Yy Varshavsky proezd d 1a. Contacts. Addresses of own points of issue of orders

  • 08.07.2020

Due to the fact that the business center "1st Varshavsky 1A s3" is located a few hundred meters from the metro station "Varshavskaya", customers can easily get to the office of your company. Proximity to the office center of major highways (Warsaw highway, Kashirskoye highway, Andropov Avenue, Proletarsky Avenue) will allow your employees and clients to use their time efficiently. The area of ​​the object is 10700 sq. m, so it belongs to the buildings of medium size. With only 3 floors in height, the mansion is very comfortable in terms of movement between floors. In most of the premises of the business center "1st Varshavsky 1A s3" repair and finishing work has been completed, but at the request of the tenants, they can be provided with offices without repair. office center has the technical ability to install climate control equipment in office space. The object has a corridor-cabinet layout, which is very convenient for companies whose line of business provides for a separate location of divisions.