the management bodies formed by them, endowed with management functions;

c) employees of public sector enterprises;

d) employees of non-budgetary enterprises.

3. The subjects of management in social work are:

a) employees of public sector enterprises;

b) the management staff of social protection services and institutions and the management bodies formed by them, endowed with management functions;

c) social workers, employees of social protection services and institutions, as well as the entire system of relationships that develop between people when providing social assistance to the population;

d) employees of non-budgetary enterprises.

4. Social service systems are of the following types:

a) departmental and interdepartmental;

b) state and municipal;

c) international and state;

d) regional and local.

5. Providing social support, providing social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, carrying out social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations is:

a) social services;

b) provision of financial assistance;

c) social rehabilitation;

d) social integration.

6. Social services are provided on the basis of:

a) complaints;

b) appeals;

c) requirements.

7. Every citizen has the right to receive free information about the possibilities, types, procedures and conditions of social services from the following bodies:

a) in the housing office;

b) at the place of work;

c) the state system of social services;

d) HR department.

8. Financial assistance is provided to citizens in difficult life situations in the form of:

a) cash, food, sanitation and hygiene products, child care products, clothing, footwear and other essential items, fuel, as well as special vehicles, technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people and persons in need of care;

b) provision of housing, payment of debts, payment of funds, provision of special vehicles, technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people;

c) cleaning the apartment, caring for bedridden patients.

9. The provision of social services to citizens in need of permanent or temporary non-stationary social services is a type of service called:

a) social services in inpatient institutions;

b) social services at home;

c) day care social service institutions;

d) center for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population.

10. Social services in stationary social service institutions are provided by:

a) provision by social service institutions during the daytime of social, social, medical and other services to citizens who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement and find themselves in difficult life situations;

b) providing social services to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care, and ensures the creation of living conditions appropriate to their age and state of health, carrying out measures of a medical, psychological, social nature, nutrition and care, as well as organizing feasible work, rest and leisure;

c) provision of assistance by social services in professional, social, psychological rehabilitation to disabled people, persons with disabilities, juvenile delinquents, and other citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations and in need of rehabilitation services.

11. Social services are provided by social services

a) free of charge;

b) for a fee;

c) all answers are correct.

12. Free social services in the state system of social services are provided:

a) citizens who are unable to self-care due to old age, illness, disability, citizens in difficult life situations due to unemployment, natural disasters, catastrophes, victims of armed and interethnic conflicts; minor children in difficult life situations;

b) public sector employees;

c) citizens working in private enterprises.

13. Territorial centers for social assistance to families and children include:

a) centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population;

b) stationary social service institutions (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, psychoneurological boarding schools, orphanages for mentally retarded children, boarding homes for children with physical disabilities);

c) social rehabilitation centers for minors; assistance centers for children left without parental care; social shelters for children and adolescents.

14. The main goals of territorial centers for social assistance to families and children are:

a) organizing the operation of an emergency psychological helpline;

b) realization of the right of families and children to protection and assistance from the state, development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, improvement of social living conditions, indicators of social well-being and health improvement of families and children;

c) measures to increase stress resistance and psychological culture of the population, especially in the field of interpersonal, family, and parental communication.

15. The tasks of territorial centers for social assistance to families and children include:

a) identifying the causes and factors of social ill-being of specific families and children, their needs for social assistance, identifying and providing specific types and forms of socio-economic, medical-social, psychological-social, socio-pedagogical, legal and other social services to families and children those in need of social assistance;

b) increasing stress resistance and psychological culture of the population, especially in the sphere of interpersonal, family, and parental communication; assistance to citizens in creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual respect, a favorable microclimate in the family, overcoming conflicts and other violations of marital and family relations;

c) medical care and treatment, medical rehabilitation and organization of consultations with medical specialists, promoting the prolongation of an active lifestyle, as well as hospitalization of those in need in medical institutions of health authorities.

16. The objectives of the social rehabilitation center for minors are:

a) identifying the causes of social maladaptation of a minor; psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children aimed at adoption, establishing the forms and degrees of their social maladjustment; development of individual programs for social rehabilitation of adolescents;

b) increasing stress resistance and psychological culture of the population, especially in the sphere of interpersonal, family, and parental communication; assistance to citizens in creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual respect, a favorable microclimate in the family, overcoming conflicts and other violations of marital and family relations;

c) medical care and treatment, medical rehabilitation and organization of consultations with medical specialists, promoting the prolongation of an active lifestyle, as well as hospitalization of those in need in medical institutions of health authorities.

17. The structural units of the social rehabilitation center for minors include:

a) department of social services at home, department of urgent social services, social canteen;

b) organizational and methodological department, department of psychological and pedagogical assistance to citizens;

c) department of social maladjustment; department for the implementation of social rehabilitation programs; day care department; inpatient department.

18. The main goal of the center for helping children without parental care:

a) development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, improvement of social living conditions, indicators of social well-being and health improvement of families and children;

b) providing temporary support for orphans and children left without parental care under the age of 16, and providing comprehensive assistance to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in their further placement;

c) permanent residence of elderly and disabled people in need of care, household and medical services.

19. Functions of a social shelter for children and adolescents:

a) provision of temporary accommodation for children and adolescents in normal living conditions; providing adolescents with the opportunity to attend educational institutions during their stay in the shelter; provision of psychological and psychocorrectional assistance;

b) provision of a temporary place of stay or overnight accommodation; providing assistance in the implementation of measures for the social adaptation of persons who have lost socially useful connections to living conditions in society;

c) providing permanent residence to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care.

a) citizens without a fixed place of residence and occupation;

b) teenage children from 4 to 18 years old, who voluntarily applied, were abandoned, got lost, whose identity has not been established; children who have lost family, kinship and other social ties; children who refused to live in a boarding school; children left without care and means of subsistence; children subjected to any form of physical or mental violence;

c) disabled people, parents, guardians and trustees of disabled people, as well as citizens actively working in the Company who have reached 16 years of age.

21. The main tasks of social assistance institutions for persons without a fixed place of residence are:

a) providing medical care, drawing up individual rehabilitation programs, providing material support and providing a place of temporary stay to persons who find themselves without a specific place of residence and occupation;

b) identifying the causes of social maladaptation of a minor; psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children aimed at adoption, establishing the forms and degrees of their social maladjustment; development of individual programs for social rehabilitation of adolescents;

c) providing a temporary place of stay or overnight accommodation to persons who find themselves without a specific place of residence and occupation, primarily to elderly people and disabled people; providing assistance in the implementation of measures for the social adaptation of persons who have lost socially useful connections (primarily persons released from prison) to living conditions in society.

22. Functions of the Night Stay House:

a) providing a temporary place of stay or overnight accommodation to persons who find themselves without a specific place of residence and occupation, primarily to elderly people and disabled people;

b) development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, improvement of social living conditions, indicators of social well-being and family health;

c) provision of a free bed with bedding for an overnight stay for 12 hours; providing a voucher for one free meal; advisory assistance in matters of household and employment placement, placement in inpatient social service institutions; for those in need - first aid and sanitary treatment.

23. Objectives of a special boarding house for the elderly and disabled:

a) provision of a free bed with bedding for an overnight stay for 12 hours; providing a voucher for one free meal; advisory assistance in matters of household and employment placement, placement in inpatient social service institutions; for those in need - first aid and sanitary treatment;

b) implementation of measures for social and labor rehabilitation of residents in order to restore or compensate for lost or impaired abilities for everyday, social and professional activities, and their integration into society; organizing care and supervision of residents, their leisure time, providing them with medical care, carrying out therapeutic and health-improving and preventive measures;

c) identifying the causes of social maladaptation of a minor; psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children aimed at adoption, establishing the forms and degrees of their social maladjustment; development of individual programs for social rehabilitation of adolescents.

24. The purpose of creating a special boarding house is:

a) providing permanent residence to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care;

b) providing a temporary place of stay or overnight accommodation to persons who find themselves without a specific place of residence and occupation, primarily to the elderly and disabled;

c) ensuring the psychological security of the population, supporting and strengthening their mental health, creating favorable psychological, social and socio-pedagogical conditions for family education of children and their socialization.

25. The main goals of the All-Russian Societies for Working with Disabled People are:

a) development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, improvement of social living conditions, indicators of social well-being and family health;

b) protection of rights and interests, social rehabilitation and integration, inclusion in work, education, culture and sports, development of social activity of visually impaired people, assistance in meeting their material and everyday needs;

c) ensuring the psychological security of the population, supporting and strengthening their mental health, creating favorable psychological, social and socio-pedagogical conditions for family education of children and their socialization.

26. The following citizens can be members of the All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons:

a) disabled people, parents, guardians and trustees of disabled people, as well as citizens actively working in the Company, over 16 years of age, living in the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) teenage children from 4 to 18 years old, who voluntarily applied, were abandoned, got lost, whose identity has not been established; children who have lost family, kinship and other social ties; children who refused to live in a boarding school; children left without care and means of subsistence; children subjected to any form of physical or mental violence;

c) citizens without a fixed place of residence and occupation.

27. Social services are provided on the basis of:

a) complaints;

b) appeals;

c) all answers are correct.

28. Social services are provided by social services:

a) free of charge;

b) for a fee;

c) all answers are correct.

29. Functions of the bodies of the social protection system at the regional level:

a) organization of pension services and provision of benefits, social services, medical and social examination, provision of prosthetic and orthopedic care, etc.;

b) provision by social service institutions during the daytime of social, social, medical and other services to citizens who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement and find themselves in difficult life situations;

c) ensuring and solving production and economic problems, planning and financial and economic activities, creating various social assistance funds, solving economic problems.

30. Functions of the bodies of the social protection system at the federal level:

a) organization of pension services and provision of benefits, social services, medical and social examination, provision of prosthetic and orthopedic care, etc.;

b) ensuring and solving production and economic problems, planning and financial and economic activities, creating various social assistance funds, solving economic problems;

c) provision by social service institutions during the daytime of social, social, medical and other services to citizens who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement and find themselves in difficult life situations.

Test tasks in the discipline “Employment and its regulation”

Option 1

1. Unsuitable work is:

b) the expected earnings for this job are below the average earnings of a citizen;

c) does not correspond to the wishes of the citizen;

2. Citizens are considered employed:

a) unemployed students - correspondence students;

c) job seekers;

3. The following cannot be recognized as unemployed:

a) disabled people of group 3;

b) under 18 years of age;

c) old-age pensioners;

4. The decision to recognize a citizen as unemployed is made by the employment service no later than:

b) 11 days;

d) 28 days.

5. Can a citizen be offered the same job?

c) at the discretion of the employment service;

d) at the request of a citizen.

c) only for long-term unemployed;

d) at the discretion of the citizen.

7. Does the legislation on employment in the Russian Federation apply to foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

c) only to the Near Abroad;

d) only to the Far Abroad.

8. What free services does the employment service provide to the unemployed:

a) patronage of the unemployed;

b) medical assistance;

c) vocational guidance, vocational training and retraining in the direction of the employment service;

a) refugees;

b) internally displaced persons;

c) wives (husbands) of military personnel;

d) single mothers.

10. Unemployment is considered stagnant if it lasts:

a) 3 - 6 months;

b) 6 - 12 months;

c) 12 - 18 months;

d) more than 18 months.

11. Share of officially registered unemployed in the total workforce:

a) part of unemployment;

b) unemployment rate;

c) duration of unemployment;

d) degree of unemployment.

12. For what period is the administration of an enterprise (more than 500 employees) obliged to notify trade union bodies about the upcoming mass layoff of workers:

a) within 1 month;

b) within 3 months;

c) within 6 months;

d) within 12 months.

a) budget fund;

b) extra-budgetary fund;

c) target budget fund;

d) a charitable foundation.

14. Which organizations have the right to manage employment funds?

b) employment service;

c) people's court;

d) public organizations.

15. A job is considered suitable if:

a) corresponds to the desires and intentions of the employee;

b) is within transport accessibility of the workplace;

c) wages are above the subsistence level;

d) does not correspond to the specialty received.

16. Unemployment that arises from excessive employment in certain industries is called:

a) fluid;

b) hidden,

c) stagnant;

d) cyclical.

17. Unemployment associated with economic restructuring due to scientific and technological development is called:

a) friction;

b) structural;

c) cyclical;

d) stagnant.

18. You can register with the Employment Center at the age of:

19. Reason for unemployment:

a) lack of jobs;

b) low wages for workers;

c) harmful, dangerous working conditions;

d) excess unemployed labor.

20. Is the period for which the payment of unemployment benefits is suspended counted towards the total length of service:

c) at the discretion of the Employment Center;

d) at the request of a citizen.

21. Is unemployment benefits paid during maternity leave:

c) only in the first 3 months;

d) within 6 months.

22. For the first three months, unemployment benefits are calculated in the amount of:

d) 25% of average monthly earnings at the last place of work.

23. Can unemployment benefits be calculated in an amount below the minimum wage:

c) in exceptional cases;

24. In what year was the Federal Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation” adopted?

a) in 1991;

b) in 2000:

c) in 2002;

d) in 2003.

25. The income of the employment fund is generated by:

a) funds remaining from unemployment benefits;

b) voluntary contributions from enterprises and citizens;

c) income from the entrepreneurial activities of the fund;

d) sponsorship.

26. A citizen is considered unemployed:

a) old age pensioner;

b) registered with the employment service;

c) unregistered with the employment service;

d) a citizen undergoing military service.

27. Employment fund funds not used in the reporting year:

a) move to the next financial year;

b) subject to seizure;

c) are destroyed;

d) distributed among the fund's employees.

28. The state guarantees citizens of the Russian Federation:

a) freedom to choose the type of activity;

b) high wages;

c) busy at any time of the day;

d) career growth.

29. The following categories of citizens may be recognized as unemployed:

a) disabled people of group 3;

c) old age pensioners;

d) those sentenced to imprisonment.

a) disabled people;

b) pensioners;

d) youth.

Option 2

1. Vocational training and advanced training of the unemployed is carried out in the following cases:

a) the citizen has lost the ability to perform work according to his previous qualifications;

b) the citizen twice refused a suitable job offered to him;

d) at the discretion of the Employment Center.

2. Can there be a labor market if the entire working-age population is employed?

c) partially;

d) depending on the state’s employment policy.

3. Unemployment associated with economic ups and downs is called:

a) friction;

b) cyclical;

c) chronic;

d) seasonal.

4. The economically inactive population is:

d) persons under 18 years of age.

5. Persons who independently carry out income-generating activities without using hired workers are called:

b) employers;

c) hired workers;

d) private entrepreneurs.

6. Work at the enterprise in the division of which the employee’s work book is located is called:

a) additional work;

b) main job;

c) main job;

d) significant work.

7. The qualitative composition of the unemployed is characterized by:

a) distribution of employees by spheres and sectors of the economy;

b) the duration of the period of unemployment;

c) the amount of unemployment benefits;

d) the level of education of unemployed citizens.

8. Part-time visible employment is determined by the number of wage earners forced to work:

a) less than the working hours established by law;

b) more than the working hours established by law;

c) either full-time or part-time;

d) with non-compliance with safety regulations.

9. Are the procedure and conditions for concluding an employment contract regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

c) partially;

d) at the discretion of the employer.

10. Unsuitable work is:

a) work related to a change of residence with the consent of the citizen;

b) the expected earnings are below the average earnings of a citizen;

c) does not correspond to the wishes of the citizen;

d) contradicts the citizen’s religion.

11. The labor exchange deals with:

a) social protection of the unemployed;

b) patronage of the unemployed at home;

c) provides medical assistance to the unemployed;

d) social services.

12. State employment policy is aimed at:

a) to ensure unequal opportunities for citizens by gender, age, social status;

b) to respect the voluntary nature of labor;

c) for payment of unemployment benefits;

13. Do persons released from institutions where they served their sentences need additional job security?

c) only those who want to work;

14. The time spent as unemployed is:

a) duration of unemployment;

b) period of unemployment;

c) problem period;

d) difficult period.

15. Do persons serving in the Armed Forces belong to the employed population?

c) only in the Air Force;

d) only in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

16. Maximum satisfaction of the needs of society with minimal labor costs is called:

a) effective employment:

b) ineffective employment;

c) satisfactory employment;

d) unsatisfactory employment.

17. What is the amount of unemployment benefits for persons registered with the employment service for 4-8 months?

a) 75% of the average monthly earnings at the last place of work;

b) 60% of the average monthly earnings at the last place of work;

c) 45% of average monthly earnings at the last place of work;

18. The legislation of the Russian Federation on employment consists of:

a) from the Federal Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation”;

b) from the Family Code;

c) from the Criminal Code;

d) from the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

19. Are citizens taking full-time courses at institutions of higher professional education considered unemployed?

c) part-time;

d) only in the 1st year of study.

20. Do minors aged 14 to 18 years have the right to free consultation with the employment service?

c) only from 14 to 16 years old;

d) only up to 14 years of age.

21. Do trade unions have the right to participate in the development of state policy in the field of promoting employment?

c) at will;

d) depending on the industry.

22. Which bodies provide information on the number and professional qualification structure of graduates in need of employment at the request of the employment service?

a) internal affairs bodies;

b) educational authorities;

c) social protection authorities;

d) health authorities.

23. What is the amount of unemployment benefits for persons registered with the employment service for 9 - 12 months?

a) 75% of the average monthly earnings at the last place of work;

b) 60% of the average monthly earnings at the last place of work;

c) 45% of average monthly earnings at the last place of work;

d) 30% of average monthly earnings at the last place of work.

24. Can the amount of unemployment benefits be higher than the subsistence minimum?

c) in exceptional cases;

d) at the discretion of the employment service.

25. Subjects of the labor market are:

a) employees;

b) university students;

c) pensioners;

d) volunteers.

26. One of the conditions for the specificity of labor as a product:

b) the labor of one person is the property of the whole society;

27. Persons of working age capable of physically and mentally participating in the labor process:

a) adult population;

b) active population;

c) working-age population;

d) capable population.

28. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the working age limits for women are:

a) 15-49 years old;

b) 16-50 years old;

c) 16-54 years old;

29. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the working age limits for men are:

a) 15-60 years;

b) 16-59 years old;

c) 16-55 years old;

30. Persons of working age participating in social production:

c) unemployed;

d) unoccupied.

Option 3

1. One of the conditions for the functioning of the labor market:

a) availability of material resources;

b) high degree of mobility of subjects;

c) the presence of a large number of employers;

d) the presence of higher education among citizens.

2. What is the name of the agreement between an employer and an employee that establishes the rights and obligations of both parties?

a) employment agreement;

b) employment contract;

c) contract;

d) oral agreement.

3. Name the main document that specifies the rights and responsibilities of the employee:

a) Federal Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation”;

b) Constitution of the Russian Federation;

c) Labor Code;

d) Criminal Code.

4. Jobs are market objects:

b) jobs;

c) goods;

5. Labor supply is formed by:

a) unemployed citizens who are looking for a job;

b) workers of industrial enterprises;

c) employers;

d) graduates of educational institutions.

6. Labor market policy objectives:

a) assistance to job seekers; :

b) financial assistance;

c) provision of medical and psychological assistance to the unemployed;

d) providing jobs to all citizens.

7. One of the main tasks of the Employment Center is:

a) collection and dissemination of information about supply and demand in the local labor market;

b) assistance in writing projects;

c) patronage of the unemployed at home;

d) social services.

8. Services related to promoting the employment of citizens are provided by employment service bodies:

a) with 100% payment for services;

b) with payment for services 50%;

c) free;

d) with payment for services depending on the financial situation of citizens.

9. In order to stabilize the employment situation, the state adopted the following law:

a) “Employment in Russia”;

b) “On employment in the Russian Federation”;

c) “On employment policy”;

d) “On ensuring employment.”

10. Public labor activity, which has a socially useful orientation and is organized as additional social support for citizens looking for work, is:

a) temporary work;

b) public works;

c) forced work;

d) seasonal work.

11. Subjects of the labor market are:

a) hired workers:

b) university students;

c) pensioners;

d) persons under 18 years of age.

12. One of the conditions for the specificity of labor as a product:

a) fictitious goods, not originally intended for sale;

b) the labor of one person is the property of the whole society;

c) labor is not sold for money;

d) labor is sold for a lot of money.

13. Are citizens taking full-time courses at institutions of higher professional education considered unemployed?

c) part-time;

d) at the discretion of the employment service.

14. Do minors aged 14 to 18 years have free consultation with the employment service?

c) only from 14 to 16 years old;

d) only up to 14 years of age.

15. The economically inactive population is:

a) persons receiving old-age or disability pensions;

b) persons searching for work;

c) persons ready to start work;

d) persons under 18 years of age.

16. Persons who independently carry out income-generating activities without using hired workers are called:

a) persons working on an individual basis;

b) employers;

c) hired workers;

d) private entrepreneurs.

17. Vocational training and advanced training of the unemployed is carried out in the following cases:

a) the citizen has lost the ability to perform work according to his previous qualifications;

b) the citizen twice refused the suitable one offered to him;

c) assigning an old-age pension to an unemployed person;

d) at the discretion of the Employment Center.

18. The following categories of citizens cannot be recognized as unemployed:

a) disabled people of group 3;

b) under 16 years of age;

c) under 18 years of age;

d) graduates of vocational schools.

a) disabled people;

b) pensioners;

c) refugees, internally displaced persons;

d) youth.

20. For the first three months, unemployment benefits are calculated in the amount of:

a) 75% of average monthly earnings at the last place of work;

b) 60% of the average monthly earnings at the last place of work;

c) 45% of average monthly earnings at the last place of work;

d) 30% of average monthly earnings at the last place of work.

21. Can unemployment benefits be calculated at an amount below the minimum wage?

c) in exceptional cases;

d) at the discretion of the Employment Center.

22. Unemployment associated with economic restructuring due to scientific and technological development is called:

a) friction;

b) structural;

c) cyclical;

d) stagnant.

23. You can register with the Employment Center at the age of:

24. The State Employment Fund is:

a) budget fund;

b) extra-budgetary fund;

c) target budget fund;

d) a charitable foundation.

25. Which organizations have the right to manage the funds of the employment fund?

a) social protection institutions;

b) employment service;

c) people's court;

d) public organizations.

26. Citizens are considered employed:

a) job seekers;

b) temporarily absent due to disability or vacation;

c) unemployed part-time students;

d) those on old age pension.

27. The following cannot be recognized as unemployed:

a) disabled people of group 3;

b) under 18 years of age;

c) old-age pensioners;

d) graduates of vocational schools.

28. The decision to recognize a citizen as unemployed is made by the employment service no later than:

b) 11 days;

c) 13 days;

d) 28 days.

29. The consequences of unemployment can be called:

a) a decrease in the standard of living of the unemployed family;

b) improving the quality of life of the unemployed;

c) improving the psychological state of the citizen;

d) improvement of financial situation.

30. Unemployment associated with unequal volumes of production performed by certain industries in different periods of time is called:

a) hidden

b) seasonal;

c) summer;

d) structural.

Option 4

1. Citizens who are denied recognition as unemployed in the prescribed manner have the right to re-apply to employment authorities:

a) after 1 month from the date of refusal to resolve the issue of recognizing them as unemployed;

b) after 3 months from the date of refusal to resolve the issue of recognizing them as unemployed;

c) after 6 months from the date of refusal to resolve the issue of recognizing them as unemployed;

d) after 9 months from the date of refusal to resolve the issue of recognizing them as unemployed.

a) it is associated with a change of residence without the consent of the citizen;

b) working conditions comply with labor protection rules and regulations;

c) the citizen does not agree to work at this enterprise;

d) contradicts the citizen’s religion.

3. State policy in the field of promoting employment is aimed at:

a) for the development of material resources;

b) to ensure unequal opportunities for all citizens of the Russian Federation;

c) to create conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people;

d) to provide jobs.

4. Citizens have the right:

a) for home care;

b) for free consultation and free information from the employment service;

c) to obtain higher education in the direction of the employment service;

d) for free medical care.

5. Paid work is considered suitable for citizens:

a) first-time job seekers;

b) who agreed to improve their qualifications in their existing profession;

c) registered with the employment service for more than 12 months;

d) those on old age pension.

6. The state guarantees unemployed citizens:

a) vocational guidance, vocational training, retraining and advanced training as directed by the employment service;

b) mandatory provision of a place of work in the citizen’s specialty;

c) ensuring social patronage;

d) social services.

7.Vocational training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens can be carried out at the direction of the employment service authorities if:

a) it is possible to find a suitable job due to the citizen’s lack of the necessary professional qualifications;

b) the citizen has lost the ability to perform work in his previous profession;

c) the citizen is the sole breadwinner in the family;

d) the citizen wants this.

8. The following have the right to priority training, advanced training and retraining:

a) working disabled people:

b) wives (husbands) of military personnel and citizens discharged from military service;

c) citizens with a profession;

d) youth.

9. The state guarantees the unemployed:

a) payment of unemployment benefits, including during the period of temporary working ability of the unemployed;

b) provision of social subsidies;

c) the possibility of free movement throughout the country;

d) providing a place of work.

10. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the working age limits for men are:

a) 15-60 years;

b) 16-59 years old;

c) 16-55 years old;

d) 18-50 years old.

11. Persons of working age participating in social production:

a) economically active population;

b) economically passive population;

c) unemployed;

d) unoccupied.

12. You can register with the Employment Center at the age of:

13. The State Employment Fund is:

a) budget fund;

b) extra-budgetary fund;

c) target budget fund;

d) a charitable foundation.

14. For the first three months, unemployment benefits are calculated in rubles.

a) 75% of the average monthly earnings at the last place of work;

b) 60% of average monthly earnings at the last place of work;

c) 45% of the monthly average

Social service -

a system of special measures, as well as state and non-state organizational structures implementing them, to provide the population with social services and assistance that allow a citizen (family) to overcome a difficult life situation, encouraging him to actively self-help, and thereby contribute to the establishment and maintenance of social harmony in society.

A structure created to provide professional assistance to people in the field of social relations.

Enterprises and institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, providing social services, as well as citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in providing social services to the population without forming a legal entity.

A social service institution is a government agency or public formation, which, as a rule, has the attribute of a legal entity and directly provides the population with social services that would not only compensate for the loss from life’s troubles and disasters, but also allow them to overcome a crisis life situation.

In Belarus, the process of developing a network of social services, socio-educational services and centers begins in the second half of the 90s of the twentieth century.

Social service institutions are differentiated depending on:

object: social services for youth, social services for refugees, social services for family assistance, etc. The object is specified in the statutory documents of the social service.

areas of activity: social and domestic assistance services; psychological and pedagogical assistance services; rehabilitation services; family leisure services.

Objects of social service are also subjects, which emphasizes the importance of identifying the internal reserves of people in need and developing their self-help skills.

* social service specialist – a person who directly provides services to clients of a social service institution and is on the staff of such an institution.

* social service subjects. There are two groups of social service subjects:

Group 1: entities providing services: social service institutions, social workers working in them; state and public-public bodies and officials authorized to carry out management functions in social service affairs

Group 2: subjects consuming services. They can be not only citizens of the Republic of Belarus, but also foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons whose difficult life situation is connected with their stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Basic documents on the basis of which the activity is carried out

social service is a provision that reflects the following points: goals and objectives of the service; service objects, its functions; conditions for the organization and operation of the service; principles of operation of the service; structure; main directions and content of activities; competence and rights of service; control; financing; conditions for liquidation or reorganization of the service.

The purpose of the service is to assist and provide such services to those in need that allow them to establish (or restore) lost social connections, acquire or restore peace of mind in the surrounding natural and socio-cultural environment.

Social services organize their activities in two areas:

social protection;

social assistance and provision of social services.

This goal determines what government mechanisms should be used in the functioning of social services. Such mechanisms include:

ensure that citizens in need have access to services provided by institutions and social service workers;

to promote the development of initiatives of local authorities and management in solving social problems in the territory under their jurisdiction;

contribute to the expansion of public organizations and the public in solving the problems of social work;

ensure interaction between various social service institutions providing services and assistance to the population.

To formalize the legal framework for the activities of social services, as well as to attract financial resources to provide a system of social services.

Create a legal framework for coordinating the activities of government agencies and the public on social service matters.

At the present stage, the socio-economic and political situation in Russia is unstable, which is causing an increase in the number of citizens in need of government support. These issues are addressed by social services. The operating principles of this system meet the latest standards for organizing various forms of assistance and were formulated taking into account the specifics of emerging

Factors in the development of the social services sector

The concept and services have repeatedly changed and transformed, as various approaches to addressing these issues have emerged. With the development of statehood and civil society, they have become significantly more complex and expanded. However, the principles of this work as an activity took shape in the century before last, so relatively recently the organization of assistance to people in need has acquired such a form as social services. The principles were formed under the influence of philosophical, sociological, economic paradigms of social work. At the present stage, their content also meets legal requirements.

A new stage in the development of the Russian social assistance system began after the events of 1991.

Social services: definition and legislative framework

The domestic sphere of state assistance to the population in need is being reformed and improved everywhere. The concept and services not only largely characterize the rule-making activities of the state, but also reflect the directions of social policy in relation to vulnerable segments of society.

Clients of social services are citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations. This term refers to a situation (illness, disability, single motherhood, unemployment, old age, etc.) that has objectively disrupted the life of a citizen, which cannot be overcome by him alone.

The concept and principles of social services to the population determine the specifics of the organization. At the end of 2013, a new law “On the fundamentals of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation” was adopted, which determined the economic, social and legal grounds and procedure for organizing this type of activity. In addition, powers were again established that fall within the competence of state authorities and regional government structures in the field of work to serve citizens and provide them with qualified social assistance. At the same time, the rights and obligations of recipients of social services were approved. These included both persons with Russian citizenship and foreigners, and those without this status, but permanently residing in the country, for example refugees. That is, the recipient of services can be any citizen legally recognized as needing social assistance.

New legislation established the concept, principles, and forms of social services. It represents targeted activities to provide a whole range of social services to various categories of citizens in need. A social service is understood as an action or actions provided on an ongoing, periodic, one-time basis to improve living conditions or increase opportunities to independently solve life’s difficulties.

Of course, social services have a completely different meaning in other countries. The principles and forms of working with the population in our country and abroad are determined by the territorial, economic, cultural and other characteristics of a particular state or region.

Structure of social service bodies

Today in Russia a multi-level system has been developed, consisting of forms and technologies of work, institutions, and organizations providing social services. The principles must be adhered to by every supplier unquestioningly and regardless of affiliation with a particular department.

The state social service system is complex and includes:

  • the federal level, whose task is to develop and implement state policy provisions and legal regulation in the field of social services;
  • a regional government body that is authorized to implement state guarantees of social assistance adopted by law;
  • directly organizations and social service institutions under the jurisdiction of federal, regional and local executive authorities;
  • non-profit and commercial (non-state) organizations that have the right (permission) to provide social services to citizens in need;
  • individual entrepreneurs specializing in social services.

The law also defines the subjects (providers) and objects (recipients) participating in the process and having a legal right to accessible social services. The principles and procedure for organizing the work of public institutions are developed taking into account the regional characteristics of the constituent entity of Russia. Clients of social services most often are disabled people, pensioners, single-parent and large families, military personnel, and the unemployed.

Changes taking place at the state level have a direct impact on social services for the population. Principles, types, functions must demonstrate effectiveness in emergency situations and multitasking conditions.

Main functions of the system

Researchers of the fundamentals of social work have identified two main groups of functions that relate to social services:

1) essence-activity preventive, adaptation, social rehabilitation, security and protective);

2) moral-humanistic (personal and social-humanistic).

They manifest themselves at the macro and micro levels of social services. The optimal operation of elements and subsystems of social services is directly related to their practical implementation.

It is necessary to take into account that the functions and principles of social services apply not only to one recipient, but also to a group of people united by a common problem. That is, this activity is carried out both at the individual and group levels.

Principles for the provision of social services

The principles of social services for the population are characterized as comprehensive, integrated, acting in the interests of recipients of services. The basis of work with citizens from vulnerable segments of the population is the provision of respect for the rights and freedoms of each person, respect for him as an individual, it does not allow insults to the dignity and honor of a person, and pursues a humane attitude towards clients.

The fundamental principles for the provision of social services are:

  • Free and equal access for citizens of any age, gender, language, religion, nationality, beliefs, place of residence, membership in public associations permitted in the state. It follows from this that the principles of social services guarantee those in need the same opportunities to receive the necessary services.
  • Targeted provision of all types of social assistance, that is, a range of social services should be carried out taking into account the needs of a specific client and his internal resources.
  • Providers of social services should be close to the territory of the place of residence of their recipient, the required number of providers to ensure customer satisfaction, as well as the optimal number of personnel, financial, information and other capabilities of social service agencies.
  • Maximum preservation of the client’s usual favorable environment;
  • Voluntary start.
  • Confidentiality of work: the social service provider undertakes to store and not disclose personal data, personal information and other information about the client. In addition, it is not permitted to disclose confidential, proprietary information. Violation of this principle entails bringing the perpetrator to justice under Russian law. Only after receiving the written consent of the recipient (legal representative) of social services is it possible to transfer or copy information by other persons in the interests of the recipient. However, there are legal grounds that allow you to violate the principle of confidentiality and request information: a request from court, investigative, inquiry and other authorities in connection with judicial proceedings and other procedures, when processing on the public services portal or other portals in accordance with the law.

When organizing work with a client, all principles of social services to the population must be used. Thus, it would be appropriate to argue about an integrated approach to organizing assistance activities.

It should be noted that the principles of social services for citizens are taken into account when developing state standards and administrative regulations for the provision of services to those in need at all levels: from the federal department to the local institution.

Guaranteed rights for recipients of social services

The principles of social service law reflect the level of humanity of the state and society in relation to citizens in need.

Clients of social services have the right to:

  • respect and humane treatment;
  • obtaining, on a free and accessible basis, information about one’s own rights and obligations, types, terms, procedure, conditions, tariffs for providing services in an institution, in addition, the client can always obtain information about the service provider and the possibility of receiving assistance for free;
  • citizens have the right to independently and voluntarily choose an institution where they can receive the necessary service;
  • to refuse the service;
  • guarantee of protection of legal rights and interests;
  • ensuring social and hygienic requirements for conditions of stay and proper care in social service institutions;
  • free visits to the recipient by legal representatives, notaries, lawyers and other persons during the evening and daytime;
  • right of social support.

These rights cannot be violated by the client, otherwise the consumer has legal grounds to seek clarification from higher authorities or send a statement of claim to the court.

Recipients' responsibilities

The regulatory documents also spell out the responsibilities of each client, that is, any recipient of a social service must:

  • provide documents and information necessary for the provision of social services;
  • promptly inform the provider about changes in personal data or circumstances affecting the process of providing assistance;
  • not violate the terms of the contract for the provision of services, which include timely and full payment, if any;
  • do not violate generally accepted rules and norms of behavior in society, discipline in the institution.

Due to a violation of one or more rules, the social service has the right to temporarily suspend work with the client or completely refuse the requested service.

It also provides for the rights and obligations of suppliers. Each of them is obliged to fully provide the set of requested services, carry out this work in a timely manner, in accordance with the law and existing regulations.

Conditions for providing social assistance

Legislated principles of social services influence the provision of all types of assistance. The basis is a personal statement from the client (legal representative) submitted to the institution, or an appeal to state and local authorities, as part of the organization of interdepartmental interaction.

Social services can be provided free of charge to persons affected by man-made, natural disasters and other emergency situations, interethnic and armed clashes, as well as children under 18 years of age.

The application is considered within the time limits established by the regulations, after which the institution carries out the procedure for recognizing the applicant as needing social assistance. If the supplier refuses to provide the required service to the client, the latter has the right to appeal the decision in court.

The basic principles of social services also serve as a criterion for assessing the effectiveness of service providers. If they are followed, it means that the solution to customer problems is at a high level.

Financing of social services

Sources of financing the social service system include budget funds (federal, regional, local levels of government); voluntary donations or charitable contributions; payment by citizens for social services provided to them; funds from business activities or other sources that are not prohibited by law.

Forms and types of social services

In fact, social services are an indispensable part of the social sphere. The concept, principles, types make up its content.

The main forms of provision of social services are:

  • home service;
  • semi-stationary service, that is, services are provided only at certain times of the day;
  • inpatient services, namely: client services are provided permanently or temporarily, five days a week, in conditions of permanent residence in an institution.

However, not only the principles were legitimized in the normative document. Types of social services imply a wide range of activities designed to solve a range of consumer problems.

Social protection institutions provide clients with the following types of services:

  • social and domestic, providing assistance in the everyday life of the client in the process of life;
  • social and medical, which are aimed at maintaining and preserving the health of the recipient of the service by organizing proper care for him, providing support for health activities, organizing monitoring of health and general well-being to prevent the occurrence of deviations;
  • socio-psychological services provide correctional assistance in the process of adaptation to new social conditions, as well as the provision of emergency assistance in difficult life situations via a helpline;
  • socio-pedagogical, the purpose of which is to prevent deviations in personal development, reinforce positive interests, teach the correct forms of organizing leisure activities; assistance to any family in raising children;
  • social and labor are designed to assist in the client’s employment and help him cope with the problems that arose at the stage of adaptation to the workplace;
  • socio-legal provide for the provision of legal assistance, protection of the rights and interests of the recipient;
  • services aimed at improving the communication skills of a client with disabilities;
  • various types of urgent social services: provision of food packages or hot meals; clothes and shoes; basic necessities; assistance in finding temporary housing; provision of emergency psychological assistance; issuance of one-time financial assistance; providing legal advice and other services.

Citizens in need, if necessary, can be provided with assistance that is not related to social services, otherwise - social support.

The degree of complexity, duration of service provision, level of adequacy and compliance with requirements are the basis of the criteria for the effectiveness of social services in relation to various categories of citizens. Compliance with legislative norms, codes of ethics and local regulations will make social services high-quality, the result of their action will be effective, which together will help reduce social tension in society.


1.2 Types of social services




Social assistance to those in need in Russia has a long tradition. Buyanova M.O. noted: “Social services are historically inherent in our country, starting from the very first years of the formation of the state. The functions of social assistance were entrusted to the care and supervision of the clergy in the person of the Patriarch and the church structures subordinate to him.” Such activities were carried out primarily by churches and monasteries.

Of course, at the dawn of social assistance in Russia, there was no such thing as “social service”, and “social assistance” too.

However, the state and society tried to form some kind of support system for the sick, poor, etc. On the part of society, this was expressed in the form of personal religious charity - alms. It must be said that the participation of the state in the development of the social sphere is extremely necessary to this day; without it it is difficult to imagine an effectively functioning system of social assistance and social services in particular.

The purpose of the work is to consider the concept and types of social services

To achieve this goal, the following are highlighted: tasks:

)Expanding the concept of social service

2)Familiarization with the types of social services

)Consideration of the functions and principles of social services

)Studying the characteristics of types of social services, the procedure and conditions for the provision of social services

An objectcourse work - the essence and role of the main types of social services, their significance in the field of social services.

Subjectof this study are types of social services.

Chapter 1. Social services

1.1 Concept of social service

In the scientific literature, the concept of “social services” is used relatively rarely. According to a number of scientists, social service in modern conditions acts as one of the areas of social work and the organizational form of this type of social activity, which is considered as a system of certain methods of social humanistic activity aimed at adaptation, social rehabilitation of an individual, family or human society .

In the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation”, Article 1 gives the following definition of the concept “ social services": this is "the activity of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-legal services and material assistance, carrying out social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations."

It should be noted that some authors, characterizing the concept of “social service”, tend to define it as support for disabled citizens (pensioners, disabled people) in case of need. This is an insufficiently complete definition of the concept under consideration, first of all, on a subjective basis. After all, modern legislation has significantly expanded the circle of persons entitled to social services.

The same authors as Tuchkova E.G. and Zakharov M.L. rightly believe that social services cannot be reduced only to the provision of social services to the elderly and disabled, since this concept covers a wide range of people (including children). Social services cover almost all categories of society and represent an area of ​​activity for socio-economic support for children, youth, families with children, temporarily disabled people, citizens who have lost their breadwinner, disabled people, people of retirement age and the elderly, low-income citizens, as well as people in critical life situations (migrants, refugees, etc.), etc.

Social service is an institution of social security law. “Regulation in the field of social services is considered as one of the areas of state activity for social protection of the population.” According to this statement, regulation of social processes is the prerogative of the state and this is fair.

But we must not forget that in Russia, in addition to the state social service system, a non-state system is developing, which, through its activities, is designed to complement the work of public services, and therefore help improve the volume and quality of services to the population. It is also appropriate to say that the main task of the state, since it has a regulatory function, is to promote the development of the social service system in two directions: state and non-state. At the same time, the role of the latter should not be neglected.

In the domestic literature, attempts have been made to generalize modern experience and, on this basis, to concretize the essence of social services for various categories of the population - an integral part of modern social policy, a fundamentally new direction in social protection of the population."

As indicated in the concept of development of social services for the population in the Russian Federation, the practical formation of this industry, understood as a set of social services and support for the population with means of subsistence, makes it possible to bring Russia closer to the pan-European understanding of the social management system, which is built on the principles of a market-organized economy and meets the requirements of creating humane and legal society.

Currently, the development of the social service system for the population is at the stage of creating a network of institutions and developing social service technologies, taking into account the specifics of various regions of the Russian Federation. In this case, it becomes important to define a clear structure of programs and principles of management, as well as the ability for autonomy and self-restraint, both from an economic and sociological point of view. To form an effective system of social services, it is also necessary to create your own tools for understanding the surrounding reality and the person in need of social services. At the present stage, a consistent process of modeling territorial (departmental) social services and technologies of their activities is being carried out.

The criterion for the effectiveness of social services should be the effectiveness of all types, forms and methods of social services for various categories of the population, the activities of social services, as well as the management and management of the entire process of social work with the population and individuals in need of social services.

Based on the concept of the systemic needs of socio-economic structures in society as applied to solving practical and organizational problems in the sphere of social services for the population, it is possible to identify the systemic functions and goals of this sphere. These are systemic functions of humanity, which include:

a) helping the poor, weak, sick and people in difficult life situations. If a person, as a result of illness or some circumstances, finds himself in a difficult situation, then the humane attitude of other members of society towards him is likely to save his life and restore his ability to work. In addition, the “social organism” (state, society, people, nation, ethnic group, etc.) may benefit from not only potentially strong and healthy people;

b) ensuring the maintenance of the production of so-called “energy surpluses” in the “social organism”. This function is due to the fact that the need for resources for the survival of the “social organism” can change dramatically, for example, during war or natural disasters.

The social service system for the population can act as a tool for correcting the work of self-organization and self-regulation mechanisms in society: one of the main tasks to satisfy the systemic need for adjusting the work of social mechanisms based on the principle of self-regulation and self-organization of “social organisms” is adjusting people’s behavior in accordance with their interests the “social organism” that includes them. The functions of solving these problems are borne by such institutions of society as the education and upbringing system, religion, family, etc. With the beginning of the formation and development of the social service system, correction of the work of social mechanisms of self-organization and self-regulation became one of its most important tasks.

The role of social services for the population as a stimulator of social development is becoming important. The work of the social service system for the population contributes to the growth of the “level of normal consumption.” This is due to the fact that a decrease in the level of consumption of socially disadvantaged groups of the population (as a result of illness, unemployment, etc.) ensures their adaptation to lower living standards. By supporting these groups of people, the social service system helps to satisfy the systemic need of “social organisms” to increase the “level of normal consumption” in society.

Thus, social services for the population are the most important link in social protection, a mechanism that makes it possible to practically solve complex issues of the life of society, families and individuals. Social services must be considered as a significant addition to the general system of material support for elderly and disabled citizens.

It is important to note that other types of social assistance, in addition to social services, are provided mainly in cash. The priority task of social services is to provide non-monetary assistance: home care, provision of temporary shelter, advisory assistance, rehabilitation services, etc. Such specific tasks demonstrate the highest degree of humanity and philanthropy in society, supported by state policy. The state does not seek to “buy off” with all kinds of cash payments, but applies various types of social assistance on the principle of expediency. In other words, there are situations when assistance “in kind” turns out to be the most necessary and effective. It is in this case that social services in all its forms become of great importance.

Candidate of Economic Sciences Valery Sharin in the article “Social Services: Vector of Development” talks about social services as one of the types of social support (household, medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, etc.) guaranteed by the state. The role of state guarantees is very important, especially during the country’s transition to market relations.

Abandonment of the guarantees established at the legislative level should not occur even in the light of the intensive development of non-state forms of social services, the predominance of which is advocated by many authors. The guarantees are: laws aimed at obtaining rights to social services; by-laws providing conditions, means, protection of such rights; the established practice of government bodies to ensure rights to social services and protect such rights.

Regarding the right to social services, it is necessary to say separately. This right is part of the legal status of any citizen. This right accompanies citizens throughout their lives. At the same time, the age, national, social and other characteristics of citizens do not matter - they all have the right to social services.

The status right to social services, enshrined in law, is usually realized if there is difficult life situation. This concept also needs to be characterized.

It is no secret that economic transformations in our country are accompanied by a fall in production volume in all (virtually) sectors of production, a fall in the purchasing power of the ruble (inflation), unemployment, impoverishment of a significant part of the population, a deterioration in the health of the population, an increase in mortality, etc. The above factors contribute to a large number of people getting into so-called difficult life situations. It should be noted that in addition to economic factors, there are natural reasons due to which people need social services: old age, childhood, orphanhood, temporary disability.

social service service institution

In the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 of the Russian Federation, this concept is defined as follows: it is “a situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen (disability, inability to self-care due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, poverty, unemployment, lack of a specific place of residence, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness and the like) that he cannot overcome on his own."

Thus, it is obvious that the concept of a difficult life situation implies that citizens have a certain degree of helplessness. Classifying citizens as having found themselves in a difficult life situation is not always a simple process, because... this condition is not stable and clearly defined in all cases. In case of illness or disability, a similar function is performed by medical institutions, medical and social examination institutions; unemployment - employment service authorities; orphanhood, neglect - guardianship and trusteeship authorities, etc. In these and other cases, social protection authorities should take an active part in the fate of citizens.

Tens of millions of people - adults and children - periodically find themselves in difficult life situations, or for a long time, which, in the absence of a state mechanism capable of helping them solve the problems that have arisen, has an extremely negative impact on the psychological microclimate, gives rise to a feeling of insecurity among the population and confidence in the indifference of the state to the problems of its citizens. Therefore, as noted above, the participation of the state in the development of the social sphere is extremely necessary to this day; without it it is difficult to imagine an effectively functioning system of social assistance and social services in particular.

1.2 Types of social services

Social services are provided through the social services system.

The concept of “social service” refers to the basic concepts in social services to the population and is defined as a system of state and non-state structures that carry out social work and include special institutions for the provision of social services and their management bodies.

Social service as an instrument of social work organizes its activities in two directions: social protection and social assistance. The implementation of activities is based on the following approaches:

assistance must be reintegrative in nature;

when providing assistance, they take an individual approach to the client’s request;

social assistance is provided on the basis of the principle of subsidiarity;

the recipient of assistance must be proactive;

social assistance mechanisms are “turned on” when other means of support have been exhausted (psychological, moral, contractual, legislative).

The social service system includes state, municipal and non-state services.

The state social service includes institutions and enterprises of social services, executive authorities of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, whose competence includes the organization and implementation of social services.

The municipal social service includes institutions and enterprises of social services, local self-service bodies, whose competence includes the organization and implementation of social services.

Non-state social service includes institutions and social service enterprises created by charitable, public, religious and other non-governmental organizations and individuals.

1.3 Social service functions

State social services are focused mainly on providing people in need with various types of services. This determines the totality and content of its functions, among which, according to the Concept for the Development of Social Services for the Population of the Russian Federation (1993), the following are distinguished:

Client assistance system in the social service system

a) social assistance function, which includes:

poverty prevention: creating conditions for families to independently ensure their well-being and family entrepreneurship;

home-based services for those in need of outside care (delivery of groceries, medicines, transportation for treatment, home health monitoring, etc.);

promoting the development of non-traditional forms of preschool, school and out-of-school education;

organization of temporary forced stay of a child outside the parental family, his further placement in a child care institution, under guardianship (trusteeship), adoption;

b) consulting function, which includes:

consulting specialists (lawyers, sociologists, teachers, doctors, psychologists, etc.);

participation in preparing young people to choose a profession;

preparing boys and girls for marriage and conscious parenthood;

parental medical and psychological comprehensive education;

c) the function of social correction and rehabilitation, which includes:

social medical and psychological rehabilitation of minors with deviant behavior, neglected children and adolescents, children without parental care;

medical and social rehabilitation and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities and families raising them;

d) the function of information of the population, studying and forecasting social needs, within which three areas are distinguished:

providing the client with the information necessary to resolve a difficult life situation;

dissemination of medical, psychological, pedagogical and other knowledge among the population;

studying by social work specialists, specially created institutions, as well as with the help of scientific organizations, the needs of their clients and social problems that give rise to crisis situations in the region, developing and implementing specific measures aimed at eliminating them;

e) function of participation in the implementation of emergency measures to overcome the consequences of natural disasters and social conflicts:

participation of social service specialists in the development of emergency programs;

formation of teams of social workers, etc., within the framework of rescue services organized at the central and other levels.

1.4 Principles of social services

Social services are based on the principles:

equal opportunities for citizens regardless of nationality, gender and age;



promoting social adaptation based on self-reliance;

targeting, priority of assistance to citizens who are in a dangerous or helpless state;

humanity, goodwill, confidentiality;


legality and taking into account international standards.

Social service is formed on the basis of legality, humanism, justice and democracy. At the same time, the general principles are common to the entire social service system, the widespread adherence to which makes this system holistic and consistent:

The principle of priority of state principles in the organization of social services and guaranteeing the rights of citizens to receive social services and assistance in difficult life situations means that the state ensures individual rights, sovereignty, honor and freedom, and protects it from various types of attacks. It provides the social service system with the necessary materials, finances, personnel resources, and determines the responsibilities of institutions, management bodies and social service workers.

The principle of relying on public participation means that the public component is a necessary link in the work of social services and their management. Moreover, in cases where social services require social professional training, public participation is possible only as assistance to the main subjects of this activity.

The principle of territoriality means that social services are as close as possible to the population and therefore are available for direct use to the maximum extent possible. This principle makes it possible to solve the problems of integrating departmental interests and capabilities for a comprehensive solution to the problems of social services, and to preserve the diversity of activities with common goals.

The principle of awareness means that institutions and management bodies of social services have the right to collect information, to receive, upon a reasoned request from state and public bodies, information that is necessary for their functions and assistance to clients.

The functions of managing issues of social services for the population in the subordinate territory are carried out by the social protection authorities. They build their activities in cooperation with health authorities, public education, culture, physical education and sports, law enforcement agencies, government services for youth and employment and other government bodies, as well as with public, religious, charitable organizations and foundations.

1.5 Social service institutions: their types and specifics of activity

The social service system includes a network of specialized institutions designed to serve relevant groups of the population.

An important place in this system belongs to territorial centers of social services for the population.

Territorial social service is a set of governing bodies and specialized institutions that provide direct social services to various groups and categories of the population on the territory of various administrative units of the Russian Federation: in regions, urban and rural areas, microdistricts, etc.

The functions of managing social services for the population in the subordinate territory are carried out by the social protection authorities. Local authorities (as well as non-state, public, private and other organizations with a license) create specialized social service institutions, the leading place among which is given to territorial social service centers. In accordance with the approximate Regulations on the Center for Social Services (Order of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia No. 137 of July 20, 1993), the Center for Social Services is an institution for social protection of the population that carries out organizational and practical activities in the territory of a city or district to provide various types of social assistance to elderly citizens, disabled people and population groups in need of social support. Social service centers may have in their structure various social service units, including day care departments for the elderly and disabled, social assistance at home, emergency social assistance services, as well as others created taking into account the need and available capabilities. Such centers provide comprehensive social assistance of various types: psychological, legal, rehabilitation, social-pedagogical, medical-social, preventive, etc.

The territorial service may also include functional specialized centers, institutions and social service enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership.

Figure 2 shows the main centers of social service regardless of the population and the relationship between state, non-state and municipal services.

Today one can observe how the network of social service institutions and enterprises is constantly developing, new types of them are emerging, which makes it possible to cover an increasingly wider range of social problems of various layers and groups of the population. The social service system is still in its formation stage.

Funding for social service institutions is carried out, as a rule, on a budgetary basis. Thus, the financial resources of the social service are formed from:

standard deductions from budgets of the corresponding level in the amount of at least 2% of the budget expenditures;

revenues from the fund for social support of the population by allocating part of the funds for the purpose of social support for families with children;

funds from the federal budget for the implementation of statutory tasks;

finances as a result of the redistribution of funds between committees and departments of services at various levels for the implementation of regional, city and district programs;

additional funds for regional and local budgets to provide targeted measures to adapt population incomes to the rising cost of living and more;

income from paid services and from the economic activities of service institutions;

charitable donations and contributions from enterprises, public organizations and individuals, proceeds from charitable events.

The funds of specialized centers are formed depending on the type of activity and the type of organization of their financing: budgetary, self-supporting or mixed. When the center organizes paid services to the population and receives profit, it is directed to the further development of the center’s core activities and is exempt from taxation in terms of funds credited to the local budget.

The main principle of organizing social services in the Russian Federation is the territorial principle. At the same time, social services of various ministries and departments are considered as integral components (or sectors) of territorial social services. Sometimes local social service institutions have dual administrative subordination and several sources of funding. At the same time, practice proves the need to establish a subsystem of social services within individual departments, for example, social protection of the population, education, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or employment services, youth.

Chapter 2. Types of social services

2.1 Characteristics of types of social services

The current legislation establishes the following types of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people:

Material assistance provided to citizens in difficult life situations in the form of cash, food, sanitation and hygiene products, child care products, clothing, shoes and other essential items, fuel, as well as special vehicles and technical equipment rehabilitation of disabled people and people in need of care.

Social services at home are carried out by providing social services to citizens in need of permanent or temporary non-stationary social services. Single citizens and citizens who have partially lost the ability to self-care due to old age, illness, or disability are provided with home assistance in the form of social, social, medical, and other services.

Social services in inpatient social service institutions are carried out by providing social services to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care, and ensure the creation of living conditions appropriate to their age and health status, carrying out medical, psychological, social activities, nutrition and care, as well as the organization of feasible work activities, rest and leisure. The procedure for the participation of elderly citizens and disabled people living in inpatient social service institutions in medical and labor activities was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 1995. No. 1285.

Providing temporary shelter in a specialized social service institution for orphans, children without parental care, neglected minors, children in difficult life situations, citizens without a fixed place of residence and certain occupations, citizens affected by physical or mental violence, natural disasters , as a result of armed and interethnic conflicts, to other social service clients in need of temporary shelter. An approximate provision on the establishment of social assistance for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 8, 1996 No. 670 (as amended, and additionally).

Organization of day care in social service institutions. In the daytime, social service institutions provide social, social, medical and other services to elderly citizens and disabled people who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement, as well as other persons, including minors, who are in difficult life situations.

Advisory assistance. In social service institutions, social service clients are provided with consultations on issues of social, social and medical support for life, psychological and pedagogical assistance, and social and legal protection.

Rehabilitation services. Social services provide assistance in professional, social, and psychological rehabilitation to disabled people, persons with disabilities, juvenile delinquents, and other citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations and need rehabilitation services.

2.2 Procedure and conditions for the provision of social services

The procedure and conditions for the provision of social services are established in accordance with the provisions of the federal laws “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation”, “On Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens”, and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Federal List of State-Guaranteed Social Services Provided to Citizens” elderly and disabled people by state and municipal social service institutions."

Social services are provided on the basis of an appeal from a citizen, his guardian, trustee, other legal representative, government body, local government body or public association to the relevant bodies or institutions for social protection of the population (including institutions of other forms of ownership) that accept this decision to provide the requested services.

When receiving social services, citizens must have the right to:

selection of an institution and form of service in the manner established by the federal social protection body and the social protection bodies of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

information about your rights, obligations and conditions for the provision of social services;

respectful and humane attitude on the part of employees of social service institutions;

protection of your rights and legitimate interests, including in court;

refusal of social services.

Personal information that becomes known to employees of an institution during the provision of social services constitutes a professional secret. Employees of the institution who are guilty of disclosing professional secrets bear responsibility in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Social services are provided subject to the voluntary consent of citizens to receive them, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Anonymous requests from clients to receive certain types of services are allowed.

The right to priority service in institutions is enjoyed by citizens of the categories specified in Articles 14, 15, 18 of the Federal Law “On Veterans”.

The preferential right to receive social services in institutions is enjoyed by citizens of the categories specified in Articles 17, 19 and 20 of the Federal Law “On Veterans”, as well as single disabled citizens, parents and unmarried wives (husbands) of military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies, those killed or died in the performance of military service or official duties, citizens exposed to radiation as a result of radiation accidents, rehabilitated citizens and citizens recognized as victims of political repression.

Foreign citizens, stateless persons, including refugees, enjoy the same rights in the field of social services as citizens of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Consent to social services for persons under 14 years of age and persons recognized as legally incompetent is given by their legal representatives after receiving the necessary information in the field of social services. In the temporary absence of legal representatives, the decision on consent is made by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

Citizens sent to institutions, as well as their legal representatives, must be previously familiarized with the conditions of residence or stay in these institutions and the types of social services provided by them.

The placement of citizens in an inpatient facility must be made on the basis of their personal written application and confirmed by their signature, and persons under 14 years of age and persons recognized as legally incompetent - on the basis of a written application from their legal representatives. Placement in specialized inpatient institutions of neglected, homeless and socially dangerous children and adolescents in need of social rehabilitation is carried out on the basis of:

personal appeal of a minor;

statements from the parents of a minor or his legal representatives, taking into account the opinion of a minor who has reached 10 years of age, except in cases where taking into account the opinion of a minor is contrary to his interests;

sending a social protection management body or a petition agreed with this body by an official of a body or institution of a system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency;

decisions of the person conducting the inquiry, investigator, prosecutor or judge in the event of detention, arrest or conviction of the parents or legal representatives of a minor;

an act of the operational duty officer of the district, city department (department) of internal affairs, department (department) of other municipal and administrative-territorial entities on the need to place a minor in such an institution.

Key words: social services for the population, social service, social service client, social service institution, difficult life situation, social services, socio-economic services, socio-medical services, socio-psychological services, socio-pedagogical services, socio-legal services, social services.

The adoption in 1995 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” contributed to the development of the infrastructure of social services and the creation of a new type of institutions that provide social services to families, women and children. In 2000, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation developed recommendations for organizing the activities of social services providing assistance to the population.

Social services are provided by social services free of charge and for a fee. The regulation on the provision of free social services and paid social services by public services was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1996 No. 739. Thus, free social services in the state system of social services in the volumes determined by state standards of social services are provided:

) citizens who are not capable of self-care due to old age, illness, disability, who do not have relatives who can provide them with help and care - if the average per capita income of these citizens is below the subsistence level established for the region in which they live;

) citizens who are in difficult life situations due to unemployment, natural disasters, catastrophes, victims of armed and interethnic conflicts;

) minor children in difficult life situations.


With the transition to a market economy and the development of privatization in the country, the social service sector has undergone serious changes and, unfortunately, is in a much weaker state than in the Soviet period. By announcing privatization, the state actually lost the main source of formation of public consumption funds. “It should be noted that enterprises that moved into the private sector of the economy were, as a rule, profitable ones, those whose income made it possible to replenish the budget.”

In other words, one of the main problemsmodernity is the lack of government funding for social protection and social services in particular.

Also one of the problems is the insufficient number of categories of citizens entitled to social services.

And another problem is the small number of social protection bodies.

We know the experience of many European countries, in which state ownership does not occupy a dominant position, but the level of social protection of citizens remains consistently high (Germany, France, the Netherlands). The secret of such success of the developed countries of the world is in their “development”, in other words, in the high level of economic development. “The level and scope of social services are formed depending on the economic capabilities of this society.”

Based on these conclusions, we propose, firstly, to increase the number of categories of citizens entitled to social assistance and services, secondly, to expand the bodies of social protection of the population and, thirdly, to increase the amount of funding for the social service sector from the state.


Regulatory acts:

)Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) (taking into account amendments made by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 N 6-FKZ, dated December 30, 2008 N 7-FKZ)

2)Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Adopted on December 10, 1948 by the UN General Assembly)

)Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 195-FZ (as amended on July 23, 2008) “On the fundamentals of social services for the population in the Russian Federation.” Source of official publication: Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

)Federal Law of 02.08.1995 N 122-FZ (as amended on 22.08.2004) “On social services for elderly and disabled citizens.” Source of official publication: Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

)Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (as amended on July 1, 2011) “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” Source of official publication: Rossiyskaya Gazeta.


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