Determining the quality of management. Main stages of quality management. Enterprise quality management

  • 12.12.2023

Textbook/ Korsakov M.N., Rebrin Yu.I., Fedosova T.V., Makarenya T.A., Shevchenko I.K. and etc.; Ed. M.A. Borovskoy. - Taganrog: TTI SFU, 2008. - 440 p.

4. Enterprise management system

4.5. Enterprise quality management

4.5.2. Organization of quality management at the enterprise

Quality management is aimed, first of all, at ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise, i.e. its ability to maintain and expand markets. In this case, the leading link is the quality of the products (Fig. 4.23). Quality is a set of properties and characteristics of a product that give it the ability to satisfy conditional or anticipated needs, and property is called the objective ability of a product, which can manifest itself during its creation, operation, consumption or disposal.

Quality management systems at the enterprise have a multifaceted nature of activity. This includes constant training and retraining of personnel, working with consumers and suppliers, updating products and technologies, etc. One of the most important elements of the quality management system is product quality management mechanism– a set of interrelated objects and subjects of management, used principles, methods and functions of management at various stages of the product life cycle and levels of quality management. The composition of the elements of this subsystem is shown in Fig. 4.24.


CT - product competitiveness;

1 - general external factors of competitiveness:

1.1 - quality of management processes;

1.2 - competitiveness of the country;

1.3 - competitiveness of the region, city;

1.4 - competitiveness of the organization;

2 - specific internal factors of product competitiveness:

2.1 - product quality;

2.2 - product price;

2.3 - quality of consumer service;

2.4 - operating costs

Rice. 4.23. The place of product quality among competitiveness factors

As can be seen from the list above, the grouping of elements of the quality management mechanism is based on the identification of general management functions (general subsystems), specific elements directly related to activities in the field of quality (special subsystems) and supporting subsystems. Coordination of activities in all these areas is assigned to the highest level of enterprise management, including the head of the enterprise.

In large and medium-sized enterprises, as a rule, quality management is allocated functionally and assigned to the director (deputy director) for quality, who is responsible for the effective functioning and development of the quality management mechanism. But it is important to understand that, based on the principles of total quality management, all members of the enterprise team should be involved in the quality management process.

Rice. 4.24. Composition of elements of the product quality management mechanism

General quality management subsystems

General quality management subsystems at the enterprise are assigned to top management and must ensure the comprehensive implementation of general management functions aimed at continuous improvement of the enterprise's activities.

The key element here is planning. Under quality management process planning understand the establishment of reasonable tasks for all services and divisions of the enterprise aimed at improving the quality parameters of their activities and interaction. This approach is based on the fact that product quality is the result of the interaction of all employees of the enterprise, all processes of its creation and delivery to the consumer.

Quality management planning is based on the policy developed at the enterprise. The quality policy can be formulated as a principle of the enterprise or a long-term goal of planned activities and should include:

· improving the economic situation of the enterprise;

· expanding or conquering new markets;

· achieving a technical level of products that exceeds the level of leading enterprises and firms;

· focus on meeting the consumer requirements of certain industries or regions;

· development of products whose functionality is implemented on new principles;

· improvement of the most important indicators of product quality;

· reducing the level of defects in manufactured products;

· increasing the warranty period for products;

· service development.

One of the most important areas of planned work in the field of quality management is planning the quality of products. Under product quality planning refers to the establishment of reasonable targets for its release with the required values ​​of quality indicators at a given moment or during a given time interval. Planning for quality improvement should be based on scientifically based forecasting of the needs of the domestic and foreign markets. At the same time, the use of data on the results of product operation, generalization and analysis of information on the actual level of its quality play a major role in the correct justification of quality improvement plans.

The effectiveness of quality improvement planning must be ensured by the fact that it is carried out at different levels of management and stages of the product life cycle, including design, production and operation. Quality improvement plans must be supported by the necessary material, financial and labor resources, and planned indicators and quality improvement activities must be carefully justified by cost-effectiveness calculations.

The list of main tasks for planning to improve product quality includes:

· ensuring the release of products with maximum compliance of their properties with existing and future market needs;

· achieving and exceeding the technical level and quality of the best domestic and foreign samples;

· establishing economically optimal targets for improving product quality from the point of view of their resource provision and consumer requests;

· improving the structure of manufactured products by optimizing their size range;

· increasing the output of certified products;

· improvement of individual consumer properties of already manufactured products (reliability, durability, efficiency, etc.);

· timely replacement, production reduction or discontinuation of obsolete and uncompetitive products;

· ensuring strict compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, standards, technical conditions and other regulatory documentation, timely implementation of newly developed and revision of outdated standards;

· development and implementation of specific measures to ensure the achievement of a given level of quality;

· increasing the economic efficiency of production and using products of improved quality.

Subjects of product quality planning Ultimately, there are various activities and indicators that reflect both the individual properties of the product and the various characteristics of the quality management system and processes.

The quantitative characteristic of one or more properties of a product that make up its quality is called indicator of product quality. The set of product quality indicators can be classified according to the following criteria:

· by the number of characterized properties (single, complex and integral indicators);

· in relation to various product properties (indicators of reliability, manufacturability, ergonomics, etc.);

· by stage of determination (design, production and operational indicators);

· by determination method (calculated, statistical, experimental, expert indicators);

· by the nature of use to assess the level of quality (basic and relative indicators);

· by the method of expression (dimensional indicators and indicators expressed in dimensionless units of measurement, for example, points, percentages).

These indicators are reflected in specific tasks for improving product quality, in plans for research and development work, standardization and metrological support, implementation of quality management systems, technical development of the enterprise, personnel training, etc.

Planning to improve product quality at the enterprise as a whole should always be supplemented by in-production planning. In this case, generalizing, single and complex quality indicators can be used, which are differentiated taking into account the features of planning by its types (prospective, current) and management levels (enterprise, workshop, site, department).

When drawing up quality improvement plans for each structural unit, one should proceed from the level of quality indicators approved in the enterprise plan and the ability of the units to influence them. That's why for structural units enterprises, depending on their specifics, need to set specific tasks to improve product quality and work quality, which must be clearly linked to the subsequent assessment and stimulation of their production and economic activities.

Plans of the main workshops must contain tasks to improve the quality of blanks, parts and assembly units in accordance with the production process of a given workshop. For example, these could be tasks to increase the accuracy and cleanliness of processing, to expand the production of parts with special types of coatings, to master the production of new products.

For assembly shops of enterprises, it is advisable to plan: the main indicators of product quality, which are established at the enterprise level: the level of delivery of products from the first presentation; reduction of losses from defects and complaints. The last two indicators can be used for machining shops, sections and teams. For these workshops, it is also advisable to plan a reduction in the number of returns of parts and assemblies from consumer workshops.

For each auxiliary production workshop It is advisable to plan both indicators and activities, the implementation of which should ensure high quality products in the main production shops. For example, for a mechanical repair shop, the most important indicator may be the share of equipment (in the total volume of repaired machines and machines) that has achieved the specified technological accuracy after repair.

If the quality of products and the quality of work of workshops cannot be expressed by a relatively small number of indicators, then it is advisable to use quality coefficients, the level of which depends on the implementation of a large number of measures to improve the quality of manufactured products. For individual workshops of the enterprise, based on their specifics, their own criteria for improving quality and corresponding standards for changing indicators are established.

Along with plans for workshops and areas to improve product quality, it is advisable to develop related plans for functional departments and services.

The plans of design departments may include tasks for the development of new types of products, improving the quality indicators of products subject to modernization, increasing the level of aggregation and unification, etc.

For the departments of the chief technologist, chief mechanic, etc., it is advisable to plan activities that meet the profile of these departments. For example, the department plan of the chief technologist should contain tasks for the introduction of modern technological processes, elimination (reduction) of defects, equipping production with various devices, models, etc.

It should be noted that the object of in-production planning can be the quality of production and the quality of work. In workshops, this is the share of products delivered from the first presentation, reducing losses from defects, reducing the number of complaints and returns of products from consumer workshops. In design and engineering services - delivery of documentation on first presentation and the percentage of return of technical documentation for revision. In the technical control department - reduction in the number of complaints, the state of control and measuring equipment, etc.

The required level of product quality can be jointly established (i.e. planned) by its manufacturer and consumer in the contract. Various aspects of establishing, ensuring and monitoring the level of product quality in agreements and contracts of various types are regulated by current legislation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part II; Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and other documents).

When planning the required level of product quality in agreements and contracts, it is necessary to take into account that its determination can be carried out in the following ways: according to standards, according to technical descriptions, according to samples, catalogs and projects of the seller. These data are an integral part of the contract.

Process of organization, coordination and regulation fulfillment of planned targets is carried out by the heads of departments responsible for the relevant sections of the quality improvement plan.

The system of control and monitoring of the implementation of quality improvement plans requires special attention from management. Control is the process of determining and evaluating information about deviations of actual values ​​from given values ​​or their coincidence and the results of analysis. It must be emphasized that quality control carried out by the relevant departments of enterprises is primary (preceding in time) in relation to control by other quality management entities.

The subject of control can be not only executive activities, but also the work of the manager. Control information is used in the process of performing all management functions. Therefore, planning and control are currently being combined into a single management system (Controlling): planning, control, reporting, management.

The control process must go through the following stages:

1. Definition of the control concept (comprehensive control system “Controlling” or private checks);

2. Determining the purpose of control (decision on the feasibility, correctness, regularity, effectiveness of the management process);

3. Planning the inspection:

a) objects of control (potentials, methods, results, indicators, etc.);

b) verifiable standards (ethical, legal, production, etc.);

c) subjects of control (internal or external control bodies);

d) control methods;

e) scope and means of control (full, continuous, selective, manual, automatic, computerized);

f) timing and duration of inspections;

g) sequence, methods and tolerances of inspections.

4. Determination of actual and prescribed values.

5. Establishing the identity of discrepancies (detection, quantification).

6. Developing a solution, determining its weight.

7. Documenting the solution.

9. Communication of the decision (oral, written report).

10. Evaluation of the solution (analysis of deviations, localization of causes, establishment of responsibility, investigation of correction possibilities, measures to eliminate deficiencies).

Types of control are distinguished by the following characteristics:

1. According to the affiliation of the subject of control to the enterprise:

· internal;

· external.

2. Based on the basis for control:

· voluntary;

· in law;

· according to the Charter.

3. By object of control:

· process control;

· control over decisions;

· control over objects;

· control over results.

4. By regularity:

· systemic;

· irregular;

· special.

Quality control must confirm compliance with specified product requirements, including:

· incoming control (materials should not be used in the process without control; inspection of the incoming product must comply with the quality plan, established procedures and can take various forms);

· intermediate control (the organization must have special documents recording the control and testing procedure within the process, and carry out this control systematically);

· final control (designed to identify compliance between the actual final product and that provided for in the quality plan; includes the results of all previous checks and reflects the product’s compliance with the necessary requirements);

· registration of control and test results (documents on control and test results are provided to interested organizations and individuals).

Technical control of the quality of products and the processes of their creation at enterprises is carried out by technical control departments (QCD), which are functionally linked only to the quality management system, as a rule, to the director (deputy director) for quality. Quality Control Departments have divisions of general plant competence (as a rule, they are specialized in certain types of activities - control of products, incoming components, analysis of the causes of defects, complaints, etc.) and technical control bureaus in the workshops of the enterprise, which carry out direct and independent control of the progress of the production process. Main tasks of technical control are to ensure the release of high-quality products in accordance with technical regulations, standards and specifications, identifying and preventing defects, and taking measures to further improve the quality of products.

Quality control operations are an integral part of the technological process of product production, as well as their subsequent packaging, transportation, storage and shipment to consumers. Without employees of the control service of the enterprise (workshop, site) carrying out the necessary verification operations during the production process of products or upon completion of individual stages of their processing, the latter cannot be considered fully manufactured, and therefore are not subject to shipment to customers. It is this circumstance that determines the special role of technical control services.

An integral part of the general quality management subsystems is motivation, stimulating staff work to constantly improve the quality of their activities, products and general production culture.

There are fundamentally two forms of motivation – external and internal.

Extrinsic motivation is a means to achieve a goal, for example, to earn money, gain recognition, or occupy a higher position. Moreover, it can be used in two directions: as an incentive when expecting benefits - the principle of hope; as a means of pressure when expecting shortcomings - the principle of fear.

Extrinsic motivation directly influences behavior, but its effectiveness is limited as long as it is perceived as incentive or pressure.

Intrinsic motivation– this is an understanding of meaning, conviction. It arises if the idea, goals and objectives, and the activity itself are perceived as worthy and appropriate. In this case, a specific state is created that determines the direction of actions, and behavior will become the result of a corresponding internal attitude, and this is true not only for humans. Many organizations began to create a quality system due to external motivation: hopes for competitive advantages and strengthening their position in the market, fear of product non-compliance with future quality standards and loss of the market created its basis.

Other companies decide to implement a quality philosophy based on the belief that preventing defective products should be their principle position in the world of production. This position is true for many areas of life. In this case we are talking about internal motivation. Intrinsic motivation is present when an idea, task, or activity is perceived as worthwhile and worthwhile. You need to feel responsible for this and be able to predict the results. Then the behavior will become a result resulting from the corresponding attitude.

The importance of extrinsic motivation for work is great. Intrinsic motivation is becoming more and more important in today's manufacturing world. It is important because of its long-term impact on job performance and work attitudes. Its influence is stronger the higher and more varied the requirements for the content of the work, the more the person’s internal state corresponds to it.

In quality management staff motivation– this is an incentive for employees to actively work to ensure the required quality of products. Motivation is based on the principle of providing employees with opportunities to achieve personal goals through a conscientious attitude to work. Motivation in management is associated primarily with a skillful combination of management methods and the formation of the most effective leadership style. It is implemented in the process and forms of hiring, contract terms, the system of payment and incentives, advanced training and is the foundation of any organization, which largely determines its competitiveness.

To date, there have been quite a few approaches to motivating people in the interests of the enterprise, its image and, of course, the quality of its products. In quality management, the nature of people's motivation shifts from the dominance of organizational, managerial and economic methods towards socio-psychological management methods, the transition from dictatorial leadership styles towards participatory ones. The most characteristic signs of such shifts are illustrated by U. Ouchi’s theory, developed on the basis of the experience of leading companies in the USA, Europe and Japan (Table 4.5).

Table 4.5

Traditional approach

Modern approach

1 Most employees do not like work and try to avoid it if possible.

1 Work is desirable for most employees

1 It is necessary to take care of each employee as a whole (concern for quality of life)

2 Most employees need to be forced to do the job: administrative, economic and psychological pressure

2 Employees are capable of purposefulness, self-control, and independently determine strategies for achieving goals

2 Involving employees in the group process of management decisions (group orientation)

3 Most employees are only interested in safety

3 The interest of employees depends on the reward system based on the final result

3 Periodic rotation of personnel and lifelong job security

4 Most employees prefer to be performers and avoid responsibility

4 The employee strives for responsibility and independently assumes management functions

4 Large investments in training

5 Almost all employees lack creativity and initiative

5 Many employees have a developed imagination, creativity, inventiveness

5 Informal assessment

For sustainable motivation, the combination of different types of rewards for people for positive results or processes of their activities is of great importance. In management, at least 8 methods of reward are used: money, approval, action (for example, providing shares of your enterprise), reward with free time, mutual understanding and interest in the employee, career advancement, providing independence and favorite work, prizes.

Special subsystems of the quality management mechanism at the enterprise.

Quality management as a private management function has its own specific subsystems - testing, defect prevention, standardization and conformity assessment (including certification and certification of products).

Tests are a special type of control of the most important parts and assemblies, as well as finished products. Testing is the determination or study of one or more characteristics of a product under the influence of a set of physical, chemical, natural or operational factors and conditions. Tests are carried out according to appropriate programs. Depending on the purpose, there are the following main types of tests:

· preliminary tests – tests of prototypes to determine the possibility of acceptance tests;

· acceptance tests – tests of prototypes to determine the possibility of putting them into production;

· acceptance tests – tests of each product to determine the possibility of its delivery to the customer;

· periodic tests – tests that are carried out once every 3-5 years to check the stability of the production technology;

· type tests – tests of serial products after significant changes have been made to the design or technology.

When controlling product quality, physical, chemical and other methods are used, which can be divided into two groups: destructive and non-destructive.

Destructive methods include the following tests:

· tensile and compression tests;

· impact tests (explosion);

· tests under repeatedly variable loads;

· hardness tests.

Non-destructive methods include:

· magnetic (magnetographic methods);

· acoustic (ultrasonic flaw detection);

· radiation (flaw detection using X-rays and gamma rays);

· organoleptic (visual, auditory, etc.).

Work on product quality management is based on marriage prevention system. This is manifested in the operation of all subsystems and especially in the technical control subsystem.

Firstly, technical control, aimed at preventing imbalances in production processes and the occurrence of deviations from the requirements established for the quality of products, contributes to the prevention of defects, its detection at the earliest stages of technological processes and prompt elimination with minimal expenditure of resources, which undoubtedly leads to improving the quality of products, increasing production efficiency.

Secondly, strict and objective control of the quality of products by quality control department employees prevents defects from entering the gates of manufacturing enterprises, helps to reduce the volume of low-quality products supplied to consumers, and reduces the likelihood of additional overhead costs inevitably arising from poor control in identifying and eliminating various defects in already assembled products. products, storage, shipment and transportation of substandard products to consumers, their incoming control by special departments and the return of defective products to manufacturers.

Thirdly, the reliable operation of the quality control service creates the necessary prerequisites for eliminating duplication and parallelism in the work of other services of the enterprise, reducing the volume of information processed by them, releasing many qualified specialists engaged in double-checking products accepted by the technical control service of the enterprise, significantly reducing the number of disagreements having place in assessing the quality of products by various control subjects, reducing the costs of technical control and increasing its efficiency. A typical diagram of the marriage prevention system is shown in Fig. 4.25.

An important element in quality management systems is standardization – rule-making activity that finds the most rational norms and then enshrines them in normative documents type of standard, instructions, methods and requirements for product development, i.e. This is a set of tools that establish compliance with standards.

Standardization is one of the most important elements of the modern mechanism for managing the quality of products (works, services). According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), standardization - the establishment and application of rules in order to streamline activities in certain areas for the benefit and with the participation of all interested parties, in particular to achieve overall optimal savings while complying with functional and safety requirements.

According to the law on technical regulation standardization– activities to establish rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary repeated use, aimed at achieving order in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works or services.

Rice. 4.25. System for preventing defects at the enterprise

Standard– a document in which, for the purpose of voluntary repeated use, the characteristics of products, rules for implementation and characteristics of the processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services are established. The standard may also contain requirements for terminology, symbols, packaging, markings or labels and rules for their application. Standard This is a regulatory and technical document on standardization, establishing a set of rules, norms, requirements for the object of standardization and approved by the competent authority. Standards are presented in the form of documents containing certain requirements, rules or norms . These are also the basic units of measurement or physical constants (for example, meter, volt, ampere, Kelvin absolute zero, etc.). Standards include all items for physical comparison: state primary standards of units of length, mass, strength, etc.

Standardization is carried out for the purposes of:

· increasing the level of safety of life or health of citizens, safety of property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environmental safety, safety of life or health of animals and plants and promoting compliance with the requirements of technical regulations;

· increasing the level of safety of facilities, taking into account the risk of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature;

· ensuring scientific and technological progress;

· increasing the competitiveness of products, works, services;

· rational use of resources;

· technical and information compatibility;

· comparability of research (test) and measurement results, technical and economic-statistical data;

· interchangeability of products.

Standardization is carried out in accordance with the principles:

· voluntary application of standards;

· maximum consideration when developing standards of the legitimate interests of interested parties;

· application of an international standard as the basis for the development of a national standard, except in cases where such application is considered impossible due to the inconsistency of the requirements of international standards with the climatic and geographical features of the Russian Federation, technical and (or) technological features or for other reasons, or the Russian Federation in accordance with established procedures opposed the adoption of an international standard or a particular provision thereof;

· inadmissibility of creating obstacles to the production and circulation of products, performance of work and provision of services to a greater extent than is minimally necessary to achieve the goals of standardization;

· inadmissibility of establishing standards that contradict technical regulations;

· providing conditions for uniform application of standards.

The current standardization system allows us to develop and maintain up to date:

· unified technical language;

· unified series of the most important technical characteristics of products (tolerances and fits, voltages, frequencies, etc.);

· standard size ranges and standard designs of products for general machine-building applications (bearings, fasteners, cutting tools, etc.);

· system of classifiers of technical and economic information;

· reliable reference data on the properties of materials and substances.

Modern standardization is based on the following methodological provisions formation of standards: consistency; repeatability; variation; interchangeability.

Systematic principle defines a standard as an element of a system and ensures the creation of systems of standards interconnected by the essence of specific standardization objects. Consistency is one of the requirements for standardization activities, which involves ensuring mutual consistency, consistency, unification and eliminating duplication of standard requirements.

Repeatability principle means defining a range of objects to which things, processes, relationships are applicable that have one common property - repeatability in time or space.

The principle of variation in standardization means the creation of a rational variety (ensuring a minimum of rational varieties) of standard elements included in the object being standardized.

The principle of interchangeability provides (in relation to technology) the possibility of assembling or replacing identical parts manufactured at different times and in different places.

To achieve social and technical and economic goals, standardization fulfills certain Features:

1. The function of ordering - overcoming the unreasonable variety of objects (inflated product range, unnecessary variety of documents) comes down to simplification and limitation.

2. Security (social function) – ensuring the safety of consumers of products (services), manufacturers and the state, uniting the efforts of mankind to protect nature from the technogenic impact of civilization.

3. The resource-saving function is determined by the limited material, energy, labor and natural resources and consists in establishing reasonable restrictions on the expenditure of resources in regulatory documents.

4. The communicative function ensures communication and interaction between people, in particular specialists, through personal exchange or the use of documentary means, hardware systems and message transmission channels. This function is aimed at overcoming barriers to trade and promoting scientific, technical and economic cooperation.

5. The civilizing function is aimed at improving the quality of products and services as components of the quality of life.

6. Information function. Standardization provides material production, science, technology and other areas with regulatory documents, standards of measures, product standards, product catalogs, product catalogs as carriers of valuable technical and management information.

7. The function of rule-making and law enforcement is manifested in the legitimation of requirements for objects of standardization in the form of a mandatory standard (or other regulatory document) and its universal application as a result of giving the document legal force.

The main task of standardization– creation of a system of normative and technical documentation that defines progressive requirements for products manufactured for the needs of the national economy, population, national defense, export, as well as monitoring the correct use of this documentation.

The main tasks of standardization are:

1) ensuring mutual understanding between developers, manufacturers, sellers and consumers (customers);

2) establishing optimal requirements for the range and quality of products in the interests of the consumer and the state, including ensuring their safety for the environment, life, health and property;

3) establishing requirements for compatibility (structural, electrical, electromagnetic, information, software, etc.), as well as interchangeability of products;

4) coordination and coordination of indicators and characteristics of products, their elements, components, raw materials and supplies;

5) unification based on the establishment and application of parametric and standard size series, basic designs, structurally unified block-modular parts of products;

6) establishment of metrological norms, rules, regulations and requirements;

7) regulatory and technical support for control (testing, analysis, measurements), certification and assessment of product quality;

8) establishing requirements for technological processes, including in order to reduce material intensity, energy intensity and labor intensity, and ensure the use of low-waste technologies;

9) creation and implementation of classification and coding systems for technical and economic information;

10) regulatory support for interstate and state socio-economic and scientific-technical programs (projects) and infrastructure complexes (transport, communications, defense, environmental protection, habitat control, public safety, etc.);

11) creation of a cataloging system to provide consumers with information about the nomenclature and main indicators of products;

12) assistance in the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation by methods and means of standardization.

The standardization action mechanism consists of four stages:

1. Selection of the object of standardization (systematic, repeating objects).

2. Modeling of a standardization object (abstract model of a real object).

3. Model optimization (optimal model of the object being standardized).

4. Standardization of the model (development of a regulatory document based on a unified model).

Standardization methods– this is a technique or a set of techniques with the help of which the goals of standardization are achieved. Standardization is based on general scientific and specific methods. General scientific methods include the ordering of standardization objects and parametric standardization.

Ordering of standardization objects – a universal method in the field of standardization of products, processes and services. Streamlining as diversity management is primarily associated with diversity reduction. The result of streamlining work is, for example, restrictive lists of components for the final finished product; albums of standard product designs; standard forms of technical, managerial and other documents. Ordering as a universal method consists of separate components:

a) systematization objects of standardization consists in a scientifically based, consistent classification and ranking of a set of specific objects of standardization (an example is the All-Russian Classifier of Industrial and Agricultural Products - OKP, which systematizes all commercial products in the form of various classification groupings and specific product names);

b) selection objects of standardization - activity consisting in the selection of such specific objects that are considered appropriate for further production and use in social production;

c) simplification– activity consisting in identifying specific objects that are recognized as inappropriate for further production and use in social production;

d) typing standardization objects - activities to create standard (exemplary) objects - structures, technological rules, documentation forms;

e) optimization standardization objects is to find the optimal main parameters (target parameters), as well as the values ​​of other indicators of quality and efficiency.

Parametric standardization is based on the ordering of standardization objects by compiling parametric series of product characteristics, processes, classifiers, etc.

Among the main Specific methods of standardization include unification, aggregation, comprehensive and advanced standardization.

Under unification understand actions aimed at reducing the unjustified variety of various products, parts, assemblies, technological processes and documentation to a technically and economically justified rational minimum. Unification can be considered as a means of optimizing quality parameters and limiting the number of standard sizes of manufactured products and their components. At the same time, unification affects all stages of the product life cycle, ensures the interchangeability of products, components and assemblies, which, in turn, allows enterprises to cooperate with each other.

Aggregation means a method of designing and operating products based on the functional and geometric interchangeability of their main components and assemblies.

Objects of standardization there may be products, services and processes that have the prospect of repeated reproduction and (or) use.

The immediate result of standardization is, first of all, a normative document (ND). Regulatory document– a document establishing rules, general principles or characteristics relating to various activities or their results. The term “normative document” is generic, covering such concepts as standards and other normative documents on standardization - rules, recommendations, codes of established practice, regulations, classifiers.

Depending on the specifics of the standardization object, as well as on the content of the requirements being developed and imposed on it, all standards are divided into the following types:

· fundamental standards;

· standards for products and services;

· process standards;

· standards for methods of control, testing, measurements, analysis.

The scope of standardization work at an enterprise depends on:

· scale of production and cooperation;

· nomenclature and complexity of products, the degree of its novelty and intensity of change;

· status of the enterprise standardization service and the tasks assigned to it.

Rice. 4.26. Main elements and categories of the current standardization system

In order to ensure competitiveness, the ever-increasing scale of enterprise activity is associated with work to confirm compliance with product requirements, the processes of its creation and sale, and management systems. Confirmation of conformity is any activity associated with directly or indirectly determining that relevant requirements are being met.

Confirmation of conformity is carried out in order to:

· certification of compliance of products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sales and disposal, works, services or other objects with technical regulations, standards, contract terms;

· assistance to purchasers in the competent selection of products, works, services;

· increasing the competitiveness of products, works, services in the Russian and international markets;

· creating conditions to ensure the free movement of goods across the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as for the implementation of international economic, scientific and technical cooperation and international trade.

Confirmation of conformity is carried out on the basis principles:

· availability of information on the procedure for confirming compliance to interested parties;

· inadmissibility of applying mandatory confirmation of conformity to objects for which the requirements of technical regulations are not established;

· establishing a list of forms and schemes for mandatory confirmation of conformity in relation to certain types of products in the relevant technical regulations;

· reducing the time required for mandatory confirmation of compliance and the costs of the applicant;

· inadmissibility of coercion to carry out voluntary confirmation of conformity, including in a certain voluntary certification system;

· protection of the property interests of applicants, compliance with trade secrets in relation to information obtained during the confirmation of compliance;

· inadmissibility of replacing mandatory confirmation of conformity with voluntary certification.

In world and domestic practice, various methods are used to confirm the compliance of objects with specified requirements, which are carried out by different parties - manufacturers, sellers, customers, as well as bodies and organizations independent of them. The latter, in particular, may be state supervision over compliance with the mandatory requirements of technical regulations, the activities of technical and sanitary safety supervision bodies, departmental control and acceptance of products for government needs (state reserve, orders for defense products, etc.). The following forms of conformity confirmation exist on the territory of the Russian Federation:

1. Confirmation of compliance may be voluntary or mandatory.

2. Voluntary confirmation of conformity is carried out in the form of voluntary certification.

3. Mandatory confirmation of compliance is carried out in the following forms:

4. Adoption of a declaration of conformity and mandatory certification.

Certification– the form of confirmation of compliance of objects with the requirements of technical regulations, provisions of standards or terms of contracts carried out by the certification body;

Certification stands out from conformity assessment procedures in that it is performed by a third party, independent of manufacturers (suppliers) and consumers, which guarantees the objectivity of its results. Therefore, in conditions when competition in the market has moved from the sphere of price to the sphere of product quality, certification has become an indispensable part of an effectively functioning market economy.

A number of stages can be distinguished in the development of certification: acceptance control, statistical acceptance control, product certification, certification of quality and production systems.

Voluntary confirmation of conformity is carried out at the initiative of the applicant under the terms of an agreement between the applicant and the certification body. Voluntary confirmation of conformity can be carried out to establish compliance with national standards, organizational standards, voluntary certification systems, and contract terms.

Mandatory certification is carried out in cases provided for by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

A distinction is made between self-certification and third-party certification. Self-certification performs all necessary actions and declares this in a special document or by placing a mark of conformity on the product, or in an accompanying document. Third Party Certification carried out by a system of bodies that are formally not related to either the manufacturer or the consumer of the product.

If the conformance check is successful, the following is issued: certificate of conformity– a document certifying the object’s compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, provisions of standards or terms of contracts.

Confirmation of conformity includes a certain set of works in accordance with its goals (Fig. 4.27.).

Rice. 4.27. Types of work during conformity assessment

To ensure recognition of certificates and marks of conformity abroad, the rules and recommendations for certification are built in accordance with current international standards and regulations set out in the guidelines of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), international standards ISO 9000 and 10000 series, European standards of the 45000 and 29000 series, in documents of other international and regional organizations carrying out certification work.

Supporting subsystems quality management mechanism is a necessary resource component in accordance with TQM requirements. A specific element here is metrological support. The accuracy of measuring and testing equipment affects the reliability of the quality assessment, so ensuring its quality is especially important.

Among the regulatory documents regulating metrological activities, the following are distinguished: the Law of the Russian Federation on the uniformity of measurements and the international standard ISO 10012:2003 on confirmation of the metrological suitability of measuring equipment.

When operating inspection, measuring and testing equipment, the establishment must:

· determine what measurements should be made, by what means and with what accuracy;

· document the equipment’s compliance with the necessary requirements;

· regularly carry out calibration (checking the instrument divisions);

· determine the calibration method and frequency;

· document calibration results;

· provide conditions for the use of measuring equipment taking into account environmental parameters;

· eliminate faulty or unsuitable control and measuring equipment;

· make adjustments to equipment and software only with the help of specially trained personnel.

Passage of control and testing of products must be confirmed visually (for example, using labels, tags, seals, etc.). Those products that do not meet the inspection criteria are separated from the rest.

It is also necessary to identify the specialists responsible for carrying out such control and establish their powers.

Control questions:

1. What is meant by the management process?

2. What is the object of management, what is the subject of management?

3. What is the purpose of management?

4. List management functions.

5. Name management methods.

6. What control methods are most commonly used?

7. What are the main elements of the decision-making process?

8. How are powers distributed when making decisions?

9. What are the risks when making a decision?

10. What is meant by decision risk?

11. What are the main types of risk?

12. How does the presence of a risk factor affect decision making?

13. How is the attractiveness of an enterprise on the market assessed?

14. How is strategic position in the market assessed?

15. Describe the concept of “organizational management structure”.

16. What connections exist between the elements of the organizational structure?

17. Name the main organizational structures of the hierarchical (bureaucratic) type, indicate their advantages and disadvantages.

18. List the criteria for the marketing approach to building the organizational structure of an enterprise.

19. List the criteria for the marketing approach to production and management processes.

20. What is the essence of the marketing approach?

21. What is the effectiveness of the marketing approach?

22. Why is the marketing approach rarely used in practice?

23. How does marketing affect the efficiency of production organization?

24. List the methods of distribution of goods.

25. What strategies exist for pushing products?

26. What is the essence of logistics management in an enterprise?

27. What is meant by product quality?

28. What is meant by product quality planning?

29. List the elements of product quality management.

30. What does the system for preventing defects at an enterprise include?

31. Define standardization.

32. What is meant by compliance testing?

This may be of interest (selected paragraphs):
- Control questions

Product quality is understood as a constant, systematic, purposeful process of influencing at all levels the factors and conditions that ensure the creation of a product of optimal quality and its full use.

The essence of management lies in the development of control decisions and the subsequent implementation of the control actions provided for by these decisions on a specific control object.

The main objectives of quality management are: studying the sales market; studying national and international requirements for manufactured products; development of methods and means of influencing the processes of research, design and production; collection, analysis, storage of information about product quality.

In the theory and practice of quality management, the following five main stages are distinguished.

  1. Making decisions “what to produce” and preparing technical specifications for production.
  2. Checking production readiness and distribution of organizational responsibility.
  3. Product manufacturing process.
  4. Eliminate defects and provide feedback information to make and control changes in the production process to avoid identified defects in the future.
  5. Development of long-term plans for the quality of products.

In the first stage, quality refers to the degree to which a firm's products or services meet its internal specifications.

At the second stage, the quality of the design is assessed. Quality may meet the firm's technical requirements for product design. However, the design itself can be of either high or low quality.

At the third stage, quality means the degree to which the work or functioning of the company's products satisfies the real needs of consumers.

The product quality management system is based on the following interrelated management categories: object, factors, goals, functions; means, subject; principles, etc.

Quality management is considered as a corrective influence on the process of quality formation in production and its manifestation in consumption.

Quality management is aimed at regulating all stages of the life cycle and includes:

  1. technical preparation of production;
  2. product manufacturing process;
  3. motivation and remuneration;
  4. financial activities;
  5. input control;
  6. quality control of work and products;
  7. after-sales service.

The product quality management process consists of the following operations:

  1. development of a program for management, planning and improvement of product quality;
  2. collection and analysis of information about any object affecting quality;
  3. development of management decisions on quality management and preparation of impacts on the facility;
  4. issuing management decisions;
  5. analysis of information about changes in the quality of an object that are caused by management influences.

When managing product quality, the direct objects of management, as a rule, are the processes on which product quality depends. They are created and occur at the pre-production, production and post-production stages of the product life cycle.

Actions carried out during the creation and operation or consumption of products in order to establish, ensure and maintain the required level of its quality.

At product quality management the direct objects of management, as a rule, are the processes on which it depends product quality. They are organized and take place both at the pre-production stage and at the production and post-production stages of the product life cycle.

The development of control decisions is carried out on the basis of comparison of information about the actual state of the controlled process with its characteristics specified by the control program. At the same time, regulatory documentation regulating the values ​​of parameters or indicators of product quality (technical specifications for product development, standards, technical specifications, drawings, delivery conditions) should be considered as an important part of the product quality management program.

Depending on whether the requirements of the control program are met or whether there are unacceptable deviations from these requirements, control actions should be aimed, respectively, at maintaining the actual state of the controlled process or correcting it.

The successful operation of an enterprise must be ensured by the production of products or services that:

  • meet clearly defined needs, application or purpose;
  • meet consumer requirements;
  • comply with applicable standards and specifications ( International standards. Product quality management, ISO 9000- ISO 9004, ISO 3202. - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1988. P. 41.);
  • meet current legislation and other requirements of society;
  • are offered to the consumer at competitive yen; determine the receipt of profit.

Product Quality Management must be carried out systematically, that is, the enterprise must have a product quality management system in place and functioning. A quality management system represents the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources necessary to implement overall quality management. Management must develop, create and implement a quality system as a means to ensure the implementation of certain policies and the achievement of set goals.

A number of methods are used to manage product quality:

  • economic methods that ensure the creation of economic conditions that encourage teams of enterprises, design, technological and other
  • organizations study consumer needs, create, manufacture and service products that satisfy these needs and requests. These are pricing rules, credit conditions, economic sanctions for non-compliance with the requirements of standards and technical conditions, rules for compensating economic damage to the consumer for the sale of substandard products;
  • methods of material incentives, providing for both incentives for employees for the creation and manufacture of high-quality products, and recovery for damage caused by their poor quality;
  • organizational and administrative methods carried out through mandatory directives, orders, and instructions from managers. This also includes the requirements of regulatory documentation;
  • educational methods that influence the consciousness and mood of participants in the production process, encouraging them to perform high-quality work and accurately perform special functions of product quality management.

This is moral encouragement for high quality products, instilling pride in the honor of the factory brand, etc. ( A.V. Glichev. Modern ideas about the mechanism of product quality management. Standards and quality. 1996).

In recent years, the 9000 series standards have become widespread, reflecting the concentrated experience of international practice in managing product quality in an enterprise. In accordance with these documents, the quality policy and the quality system itself are highlighted, including ensuring, improving and managing product quality ( rice. 1).

The quality policy can be formulated as an enterprise operating principle or long-term goal and include:

  • improving the economic situation of the enterprise, expanding or conquering new markets;
  • achieving a technical level of products that exceeds the level of leading enterprises and firms;
  • focus on meeting the consumer requirements of certain industries or certain regions;
  • development of products whose functionality is implemented on new principles;
  • improvement of the most important indicators of product quality;
  • reducing the level of defects in manufactured products;
  • increasing the warranty period for products;
  • service development.

In accordance with ISO standards, the product life cycle, which in foreign literature is referred to as a quality loop, includes 11 stages:

  • marketing, search and market research;
  • design and development of technical requirements, product development;
  • logistics;
  • preparation and development of production processes;
  • production;
  • control, testing and inspections;
  • packaging and storage;
  • sales and distribution of products;
  • installation and operation;
  • technical assistance and service;
  • disposal.

With the help of a quality loop, the relationship between the product manufacturer and the consumer, with the entire system that provides a solution to the problem of product quality management, is carried out.

Along with product quality management systems, quality circles or quality groups also play an important role in the study and implementation of quality programs. Analyzing the experience of foreign quality circles, it should be noted that this is a form of democratization of capital, workers' interest in high quality, a form of changing the psychological climate at the enterprise.

The principles of organizing quality circles are as follows:

  • voluntary participation;
  • the desire for collective forms of searching for the right solutions, their prompt consideration, and the implementation of accepted proposals into production;
  • moral and material satisfaction with the successes achieved, stimulation of the results of creative activity;
  • support of the initiative by management and public organizations at all levels of enterprise management;
  • ensuring publicity and propaganda of their activities in all forms and media, dissemination of work experience.

Quality circles initially originated in the United States, but a significant impetus to this movement was given by Japanese companies, where there was both qualitative and quantitative growth of circles, and then in a second wave they covered the countries of Europe, America and Asia.

Quality circles help enterprises solve both technical, economic and socio-psychological problems of the enterprise.

Organizationally, it looks like this: 3-4 people servicing one or another technological process or part of this process stay after work and discuss the so-called “bottlenecks”. This could include improving quality, increasing efficiency, or reducing costs. They can meet 1-2 times a month, once a week and discuss from one to three topics, while the meetings can occupy both working and non-working time, and be stimulated financially or only morally.

Along with consumer societies, quality circles represent an important element of public participation in quality management.

In modern theory and practice of quality management, the following five main stages are distinguished.

1. Making decisions “what to produce” and preparing technical specifications.

2.Checking production readiness and distribution of organizational responsibility.

3. The process of manufacturing products or providing services.

4. Eliminating defects and providing feedback information in order to make and control changes in the production process to avoid identified defects in the future.

5. Development of long-term quality plans.

The implementation of the listed stages is impossible without the interaction of all departments and management bodies of the company. This interaction is called a unified quality management system. This provides a process approach to quality management.

Let us consider in more detail the content of the stages of quality management.

In the first stage, quality refers to the degree to which a firm's products or services meet its internal specifications. This aspect of quality is called conformance quality.

At the second stage, the quality of the design is assessed. The quality may meet the firm's technical requirements for the design of the product, but the design itself may be of either high or low quality.

At the third stage, quality means the degree to which the work or functioning of the company's services (products) satisfies the real needs of consumers.

The company's products can meet internal specifications (stage one); the design of the product itself can be outstanding (stage two); and the service or product may not be suitable to meet the specific needs of the consumer. We have looked at the content of three fundamental stages, which are equally important. Any flaw in any of them can create quality problems.

The product quality management system is based on the following interrelated management categories: object, goals, factors, subject, methods, functions, means, principle, type, type of criteria, etc.

Under product quality management

understand the constant, systematic, purposeful process of influencing factors and conditions at all levels, ensuring the creation of products of optimal quality and their full use.

Quality management is considered as a corrective influence on the process of quality formation in production and its manifestation in consumption.

Quality management is an organic part of general production management and one of its branches of the tree of goals.

From this definition it follows that the level of product quality must be established, ensured and maintained. This means that quality management is aimed at regulating all stages of the life cycle and provides for:

Technical preparation of production;

Incoming control;

Product manufacturing process;

Organization, motivation and remuneration;

Accounting and financial activities;

Quality control of work and products;

After-sales service in operation.

The main objectives of quality management are:

Market research;

Study of national and international requirements for manufactured products;

Development of methods and means of influencing the processes of research, design and production;

Collection, analysis, storage of information about product quality. The product quality management process consists of the following


Development of a program for management, planning and improvement of product quality;

Collection and analysis of information about any object affecting quality;

Development of management decisions on quality management and preparation of impacts on the facility;

Issuance of management decisions;

Analysis of information about changes in the quality of an object that are caused by management influences.

Quality control– actions carried out during the creation and operation or consumption of products in order to establish, ensure and maintain the required level of its quality.

Product quality management must be carried out systematically, i.e. The enterprise must establish and operate a product quality management system. In Russia, various quality management systems have been developed, which have become widespread primarily in the defense industry and the automotive industry.

Among the domestic quality management systems, the most famous are: BIP (defect-free manufacturing of products), SBT (defect-free labor system), KANARSPI (quality, reliability, service life from the first products), NORM (scientific organization of work to increase the service life of engines), KSUKP (integrated system product quality management), KSPEP (integrated system for improving production efficiency), KSUKP and EIR (integrated system for managing product quality and efficient use of resources). Meanwhile, the lack of competition due to the protection of the domestic market did not stimulate enterprises to improve the quality of their products.

A number of methods are used to manage product quality:

  • economic methods that ensure the creation of economic conditions that encourage enterprise teams to improve products;
  • methods of material incentives that provide incentives for employees;
  • organizational and administrative methods carried out through the mandatory execution of directives, orders, requirements of regulatory documentation;
  • educational methods that involve moral encouragement.

In recent years, a new strategy in quality management has been formed. Its distinctive features are as follows:

  • quality assurance is understood not as a technical function implemented by a specific department, but as a systematic process that permeates the entire organizational structure of the company;
  • the new concept of quality must be met by the corresponding structure of the enterprise;
  • quality issues cover not only the production cycle, but also the process of development, design, marketing, and after-sales service;
  • quality should be focused on meeting the requirements of the consumer, not the manufacturer;
  • Improving product quality requires the use of new production technology, from design automation to automated measurement in the quality control process;
  • Comprehensive quality improvement can only be achieved by the interested participation of all employees.

Quality management systems, called “Total Quality Management” (TQM), “Company-wide Quality Management”, assume the presence of three conditions.

  • 1. Quality as the main strategic goal of activity is recognized by the top management of companies. For this purpose, specific tasks are established and funds are allocated to solve them. Since quality requirements are determined by the consumer, the level of quality cannot be constant. Quality improvement must be incremental, since quality is an ever-changing goal.
  • 2. Quality improvement activities should affect all departments. From 80 to 90% of events are not subject to control by quality departments.
  • 3. Continuous learning process (oriented to a specific workplace) and increasing staff motivation.

These systems have gained international recognition as a strategic means of providing high quality at low cost, allowing us to reduce production costs and compete with manufacturers with high quality products.

An important element in product quality management systems is standardization.

The main task of standardization is to create a system of normative and technical documentation that defines progressive requirements for products, as well as monitoring the correct use of this documentation.

The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) regulates the processes of construction, presentation and dissemination of standards in Russia.

In the Russian Federation, regulatory documents on standardization are divided into the following categories:

  • state standards (GOST of the Russian Federation);
  • industry standards (OST);
  • technical specifications (TU);
  • standards of enterprises and associations of enterprises (STP);
  • standards of scientific and technical societies and engineering unions, associations and other associations (STO).

New standards are being developed in Russia, which are called technical regulations.

Certification– activities of authorized bodies to confirm compliance of goods (work, services) with the mandatory requirements of the standard and issue a document of compliance.

Certification tests are carried out by special centers (testing laboratories).

Certified products– products that comply with a specific standard or other regulatory document certifying that the manufactured product meets the requirements of the relevant technical conditions (technical requirements, requirements of technical regulations, etc.).

Certified products must have supporting evidence - a stamp, a special sign, a label, an accompanying document, a certificate.

Rosstandart has developed a special mark - “Mark of Conformity”, and any product produced in Russia with a quality certificate must have a mark of conformity on each packaged unit. It consists of two parts: the sign itself in the form of a graphic image of the letters S, P, T and the code of the body of Rosstandart of Russia that issued the certificate, consisting of two letters and two numbers.

Certification can be:

  • mandatory - for products that are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment, as well as capable of causing harm to consumer property;
  • voluntary – but at the initiative of legal entities and citizens on the basis of an agreement between the applicant and the specification body. The certificate obtained in this case is an additional guarantee of product quality, which increases its competitiveness.

The objects of certification can be not only specific products, but also the state of production and the quality management system.

Initially, issues of studying product quality were limited only to registration and then replacement of defective products.

The first serious research related to quality management appeared after the Second World War. In the 1980s quality requirements became central to ensuring the competitiveness of products, which allowed countries to take strong positions in the world market.

According to foreign experts, quality costs should be at least 15–25% of total production costs.

Japanese enterprises paid great attention to the problems of quality improvement. All employees were involved in quality improvement activities.

Widespread in Japan quality mugs. The movement of quality circles is supported by a special headquarters, which has its own journal and holds annual conferences. Thus, the issue of improving quality goes beyond individual firms and becomes national. Quality circles are often associated with the national characteristics of the Japanese, which is expressed in collectivism and a great interest in learning (every worker wants to become an engineer). At the same time, the role of quality circles is not only to develop recommendations for improving product quality, reducing its cost, increasing labor productivity and other production problems. It is noted that the very involvement of employees in the management process leads to the activation of the human factor, i.e. the staff begins to work better. The widespread use of quality circles requires from workers not only a certain psychology, but also a fairly deep knowledge of statistical methods.

Statistical methods of quality management are the methodology and technical means of quality management based on quantitative measurements and analysis of information that allows making informed decisions.

When using statistical methods, it is important to have a systematic understanding of the object of study, i.e.: analysis of data on production inconsistencies by types and places of their occurrence; assessing the accuracy and stability of technological processes and operations; technological process management; diagnostics of the state of production and forecasting of the quality level of manufactured products.

Deviations of quality characteristics from specified values ​​can be assessed most accurately when they are measured continuously. All technical requirements for quality characteristics are specified in the form of tolerances for them:

  • two-sided relative to nominal values;
  • one-sided in the form: the less the better or the more the better.

The process of creating a product can be divided into three overlapping stages: product design, development of its technological process, and manufacturing itself. For complex modern products, the first two stages play a decisive role. According to foreign estimates, approximately 80% of defects that arise during the operation of a product are caused by errors in its design and organization of the manufacturing process.

One of the main tools in the extensive arsenal of statistical quality control methods is control cards (control chart). It is generally accepted that the idea of ​​the control chart belongs to the famous American statistician Walter A. Shewhart. It was proposed in 1924 and described in 1931. Initially, control charts were used to record the results of measurements of the required properties of products. If the parameter went beyond the tolerance range, it indicated the need to stop production and adjust the process in accordance with the knowledge of the specialist managing the production.

This provided information about when, who, and on what equipment received defects in the past.

However, in this case, the decision to adjust was made when the defect had already been received. Therefore, it was important to find a procedure that would accumulate information not only for retrospective research, but also for use in decision making, i.e. before marriage. This proposal was published by the American statistician I. Page and 1954. Maps that are used in decision making are called cumulative.

Depending on the type of quality indicator of the production process, control charts for qualitative and quantitative indicators are distinguished.

Control chart (Fig. 10.1, a B C) consists of a central line ( C.L.), two control limits UCL And LCL(above and below the central line) and quality indicator values, which are recorded as points connected by a broken line. These points, plotted on a map, provide insight into the state of the process.

At certain periods of time they are selected (all in a row, selectively, periodically from a continuous stream, etc.) P manufactured products and measure the controlled parameter.

The measurement results are plotted on a control chart, and depending on these values, a decision is made to adjust the process or to continue the process without adjustments. The process does not need to be adjusted until there is conclusive evidence that a problem has occurred. Process adjustments can be very expensive due to lost production time, adjustment costs, and the possibility that adjustments may cause system variations to increase. You should not regulate the process until it is necessary. In such cases they say: “If it’s not broken, don’t touch it!” .

The production process is considered manageable, controllable, reproducible, i.e. does not require intervention if the following anomalies are absent on the control chart:

  • a point on the map goes beyond the upper or lower control limits (see Fig. 10.1, A);
  • seven points in a row are located either above or below the center line, or 10 points out of 11 are located either above or below the center line (see Fig. 10.1, A);
  • The location of 12 points out of 14, 16 out of 20 is considered abnormal, either above or below the center line;
  • a positive or negative trend is observed in the position of the points (see Fig. 10.1, b);
  • two or three points lie near the control boundaries (see Fig. 10.1, b);
  • the spread of points fits into half the interval to the upper and lower control limits (see Fig. 10.1, c);
  • there is some pattern in the location of the points, for example, their fluctuations (see Fig. 10.1, V).

Rice. 10.1.

Thus, even if all the points are within the control boundaries, but are clustered suspiciously close to one of them or are moving purposefully towards one of the boundaries, it can be concluded that the process is no longer under control. Gradual movement of points up or down may be due to wear and tear on the equipment. Parts of the production line may have worn out or begun to slowly deteriorate.

If at least one of the listed anomalies is present, the production process is considered uncontrolled and therefore requires intervention in order to identify and eliminate the cause of the violation or anomaly.

Thus, control charts are used to identify a specific cause, but not a random one.

A definite cause should be understood as the existence of factors that can be studied. Of course, such factors should be avoided.

Variation due to random reasons is necessary; it inevitably occurs in any process, even if the technological operation is carried out using standard methods and raw materials. Eliminating random causes of variation is neither technically nor economically feasible.

Often, when determining the factors influencing any performance indicator characterizing quality, Ishikawa schemes are used.

They were proposed by Tokyo University professor Kaoru Ishikawa in 1953 while analyzing various opinions of engineers. Otherwise, the Ishikawa diagram is called a cause and effect diagram, a fishbone diagram, a tree diagram, etc. It consists of a quality indicator characterizing the result and factor indicators (Fig. 10.2).

Constructing diagrams includes the following steps:

  • selection of an effective indicator characterizing the quality of the product (process, etc.);
  • selection of the main reasons influencing the quality indicator. They must be placed in rectangles (“big bones”). Generalizing factors are difficult to use in management;
  • selection of secondary causes (“middle bones”) influencing the main ones;

Rice. 10.2.

  • selection (description) of tertiary causes (“small bones”) that affect the secondary ones;
  • ranking factors according to their importance and highlighting the most important ones.

Cause and effect diagrams have universal applications. Thus, they are widely used in identifying the most significant factors influencing, for example, labor productivity.

It is noted that the number of significant defects is insignificant and they are usually caused by a small number of reasons. Thus, by identifying the causes of a few essential defects, almost all losses can be eliminated.

This problem can be solved using Pareto charts.

There are two types of Pareto charts:

  • 1) by performance results. They serve to identify the main problem and reflect undesirable performance results (deviations in size, cavities, scratches, cracks, bending, etc.);
  • 2) by reasons (factors). They reflect the causes of problems that arise during production.

It is recommended to construct many Pareto charts, using different ways of classifying both the results and the reasons leading to these results. The best diagram should be considered to be one that identifies a few, essentially important factors, which is the purpose of Pareto analysis.

Constructing Pareto charts includes the following steps:

  • choosing the type of diagram (by results of activities or by reasons (factors));
  • classification of results (causes). Of course, any classification has an element of convention, but the majority of observed units of any population should not fall into the “other” line;
  • determining the method and period of data collection;
  • developing a data recording checklist listing the types of information to be collected. It is necessary to provide free space for graphical recording of data (Table 10.2).

Table 10.2


Types of defects

Data groups

Total by type of defects

A. Cracks

Ranking of data obtained for each characteristic being tested in order of importance. The "Other" group should be listed in the last line, regardless of how large the number is.

Construction of a bar chart (shown in Fig. 10.3).

Rice. 10.3.

Of significant interest is the construction of Pareto diagrams in combination with a cause and effect diagram.

Identification of the main factors influencing product quality makes it possible to link production quality indicators with any indicator characterizing consumer quality.

For such linking it is possible to use regression analysis.

For example, as a result of specially organized observations of the results of wearing shoes and subsequent statistical processing of the data obtained, it was found that the service life of shoes ( y) depends on two variables: the density of the sole material in g/cm3 ( X 1) and the limiting strength of adhesion of the sole to the upper of the shoe in kg/cm2 (x2). The variation of these factors explains 84.6% of the variation in the resulting characteristic (multiple correction factor R= 0.92), and the regression equation has the form:

at= 6.0 + 4.0 X| + 1.2 X 2.

Thus, already in the production process, knowing the characteristics of the factors X 1 and X 2, the service life of shoes can be predicted. By improving these parameters, you can increase the wear life of your shoes. Based on the required service life of the shoes, it is possible to select technologically acceptable and economically optimal levels of production quality attributes. For example, the sole material must ensure that the shoes last for at least one year. In this case, you probably should not use such high-quality and expensive material, which will ensure the wear of shoes for more than 10 years.

The greatest practical use is to characterize the quality of the process being studied by assessing the quality of the result of this process. In this case, we are talking about quality control of products or parts obtained in a particular operation. Non-continuous control methods are most widespread, and the most effective are those that are based on the theory of the selective observation method.


At the electric lamp plant, the workshop produces microbulbs.

To check the quality of the lamps, 25 pieces are selected and tested on a special stand (the voltage is changed, the stand is subjected to vibration, etc.). Every hour, readings are taken about the duration of lamp burning. The following results were obtained:

  • 6; 6; 4; 5; 7;
  • 5; 6; 6; 7; 8;
  • 5: 7; 7; 6; 4;
  • 5; 6; 8; 7; 5;
  • 7; 6: 5; 6; 6.

First of all, it is necessary to construct a series of distributions (Table 10.3).

Table 10.3

Construction of distributions

Burning duration (X i ), h

Percentage to total

Let's determine the indicators of the distribution center: arithmetic mean, mode And median:

Let's build distribution curve (polygon) (Fig. 10.4).

Rice. 10.4.

Let's define range of variation:

It characterizes the limits of change in a variable characteristic.

Average absolute deviation let's define it as follows:

This means that the burning time of each lamp on average deviates from the average value (6 hours) by 0.8 hours.

Standard deviation equals

This means that the burning time of each lamp on average deviates from the average value (6 hours) by 1.06 hours. First of all, it is necessary to construct a distribution series.

Let's calculate coefficients of variation:

By scope:

By mean absolute deviation:

By mean square ratio:

In terms of product quality, coefficients of variation should be kept to a minimum.

Since the plant is interested in the quality of not only control lamps, but all lamps, the question arises about the calculation average sampling error, which depends on the variability of the trait (σ) and the number of selected units (i):

Let's define marginal sampling error according to the formula: .

Confidence number t shows that the discrepancy does not exceed its multiple of the sampling error. With a probability of 0.954, it can be stated that the difference between the sample and general means will not exceed two values ​​of the average sampling error, i.e. in 954 cases the representativeness error will not exceed ± 2μ.

Thus, with probability 0.954, the average burning duration is expected to be no less than 5.6 hours and no more than 6.4 hours. From a product quality point of view, it is necessary to strive to reduce these deviations.

Typically, in statistical quality control, the acceptable level of quality, which is determined by the number of products that passed control and had quality below the minimum acceptable, ranges from 0.5 to 1% of products. However, for companies that strive to produce only the highest quality products, this level may not be sufficient. For example, Toyota strives to reduce the defect rate to zero, meaning that although millions of cars are produced, each customer purchases only one of them. Therefore, along with statistical methods of quality control, the company has developed simple means of quality control of all manufactured parts ( TQM). Statistical quality control is primarily used in enterprises where products are manufactured in batches.


After processing, 50 or 100 parts enter the tray of the high-speed automatic process, of which only the first and last are inspected. If both parts are free of defects, then all parts are considered good. But if the last part turns out to be defective, then the first defective part in the batch will also be found, and the entire defect will be removed. To ensure that no batch escapes control, the press automatically turns off after processing the next batch of workpieces. The use of random statistical control has a comprehensive effect when each production operation is carried out stably due to careful debugging of equipment, the use of high-quality raw materials, etc.

  • Metrology is the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity, as well as ways to achieve the required measurement accuracy.
  • Siegel E. Practical business statistics: trans. from English M.: Williams, 2008. P. 915.
  • Siegel E. Decree. op. P. 919.
  • In the literature, these diagrams are sometimes called 7M-diagram: management, man, method, measurement, machine, material, milieu. See for example: Bergman B„ Kle/sjo B. Quality from Customer Needs to Customer Satisfaction: London, McGRAW–MILL Company, 1994. P. 199.