Industrial production has resumed at the site of the Saratov plant of heavy gear-cutting machines. Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear Cutting Machines, SZTZS Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear Cutting Machines official

  • 15.08.2023

The Saratov production site, which has no analogues in the country, is developing steadily, Governor Valery Radaev noted during his visit to the plant of heavy gear cutting machines.

The head of the region got acquainted with the current activities of the enterprise and plans for the near future, visiting several production sites. The governor was presented with the finished product - a gear-cutting semi-automatic machine with numerical control for processing gears, and was informed that this machine was ready to be sent to the customer - Uralvagonzavod. Valery Radaev also inspected other products intended for consumers - enterprises of the automotive, tractor industry, transport engineering, shipbuilding and aircraft building, including the Arzamas Machine-Building Plant, NPO Pravdinsky Radio Plant, BELAZ, and others.

According to the director of the Saratov plant of heavy gear-cutting machines Mikhail Rossokhach, the enterprise is actively working under the program of the federal Industrial Development Fund. " There is a quarterly increase in the volume of manufactured products. These are machine tools and equipment for heavy engineering, tractor building, the railway, and the defense industry. Moreover, orders from Russian regions, China, Belarus. Orders are growing, and plans are to expand production,”- emphasized the director.

During the inspection of the production, the Governor talked with the workers of the plant, got acquainted with one of the oldest masters. Alexander Alexandrovich Gusarov is 72 years old, he has worked at the enterprise for 54 years. The head of the region presented him with a memorable gift and thanked him for many years of work.

"That's who you need to consult on changes to the pension reform. The master is over 70, has worked at the plant for more than half a century and continues to work. They say that the details of what he does, you don’t even need to check, are executed with the highest accuracy. His experience and knowledge are needed today by young workers who came to the plant"- said Valery Radaev.

It was noted that highly qualified and experienced craftsmen work at the plant of heavy gear cutting machines, such specialists are available only at a number of enterprises in the USA, Germany, and Switzerland. Unique equipment is produced, analogues, which are currently not manufactured in our country.
In a conversation with the workers of the plant, the head of the region noted the importance of the restored production, the exclusivity of its products.

« The unique production of heavy gear-cutting machines has been resumed. A team of specialists has been assembled who have serious experience, as they previously worked in this production. Unique equipment has been preserved, new equipment is being purchased. The existing areas are no longer enough, which means we need to expand production, attract young people, keep up with the times and think about tomorrow. The development prospects of the plant are very significant, Valery Radaev emphasized.

For reference

LLC "Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear Cutting Machines" - production of machine tools for processing and control of bevel and hypoid gears.

Work on the restoration of gear cutting production began in 2016. The complex of unique equipment for the production of gear-cutting machines was saved by the efforts of the Government of the region and OOO Furniture Factory Maria, its inventory was carried out. An investor was attracted to the industrial site in the person of a group of enterprises LLC EPO "Signal".

LLC "Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear Cutting Machines" is located in a production building with an area of ​​4000 sq.m., has 203 machines. The machining production is equipped with unique high-precision equipment of the world's leading machine-tool companies.

As part of the project to revive the Russian production of machine tools for processing and testing bevel and hypoid gears, the plant cooperates with the Industrial Development Fund of the Russian Federation.

Press service of the Governor of the region

Investments of several tens of millions of rubles were invested by a Saratov company, to which the general director of the Engels LLC EPO Signal is related Alexander Nikonov.

The former Soviet giant, which produced heavy gear-cutting machines that were not inferior in quality to the English Glissons, experienced several bankruptcies in market time. In fact, the enterprise was dying along with the domestic machine tool industry, although it lasted longer than all the Saratov productions of this profile. Before the last bankruptcy, the remnants of the once very diverse Saratov machine park were brought to the site of the former giant plant - everything that could be salvaged from bankrupt enterprises.

However, the crisis of 2009 was fatal for small Saratov companies engaged in the production of spare parts and components, as well as upgrading the machine park for a few customers. Despite the good technical and engineering level, new economic difficulties, as well as the appetites of bankers who demanded early repayment of loans, turned out to be unbearable for these players.

During the next bankruptcy, the factory premises, as well as the most promising machine park, were acquired by the Maria furniture factory. The Saratov "daughter" of the company was supposed to deploy production on these machines "Kirov-Stankomash", for the appearance of which the regional Ministry of Industry put a lot of effort.

In 2013, great hopes were pinned on this project, a cooperation agreement was signed with the famous St. Petersburg holding Kirovsky Zavod. On the former gear-cutting site, 2 enterprises for the assembly of Kirovets tractors and the production of machine tools were supposed to start operating at once.

Investments of 2 billion rubles were expected, but the crisis of 2014 is on these plans. However, already in 2016, without fanfare and loud statements

Before the district meeting on import substitution issues, the booth of STZS LLC was also presented, where the products of the new enterprise were placed - different sizes of gears, which are a big deficit against the background of the resurgent mechanical engineering.

“Our technologies are recognized as critical for the country, the Russian machine tool industry will not make up for their loss on its own,” the chief engineer of the enterprise told BV Vitaly Vislov. – Of course, sanctions also contributed to the revival, due to which the influx of imports dropped sharply, as well as the growth of the dollar, which made our products very competitive in price.

Gears from the Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines are in great demand: the tractor plant in Cheboksary ordered about 400 units, there are orders from manufacturers of diesel locomotives and even manufacturers of S-300 missile systems.

So far, about 50 people work within the walls of the revived production, mostly people with Soviet experience. Now the equipment left from the old enterprise is being adjusted, and the production site is being arranged. If the issue is resolved positively with the help of Industry Development Fund, investments in the project will grow to 170 million rubles. This will allow the company to occupy a niche that is currently empty in Russia.

“Our plant intends to produce a full range of gear cutting machines — for cylindrical gears, bevel gears with straight and circular teeth. All of them will be equipped with a CNC system,” said Vitaly Vislov. — We have no direct competitors in Russia, there are two such enterprises only in the USA and Germany.

Former Minister of Industry and Energy of the Region Sergey Lisovsky noted that this project would not have taken place if several factors had not converged:

“Of course, this is a balanced constructive position of the management of the Maria factory, great efforts and personal courage of the general director of EPO Signal Alexander Vladimirovich Nikonov, serious support from the regional Ministry of Industry,” Sergey Lisovsky emphasized. “We have all taken a very important step forward by resurrecting a unique enterprise. It will develop further, modernize, but the most important thing has already happened and there will be no going back.

Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear Cutting Machines, SZTZS

SZTZS is the only enterprise in Russia and the CIS countries that produces equipment for processing precision bevel and hypoid gears, which has not only a modern production base and unique technological equipment, but also a great intellectual potential.

IN October 1934 In 1999, the Council of Labor and Defense considered the issue of building a plant for heavy gear-cutting machines.

At first 1936 In the 1990s, a Glavstankoinstrument commission arrived in Saratov, which spoke in favor of building a machine-tool plant in the city of Saratov. The main arguments were: the presence of personnel in the metalworking industry in Saratov, the existing railway and waterways connecting Saratov with a number of important centers of mechanical engineering, the presence of two power plants in the city, which made it possible to fully provide the plant with electricity.

IN 1939 The construction of the plant began in 1946, but was suspended due to the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War and resumed again in 1946.

IN 1947 year, on the areas of the model and foundry shops of the plant under construction, temporarily adapted for a mechanical assembly shop, the first domestic gear-cutting semiautomatic device was manufactured - model 5A26 for cutting spur bevel gears with a maximum diameter of up to 500 mm and with a maximum modulus of up to 8 mm. This event marked the birth of the Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines, which is currently the largest enterprise in the world for the production of gear processing equipment for bevel gears.

Within 3 years, the plant won a worthy place in the market, becoming a competitor to the American company Gleason, which until 1950 was a monopoly in this area. Machine tools with the brand of the plant were supplied to 65 countries of the world.

April 5, 1949 year on the basis of the plant was organized Special Design Bureau for Gear Machines (SKBZS). Since its inception, it has grown into a large design research center for the design, development and implementation in the national economy of machine tools and tools for processing bevel and hypoid gears. SKBZS completed more than 70 research projects, designed more than 250 models of machine tools. The inventions of the workers of the SKBZS, incorporated in the design of the machines, are patented in six industrialized countries.

WITH 1971 In the 1990s, the enterprise began to develop machine tools of a more complex design. From the moment of commissioning to the present, the enterprise has mastered the production of more than 60 models of gear-cutting machines.

WITH 2003 In the 1990s, the company switched to the production of CNC gear-cutting machines. These machines make it possible to produce high-precision bevel and hypoid gears with a circular tooth according to the 5th degree of accuracy and spur bevel gears according to the 6th degree of accuracy according to GOST 1758-81.

The plant has mastered a new direction - the production of CNC machines for the manufacture of cylindrical gears with a diameter of up to 1250 mm, a module of 16 mm.

The delivery of each unit of gear processing equipment is accompanied by the transfer of technology for processing parts to the technical requirements of customers.

Along with the supply of finished equipment, the Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear Cutting Machines offers services for the manufacture of a wide range of gears for the automotive industry, shipbuilding, machine tool building and other industries in accordance with the technical requirements of the customer.

Before the collapse of the USSR, the distribution of manufacturing enterprises according to the range of manufactured gear-cutting equipment was as follows:

  1. Vitebsk Machine Tool Plant "VISTAN"» produced gear hobbing machines in the range from 200 to 400 mm;
  2. Egorievsk machine-tool plant "Komsomolets"- produced gear hobbing and gear shaping machines in the range from 250 to 1250 mm;
  3. Klin machine-tool plant manufactured gear shaping machines in the range from 800 to 2240 mm;
  4. Kolomna Heavy Machine Tool Plant- gear hobbing machines in the range from 2000 to 12500 mm.
  5. Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines- machines for the production of bevel gears in the range from 320 to 1600 mm;
  6. Korsun-Shevchenkovsky machine-tool plant named after B. Khmelnitsky- specialized in the production of gear shaping machines with workpiece sizes up to 250 mm;

20.05.2009 an enterprise was formed CJSC Heavy Gear Cutting Machines, CJSC TZS in connection with the complete suspension of activities and the closure of the Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear Cutting Machines.

The structure of CJSC "Heavy gear-cutting machines" includes the following enterprises:

  • CJSC "Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines"- production of gear-cutting machines
  • CJSC "Machines of Saratov"- production of spur and bevel gears
  • CJSC "Stankoshlif"- production of grinding machines

Machine tools manufactured by the Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines, SZTZS:

  • 2SS1M- desktop drilling machine Ø 6
  • 5A250P gear cutting machine for bevel wheels semi-automatic high precision Ø 500
  • 5S280P semi-automatic gear cutting machine for cutting bevel gears with circular teeth of increased accuracy Ø 800
  • 528s- semi-automatic gear cutting machine for cutting bevel gears with circular teeth Ø 800
  • Gear cutting equipment for bevel gears with circular tooth

  • 527VF3 500 mm, Max module - 12 mm
  • 528SF3- Semi-automatic gear-cutting with CNC system. Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 12 mm
  • 5S280VF3- Semi-automatic gear-cutting with CNC system. Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 16 mm
  • 5A26VF3- Semi-automatic gear-cutting with CNC system. Max Ø - 320 (415) mm, Max module - 10 mm
  • 5A270VF3- Semi-automatic gear-cutting with CNC system. Max Ø - 500 (650) mm, Max module - 12 mm
  • 58K70VF3 320 mm, Max module - 8 mm
  • 5A872VF3- Semi-automatic gear grinding with CNC system. Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 16 mm
  • 5A284F3- Semi-automatic gear-cutting with CNC system. Max Ø - 1600 mm, Max module - 30 mm
  • Gear cutting equipment for straight bevel gears

  • 5S277F3 500 mm, Max module - 12 mm
  • 5S286F3 800 mm, Max module - 16 mm
  • 5S268 320 mm, Max module - 8 mm
  • 5S269- Semi-automatic tooth-pulling (roughing). Max Ø - 320 mm, Max module - 8 mm
  • 5S267F3- Semiautomatic gear hobbing with CNC system. Max Ø - 320 mm, Max module - 8 mm
  • 5S276F3- Semi-automatic gear cutting with CNC system. Max Ø - 500 mm, Max module - 10 mm
  • Gear cutting equipment for spur gears

  • 5S833- Semi-automatic gear grinding with continuous running. Max Ø - 320 mm, Max module - 6 mm
  • 5S841 400 mm, Max module - 10 mm
  • 5S843- Semi-automatic gear grinding with a single division. Max Ø - 900 mm, Max module - 16 mm
  • 5S140F3 500 mm, Max module - 8 mm
  • 5S150F3- Semi-automatic gear shaping for wheels with external and internal gearing with CNC system. Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 12 mm
  • 53S11F4- Semiautomatic gear hobbing with CNC system. Max Ø - 1250 mm, Max module - 16 mm
  • 53S80F4- Semiautomatic gear hobbing with CNC system. Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 10 mm
  • 53S50F4- Semiautomatic gear hobbing with CNC system. Max Ø - 500 mm, Max module - 10 mm
  • 53S42F4- Semiautomatic gear hobbing with CNC system. Max Ø - 2000 mm, Max module - 25 mm
  • Gear-grinding and control-running machines

  • SZ-14- Gear lapping machine for bevel gears (orthogonal). Max Ø - 500 mm, Max module - 10 mm
  • 5A727 1600 mm, Max module - 30 mm
  • 5B726- Gear lapping machine for bevel and spur gears. Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 16 mm
  • 5A725- Gear lapping machine for bevel and spur gears. Max Ø - 500 mm, Max module - 10 mm
  • 5P725EF3- Semi-automatic gear lapping for bevel gears with straight and circular teeth with CNC system. Max Ø - 500 mm, Max module - 10 mm
  • 3S666VF3- Machine for sharpening gear heads. Max Ø 630 mm
  • 5778C- The machine for control of gear-cutting heads. Max Ø 500 mm
  • Hardening presses

  • ST-166 100 mm
  • ST-140- Hardening press for flat conical and cylindrical wheels. Max height 150 mm
  • ST-156- Hardening press for flat conical and cylindrical wheels. Max height 150 mm
  • Specialized gear-cutting equipment supplied at contractual prices

  • 5S272E- Semi-automatic gear-cutting (roughing / finishing). Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 12 mm
  • 5S262E- Semi-automatic gear-cutting (rough). Max Ø - 320 mm, Max module - 6 mm
  • 5S261MP- Gear-pulling semiautomatic device (finishing). Max Ø - 320 mm, Max module - 6 mm
  • 5T23V 125 mm, Max module - 1,5 mm
  • 5S23P 125 mm, Max module - 2,5 mm
  • 5E283- Semiautomatic gear cutting. Max Ø - 1600 mm, Max module - 30 mm
  • Repaired and modernized gear-cutting equipment

  • 527B- Semi-automatic gear-cutting. Max Ø - 500 mm, Max module - 12 mm
  • 5S280P- Semi-automatic gear-cutting. Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 16 mm
  • 5А26В- Semi-automatic gear-cutting. Max Ø - 320 (415) mm, Max module - 10 mm
  • 5A270V- Semi-automatic gear-cutting. Max Ø - 500 (650) mm, Max module - 12 mm
  • 5S270P- Semi-automatic gear-cutting. Max Ø - 500 mm, Max module - 10 mm
  • 5С26В- Semi-automatic gear-cutting. Max Ø - 320 mm, Max module - 8 mm
  • 5A284- Semi-automatic gear-cutting. Max Ø - 1600 mm, Max module - 30 mm
  • 5A872M- Semi-automatic gear grinding. Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 16 mm