Her mother-in-law calls my mother-in-law mom. Who's Who by Relationship Her mother-in-law calls her mother-in-law mom

  • 27.04.2022

When we get married or get married, we immediately have twice as many relatives. And they all have a name. You won't remember right away. No, well, you can’t confuse your mother-in-law with anyone! And now we'll deal with the rest ...

New relatives of the wife (bride)

mother in law is the husband's mother. For the mother-in-law - her son's wife will daughter-in-law.

father-in-law is the husband's father. For the father-in-law - his son's wife will daughter-in-law.

sister-in-law is the husband's sister. For the sister-in-law, her brother's wife will daughter-in-law.

brother-in-law is the husband's brother. For a brother-in-law, his brother's wife will daughter-in-law.

New relatives of the husband (groom)

mother-in-law is the wife's mother. For the mother-in-law, her daughter's husband will son-in-law.

Who is father-in-law

father-in-law is the wife's father. For the father-in-law, as well as for the mother-in-law, the husband of their daughter - son-in-law.

brother-in-law is the wife's brother. For the brother-in-law, the husband of his sister, as well as for the parents - son-in-law.

sister-in-law is the wife's sister. For the sister-in-law, as for the brother-in-law, their sister's husband will son-in-law.

New family ties between the parents of the bride and groom

Svatya- this is the mother of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

brother-in-law is the husband of one sister in relation to the husband of another. In-laws are also called any family ties between people who are not closely related.

Who are godfathers

Qom and godfather- godfather and mother, but not for the godson, but among themselves and in relation to the parents and relatives of the godson.

Other relatives

All other relatives of your husband/wife will be called for you in the same way as for him/her. If your husband has a niece, she remains a niece for you too. And you will be her uncle's wife for her.

Getting married means bringing a lot of new things into your life.

© vedmochka.com And far from the last place in this "parade of novelty" is occupied by relationships with new relatives. Well, if the newlyweds have the opportunity to live separately, but if not?

And if not, then you will have to go out to the common kitchen every day and somehow contact the parents of your loved one. How to call them: "mom" and "dad"? Or officially: by name and patronymic? With fathers-in-law, everything is easier: men in this situation show more understanding and generosity. But with the mother-in-law on this basis, the first grievances may arise. So what to do? Suddenly, for no reason at all, call a “mother” in general a stranger to you? And where is the guarantee that she wants it? What if she prefers to keep a reasonable distance and such treatment will also jar her? Stop at a cool "Marya Ivanovna" and relax? But will it not become an eternal thorn in the relationship? What to do?!

Put the problem on your husband's shoulders. And do it before the wedding. Ask him to turn to his mother with something like this: “Mom, Olya (that is, you) is worried, does not know how to call you: “mom” or something else. What do you think?". Such a statement of the question will flatter her vanity: the girl is worried, which means that this is important for her. The first undoubted "plus" in your piggy bank of virtues. The second nuance: the decision will have to be made by her - this is another nod towards her importance. This alignment will set the woman on a wave of generosity: it is quite possible that she will wave her hand and say: “Yes, how convenient it is for her!” In this case, you get the freedom of action approved by her, call her as your heart desires. Within reason, of course!

My favorite group Gaza Sector had such a wonderful song Lullaby, in which the unforgettable Yura Khoi sang: “Your mother-in-law is my mother, she is tired of helping us, your mother is my mother-in-law, she drank blood from me.” Mother-in-law and blood rhyme elegantly (pure classics), and in general this is a long-established stereotype: mother-in-law and mother-in-law are other people's mothers, the meaning of whose existence is to spoil your life.

I read a lot about how to properly build relationships with my mother-in-law, I wanted to write these tips. But I thought that after all, I have a rich personal experience of communicating with my mother-in-law, or rather, mothers-in-law. Mendelssohn's waltz in my mortal life sounded more than once, maybe this is a sad moment, of course. I have been officially married three times. And all my husbands had moms and dads. Now we are talking about mothers.

My first mother-in-law, Albina Isaakovna, a beautiful woman externally and internally, said at the wedding: “Now, Lena, you have become my daughter.” And she said this not for a red word, and it happened, although she had a real daughter and even a granddaughter. I loved my mother-in-law the same way I loved my husband, it is impossible not to love a woman with the same dark brown mischievous look from under fluffy curved eyelashes, like my beloved. I didn't call her mom just because I was afraid that my husband would call my mom mom. I couldn't let anyone do this! Albina Isaakovna always found a kind word for me, supported me in everything and, to be honest, gave me chic gifts. Once I decided to bake pies, started the dough (and at that time I was not a connoisseur of cooking, but was only the only daughter of my parents, naturally spoiled and not in the mood for creation, living on the principle of consumption). So, after getting rid of the dough, I hid it away so that I could throw it away later, deciding to buy ready-made pies in the pavilion. My mother-in-law saw my “creation”, without hysteria and sarcasm brought it to mind, called me, and together we baked wonderful pies. And at dinner in front of her father-in-law and son, she said that I was a good fellow and that she dreamed of such a wife for her son, passing off her pies as mine. When I asked her in private why she did it, she replied: “Well, you started making dough, so you wanted to bake pies, but desire is the basis of everything. You wanted to please my son and us all, I appreciate that.” She taught me a lot and is still a role model, all our relationships were permeated with her wisdom, endless warmth. And even when we broke up with my husband, I was sorry to part with his mother, I missed her. But I didn’t have to be bored for a long time, I got married again ...

To be honest, I expected a cold reception from the mother of my second spouse: a slender, fashionable city dweller, only 13 years older than me. Her only son, a designer, esthete and perfectionist, marries a fat, divorced woman older than him. If I were in HER place, I would, without hiding righteous anger, with aplomb and pathos, let this one down the stairs. But Valentina was not like that. She introduced herself simply: "Sasha's mother." And for a long time I did not know what to call her, but since the age difference between us was small, Valya began to call her. Later, at some family celebration, her friend made a remark to me, saying that friendship is friendship, and the mother-in-law should be called mother, or at least aunt. I began to call her Aunt Valya, although this fictitious nephew smacked a little of incest. Aunt Valya treated me with warmth and care, I answered her the same. She always felt some discomfort that our wedding was not as pompous and rich as my wedding with my first husband. And she decided that I would definitely have the most luxurious ring, she took me to the store to buy a ring with diamonds. We bought a ring and got home satisfied, met her classmate on the way, she introduced me: “This is my daughter-in-law.” To which she said: “How many brothers do you have?” She thought that her daughter-in-law was her brother's wife. After all, we looked like the same age. I was very despondent, I thought my mother-in-law would gloat, but she, on the contrary, told me: “Don’t be upset, she’s short-sighted, and I just gave birth early, and the brothers all marry only young ones.” She turned the conversation to how, at a very young age, she fell in love with her husband and gave birth to a son, talked about what a miracle it is to be a mother, how she looked at Sasha and could not imagine that she had once lived without him ... How pure and you need to be a bright person in order to steer this situation like that. I broke up with my husband, but we still communicate with his mother.

The mother of my third husband is a Muscovite, a refined intellectual, the main tenant of a three-room apartment on Sparrow Hills. Could she meet with open arms a twice-divorced provincial? As it turned out, she could! Having gone to the capital in search of happiness in the literary field, I suddenly considered that a Moscow residence permit was vital for me. My MCH promised to register me at home. But ZhU said that only parents, spouses and children are registered. Then he asked me to formalize the relationship. After registering the marriage, my new mother-in-law set the festive table and said: “Give me the documents, tomorrow I will issue a residence permit” ...

With all of the above, I wanted to show that the mother-in-law is someone's mother, and not just someone else's, but the mother of your loved one. Your spouse’s mother is a special person, I’ll say right away that they usually write that you need to treat her with maximum respect, keep your distance. I didn't have that position. If you really love your husband, a priori you cannot be annoyed by the woman, thanks to whom your loved one was born. It is impossible to keep a distance with her, it is better to build a relationship on trust and love. It is the mother-in-law who will tell you about what her son loves most, about his culinary and literary preferences, about what he was fond of as a child, how he met the pot and said his first words. If all this is interesting to you, the mother-in-law will understand that you are exactly the woman with whom her son is on the way.

I am a mother myself and once said to my seven-year-old son: “You have no idea, the greatest happiness is to be with you.” And she thought: “After all, this happiness must be earned!” And that's what almost every mother thinks. Put yourself in her place, and it will be easier for you to understand your mother-in-law.

My sister Please write a family story in French. If you need a basis, then here in Russian:

My family is small. There are four of us: dad, mom, my sister and me. I am 11 years old. My sister is 15. My mother is 36 and my father is 39. My mother's name is Tanya. And dad Dmitry. My sister's name is Masha. My mom is a housewife and my dad fixes cars.

Please, please, please.

A girl moves somewhere with someone (there is no mother, by the way, her mother was a very strong witch, but this is found out at the end) at school on the first day she meets three girls (witches) it turns out that she is also a witch, and together they spend some kind of blue rites. There is also some kind of saleswoman who helps them (witch or not, I don’t know, but she definitely helps them all) at about the end they leave her or she them (but I don’t remember exactly) ... In short, they start to fight against each other, she starts to lose, she understands that her mother is also a witch and always kept in touch with her, well, you know, then she got away with them (they lost their strength ... Blah blah blah) and she lives far away ...
The end

I wrote an essay, and I need you to check it with me and advise me.

My mother gave me a teddy bear on March 8 last year. As soon as I saw her, I immediately fell in love with her. And on the same day I gave her the name Vatrushka, and if you call it affectionately, Vatrushechka.

Cheesecake size is not large, but very cute. Her muzzle is always with a joyful grin. Little pink nose. The eyes of Vatrushechka are affectionate. On the paws are pads with pink hearts. And her ears are the same with pink hearts.

Cheesecake is my most tender plush girlfriend. And I can tell her all my secrets, because I know that she will not tell anyone.

What needs to be crossed out, described in more detail, in short, write what is missing here!

Our hunting dog, Laika, came to us from the banks of the Biya, and in honor of this Siberian river we named it the Biya. But soon this Biya for some reason we have

turned into Byushka, everyone began to call Byushka Vyushka.

We did not hunt much with her, but she served us well as a watchman. You will go hunting, and be sure: Vyushka will not let someone else in.

This Vyushka is a cheerful dog, everyone likes it: ears like horns, a tail with a ring, white teeth like garlic. She got two bones from dinner. Receiving a gift, Vyushka unfolded the ring of her tail and lowered it down with a log. For her, this meant anxiety and the beginning of the vigilance necessary for protection - it is known that in nature there are many hunters on bones. With her tail down, Vyushka went out onto the grass-ant and took up one bone, while she put the other next to her.

Then, out of nowhere, magpies: lope, lope! - and to the very nose of the dog. When Vyushka turned her head to one - grab it! another magpie on the other side grab! - and took away the bone.

It was late autumn, and the magpies hatching this summer were quite mature. They stayed here with the whole brood, in seven pieces, and from their parents they learned all the secrets of theft. Very quickly they pecked at the stolen bone and, without thinking twice, were going to take the second one from the dog.

They say that the family has its black sheep, the same happened in the magpie family. Of the seven, forty-one came out not exactly stupid, but somehow with a leap and with pollen in her head. Just now it was the same: all six forty launched a correct attack, in a large semicircle, looking at each other, and only one Upstart galloped foolishly.

- Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta! all the magpies chirped.

This meant to them:

- Jump back, jump as it should, as the whole magpie society needs!

- Tra-la-la-la-la! - answered the Upstart.

This meant to her:

- Download as you need, and I - as I myself want.

So, at her own peril and risk, Upstart jumped up to Vyushka herself in the expectation that Vyushka, stupid, would rush at her, throw away the bone, but she would contrive and take the bone away.

View, however, understood the plan of Upstart very well and not only did not rush at her, but, noticing Upstart with a slanting eye, she freed the bone and looked in the opposite direction, where in a regular semicircle, as if reluctantly - lope! and think - six smart magpies were advancing.

That moment, when View turned her head away, Upstart took advantage of her attack. She grabbed the bone and even managed to turn in the other direction, managed to hit the ground with her wings, raise dust from under the grass-ant.

And if only one more moment to rise into the air, if only one moment! That's just, if only the magpie would rise, as Vyushka grabbed the tail and the bone fell out.

The upstart escaped, but the entire iridescent long magpie tail remained in Vyushka's teeth and stuck out of her mouth like a long sharp dagger.

Has anyone seen a magpie without a tail? It is hard to even imagine what this brilliant, motley and agile egg thief turns into if her tail is cut off. It happens that mischievous village boys will catch a horsefly, stick a straw and let this big strong fly fly with such a long tail - terrible disgusting! Well, so, this is a fly with a tail, and here - a magpie without a tail; whoever was surprised at a fly with a tail will be even more surprised at a magpie without a tail. Then nothing of the magpie remains in this bird, and you will never recognize in it not only a magpie, but also some kind of bird: it is just a motley ball with a head.

Tailless Upstart sat down on the nearest tree, all the other six magpies flew towards her. And it was clear from all the chirping of the magpie, all the fuss, that there is no greater shame in the magpie's life than to lose a magpie's tail. question: why did the story that Privshin told end in this way?