Innovative technologies in the restaurant business. Modern restaurants: it's all about technology Technology in the restaurant business

  • 14.08.2023

The quality of food and service are no longer the only factors in the development of the restaurant business. In recent years, innovation has significantly changed the food service industry. Therefore, now, in order to maintain high profits, it is important to be aware of the latest innovations in the restaurant business. What innovations characterize the restaurant business in 2013, and what innovations in the restaurant business can be safely introduced?

Information technology improves and facilitates human life in various areas. Human nature is such that we get used to good things very quickly. That is why we feel some kind of discomfort when we do not get in the restaurant those amenities that we are used to and which are already offered in other establishments.

It can be said with absolute certainty that among several restaurants of the same level, the visitor will choose the one in which, for example, free Wi-Fi is provided. In such a restaurant, a person will not only enjoy lunch, but will be able to relax and always stay online: check email and chat with friends on social networks. It is now considered the norm for catering establishments to offer their visitors free use of a Wi-Fi hotspot.

Replicas of menu dishes on display

Innovation in the restaurant business - a showcase with dummies of menu dishes

Everyone knows that people go to restaurants in order to eat delicious food and have a good time. However, it is no longer enough to offer skilfully prepared dishes and impeccable service.
How to make people decide to have lunch or dinner at your restaurant?

One of the innovations in the restaurant business is to show your menu to people right in the restaurant window. As you know, this is almost impossible to do with ready-made dishes. Photos of dishes, even the highest quality, will also not be able to cope with the task.

The only way that can not only decorate a shop window, but also become an attractive information source for passers-by is food replicas. Due to the high quality of the materials used, the dummies look like real ones, their size and volume can be seen. You can also set a price and indicate the ingredients that make up the dish. Models make it easier for visitors to choose both a restaurant and a dish.

Such an innovation in design gives undeniable advantages to the restaurant and is convenient for the visitor.

The Japanese company "Nippon Dom" will produce dummies of dishes for you, which will ensure high profits for your establishment.

Look at the finished dummies in ours or make them from photographs. Use the form below to ask us a question.

Ask us a question

Technological innovations in the restaurant business are associated with the introduction of tablets that can replace the usual brochures or menu books. Each restaurant visitor is offered to choose dishes and directly contact the waiter using a tablet.

The visitor can see the total cost of the order and the calorie content of the dishes. If something doesn't suit you, you can easily remove it and choose something else before serving the dish. While waiting for an order, you can not waste time in vain, but check your email, contact your friends on Skype or just play a game.

The QR code is a marketing innovation that works great in a restaurant business. In a small square of a two-dimensional barcode, you can put detailed information about your restaurant, menu and promotions. You can also introduce visitors to the site of your institution, invite them to join groups on social networks and subscribe to a newsletter.

A QR code can be easily scanned with a mobile phone, tablet or laptop camera and saved in the bookmarks of your gadget.

Innovations in the restaurant business most often require additional financial investments. It is them that the owners of the restaurant business are most afraid of. But focusing only on the current state of affairs and unwillingness to invest in innovation will lead your restaurant to a loss and the threat of closure in the future.

By investing in innovation today, you are investing in the success of your restaurant tomorrow!

Do you want to use the novelties of the restaurant business when opening a fast food, cafe or restaurant?

Do you want to increase profits through innovative restaurant menu design?

Is your dream to always be ahead of the competition?

Contact us by phone or ask a question by filling out the site. We work seven days a week. Contact us at any time of the day!

Automation of restaurants (public catering enterprises) - the introduction of software and hardware systems for automating business processes at catering enterprises (restaurants, cafes, canteens, fast food restaurants, bars).

The combination "restaurant automation" has become a stable term among Russian-speaking restaurateurs, equipment and software suppliers. It immediately contains a generalization, and vice versa, a narrow interpretation of the meaning Maksimov N.V. Computer networks. - M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2007.-448 pages of constituent words. By "restaurants" is meant a generalization - any catering establishments, as is customary in English and other languages. At the same time, a network of establishments can also be understood as a public catering enterprise.

"Automation" in this case, on the contrary, is interpreted in a limited way and does not directly affect production processes (cooking), but only concerns the information component of the business - accounting, document management, sales and other processes related to data processing.

Due to the fact that in Russia and Ukraine the restaurant business is one of the most dynamically developing areas of private business, the demand for automation systems for public catering enterprises is constantly growing. Automation has become a standard here, a necessary condition for business competitiveness. This is confirmed by the appearance on the Russian and Ukrainian market of developers over the past few years, in addition to the recognized "automators" ("R-Keeper", "Tillypad", "Servio", "Magic", "PCT", "xPOS"), many new companies specializing in restaurant automation. In addition, some well-known brands, such as 1C, have turned to this area (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Russian IP market for catering enterprises

Currently in Russia, the number of automated restaurants, cafes, fast foods, corporate catering enterprises and their chains is in the tens of thousands, continuing to grow rapidly.

The main tasks of restaurant automation:

increase profitability and reduce costs of the enterprise;

control and optimization of the enterprise;

Improving the quality of customer service;

prevention of theft and other abuses by personnel;

increase in the productivity of the staff;

support for marketing activities;

Creation of loyalty systems. A variety of discount systems for regular customers.

It is clear that some of these tasks overlap. Their solution through automation in the restaurant business can be considered a special case of ACS and ERP. However, unlike universal systems, restaurant automation systems, as well as, for example, systems for retail trade (Trade Automation), are highly specialized, although more common in terms of the number of implementations, since the restaurant business is one of the most massive.

The functioning of a public catering enterprise is more complex than the functioning of a retail store, since the former involves the manufacturing process of the goods sold, as well as its direct consumption by the buyer on the spot.

In general, in the restaurant business, with the help of hardware and software systems, the following processes are subject to automation:

· Sales. This includes everything related to customer service: taking an order, sending it to the kitchen, generating an invoice, settling with visitors, issuing a fiscal receipt. This also includes a variety of mechanisms for servicing regular customers, marketing promotions (discounts, bonuses, etc.). If a bar is automated, then the beverage production process is also included in the service operations.

· Warehouse and logistics, accounting. Warehouse operations are automated - receipt and consumption of products, semi-finished products, inventory.

· Management and control of the enterprise. Personnel Management.

The part of the software and hardware complex that automates the functions of serving visitors is called the “front office”. The waiter enters the order at the POS-terminal with a contact screen and an interface generated by the program. The generated order is immediately sent to the kitchen and printed out by the chef in the form of an order stamp with a barcode. When the dishes are cooked, the chef reads the order mark with a scanner, which serves as a readiness signal for the waiter.

The invoice is provided to the visitor by the automation system in the form of a guest bill with a detailed printout of all dishes, services and other useful information. At present, already in Russia, a printed guest bill is a component of the service quality standard.

The back office is usually called the workplace of the automation system, the user of which has access to all components of the system. This is the workplace of the head of the enterprise, manager, economist, storekeeper, manager, administrator, accountant and other office employees.

So, for example, production automation helps the chef to create a menu, price list, etc. The calculator makes it possible to calculate the cost of dishes and their economic indicators. When automating a warehouse and logistics, it becomes much easier to carry out the functions of managers responsible for the purchase, receipt and storage of products and semi-finished products.

In addition to the fact that the back office allows managers to carry out the operational management of the enterprise, the manager has access to complete information, on the basis of which he is able to assess the economic efficiency of the institution.

For employees of all levels, business owners, the automation complex provides many opportunities that not only make life easier, but in principle change the style of work. The basis of all restaurant automation systems is the reporting mechanism, the flexibility of which largely determines the effectiveness of the system for the restaurateur. At the same time, reports are not only a means of control, but also a tool for collecting marketing information.

Restaurant automation is purely an applied task. Therefore, the success of system developers depends not only, and maybe not so much, on the ability to program, but on knowledge of the subject area, that is, the restaurant business. Accordingly, the leading position in the market is occupied by companies that started their development more than 10 years ago and managed to accumulate extensive experience working with catering enterprises, fine-tune their products to perfection. Among them "R-keeper" - 17 years, "B52" - 15 years on the market.

Fast food restaurants are characterized by continuous preparation of a small (compared to a classic restaurant) range of dishes, the absence of waiters and the high speed of cashiers, which does not allow queues.

Currently, there are many varieties of the quick service format: in some restaurants, the order is accepted and collected directly at the checkout, in others the guest walks along the buffet, collecting dishes on a tray, and pays at the checkout at the end of the distribution line, in others, the guest is given free access to the table with dishes, and the way to the hall passes through the cash line.

For such restaurants, the ASTOR: Restaurant PROF Fast Food automation system is ideal, which, in addition to accounting functions, contains sales and production planning mechanisms, pricing control and other management tools.

The front office of the "ASTOR: Restaurant PROF Fast Food" system provides ample opportunities for automating the work of cashiers and monitoring the actions of staff:

service of the visitor in the hall;

· automation of work of cashiers;

· high speed and stability of work;

Possibility of work of cash desks in offline mode;

payment by payment cards of various banks;

work with electronic scales;

customizable cashier interface and check type;

· system of discounts and work with discount cards;

Possibility of personnel identification using a fingerprint scanner.

The ASTOR Restaurant 4.0 PROF Fast Food control system supports the following specialized retail equipment:

· POS systems;

· fiscal registrars;

label printers;

money boxes;

customer displays;

barcode scanners;

magnetic card readers.

As a management system, software "ASTOR: Restaurant PROF Fast Food" contains the following functions:

· Inventory Management;

Menu management

cost management;

analysis of relationships with suppliers;

control of purchase prices;

pricing management;

accounting of goods in warehouses;

accounting for mutual settlements;

production of dishes and semi-finished products;

· Accounting.

Accounting for the operation of the restaurant, implemented in the program, supports all operations related to the purchase, storage and sale of goods, the purchase and processing of semi-finished products, the preparation and sale of dishes and, related to these operations, mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers. Also, the system implements the possibility of multi-company accounting. In addition to operational accounting, ASTOR: Restaurant PROF software contains a built-in accounting block with the ability to upload data to 1C Accounting 8.

Next, consider the TillyPad XL system, which provides the highest speed of customer service. Since the main criterion for fast food companies is a high speed of customer service, the TillyPad XL system minimizes the time required to receive and fulfill an order.

The introduction of the TillyPad XL complex at fast food enterprises allows:

Use a single price list for all establishments;

to carry out centralized accounting of sales;

Control the availability and consumption of products in the warehouse;

· to use the general lists of employees;

Ensure the highest possible speed of customer service;

· organize service standards that are uniform for all establishments included in the network;

receive any reports on the activities of both a separate institution and the entire network;

· organize a variety of marketing and advertising campaigns operating in all establishments;

· unlimited scaling of the system in accordance with business development.

In addition to those considered, today several information systems (IS) are offered on the restaurant automation systems market:





· «B52 Restaurant».


The R-Keeper system is the market leader in the automation of catering and entertainment establishments. The developer is the UCS company. The current version of the program is 6. It has been on the automation market since 1992. Main software products: "R-Keeper" (ACS for restaurants), "StoreHouse" (warehouse program, often backend), "PoolJet" (ACS for accounting billiards), "Shelter" (complex for hotel automation), "UCS Premiere "(ACS for cinemas). Since March 2004 UCS has crossed the threshold of 3,000 clients, 250 of them in Lithuania, 250 in Ukraine. The complex operates under PC DOS control. Minimum hardware requirements: POS terminal. The cost of installing the R-Keeper complex (without equipment): does not support stand-alone, the minimum configuration is $5200, the network concept is $8200.

PC "Expert". Developer - Avers Technologies. 5 years on the automation market (entered the market in March 1999). The complex works under the control of Windows and DBMS MS SQL (plus $1500 to the cost of the software). The cost of installing the Expert complex: stand-alone - $1250 (plus DBMS, with POS-terminal - $2500), network concept - not supported. Company website:

PC «Z-Cash». The developer is Z-LabTech company. A young product (a new version is currently being tested). The ACS provides solutions only for restaurants. The system is based on Intranet technologies. It works under the control of the Denver-2 PRO server and the MySQL DBMS (the second version supports the Oracle, Postgree SQL DBMS). Both standard implementation and stand-alone and network concept are possible. Price - quarterly license payment ($100-150 per month).

"Z-CashRestaurantSuite" consists of three stations (AWP - workstations): "FrontOffice", "BackOffice" and "ProductOffice".

Functions of "FrontOffice" - waiter workstation:

opening of new tables;

· the function of viewing all open tables (mainly used for managers);

introduction of ordered dishes and drinks;

Editing of dishes and drinks;

refusal of previously ordered dishes and drinks;

Printing orders in the kitchen/bar or outputting them to the ProductOffice terminal (depending on the settings);

Printing invoices

printing of fiscal receipts;

Closing of accounts

Deletion of accounts

table transfer;

transfer of the table to another waiter;

splitting of accounts

Establishment of discounts for kitchen/bar departments;

setting discounts using customer cards;

payment by client card;

making an advance payment on a client card;

introduction of modifiers to dishes and drinks (more details below);

accounting for coming to work;

view all tables;

function "Dash";

informing about emerging stop-lists;

functions of installed plug-ins ("electronic mentor", Profiler, mySkin, Room3D etc.);

· help.

Functions of "BackOffice" - AWP manager, calculator, manager:

View current open tables in real time;

Viewing the state of revenue (realized revenue, unrealized revenue, possible revenue) in real time;

Viewing the current state of the warehouse and stop lists in real time;

opening of a new shift;

Viewing the archive of shifts, including the current one (the ability to view each account);

Viewing current orders for the kitchen / bar, as well as the ability to control the cooking time (when using "ProductOffice") in real time;

management of system users (adding users, assigning positions with appropriate access rights, editing users, deleting and temporarily deactivating users);

management of access rights (adding a position with new access rights, establishing subordination of a position, editing access rights for all possible system functions, deleting positions);

management of discount programs (adding, editing and deleting discount programs, setting the size of the discount / markup for individual discount programs, assigning a schedule for discount programs);

management of client cards (adding, editing and deleting client cards, linking a client card to a specific discount program, changing the discount program of a client card);

menu management (adding, editing, deleting and temporary deactivation of dishes, drinks and catalogs, editing the technology of preparing a dish / drink, printing technological cards, viewing the cost of a dish / drink, the ability to edit a template for a technological / costing card, entering the cooking time for timing control , specifying a printer for outputting a specific dish);

managing modifiers (creating, editing and deleting modifiers, setting the status of a private or general modifier, linking a modifier to one or more dishes, setting the modifier technology, creating complex modifiers, using informational, price, technological correctors, mandatory modifiers, modifiers per dish/account , hidden modifiers);

product directory management (adding, editing, deleting a product or catalog, temporary deactivation for use in technological maps, displaying dishes in which this product is used, viewing the current book value of the product, viewing the current balance of the product in stock);

work with receipt, expenditure, inventory warehouse acts (transactions of acts, the ability to edit the act at any time before its closing, view all acts, partial inventory, when the option is enabled/disabled, it is possible/impossible to change the current book value of the product by the inventory act, automatic recalculation of the accounting the cost of the product at the closing of the act);

Viewing the protocol for refusing dishes;

Viewing the account deletion protocol;

Viewing the protocol for establishing discounts;

Viewing the protocol for the appearance of stop lists (a record is made when a product with a negative or zero balance is written off during an order);

Viewing the protocol of timing of dishes with ProductOffice enabled (a record is made when a dish is served later than indicated in the chronometer of a particular dish);

Viewing the log of arrival at work;

· “FrontOffice” settings (changing skins, setting up and managing plug-ins, setting up printers for printing checks and invoices);

BackOffice settings (changing skins, setting up and managing plug-ins, setting the cost accounting method: FIFO, LIFO or weighted average, setting the option to change the accounting cost of products by inventory acts);

· “ProductOffice” settings (switching on/off the station, changing the skin, configuring and managing plugins);

management of multilingualism and localization;

· work with financial, warehouse reports and menu reports on a plug-in system (installation and uninstallation of reports, deletion of reports, viewing descriptions and help reports, generating a report, printing and saving a report, uploading reports to Excel);

Integration with 1C through CommerceML;

paging (short message system);

help and guidance.

Functions of "ProductOffice" - AWP of production units kitchen / bar (not presented in the first version of the ACS):

order display (various display options: in order of input, sort all orders by input time, sort all orders by bills, sort all orders by waiters, group all orders by the same dishes/drinks);

informing about readiness;

· paging system of messages (including about actual stop-lists that have arisen);

Empirical informing about possible stop-lists;

Informing about the time of preparation of the dish / drink;

Viewing the directory of technological maps;

Monitoring the elapsed cooking time of a dish/drink.

PC "Edelweiss". The developer is the Reksoft company. 5 years on the automation market. From 2004 the name will be changed to "Medallion". Complex of hotel automation. Compatible with the following automated control systems: "TillyPad", "Magic", "R-Keeper". In addition, it has its own ACS "Medallion POS".

"Magic-Restaurant". The developer is the IVS company (Moscow). On the automation market since 1996. A complex of automation of management and accounting at public catering enterprises. Works under control of "Windows" and DBMS "MS SQL". Users - over 500 enterprises of Russia and Ukraine. Price - no data.

For a small restaurant with one or two service halls, it is optimal to use a dedicated waiter terminal for placing orders. The workplace of the cashier is a Pos-system based on the fiscal registrar. It is preferable to use a touch terminal as a waiter's station - this allows you to speed up the entry and editing of orders. Additionally, the waiter's terminal can be equipped with an invoice printer. Printers are installed in the kitchen and bar to print orders. The software necessary for system administration is installed on the office computer: access rights differentiation, menu printing, room formation, printing schemes setting. To keep records of products in stock and costing, a specialized configuration "1C-Restaurant Management" is installed. Thus, the automation of the restaurant allows you to quickly and efficiently solve a lot of tasks that daily arise before the staff of the institution.

Information system "X-POS". Developer - the company "INCOMSOFT". Works under control of "Windows" and "MS SQL" (plus $1500). The minimum cost of installation is $1300 (plus the cost of the DBMS during installation of $890). There are no options for implementing stand-alone and the network concept. Uncommon ACS. Company website:

Information system "ALOHA POS". The developer is AlohaTechnologies (USA), the official representative in Russia is Service Plus. On the automation market since 1992. The main activity is the largest system integrator, software developer and equipment supplier (according to RosBusinessConsulting). Users of "ALOHA POS" - over 30,000 restaurants in 30 countries, among them: "BurgerKing", "TGI Fridays", "BaskinRobins", "KFC". Lack of own system "BackOffice". Price - no data.

Information system "B52 Restaurant". Development of the company "Studio PLUS" (Ukraine). On the automation market since 1995. Works under control of DBMS "Interbase 5.0" or "Firebird 1.0". The price is 600 euros for each front-office and 600 euros for the first (300 euros for each subsequent) back-office.

Information technology in the restaurant:

Restaurant owners know that only 20% of regular customers are able to provide them with 80% of the profit (remembering the Pareto rule). And in order to keep regular visitors and attract new ones in the face of fierce competition, a stylish interior and high-quality delicious food are no longer enough.

This is where innovations in the restaurant business come to the rescue - interesting marketing steps, for which customers want to come to this particular restaurant more and more.

For example, a few years ago, a successful innovation in the restaurant business was considered to call a taxi from a cafe or book tables by phone. A little later, restaurants where you can order home delivery became the most fashionable, as well as establishments where you could win a discount on service or, for example, a dinner for two in various competitions.

IT technology creative

Information technologies that have transformed our lives have brought new creativity and innovation to the restaurant business. Today, both tourists and urban residents will prefer a restaurant, cafe or bar that has free wi-fi: while waiting for an order, you can work, check your mail, read the news or chat with friends and family.

Restaurants often attract visitors to the teplán show, when, in front of the astonished audience, the teplán chef masterfully creates some kind of signature dish. But no matter how fascinating the performance, not everyone likes the smells of the kitchen and the look of used dishes. Scientific and technological progress has also offered thermal innovations in the restaurant business: cameras are installed next to the chef’s workplace in the kitchen, and only those visitors who are interested in watching his actions on the monitor on the table.

Electronic menus: the new role of the iPad

While connoisseurs were arguing about how useful or harmful a new invention from Apple was, iPads managed to become a revolutionary innovation in the restaurant business, replacing the old habitual menu ledgers.

Moreover, both restaurateurs and visitors benefited from the innovation: the interactive electronic menu became a communication channel between them and allowed the administration to quickly edit the menu and add new dishes to it. For customers, visiting a restaurant can be compared to a game that allows:

  • choose wine from the wine list of the institution by price, year, region, bouquet, and then to it - a dish from the local menu;
  • calculate the calorie content of certain dishes;
  • when choosing dishes, immediately see the final receipt of the order;
  • while waiting for an order, play games, read the news, surf the Internet.

QR code and unlimited possibilities of mobile marketing

The invention of the QR code - a two-dimensional barcode - has opened up new unlimited possibilities for on-line interaction between companies and consumers. In a small bright square labyrinth of a QR code, you can program all the known innovations of the restaurant business, as well as many new opportunities.

The abbreviation QR is translated from English as “quick access”, and the matrix code itself is able to hold a huge amount of information in the form of text, numbers, URLs, calendars, diagrams, images. The speed of QR code recognition is very high, it can be placed on any media, from cash receipts and menus to various signs and even streamers. You can scan it with a mobile phone or a laptop video camera.

The QR code placed on the invoice handed to the client is an amazing publicity stunt. In a bright square, you can encode the history of the restaurant, origin, age, authorship of unique interior details and paintings. Visitors will be happy to study the restaurant's menu with detailed information about each dish: the composition and origin of the ingredients, the stages and methods of processing, nutritional value and calorie content.

Thanks to the information about the opening hours of the institution and contacts placed in the QR code, the number of orders to offices and home will definitely increase. With the help of a QR code, a restaurant can notify its customers about promotions, lotteries, drawings, activate various loyalty programs, arrange voting, interactive polls and quickly receive feedback about the restaurant from customers. The visitor, having scanned the QR code of the restaurant and entered information about the event or appointment of interest into the calendar of his phone, will never forget about it.

Information taken from the website:

Information technology in the hotel:

The process of computerization of the hospitality industry began later than in other areas of the economy. Many industries were computerized already in the 60s of the XX century, the hotel industry on a large scale did not use the possibilities of automation until the early 70s of the XX century. This relatively late start of computerization has allowed hotels to obtain better and more convenient computer technology at a lower cost. Currently, hospitality industry enterprises widely use computer systems based on personal computers of the fourth and fifth generations, networked and allowing, with a minimum of occupied volume, to create powerful software support, which increases the efficiency of the management system, ensures the safety of guests, allows expanding the client base of the hotel and solve a number of marketing tasks. Despite the large number of complex automation systems for hotel facilities, the basic principles for building such systems are quite similar: all systems are integrated software packages that automate the activities of the main hotel services: room management, administrative, commercial, engineering, and catering services. To date, there are several professional developments that deserve attention when choosing an automated control system.

Consider the main hotel computer systems used in the largest hotels in the world and Russia. The most common universal product is the complex of the world's largest company Micros-Fidelio, which has been specializing in creating management systems for hotels and restaurants for 20 years. Such a system is installed at the enterprises of more than 100 largest hotel chains (Sheraton, Hilton, Marriott, Kempinsky, Hyatt, etc.).

Fidelio Front Office (FFO)helps to automate the main stages of the hotel's work: from computerized reservation of rooms, registration, accommodation and check-out of guests to management of the room stock, bookkeeping and finance. The advantages of FFO include: ease of operation, due to the rather simple logic of building the system and the convenience of the interface, a high level of security, provided by strict differentiation of user access, and customization flexibility. FFO can be successfully used both in hotels belonging to hotel chains and in independent hotels and boarding houses with completely different operating technologies.

Among computer technologies around the world, computer systems for booking hotel services have become widespread.

"Computer Reservation System" (CSB)

For the first time the concept of "Computer Reservation System" (CSB) appeared in Europe and the USA in the 60s of the twentieth century. In those years, civil aviation was at the stage of active development. The first CSBs were created by individual airlines and were intended solely to serve the needs of their own travel agents. After some time, this approach led to the fact that, on the one hand, several KSB terminals belonging to various airlines were installed in actively operating travel agencies and hotels, and, on the other hand, airlines had to spend more and more money on the technological development of KSB. The logical decision in this situation was to combine the efforts of airlines in the development and promotion of the CSF on the market. The result of this integration was the emergence of four so-called global reservation systems (Global Distribution System - GDS).

Global Distribution System (GDS).

At the moment, four main booking systems are classified as global: Amadeus, Galileo, Saber and Worldspan. Together, these systems have approximately 500,000 terminals installed in hotels around the world, which is more than 90% of the market, it is no coincidence that they are called the "golden four".

The representation of the hotel in any GDS must necessarily include the following items: general description, description of the number of rooms, description of tariffs, prices, information on availability. The undisputed leader in the field of computer backup is the Internet. That is why hotels create their own Internet - servers, through which access to information and bookings in the GDS is provided. The possibilities of the Internet for hotels are not limited to working with GDS. The main advantages for the hotel are a wide audience reach (more than 100 million people in the world) and low overhead costs compared to GDS. Consequently, the Internet is a real competitor to the KSB, since work via the Internet can be done on any servers, any number of times, by any individual who wants to save on a hotel, while only professionals work with GDS. And the advantage of GDS is that any hotel, having uploaded information about itself, can be sure that every travel agent will see this information, and to place hotel data on the Internet, painstaking work is needed to enter them into various search engines, directories and catalogs.


There is another equally successful program - Horse-21. The exotic name of the system is explained simply - it is an abbreviation of the name Hotel Reservation Service. Horse-21 is owned by the Dutch company Hors BV and has been operating in Europe since 2000. Its database contains information on more than 240,000 hotels. Among booking systems, this system has five main advantages: real online (booking confirmation within a few seconds); centralized system for receiving commissions; unique database of hotels; it is possible to work without a subscription fee, segment norms, deposits; ease of use: no need for training, special software, hardware.

Mikhail Shenshtein: “The growth in the number of establishments and their formats, as well as the expansion of online services, actively contributes to increasing the interest of guests in restaurants.”

Modern technologies have an impact on the entire sphere of catering. Most operations are performed from mobile devices, and before going to a particular institution, the visitor wants to look at the restaurant's website and get acquainted with its menu.

About eating out, the growth in popularity of a specific format of establishments and technologies in the restaurant business, we talked with the head of the Afisha-Restaurants project, Mikhail Shenshtein.

Poster-restaurants is a large project that is aware of trends in the restaurant industry. Tell me, what do visitors react to more, what are the trends?

M.Sh. It is difficult to say something definite about trends, since people choose from what restaurateurs offer - but do they really want it? Looking at the big picture, three trends are clearly visible: meat restaurants of all kinds, modern Israeli cuisine, vegetarian concepts - they will continue to develop. Well, burgers - this attraction is with us for a long time.

- Is it true that going to restaurants and cafes in Russia is becoming more popular?

M.Sh. Yes, definitely. It always happens in a crisis - the less money, the more you want to spend it properly and quickly. And the restaurant is just "smartly and quickly", the effect is instantaneous.

According to our surveys in Moscow, 8 out of 10 people eat out at least once a day. It can be a restaurant or cafe, or, for example, a business lunch. For Moscow and large cities, this trend is especially relevant, because. more establishments of different formats are concentrated here: from pubs and expensive restaurants to cafes and eateries with takeaway food.

Another growth driver is the development of technologies and services that the restaurant offers to its guests. According to our statistics, the traffic of the restaurant, which has connected online booking, shows a positive trend already a few months after the launch.

Summing up, I would like to note that the growth in the number of establishments and their formats, as well as the expansion of online services, actively contributes to increasing the interest of guests in restaurants. And, therefore, encourages guests to eat out more often.

- Food to go: is it important for restaurants to introduce this service?

M.Sh. Yes, but it depends on the price level in the restaurant. With an average and low level of prices, it is necessary to organize delivery. According to various surveys of foreign markets, more than half of the guests admit that they are interested in ordering food from their favorite establishments. Moreover, the presence of this service also contributes to increasing the loyalty of guests to the establishment.

Innovation and gadgets. Judging by a recent survey conducted by Afisha-Restaurants, people actively use online restaurant reservations: that is, calls to a restaurant will become rarer over time, freeing up space for both Internet and online interactions?

M.Sh. If we look at the statistics of Afisha-Restaurants even within specific establishments, then, for example, for the Natakhtari restaurant (approx. Tbilisi cuisine restaurant in Moscow), online booking increased traffic several times after it was connected. Today, more than 80% of browser searches beginning with the word "restaurant" are made from mobile devices.

Technology is actively penetrating the restaurant service and is already beginning to determine the success of establishments.

Now visitors want to study the menu and prices in advance in order to decide whether or not to go to a restaurant, to study the dishes? And is there a trend of abandoning visits if there is no menu on the site?

M.Sh. It cannot be unequivocally said that the guest refuses or does not refuse to visit the institution if the menu is not available. However, it is absolutely certain that before choosing a new place, the visitor in 70% of cases looks at the menu and reads the reviews. On average, the depth of the study of reviews, up to 4 reviews for each institution. Also an important point is the prompt reaction of the restaurant to the reviews and suggestions of guests on the Internet. This helps to increase the loyalty and rating of the institution.

That is why it is important for every institution in modern conditions to pay attention to its presence on the Internet and social networks. Now, most of the new places do not even have their own website, limiting themselves to a facebook page and presence in the collections of recommending services, like Afisha. But, at the same time, they can consistently boast of a full landing on Friday evening.

Many restaurant guests, having a mobile phone in their hands, want to pay for the order without unnecessary actions: do our restaurants keep up with the wishes of customers?

M.Sh. We recently conducted a study, as a result, 27% of users admitted that they are interested in this feature. In the US market, almost half of all visitors are waiting for it. Therefore, Afisha-Restaurants together with UCS (R-Keeper) are now working on the implementation of this technology. We have already launched a test version in several Moscow establishments. As soon as the service passes all the stages of iteration, we will gladly present it to the general public.

Recorded by Marina Lyutova

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