10 most prestigious. The most unprestigious professions of the modern job market. Ulysse Nardin Genghis Khan: half a billion musical break

  • 26.10.2021

In the literary world, a wide variety of prizes are awarded: in the field of poetry and prose, drama and fantasy, lyrics and detective. However, not every award testifies to the quality of the literature that was awarded.

Recognized awards collected in our Top 10 Most Prestigious Literary Awards. Among the winners of these awards, you can safely choose books worthy of reading.

10. Liberty Award

The award was established in the United States by emigrants from Russia in 1999. It is awarded for contribution to the development of Russian-American culture and strengthening of international relations between countries. The winners were V. Aksenov, M. Epshtein, V. Bachanyan, O. Vasiliev.

9. H.K. Andersen

This award is given in the field of children's literature, both for the works themselves and for the illustrations to them. The winners of the award were Astrid Lindgren, Tove Jansson, Gianni Rodari.


The annual literature award is presented to laureates selected both by popular vote and by an expert commission. The winners of the Runet Book Prize 2013 have already been named on the pages.

7. Russian Booker

This award is given for the best novel in Russian. The winners of the Russian Booker were Bulat Okudzhava, Lyudmila Ulitskaya and Vasily Aksenov. Along with the main prize, the Student Booker is also awarded, the jury of which includes students and graduate students.

6. Southeast Asia Literary Award

This international literary prize is awarded for the best poetry and prose works by authors from ASEAN countries. The chairman of the organizing committee of the award is the Prince of Thailand Prem Purachatra.

5. ABS Premium

The Arkady and Boris Strugatsky Prize is awarded for the best science fiction works written in Russian. The winners of the award are Evgeny Lukin, Kir Bulychev, Dmitry Bykov.

4. Booker Prize

This award for many is the most prestigious in the world of English-language literature. The winner is presented with a check for the amount of 50,000 British pounds. Four times in history, Booker laureates have also received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

3. Goncourt Prize

The French Literary Prize has been awarded annually since 1903. According to the charter, the prize can be awarded to any author only once during his lifetime. Over the years, the Goncourt Prize was awarded to Marcel Proust, Simone de Beauvoir, Alphonse de Chateaubriand.

2. Pulitzer Prize

This American prize has been awarded since 1911. The main prize is 10 thousand US dollars. Despite the fact that the winners almost never make it to the book bestseller lists, the award is considered one of the most prestigious in the literary world.

1. Nobel Prize in Literature

This prestigious award is presented annually for achievements in the field of literature. Most of the winners are writers from Europe and the United States, so the award is often criticized for being biased. Among Russian authors, Boris Pasternak, Mikhail Sholokhov, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Young people think about their path before entering adulthood. The prestigious profession they choose largely determines their future status in society, financial stability and peace of mind. Without these components, any work becomes a heavy burden that brings frustration. What professions are considered the most prestigious in the world?

9 Market Financial Analyst

A specialist in this area should know everything about price fluctuations. To be able to correlate supply and demand in order to profitably choose an option for the company that will make it possible to make a profit. Analyzing the financial situation, the analyst certainly looks to the future, covering not only a particular region, but the whole country. Of course, his conclusion is based on his own reflections. Therefore, only knowledge of economics is not enough. Here, logic works more, highlighting the main points and intuition, suggesting the most promising plan.

8 Pilot

Air travel reduces time. For business people, it is important to move quickly, so many people who use airlines want to get excellent service and adherence to the flight program: course and hour. The modern profession of a pilot is not only the professional possession of an aircraft, which includes knowledge of modern technology. In an unforeseen situation, the skills of a psychologist are required to stop panic in time and create an atmosphere of calm. Good physical shape and the ability to find the only right solution is another good addition to the profession of a pilot.

7 Lawyers

In all countries of the world, people who are engaged in business certainly want to be protected from difficulties. Based on the prescribed laws, they are building their future, which will be stable and legal. Therefore, specialists who understand the intricacies of jurisprudence are included in the list of prestigious professions. Lawyers need to know all existing laws, be able to find the right option in a given situation, and anticipate the outcome of any agreement. The ingenious interweaving of modern legislation requires a special approach in business. Not everyone can unravel the tangled thread.

6 Technical and Executive Directors

In large organizations where there are a large number of people, a competent specialist is needed who knows how to direct activities in one direction. Based on the fact that all personalities are individual and they need a special approach, a professional of this level is able to find common ground with any person. So, pay attention not only to the performance of a certain task, but also to the state of mind. By creating a favorable atmosphere for work, the director regulates personnel movements (not everyone will leave a good place) and performs the main task of the entire enterprise.

5 Doctors

Polluted atmosphere, malnutrition, stress and much more lead to diseases. Doctors of different specializations are required, able to understand the causes that cause the failure of the body. With the development of modern technologies, diseases that have not been observed before appear. It is necessary to fight them and study their initial symptoms in order to prevent complications in time. Competent anesthesiologists, surgeons, therapists and other specialties are needed for a person in need of medical care.

4 Marketers

The task of the marketer is to successfully promote the company's product. He analyzes the needs of the people and then draws up an implementation plan. Considering the types of competitive products, he needs to highlight the most popular ones, and then, analyzing the information received, determine the strategy that brings the most effective result. This work is interesting and unpredictable. In addition to complex analysis, a specialist should be well versed in modern innovations and constantly be at the center of events (the first to know about the release of future products).

3 Ecologists

A very important profession of our time. Every day the problem of environmental pollution threatens with new outbreaks of diseases. The human body, trying to adapt to unknown bacteria, spends an internal resource that is not infinite. Therefore, environmentalists study the air already filled with bacteria, and, of course, contribute to the development of technologies that can prevent production waste from entering the environment. After all, it is important not only to treat a sick body, but also to make sure that such diseases do not occur again.


A few words cannot describe this profession. It affects genetic engineering, medicine, pharmaceuticals. A person who has mastered the specialty of a biotechnologist knows the biotechnology for the production of various food products and additives. In his competence is the development of an optimal technological process (minimum costs - maximum quality), as well as product analysis at each stage. By creating complex organic substances, he manages to come up with successful components that are used as an additional resource in feed additives and food products.

2 IT specialists

Wide range of activities. These are programmers, developers, network administrators, moderators and others. This profession is based on the processing of large information. Here, not only knowledge in a certain area is important, but also intellectual thinking, which helps to find a compromise when choosing an option. An analytical mindset is the first step to mastering a specialty, but self-control, calmness, and the ability to work in a team also determine success.

1 Nanotechnology

Scientists who use atoms to create new material must have an excellent understanding of the material under study. The atomic structure they have built is controlled and purposeful. The smallest elements can only be seen under a microscope with high resolution. With the help of nanotechnology, properties are obtained that cannot be achieved in the usual way, because when working they use a single atom, and not a whole group.

Prestigious professions are characteristic of purposeful people who know what they want to do in their lives. They achieve a lot and become true professionals in their field. Such individuals are successful in everything: in work, in personal relationships. Of course, not everyone tends to engage in elective specialties. The main thing is to find your field of activity, where creativity can be revealed.

3.02.2016 at 14:23 · pavlofox · 83 100

Top 10 most prestigious professions in Russia

Every year, thousands of graduates and their parents face a difficult choice: which institution of higher education to choose for admission? Choosing a future profession is one of the most important steps in life. It is great if a person chooses a future field of activity according to his own recognition, but it is desirable that it also brings tangible income. The topic of our article is.

10. Freelancer | Average salary: 25 thousand rubles

Opens our rating the most prestigious professions in Russia specialization such as freelancer. With the development of modern technologies, the time has come when for fruitful and successful work there is no need to come to the office every day. A freelancer can just as well work from home, in a cozy and comfortable environment. He does not need to waste precious time on packing and a trip to the place of work - it is always nearby. Such an employee provides a lot of benefits to the employer - he works no worse than ordinary office workers, and the freelancer is paid not for the amount of time spent, but for the work performed. For him, you do not need to create a workplace, pay vacation and sick leave. The advantage is that at any time the employer can refuse the services of a freelancer, while dismissing a full-time employee is not always easy.

It is not surprising that today more and more people in Russia and the world choose the freelance profession. They receive an average of 25 thousand rubles and more.

9. Sales manager | Average salary: 30 - 60 thousand rubles

On the 9th place among the most prestigious professions in Russia - sales managers. They are in high demand in the service industry. Most of all, employers value active employees who are well versed in the goods or services that they offer to consumers and who know how to find an approach to customers. Sociability, professionalism, the ability to build relationships with customers - these are the qualities of high-class sales managers for which employers are willing to pay a lot of money. Labor market experts predict that this profession will be in demand in Russia for decades to come.

The average salary of sales managers is from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.

8. Specialist in nano and biotechnology | Average salary: 50 thousand rubles

Nanotechnology and Biotechnology one of the most promising areas of modern science. Most countries understand this and actively support developments in this direction. It is obvious that the first state to make a breakthrough in this area will have an advantage and can become a world leader. Specialties related to nanotechnology, in this light, look very promising and prestigious. There are very few specialists in this field of science, so each new development brings huge sums to its creators.

Biotechnologists and nanotechnologists receive on average from 30 to 65 thousand rubles.

7. Marketer | Average salary: 50 thousand rubles

On the 7th place among the most prestigious professions in Russia are marketers. Despite the stagnation, consumers are still actively interested in market novelties. Experts predict that in the next few years the market will gradually be filled with domestically produced goods, for the promotion of which marketers will be needed. Correct, competent marketing is an important component of the company's success in the market. Most manufacturers know this and are willing to pay good sums to highly skilled marketers.

The salary of a marketing director can start from 300 thousand rubles. Of course, first of all, it will depend on the level of the company. The average salary of a marketer in the country is about 50 thousand rubles.

6. Auditor | Average salary: 40 thousand rubles

Still interesting for graduates of the specialty in the financial sector. is one of the most prestigious professions in Russia. He is engaged in checking accounting, auditing financial statements, accounting books and other documents. If necessary, advises the organization and adjusts accounting. The auditor can both be part of the company's staff and be invited from outside.

The average salary is about 40 thousand rubles.

5. Web programmer and designer | Average salary: 40 - 200 thousand rubles

In recent years, one of the most sought-after, highly paid and prestigious professions in Russia is IT-. The field of computer software is one of the most promising professions of the future. Nowadays, no company can do without promoting its products on the Internet. IT specialists receive a salary comparable to that of economists and lawyers. It should be noted that the field of information technology is one of the fastest growing industries. Gradually, new professional areas will appear in it, which means that specialists in this field of activity will be in demand in the future. IT specialties are in 5th place in the ranking of the most prestigious professions in Russia.

The salary range is from 40 to 200 thousand rubles.

4. Engineer | Average salary: 35 - 60 thousand rubles

- 4th place in the list of the most prestigious professions in Russia. The shortage of specialists in industrial production is felt more and more, so engineers are becoming more and more in demand. Most of all, employers are interested in people from their technical universities. Engineers receive an average of 35 to 60 thousand rubles.

3. Medic | Average salary: 45 - 70 thousand rubles

They continue to be included in the list of the most sought-after and prestigious professions. First of all, specialists of a narrow profile are required. Due to the fact that there is now a clear shortage of medical workers in the country, graduates can be sure that any medical institution will gladly accept them. Among doctors, dentists have the highest earnings - they can count on a salary of 45-70 thousand rubles.

2. Programmer | Average salary: 50 - 80 thousand rubles

In second place in the ranking of the most prestigious professions in Russia is programmer. High-level specialists in this field are highly valued and can count on good wages from 50 to 80 thousand rubles. The responsibilities of a programmer include the development and configuration of software. In Russia, 1C programmers are now most valued.

1. Lawyer | Average salary: 40 - 120 thousand rubles

Takes 1st place among the most prestigious professions in Russia. Professionals in this field are needed almost everywhere. Especially valued are lawyers with knowledge of international law, who can accompany contracts with foreign partners of the organization. The disadvantage of this profession is that employers are more willing to take lawyers with extensive experience and young professionals will first have to work for the future before they are accepted into a highly paid position.

On average, a lawyer receives from 40 to 120 thousand rubles.

When choosing a profession, one must also remember that it is not the place that makes the person beautiful, but the person the place. Do not forget that the profession should correspond to the abilities and bring moral satisfaction.

The prestige of a profession is determined not only by high income and social status, but also by such indicators as stability, career prospects, and demand in the distant future.

TOP 10 most prestigious professions in Russia:

  1. Programmers, IT specialists. Specialists in this field are in high demand at the present time, their work is well paid. The rapid development of IT technologies in Russia implies a constant demand for the profession for many years to come.
  2. Entrepreneurs, businessmen. Private business with commercial ability can bring high incomes. An additional advantage is independence from the employer.
  3. A top manager is the face of a company, a senior executive, which is prestigious in itself. And paid accordingly. In addition to professional skills and specific knowledge in their industry, a top manager must have creative and flexible thinking, high analytical skills, and constantly learn new things. Moreover, in different periods of the company's activity, a variety of qualities are required from a top manager: at the start-up stage, he must prove himself to be a bright leader and a successful entrepreneur; in the heyday - a far-sighted strategist; at the time of the crisis - an experienced anti-crisis manager.
  4. Lawyers, lawyers. The population of Russia for the most part is legally illiterate, and jurisprudence is cumbersome, so lawyers will be in constant demand. The most demanded and highly paid at all times are civil lawyers.
  5. Doctors. The profession is considered the most noble and prestigious in the whole world, but not very highly paid in Russia. The highest salary of doctors in Kamchatka.
  6. Pilots and astronauts. These professions are not only prestigious, but respected, romantic and highly paid in any region of Russia.
  7. Creative professions (designers, artists) are prestigious in terms of respect and recognition. It all depends on talent, dedication, luck. As it is rightly said about creative professions: “In the first half of life, a person works for the name, in the second half, the name works for the person.”
  8. Engineers. The prestige of this profession increases during the period of industrial development, but from a material point of view, this is not the most profitable profession in Russia.
  9. Bankers. All professions associated with finance are initially prestigious. Being a banker was considered prestigious at all times. Here everything depends on the size of the bank, the position held, the region, etc. Recently, it is more prestigious to work in a state-owned bank than in a private one.
  10. Economists. The prestige of the profession also depends on the place of work, position, region. But there is no doubt that this profession is universal and in demand in any social system, in any branch of the national economy and at all levels.

When choosing a profession, one must also remember that it is not the place that makes the person beautiful, but the person makes the place. Do not forget that the profession should correspond to the abilities and bring moral satisfaction. You can understand your predisposition to a certain profession at a career guidance consultation at the Elmira Davydova Center.

The most prestigious professions in the world

  1. Nanotechnologies. Specialists in this field will be constantly in demand in the future. Since the industry is the most relevant government program in the developed world and is well funded, high wages for nanotechnologists are guaranteed for many years to come.
  2. IT specialists. This profession has been on the list of prestigious ones for many years, and in the future it is also expected to be in high demand, decent pay, due to the fact that IT-technologists ensure the functioning of almost all processes in the modern world.
  3. Biotechnologists are the profession of the future in agriculture, healthcare and the food industry. Being a government program that is going to be rapidly developed, biotechnology is adequately financed. Being a scientist or practitioner in this field is very prestigious.
  4. Ecologists. The problem of environmental pollution is only getting worse with time. Therefore, ecologists will always be in demand not only for the purpose of cleansing the environment, but also for the development of new environmentally friendly technologies and industries.
  5. Marketers. The modern world is oversaturated with goods and services. It is impossible to do without marketers in their implementation and production of new ones that consumers need.
  6. Doctors of various specializations: anesthesiologists, surgeons, psychiatrists, therapists, dentists. Health is the main thing that people value and what they do not save on. And good doctors are respected.
  7. Technical and executive directors in various industries. To create a new competitive product or new technologies requires the ability to work with large amounts of information, to coordinate the work of many hundreds of people. Such work is within the power of extraordinary personalities.
  8. Lawyers. In all countries of the world, legal professionals have a prestigious status. Indeed, even in the age of Internet technologies, when books on legislation are available to anyone, not everyone can understand their cumbersome intricacies.
  9. Pilots. Airliner passengers are initially treated with respect for the professionals they trust with their lives. A modern aircraft is a super-complex machine that requires serious technical knowledge, excellent physical fitness, psychological stability, and the ability to make responsible decisions promptly.
  10. A financial market analyst is a specialist who has information about price fluctuations, the relationship between supply and demand in the market. He can give competent advice on transactions in the financial markets and a forecast for the future.

In chapter

Everyone wants to immediately take the position of director or leading specialist in the chosen field. But the most unprestigious vacancies often come to the aid of job seekers in need of urgent earnings. Such professions do not require special skills and are always on the market.

The job market is teeming with offers, but some of them get too few responses. And the point is not at all that potential applicants are afraid that they will not be able to cope with work responsibilities. On the contrary, we are talking about vacancies that applicants find of little prestige.

Jobsavior.com portal experts have compiled their list of the most unprestigious professions, which, however, allow those who wish to earn money quickly.

Jobs that will always give you the opportunity to earn

Now the work in St. Petersburg is very different, for every taste, age and skills. And therefore, having a minimal desire, you can easily get a good job. But if you don’t have the necessary knowledge, age or experience does not allow you to find something acceptable, or you need a vacancy with a free schedule, it’s time to take a closer look at the list of non-prestigious professions that are always presented on the market in abundance:



Restaurant chain worker;

Counselor at the camp;





It is noteworthy that vacancies were included in this list for completely different reasons. For some, prestige lies in low wages, for others - in the need to perform hard work associated with mental or physical effort. And some professions are not in demand because of not the most successful ratio of the amount of payment and the time spent on the performance of duties. Be that as it may, those who want to work can always apply their skills to get money.

Cons and pros of non-prestigious vacancies

The professions listed in the list, like all others, have their pros and cons. The disadvantages include the following:

Negative opinion of others;

Low wages;

The need to make great efforts to meet work standards.

But there are pluses, they attract a huge audience to perform duties in non-prestigious specialties:

Flexible schedule;

No need for specific knowledge and skills;

Seasonality and temporality of work;

Payment on the same day or once a week;

No age or other restrictions.

There are more pluses. In any case, no matter how prestigious the vacancy may be, you should not immediately refuse it, especially when it comes to the need to quickly get money. And with full pockets, you can simultaneously look for a more relaxed profession to your liking.