What is this script "the most profitable affiliate program in Runet"? The best affiliate programs for making money: a list of profitable programs and tips for working with affiliate programs How much can you earn using this method

  • 20.08.2023

Many people know and understand that affiliate programs can earn hundreds of thousands, and some even millions of net rubles per month.

But how to find the best affiliate program among such a mass of offers, with which you can work for more than one year and be 100% sure that you will not be scammed and disappear with your money?

In my many years of practice, hundreds of such affiliate programs have disappeared. Let's see what is currently on this market and with whom you can work with a future perspective.

Before choosing an affiliate program, I always first look at reviews, age and themselves (products or services) that are online for promotion. Most affiliate programs work according to the model and we will consider them.

For example, you heard about an affiliate program and decided to start working with it. Do not be lazy, go to the major forums and see other people's reviews. Do they pay out on time? How long have they been on the market? Do they have the right tools? Is the support (support) responsive?

And so, No. 1 among all affiliate programs in the Russian-speaking market is admitad.

Just look at the daily earnings of a webmaster or one team. This is more than 5,000,000 rubles per day! I took this screenshot in December 2019.

Daily earnings in affiliate program.

admitad.com has all the necessary tools for work. This includes detailed statistics and a deeplink generator, integration with Yandex Direct and Google Adwords, and much more to facilitate routine tasks for a webmaster.

How to start working with admitad

First, register as a webmaster. Then you will need to create a platform. The platform can be your thematic site and a VKontakte group, or a YouTube channel.

After that, wait for the site to be checked and you can start connecting the offers that interest you to earn money.

How can I earn with admitad

Let's give some examples of how you can earn on this affiliate program. Now there is a boom in goods from China from stores such as AliExpress.com, GearBest.com, etc.

So, webmasters make traffic platforms specifically for such stores. It can be a simple group on VKontakte, where inexpensive and interesting goods are posted.

Pay attention to the number of subscribers. If these groups, then it is profitable. Although, as far as I know, this method has already begun to bring less money.

The next way is YouTube channels with so-called unpackings. This method is not suitable for everyone, since not everyone wants to shoot themselves and upload videos to the network.

Another way that I consider the most interesting and promising is the creation of sites with reviews and reviews.

The trick of such sites is not to make reviews yourself, but to encourage people to write these same reviews. That is, suppose a person ordered something from China and made a detailed review of it with photos and posted it on your website for a small amount of money.

You can motivate them with a little money and bonuses. Attracting such people will not be easy, but content can be produced on an industrial scale.

Accordingly, it will be calculated in millions of visitors per month. An affiliate link is inserted into these reviews. I will not “burn” the site, but I will give statistics on one such resource.

Reviews can be done not only on Chinese goods, but also on appliances, furniture, etc. I think you understand the idea, if not, then ask questions below in the comments.


This affiliate program is the undisputed leader in affiliate marketing. For more than 8 years actionpay.net has been successfully operating in this market. After registration, you will have access to more than 1,000 offers for advertising with a very wide GEO. Look at the TOP best webmasters in this affiliate program.

If you know how to work with traffic, then be sure to join the most expensive competition in the history of the Russian CPA market. Contact your manager and ask to connect you to the “pirate marathon”.

Among dozens of different prizes, you can also get the main prize - a Mercedes-Maybach.

Of course, you can object that it is useless to fight for the main prize, since the competition for it is fierce. But the main difference between this competition and others is that maybach is not alone.

There is no winner as such. I accumulated points, for example, I took a Sony PS4 or MacBook Pro game console. If you are a cool webmaster, then you can take a car for these points, the number of prizes is not limited. Prizes and conditions can be found here pirates.pub.

How can you make money with actionpay

Basically, webmasters specializing in . And, as a rule, they arbitrate with Facebook. This social network is good for advertising because it is very easy to scale to different countries.

But there are some peculiarities here. If the offer is “gray”, then the ban is inevitable. To understand how everything works here, it is better to start with “white” goods, for which there will be no questions.

“Gray” products include, for example, various weight loss products, “healing” creams, etc. If you want to work with mobile traffic, then here you will find a large selection of mobile offers.

3.M1 Shop

This affiliate program is more positioned as a "commodity". Here, too, there are various means for beauty and youth, but the main emphasis is on products.

Of course, there are many questions about the quality of the goods themselves. As a rule, these are ordinary Chinese goods that are sold at a premium of hundreds of percent.

The Internet is full of negative reviews for all this “trash”. Many people receive something completely different from what they ordered. In general, as I said above, there are big questions about the goods.

The m1-shop.ru affiliate program itself is reliable and there are no complaints about it. And whether or not to sell such goods is up to you.

How can I earn with m1-shop

Watches, binoculars, corsets, everything, you probably came across this in various social networks, mainly on VKontakte.

So, go to the affiliate program, choose the offer you want to sell from the “best products” section, and start buying traffic from thematic publics for it. For this, VK has an excellent tool called “Market - Platform”.

Also, if you have your own group or public, you can place such products directly on your site. Earnings will depend entirely on the number of subscribers and the topics of the community.

Watches sell well on Instagram, but you have to be careful there. Facebook does not like different replicas and bans for it.

4. CTR

This affiliate program specializes in its own production of wow products for beauty and health. These guys know a lot about packaging. All their author's offers have a unique and colorful design.

As you know, the right packaging is 50% success! Many affiliate programs stupidly copy their promotional materials. There has been a lot of noise because of this.

Health and beauty products are in great demand. Big money is made on such goods. If you know how to work with such traffic, then you can safely choose ctr.ru as a reliable partner.

How can you make money with ctr

For these products, traffic from Facebook and Instagram is well suited. There are no secrets, you need to test a lot to achieve a positive result.

Some creative humor from the guys from ctr.


Now I want to introduce you to another interesting affiliate program ad-x. It has not been on the market for so long, but behind it are people with a good reputation.

This affiliate program pays for actions for subscribers, mainly for the infobusiness. Now there is a boom in various training courses, especially in the topic of bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general.

Accordingly, a whole bunch of courses on these topics have appeared. Many people no longer need to explain in detail what it is. Just invite them to a free webinar. And for each such simple registration you will be paid from 50 to 80 rubles.

I believe that beginners should start learning how to work with such affiliate programs. Since here money is earned on volumes. You can make more than one thousand such registrations per day.

How can you make money with ad-x

You can still earn on the same traffic arbitration in VK. You choose an information product, find suitable communities for it and buy mass advertising there. Such offers come in well through various email newsletters.

Alternatively, you can fill it with thematic content, for example, about the news of the cryptocurrency market and place your ads in it.

6. LetyShops

Another trend of the last two or three years is cashback services. People are used to buying online and they like to receive not only discounts from the stores themselves, but also a small refund on these purchases. It's a double discount.

It is very profitable for people, which means that it will be much easier to make money on it.

Firstly, you yourself can buy any goods through this service and return some of the money back. Secondly, you can earn on an affiliate program. Complete a simple registration and you can start using the service.

How you can earn with LetyShops

The easiest way is to convince all your friends to buy through this service. I have already said that any person will be pleased to receive money from purchases. The more purchases, the higher the return rate.

You are advising your people to benefit, which means it is foolish to refuse such an offer. Your referrals will start buying, and you will receive money for it. It benefits everyone!

The second way is to attract people from your resources. Websites, YouTube channels, etc. For example, you have a review on some gadget. In this review, you insert a link where you can buy this very gadget, and say: if you buy through this service, then a cashback of 5% will be returned to your account. You don’t even need to sell anything here, everyone loves discounts!


Of course, there are other worthy affiliate programs, but they all look alike. I still recommend working with trusted ones. The above list of affiliate programs guarantees you a stable income with reliable partners. This is very important in this business!

We reviewed affiliate programs in different niches:
1. Internet shops
2. Mobile offers
3. Chinese goods
4. Products for beauty and health
5. Infobusiness
6. Cashback

Today, casinos, various options, etc. remained behind the scenes. These niches are profitable, but very competitive and not entirely legal. You cannot buy traffic to these affiliate programs in large advertising networks, you have to be smart in every possible way. Beginners should not “get in” here.

What partners do you work with and why? Share in the comments, please!

Best regards, Sergei.

Top Affiliate Programs

The most powerful tool for earning are partnership programs, namely CPA networks. Affiliates for the site offer to earn money for everyone who has a website.
List of affiliate programs I will present below, but for now I will briefly tell the very essence of this type of earnings.

Suppose Uncle Vasya has his own website about beauty and fashion. Interested visitors come to his blog from search engines - that is, from search engines. There are quite a lot of visitors in 24 hours, about 500 people. But what should Uncle Vasya do with these visitors, because they come in and use the information of the site for free! The answer is simple - affiliate programs rule.

Uncle Vasya decided to sell his traffic to affiliate programs. How do you ask? Register in affiliate programs and choose the right company for the theme of your site. Uncle Vasya was approached by the Lamoda company, as his website is about beauty and fashion. Then he installed Lamod's links and banners, and thus began selling his traffic to this company. Each visitor who clicked on the banner and bought something in Lamoda enriched you by a certain percentage. This is how affiliate programs help you make money on your site.

If your site does not fit this topic, do not despair, there are plenty of directions for each topic, affiliate programs of online stores, affiliate programs for the sale of various services - loans, credits, air tickets, online games with payment for registration, shops with payment for the sale of goods, etc. d.

What do affiliate programs pay webmasters for?

The partner is rewarded within 30 days from the date of a certain action by your visitor - registration, purchase of goods, purchase of any service.

So! As promised, the list of the best affiliate programs in my opinion.

List of the best affiliate programs on the Internet Top 5

7offers- very promising affiliate program for webmasters, many offers, services, banks, game stores and much more. 7% referral system.

Admitad CPA- This affiliate network has a large number of affiliate programs of different directions, payments occur for a specific action. In order to get started, you need to add your site. The minimum withdrawal amount is 300 rubles, payments to Webmoney, PayPal.

Actionpay CPA — not a bad affiliate program, it already has 483 affiliate programs, games, lending, online stores, beauty and health, information products, and more. Payouts to Webmoney.

Our rating of the top 100 "New Affiliate Programs" is designed to make it easier to find the affiliate programs or services you need for your site. Here you will find the resources most relevant to you, sorted according to ratings, clicks, or the date they were added to our catalog. We hope that our top 100 rating will help you get the maximum income from your site or earn more without a site by promoting your goods and services in advertising networks, or products participating in any affiliate program. I wish you success!

Total materials: 60
Shown Materials: 1-15

Where is the Elephant - Best Product Affiliate Network

Affiliate network "Where is the Elephant?" - Earnings on affiliate programs of online stores! Hundreds of thousands of products! The ability to upload products via XML feeds allows you to create your own affiliate store or price comparison site. Deeplinks are a quick way to get an affiliate link to any page of an advertiser's site. You can place affiliate links both on your websites and buy traffic on Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct, Vkontakte, Facebook or some other service. Many online stores also provide ready-made promotional materials, banners and skid coupons. The withdrawal of earned funds from 500 rubles is carried out upon application for Webmoney, bank card, Yandex.Money, QIWI or Payoneer cards.

Advertise - CPA network of affiliate programs with pay per action

Advertise is an affiliate program that works according to the CPA model (pay per action). Partners can be both webmasters who place ads on their websites, as well as ordinary users who can advertise connected offers through social networks, contextual advertising, teaser and banner networks, as well as using other traffic sources that are acceptable for a particular advertiser. Partners receive rewards when the users they referred perform certain actions: registering in the game, filling out a questionnaire, purchasing goods, installing and launching a mobile application on iOS or Android, and others. Payments are made through the Webmoney system (from 300 rubles or 10 dollars), Yandex.Money (from 100 rubles), PayPal (from 100 rubles or 10 dollars), Rapida (from 100 rubles), QIWI (from 100 rubles), MasterCard/Visa (from 1000 rubles / 100 dollars), as well as through a bank transfer (from 1000 rubles). The regularity of payments is configured in your personal account and depends on the chosen payment method (daily, weekly, 2 times a month and 1 time per month).

Admitad - Affiliate Program Network (CPA)

Admitad is a network of affiliate programs operating on the CPA model, i.e. payment for actions. You will place advertising materials on your websites, social networks, advertising services, etc. Users who follow your links to the advertised site are assigned to you. The reward is charged for each targeted action (registration, application, purchase) that the user you referred will perform. The Admitad catalog contains a huge number of affiliate programs of online stores, banks, online games and other services. An advanced statistics system and unique analytical tools of the Admitad system will allow you to track effective traffic channels and increase conversion and earnings. The withdrawal of earned funds is carried out upon a preliminary application and is made through the WebMoney, PayPal systems or to a bank account. The minimum withdrawal amount is: 300.00 rubles or 20 dollars.

Travelpayouts - monetization of tourist traffic (air tickets, hotels, etc.)

Travelpayouts is an affiliate program of a service for booking hotels, selling air tickets and other travel services. You will receive 50 to 70 percent of the revenue generated by the service from agencies and airlines. This income depends on the cost of the air ticket and on the agency where the user buys the ticket. On average, you will earn 1.1-1.5 percent of the cost of an air ticket and 3-4 percent of the cost of a hotel reservation. A visitor to the service attracted by your affiliate link is remembered for 30 days (Cookie). Payments to partners are made automatically once a month through: Webmoney, Ya.Money, Epayments, current account of a Russian legal entity, SWIFT or Paypal. The minimum payout amount is from 500 rubles.

Glopart - A partner of an advertising CPA network, a service for accepting payments and creating your own affiliate program

Glopart is a service for organizing payments on your website and creating your own affiliate program. You will receive up to 900 rubles for each user you refer who registers a paid account, i.e. will sell their products through the service. You can also earn by participating in the many affiliate programs that are already created in the system and sell an unlimited number of products from the Glopart catalog, just by posting a link on your blog, website or forum. Weekly automatic payments to Yandex.Money, WebMoney and QIWI.

My business - Affiliate program of an online accounting service

My business is a paid online bookkeeping service - IP taxes, self-registration of IP, invoice for payment, certificate of completion, etc. By participating in the affiliate program, you can earn with the service! The commission for each high-quality registration is up to 400 rubles! Any traffic except spam is accepted! - contextual advertising (except for the brand), placing a banner or referral links on your site, doorway, teasers, e-mail newsletters, social networks, Pup-up and Richmedia, Popunder and Clickunder, SEO and any other options. The minimum withdrawal amount is 3000 rubles. Withdrawal of funds is carried out by prior order and may take 1-2 weeks. You can withdraw earned money to Webmoney and Yandex.Money wallets or to a current account.

Profi-Like - Social media promotion service

The Profi-Like service is an effective promotion in social networks, as well as additional traffic to your website. We have our own design studio, we create posters, posters, posters, logos, design groups and publics to order. We are also pleased to offer you cooperation - an affiliate program. We offer about 300 services with commissions to our partners up to 35% on sales. Payments to partners are made every week on Thursdays through the WebMoney or Yandex.Money system. The minimum payout amount is 50 rubles.

GoGetLinks - Exchange of links

A unique system for placing paid reviews with links to quality sites. Reviews are posted on an ongoing basis.

Setlinks - Exchange of links and articles

Thousands of optimizers and seo companies use SetLinks to promote their sites, and tens of thousands of webmasters use it to earn a steady income.

ADS PARTNERS - online casino affiliate program, gaming CPA network

ADS PARTNERS is a gaming CPA network that allows you to earn money by attracting players to online casinos (more than 120 games, well-known casino brands Vulkan and Jackpot). After registering in the affiliate program, you will receive a referral link, promotional materials and access to statistics. All clients who follow your affiliate link are assigned to you for life. A referral link can be placed both on your own websites and in various social networks, blogs, forums, advertising services, etc. You will receive from 35 to 60 percent of the casino profits received from the players you referred. Remuneration payments are made before the 15th day of each month through WebMoney, QIWI, Skrill systems. The minimum payout amount is $10.

InSales - affiliate program from the service for creating an online store

InSales is a service for creating a professional online store. Main advantages: speed of deployment and delivery of the project to the customer, open source and api, ready-made integrations with the most popular services, free round-the-clock technical support, partner training and marketing. The InSales affiliate program allows web-studios, freelancers, webmasters, infobusinessmen, and traffic attraction specialists to earn money. We pay up to 40 percent of the payments you refer customers for using the inSales platform (software). To pay partner remuneration, you need to conclude a Partnership Agreement. For individuals, the withdrawal of money is carried out through the Webmoney system, the commission is 10%, the amount of the application is from 2000 to 15000 rubles. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, remuneration is paid to a bank account.

ServiceCloud - Affiliate program for the distribution of 1C services online

Profitable affiliate program for the distribution of 1C services online. You will receive a monthly reward of up to 30% of the payment amount of each user you refer. Becoming a partner is very simple: register on the site, enter your personal account and follow the link "Become a partner", copy the referral link in the partner account, send it to your friends and acquaintances or post it on your website, social networks, etc. The more users register using your referral link and pay for a subscription, the more you earn. Minimum payout threshold: 300 rubles. Methods of payment of earned funds: Yandex.Money, bank transfer, WebMoney.

Cleversite - Partner for the distribution of a professional online consultant for the site

Affiliate program for the distribution of a professional online consultant for the site. Our online consultant is a powerful tool to increase sales. By working on an affiliate program, you will really help your customers increase their profits and properly debug business processes on their sites. This affiliate program will fit well into the activities of web studios, webmasters, freelance website developers, online advertising agencies, promotion and contextual advertising companies and will become an additional source of income for them. Affiliate rewards: 50%, withdrawal of funds monthly via Yandex.Money, Webmoney or bank transfer legal. persons.

FreshForex - Affiliate Program

The affiliate program of FreshForex is a real opportunity to make money on the foreign exchange market without risks and financial investments. Scheme of work: you attract clients to our company and receive remuneration for their trade. We provide you with a complete set of tools for developing your own Internet business. Your profit directly depends on three indicators - the number of attracted clients, their trading turnover and trading activity. With the growth of any of the indicators, your income also grows.

Ping-Admin affiliate program - website and server monitoring service

Ping-Admin Affiliate Program. The Ping-Admin service monitors the availability of sites around the clock by checking the operation of such services on the server as: HTTP, FTP; HTTPS MySQL, PostgreSQL SMTP, POP3, IMAP; DNS; ping. You get 20% of the profit of the service i.e. approximately 19-20% of the amount by which the user you referred will replenish his account. Payouts without limits to your account in Ping-Admin (and then you can spend these funds to pay for our services), or to a Z-wallet in the WebMoney system (from $5, within 3 business days).

If you have a link to the website of an affiliate program, domain registrar, hosting provider or a link to a website promotion service that is not on our resource, then you can add it to our database using the form for adding new affiliate programs.

Hello my dear blog readers. Today we will talk about making money online. Of course, this topic has been ridden out, but more and more new services and affiliate programs always appear.

The current year did not have time to come to its logical conclusion, as experienced users and those who make money on the network (even being in) have already managed to compile their rating of affiliate programs, including without investments. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with how the TOP 10 most popular looks like.

TOP 10 Best Affiliate Programs of 2016

In first place is Combinat, a program that pays weekly on Thursdays for popular offers. The main specificity of the resource is to adjust the functionality for a specific task of webmasters or advertisers. The minimum amount for payments is from 2 thousand rubles, while the function of paying to a current account + 6% is available.

Modern profitable affiliate programs are focused not only on advertising or investments. You can easily earn while sitting in your favorite chair and not spend a lot of effort. The Mythaisummer service returns up to 25% of each order placed for a vacation in Thailand by a client in the amount of 25%. At the same time, the money is kept in hold for no more than 5 calendar days, and if you attract a client, your income will increase by 20% of the amount of his order. According to the analysis for the last year, it is the tourism topic of sales in affiliate programs that is among the top three most in demand around the world.

Moedelo's effective referral program allows you to receive up to 400 rubles from each attracted client. To confirm registration, you must accept the manager's call and first correctly enter all your contact details. At the same time, it should be understood that the site's online accounting fee is paid according to traffic. Plus, the program honorably takes 3rd place in our list, since it only works with clients from the Russian Federation and is deprived of spam mailings and the ability to increase the number of registrants. When using Google Advert, 2 thousand rubles will be credited to your bonus account. The amount of fees varies depending on the levels:

  • Level 4 - 5 from each registration and 100 rubles. for using the accounting interface;
  • 3 - 10 and plus 250 rubles. for the tariff;
  • 2–500 rubles for the purchase of refs and 30 rubles “for a newcomer”, and in the case of 50 registrations - a bonus of five hundred rubles.
  • 1 - 300 rubles. for registration.

If you are interested in making money on affiliate programs and at the same time you are a creative person, then the Moevideo program will allow you to receive payments for third parties. A pre-installed special player calculates earnings, which double-counts:

  • for users from the Russian Federation - 7 rubles per 1000 views;
  • from other countries - 10 cents.
  • in case of viewing other advertising - up to 250 rubles. for every thousand.

Money is withdrawn in two currencies.

The best affiliate programs of 2016 for working with the Forex platform

The Fxclubaffiliates program was founded this year and has already become a reliable partner for attracting newcomers and shark traders. The project has developed a double payment:

  • mobile traffic monetization;
  • active action for 200-300 dollars.

At the same time, traders must have a balance of at least half of the deposit, and the ref system allows you to get 5% from a beginner.

Permanent affiliate deductions from Alpari allows you to receive bonuses in case of posting your advice on the platform, both in written and video format, as well as up to 50% depending on the amount of the client's investments and his current operations. You can invest, advise, and attract.

Not many people know how to make money on an affiliate program for a site with a female audience. But after reading this information, you will noticeably increase your budget.

On the 6th place of our top - Medicinetizer - a service that allows you to get 3.4 rubles. for each click from your resource on the transition to medical and women's ads. One of the main rules for registration of participants is a minimum of 500 visitors every day. The refsystem is 5%, and you can receive payments every day, but not more than 80% of the perfect order.

Crowd links affiliate program link builder which I now actively use when making money on the Internet. Referral deductions are as much as 50%. This is a very cool walrus and I consistently get 1000 rubles every 10 days. Don't believe? Here are my payout stats.

You can make money on advertising with the help of Mobile ckick. The start of earnings is dated by registration, while the system works in this way: by placing a special code on the page of your resource (website, blog, etc.), the user watches an advertisement, and you get 1 rub. The calculation is simple - passive income from 1000 views - 1000 rubles.

The best affiliate programs as of 2016 allow you to earn money for placing advertising banners. Rotaban allows the owner of the resource to independently set the price for advertising on the site, taking into account its traffic and specifics. Service commission - 15%. Only those users whose resource attendance is at least 100 people a day can register. Refsystem - 10%, and withdrawal to WebMoney from at least 100 rubles.

You can profit from the teaser network using Oblivki.biz, since the program offers the owner of the resource up to 1.5 rubles. for the transition from his page. Due to the huge range of promotional offers, you can find the right one for you. Plus, geotargeting works, and the refbonus leaves 10%.

The rating is completed by a profitable service - the August leader Sabrinavi - a program from a stylish women's clothing store. Webmasters will be able to get from 5 to 10% of sales, and for attracting new referrals - from 30 to 150%.

Earn real money online and live your projects. All the best and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Good day! Our resource has already offered three other articles on the topic, but the amount of information in this area is too extensive. In this article, we will try to systematize the information received earlier and most fully consider the list of affiliate programs. Below is a list of the best affiliate programs that differ from each other, have different biases and topics.

We hope that thanks to the review, you will be able to find a good option for work that you will like. Before announcing the list, we recall the key information on this topic. Affiliate programs for earnings, there are 4 areas of activity:

  • Link fee(this method is also called earnings on clicks) - created in order to artificially attract visitors to the site for its promotion. This area is the least paid. You can get from 1 to 50 cents per click.
  • Getting a percentage of the sale. The most profitable and risky method. You can earn several thousand dollars for one transaction. The essence of the activity is that you receive a percentage of the purchase made through your affiliate link.
  • Pay per impression. The most attractive method for those who are interested in making a profit without prior investment. Payment here is also small, because. there is no risk of losing equity. You can read more about this type of income generation in the article "".
  • Earnings for completing tasks. The bottom line is that the client must perform a certain action on the partner's website: register, fill out a questionnaire, subscribe to a newsletter, etc.

List of affiliate programs in 2019

1popov.ru- Sales of training courses. The project assumes the presence of both paid and free courses. What is important: For the sale of free courses, you also receive a cash reward. The cost of paid courses ranges from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles.

Thus, cooperation with this project can become quite profitable, because. he gives away 30% of the amount of each course you sell. When sales increase, your commission rate can increase up to 45%. Thus, in the best scenario, for one of the most expensive course sold, you can get 4,500 rubles.

Specializes in website promotion using crowd links. (Crowd-links are one of the methods of conducting a hidden advertising campaign, where something is advertised unobtrusively and as if in between times). For any attracted client, the resource gives 50% of the profit.

BetAdvert– it is necessary to attract people who are interested in sports and ready to place bets. For each prediction made by a client, you receive 50% of its amount. The site has a simple referral program with a rate of 5%. There is no minimum amount for withdrawing funds here, money comes on the first request.

7StarsPartners– the essence of the work is to attract a high-quality target audience. There are several categories on the site that require traffic, among them: gaming audience, adult audience, entertainment audience, etc. For attracting just such thematic clients, you can receive up to 60% commission.

Moedelo– accrues remuneration for registering customers in the service. However, it is not just low-quality traffic that is needed here. The service will be convenient for businessmen who keep their accounts online. For attracting (registration on the resource) one client, a reward in the amount of 300 rubles is given. By registering 15 people, your profit will be 4500 r, which can be considered good money.

1day1step.ru is a resource that specializes in training specialists in various fields. It is necessary to attract customers who want to use these services for a fee. The reward for each attracted participant is 20% commission. As for the service itself, its conditions are quite convenient: home schooling and further specialized employment are implied.

AliExpress- one of the most famous trading platforms with many partner offers. For the sale of any product through your affiliate link, you will receive a bonus reward of 8.5% of the value of the proposed product. The list of affiliate programs could hardly do without this service because of the impressive results with the right approach.

Etxt.ru- a resource where you can order high-quality articles and any text copyright materials. If you are not a copywriter, you can earn on affiliate links. You get 25% of the amount of the order of the referral-copywriter you brought.

Partner.apishops- a high-quality trading affiliate program that is included in the list of affiliate programs with increased efficiency. Here you get a percentage of the sale of goods. The list of products that you can work with is very extensive and divided into categories for convenience.

This resource is recommended for participants who are just starting to earn on partnerships. The project helps to get comfortable, gain experience and try yourself in this field, and in case of failure, not to lose too much money.

sotmarket- an online store that sells electronic equipment. For 12 years of work, it has established itself on the positive side, distinguished by quality, reliability and low prices. It also offers favorable partnership conditions.

Cpaseti- here it is necessary to attract only affiliate traffic. That is, people who are interested in affiliate programs and earning income with their help. Referral rewards are 5%.

LetyShops- is currently the largest cashback service. Thanks to cashback, you can return part of the amount from the purchase made at. LetyShops is connected to more than a thousand of the most famous online stores. Among them are AliExpress, LaModa, Svyaznoy, Eldorado, Booking, Ozon, etc.

To get your profit, you must give a link to LetyShops, and your client must register there. After registration, the client must make purchases through this service. Your profit will be 15% of the client's cashback.

In the near future, we will definitely compile a separate list of affiliate programs aimed at profiting from cashback.

EPN- the most profitable and convenient affiliate program for making money on AliExpress. From the purchase of goods through your affiliate link, you receive 7-12% of income to your account, and the attracted client is assigned to you for a period of 30 days. Thus, even if the user does not make a purchase instantly, the money will still be credited to you.

BinPartner– specializes in binary options earnings. The affiliate program invites visitors to the Binomo website. The service, by the way, has an excellent reputation and reviews, so it is highly likely that attracted users will stay on this resource.

Your earnings will come from the unsuccessful transactions of your clients. The income from such transactions will be approximately 40%. For example, if the attracted visitor bets $100 and loses, your reward will be $40.

Admitad- one of the most serious CPA networks in Russia, which guarantees the most favorable conditions. The service has more than a thousand affiliate programs. The service is distinguished by a user-friendly interface, transparency and the availability of high-quality and necessary information for work.


The provided list of affiliate programs opens up an opportunity for you to objectively look at the existing competition in this field of activity. Don't make hasty decisions. It would be wise to view in more detail all the possibilities of the services provided above.