Regulations on structural divisions. The procedure for interaction of structural units Basic information about the functions and interaction of units

  • 19.12.2023

When “local battles” occur within one service, the issue of distribution of responsibility is decided by the immediate supervisor. But what if disputes flare up between departments? An HR specialist can find a way out of this situation.

From this article you will learn:

  • what is the regulation of interaction between structural divisions
  • the most convenient form of regulation
  • what nuances should be taken into account when preparing regulations for interaction between structural divisions
  • how to implement regulations for interaction between structural divisions

In order to define all interactions in the company and thereby increase the efficiency of personnel, HR specialists of SpecPolymer developed and introduced Regulations for interaction and document flow. This helped the organization get rid of many problems. Of course, such a document is not a panacea for all ills, but it brings clarity and certainty to the activities of the enterprise and significantly facilitates the work of not only HR managers, but also management.

The SpetsPolymer company was founded in 2003. It develops and produces protective polymer coatings based on polyurea and polyurethanes in Russia, and provides coating services for all types of surfaces. Has 6 branches. The number of personnel of the management company is about 50 people.

Regulations are usually created if the company:
many business processes;
they involve more than two units (several employees or structural units).

Goals of creating regulations for interaction between structural divisions

The goals of creating regulations for interaction and document flow:

1. Establishing and maintaining order in the preparation of documents, maintaining the correct interaction of business units.

2. Avoiding conflicts in the team: they simply will not arise if the responsibilities, performers, deadlines are determined in advance and recorded in a common document.

3. Determination of the labor functions of employees: the regulations indicate who is in contact with whom at work, what is the share of participation of each employee in a particular process.

4. Making it easier for newcomers to join the company: the regulations help to understand the structure of business communications, indicate what documents and services a person will have to work with, and what the deadlines for completing tasks are.

5. Control of processes and performance discipline.

6. Facilitating the transfer of cases from one employee to another, for example, in a situation of going on vacation or dismissal.

7. Elimination of situations related to the organization of labor that could lead to losses of financial, time and human resources.

For a more detailed explanation, see the video:

Structure of the regulations for interaction between structural divisions

It is most convenient to work with the regulations when they are made in the form of a table (see table). Let's pay attention to some of its columns:
“Form number” - both standard and company-accepted forms of documents can be indicated;
“Performer” is an employee who performs an action or prepares and maintains a document;
“Date/time” - the exact date of preparation of the document;
“Responsible” is an employee who controls the preparation of the document, responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information presented in it, as well as for compliance with deadlines (usually the executor or his manager).

If some link is not provided for in a specific document, a dash is added. For example, a secretary-clerk monthly prepares and submits for approval to the head of the personnel management service a list of employees’ birthdays in the next month, but approval of this document is not provided, and in this case there will be a dash in the “Signature, approval” column. Actions on specific documents are described line by line in the regulations.

Documents can be grouped either based on the similarity of processes or the services to which they relate. Therefore, it makes sense to highlight the corresponding blocks in the regulations: by process (for example: receipt / shipment of goods, etc.) or by service (commercial department, production service, etc.). If a large company has complex interaction processes, then, perhaps, in addition to regulations common to all, it will be necessary to develop those for each of the divisions.

Nuances of creating regulations for interaction between structural divisions

The nuances of creating regulations depend on the characteristics of the company and the type of its corporate culture. In any case, it is necessary to enlist the support of management and arouse the interest of the heads of structural divisions. Work on creating a general corporate document can begin with the creation of Regulations for the personnel management service. For HR, this is quite simple: all the processes are well known to him, and motivating subordinates to comply with the Regulations is not difficult. After such testing, it becomes easier to show heads of other services using a living example how the Regulations help in their work, what is necessary for its creation and effective operation.

So, having received the approval and support of management, the HR manager must collect all the information about internal processes and documents. To do this, it is best to identify those responsible for each block of processes (usually these are the heads of services and departments). Methods for collecting data depend on the characteristics of the company: you can send a newsletter via the internal network with a regulation form and an example of filling it out, or you can find out the necessary information in a personal conversation with everyone.

The information received on all processes and documents in the company is recorded on paper.

Implementation of regulations for interaction between structural divisions

It is important to agree on the created document with all employees. It is advisable to make a mass distribution of the new regulations on the internal Internet network with a call for suggestions and comments (the deadline for consideration of submitted comments should be indicated). If electronic distribution is not possible or not all employees have access to a computer, you need to provide each structural unit with a paper copy of the document. After all approvals, an order can be issued approving the Regulations and its mandatory implementation by all employees.

For the regulations to work, it is necessary to evaluate its implementation from time to time and make timely changes and additions. If there is a variable part in the employee’s salary, you can make compliance with the regulations one of the criteria for its payment.

No. Document/information Form No. Executor Coordination Signature, approval To whom is it transmitted? Date Time* Responsible
1. HR service
1.1. Personnel accounting
1.1.1. Staffing/changes in staffing Unif. form T-3/Order for main activities Financial Director Approval by order, signing - head of personnel management service, chief accountant Head of Human Resources No later than 2 days after approval of the org. structure / decision making to make changes Head of Human Resources
1.1.2. Statements Worker CEO HR inspector Before personnel action (dismissal, vacation, etc.) Worker
1.1.3. Employment contract UP-1 HR inspector Before you start Head of Human Resources
1.1.4. Agreements, additions to employment contracts UP-2 HR inspector Head of Human Resources, Legal Adviser General Director, employee 1 copy - HR inspector, 1 copy. - worker 2 months before changes Head of Human Resources
1.1.5. Labor functions of the employee UP-3 Direct supervisor of the employee Head of Human Resources, Legal Adviser General Director, introduction - employee 1 copy - HR inspector, 1 copy. - employee, 1 copy. - employee's immediate supervisor 5 working days before signing the employment contract/additional agreements with the employee The employee's immediate supervisor
1.1.6. ...
1.2. Personnel Management
1.2.1. Org. structure UP-11 Head of Human Resources Director of Corporate Policy CEO Head of Human Resources, email: vizhe - to a corporate server Within 1 day from the moment the decision to make changes is made Head of Human Resources
1.2.2. Cost budget for the PM service for the year (with attachments) OF-7 Head of Human Resources Director of Corporate Policy, Financial Director CEO 1 copy - head of personnel management service, 1 copy. - financial director Until December 15 of the previous calendar year Head of Human Resources
1.2.3. ...

* If the deadline falls on a weekend or non-working holiday, it is postponed to the next working day after this date

1. General Provisions

1.1. This regulation defines the principles of interaction between the structural divisions of the Central Directorate for Management of the Terminal and Warehouse Complex - a branch of JSC Russian Railways (CM) with the structural divisions of the Center for Corporate Transport Services - a branch of JSC Russian Railways (CFTO) and the Central Directorate of Traffic Control - a branch of JSC Russian Railways " (CD) when registering works and services performed and provided by structural units of the CM, within the framework of complex services related and not related to the transportation service, as well as when processing the collection of payments for services rendered, payment for which is made using a single personal account of the payer.

1.2. This regulation is aimed at ensuring effective interaction between the structural divisions of CM, CFTO, CD in the provision of transport and logistics services in the “one window” mode, to improve the quality of services related to the transportation of goods, to ensure uniformity of requirements when calculating fees and charges for freight transportation of JSC Russian Railways and to expand the scope of application of electronic document management technology.

1.3. This regulation is based on the provisions of the Concept of the management system for the Freight Transportation business block, the Standard Regulations on the Directorate for the Management of the Terminal and Warehouse Complex - a structural unit of the Central Directorate for the Management of the Terminal and Warehouse Complex - a branch of JSC Russian Railways, approved by order of JSC Russian Railways dated 04.10.2010 No. 2064r, Standard regulations on the territorial center of branded transport services - a structural subdivision of the Center of branded transport services - a branch of JSC Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated 21.08.2009 No. 1752r, Model regulations on the directorate traffic control - a structural unit of the Central Directorate of Traffic Control - a branch of JSC Russian Railways, approved on June 30, 2010 No. TsD-49, other regulatory documents given in the appendix to these regulations.

The provisions of this regulation apply until the implementation of the provisions of the Concept of the management system for the Freight Transportation business block. After the implementation of the basic principles of this Concept, this regulation should be revised in order to bring it into compliance.

1.4. This regulation is a standard one, on the basis of which the corresponding provisions are introduced into the current regulations for the interaction of the structural divisions of the CM, CFTO and CD.

1.5. This regulation does not apply to cases where, by agreement between the CFTO (TCFTO) and the CM (DM), based on local working conditions, the functions of the CFTO agents for processing transportation and collecting payments are performed by commodity cashiers (commercial agents) DM. In such cases, commodity cashiers (commercial agents) of DM are guided in their work by the provisions of the Standard Technological Process for the work of a branded transport service agency (AFTO), approved by JSC Russian Railways on December 31, 2004.

1.6. The interaction of structural divisions of DM with structural divisions of D when processing cargo and commercial operations performed by MC (DM) in common areas of stations is carried out in the manner established in the Regulations for the interaction of the Central Directorate for the Management of the Terminal and Warehouse Complex with the Central Directorate of Traffic Control.

1.7. The following abbreviations are used in these regulations:

Automated workstation for preparing transportation documents of the ETRAN system


Automated management system for terminal and warehouse activities

Corporate transport service agency - a structural division of TCFTO

Traffic Control Directorate - a territorial structural subdivision of the Central Traffic Control Directorate - a branch of JSC Russian Railways

Directorate for Terminal and Warehouse Complex Management - structural division of CM

Customs control zone

Unified automated system of act-claims work for commercial work in the field of freight transportation

Single personal account of the payer

Unified list of works and services provided by JSC Russian Railways when organizing cargo transportation

Line agency of branded transport services

Mechanized distance of loading and unloading operations and commercial operations - structural division of DM

Temporary storage

Agreement on International Freight Transport by Rail

Station technological center for processing train information and transportation documents

Territorial center of corporate transport services - a structural unit of the CFTO

Central Directorate of Traffic Control - branch of JSC Russian Railways

Central Directorate for Management of Terminal and Warehouse Complex - Branch of JSC Russian Railways

Center for corporate transport services - branch of JSC "Russian Railways"

Automated system for centralized preparation and registration of transportation documents


On approval of the regulations for the interaction of structural divisions of the central directorate for managing the terminal and warehouse complex with structural divisions of the center for corporate transport services, the central directorate for traffic control when processing work and services

To ensure effective interaction between the structural divisions of the Central Directorate for the management of the terminal and warehouse complex with the structural divisions of the Center for Branded Transport Services, the Central Directorate of Traffic Control when performing work and providing services related to the transportation of goods, and uniformity of requirements when registering work performed and services provided:

1. Approve the attached regulations for the interaction of the structural divisions of the Central Directorate for the management of the terminal and warehouse complex with the structural divisions of the Center for Corporate Transport Services, the Central Directorate for Traffic Control when processing work and services.

2. Heads of the Central Directorate for Management of the Terminal and Warehouse Complex S.M. Khronopulo, the Center for Corporate Transport Services B.A. Kunaeva, the Central Directorate for Traffic Control P.A. Ivanov. ensure that the relevant provisions are included in the current regulations for interaction between the specified structural units and technological work processes.

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways

CM. Babaev

2. The procedure for interaction between the structural units of the CM and the structural units of the CFTO when processing work, services and collecting payments for them

2.1. Functional areas of interaction

When registering works and services from EPU 1, performed by divisions of DM (MC), and collecting payments for them, interaction of DM (MC) with TCFTO (LAFTO) is carried out in the following functional areas:

1 Approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways No. 119r dated January 31, 2005 (as amended by the orders of JSC Russian Railways dated October 5, 2006 No. 2012r, dated December 26, 2008 No. 2828r, dated July 9, 2009 No. 1440r) .

1) Concluding contracts with clients for the provision of services in public areas of stations.

2) Coordination of applications for technological capabilities of common areas of stations.

3) Registration of acceptance of the container (cargo) for transportation in the common areas of the stations.

4) Registration of primary documents for work, services and registration of collection of payments for them according to the accumulative statement of form FDU-92 2.

2 In accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the order of JSC Russian Railways dated August 19, 2011 No. 1828r “On amendments to the Instructions for maintaining commercial reporting at stations for freight transportation of JSC Russian Railways and changing the form FDU-92 “Accumulative statement” .

5) Registration of delivery of goods and containers by road to public areas of stations.

6) Registration of removal of goods and containers by road from public areas of stations.

2.2. Interaction when concluding contracts with clients for work and services performed by DM (MC) in common areas of stations

2.2.1. When concluding contracts with clients for work and services performed by DM (MC) in the common areas of stations, interaction is carried out between DM and TCFTO on the railway at the place where the contract for the performance of work and provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the contract) was concluded.

2.2.2. The procedure for interaction between DM and TCFTO employees is determined by the list of works and services requested under the contract and the place where the client contacts regarding its conclusion.

2.2.3. When a client contacts TCFTO regarding the conclusion of an agreement within the competence of TCFTO 3, TCFTO prepares a draft agreement. If the contract includes works and services provided by divisions of the DM (MC), TCFTO sends the draft contract for approval to the DM.

3 Agreement for the performance of work and services from the EPU, payment for which is made using the ELS.

DM reviews the contract within two working days from the date of receipt and transmits the agreed draft contract or a reasoned refusal regarding the performance of work and services by DM (MC) units.

The procedure for transferring draft contracts is determined jointly by the head of the TCFTO and the head of the DM in accordance with local regulations.

The conclusion of an agreement with the client is carried out by TCFTO.

The amounts of contractual fees for work and services performed or provided under a contract by divisions of DM (MC) are determined in accordance with the “Temporary procedure for the development and approval at JSC Russian Railways of contract fees for work and services provided for by the Unified List of Works and Services Provided by JSC "Russian Railways" in organizing cargo transportation", approved by the minutes of the meeting of the board of JSC "Russian Railways" dated 04/09/2010 No. 11.

By agreement between TCFTO and DM, work and services performed by DM (MC) units can be separated into a separate contract, which is concluded by DM 4.

4 Contract for freight forwarding services, according to which a full range of works and services (except for cargo transportation) are provided by DM (MC) units.

2.2.4. When a client contacts the DM regarding the conclusion of an agreement within the competence of the TCFTO, the DM notifies the TCFTO about the client’s request, receives from the TCFTO in electronic form a standard agreement form, prints it out and gives it to the client, and also provides information about the contact person at the TCFTO, to whom the client can contact regarding the conclusion of the contract.

If it is necessary to perform work or services under a contract by DM (MC) units, the preparation of a draft contract, its approval and conclusion are carried out in a manner similar to that specified in paragraph 2.2.3 of these regulations.

2.2.5. When a client contacts the TCFTO regarding the conclusion of an agreement within the competence of the DM 5, the TCFTO notifies the DM about the client’s request, receives a standard contract form from the DM electronically, prints it out and issues it to the client, and also provides information about the contact person to the DM, to to whom the client can contact regarding the conclusion of a contract.

5 Agreement for the performance of works, services, including those not included in the UPU, payment for which is made to the DM bank account or using the ELS.

The conclusion of the contract with the client is carried out by the DM.

2.2.6. When a client contacts the DM regarding the conclusion of an agreement within the competence of the DM, the conclusion of the agreement with the client is carried out by the DM.

2.2.7. In accordance with the local regulations of interaction between TCFTO and DM, it is allowed to establish a different procedure for concluding contracts by DM (MC) units.

2.3. Interaction in coordinating applications for technological capabilities of common areas of stations

To ensure the coordination of applications for the transportation of goods, taking into account the technological capabilities of the common areas of the stations, DM, 5 days before the start of the calendar month, sends information about the processing capabilities of the public areas to the TCFTO. TCFTO provides data entry into AS ETRAN for their recording when approving applications for the transportation of goods.

If circumstances arise that require the adoption of operational measures to temporarily limit or prohibit loading in common areas of stations, the DM informs the TCFTO within 24 hours after the occurrence of such circumstances.

2.4. Interaction when registering the acceptance of a container (cargo) for transportation in common areas of stations

2.4.1. Acceptance of containers (cargo) for transportation in the common areas of the station is formalized by the acceptance and delivery person of cargo and baggage at the cargo front (hereinafter referred to as the acceptance and delivery person at the cargo front) with the 6th acceptance certificate of the form KEU-16, KEU-16 VTs (KEU-4, KEU-4 VTs) in accordance with the Rules for the acceptance of goods for transportation by rail (7) and the Procedure for maintaining acceptance certificates on railway transport, approved by Order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated November 17, 2003 No. 72.

6 Depending on local working conditions in the common areas of the station, the receiver may be either an employee of the DM or an employee of the D.

(7) Approved by order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated June 18, 2003 No. 28, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 19, 2003. No. 4775, as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 25, 2007 No. 196, dated November 25, 2008 No. 195, dated October 3, 2011 No. 258.

2.4.2. One copy of the acceptance certificate, signed by the acceptance and delivery person at the cargo front and the consignor, together with the consignor, is transferred by the acceptance and delivery person at the cargo front to LAFTO or, in the absence of LAFTO at the station, to the employee D, DM, authorized to issue transportation documents, to complete the registration of the invoice. The transfer of documents is formalized by the acceptance and delivery person at the cargo front in the Book of delivery of cargo documents of the GU-48 form.

2.4.3. After completing the registration of the consignment note, the CFTO agent or, in the absence of LAFTO at the station, the employee D, DM, authorized to issue transportation documents, transfers the consignment note to the acceptance and delivery person at the cargo front to organize the loading of the container (cargo) into the car.

2.4.4. After loading containers (cargo) into the wagon, the acceptance and delivery person at the cargo front draws up a wagon sheet in the appropriate form, attaches invoices for shipments loaded into the wagon to the wagon sheet, and transfers the wagon sheet with the attached invoices to the STC. The transfer of documents is formalized by the acceptance and delivery person at the cargo front in the Book of delivery of cargo documents of the GU-48 form.

2.5. Interaction in the preparation of primary documents for work, services and collection of payments for them

2.5.1. When registering works and services based on the information in the consignment note for the transportation of goods

In accordance with the Procedure for registration and accounting of works and services of JSC Russian Railways during the transportation of goods under the conditions of maintaining a single personal account, approved by JSC Russian Railways on December 18, 2009 No. ISKH-21852, based on the information in the invoice, the work and services provided are registered divisions of DM (MC), given in table 2.1.

"Storage of cargo at the destination railway station beyond the free storage period."

The service is provided in public areas of the destination station by DM (MC) units. The service provides for the storage of cargo from the end of the free storage period after unloading the cargo from the wagon until it is issued to the consignee (the invoice is cleared) 9 .

9 Services related to the storage of goods in common areas of stations, not included in the UPU, are provided by DM (MC) under contracts with payment to the DM bank account.

When the invoice is cleared in LAFTO (TCFTO), in the invoice column, in the column “Notes on the release of cargo,” the mark “Fee for storage of cargo for “___” is collected.” The mark is certified by the signature of the CFTO agent (TCFTO employee) and the lowercase stamp of the destination station. In the SMGS consignment note (in the cargo release sheet), a note about the collection of a storage fee is placed in column 98 “Release of cargo to the recipient”. Without an appropriate mark in the consignment note, the cargo is not released to the consignee by the cargo front acceptor on which the cargo is stored.

The fee for the provision of services is charged in the manner established in Tariff Guide No. 3. The fee is levied on the consignee based on the mark in the invoice according to the accumulative sheet of form FDU-92. The registration of the accumulative statement of form FDU-92 is carried out by a CFTO agent (TCFTO employee) 10.

10 When storing goods in common areas of stations after termination of the contract of carriage, as well as goods, the storage of which is not related to their transportation by rail, accounting for storage time and fees for storage of goods are accrued and collected at the rates and on the terms of contracts concluded by structural divisions DM with cargo owners.

"Washing and, if necessary, disinfection of wagons and containers."

Work on washing wagons is carried out by DM employees at wagon preparation points under the jurisdiction of DM 11. Work on veterinary and sanitary treatment of cars is carried out by DM employees at disinfection centers and disinfection stations under the jurisdiction of DM.

11 This procedure does not apply to cases of work performed by third parties at wagon preparation points under the jurisdiction of DM.

Collection of fees for work is carried out by a CFTO agent (TCFTO employee) when sending a car from the unloading station to a washing or veterinary-sanitary treatment station based on the information filled in by the sender of the car in the consignment note in the column “Name of the cargo” in accordance with clause 10.2 of the Rules for filling out transportation documents for the transportation of goods by rail 12.

12 Approved by order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated June 18, 2003 No. 39, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 23, 2003. No. 4819, as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 25, 2007 No. 196, dated October 3, 2011 No. 258.

The fee is accrued in accordance with the contract for the performance of work and is collected from the sender of the car when making payments using the ELS according to the accumulation sheet of the FDU-92 form.

Registration of the work performed in the general form GU-23 (GU-23 VTs) is carried out by the released foreman of the wagon preparation point, disinfection point, disinfection station or other authorized employee of the DM. The act is drawn up in triplicate and signed by the station acceptance and delivery person and the released foreman or other authorized employee of the DM. At the same time, in order to maintain separate management accounting of income from the performance of work and the provision of services provided for by the EPU, in the context of the Central Bank, the conditional code “CDTSK” is entered in the upper right corner of the general form act.

Two copies of the act, together with the acceptance note for the cleaning of cars, are transferred to the AFTO (TCFTO) station where the washing point is located, the third copy of the act remains in storage at the washing point.

Upon receipt of acts of the general form GU-23 (GU-23 VTs) at the AFTO (TCFTO):

for cars included in the refrigerated section - one copy of the report is issued in the prescribed manner to the mechanic of the refrigerated section, the second is sent to the AFTO at the car (cars) unloading station (TCFTO);

for other cars - two copies of the act are sent in the prescribed manner to the AFTO at the station for unloading the car (cars) (TCFTO).

Copies of the act of the general form GU-23 (GU-23 VTs) received at the AFTO unloading station (TTSFTO) for the performance of work on washing the car (cars), including a copy of the consignee (until its request), are stored in the AFTO files (TTSFTO) attached to accumulation sheet form FDU-92.

2.5.2. When registering works and services using an act of the general form GU-23 (GU-23 VTs)

In accordance with the Procedure for registration and accounting of works and services of JSC "Russian Railways" during the transportation of goods in the conditions of maintaining a single personal account, the performance of works and services by the divisions of the DM (MC), given in table 2.2, is formalized by an act of the general form GU-23 (GU-23 VTs ).

Registration of the work performed and services provided in the general form GU-23 (GU-23 VTs) act is carried out by an authorized employee of the DM (MC) at the place of performance of the work, provision, service. At the same time, in order to maintain separate management accounting of income from the performance of work and the provision of services provided for by the EPU, in the context of CM, the conditional code “CDTSK” is entered in the upper right corner of the act.

The act is drawn up in triplicate and signed by an authorized employee of the DM (MC) and the customer of the work or service. One copy of the act is stored at the place of performance of work, provision of services, the second copy of the act is issued to the customer of the work, service, the third copy of the act is transferred to the AFTO (TCFTO), in the manner established in the regulations for the interaction of TFTO and DM, to formalize the collection of payments for work performed, services provided.

Payments for work and services performed are collected from the customer of the work and services according to the accumulative statement of form FDU-92. The registration of the accumulative statement of form FDU-92 is carried out by the CFTO agent authorized to carry out settlements (TCFTO employee).

2.5.3. When registering works and services with a certificate of acceptance of services rendered (work performed)

1) Works and services from the EPU

In accordance with the Procedure for registration and accounting of works and services of JSC "Russian Railways" during the transportation of goods in the conditions of maintaining a single personal account, the performance of works and services by the divisions of the DM (MCh), given in table 2.3, is formalized by a certificate of acceptance of services rendered (work performed).

Registration of completed work and rendered services with an acceptance certificate is carried out by an authorized employee of the DM (MC) at the place where the work was performed or the service was provided. At the same time, in order to maintain separate management accounting of income from the performance of work and the provision of services provided for by the EPU, in the context of the Central Committee, the conditional code “CDTSK” is affixed in the upper right corner of the acceptance certificate.

The acceptance certificate is drawn up in triplicate, signed by an authorized employee of DM (MC) and transferred to the AFTO (TCFTO), in the manner established in the regulations for the interaction of TFTO and DM, for signing the acceptance certificate from the customer of the service, as well as processing the collection of payments .

Payments are collected from the customer of work and services according to the accumulative statement of form FDU-92. The registration of the accumulative statement of form FDU-92 is carried out by the CFTO agent authorized to carry out settlements (TCFTO employee). After signing the acceptance certificate from the customer of the service, one copy of the act is transferred from the AFTO (TCFTO) to the MC (DM) in the manner established in the regulations for the interaction of the TFTO and DM.

2) Works and services not included in the UAP

Works and services not included in the UPU are performed on the basis of contracts for the provision of services (performance of work) or contracts for transport and forwarding services concluded by DM divisions with customers of services (work). Works and services are formalized by authorized employees of DM (MC) with a certificate of acceptance of services provided (work performed) in the manner specified in the contract.

Payments for work and services performed are calculated at rates and collected by DM (MC) from the customer of work and services under the terms of the contract by transferring funds to DM’s current account or using the ELS.

2.5.4. When registering the work with an acceptance certificate

In accordance with the Procedure for registration and accounting of works and services of JSC "Russian Railways" during the transportation of goods in the conditions of maintaining a single personal account, the execution by DM (MC) units of work to check the condition of goods, their weight, the number of pieces in cases of timely delivery of goods without signs of shortages or damage , damage or theft in accordance with Article 41 of the Charter (number in EPU No. 32) is drawn up with an acceptance certificate of the KEU-4 VTs form. At the same time, in section 2 of the act “Results of inspection upon delivery of cargo”, the authorized employee of the DM (MC) puts a note on the number and date of conclusion of the contract for the performance of work.

Payment for the performance of work is collected from the consignee according to the accumulative statement of form FDU-92. The registration of the accumulative statement of form FDU-92 is carried out by the CFTO agent authorized to carry out settlements (TCFTO employee).

At the same time, in order to maintain separate management accounting of income from the performance of work and the provision of services provided for by the EPU, in the context of the central budget, when drawing up the accumulative statement of form FDU-92 by a CFTO agent (TCFTO employee) in the column of the statement “Division of JSC Russian Railways that provided the service; name/ code" the code "CDTSK" is entered.

2.6. Interaction when registering the delivery of cargo and containers by road to public areas of stations

When delivering cargo to the public areas of the station for subsequent transportation by rail, a pass form GU-43 14 is issued on the basis of the consignor’s invoice.

When an empty container is delivered to the common areas of the station after unloading the cargo from it, a pass of the GU-43 form is issued on the basis of an acceptance certificate of the KEU-16 form (KEU-16 VTs), issued when the loaded container was removed by the acceptance and delivery person of the container site.

When delivering cargo to the common areas of the station for the provision of DM (MC) services and performance of work under contracts that provide for payment to the settlement account of DM, the registration of a pass form GU-43 is carried out at the request of an authorized employee of the DM (MC) at the place of registration of the pass in accordance with local regulations.

2.7. Interaction when registering the removal by road of goods arriving at public areas of stations

When removing cargo from the public areas of the station after transportation by rail, a pass form GU-43 is issued when the invoice is cleared

When removing an empty container from the public areas of the station, a pass of form GU-43 is issued on the basis of an acceptance certificate of form KEU-16 (KEU-16 VTs).

The GU-43 form pass is issued by a CFTO agent or a station employee responsible for processing transportation documents (if there is no AFTO at the station).

When removing cargo from the common areas of the station after the DM (MC) has provided services and performed work under contracts that provide for payment to the DM account, the GU-43 form pass is issued upon the request of an authorized employee of the DM (MC) at the place where the pass was issued in accordance with local regulations.

3. The procedure for interaction between the structural units of the Central Transport Department and the structural units of the Central Control Department when detecting and registering technical and commercial malfunctions of cars and containers

3.1. If a loaded or empty container is detected that is technically or commercially faulty when a wagon has been delivered for unloading or unloaded from a wagon at the DM container site, as well as in the event of damage to such a container during loading and unloading operations by DM (MC) employees, the acceptance and delivery person at the cargo front issues a EASAPR M system (in the subsystem of act-search work at the line level (ARL) an act of the general form GU-23 (GU-23 VTs) with a description of the malfunctions. The act is signed by the receiver at the cargo front and the authorized employee of the MC (DM) who took part in the unloading .

On the basis of a general report drawn up due to the discovery of a technically or commercially faulty wagon or container during unloading, the delivery and acceptance officer at the cargo front prepares an operational report signed by the station manager or his deputy, which is transmitted in the established manner 15 .

15 The procedure and addresses for transmitting operational reports are established in the “Instructions for submitting operational reports during the transportation of goods,” approved by JSC Russian Railways on August 21, 2007, No. BM-9261.

If, in accordance with the technological process of operation of the DM container site, the acceptance and delivery person is entrusted with the functions of issuing a notification for container repair, form VU-23k, then the notification is issued:

to an empty container - after it is unloaded from the car to the site;

to a loaded container, if delivery of goods in it to the consignee is impossible - after the MCh (DM) employees have completed the operation of unloading the container;

to a loaded container, if delivery of the cargo to the consignee in such a container is possible - after its delivery in an empty state on the basis of the mark “the container is not suitable for double operation” put down by the container site acceptance and delivery person when registering the export in the acceptance certificate of the KEU-16 form (KEU- 16 VC).

3.2. If a technical or commercial malfunction of a loaded or empty container is detected when it is delivered to the DM container site, the container site acceptance and delivery person (at the cargo front) draws up a report of the general form GU-23 (GU-23 VTs) indicating the reasons for non-acceptance of the container. The act is signed by the container site acceptor (at the cargo front) and the shipper. A note on the act indicating its number, date and time of preparation is affixed to the acceptance certificate of form KEU-16 (KEU-16 VTs).

If, in accordance with the technological process of operation of the DM container site, the acceptance and delivery person is entrusted with the functions of drawing up a certificate of damage to the container, form VU-25k, then he draws up such a report and puts a mark indicating the report number, date and time of drawing up the KEU-form in the acceptance report. 16 (KEU-16 VTs).

3.3. If it is necessary to repair containers belonging to JSC TransContainer, the transfer to the branch of JSC TransContainer of reports of the general form GU-23 (GU-23 VTs), notifications for container repair of the form VU-23k, reports of damage to the container of the form VU-25k is ensured :

head of the MC (DM) production site, if the container site acceptance and delivery person is a DM employee;

the head of the station, if the container site receiver is an employee of D.

The branch has all the necessary documents regulating its management activities and ensuring effective interaction and coordination of all functional services and employees. These include, first of all, the Regulations on divisions, which establish their purpose and place, structure, main tasks and management functions, rights, responsibilities and connections with other structural units and third-party institutions.

The documents formally establish the rational distribution of management functions between the educational and administrative divisions of the branch; their rights in terms of decision-making and use of available resources are specified; functional relationships between departments for each set of management tasks are determined; The responsibility of employees for the high-quality solution of management functions assigned to divisions has been established.

The provisions were developed in accordance with the requirements of the Classifier of Management Functions, Tasks and Operations (KFZO), the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation and structurally consist of the following sections:

General provisions;



Organization and liquidation.

The presence and application of job descriptions in the management practice of the branch allows:

Rationally distribute functional responsibilities among its employees and eliminate their duplication;

Increase the timeliness and reliability of task completion by introducing indicators for assessing the frequency of their completion, labor intensity, duration, etc.;

Maintain a normal moral and psychological climate in the team, as well as eliminate conflicts between managers and subordinates;

Clearly define the official connections of employees and their relationships with each other;

Specify the rights of employees in terms of preparing and making management decisions and using resources;

Increase the collective and personal responsibility of employees for the timely and high-quality use of the functional responsibilities assigned to them;

Organize an even workload of employees over periods with minimal loss of working time and overload.

Job descriptions are developed for each position in accordance with the staffing schedule of the branch and are a logical continuation and development of its management system.

The branch management system is reflected in its structure (Fig. 1.1.)

Rice. 1.1. Branch management system

Branch structure

The structure of the branch includes such general administrative units as the directorate, the educational and methodological department, the accounting and financial control department, the personnel department, the office, the library, the department for working with students, and the economic department.

A key place in it is occupied by departments, which are directly supervised by heads of departments, elected by the Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities and approved by the rector from among specialists in the relevant profile who have an academic degree and title. The term of office of the head of the department in the branch is from one year to three years. Heads of departments are responsible for the results of the activities of the departments they head, which they represent in all divisions of the branch and other organizations. The powers of department heads are determined by the relevant Regulations approved by the director of the branch.

The interaction of the branch's structural divisions is ensured by relevant local acts and operational management tools. Monitoring the implementation of plans is carried out during the academic year. In addition to planned activities, the branch carries out operational management through meetings with the director. It is mandatory to conduct them at the beginning of each month. Unscheduled meetings are convened as needed.

For the operational management and coordination of the activities of the branch's divisions, orders of the director are issued. The system of coordination and interaction of the main structural elements and officials of the branch is reflected in Fig. 1.2.

In order to streamline management, the branch has long-distance and international telecommunications (fax and e-mail) and access to the Internet.

The presence of the above organizational management structure has a beneficial effect on the state of affairs in the branch and contributes to its effective functioning, which allows one to adequately assess the degree of compliance of the achieved results with the established goals of the branch, as well as the degree of compliance of the process of system functioning with the objective requirements for its content, organization and results.

At the same time, the criterion for the effectiveness of the organizational structure of the branch is the possibility of the most complete and sustainable achievement of the final management goals under the existing financing system, and the criterion for the effectiveness of measures to improve the organizational structure is the possibility of more complete and stable achievement of the set goals.

When analyzing and assessing the effectiveness of the management apparatus and its corresponding organizational structure, the branch uses the following groups of interrelated indicators characterizing:

The effectiveness of the management system itself (expressed through the final results of the branch’s activities and management costs);

The content and organization of the management process, including the direct results and costs of managerial labor (management costs include current costs for the maintenance of the management apparatus, the operation of technical means, the training and retraining of management personnel, for the purchase of computer equipment and other technical means used in management;

Rationality of the organizational structure and its technical and organizational level (number of levels and links from the management system, level of centralization of management functions, accepted standards of controllability, balance of distribution of rights and responsibilities, level of specialization and functional isolation of subsystems, etc.).

The branch has created a centralized office management system, in which the full cycle of technological operations for processing documents, from the moment they are received or created and until they are submitted to the archive, is carried out in the branch office with the participation, if necessary, of officials from other departments.

When assessing the effectiveness of branch management, it should be noted that it expresses the balance of the goals and functions of management, the substantive completeness and integrity of management processes, the correspondence of the number and composition of employees to the volume and complexity of work, the completeness of providing processes with the required information, as well as the provision of management processes with technical means .

In general, the management system of the branch of the Russian State University for the Humanities in Vsevolozhsk and the organization of interaction of its structural divisions corresponds to the Regulations on the branch (Fig. 1.2.).

Rice. 1.2. System management of the branch of the Russian State University for the Humanities in Vsevolozhsk and organization of interaction of its structural divisions





North-Western District Branch

LLC SK Soglasie

General provisions

1.2. The purpose of the Department is to monitor and evaluate the volume, timing and quality of medical care in the event of an expert case, in accordance with the terms of the voluntary health insurance agreement, interaction with medical institutions on the issues of concluding contracts for the provision of medical services to the insured, preparation of financial documents for payment invoices issued by medical institutions and branches of Soglasie Insurance Company LLC to the North-Western District Branch (hereinafter referred to as SZOF);

1.3. The department reports directly to the Head of the Medical Support Department.

1.4. The Department is managed by the Head of the Department, who is appointed to the position and dismissed from his duties by the Director of the Branch.

1.5. The department is guided in its work by:

Current legislation;

Orders and instructions of the General Director of Soglasie Insurance Company LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company);

Orders and instructions of the Branch Director, including Order of the Director of the SZOF No. dated “On the implementation of a detailed model of business processes in the Personal Insurance Department”;

Internal regulations of the Branch;

By these Regulations.


2.1. The structure and staffing of the Department is approved by the General Director of the Company upon the recommendation of the Branch Director.

2.2. The Department includes:

Head of department -1 staff unit;

Medical Examination Group

Doctor-expert -4 staff positions;

Expert dentist - 1 staff unit;

Group for work with health care facilities

Chief specialist - 1 staff unit;

Leading specialist - 1 staff unit.

2.3. Job responsibilities and degree of responsibility of the Head of the Department and
other employees of the Department are established by job descriptions,
approved by the Director of the Branch.

2.4. The staffing table of the Department is prepared by the Head of the Department in agreement with the Head of the Medical Support Department and approved in accordance with the procedure established by the Company.

2.5. Documents on personnel issues are prepared and executed in
in accordance with the procedure established by the Branch.


3.1. Implementation of the strategy of the Company and the Branch in working with medical institutions in the Russian Federation, including St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, in terms of expanding the range and improving the quality of medical services provided to clients of the company for voluntary health insurance.

3.2 Tactical and strategic work with medical institutions, aimed at reducing the Company’s financial costs when servicing voluntary health insurance contracts.


In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the Department carries out the following functions:

4.1. Functions of the Medical Expertise Group:

4.1.1. Implementation of medical and economic control of invoices issued by medical institutions to the SZOF Insurance Company Soglasie LLC

4.1.2. Carrying out a planned and targeted medical and economic examination of medical care directly in a medical institution with mandatory analysis of primary medical documentation. A clear formulation of the purpose and objectives of the upcoming examination, as well as the formation of an expert assessment in accordance with the identified defects and the execution of the “Medical and Economic Expertise Report”;

4.1.3. Selection of cases of medical care subject to examination of the quality of medical care. Preparation of documentation necessary for a freelance expert to conduct an independent examination of the quality of medical care;

4.1.4. Application of financial sanctions to a medical institution on the basis of an agreement for the provision of medical services within the framework of voluntary health insurance;

4.1.5. Advisory and informational and methodological assistance on the issues of conducting medical examinations to VHI units in the branches of IC Soglasie LLC participating in servicing clients of the SZOF. Conducting selective periodic examinations of payment and settlement documents paid by branches independently with mandatory recommendations.

4.1.6. Entering the results of the examination of accounts into the database;

4.1.7. Analysis of the activities of outpatient and inpatient medical institutions, determination, based on this analysis, of a list of activities aimed at improving the quality of medical care, reducing the cost of paying for medical services provided by medical institutions;

4.1.8. Consideration of complaints and claims received from insurers on issues related to the quality of medical care in a completed case;

4.2. Functions of the Group for work with healthcare facilities

4.2.1. Interaction with medical institutions on the issues of concluding and maintaining contracts for the provision of medical services to those insured under VHI programs with mandatory visits to health care facilities. Establishing the causes of violations of the terms of contracts for the provision of medical care and taking measures to eliminate and prevent them;

4.2.2. Development and adjustment of medical care programs for the Insured, jointly with representatives of health care facilities; development of algorithms for interaction between dispatch services aimed at reducing the waiting time for the Insured for medical care and approval of services;

4.2.3. Discussion with representatives of health care facilities on the most favorable terms of cooperation, by agreeing on price lists, introducing preferential conditions for the provision of medical services, including the use of an advance policy;

4.2.4. Placement of medical institutions by price categories, organization of information and analytical work about medical institutions, replenishment of the information base about medical institutions;

4.2.5. Updating information about new treatment and preventive institutions. Assessment of the infrastructure of the market for the provision of medical services (the emergence of new medical services, the level of organization and quality of medical care provided by medical institutions, fluctuations in the cost of medical services);

4.2.6. Constant monitoring of medical and insurance (general and special) legislation;

4.2.7. Work with complaints from insured persons regarding the organization of medical care in health care facilities;

4.2.8. Attending presentations of healthcare facilities, conferences (meetings) on issues of interaction between insurance companies and medical institutions;

4.2.9. Accounting and registration of incoming documentation from health care facilities (contracts, additional agreements, price lists, information letters, etc.);

4.2.10. Carrying out, within one’s competence, record keeping, generating and sending/receiving correspondence and other information via electronic communication channels.

4.3. General functions of the Department

4.3.1. Participation in the development of new and adaptation of existing insurance products in the Company and the Branch to the requirements of policyholders and the economic interests of the Company;

4.3.2. Ensuring, within its competence, the protection of information constituting a trade secret and other information of limited distribution. Prevent the disclosure of information that constitutes a medical secret and became known to him during a medical examination, as well as the results of the examination, except in cases established by law;

4.3.3. Carrying out, in accordance with the regulations of the Company and the Branch, work on the acquisition, storage, recording and use of archival documents generated during the activities of the department;

4.3.4. Maintaining regulatory and reference information related to the functions of the department.

4.3.5. Providing practical and methodological assistance to other structural units of the Personal Insurance Department on medical issues.

4.3.6. Constant monitoring of medical and insurance (general and special) legislation;

4.3.7. Providing the necessary reporting on established forms within the established time limits;

4.4. In the absence of any of the above functions in these Regulations, use the “Detailed model of business processes in the Personal Insurance Department”;

4.5. The assignment to the Department of functions that are not related to the functions of the Department is not permitted.


To solve the tasks assigned to it, the department has the right:

5.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents (information) related to the activities of the Department, including: orders and other administrative documents; information about insurance products; accounting, accounting and reporting documents and monetary settlement documents; statistical reports on insurance activities, etc.;

5.2. To settle claims, require timely provision
documents and information from divisions of the Personal Insurance Department and the Branch;

5.3. Enter into relationships with third-party institutions and organizations to resolve issues regarding health insurance, as well as other issues within its competence;

5.4. Submit proposals to improve the work of the Department for consideration by the Head of the Medical Support Department;

5.5..Organize meetings and conferences on issues related to the competence of the Department.


6.1 In the process of production activities, the department interacts with the following structural divisions:

· Medical care coordination department;

· Department of accounting of accounts and formation of payments to health care facilities;

· Center for underwriting and legal support of contracts;

· Sales department;

· Department of technical support of voluntary health insurance contracts;

· Personal insurance department;

· Department of Administration and Control.

6.2. A detailed description of the interaction between departments is reflected in the “Detailed model of business processes in the Personal Insurance Department”.


7.1. In accordance with the distribution of rights and responsibilities established by these Regulations and Job Descriptions, the Head and employees of the Department are responsible for:

· improper or untimely performance of functions and resolution of tasks provided for by these Regulations;

· compliance of the documents they draw up with the regulations of the Branch and the Company;

· losses caused to the Branch as a result of their actions or inaction;

· failure to comply with the instructions and orders of the Branch Director, orders and instructions of senior management relating to the activities of the Department;

· disclosure of trade secrets;

· disclosure of confidential information that became known in the course of official activities;

· unreliability of information provided at the request of the Branch management;

· loss or damage to documents passing through the Department;

· damage to the property of the Branch transferred to the jurisdiction of the Department.

7.2. The Head of the Department bears full responsibility for the quality and timeliness of fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the Department by these Regulations.

7.3. The responsibility of the Department's employees is determined by the Job Descriptions.


8.1. Timely and high-quality completion of assigned tasks.

8.2. Timely conduct of medical and economic examinations of invoices for the provision of medical services from health care facilities;

8.3. A trend towards reducing unprofitability when servicing VHI contracts is determined: due to the introduction of preferential conditions for the provision of medical services to health care institutions, the number of effectively carried out medical and economic examinations is increasing, including the validity of prescribing medical services to health care institutions on occasion,

8.4. Implementation of the results of medical examinations and agreements reached with health care facilities into the work of the Department. Availability of dynamics in eliminating defects in the service of the Insured;

8.5. Extension of voluntary health insurance contracts as evidence of quality service for the Insured and proper organization of work with health care facilities;

8.6. High-quality performance of functional duties.

Reviewed by: __________________________/_______________/


Related information.



On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for interaction between departments and officials of the Klintsy city administration

Guided by the Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law on the Contract System), a resolution of the Klintsy city administration,

I decree:

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for interaction of the contract service with structural divisions and officials of the Klintsy city administration.

2. The department of organizational and control, personnel work and media relations of the Klintsy city administration, within a month from the date of adoption of this resolution, will make appropriate changes and additions to the job descriptions of employees of the Klintsy city administration.

3. Publish the attached Regulations on the official website of the Klintsy city administration on the Internet.

4. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the first deputy head of the Klintsy city administration Tofilyuk A.V.

Klintsovsk city administration

to the resolution of Klintsovskaya
city ​​administration
dated March 16, 2015 N 948

Application. Regulations on the procedure for interaction of the contract service with structural divisions and officials of the Klintsy city administration

I. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation on the procedure for interaction of the contract service with structural units and officials of the Klintsy city administration (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services for meeting state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law on the Contract System), Resolution of the Klintsy City Administration dated January 29, 2014 N 202 "On the creation of a contract service for the procurement of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of the Klintsy City Administration".

1.2. The Regulations establish the procedure for the Contract Service to exercise its powers and define mechanisms for interaction with structural divisions and officials in terms of planning and implementation of procurement, execution, modification and termination of municipal contracts concluded by the Klintsy city administration in accordance with the Federal Law on the Contract System.

1.3. The contract service, structural divisions and officials interact on the basis of the principles of openness, transparency of information in the field of procurement, professionalism, efficiency of procurement, responsibility for the effectiveness of meeting the needs of the urban district "city of Klintsy, Bryansk region".

II. The procedure for interaction between the contract service and structural divisions of the Klintsy city administration when identifying suppliers (contractors, performers)

2.1. To determine the supplier (contractor, performer), the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the purchase submits to the contract service a paper application to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) through a competition (open tender, competition with limited participation, two-stage tender, closed tender, closed tender with limited participation, closed two-stage tender) (hereinafter referred to as the tender), auction (auction in electronic form, closed auction) (hereinafter referred to as the auction), request for quotations, request for proposals for the purchase of goods (works, services) (hereinafter referred to as application for determination of the supplier), as well as the order for the purchase.

2.2. An application to determine a supplier is drawn up in the form (Appendix No. 1). The application must contain all the information necessary to prepare the procurement notice, procurement documentation in accordance with the requirements of the Contract System Law, as well as the agreed draft contract.

The application is signed by the head of the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the purchase, agreed upon by the Deputy Head of the Klintsy city administration supervising this structural unit of the Klintsy city administration, and the accounting department of the Klintsy city administration.

In the case of a purchase for the supply of software, electronic computer equipment and other office equipment, the description of the purchase object requires approval from the system administrator of the Klintsy city administration. Recommendations and comments received during the approval process are binding.

2.3. During the preparation of an application for identifying a supplier, the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the purchase clarifies the contract price as part of the justification of the contract price (preparation of estimates, commercial proposals: 5 outgoing and at least 3 incoming). A description of the procurement object (technical specifications) and a draft contract are being prepared taking into account the requirements of the Law on the Contract System.

2.4. The structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the purchase is responsible for the identity of the information contained in the application submitted on paper and in electronic form.

2.5. The contract service reviews the application submitted by the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the procurement to determine the supplier for compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and, no later than 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of the application, prepares notices and documentation on the procurement.

The specified period does not include the time for completion and/or correction of the application by the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the purchase when returning the application for determination of the supplier by the contract service in the following cases:

- incomplete submission of documents and information necessary to determine the supplier (contractor, performer);

- identifying inconsistencies between the content of the application for identification of a supplier and the documents attached to it with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

- identifying non-compliance of the draft contract with the terms of reference and/or the conditions specified in the application for identifying a supplier;

- identifying discrepancies between documents submitted on paper and documents submitted electronically.

2.6. In accordance with the requirements of Part 14 of Art. 21 of the Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" information can be entered into the schedule for each procurement object no later than 10 days in advance before the date of posting in the unified information system of the notice of the relevant purchase.

2.7. The contract service additionally establishes, if necessary, the following requirements:

- prohibitions on the admission of goods, works, services, as well as restrictions and conditions for the admission of goods, works, services for the purposes of procurement in accordance with Art. 14 of the Law on the contract system (if there are such prohibitions, restrictions, conditions);

- benefits provided to procurement participants in accordance with Art. 28 and 29 of the Law on the Contract System (if such advantages exist);

- additional requirements for procurement participants established in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 31 of the Law on the Contract System (if there are such requirements);

- information about the restrictions associated with participation in the procurement only of small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in accordance with Art. 30 of the Law on the Contract System (if there are such restrictions);

2.8. The procurement documentation developed by the contract service is agreed upon by the head of the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the purchase, and approved by the Deputy Head of the Klintsy city administration supervising this structural unit.

2.9. The contract service places in the unified information system notices of procurement, procurement documentation and draft contracts, protocols provided for by the Law on the Contract System.

2.10. If a request is received for clarification of the provisions of the procurement documentation in accordance with the requirements of the Law on the Contract System, the contract service prepares and sends in writing or in the form of an electronic document clarifications of the provisions of the procurement documentation and places them in a unified information system indicating the subject of the request, but without indicating the person from whom the request came. If the received request for clarification concerns the provisions of the procurement documentation regarding the description of the object, calculation and justification of the initial (maximum) contract price, then the essence of the clarification is prepared by the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the procurement.

III. The procedure for interaction between the contract service and structural units of the Klintsy city administration when purchasing from a single supplier (contractor, performer)

3.1. When purchasing from a single supplier (contractor, performer) on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 93 of the Law on the contract system with a single supplier (contractor, performer), the structural units of the Klintsy city administration that initiate the procurement independently conclude contracts, and in the case provided for in clause 4, part 1, art. 93 of the Law on the Contract System - contracts or other civil agreements.

3.2. In the case of a purchase from a single supplier (contractor, performer) for the conclusion of a contract (at the stage of approval of the draft contract), the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the purchase is obliged to justify in a documented report the impossibility or inappropriateness of using other methods of determining the supplier (contractor, performer) , as well as the contract price and other essential terms of the contract. The provisions of this part do not apply to cases of procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) provided for in paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 15, 16, 19-21, 24-26, 28, 29, 33, 36, 42 parts 1 article 93 of the Law on the contract system.

3.3. When purchasing from a single supplier (contractor, performer) in the cases provided for in paragraphs 1-3, 6-8, 11-14, 16-19, part 1, art. 93 of the Law on the Contract System, the customer places in the unified information system a notice of procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) (based on information provided by the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the purchase) no later than 5 days before the date of conclusion of the contract. The notice of procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) must contain the information specified in paragraphs 1, 2, 4 of Article 42 of the Law on the Contract System, as well as in paragraph 8 of this article (if the establishment of a contract security requirement is provided for in Art. 96 of the Contract System Law). Notification of a procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) is not required if information about it constitutes a state secret. When purchasing from a single supplier (contractor, performer) in the cases provided for in paragraphs 6, 9 and 34 of Part 1 of Art. 93 of the Law on the Contract System, the customer is obliged to notify the control body in the field of procurement about such a purchase no later than one working day from the date of conclusion of the contract. Notification of such a purchase is sent when it is carried out to meet federal needs, the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipal needs, respectively, to the federal executive body authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement, or the control body in the field of state defense procurement, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation , a local government body of a municipal district or a local government body of a city district authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement. A copy of the contract concluded in accordance with this paragraph with the rationale for its conclusion is attached to this notification.

3.4. When purchasing from a single supplier (contractor, performer) in the cases provided for in clause 25, part 1, art. 93 of the Law on the Contract System, the contract service coordinates the possibility of concluding a contract with the local government body of the urban district "city of Klintsy, Bryansk region", authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement.

IV. The procedure for interaction between the contract service and structural units of the Klintsy city administration when concluding, executing, amending and terminating contracts

4.1. Structural units of the Klintsy city administration initiating procurement independently develop a draft contract, which must contain all the conditions the inclusion of which is mandatory in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law on the Contract System.

4.2. The contract or agreement is drawn up in at least three copies. If a contract or agreement requires notarization and/or state registration, then they are drawn up in the quantity required to perform these actions in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Draft contracts attached to applications for identifying a supplier, including draft contracts concluded on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 93 of the Law on the Contract System (except for paragraphs 4, 15 and 28), concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) for an amount not exceeding 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles (hereinafter referred to as contracts), must be endorsed by the following officials:

- the head of the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration, initiating the conclusion of a contract or agreement;

- Head of the legal service department of the Klintsy city administration.

4.4. All copies of a properly agreed and executed draft contract with all annexes are transferred to the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the conclusion of the contract for signing by the supplier (contractor, performer) without the signature of the Head of the Klintsy city administration.

4.5. If a procurement participant evades concluding a contract, the contract service will organize the inclusion of information about such a procurement participant in the register of unscrupulous suppliers (contractors, performers) in the manner prescribed by the provisions of the Law on the Contract System.

After signing by the supplier (contractor, performer), the contract with all annexes is submitted to the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration, initiating its conclusion, for signature by the Head of the Klintsy city administration.

4.6. The contract service carries out the functions of maintaining a register of contracts and agreements of the Klintsy city administration by sending information through a unified information system for inclusion in the register of contracts (except for those concluded in accordance with clause 4, part 1, article 93 of the Law on the contract system).

Structural units of the Klintsy city administration initiating the conclusion of a contract or agreement must submit to the contract service no later than 1 (one) working day from the date of conclusion of such a contract or agreement the original contract or agreement on paper, signed by the parties to the contractual relationship.

The contract service, within one working day from the date of conclusion of the contract or agreement, sends information about the contract (its amendment, termination) through a unified information system for inclusion in the register of contracts.

4.7. The originals of contracts or agreements concluded on paper are subject to mandatory storage in the accounting department of the Klintsy city administration and in the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration, a copy in the department of economic analysis, forecasting, trade and consumer market of the Klintsy city administration.

4.8. In the event that, when concluding a contract, the supplier (contractor, performer) presented funds as security for the execution of the contract, the return of such funds is carried out by the accounting department of the Klintsy city administration for the fulfillment of contractual obligations by the supplier.

4.9. The structural unit of the Klintsy city administration that initiates the purchase interacts with the supplier (contractor, performer) when changing or terminating the contract, applies liability measures in agreement with the legal service department of the Klintsy city administration, including sending the supplier (contractor, performer) a demand for payment penalties (fines, penalties) in case of delay in fulfillment by the supplier (contractor, performer) of obligations (including warranty obligations) provided for by the contract, as well as in other cases of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the supplier (contractor, performer) of obligations stipulated by the contract, commits other actions in case of violation by the supplier (contractor, performer) of the terms of the contract.

4.10. The structural unit of the Klintsy city administration that initiated the conclusion of a contract or agreement immediately submits to the contract service and the accounting department of the Klintsy city administration information about termination, changes and additions to the concluded contract or agreement in the form and to the extent established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.11. If necessary, the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration that initiated the purchase creates an acceptance committee to accept the delivered goods, work performed or services rendered, the results of the contract execution stage. The acceptance committee is created from among employees of the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration that initiated the purchase, and other persons in accordance with the Law on the Contract System.

In other cases, acceptance of the delivered goods, performed work or rendered service, as well as a separate stage of delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services is carried out by the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration that initiated the purchase.

The structural unit of the Klintsy city administration that initiated the purchase prepares documents on the acceptance of the results of a separate stage of contract execution, as well as the goods supplied, work performed or services rendered.

4.12. If it is necessary to evaluate the results of the contract presented by the contractor for compliance with its terms, as well as in a number of cases when the participation of an expert or expert organization during acceptance is mandatory, in accordance with the Law on the Contract System, the contract service organizes an examination of the goods supplied, the work performed, service provided. For these purposes, the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration needs to provide budgetary allocations for such a purchase and, within a time period sufficient to carry out the procedure for identifying a supplier (contractor, performer) for the provision of expert services, expert organizations, submit an application to the contract service.

4.13. Documents on acceptance of the results of a separate stage of contract execution, as well as goods delivered, work performed or services rendered on the day of acceptance of the goods delivered, work performed or services rendered are transferred by the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration that initiated the purchase to the accounting department of the Klintsy city administration for payment goods delivered, work performed (its results), services provided, as well as individual stages of contract execution.

4.14. If the contract was terminated by a court decision or due to the unilateral refusal of the Klintsy city administration to fulfill the contract, the contract service will organize the inclusion in the register of unscrupulous suppliers (contractors, performers) of information about such a supplier (contractor, performer) based on the data provided structural unit of the Klintsy city administration that initiated the conclusion of the contract, and the reason for termination is indicated in the covering letter.

4.15. In the course of fulfilling obligations under a contract or agreement by the parties to contractual relations, the accounting department of the Klintsy city administration generates and places in a unified information system a report containing information on the execution of the contract, on compliance with intermediate and final deadlines for the execution of the contract, on improper execution of the contract (indicating any violations committed) ) with the exception of information constituting a state secret. Invoices, certificates of completion of work, payment documents, and expert opinion (if available) are attached to the contract execution report in the register.

4.16. The accounting department of the Klintsy city administration is responsible for the reliability of information about the execution of the contract.

4.17. The structural unit of the Klintsy city administration that initiated the conclusion of the contract (agreement) is responsible for the timing of the contract.

4.18. If one of the parties fails to fulfill (improper performance) the obligations stipulated by the contract, the structural unit of the Klintsy city administration initiating the conclusion of the contract prepares materials for the implementation of claim work and promptly informs the Deputy Head of the Klintsy city administration, supervising this structural unit, about the violation by one of the parties obligations stipulated by the contract in order to decide on the need to resolve the dispute in court.

V. Responsibility of specialists from structural divisions of the Klintsy city administration when identifying suppliers (contractors, performers)

5. Specialists of structural divisions of the Klintsy city administration, contract service employees guilty of violating the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement bear disciplinary, civil, administrative, criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of functions and powers assigned to them by these Regulations.

Appendix No. 1

contract service with structural
divisions of Klintsovskaya
city ​​administration

Appendix 1. Application for procurement

(name of the administrative unit initiating the procurement)

Method for determining the supplier

Subject of contract

Source of funding (indicating KBK)

Quantity of goods (works, services)

Place of delivery of goods, provision of works (services)

Delivery time for goods (performance of work, provision of services)

Initial (maximum) contract price

Purchasing from small businesses, limiting participation in determining the supplier, establishing requirements for a supplier that is not a small business or a socially oriented non-profit organization to involve subcontractors and co-contractors from among small businesses in the execution of the contract

Benefits provided to those engaged in the production of goods, performance of work, provision of services to institutions and enterprises of the penal system and organizations of disabled people

Requirements for the warranty period of goods, work, services and (or) the scope of providing guarantees of their quality, for the mandatory installation and adjustment of goods (if provided for in the technical documentation for the goods), for training of persons involved in the use and maintenance of goods (if necessary), to warranty service of the product, to the costs of servicing the product during the warranty period

Requirements for participants, list of documents that must be submitted by the participant

Justification of the initial (maximum) contract price

The customer's ability to change the terms of the contract

Form, terms and procedure for payment for goods, work, services

Criteria for evaluating applications for participation in an open competition, request for proposals and the significance of these criteria

Description of the procurement object: functional, technical, quality, operational characteristics

1. Along with the application, a justification for the initial (maximum) contract price is provided, prepared in accordance with the Methodological recommendations for the application of methods for determining the initial (maximum) contract price, the price of a contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Federation dated 02.10.2013 N 567, and commercial proposals of participants.
The application may be accompanied by other documents characterizing the procurement object.
2. The application with all attachments is submitted in written and electronic form.
3. The application must be signed by the contractor, the head of the structural unit of the Customer initiating the purchase, and agreed with the head of the accounting department of the Klintsy city administration.

Appendix No. 2
to the Regulations on the procedure for interaction
contract service with structural
divisions of Klintsovskaya
city ​​administration

Appendix 2. List of heads of structural divisions of the Klintsy city administration initiating the purchase

1. Larionova T.F. - Head of the Department of Housing and Communal Services, Energy, Construction and Tariff and Pricing Policy;

2. Kreschenok I.V. - Head of the Housing Policy Department;

3. Moiseenko S.V. - Head of the Department for Family Affairs, Maternity and Childhood Protection.

4. Kuzmenkova T.V. - Head of the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Land Management;

5. Kharkovich V.F. - business manager, head of the general department;

6. Sementsova E.N. - Head of the Department of Organizational Control, Personnel Work and Media Relations;

8. Skorobogataya L.P. - assistant (adviser) to the head of the Klintsy city administration for work with the media;

9. Alekseev V.G. - head of the archives department;

10. Starovoitova A.A. - Head of the Department of Culture and Youth Affairs;

11. Gaichenko A.N. - head of the labor department;

12. Luzhkova I.A. - Head of the Environmental Protection Department;

13. Klenovy V.A. - Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports;

Appendix No. 3
to the Regulations on the procedure for interaction
contract service with structural
divisions of Klintsovskaya
city ​​administration

Appendix 3

To justify the initial (maximum) contract price _____________ (______________) rubles ____ kopecks, please consider commercial offers from 3 suppliers.

Participant number

N 1 ()

N 2 (Commercial proposal ref. N __ dated __.__.20__)

N 3 (Commercial offer for entry N ___ dated __.__.20__)




Commercial proposal ref. N ___ dated __.__.20__

Commercial proposal ref. N ___ dated __.__.20__

Commercial offer for input. N ___ dated __.__.20__

Unit price, rub.

Amount, rub.

Unit price, rub.

Amount, rub.

Unit price, rub.

Amount, rub.

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