Cleaning schedules: We offer the best examples. Technological map and other documents for organizing work in cleaning

  • 29.03.2022

Cleaning activities are usually highly competitive. Therefore, it is so important in today's business environment to be faster and better. But it is very difficult to achieve a high quality of services without proper management of enterprise resources.

Specialists of the company Softreactor provide cleaning companies, the main task of which is planning the production of cleaning the premises. Its application systematizes the work of employees, choose the optimal work plan, taking into account time resources or requirements for the quality of cleaning. The program can be used at all stages of planning - from the description of the premises and the assessment of labor costs, to the preparation of the necessary documentation for the service facility.

Program functions

  • Working with the database - types and classification of objects, cleaning maps, structural elements (rooms, floors, zones), as well as links between them;
  • Storage and viewing of photographs of premises;
  • Information about objects to be cleaned in the premises;
  • Search for a suitable template from already created projects;
  • Automatic cleaning planning according to the template;
  • Creation of cleaning map options - Express, Standard, etc.;
  • Editing cleaning cards;
  • Printing cleaning cards or necessary documentation;
  • Support for a multilingual user interface, as well as the ability to translate data entered by the user.

The program has two modules:

The first one is Reference, Library. This is a module for saving information - types and classification of objects, operations for their cleaning. It has the following features - editing objects, adding operations, etc.

Second - Projects. This is the main module that implements the main functionality of the program for entering information, as well as planning cleaning work.

Terms of service provision

Terms of implementation are estimated individually for each project.

Service delivery region

The cleaning company automation service is available for order in all regions.

The cost of providing the service

The exact cost of providing the service depends on the specifics of a particular project,
Please use one of the methods below to request a quote for your project.

Project order

If you want to get an accurate estimate of the cost and timing of the implementation of the cleaning company automation service for your tasks, or if you want to receive more detailed information on the service, fill out the application form below and our specialists will contact you.

"Technological maps" - this term has recently become very fashionable, both in the mouths of employees and managers involved in professional cleaning, and among those who, according to their functional duties, are called upon to organize and control cleaning issues, as well as among customers of these works. But not everyone understands the meaning of the document, which is called (by the way, not quite right) a technological map.
The concept of "Technological map" is typical for precision industries, such as, for example, mechanical engineering. If we consider the work of a turner, then he has a technological map that strictly regulates all the operations he carries out from receiving a blank in the warehouse to the delivery of the finished product. In this case, the slightest violation of compliance with the requirements and norms of the technological map threatens with inevitable marriage.

In our case, we are compiling a document for the ideal cleaning process. It must be clearly understood that when compiling a cleaning flow chart, we are not able to take into account all the parameters and factors without exception that affect specific cleaning processes. And therefore, it makes no sense to consider technical maps as a panacea for poor-quality work or incomplete fulfillment of one's obligations to the customer.
Unfortunately, at present, technological maps are most often considered from this position. When bidding for cleaning, some customers require participants to provide in the tender documentation a certain "TECHNOLOGICAL CARD", which is understood as a single document describing the cleaning of the entire facility. It must be assumed that on the basis of this map, compiled on the basis of scarce and insufficient data about the object, it is possible to assess the professionalism and integrity of the companies participating in the tender. Doubtful!

The technological map is an internal document that is more related to the instructions for the workplace. It, of course, can be coordinated with the Customer, but at the same time it is necessary that he also understands that this is not a dogma. The technical map is a "living" document that changes depending on the factors affecting the cleaning, the condition of the object, new methods and technological processes, new requirements, changes in the scope and work schedules. This is a detailed description of the actions of the employee during work on a specific work site.

The technological map must contain the following information :

  • Object name;
  • number of the workplace (site);
  • shift start and end times;
  • date of development or implementation;
  • the start and end time of the stages of work;
  • boundaries of zones with the same cleaning methods;
  • the equipment used;
  • cleaning method;
  • cleaning time;
  • chemicals, their consumption and dilution;
  • description of works.

The described document is built on the principle of step-by-step work. Therefore, reference points are set in it, which are the start and end times of the stages of work.
Zones with the same cleaning methods are determined. These areas include closely spaced rooms with similar flooring and furnishings that require the use of the same cleaning method. Lists the equipment used specifically in this area. Some companies list in detail in this section the necessary consumables and inventory.
Sets the cleaning method, which is determined in relation to the floor and indicates what kind of cleaning will be performed: mechanized or manual, dry or wet.
Sets the time to complete the entire scope of work for this area in accordance with cleaning standards. Time is needed so that the employee can calculate his actions and achieve the necessary productivity. But even if there are fixed reference points, none of the personnel will calculate the cleaning time for a particular area, based on the start and end times of work.
Lists chemical cleaners used for cleaning and maintaining surfaces, and, if necessary, disinfectants. In addition to the funds themselves, their dilution and consumption are also indicated without fail. Describes the sequence of actions during cleaning in this particular area.
When compiling a description, it is necessary to take into account all the surfaces to be cleaned and the constituent parts of the situation, the list and scope of work carried out in accordance with the contract. The description also indicates the periodic work assigned to this workplace. The quality of the job description determines the productivity of the staff, the quality of our work in general, and the fulfillment of contractual obligations to the customer.

This document must reflect the time spent on caring for equipment and inventory, checking, cleaning, washing. For shifts lasting more than four hours, breaks for lunch and rest are provided.
The technological map carries a number of functional loads. Developing it, the employee goes through all the rooms and areas being cleaned, studying in detail and deeply the features of the object. It allows you to control and analyze the work of personnel, the correct use of equipment, inventory, consumables and chemicals. Organize and conduct on-the-job training for staff. Analyze the organization of work at the facility. Flexibly respond to changes in the operation of the object and its individual parts, the appearance of temporary additional work and at the same time perform the entire amount of work as much as possible.

Thus, we have come to the conclusion that a lot of our work, but not all, depends on the quality of the technological map development. If a document is created just for the sake of a “document”, then there will be no use from it, even if it is an ideal document. It will gather dust on the shelf, and the work will take place as it is presented by the staff.
Only the systematic implementation of the requirements of the technical map, taking into account the need to respond flexibly to changes in the operation of the facility and its divisions, only the constant analysis of ongoing work and the activities of personnel, only modern optimization of technological processes and staff training will give the expected result, both for the customer and for us.

N.L. Volodin , Head of Professional Education Development in Cleaning ARUC
The article uses information from methodological manual "Organization of works on complex cleaning of objects" .

It makes sense to develop several schedules at once: everyday, for a week, for a month, since the frequency and specifics of cleaning in different rooms is different.

Requirements for the sanitary maintenance of premises:

Cleaning Schedule: General Sample

A clear organization of work is an important point in professional quality cleaning, as in any other work process.

When the performer clearly sees that he spends a clearly defined amount of time on putting a particular object in order, his efficiency and motivation will increase.

But in order to draw up a suitable schedule, many circumstances must be taken into account, such as the specificity of the object, the requirements of the customer, the selection of special equipment, and the like.

For example, schedules for cleaning toilets in a kindergarten or a large shopping center will have significant differences.

Each cleaning service is divided according to the following characteristics:

  • Technological. This includes garbage collection, tidying up various surfaces, cleaning from stains, vacuum processing, wet cleaning, disinfection, protection against aging of premises, objects, safety during operation, etc.
  • Object type. Types are divided into objects where people live (apartments, houses, summer cottages), public and industrial institutions, and adjacent territories.
  • Frequency of holding. Here, services are divided into complex initial, daily, weekly, as well as general cleaning.

We would like to note that a competent approach to the process depends on the correctness of the work schedule, and the possibility of its control is also simplified.

Thanks to the schedule, the scope of activities of each performer is regulated, which also helps to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

You can coordinate the working day, your time, the cost of performing the required type of cleaning of any room, if you use the appropriate schedule with specific specifications.

When inviting cleaning company personnel to perform work, see for yourself that the cleaning process is much more efficient if it is based on a pre-arranged schedule.

To organize the schedule, use the convenient program "1c enterprise". Just download it from the internet. It is good to fill in all the columns in it, keep detailed records, etc.

See an example in the picture below:

To enlarge the image, click on it

You can also use this simple form to fill out the chart:

To enlarge the image, click on it

Another example of a graph is Mbou DOD Children's School of Arts named after A.N. Verstovsky:

To enlarge the image, click on it

Schedule for cleaning the entrances of residential buildings: Sample

It is much more pleasant for every adequate person living in an apartment building to enter the clean and comfortable entrance of his house.

Who will put things in order in it, the tenants decide on their own. Some do it themselves, by turns of apartment numbers.

In other cases, the management company appoints cleaners or uses a cleaning service.

Be that as it may, so that there are no misunderstandings and disputes, and the entrance always shines, a public and satisfying schedule is needed, according to which the cleaning is performed.

It is clear that no one will wash the floors around the clock. Therefore, bringing the front door in order is carried out according to the standard algorithm, which is displayed in the schedule.

Stages of cleaning in the entrances:

  • The area of ​​the first and second floors of an apartment building is swept daily with a wet broom, which includes an elevator cabin and a garbage chute area.
  • The elevator cabin is cleaned daily.
  • The floor of the waste bin is cleaned daily.
  • Once a week, the entrance to the entrance is cleaned, the shoe rack is cleaned, and so on.
  • Twice a week, spans of all floors of the house are swept with a wet broom, as well as an elevator cabin and a garbage chute platform.
  • Twice a month, the entire entrance is washed with special equipment.
  • Twice a month, ceiling lamps, ceiling and walls of the elevator are treated with special equipment.
  • Windows are washed once or twice a year.
  • Once or twice a year, the front door, ceiling lamps and electrical panels on all floors are cleaned and washed.
  • Twice a year they are processed with special equipment and batteries and railings are washed.
  • Twice a year, the technical premises available in the entrance are cleaned.

These are the standard requirements for the sanitary condition of the internal common area, which are usually displayed in schedules aimed at maintaining the neatness of the entrance.

In fact, a front door cleaning sample can include many other items that suit all residents.

For example, the sites of some apartment buildings are replete with indoor plants, and in other houses, flights of stairs are completely carpeted.

When ordering cleaning services, display all the desired work in the schedule.

Save the porch cleaning template to your computer:

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

Residential Cleaning Schedule: Sample

Cleaning at the entrance is not the only thing that residents of apartment buildings need. It is also necessary to clean up the street, and the janitors must know how to do it.

Check out our house cleaning plan:

To enlarge the image, click on it

Toilet Cleaning Schedule: Sample

If we paraphrase the well-known saying about the toilet, which is supposedly the face of the hostess, then the cleanliness and order of the toilet in a public institution is an image indicator of the company.

At the same time, the schedule for cleaning the bathroom greatly simplifies the procedure and also fulfills the requirements of SanPiN.

Depending on which organization the toilet room is located in, what kind of traffic it has and some other factors, the schedule indicates the necessary frequency of cleaning and the time it takes to complete it.

The current cleanliness is carried out according to the degree of contamination, but not less than twice a day. For example, in an educational institution, the following interim technical schedule can be applied:

To enlarge the image, click on it

General cleaning of toilets at different sites varies from once a month to a weekly process.

Both during daily and general cleaning, disinfection of all surfaces is mandatory according to existing standards.

For the convenience of performers and controllers, it makes sense to include in the schedule the following items:

  • Time. Here, the limiter "from" and "to" is specified so that the room is not closed for too long. In the case of general cleaning, a specific date is indicated.
  • Executor. A column for full name and signature, so that in case of claims (better, of course, thanks) they have someone to present.
  • Controller. Column for the full name and signature of the person who conducted the check. (It is immediately clear that an organization or company is serious - even such a thing as the state of toilet bowls is under control!).

Controller - a person whose duties include monitoring the quality of cleaning in the toilet,

He should pay attention to such details as the absence of urinary stone deposits, rust spots, scale, cement deposits, lime deposits and the like.

Download a sample of cleaning in toilets (two options and GOST rules):

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

Many people are intimidated by the expression "general cleaning". They imagine something cumbersome and endless, destroying the usual way of life.

We hasten to assure you: this process will not take too much time and money if cleaning professionals undertake it. And even more so if at the same time a detailed schedule of necessary work for each performer is drawn up.

For the convenience of scheduling, you need to know what services the cleaning company provides. Note that for large-scale cleaning, all prescribed detergents and cleaning products are used.

So, in the list of services there are the following positions:

  • Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Cleaning of carpets, upholstered furniture.
  • Washing mirrors, windows and window sills.
  • Wet cleaning with the use of disinfectants of floor coverings, lighting devices, furniture surfaces, equipment, batteries, heating pipes.
  • Washing doors and door frames.
  • Disinfection and cleaning of showers, bathtubs, sinks, toilet bowls, sanitary fittings, removal of urinary stone, various plaques.
  • Processing tiles, cleaning joints, wet cleaning from top to bottom.
  • Wet cleaning of household appliances.

In especially difficult cases, the types of work, their volume, as well as what devices and equipment will be needed for the general harvesting are specified.

It is clear that the requirements for maintaining cleanliness are different. For example, in medical and school institutions, trade enterprises, sports centers, they are much stricter than in private homes, where the rules are set not by sanitary services, but by the owners themselves.

Therefore, when scheduling general cleaning, take into account all the features of the objects. General items that should be reflected in the document include the name of the organization and its legal address, as well as the actual address.

It should be noted that during general cleaning in institutions, only certified disinfectants are used, which should also have a separate line in the schedule.

Cleaning inventory is marked, the markers must indicate the premises for which it is intended, as well as the types of events. Tools (buckets, mops, basins, napkins, etc.) are used specifically for their intended purpose.

The general cleaning schedules, in turn, can reflect the number of cleaners performing work, as well as the duration of their activities in different areas.

Download samples of this type of cleaning:

To enlarge the image, click on it

Page 4. To enlarge the picture, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

Page 1. To enlarge the picture, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

Refrigerator Cleaning Schedule: Sample

Here is a refrigerator disinfection schedule. When started, finished, responsible for logging. Name of the disinfectant, signatures. Defrost and cleaning log.

The list of routine duties of a refrigerator attendant includes many things. Professionals need to be aware. To do this, see a sample refrigerator cleaning plan.

We offer two options, shorter and longer.

Disinfection journal, page 1. Click on the picture to enlarge it

Disinfection journal, page 2. Click on the picture to enlarge it

Defrosting and cleaning log, page 1. Click on image to enlarge

Defrosting and cleaning log, page 2. Click on image to enlarge

We care about the cleanliness and health of not only people, but also our smaller brothers - cats and dogs. Stay with us!

Sooner or later, each cleaning company is faced with the need to keep records of their orders, customer base, warehouse balances, mutual settlements with customers, and, in general, automate all business processes.

Since with an increase in the volume of orders, without a unified information system, the business begins to turn into chaos. At a certain stage, an entrepreneur is faced with the problem of choosing a program for automating a cleaning company, and it is this difficult choice that will be discussed in this article.

What software solutions for cleaning companies are on the market?

To date, there are only a few specialized accounting systems for cleaning companies. Of these, there is only one program that meets modern business requirements.

What do we mean by modern requirements: easy intuitive design, does not require installation on employees' computers, purchase of licenses, integrates with online analytics tools, telephony, SMS providers, is regularly updated, has round-the-clock online support in the built-in chat.

Most likely, after the requirements listed above, many realized that we are talking about a program for cleaning companies Gincore.

Features of the Gincore program

  1. Order accounting
  2. Trade
  3. Inventory control
  4. Inventory
  5. Address storage system
  6. Accounting
  7. Sending SMS
  8. Telephony Integration
  9. Integration with Google Analytics
  10. Statistics and analytics
  11. Integration with warehouse and trade equipment.
  12. The designer of printed documents.
  13. Systems for monitoring the timing of orders.
  14. KPIs for employees
  15. Logistics

Benefits of the program. Why Gincore?

1. Fast: Registration takes 3 minutes and you can start working right away. There is no need to install the program on employees' working machines;

2. Simple: no need to spend money and time on staff training, training programs and answers to questions are freely available on our youtube channel;

3. Convenient: you can transfer all data from the old accounting system in a few hours: orders, stock balances, product range, customer base;

4. Safe: the database is stored simultaneously on two servers located in different countries. You yourself set the access level for your employees.

5. Profitable: if you are just starting a business - use the full-featured free version, which contains order accounting, accounting, warehouse, trade, CRM and analytics.