Your business is a tool sharpening studio. Tool sharpening business: a promising idea in the service sector How to open your own knife sharpening workshop

  • 15.08.2023
  • What is the demand for the service
  • business technology
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If you are looking for a business idea in the service sector, with little investment and no risk of burnout, then you should pay attention to the business of sharpening hairdressing and manicure tools.

How much money do you need to start this business

To open a small salon, it is enough to rent a room with an area of ​​​​10-15m2 and spend no more than 200 thousand rubles on equipment.

If you are looking for a business idea in the service sector, with little investment and no risk of burnout, then you should pay attention to the business of sharpening hairdressing and manicure tools. To open a small salon, it is enough to rent a room with an area of ​​​​10-15m2 and spend no more than 200 thousand rubles on equipment ...

Try to buy a new manicure tool - you will definitely notice that it is not sharp enough. The fact is that a new tool is often sharpened without due attention, just shuffling over the abrasive, and then such a “semi-tool” is sent to store shelves. Serving customers with such a tool is sheer torment. Such sharpening is enough for a maximum of 10-15 manicures, after which the tool becomes dull. Another thing is when the tool is sharpened using modern technologies and on modern machines. In this case, it is enough for at least 100 manicures and it will be easy, fast work and a satisfied client.

The choice of a master in this case is obvious: it is better to spend 250-300 rubles on sharpening a tool and work with pleasure for 100 or more manicures than to buy a new tool that will become dull after 10 works, and the client will have one negative. This suggests that the need for a sharpening studio for hairdressing and manicure tools in every city is quite large. If there is a demand - why not organize an offer?

What is the demand for the service

There can be a lot of clients at the tool sharpening studio, with a thorough study of the issue. For example, in almost every city with a population of 500 thousand people. and above you can find at least 500 hairdressers, manicure and other beauty salons. There are approximately 2,500 such salons in St. Petersburg, and more than 4,000 of them have already been opened in Moscow. And this is not the limit, as new salons continue to open. In large cities, almost every block has at least one such salon. In general, our country occupies the 6th place in the world in the market of services in the field of beauty and health. According to some reports, the annual growth of this market segment is 25-30%. The beauty business is an eternal business, as people always want to get their hair cut, take care of themselves, look more beautiful. And while this is so, you will always have clients and work.

Ordinary statistics will help to estimate the approximate market capacity. So, specialists in manicure, pedicure and hairdressers give their tools for sharpening at least once every three months, sometimes more often, depending on the flow of customers. In addition to salon masters, tailors from ateliers using tailor's scissors, various workshops, fish factories and enterprises can be clients of the sharpening studio. The market is really big and has many segments.

What equipment to choose for sharpening tools

According to experts, different machines are needed for high-quality sharpening of hairdressing and manicure tools. Depending on the types of tools that are planned to be sharpened, equipment may be required: a machine for sharpening scissors and nippers (20 - 50 thousand rubles), a machine for sharpening hairdressing and manicure tools (35 - 50 thousand rubles), a sharpening machine clippers (100-150 thousand rubles), a universal machine for sharpening medical, hairdressing and manicure tools (140-150 thousand rubles). In total, the purchase of equipment for a sharpening studio can take from 100 to 300 thousand rubles.

If you want the machine to serve you for several years, and not fall apart in a couple of months, it is better to purchase foreign-made equipment. The main suppliers of tool sharpening equipment are the USA and Germany. Get ready to pay at least 50 thousand rubles for a normal foreign-made machine.

Video of the sharpening process on the Ookami Gold machine:

How much can you earn from this business

An approximate calculation is as follows: sharpening tweezers in the capital costs about 250-300 rubles, in the regions it is cheaper than 100-200 rubles. If you go around 4-5 salons a day, you can collect up to 15-20 items for sharpening (this is the first time you have to walk, then the clients themselves will find you). Using a simple calculation, you can calculate the average income: from 1500 to 4000 rubles. On average, 3-5 craftsmen work in the salon, each of which has at least three scissors. A manicurist has about two to three wire cutters, a pair of scissors and up to five other tools. The entire tool must always be ready, that is, perfectly sharpened, otherwise the master will inevitably lose customers and money.

Buying constantly new wire cutters is too expensive for the master. It costs 200 rubles to sharpen old wire cutters, and at least 600 rubles to buy new ones.

Summing up, we can say that the average income of one tool sharpening studio is from 45,000 to 120,000 rubles per month. Many years of experience in other salons says that these are quite real numbers. In fact, these are even the lower limits of your future income, of course, with proper service and advertising.

A step-by-step plan for opening a tool sharpening studio

  1. Drawing up a business plan, analysis of the service market.
  2. Rental of premises up to 15 sq. m in a passable place.
  3. Purchase of equipment.
  4. Arrangement of premises, installation of machines.
  5. Business registration.
  6. Carrying out an advertising campaign, posting ads, distributing business cards.
  7. Starting a business.

Which OKVED to indicate during registration

  • 29.43 - sharpening saws, tools, knives and other tools.
  • 05 - provision of other personal services.

What documents are needed to open

To register a business, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur by providing the following to the tax service:

  • A photocopy of the passport;
  • Statement;
  • Receipt of payment of state duty.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

When registering a business, it is advisable to give preference to the simplified tax system with a rate of 6%. The patent taxation system is also suitable, but it does not work in all regions of Russia.

Do I need permission to open a tool sharpening studio?

Opening a tool sharpening studio does not require licensing and obtaining special certificates.

business technology

The technology of the all-season tool sharpening business is to provide quality services. The main objective of the activity is to attract regular customers. They can be hairdressers, manufacturing companies, nail salons, etc. An arrogantly sharpened tool will become the hallmark of an entrepreneur. In the early stages of development, special attention should be paid to advertising. Posting ads, distributing business cards, providing knife sharpening services to friends will help you discover your potential. And then it all depends on the skill of the specialist. Many recommend taking special courses where you can gain work skills. Training will allow you to learn all the sharpening technologies. Tool sharpening is a business for a real master for whom the quality of the services provided is in the first place.

The service sector is the most fertile in terms of business development. No large capital investment required. All that is needed is your skills in a particular area. The sharpening business also refers to a promising and simple idea that anyone can implement.

What is sharpening for? We all use cutting tools. Hairdressers, cooks, tailors and handmade professionals need tool sharpening services most often, because such devices are present in their everyday life. The sharpness is lost rather quickly, as a result, scissors and other devices become simply useless. It is extremely inconvenient for a hairdresser to cut hair with blunt scissors or a typewriter, not to mention discomfort for the client. Therefore, such a service always flourishes, regardless of the season, locality and the economic state of the country.

Or maybe it's easier to buy a new knife or scissors?

Some people think that it makes no sense to sharpen cheap tools, because the price of new scissors in this case will be lower than the sharpening service. But it is worth considering the fact that after sharpening scissors and knives become much sharper than even new ones. Therefore, it is advisable to contact the sharpening master in any case.

Well, with expensive tools it's even easier. It is definitely more profitable to sharpen regularly than to buy new ones.

With a scissors cost of 2000 rubles, definitely sharpening for 300 rubles is economically viable.

How to learn this craft?

Before offering your services, you must be trained in sharpening tools. Do not look for distance or correspondence courses, it is better to find a good master who will individually teach you this craft for a small fee. At the same time, it is necessary to learn how to sharpen a wide variety of cutting tools: scissors, meat grinders, garden tools, hairdressing tools, animal clippers, etc.

In addition, the master will tell you how to care for the equipment, how to set it up correctly in order to improve the quality of sharpening and service life.

How to become a cutting tool sharpener?

To open such a business does not require large investments. Everything can be done fairly quickly and inexpensively. You will need to rent a small space, purchase special equipment and advertise.

Room. The most important thing at this point is the location. Look for a crowded area, preferably near a public transport stop or metro station. The workshop should be located exclusively on the first floor. No lifts or descents to the basement.

As for the area of ​​​​the premises, 10 sq.m. is enough. Before entering into a lease, find the equipment you need to figure out how well it will fit into the size of the room.

Equipment. Another important step. You will need several machines. The most important is for sharpening knives. Then you will be able to offer services to a very wide audience of customers. It is also necessary to purchase a machine for sharpening scissors. And the third important machine is for sharpening manicure and hairdressing accessories. Additionally, you can purchase a device for sharpening hair clippers.

The purchase of all of the above will take you about 200-300 thousand rubles. You can even save money by buying equipment from domestic manufacturers. However, in this case, the quality will not be up to par. Another option is to buy used machines. But here it is important that such equipment is operational.

Advertising. Once you have found the premises and bought the equipment, it's time to make yourself known. How to find the first clients? A good option is to distribute leaflets and business cards to hairdressers, beauty salons, ateliers, etc.

Don't forget about the Internet. Create a simple website where you list all your services with prices and contacts. You can also place ads on various portals, social networking groups, etc.

How to make customers permanent? To do this, you just need to always do everything qualitatively. If the masters are satisfied with your work, they will be happy to contact you again, and also recommend you to other clients.

Private clients, who also need to sharpen scissors and knives on a regular basis, are best sought by distributing leaflets in mailboxes or handing them out on the streets.

How much can you earn?

If we take into account the cost of a sharpening service equal to 300 rubles in a large city and 200 rubles in a region, we get the following results.

By going around 4-5 salons a day, you can collect up to 20 items that need sharpening. As a result, we get earnings of 2000-4000 rubles.

Each salon employs 3-5 craftsmen who regularly need to sharpen at least 3 pairs of scissors plus a few wire cutters and other tools. With such components, the benefits are obvious.

This type of business without serious investments begins to gain momentum. You can open sharpening workshop various items - knives, scissors, skates, ice drill knives, manicure tools, household tools (axes, chisels, wire cutters ...). The demand for these services is truly enormous.

At the very least, a housewife can also sharpen knives on her own with the help of an ordinary household knife sharpener, however, the sharpness of knives cannot be compared with sharpening professional equipment. So-called self-sharpening knives are a myth created by manufacturers. By the way, ceramic knives are also sharpened with a bang - and often much better than the manufacturer does. Scissors can also be sharpened if they are used to cut sandpaper - but such sharpening is not suitable for the professional sphere. Meat grinder blades need to be sharpened periodically. Thus, ordinary housewives will be your potential customers.

In addition, almost every woman has a manicure set - there are also a lot of items that need to be sharpened periodically - nail scissors, tweezers, etc.

Many men have hunting knives. They just have to be sharp. Blades for ice drills also need to be sharpened after each winter fishing. Thus, fishermen, tourists, hunters will also apply to you for this service.

There are a lot of tools - a chisel, wire cutters, a hand planer, a hacksaw, a chisel, metal shears, an ax, etc., which need to be sharpened periodically. In each apartment you can find more than one such tool. So, the circle of potential clients continues to expand.

Gardeners and gardeners also always have something to sharpen. Shovel, chopper, scythe, garden drill knives, secateurs, lawn mower knives...

In winter, sharpening skates will also bring a good income.

In the field of business, there is a need to sharpen industrial knives of various types, cutting equipment for printing houses. Cafes, restaurants, tailoring studios - these will definitely not be left without orders. Nail salons, hairdressers, beauty salons (which spring up like mushrooms after rain) are a must-have for sharpened manicure tools, knives for hair clippers, etc. By establishing cooperation with them, you will provide yourself with a constant demand for your services. Shoemakers, carpentry workshops - can also contact you if you will make a very high-quality sharpening.

Truly great opportunities open up when you have equipment that allows you to sharpen more complex items - drills, chains for chainsaws, knives for ice drills (including complex shapes), knives for electric planers ... There is practically no competition in this segment, or it is minimal. Usually the quality of sharpening complex objects leaves much to be desired, and the tool is sent specifically for sharpening to large cities.

You can work at one address by equipping a stationary workplace. This is essential if you are using professional precision sharpening equipment.

However, a “mobile” sharpening point will bring no less income - you can go around the courtyards of residential apartment buildings by posting announcements about tool sharpening at a certain time in advance. In this case, it is necessary to have portable equipment that allows you to work autonomously. As for equipment for sharpening tools, depending on the manufacturer, its cost can vary from 10 to 200 thousand rubles (and more). You can get by with an ordinary sharpener or an emery wheel - you will get your customers, but this will not be the scale that this business can acquire when working on professional stationary equipment. There is a very large selection of professional equipment that allows you to sharpen various objects at any angle. The sharpening angle of a professional tool is usually indicated in its passport. With regard to other tools, there will be no particular difficulties - with experience you will learn by eye to determine the desired angle.

At the same time, some craftsmen "grind" the instrument, which requires delicate processing, by hand - for example, they use specially dressed skin of some animals.

Collecting information about the “correct” sharpening is not a problem now. There is a lot of professional literature, there are also specialized sites.

When engaging in this type of business, it is necessary to remember the harmful factors. It is necessary to provide for the "removal" of dust - when sharpening, a lot of fine abrasive dust is formed, which, when inhaled, settles in the lungs. Some use a respirator and goggles. You need to work in excellent lighting.

If you are looking for a business idea in the service sector, with little investment and no risk of burnout, then you should pay attention to business for sharpening hairdressing and manicure tools.
To open a small sharpening workshop it is enough to rent a room with an area of ​​​​10-15m2 and spend no more than 200 thousand rubles on equipment ...

Try to buy a new manicure tool - you will definitely notice that it is not sharp enough. The fact is that a new tool is often sharpened without due attention, just shuffling over the abrasive, and then such a “semi-tool” is sent to store shelves. Serving customers with such a tool is sheer torment. Such sharpening is enough for a maximum of 10-15 manicures, after which the tool becomes dull. Another thing is when the tool is sharpened using modern technologies and on modern machines. In this case, it is enough for at least 100 manicures and it will be easy, fast work and a satisfied client.

The choice of a master in this case is obvious: it is better to spend 250-300 rubles on and work with pleasure for 100 or more manicures than to buy a new tool that will become dull after 10 works, and the client will have one negative. This suggests that the need for a sharpening studio for hairdressing and manicure tools in every city is quite large. If there is a demand, why not organize an offer?

What is the demand for sharpening hairdressing and manicure tools?

Clients at tool sharpening workshop, with a careful study of the issue, there can be a lot. For example, in almost every city with a population of 500 thousand people. and above you can find at least 500 hairdressers, manicure and other beauty salons. There are approximately 2,500 such salons in St. Petersburg, and more than 4,000 of them have already been opened in Moscow. And this is not the limit, as new salons continue to open. In large cities, almost every block has at least one such salon. In general, our country occupies the 6th place in the world in the market of services in the field of beauty and health. According to some reports, the annual growth of this market segment is 25-30%. The beauty business is an eternal business, because people always want to get their hair cut, take care of themselves, look more beautiful. And while this is so, you will always have clients and work.

Ordinary statistics will help to estimate the approximate market capacity. So, specialists in manicure, pedicure and hairdressers give their tools for sharpening at least once every three months, sometimes more often, depending on the flow of customers. In addition to salon masters, tailors from ateliers using tailor's scissors, various workshops, fish factories and enterprises can be clients of the sharpening studio. The market is really big and has many segments.

Equipment for sharpening hairdressing and manicure tools

According to experts, different machines are needed for high-quality sharpening of hairdressing and manicure tools. Depending on the types of tools that are planned to be sharpened, sharpening equipment may be required: a machine for sharpening scissors and nippers (35 - 75 thousand rubles), a machine for sharpening hairdressing and manicure tools (50 - 80 thousand rubles), a machine for sharpening clippers (100-150 thousand rubles), a universal machine for sharpening medical, hairdressing and manicure tools (150-250 thousand rubles). In total, the purchase of equipment for a grinding workshop can take from 100 to 500 thousand rubles.

If you want the machine to serve you for several years, and not fall apart in a couple of months, it is better to purchase foreign-made equipment. Unfortunately, the purchase of clones of domestic-made grinding machines is fraught with the low quality of the machines themselves, the inaccuracy of sharpening and the terrible result of sharpening hairdressing and manicure tools. The purchase of such machines is a waste of money and a damaged tool of the customer. The main suppliers of tool sharpening equipment are the USA and Germany. For a normal foreign-made machine, get ready to pay at least 35 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn sharpening hairdressing and manicure tools?

An approximate calculation is as follows: sharpening tweezers in the capital it costs about 250-300 rubles, in the regions it is cheaper than 100-200 rubles. If you go around 4-5 salons a day, you can collect up to 15-20 items for sharpening (this is the first time you have to walk, then the clients themselves will find you). Using a simple calculation, you can calculate the average income: from 1500 to 4000 rubles. On average, 3-5 craftsmen work in the salon, each of which has at least three scissors. A manicurist has about two to three nippers, a pair of scissors and up to five other tools. The entire tool must always be ready, that is, perfectly sharpened, otherwise the master will inevitably lose customers and money.

Buying constantly new wire cutters is too expensive for the master. It costs 200 rubles to sharpen old wire cutters, and at least 600 rubles to buy new ones. Summing up, we can say that the average income of one tool sharpening studio is from 45,000 to 120,000 rubles per month. Many years of experience in other salons says that these are quite real numbers. In fact, these are even the lower limits of your future income, of course, with proper service and advertising.

Prepared from materials
Group Ideas for Business in VK

Recently, there has been an increased interest in the tool sharpening business. This is largely due to the reasons prevailing in the labor market, people who have lost their jobs are trying to create their own business, which does not require the investment of large material resources. In turn, the segment associated with sharpening services in large cities is almost not filled, and new technologies allow you to learn this art quite quickly.

Different areas of sharpening services

It's no secret that people use different tools to do different jobs. Sharpening tools designed for different purposes also needs to be done in different ways. Therefore, we can talk about different directions of this market segment.

Sharpening of industrial tools includes work with tools used in enterprises. This category includes: saws, knives for printing houses, tools for metalworking and woodworking, milling cutters and other production tools. But to create such a business, you need to purchase rather expensive equipment, hire qualified personnel and organize high-quality service.

The most common type of service requires much less investment: sharpening household tools. This business has not yet developed a competitive environment, and the costs for the purchase of sharpening tools and the organization of production are minimal.

One of the most popular areas of tool sharpening for hairdressers and nail salons. The market in this area is practically not filled, and the number of enterprises in need of such services in a big city is quite large.

By doing your job really well, you will quickly gain a permanent client base.

Start working with one of the most attractive areas for you

To choose the most popular direction, you need to study the fullness of the market in a particular city. You can find the segment of services that has practically no supply. It is worth considering all the little things, for example, that in a small town where there are only two hairdressers, a workshop for sharpening manicure and hairdressing tools will be redundant, but people will sharpen knives anyway.

Before you start organizing a business, it is worth spending time choosing a room. No one will go to the other end of the city to sharpen a knife. Therefore, it is better to choose places where people go regularly, for example, near the market, especially if there are many visitors from the villages who trade there, so the number of potential customers can be greatly expanded.