Beautiful pictures of nature scenery sunsets. The most beautiful landscapes. Lots of photos! Maria Gordeeva: “I love autumn”

  • 08.10.2021

- a genre of fine art, the main task of which is to display the surrounding nature, both in its original form, and in one way or another changed by man. Since photography is one of the fine arts, landscape photography fully complies with this definition. The main visual center of landscape photography is nature in all its manifestations.

Of course, the landscape, as a genre, appeared long before the invention of photography - in painting. And honed for centuries artistic means images of the landscape formed a number of necessary conditions that are mandatory for this genre of photography. Linear perspective , tonal (air) perspective, optical perspective,frame composition , light space and color - these are the main characteristics of landscape photography, which can not only very accurately convey the state of the surrounding nature at a certain point in time, but also highlight semantic center image without the use of additional manipulative techniques. And despite the fact that in landscape photography the presence of people or animals in the frame is allowed, they are clearly assigned the role of staffing - an element of the landscape that exists to enliven the image and plays a secondary role in this image.

Landscape photography is essentially documentary photography about nature. According to the type of space depicted, landscape photography can be terrestrial, water, astronomical and meteorological. Terrestrial landscape photography depicts landscape, topography, and vegetation and is both rural and urban.

water landscape (seascape, marina) is an image of the water (sea) element.

astronomical landscape photography depicts the heavens (stars, constellations, sun, moon),

and meteorological - weather and precipitation (fog, rain, clouds, tornado, etc.).

According to the way of depicting space, landscape photography can be chamber and panoramic. Camera photography in this case does not imply a narrow circle of viewers, but expresses a purely technical characteristic - a small, narrow viewing angle of the depicted space.

panoramic landscape photography is the absolute opposite - it is a photograph, the viewing angle of which can often exceed 180 degrees.

According to the degree of perception by the viewer, the landscape can be, by analogy with music, minor or major. Tragic or solemn. Dull or cheerful. In solving this problem, the photographer comes to the rescue color theory, namely one of its sections - color psychology. Knowing what colors and how they affect the mind of the viewer, the photographer can adjust composition color balance landscape to achieve a specific result. At the same time, in a landscape, not always cold shades can create an atmosphere of hostility, and warm ones can create friendliness. Small colored vegetation against the background of black thunderclouds looks defenseless, and the picture as a whole causes a feeling of anxiety, while the cold Elbrus causes awe and delight with its grandeur.

Of course, several of the listed natural spaces and states can easily overlap in one picture at the same time, but in this case it will be important for a landscape photographer to decide what exactly in this picture is semantic center, and select this center using visual meansperspectives, compositions, Sveta, colors.

If there is no such center, then landscape photography is purely aesthetic, narrative-specific in nature and is used for decorative, scientific or journalistic purposes. It is to the category of aesthetic perception that landscape photography belongs. plein air- a true transfer in the image of nature of the colorful richness of color changes in natural conditions under the influence of sunlight and atmosphere.

If there is still a semantic center in landscape photography, then such a landscape will be charged with emotional-dramatic (or epic) energy and will acquire features artistic landscape photography.

Along with the mandatory conditions for creating landscape photography, there are a number of conditions that are specific in nature - dynamism , angle , detail. Considering that photography is a static and silent form of fine art, it is in a landscape photo that it is most difficult to convey certain atmospheric phenomena with great accuracy. How to show a strong wind in a desert photo? How can mountain giants be depicted more majestically? It is in these cases that the landscape photographer is saved by knowledge about the dynamics of the frame, the point of shooting and the angle.

Widespread in our time travel landscape photography. Not being essentially a separate genre, travel landscape photography has become very popular due to both the availability of photographic equipment and the opportunity to visit the most remote corners of our planet.

The main feature of landscape photography is its accessibility. It does not require any scenery and staging tricks, it does not depend on the mood of the photo model and the preferences of the customer. It depends on the environment and weather conditions. And in this sense landscape photography unique. Whether it is a park or an alley within the city, or maybe a mountain range or a quiet expanse of a lake outside it - wherever you are, on vacation or on a business trip, in your country or abroad, it is everywhere - nature is amazing a natural space that can change its shape, content and color every minute, day after day, all year round, for millennia... And even if a landscape photograph taken by you does not contain any semantic core, it will always be aesthetic, which means will always remind you of the essence and forms of beauty.


Friday:). I don't want to talk about floods, violence, wars and drug addicts. Let's take a better look at the amazingly beautiful photos of nature.

(Total 46 photos)

1. Tourists walking near the fortress of Peter and Paul in Russia are reflected in a puddle on April 7, 2006.

2. Tourists visit the famous old windmills in the village of Campo de Criptana in the region of Castile-La Mancha in central Spain on April 16, 2006. La Mancha windmills are mentioned in Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes,

3 fly over the city of Bristol during the Bristol International Balloon Festival in southwest England on August 8, 2006. The annual event lasts four days and includes concerts, celebrations and a massive balloon launch.

4. A Bedouin rides a camel in the desert near a tourist resort in Sharm el-Sheikh on August 22, 2006.

Red leaves in a vineyard on a sunny fall day near Ueberlingen on Lake Constance on October 26, 2006.

6. A young man launches a model aircraft on an autumn evening in Dornbirn, about 20 km (13 miles) from Lake Constance on November 14, 2006.

7. In autumn, at sunset, a young man with a model aircraft. Dornbirn 20 km (13 miles) near Lake Constance on November 14, 2006.

9. A girl walks through dense fog in Leicester, central England, December 21, 2006. The fog has left passengers at many of the country's airports fearing they won't be able to join their families abroad on Christmas Eve.

11. Tourists are carried along the frozen river Turne to Jukkasjärvi, above the Arctic Circle, in northern Sweden on December 24, 2006.

12. A man looks at the sea near the beach houses, while a cold front covered Muizenberg in Cape Town, August 12, 2003.

14. Cattle wander through the fog and snow on the North Downs near Maidstone, Kent, in the south-east of England, on January 25, 2007.

15. A couple at Lake Michigan at 6 degrees Fahrenheit (-14 degrees Celsius) at dawn in Chicago, February 2, 2007.

16. Runners are not afraid of bad weather, they continue their run in St. James Park, in London, February 8, 2007.

17. Lanterns along the street during the celebration in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, February 21, 2007.

18. St. Paul's Cathedral is seen from the restaurant window at the Tate Modern gallery in London on March 15, 2007.

19. People look at the waters of the Neva, which carry ice floes upstream to the Gulf of Finland, in St. Petersburg on March 22, 2007. Temperatures, in Russia's second largest city, reached 12 degrees Celsius above zero (54 degrees Fahrenheit) on Thursday.

20. A rowboat and clouds reflected on Loch Lynn in Fort William, western Scotland on May 12, 2007.

21. A couple stands on the Volga embankment in Samara, about 1,000 km (620 miles) southeast of Moscow on May 18, 2007.

22. Icebergs reflected in calm waters at the mouth of the Jakobshavn fjord near Ilulissat. Photo taken May 15, 2007.

23. Father and daughter look at a huge lantern during the exhibition of lanterns, which was attended by more than 500 participants. The exhibition was held in a park in Guangzhou, the capital of China's southern province of Guangdong, on September 5, 2003. The Mid-Autumn Festival, which is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, falls on September 11 this year.

24. Skating after the grand opening of the ice rink at Somerset House, London, November 26, 2003

25. Tourists enjoy the sunset at Kovalam Beach, in the southern Indian state of Kerala on October 1, 2005. Kerala is one of the most popular tourist destinations.

26. George Washington Bridge across the Hudson River and connects New York (right) with New Jersey, seen early in the morning through the fog. Photo taken from Fort Lee, New Jersey on January 30, 2006.

27. A pair of swans reflected in a lake in the southern Bavarian town of Kochel, about 80 km (50 miles) south of Munich on a warm autumn day, October 14, 2005.

29. Dark clouds and a lone bird over the Millennium Wheel in London, July 8, 2004. A sharp cold snap and worsening weather led to problems with transport and communications in England and Wales.

30. Indonesian villagers ride bicycles across a bamboo bridge at dawn outside the city of Yogyakarta in Central Java on July 24, 2004. The bridge was built by residents of nearby communities.

32. An Australian holds a candle on Kuta Beach during a vigil on the Indonesian island of Bali October 12, 2005. Bali on Wednesday marked the third anniversary of the 2002 nightclub bombings that killed 202 people, mostly tourists, including 88 Australians.

33. Frost-covered trees among vineyards in the Alsace countryside near Strasbourg, France on January 11, 2006.

34. People on Primrose Hill watch the sun set over London on November 16, 2003. Many Londoners have come out to enjoy the cool but sunny weather ahead of how daylight hours will shorten with the onset of winter.

35. A man enjoys a sunny spring day near the southern German city of Lindau, on May 8, 2005.

36. A man walks through a snowy park in Tervuren near Brussels on February 27, 2004. slowed down traffic in the territory and caused flight delays or cancellations at international airports.

38. The Cathedral of the Resurrection-on-Blood is reflected in the melting ice of the Griboyedov Canal in St. Petersburg, March 10, 2004. The cathedral was built on the site of the assassination of Alexander II, who was killed by a bomb thrown by a student in March 1881.

39. The lights of the Brooklyn Bridge and lower Manhattan are reflected in the East River after sunset on November 17, 2004.

40. Sunset on Uluru (Ayers Rock), about 350 kilometers (220 miles) southwest of the Australian city of Alice Springs on April 19, 2004. 40 years ago, Uluru, which belongs to Australia's indigenous people, the Anangu people, was visited by about 1,000 tourists annually. Since then, about 400,000 visitors come here every year.

42. Tourists inspect the sand dunes in the Mauritanian desert near the city of Nouakchott on July 29, 2005. Western countries will support the military junta that initiated the bloodless coup in Mauritania if it actually ensures democratic elections.

43. A woman walks with an umbrella along the coastline of Lanikai Beach at dawn in Kailua, Hawaii, on May 28, 2004. Hanauma Bay, about 20 miles south of Lanikai Beach, topped the annual ranking of the best beaches in Hawaii by Steven Lizerman, a Florida-based environmentalist. The beaches of Hawaii have won the championship over the beaches of Florida, although there are a large number of them in the ranking.

44. The British Parliament building during heavy rain in London January 17, 2005.

45. A Sri Lankan man holds an umbrella as he drives past the bay in the city of Kalmunai on the east coast of Sri Lanka on January 19, 2005.

46. ​​Giant waves at the Cape Town breakwater in Bay Harbor, August 27, 2005. The height of the waves reached, according to estimates, nine meters. Photo taken August 27, 2005.

Mother Nature is not afraid to go forward. The CNN website has selected 15 of the most striking and attractive landscapes from all over the world. Some of them appeared quite naturally, while others were helped by man.

The hydrothermal field, located northeast of the Erta Ale range in one of the lowest and hottest areas of the Danakil desert in Ethiopia, is a volcanic crater. And salty hot springs, such as yellow sulfur fields clad in white salt, dot the entire area around it.

Pink Gum Hillier is a 2,000 foot wide lake located on the Middle Island in Western Australia. You can view the wonder of nature by plane or take a tour from the nearby town of Esperance. The reasons for such a bright pink color of the reservoir are not fully known. One of them is high levels of salt and dye bacteria.

Caño Cristales River, Colombia

"Rainbow River" or "River of Five Colors", Cano in Colombia puts on a real show every year from July to November. At this time, the algae turn blood red and give the river an eerie but beautiful hue. And you can find this treasure in the Sierra de la Macarena National Park in the Meta department.

The striped cliffs of Danxia are located near Zhangye in the Chinese province of Gansu. The rich colors are the result of the interweaving of sandstone and minerals that formed here millions of years ago.

Rice terraces in Yuanyang province were established by the ancestors of the Hani tribe over 1,000 years ago to irrigate the red rice crop. In winter and spring, the plantations are flooded with water, which allows you to enjoy the play of sun glare, and in summer the terraces are covered with green shoots.

The largest hot spring in Yellowstone is about 90 meters in diameter and reaches a depth of 50 meters. The bright blue water in the center of the pool is too hot (188 degrees Fahrenheit) to sustain life, but bacteria and algae thrive around the edges. Heat-loving bacteria in the spring produce orange, yellow and red pigments, so it is best to admire the pond during this period. You will be greeted by a spectacle of simply indescribable beauty.

Rapeseed flowers cover the Lüping area every spring with a golden blanket. You can see all this splendor with your own eyes if you go to China in March.

Sunny and clear summer on the island of Hokkaido attracts lovers of hiking and nature. From spring to autumn, the ground in this place is covered with lavender, tulips and many other types of plants.

Lake Natron, Tanzania

This caustic lake along the Rift Valley region of Tanzania is very salty, hot and inhospitable to most plants and animals. However, flamingos and other wading birds live here, along with alkaline tilapia fish and salt-loving microorganisms that give the water an otherworldly red hue.

Some landscapes come alive with sunlight. An example is Antelope Canyon in Arizona. Its rich orange, pink and purple colors attract not only travelers but also photographers.

The deepest lake in the world - Baikal - is located in Siberia and reaches more than 1600 meters in depth. It also contains almost 20% of the world's unfrozen fresh water. And when the reservoir freezes, it acquires a bewitching turquoise shade of ice.

In the delta of the Liaohe River in the province of Liaoning, the Red Beach beach has settled down. It got its name from the algae that bloom in autumn and turn the beach into a juicy red meadow. If you wait for the low tide, then enjoy the unique spectacle to the fullest. Every spring, tourists come to the Netherlands to be surrounded by tulips. From mid-March to the end of May, rich shades of flowers adorn the landscapes of the country. Do you want to get into the peak of flowering? Then book your tickets for mid-April. Deciduous forests in the northeastern United States seem to descend from the canvases of bright colorful tapestries in autumn. Yellow, orange, red, green mountains attract the views of thousands of travelers from all over the world.

Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA

The fantastic geyser in the Black Rock Desert in Washoe County, Nevada is closed to the public as it is located on private property. But not everything is so sad, the owners offer exclusive tours to this natural attraction.

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