Adaptation program. We are drawing up a program for personnel adaptation. Improving personnel adaptation: development of a standard and program

  • 18.12.2023

In order for a new employee to quickly and effectively become a full-fledged part of the team, it is necessary to carry out certain actions and activities. The optimal option is to create a personnel adaptation program in the organization. It includes the basic steps that are taken to involve the employee in the process. In this case, priority is placed not only on his work responsibilities and production standards, but also on the psychological and social aspect. This is due to the fact that integration into a team is an important, and sometimes decisive, part of development.

What could a personnel adaptation program be like at an enterprise?

The personnel adaptation program at the enterprise is usually drawn up on the basis of the relevant regulations. The latter prescribes the general procedure and regulates the main aspects of this issue. The program is created for a separate case, that is, it becomes a practical embodiment of the situation.

It is possible that the company does not have provisions on personnel adaptation. However, this does not mean that an appropriate document cannot be drawn up. In this situation, it is more difficult to compose it than if there is a basic part. There are three main aspects to consider when drafting:

  • clear structuring and sequence of actions;
  • language that is clear to understand;
  • defining the roles and responsibilities of each participant.

That is, in order for the adaptation program for new employees at an enterprise to be effective and practically useful, an appropriate program should be drawn up. Experts indicate that such a document is drawn up in two parts.

The first contains general aspects and is similar to the stated provision. The second indicates certain plans that are carried out to achieve the objectives. In total, such an order is calculated for a period of several months.

Some argue that full integration of a new employee takes place within a year. It is indicated that well-designed planning helps reduce this period to six months. However, in practice, only the probationary period is usually taken into account.

Social program for personnel adaptation

A personnel adaptation program is being developed based on the job responsibilities of the new employee. In this case, its primary or secondary integration is taken into account. In the first case, it comes to involving the employee practically from scratch.

In relation to the work process, the main priority of integration becomes the achievement of the production rate of a full-fledged employee. To do this, a plan is drawn up that involves a gradual increase in current indicators, as well as methods for encouraging and motivating the employee.

A separate aspect is the social program for personnel adaptation at the enterprise. Establishing contacts and connections with the team plays an important role. The better an employee feels at work, the less likely he is to leave. To socialize an employee, the following steps can be taken:

  • a mentoring scheme in which an employee is introduced into the general system;
  • mutual assistance and support of the group or individual curators;
  • assignment of certain tasks that are associated with the team;
  • holding joint events, both inside and outside the work process.

These methods are intended to create conditions for maximum comfort for the newly arrived employee. Their achievement is no less a priority than the professional growth of the employee.

Special personnel adaptation program

A special personnel adaptation program at the enterprise covers individual employee training. That is, after the general plan has been carried out, a special one can be used. Most often it covers the following issues:

  • determining the functionality of the unit and the employee himself so that he understands his role in achieving common goals;
  • an indication of the standards and obligations, as well as the liability that follows for violation of certain regulations;
  • reporting according to current production;
  • social regulations and rules of behavior in a given group.

If the employee adaptation program is completed and the results are not fully achieved, special measures may become necessary. This usually concerns the need to improve the employee in certain issues - conduct additional training to improve professionalism or an interview to overcome social withdrawal.

Personnel adaptation program using the example of a company

The adaptive integration plan for a new employee at an enterprise is best considered using a step-by-step example:

  • the first stage is preparatory and precedes the employee’s going to work - the HR department calls him and clarifies the necessary questions, prepares a workplace and relevant documentation for review;
  • at the second stage, the employee enters his position for the first time - here he becomes familiar with the basic working conditions, with his immediate superior, the team, and complete information is provided on all issues;
  • during the first week, the third stage of integration occurs - during this time, an assessment of the newcomer’s competence is made, a personal plan for professional training is drawn up, and basic contacts are established within the framework of the work process;
  • the fourth stage can be considered final - the employee is surveyed, his professional abilities and socialization are assessed, and if necessary, additional measures are taken to achieve standards.

Such an integration process requires an appropriate attitude from all its participants. Therefore, a clear indication of responsibility is required; without it, it will be difficult to implement the plan in practice quickly and effectively.

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A new job is stressful both for the employee and for the organization itself. It is necessary for a person to delve into the work process and also build relationships with team members. This period is called adaptation of a new employee. It is important that the management of the enterprise pays sufficient attention to this issue.

The importance of the adaptation period

Adaptation of a new employee is a crucial period that largely determines the future fate of this individual in the enterprise. The significance of the process is determined by the following points:

  • Failure to pay enough attention to onboarding will cause high staff turnover.
  • During the adaptation process, a new employee develops a certain attitude towards the organization and decides on the advisability of cooperation.
  • Getting used to a new workplace, a person is more susceptible to the effects of motivational activities.
  • Eliminating feelings of anxiety and fear associated with entering a new environment.

Adaptation goals

Professional adaptation of new employees pursues the following main goals:

  • Cost reduction. A new employee is usually unproductive. Targeted onboarding helps shorten the onboarding process for a new employee. Thus, it will quickly begin to bring real and material benefits to the enterprise.
  • Save time. With a clear onboarding plan, you can avoid delays caused by the sluggishness of an inexperienced employee.
  • Reducing the level of uncertainty. This will allow the newcomer to feel more comfortable, which allows him to quickly integrate into the work process.
  • Increasing the company's reputation in the labor market. Word of mouth will quickly spread information about the attitude towards new employees.

Two types of adaptation

There are two types of employee adaptation to a new workplace:

  • Primary is the introduction of an employee who has no experience of work and communications at a particular enterprise. In this case, adaptation is quite difficult and time-consuming.
  • Secondary adaptation - concerns employees who are transferred to another place of work within the enterprise or transferred to another division. They are familiar with the specifics of the enterprise, so adaptation is quick and painless.

Main stages of adaptation

Adaptation of a new employee to an organization includes several stages. Namely:

  • Pre-adaptation. It occurs when a person is not yet an employee of the organization. This means familiarizing yourself with the vacancy and conducting an interview.
  • Primary adaptation. Occurs in the first days of a newcomer’s presence at the enterprise. This is an acquaintance with the organization, its employees and the specifics of the work.
  • Effective adaptation. The longest stage, which involves introducing the employee to the work process. As a rule, in the first days, a mentor is assigned to the employee, who prepares him for independent work.

Adaptation to the position

An important component of the adaptation program for a new employee is adaptation to the position. It includes the following points:

  • The hierarchy system at the enterprise (familiarization with the organizational structure). It is worth introducing the employee not only to formal subordination, but also to talk about informal leaders.
  • Authority. This applies to both the responsibilities specified in the job description and potential tasks that may arise due to production needs.
  • Contents of documents. These are all regulations, as well as internal documents regulating the work of the organization.
  • Comprehensive information about the enterprise. This concerns the specifics of the products manufactured (services provided), relationships with clients, suppliers, competitors and regulatory authorities.

Professional adaptation

During the professional adaptation process of a new employee, the following points are touched upon:

  • Determining the content of the work and the desired results of the activity. It is necessary to explain to the employee the essential points and rules, as well as talk about approaches to performing production functions. Simply put, you need to describe the mechanism for evaluating work results by the employer.
  • Features of operation of devices and equipment. The first step is to demonstrate the operation of the equipment. If the employee has not previously encountered such equipment, then he undergoes training under the guidance of a curator.
  • Providing a workplace. Each employee must have his own assigned territory. According to psychologists, lack of personal space is one of the most common reasons for dismissal during the probationary period.
  • Determination of responsibility for documents. The employee must understand what papers he will have to deal with and how to prepare them correctly.

Socio-psychological adaptation

Social and psychological adaptation of a new employee is one of the key points of introduction to the activities of the enterprise. This aspect is influenced by the following parts of the organization:

  • The manager not only evaluates the staff, but also sets the tone of the work. The mood and temperament of the boss largely determine the psychological atmosphere in the team.
  • Team - refers to an established system of informal relationships, traditions and rituals. The future fate of a new employee in an organization largely depends on whether the team accepts him (or whether he himself accepts this situation).
  • The general environment of interaction for the team and management is the norms and rules in force in the organization. They can either unite or divide employees.

Step #1: Beginning of Adaptation

Considering an example of an adaptation plan for a new employee, it is worth noting that this process does not begin from the first working day, but a little earlier. About three to four days before a new subordinate arrives at the enterprise, the HR manager should perform the following approximate list of actions:

  • call the new employee to make sure of his intentions;
  • inform the workforce about the imminent arrival of a new member;
  • prepare a package of introductory information for the employee (for example, telephone numbers of various services of the organization, rules for connecting to the local network, various application forms);
  • prepare a pass to the enterprise;
  • check the workplace for readiness;
  • installation on a personal computer of programs necessary to perform job duties;
  • check the serviceability of office equipment;
  • prepare a set of office supplies and supplies.

As for the immediate manager of the department where the newcomer will work, he must check the relevance of the job description. A supervisor should also be appointed.

Step #2: First day of work

In the example of an onboarding plan for a new employee, the most intensive one is the first day of work. It involves three key links, the approximate actions of which are described in the table.

HR Manager Direct supervisor Curator

Meet the employee and escort him to the workplace;

Present a package of reference documents and corporate paraphernalia (if any);

Carry out registration in the HR department;

Conduct training (safety and other);

Talk about the corporate culture, management style, as well as the traditions that have developed in the organization;

Discuss the scenario of the first working day

Introduce the new employee to the team;

Introduce you to a mentor (curator);

Explain to the employee his job responsibilities;

Draw up a plan for the probationary period;

Talk about the system of rewards and fines;

Explain the amount and procedure for calculating wages and compensation;

Tell us about the organizational structure of the enterprise;

Discuss the plan for the first working day

Familiarize yourself with the internal labor regulations (work schedule, breaks, dress code, access system, etc.);

Familiarize yourself with the location of official visits (bathroom, dining room, smoking areas, parking, etc.);

Tell about the features of the department in which the new employee will work;

Describe the procedure for communications between employees and managers;

Discuss the results of the first working day

Step #3: First week of work

Considering a typical example of an adaptation program for new employees, it is worth noting that responsibility for organizing the first working week rests almost entirely with the supervisor. Here's what he must do:

  • tell the sponsored person about the history of the organization, its goals, objectives, mission, work mechanism and policy of communication with contractors;
  • familiarize yourself in detail with the documents used in the work process;
  • explain the mechanism of functioning of the administrative and economic apparatus of the organization;
  • introduce the new employee to colleagues with whom he will directly interact in the process of work;
  • explain the essence of performing special procedures;
  • give an idea of ​​the reporting system.

Failed adaptations

Unsuccessful examples of adaptation of a new employee in an organization are not uncommon. Here are the most common situations:

  • Arrogance and closedness towards the newcomer. This attitude of the leader is often copied by the entire team. Such an atmosphere puts pressure on the employee, which affects his productivity.
  • Space saving. Placing a newcomer at the same table with another employee will create inconvenience for both. In addition, the newly arrived employee will not have the feeling that he is an integral part of the organization.
  • Ignoring questions. A new person at an enterprise is faced with a huge flow of information. It is impossible to remember everything at once. Therefore, you need to be loyal to a newcomer’s questions, and not say, “Figure it out yourself.”
  • Inconsistent communication. The lack of a clear plan for presenting information leads to confusion. In addition, you should not use complex technical terms.
  • Finding faults and finding faults. Even if the employee has not yet had time to prove himself, he must be praised. Any comments should be made in private.
  • Insulation. From the first days, an employee must be involved in teamwork. This way he will get used to it much faster and become familiar with its specifics.

Typical mistakes of employers

Unfortunately, domestic enterprises pay insufficient attention to the issue of adaptation of new employees. In this regard, the following typical mistakes of employers can be identified:

  • Search for a “ready” employee. Some managers are confident that a new employee must work with 100% dedication. But the ideal employee cannot be found. You can only “grow” it yourself. This will take some time.
  • Treating an employee as a “working machine.” Any employee is, first of all, a person who has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. He may make mistakes. You need to take this into account when building relationships with employees.
  • Excessive demands. Employers often make “cosmic” demands on new employees regarding knowledge and skills. However, not every leader himself meets these parameters.
  • Disrespectful attitude towards employees without work experience. It is rare that an employer agrees to hire an inexperienced employee. And if this happens, then few people care about the psychological comfort of the young specialist, believing that the very fact of work should be perceived with gratitude.
  • Incorrect interpretation of the probationary period. This is a common practice to determine whether an employee is a good fit for the organization. But we must remember that the organization’s management must also make every effort to “suit” the new employee.

To new working conditions is one of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of the organization's personnel management.

The implementation of adaptive programs is designed to facilitate psychological, psychophysical, professional, socio-economic adaptation, and the integration of a newcomer to the existing production environment.

The adaptation mechanism is two-way. A beginner strives to meet his expectations financially, careerally, and socially. The company is interested in reducing the time until the maximum professional return can be obtained from it.

The personnel adaptation system is aimed at solving several problems:

  • minimizing the time and financial costs of entering a position, obtaining the necessary qualifications, professional knowledge, skills, techniques, skills;
  • determining the most effective professional use of a particular employee, his place and status in the team;
  • reduction in staff turnover, reduction as a result of physiological adaptation to the imposed physical and psychological stress;
  • formation of a positive emotional background;
  • acceptance by the employee of social, organizational, disciplinary norms, income level and methods of incentives, social protection;
  • activating the involvement of the entire team in solving common corporate problems.

Responsible for adaptation

An employee of the personnel (labor) department, management service, personnel training, HR service, sociological laboratory, training center (personnel retraining), the immediate superior, the head of a structural unit (department, workshop, bureau, group, service) may be responsible for the adaptation of an employee. Head of the organization.

Large companies are introducing into the staffing table the position of adaptation manager (), responsible for personnel selection, comfortable entry of a newcomer into the team, preparation and training.

Responsibility for a newcomer is often borne by a mentor; a supervisor is a highly qualified employee with great teaching abilities and is respected by the team.

Stages of developing an adaptation program

The development of a personnel adaptation program involves going through the following stages:

  1. collection of information about vacancies, qualification requirements for candidates;
  2. studying the conditions, state, prospects for the development of the labor market, the work of educational institutions that train the professional personnel necessary for the enterprise, offers from employment services, labor exchanges, and recruitment agencies;
  3. analysis of the current adaptation system in the organization, its effectiveness;
  4. familiarization with laws and regulations governing the adaptive process (regulations on employee adaptation, internal instructions on mentoring, instructions on conducting);
  5. development of adaptation measures, questionnaires for interviewing, interviews, selection of tools for psychological and professional,
  6. determining the duration of the program (short-term, lasting up to 1 year, up to 3 years);
  7. selection of employee categories (young professionals, qualified personnel, middle managers, top managers), program structure, direct participants in the adaptation of a particular employee;
  8. meeting a new employee, collecting information;
  9. development of criteria for assessing the success of the adaptive program and the possibility of its correction.

Program structure

The program is designed to describe in detail the goals and objectives of the period. Indicate the duration and responsible persons, sequence of activities, forms and methods of influence, expected results, forms of control.

The adaptation program has its own characteristics depending on the status, rank, degree of responsibility of the employee, his individual psychological and physiological (health status, threshold of fatigue) characteristics, the specifics and content of production, established intra-production relations and traditions and includes mandatory and variable sections.

Required items include:

  • Getting to know the employee (interview, interview, testing).
  • Familiarization with job descriptions, regulations on internal regulations, social benefits, remuneration, system of fines, types of insurance, career opportunities, terms and conditions of employment.
  • Instruction on safety precautions, fire safety, familiarization with evacuation schemes, location of the medical center, canteen, household, sanitary and hygienic premises, parking of personal vehicles, means of communication.
  • Introducing the newcomer to the team, management, and supervisor.
  • Evaluation of the employee, confirmation in position or dismissal based on the results of the probationary period.

The variable part may include:

  1. Plans for the first working day, week, month. Daily communication in order to clarify and eliminate emerging problems, misunderstandings of specifics, encouragement and motivation for success during the week or month.
  2. Acquaintance with the organization in the form of a welcoming speech, presentation ceremony, excursion, welcome training, information booklets, films giving an idea of ​​the products, the purpose of the company, its development prospects, history, corporate charter, priorities, structure, corporate slang, traditions, dress- code, “unwritten” laws, established collective relationships.
  3. Help in organizing the workplace.
  4. Assessment of professional competence.
  5. Organizing feedback with a new employee (questionnaires, individual conversations, collecting feedback from colleagues, managers, mentors, individual progress cards, personograms).
  6. Trainings, role-playing games for team building, formation of group relationships, dynamics.
  7. Participation in the social life of the team, informal communication, performing one-time social assignments, participation in managing the work of the team, trade union work, getting to know the newcomer’s family.
  8. Additional training, intermediate instructions, involvement in production competition, corrective measures and procedures, gradual complication of professional tasks.
  9. Intermediate monitoring of the adaptation period, preliminary analysis, personal characteristics.

To assess the correctness of the program and subsequently evaluate its effectiveness, check whether the following activities were included in it:

  1. information about the work schedule and start date was provided;
  2. the correctness of filling out the personal file and execution of employment documents was checked;
  3. instructions on safety regulations, fire safety regulations, job responsibilities, internal regulations, and regulatory documents were brought to the attention of and signed;
  4. introductions were made to team members and administration, detailed information about the enterprise was provided;
  5. ways to prevent and resolve conflict situations are provided.

When drawing up an individual adaptation program, conduct a preliminary interview during which you review the candidate’s resume and portfolio.

Collect information about the level of training, work experience, education, preferences in working with clients, wishes for a work schedule, working conditions, amount and form of payment, and claims for career growth.

Make a preliminary psychological portrait, outline the range of possible difficulties and necessary help. Establish a trusting relationship with the employee, achieve mutual understanding. Select a candidate for a future mentor.

Examples of adaptation programs

For online store sellers

First day

Informational conversation about the company: its history, traditions, management system, management, geography. Conditions, work schedule. Qualification requirements, job description. Rights and obligations. Appearance requirements. Presentation to the administration, team, sales mentor. Tour of the store. Preparation of documents.

2-7 days

Acquaintance with the assortment, prices. Practicing interaction with the team and customers. Successful sales training.

8-10 day

Training in working with conflict buyers and behavior in non-standard situations. Conversation about problems that have arisen and finding ways to resolve them. Collecting feedback from colleagues.

11-14 day

Work under the guidance of a sales mentor. Summing up the past period.

15-21 days

Further familiarization with job responsibilities, work according to schedule. Consultations with a sales mentor. Assessing the effectiveness of activities, personal qualities (learning ability, psychological stability, communication skills, attention, memory), drawing up a work plan to eliminate shortcomings for the next week.

22-30 day

Independent work according to schedule. Performance evaluation. Making a decision to continue working based on the results of the probationary period.

Responsible for the implementation of the program are the HR manager and sales mentor.

For a radio station host

1st week

Presentation of a new employee. Registration of the “Employee Book”. Initiation as a Presenter, during which in an informal setting one gets acquainted with the team, the mission of the radio station, its goals, objectives, format, traditions, and history.

Tour of the radio station, inspection of equipment. A story about career prospects and the possibility of realizing creative potential.

Applying for work, signing documents. Curator's choice. Designation of responsibilities and work schedule during the probationary period. Completion of mandatory training.

2nd week

Clarification of rights, responsibilities, opportunities for receiving benefits, requirements for the workplace, compliance with professional ethics and etiquette. Detailed introduction and mastery of equipment. Working together to prepare the broadcast, performing test samples and tasks.

3rd week

Joint broadcasts. Creative tasks. Mini-assessment of the team and manager. Identification of the problem field at work. Identifying requests for help from colleagues.

4th week

2nd month

Fully independent performance of official duties. Implementation of the author's project.

Surveying employees, collecting feedback from radio listeners, assessing the results of the probationary period, work efficiency, and creative potential. Making a decision on further cooperation. Assessing the effectiveness of the adaptation program.

Responsible: administration, curator, team members.

Drawing up and implementing an adaptation program allows you to quickly determine the area of ​​the most successful application of the professional and personal qualities of a new employee in the structure of the organization.

Promotes the disclosure of creative potential, identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the employee. Ensures comfortable entry into the team and minimizes stress from new working conditions.

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The personnel adaptation program is a set of measures aimed at more effectively integrating newly hired employees into the labor process, which involves familiarization with the norms and rules of corporate ethics, methods of carrying out professional activities, and the establishment of informal connections in the team. We'll tell you what it consists of and how to organize it.

What is personnel adaptation

Everyone is faced with the need to get a new job and join the team. This process in the language of labor legislation is called labor adaptation.

The faster the staff adaptation process goes, the easier and more logical it will be for a new person to join the workforce. Otherwise, a person who lingers in the habituation phase will not be able to establish relationships with the work team and will subsequently become an outcast among his colleagues. The situation, of course, depends on the employee himself, on his ability to find a common language with other people, build relationships with colleagues, on his professional knowledge and skills, and the level of his psychological preparation.

Successfully completed professional adaptation of personnel indicates a high level of moral and material reward in the future, receipt of social recognition and other benefits.

Goals and objectives of personnel adaptation in the organization

Organizing the management of career guidance and personnel adaptation is the work of the personnel department and the head of the department where the new employee works.

Adaptation is an important point in personnel management, which determines which personnel will work in the organization, what the psychological climate in the team is and how well and productively employees will perform their duties.

The goals of the work on adaptation of new employees are:

  • accelerating the process of introducing a new employee to the job, familiarizing him with his job responsibilities;
  • complete elimination or reduction of staff turnover in the organization;
  • motivating employees to be interested in the result, to be motivated to perform their job duties better, and to give maximum return to their work;
  • increase in labor productivity;
  • improving the psychological climate in the team.

Only taking into account all the listed factors and working in this direction will give the best result.

Stages of personnel adaptation

Adaptation of personnel at an enterprise is a delicate and multi-stage process. Each organization has a program and its own developed approaches to solving this issue.

But all possible stages of personnel adaptation can be divided into:

  1. Primary (preparatory). After hiring a new employee, the manager introduces him to the rest of the team. Introduces the employee himself to his new workplace, appoints a curator (a more experienced employee who will help the newcomer at the beginning of work), and completes the preparation of all necessary documents. This stage may include familiarization with the history of the enterprise, its structure, mission, products, procedures, and rules of corporate ethics.
  2. Theoretical (training). At this stage, the employee is introduced to the theoretical part of his main job, functional responsibilities and requirements for further work performance.
  3. Practical (application of knowledge). Directly performing some practical tasks: first under the supervision of a mentor, then independently.
  4. Final (passing the probationary period). It consists of summing up the work of the new employee. It is assessed how successfully he settled into the new team, managed to master new skills, and integrated into the team. At this stage, the employee’s strengths and weaknesses, his successes and failures are already visible. Based on everything taken together, management makes a decision on its future fate. Whether he passed the test and will continue to work or not, and the company no longer needs his services.

Based on the foregoing, one can understand how labor adaptation of personnel is an important and serious thing, and that this is one of the indicators on the basis of which a decision is made whether the applicant will remain in the organization or will look for work elsewhere.

A successful example of adaptation

Adaptation of personnel in the organization, using the example of one of the companies, occurred as follows. More experienced employees were assigned the role of mentors. The employee in charge of the newbie onboarding system downloaded data from the accounting system daily about people who needed to return to work soon. Each person was manually assigned a different mentor. They had to work in pairs. Mentors were selected from any department, except the one where the newcomer would work in the future. It is more convenient to work in pairs, taking into account different workload schedules, and it is easier to communicate with strangers. Once mentors were approved, automatic notifications were sent to them, and a reminder was added to the calendar about the day the new employee would start.

The day before, the mentor called the newcomer for correspondence acquaintance and so that in the future the newcomer would contact him upon arrival at the office to meet and discuss work issues. The mentor must check whether everything is ready to accept a new employee, make sure that the workplace is organized, and remind the head of the department where the newcomer is getting a job about the new employee’s departure.

On the first day, a pair of mentors meet the new recruit in the morning, talking about the available information on the corporate portal. This takes a couple of hours. This meeting makes it clear to the employee that he was expected. On all other days, if questions arise, he can contact his mentors, ask them questions to solve any situation, from a broken chair to a conflict situation with another colleague, and they help resolve them. At the end of the probationary period, the employee must evaluate the work of the mentors and their assistance. Mentors are awarded points for this, which subsequently affect their financial incentives.

Personnel adaptation methods

The research program for the personnel adaptation system identifies the following forms of personnel adaptation:

  • mentoring (providing assistance at the initial stage of work by a more experienced employee through consulting, introduction, assistance in getting to know the team);
  • attending trainings and seminars (training and developing certain employee skills, for example, communication, public speaking skills, preparing presentations, developing stress resistance, etc.);
  • conversation (an introductory conversation between a newcomer and a HR manager, supervisor, or HR department employee, during which the employee receives answers to his questions);
  • a specialized program (for example, educational films or team role-playing games aimed at team building);
  • excursion (sightseeing tour of the organization, its structural divisions, territory, familiarization with the history of the company, employees, corporate culture);
  • request for feedback (at the end of the period of adaptation and completion of the probationary period, the employee is asked to fill out a feedback questionnaire);
  • other methods (corporate events, certification, testing, training, etc.).

Types of personnel adaptation

Adaptation can be of the following types:

  • professional involves learning new special skills, acquiring a new one or improving an existing skill or professional skill. This type depends on the desire and ability of the beginner to learn, the desire for new knowledge, and his ability to learn. This also includes preparing the workplace and providing all necessary materials;
  • socio-psychological implies a person’s adaptability to work in a new team, under the leadership of a new boss, submission to the traditions, norms and rules of behavior that have developed in the organization;
  • organizational is based on the employee’s understanding of what is required of him, working with job descriptions, determining his place in the structure of the enterprise, and participation in the production process.

Only an integrated approach to professional and psychological adaptation leads to the successful completion of the probationary period by the employee and saves the company’s costs on searching, training and evaluating personnel.

What does the adaptation program consist of?

An employee adaptation program is a plan for introducing an employee to a position. This document is needed to apply a uniform approach to the adaptation procedure across departments of the organization. The document is an extensive list of actions for the adapting employee and for his supervisor, who will help adapt to new working conditions.

For an employee, the most difficult period is the first two to three months, which usually coincide with his probationary period. Often the duration of the program is equal in length to this period.

An optimally formed program is characterized by the following features:

  • clear planning;
  • clear content;
  • strict distribution of roles and tasks.

The document consists of two parts: general and individual.

The approximate structure is as follows:

1. The general part, which helps to form a general idea of ​​the enterprise, its features, hierarchy, established relationships between departments, distribution of functionality, working conditions, etc.


  • orientation introductory conversation;
  • personal acquaintance with the enterprise and personnel;
  • getting to know the place where work duties are performed;
  • orientation conversation with the manager heading the structural unit.

2. The individual part, which is formed by the immediate supervisor who supervises the induction of the employee. It is agreed upon with the head of the area of ​​activity and the head of the HR department. This component helps the employee obtain detailed information about the activities of the organization and the direct functional responsibilities of the employee.


  • inauguration plan;
  • entry assessment plan;
  • definitions of a curator-mentor;
  • employee report on the results of work performed, information about ratings and feedback from mentors and supervisors.

What does the plan look like?

There is no single established algorithm for document development. The reason is the need to orient the document to specific conditions in the organization.

However, there are a number of features common to different programs:

  • include several stages;
  • have similar goals.

The plan includes the following items:


Involved personnel

Adaptation Day No. 1

  1. Inform the team about the update of the composition and the arrival of a new employee.
  2. Ensure the availability of information for the new employee - information that will be provided to the employee on the first day, including contact numbers of employees, identification, pass, PC, telephone, office equipment.
  3. Prepare a set of necessary office supplies.
  4. Introduce the organization, goals, objectives, history.
  5. Issue a guidebook for a newcomer who is in the adaptation period (if available).
  6. Prepare and complete required personnel documents.
  7. Introduce a new employee.
  8. Introduce them to the place of work, the necessary software, connected communication networks, and access passwords.
  9. Conduct training on compliance with labor safety requirements.
  10. Inform about the general work schedule.

Human Resources Department

Occupational Safety Specialist

Personnel adaptation week No. 1

  1. Assign a mentor, introduce them in detail to the employees of the department.
  2. Learn the terminology used in the organization.
  3. Study the regulations on the unit.
  4. Study the documents required for work.
  5. Study job responsibilities.
  6. Study the algorithm for interaction with other departments.
  7. Familiarize yourself with the organization's document flow rules.
  8. Develop a work plan for the adaptation period.
  9. Familiarize yourself with the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of activities.
  10. Create a training schedule during the adaptation period.
  11. Join educational trainings at the institution.

Onboarding Month #1

  1. Complete the tasks planned for the adapting employee.
  2. Provide a performance report.
  3. Pass an exam on the basic skills acquired.
  4. Conduct an analysis of the results of the adapting employee’s work activity.
  5. Create a list of tasks for the rest of the adaptation period.

Head of department, mentor

Adaptation Months #2-3

  1. Complete assigned tasks.
  2. If necessary, adjust the task plan for the adaptation period.
  3. Conduct a work analysis based on the adaptation results.
  4. Summarize the employee adaptation period.
  5. Evaluate the results of the completed adaptation period.

Head of department, mentor

The result of a successfully implemented adaptation program will be an indicator of the duration of an employee’s work in a particular institution. The success of the adaptation procedure largely depends on the second party involved in the process - the manager or mentor. their desire to help the newcomer will help the latter get used to the organization as quickly as possible.

Regulations on personnel adaptation, sample

Ask questions and we will supplement the article with answers and explanations!

In this article we will tell you how to create an adaptation program that will help minimize turnover during the probationary period. Let's share tools that you can include in your company's onboarding program. We'll show you how to avoid common mistakes.

From the article you will learn:

Related materials:

How to create an employee onboarding plan

HR specialists develop an adaptation plan for a new employee. They need to take into account that it is possible to speed up integration into the workforce and quickly master the work process if adaptation programs in the organization are developed taking into account modern requirements. This means that in order to reduce staff turnover during the probationary period, it is necessary to adapt not only using traditional methods, which today may be ineffective.

What to include in the onboarding program

When creating labor and social adaptation programs, it is worth considering that mentoring, which is mainly used in companies, is not always effective. Often there is no mutual understanding between the mentor and the young employee, no human contact is established. Therefore, not every employee can become a mentor.

Qualities of an employee who can become a mentor

In order for the motivation program to be successful, in parallel with mentoring, the company can also introduce budding. The word "buddy" is translated from English as "buddy". In other words, the newcomer is assigned not a manager or an experienced specialist, but an equally young employee who occupies the same position for which the newcomer came. Moreover, this employee himself was recently a newcomer. It turns out that the workers are peers in every sense. Only one is a little more experienced in the work, and he will, in a friendly manner, suggest how best to act, answer trivial questions such as where to go. Communication will be relaxed, which means that the newcomer will adapt faster and feel comfortable.

Memo for buddies: how to deal with newcomers during adaptation

Download the memo

It is rational for Budding to include a social adaptation plan. Methods that allow a beginner to acquire skills, knowledge, habits, master stereotypes that will help perform labor functions as efficiently as possible, and rationally leave traditional ones.

In order for budding to be successful in a comprehensive employee onboarding program, appoint an employee who has worked in the company for no more than two years as a friend-mentor. He still has fresh memories of how he came to work, what difficulties he encountered at first. In addition, the buddy is most likely still enthusiastic about his work, loyal to the company and proud to work for it. He will pass on his mood to the newcomer. Another important condition: the buddy and the newcomer must have something in common besides work. Then the buddy and his charge will immediately have a topic for conversation.

Include training for buddies in your employee adaptation program and make it clear that they should not teach newcomers how to work. Explain to future buddies that their task is not to ensure the growth of professionalism among newcomers, not to take care of their career, but to advise on current organizational issues:

  • where to apply for and receive a pass;
  • who to turn to for advice;
  • how to sign up for the section;
  • how to submit a request for office supplies;
  • where do IT specialists sit;
  • How to submit a request to troubleshoot problems with the printer.

Emphasize that the buddy does not discuss job responsibilities, functionality, or specific work tasks with the newcomer. These matters are the responsibility of the supervisor and/or classical mentor. Encourage your buddy to talk with newcomers about abstract topics - about travel, entertainment, hobbies. The main thing is to establish relaxed communication. Then the newcomer adapts better. Prepare a presentation and show it to your buddy during the training, clearly present the rules of work.

How to conduct a welcome training for beginners

Start with a presentation of the company, tell and show how the team lives, what successes it has achieved, what partners and clients it cooperates with. This seems to be a formality. But such information forms a holistic image of the company in the eyes of a new employee.

Give newcomers a bright presentation about the “five-year plan” - the first five years of the company’s existence and development. To ensure that the information that a new employee receives during induction training is firmly imprinted in his head, include in his program, for example, Discovery maps game. Its meaning: HR employees who run the game depict the company's organizational structure on a large Whatman paper. Draw rectangles and write the name of each division inside the majority. But some are left blank on purpose. At the request of the presenter, the newcomers take turns naming which division should be indicated in the empty rectangle. The game format helps new employees quickly remember how the company works.

Take a quiz on the history of the company. Let beginners study the materials first. After a few days, gather everyone in the meeting room. To “warm up” the participants, start with simple, ironic questions for attentiveness: “What is shown in the picture that hangs on the wall behind the office manager’s desk?”, “How many doors do you need to go through to get from the elevator hall to the personnel service?”, “What is shown on the company logo?” Then move on to questions about the company's history. For the correct answer, give participants a gift: a notebook with company logo, a passport cover, a cup of coffee or a fruit cocktail. Think about what activities and when you will hold for beginners in the first two days, and draw up a program.

Sample induction training program for new employees

Download sample

What methods are included in modern employee adaptation programs?

Modern employee adaptation programs include comprehensive techniques that help newcomers undergo rapid adaptation, master technological processes and begin working with full efficiency. You shouldn’t settle on just one technique. It is necessary to clearly understand that the entire program will depend on the relevant situation, as well as the company’s input parameters.

When drawing up an adaptation plan, consider the main methods, which include:

  • methods of informal support, when a newbie is introduced to the process by a mentor and supported at a social level by a buddy;
  • methodology for conducting events, when various meetings, corporate events and trips to a cafe, restaurant, and other establishments are organized for the purpose of informal communication;
  • corporate PR techniques, compose a specific reference book, which lists basic rules of behavior in a specific work group. The list may include a dress code, as well as a working schedule with a precise indication of breaks, and general regulations for the design of the workplace. It all depends on the specifics of the work of a particular company;
  • team training techniques. Team trainings eliminate tension and make it possible to quickly understand the existing system of business and personal relationships in the work team.

To quickly get new hires up to speed and speed up hiring, implement “three touches” into your onboarding program. First touch - involve the candidate in the company’s corporate culture during the interview . Show special treatment to the applicant as soon as he crosses the threshold of your office. Take a personal approach. For example, offer the visitor a choice of tea, coffee or soft drink in a glass with a welcome inscription and the company logo, which is designed in the style of the brand. The purpose of this technique is to give a person, when he is not yet part of the team, something in which the value of the company’s employees is invested. After the applicant has successfully completed all stages of selection and the final interview with his immediate supervisor, send him a written job offer - an offer. Explain to the applicant why you chose him, and tell him what tasks await him, explain how to move up the career ladder.

Sample written invitation to work

Download the full sample offer

Second touch - send a welcome letter a day or two in advance so that the newcomer’s acquaintance with the company is successful . Describe how his first day of work will go. What time should a newcomer arrive, what documents should he take with him, and how to find the office. In the letter, explain who will meet the employee, where he can relax and have a snack, and with whom he will interact during formal legal procedures.

Sample welcome letter to a newbie

Download sample letter

Third touch - during the probationary period, hold several HR meetings with the new employee. In a relaxed atmosphere, ask how the employee feels in the team, what he has already learned, whether the mentor pays enough attention to him, how his relationships with colleagues are. Find out what work the specialist already does independently, and what still needs to be mastered. Answer questions if something remains unclear to the employee. Use adaptation conversation scripts to find out the problems, fears and worries of the newcomer and eliminate them in a timely manner.

Download adaptation conversation scripts

5 typical problems in adaptation and how to solve them

Problem 1. The manager is not involved in the adaptation process. Use a checklist for your manager. The document will tell him how to show concern for the person, relieve the stress of the first week and help him get used to the new work environment. Place it on the manager’s desk along with a copy of the entry form. Have it completed and returned to Human Resources at the end of the new hire's first week on the job.

Checklist for a manager: what to do in the first week of work for a newcomer

Download a sample checklist

Problem 2. The manager sets tasks incorrectly and does not carry out intermediate control. Instead of “testing your strength in combat conditions,” gradually increase the complexity of work assignments and gradually increase the volume of work for recruits. In the first three days of the work week, the manager should choose a time and talk in detail with the new employee about his tasks for the probationary period and expected results. Then ask if the person understands everything. Let the manager record the tasks in the work plan and prioritize them by importance and urgency. Explain to the subordinate that the priorities coincide with the main goals of the department and business - increasing profits, increasing customer satisfaction and reducing production costs.

Useful for a manager whose department has hired a new employee

Problem 3: The manager does not provide feedback to the newcomer and the HR department. Ask your manager to maintain a balance of criticism and recognition in the conversation. The ideal ratio is one to five. And keep three questions in mind: “What should a beginner continue to do?”, “What should he stop doing?”, “What should he start doing?”

Feedback questionnaire for the manager

Download the complete form

Problem 4. There are no clear criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of an employee during a probationary period. Let the manager tell the employee what results he expects from the first months of work. If he clearly formulates the indicators, he can reduce the level of anxiety and uncertainty in a beginner. Let's say a new call center manager realizes that he must make 100 calls a day. But does he know why? There is an explanation why the norm is exactly this much. When an employee understands that these numbers are not made out of thin air, he realizes how his work affects the business as a whole. Ask your supervisor to introduce each new recruit to the standards they must adhere to and the criteria for evaluating their performance. Ask the employee verification questions. For example: “What results should you achieve while working in your position?” or “How many calls/meetings should I make daily?” Let the manager make sure that the newcomer has adequately absorbed the information.

Problem 5. The team does not support the new employee. HR can tell the manager how to talk to a newcomer and explain to him what rules to follow in order to join the team. Let the manager monitor the newcomer’s relationships with colleagues during the adaptation process. Helps solve a problem that seems global to the employee through simple productive dialogue.

Conversation with an employee about relationships in the team