Mikhail Khubutia brought rubbish out of the "gostiny dvor". Unequal “fight” of Mikhail Khubutia Khubutia family

  • 15.12.2021

Recently, a scandal broke out that affected the activities of the American non-governmental organization Transparency International in Russia. At its epicenter was the head of the Russian division of Transparency, Anton Pominov. First, the popular telegram channel “OPER Leak” published a video in which a person similar to Pominov, sitting in a car in a certain closed parking lot, receives from an unknown man a plump envelope the size of a stack of A4 sheets of plain paper, which by all indications looks like the transfer of documents.

Pretty soon another telegram channel, "338" that the envelope is transmitting, apparently Mikhail Khubutia, whom “338” called “an authoritative businessman”, and the transfer itself took place last summer: in the video, a man looks like Khubutia without a beard, although by now he has already managed to grow a beard.

As our investigation showed, there is a certain logic in the fact that Mikhail Khubutia is actively cooperating with Transparency International. Moreover, he does this most likely not for the first time.

Let's start with the fact that Transparency International is an organization that loudly declared its goal to fight corruption around the world. It is supported by both the well-known Ford Foundation and the National Endowment for Democracy, which abundantly supplies the organization with money. The latter is also a well-known tool for the US to support its "NGOs" around the world. With such support, Transparency has considerable opportunities: by a strange coincidence, in countries that have scored “penalty points” in the organization’s own corruption rating, unrest begins very quickly with all the ensuing consequences. Not surprisingly, Transparency has been repeatedly accused of collaborating with the CIA and British intelligence agencies.

In recent years, the organization has been marked by vigorous activity in Russia, over and over again "exposing" those domestic politicians or businessmen who were most inconvenient to the American authorities.

In the context of the discovered video, where Mikhail Khubutia could transfer documents to Transparency, his person appears very interesting and promising for American “corruption fighters”. Indeed, as an agent of influence, a practically monopoly seller of weapons to individuals through his Kolchuga chain of stores and, apparently, a major supplier of weapons for Russia's law enforcement agencies, Khubutia can be of great use in promoting the ideals of Western democracy in our country.

What could help the common goals of Mikhail Khubutia and "the most important Washington whistleblower" Transparency International? The answer of our investigation will sound like a phrase from a famous movie - Elementary, Watson!

Khubutia can be useful to the organization, first of all, by the presence of numerous contracts with the Russian security forces.

Among the customers of weapons, Kolchuga may have an impressive list of government agencies, including law enforcement agencies: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Investigative Committee, the FSSP. So, it seems that in 2015 the Federal Customs Service made purchases in Kolchuga for 9 million rubles, while similar amounts, apparently, were spent at the arms baron and one of the structures of the Ministry of Emergencies - almost 9.2 million rubles. Over the past five years, the amount of deliveries of "Kolchuga" to the security forces, according to the SPARK system, could generally cross the mark of 130 million rubles.

Another useful fact of Khubutiy's biography is his long-standing conflict with the capital's administration - it is no secret that an American non-governmental organization has long been paying close attention to its construction complex.

For example, in 2017, Transparency published fresh investigations that touched on this topic - about the fight against Mosproekt and the alleged conflict of interest in the construction of the VEB Arena stadium.

Such a selective focus of “anti-corruption” efforts, more like black PR actions, from an organization that is actively digging in relation to regional authorities is very alarming, but first things first.

The third important potential of a businessman for Transparency may be his connections in general - Mikhail Khubutia, over the years of the arms trade, has developed close interactions not only in law enforcement agencies. One of the important assets of a businessman - the fashionable Gostiny Dvor trade and exhibition complex, located almost under the windows of the Kremlin, has managed to become a venue for major events of national and international importance. By the way, the presidential campaign headquarters was located there. Vladimir Putin. Needless to say, it is not difficult for a cunning merchant to make a number of useful contacts with officials of the most diverse ranks and opportunities at such events.

Now let's note some of the actions of Mikhail Khubutiy, which successfully coincided with the general line of the Western organization. In early February, he entered into an active phase of conflict with the authorities, apparently due to the development of the industrial zone of the Western River Port of the capital. The businessman, through his company "Trading House Shater", entered together with the mayor's office into the company "Port City" for the development of 300 thousand square meters. m in the port area in 2009. that Khubutia had to invest money 3.94 billion rubles, and also 1.28 billion rubles was supposed to contribute to the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Western Port" in the form of the land itself. Builders began to build residential complex "Western Port".

However, Khubutia did not appear to be too invested in the project. On the LCD forum buyers that the construction is sluggish.

Last year, what an investment brothers can give Ananievs, which own PSN Group and Promsvyazbank. However, soon the bank was not in the best shape.

The fact that this version is correct is also indicated by the fact that Khubutia wrote in his messages that the person in charge of the construction complex of the capital Marat Khusnullin with whom he was once on friendly terms, “hit $25 million” without revealing what is at stake. Meanwhile, 1.28 billion rubles, which the city contributed to the project in the form of land, just correspond to this amount.

The Ananyevs entered the project in September last year, offering a loan instead of investment. But the loan must be repaid, and soon Promsvyazbank itself began to have problems. And already in November, Transparency International publishes its investigation into the "conflict of interest." At the same time, he operates with documents that cannot be obtained without the help of a “mole”.

Perhaps we now know who was this “mole”, and even the customer of compromising evidence. After all, if Khubutia really does not have the money to complete the construction of the Western Port residential complex, then for the city it is a risk of getting hundreds of angry deceived real estate investors and a frozen long-term construction on city land. It is clear that in such conditions, good relations are on the sidelines.

If the version that Transparency International received some compromising material from Khubutia is true, then it is possible that this arms and real estate dealer could sell not only his Moscow friends.

And now let's remember that Transparency International has long been accused of working for the American and British intelligence services. It is not difficult to guess that in the current geopolitical situation they are most interested in now. Add this to the fact that Khubutia closely cooperates and is friends with high-ranking security officials, that he probably knows the presidential administration and those who worked in his campaign headquarters - and the picture turns out to be scary.

Naturally, now it is impossible to say with certainty who found whom: whether Khubutia himself offered his services to Transparency, or whether the organization noticed the "strategic" potential of an unscrupulous businessman - by and large, this is no longer important.

Another thing is important - the evidence of their mutual benefit in such cooperation is beyond doubt.

His, as it seems to me, exorbitant greed and disregard for all human values, Khubutia has repeatedly demonstrated by his actions. For example, for the sake of profit, he once created production facilities for the manufacture of weapons by prisoners. Without regard to the safety of the Russians, he seems to have personally participated in the development of a well-known bill allowing access to weapons not only for professional hunters, but for all citizens in general. Was the goal simply to let gun dealers like him cash in on the firearms trade? With the current restrictions, a high school student, armed as if for war, is a geography teacher and a policeman at school. And what will happen after the mass legalization of the market?

It seems that Khubutia did not give a damn about his homeland Georgia, when in 2008 the Georgians themselves directly stated that important leaks were taking place after confidential negotiations of the head of the Union of Georgians in Russia, Mikhail Khubutia.

Now, having corrected his second homeland - Russia, Khubutia, by all indications, is preparing to hand over officials from his inner circle to the reprisal of the Western organization. Naturally, Khubutia will not miss his advantage in resolving commercial cases, and the organization will receive a lot of invoices - no matter if true or not - on many Russian politicians and businessmen. In addition, she will provide herself with an effective agent of influence with many important connections, who, as practice shows, can take any step if properly motivated. First of all financially.

We do not know exactly what information was given by a man who looked like "gun dealer" Mikhail Khubutiy to a man who looked like the head of the Russian "Transparency International" Anton Pominov, during. But there is no doubt that he has such opportunities that, this time, it can be not just about betraying friends.

Recently, a scandal broke out that affected the activities of the American non-governmental organization Transparency International in Russia. At its epicenter was the head of the Russian division of Transparency, Anton Pominov. First, the popular telegram channel “OPER Leak” published a video in which a person similar to Pominov, sitting in a car in a certain closed parking lot, receives from an unknown man a plump envelope the size of a stack of A4 sheets of plain paper, which by all indications looks like the transfer of documents.

Pretty soon, another telegram channel, "338", found out that the envelope was transmitting, apparently, Mikhail Khubutia, whom “338” called “an authoritative businessman”, and the transfer itself took place last summer: in the video, a man looks like Khubutia without a beard, although by now he has already managed to grow a beard.

The media suggested that Khubutia was transmitting commemoration documents on the basis of which Transparency International publishes compromising evidence.

As our investigation showed, there is a certain logic in the fact that Mikhail Khubutia is actively cooperating with Transparency International. Moreover, he does this most likely not for the first time.

Let's start with the fact that Transparency International is an organization that loudly declared its goal to fight corruption around the world. It is supported by both the well-known Ford Foundation and the National Endowment for Democracy, which abundantly supplies the organization with money. The latter is also a well-known tool for the US to support its "NGOs" around the world. With such support, Transparency has considerable opportunities: by a strange coincidence, in countries that have scored “penalty points” in the organization’s own corruption rating, unrest begins very quickly with all the ensuing consequences. Not surprisingly, Transparency has been repeatedly accused of collaborating with the CIA and British intelligence agencies.

In recent years, the organization has been marked by vigorous activity in Russia, over and over again "exposing" those domestic politicians or businessmen who were most inconvenient to the American authorities.

In the context of the discovered video, where Mikhail Khubutia could transfer documents to Transparency, his person appears very interesting and promising for American “corruption fighters”. Indeed, as an agent of influence, a practically monopoly seller of weapons to individuals through his Kolchuga chain of stores and, apparently, a major supplier of weapons for Russia's law enforcement agencies, Khubutia can be of great use in promoting the ideals of Western democracy in our country.

What could help Mikhail Khubutia and “the most important Washington whistleblower” Transparency International find common goals? The answer of our investigation will sound like a phrase from a famous movie - Elementary, Watson!

Khubutia can be useful to the organization, first of all, by the presence of numerous contracts with the Russian security forces.

Among the customers of weapons, Kolchuga may have an impressive list of government agencies, including law enforcement agencies: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Investigative Committee, the FSSP. So, it seems that in 2015 the Federal Customs Service made purchases in Kolchuga for 9 million rubles, while similar amounts, apparently, were spent at the arms baron and one of the structures of the Ministry of Emergencies - almost 9.2 million rubles. Over the past five years, the amount of deliveries of "Kolchuga" to the security forces, according to the SPARK system, could generally cross the mark of 130 million rubles.

On this topic

The Facebook administration reacted to the post about the ransom of a 16-year-old African woman only 15 days after its publication. By that time, the girl's parents managed to sell her to the groom for 500 cows, three cars and 10 thousand dollars.

Another useful fact of Khubutiy's biography is his long-standing conflict with the capital's administration - it is no secret that an American non-governmental organization has long been paying close attention to its construction complex.

For example, in 2017, Transparency released fresh investigations that touched on this topic - about the struggle for control over Mosproekt and the alleged conflict of interest in the construction of the VEB Arena stadium.

Such a selective focus of “anti-corruption” efforts, more like black PR actions, from an organization that is actively digging in relation to regional authorities is very alarming, but first things first.

The third important potential of a businessman for Transparency may be his connections in general - Mikhail Khubutia, over the years of the arms trade, has developed close interactions not only in law enforcement agencies. One of the important assets of a businessman - the fashionable Gostiny Dvor trade and exhibition complex, located almost under the windows of the Kremlin, has managed to become a venue for major events of national and international importance. By the way, the presidential campaign headquarters was located there. Vladimir Putin. Needless to say, it is not difficult for a cunning merchant to make a number of useful contacts with officials of the most diverse ranks and opportunities at such events.

Now let's note some of the actions of Mikhail Khubutiy, which successfully coincided with the general line of the Western organization. In early February, he entered into an active phase of conflict with the authorities, apparently due to the development of the industrial zone of the Western River Port of the capital. The businessman, through his company "Trading House Shater", entered together with the mayor's office into the company "Port City" for the development of 300 thousand square meters. m in the port area in 2009. The media found out that Khubutia had to invest money 3.94 billion rubles, and also 1.28 billion rubles was supposed to contribute to the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Western Port" in the form of the land itself. Builders began to build residential complex "Western Port".

However, Khubutia did not appear to be too invested in the project. On the LCD forum, buyers complained that construction was going sluggishly.

Last year it became known that brothers can give investments Ananievs, which own PSN Group and Promsvyazbank. However, soon the bank was not in the best shape.

The fact that this version is correct is also indicated by the fact that Khubutia wrote in his messages that the person in charge of the construction complex of the capital Marat Khusnullin with whom he was once on friendly terms, “hit $25 million” without revealing what is at stake. Meanwhile, 1.28 billion rubles, which the city contributed to the project in the form of land, just correspond to this amount.

The Ananievs refused to enter the project in September last year, offering a loan instead of investment. But the loan must be repaid, and soon Promsvyazbank itself began to have problems. And already in November, Transparency International publishes its investigation into the "conflict of interest." At the same time, he operates with documents that cannot be obtained without the help of a “mole”.

Perhaps we now know who was this “mole”, and even the customer of compromising evidence. After all, if Khubutia really does not have the money to complete the construction of the Western Port residential complex, then for the city it is a risk of getting hundreds of angry deceived real estate investors and a frozen long-term construction on city land. It is clear that in such conditions, good relations are on the sidelines.

On this topic

Kuwaiti TV presenter Halima Buland boasted online of a chic gift sent to her by an unknown fan. The inscription in the box with the gift infuriated netizens, as they considered it humiliating for other women.

If the version that Transparency International received some compromising material from Khubutia is true, then it is possible that this arms and real estate dealer could sell not only his Moscow friends.

And now let's remember that Transparency International has long been accused of working for the American and British intelligence services. It is not difficult to guess that in the current geopolitical situation they are most interested in now. Add this to the fact that Khubutia closely cooperates and is friends with high-ranking security officials, that he probably knows the presidential administration and those who worked in his campaign headquarters - and the picture turns out to be scary.

Naturally, now it is impossible to say with certainty who found whom: whether Khubutia himself offered his services to Transparency, or whether the organization noticed the "strategic" potential of an unscrupulous businessman - by and large, this is no longer important.

Another thing is important - the evidence of their mutual benefit in such cooperation is beyond doubt.

His, as it seems to me, exorbitant greed and disregard for all human values, Khubutia has repeatedly demonstrated by his actions. For example, for the sake of profit, he once lobbied for the creation of production facilities for the manufacture of weapons by prisoners. Without regard to the safety of the Russians, he seems to have personally participated in the development of a well-known bill allowing access to weapons not only for professional hunters, but for all citizens in general. Was the goal simply to let gun dealers like him cash in on the firearms trade? Under the current restrictions, a high school student, armed as if for war, shot a geography teacher and a policeman at school. And what will happen after the mass legalization of the market?

It seems that Khubutia did not give a damn about his homeland Georgia, when in 2008 the Georgians themselves directly stated that important leaks were taking place after confidential negotiations of the head of the Union of Georgians in Russia, Mikhail Khubutia.

Now, having corrected his second homeland - Russia, Khubutia, by all indications, is preparing to hand over officials from his inner circle to the reprisal of the Western organization. Naturally, Khubutia will not miss his advantage in resolving commercial cases, and the organization will receive a lot of invoices - no matter if true or not - on many Russian politicians and businessmen. In addition, she will provide herself with an effective agent of influence with many important connections, who, as practice shows, can take any step if properly motivated. First of all financially.

We do not know what information was given by a man who looked like “gun dealer” Mikhail Khubutiy to a man who looked like the head of the Russian Transparency International, Anton Pominov, during the shooting. But there is no doubt that he has such opportunities that, this time, it can be not just about betraying friends.

Khubutia Mikhail Mikhailovich- Entrepreneur, public figure.

Born on May 30, 1966 in the Georgian SSR, in the city of Zugdidi. This small town of Western Georgia is considered the center of Megrelia, whose inhabitants are famous for their ingenuity, hard work and desperate courage.

In a picturesque corner of Georgia, he spent his childhood and youth. Mikhail Khubutia's parents are economists by education. Father, Mikhail Akakievich - Honored Accountant of Georgia, taught economics at a technical school. Mother, Eteri Irodievna, who taught her three sons to hard work and the ability not to "throw money down the drain" - an economist-accountant.

“I often dream about our big house,” says M. Khubutia. - It looks like a fortress, his father built it with his own hands. Over the past 20-25 years, my brothers and I have not added or rebuilt anything, everything is so solidly and thoroughly built. Even now we sometimes gather at the same table with our whole large family, although it is not often possible to come to the parental home.

Mikhail Khubutia left his parental walls in the distant eighties. After graduating from the Zugdidi school with a gold medal, he decided that a real man must definitely serve in the Army in order to go through the school of courage. He was drafted into a battalion based in the city of Khimki near Moscow. This is how the conquest of Moscow began for the young Zugdidi citizen.

After military service, he immediately entered the Moscow Institute of National Economy. G.V. Plekhanov. Already during his studies, Mikhail began to independently earn his own bread. At night with friends, he unloaded wagons, worked as a loader at railway stations.

Just in time for his graduation from the university, the turbulent perestroika years of the 1990s began in Russia. For many young guys it was a unique chance to prove themselves. And Mikhail Khubutia did not miss this chance. Together with friends, he opened a cooperative. At first it was a small cafe, then a trading business was added.

This experience allowed him to get closer to his dream - to open the first hunting accessories store. He decided to go into business related to hunting and sporting weapons, not at all out of a love for danger and “toys” with gunpowder, which is characteristic of the male sex. Mikhail's father in his youth was an avid hunter and often took his son with him, who inherited the passion for hunting. True, today Mikhail Khubutia grows animals in his own hunting grounds more than he hunts them.

Business developed, and Mikhail Khubutia decided to expand his education by entering the Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov and eventually received a law degree.

Already as a qualified lawyer and businessman, he began to develop a new law on weapons. True, this law was shelved, but Mikhail acquired the first skills of state activity. In a short time, they were very useful to him. In 1999, the 33-year-old specialist was entrusted with the high position of Minister of Trade of the Government of the Moscow Region. In this position, Mikhail Khubutia showed himself as a talented organizer and leader, professionally delving into the essence of the problems. Since 2001, he worked as Deputy Head of the Department of the State Trade Inspectorate for Internal Trade and Public Catering.

Already feeling like an accomplished personality, Khubutia graduated from the Russian Academy of Economics in 2001. G.V. Plekhanov with a degree in Economics and Sociology of Labor. And in 2002, by decision of the dissertation council of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences.

Having worked in government structures, Mikhail Khubutia nevertheless decided for himself that he was a businessman by vocation. And returned to business.

Currently, he is the Deputy General Director of OJSC Gostiny Dvor, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Trade House Shater LLC (the company that manages the largest exhibition complex in the capital, Gostiny Dvor), Chairman of the Board of Directors of the weapons company Kolchuga, Head of the Expert Group on the improvement of regulatory legal acts in the field of circulation of military and civilian small arms. On June 7, 2012, Mikhail Khubutia, along with other prominent representatives of civil society, heads of national organizations, non-governmental associations, experts and scientists, entered the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of Russia. Mikhail Khubutia was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, as well as many other Russian and international awards.

Love for his native Georgia, which is currently going through difficult processes of the formation of democracy, the difficult situation in which the Georgian refugees from Abkhazia and South Ossetia living in Russia found themselves, all this could not leave Mikhail Khubuti indifferent. In 2007, he initiated the creation of the all-Russian public organization "Union of Georgians in Russia".

The main areas of work are public diplomacy and assistance to compatriots. The activities of the “Union of Georgians in Russia”, aimed at maintaining peace and harmony in the multinational Russian society, preserving historical and cultural ties between Russia and Georgia, received the approval of the Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church and the blessing of His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II.

During its existence, the Union of Georgians in Russia has provided solid material assistance and support to Moscow schools with a Georgian ethnic component, many Georgian creative teams in Russia and Georgia, orphanages in Tbilisi and Moscow, sick and low-income citizens, organized many cultural events that promote rapprochement not only the Georgians of Russia, but also the establishment of peaceful, friendly relations between the peoples of Russia and Georgia as a whole. The Union supports the Russian-language media in Georgia and publishes its own weekly Moscow-Tbilisi.

The public activities of Mikhail Khubutia were highly appreciated by representatives of the Church of Russia and Georgia. He was awarded the medal of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergei of Radonezh, I degree, the diploma of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia "In blessing for hard work for the glory of the Russian Orthodox Church."

Mikhail Khubutia supported the initiative of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to recreate in Moscow the "Memorial of Glory" to the heroes who died during the Great Patriotic War, instead of the one blown up at the initiative of the Georgian authorities in Kutaisi. On December 21, 2010, the monument "We were together in the fight against fascism" was unveiled on Poklonnaya Gora.

Khubutia was awarded the medal of the President of the Russian Federation for active participation in the patriotic education of citizens and a great contribution to the preparation and holding of the anniversary of the Victory - "60 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945",

Mikhail was also awarded a diploma from the Public Expert Council on Small Business under the Mayor and the Government of Moscow for his active participation in the formation and development of small business in the city of Moscow, was awarded the annual international award "Person of the Year" for his contribution to the development of exhibition activities.

However, the main victories, according to Khubutia's associates, are ahead of him. Mikhail Khubutia joined the Public Council for the preparation of the 2014 Olympic Winter Games.

Mikhail Khubutia is a member of the United Russia party. Married, has a friendly, strong family. Mikhail's wife, Eka Janashia, is a restaurateur, the eldest son Nikoloz is a student at MGIMO, and the youngest son Ilya is a schoolboy.

Nikoloz Khubutia, son of Mikhail Khubutia, head of the Kolchuga arms company, was found dead in Moscow. This is reported by TASS with reference to sources.

Nikoloz Khubutia

The body of 26-year-old Khubutia with a gunshot wound to the head was discovered by a housekeeper who came to the apartment of the house on Malaya Bronnaya. Law enforcement sources told the agency that the apartment was locked from the inside. It is also reported that the young man complained to friends of fatigue.
In the capital's head office of the Investigative Committee, TASS was told that they were conducting an investigation into the death of a man, without specifying his name and the circumstances of the incident.

According to Telegram channel 112, Khubutia committed suicide without leaving a suicide note, and his father Mikhail is now resting in France. Nikoloz is the eldest son of Mikhail Khubutia. The young man studied at MGIMO, follows from the biography of the businessman on his website.

Khubutia Sr. is the chairman of the board of directors of Kolchuga, which owns arms stores, and Trading House Shater, which has manages the Gostiny Dvor exhibition complex.
At 33, he was the Minister of Trade of the Moscow Region. He is one of the co-founders of the all-Russian organization "Union of Georgians in Russia". The REN TV channel wrote that Khubutia is called the “arms baron” of Moscow.https://lenta.ru/news/2018/08/05/khubutia/

Quite interesting information was posted on Kompromat.no yet February 24, 2018 although it is clear that much of what is printed on this site must be read between the lines.

Arms baron of Moscow Mikhail Khubutia suffered from Marat Khusnullin and is waiting for the National Guard

Media and social media partners of the Kompromat-Ural editorial office asked us to talk about a new high-profile Moscow VIP showdown. This time, the capital’s vice-mayor Marat Khusnullin (TIN 165500496700) and an authoritative businessman, head of the liquidated Union of Georgians in Russia Mikhail Khubutia (TIN 770902996087, in the photo - to the left of Vladimir Putin) clashed in the capital.

A 51-year-old native of the city of Zugdidi, Khubutia, made a public attack against the city-planning deputy Sergei Sobyanin in a frankly courteous style: “ ...the lawlessness of Deputy Mayor Khusnullin has no boundaries. I reported to the President of the Russian Federation! Now one of us is going to a sanatorium! Who? Time will tell! .. Sobyanin will find out, he will strangle him himself!

According to Moscow interlocutors of the Kompromat-Ural editorial office, Zaruba with Khusnullin is not the first resonant conflict of Mikhail Khubutiy. Earlier it was known about tense relations with a businessman, deputy and singer Iosif Kobzon(TIN 770400315312).

Before becoming a deputy in the State Duma, Kobzon was hung with dozens of companies, this craving did not go unnoticed: today he is listed as the head / participant of many legal entities, with the only exception that they are formally classified as “non-commercial”. According to public data, Kobzon introduced Khubutia to the Moscow elite (in the pre-Sobyanin era of Luzhkov-Baturina) and for a long time credited the “Georgian ally”.

The discord between them is due to a violation of the payment discipline of the borrower.

Another ground for conflict is seen in the relationship of Mikhail Khubutia with Promsvyazbank. When the Ananiev brothers controlled the financial organization, PSB agreed to lend development project of Trade House "Shatyor", belonging to Khubutia ( moreover, Mikhail Mikhailovich boastfully announced an “unlimited” credit line). The observer of the Kompromat-Ural portal notes that a successful deal for Shatra was concluded in 2017, shortly before PSB was seized from the Ananyevs by the Central Bank due to poor-quality balance and transferred to the state Fund for Consolidation of the Banking Sector.

The dismissal of the Ananyevs was not part of Khubutia's plans - “There is no way to negotiate with the Central Bank and Elvira Nabiullina,” an acquaintance of the entrepreneur states disappointingly.

The side of the “insulted” vice-mayor Khusnullin has already launched a “response” against the chairman of the “Union of Georgians ...” (the text of the PR opus is given below). The authors hint at Mikhail Khubutia's mental health problems, addiction to Georgian wine and other "doping".

To exacerbate the slanderous logic, it is emphasized that Khubutia owns the Kolchuga and Russian Eagle weapons retail chains. Say, a mentally uncontrolled subject with unhindered access to weapons creates a danger to society, opponents of Khubutia hint in publications.

Sources of the Kompromat-Ural editorial office have data that against the businessman, the administrative capabilities of the National Guard headed by Viktor Zolotov, to which the powers to control the circulation of weapons and license and permit work in this area, were transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Meet. Businessman of Georgian origin Mikhail Khubutia, owner of the chain of weapons supermarkets "Kolchuga", tenant of Gostiny Dvor and developer of an average level. An interesting character, outgoing nature. People from the 90s, the format of Boris Berezovsky, petty swindlers brought to the surface by the chaos of the collapse of the Union. Now they are washed out of life and business by time itself.

A 10-second Google search in bold strokes paints a portrait of this character from the 90s:

Minister of Trade of the Moscow Region in the early 90s,
gun baron,
developer and head of the Union of Georgians of Russia, liquidated by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (TIN 7710476372, in fact, the organization is still in the process of liquidation, although the corresponding court decision was made at the end of 2015 - note by Kompromat-Ural).

At some point, he falls into the orbit of the great "do not think about seconds down" Iosif Davydovich Kobzon and becomes a member of the noble Luzhkov-Baturin family, and then, as they say, flooded: Khubutia's companies receive management of Gostiny Dvor and Manege. That became the basis of a modest but decent well-being.

By the way, Yosya also somehow got sick and quickly fell ill, although he did well. True, it has long become like a mummy machine drugged with potent drugs. - my note

Already under the new mayor and president, he becomes a hotel developer in Moscow and Sochi.

There are photos of Khubutia with Saakashvili, with the Luzhkov-Baturin couple, with the great singer Kobzon. What unites these people? At various times, Khubutia ingratiated himself with them and then scammed them. This is such a feature of people from the 90s - a complete lack of principles and a sense of devotion.

This is a funny bog by the rodents in full))) - Legrand and Gverdtsitel sang for Saakashvili for the money Khubuti, whom Abashidze “threw”! http: //ru.saqinform.ge/news/6378/ “ღირსეული%20 პარტნიორი%202017” -შიშიშიშიში %20 მონაწილე%20 ჯავშანტექნიკა%20 და%20 ამერიკელი%20 სამხედროები%20 საქართველოშია

The most curious story is with Kobzon, whom Khubutia called "dad", and for good reason. In the early 90s, Khubutia's acquaintance with the people's artist brought him into contact with the then mayor of the capital: this is how he created his own arms business and began to control fats of Moscow real estate: Manege and Gostiny Dvor.

The network abundantly presents Khubutia's correspondence with the wife of Joseph Davydovich, from which it follows that Khubutia borrowed millions of dollars from Kobzon, but, apparently, the great singer was dissatisfied with the financial discipline of the borrower and broke off relations.
The correspondence published on the Internet could not be trusted if Khubutia himself did not regret the break with Iosif Davydovich on his Facebook.

Any scam Khubutia always accompanies with scandal and curses against former virtues.
This is his creative method - a public scandal.

Yes, he calls "a thief and a pimp"(former - approx. Kompromat-Ural) Deputy Mayor of Moscow Kapkov for returning the city of Manege to the management(screen attached), which was given to Khubutia by Yuri Mikhalych for a purely symbolic amount. Sergei Alexandrovich (Kapkov), by the way, is now teaching and is heading one of the divisions of Moscow State University.

Earlier, on his Facebook, he (Khubutia) called officials of the Ministry of Justice corrupt officials because they liquidated the Union of Georgians of Russia headed by Khubutia in 2015, due to failure to comply with legal procedures. After that, he quarreled with Kobzon, from whom he borrowed millions of dollars.

Ba!!! All familiar faces! (c) And Shvydkoy mulberries, like here - they solved world problems, how to saw more khroshes and put a new leader in Georgia, replacing Scaak .. Vice Mayor of Moscow Lyudmila Shevtsova also took part in the gangway 1169419#id=329196

Now Khubutia is in a crisis, our birds from Tverskaya are tweeting, he owes the city about 300 million for the rent of Gostiny Dvor, and all his other projects are on their last legs.

And what went wrong in the life of Mr. Khubutia? He doesn't tell. Just groans, squishes and waves his arms. Choleric temperament, common.

There is such a financial institution called Promsvyazbank. Not the smallest and most inconspicuous phenomenon in the banking sector. What can be found in common between Promsvyazbank and businessman Khubutia? They say that businessman Khubutia owes a lot of money to Promsvyazbank, since he was credited there not only for Kolchuga, the largest player in the civilian arms market, but also for his development projects.

And here, in fact in response to an insistent, but completely gentlemanly request for a refund, with a frank, but extremely correct hint that you still have to return them one way or another, colorful Georgian for some reason decided to pretend to be an eccentric patient of a psychiatric clinic. “Oh, it hurts me, oh, I’m scared, but they’ll probably punish me now!”

Cold showers are great for this. And nothing else will help. Because the money still has to be returned. Anyway.

People who dealt with Khubutia say that, judging by his impulsive behavior, it is possible that, in addition to wine, illegal substances are also involved in the case, giving speed to thoughts.

Weapon Baron

Separately, it is worth noting that a person with such an unstable psyche owns weapons hypermarkets and has unlimited access to any, practically, firearms. By the way, every second gas or traumatic pistol used by criminals in the capital was bought in the shops of Mikhail Khubutiy.

The arms king of Moscow, almost a monopolist of the Moscow arms market. Every time you read the news about crime in Moscow with the use of injuries, most likely, these injuries were bought in his Kolchuga chain of arms hypermarkets.

However, now there is no roof. The talent was gone. The hotel has turned into a dump...

What to do? Hype? Like Polonsky. And so he yelled...

Looking forward to the development of the storyline. In our political get-together, the place of Novodvorskaya of later years is empty.
We think Khubutia can handle it.
Will pull.

I don’t know what another Khabibulin pulled there and what the petty swindler of the Berezovsky era coped with, but rumors circulated for a long time and persistently that it was the king of injuries who scammed and the petty financial swindler Khubutia through Promsvyazbank laundered black dirty cash, withdrawing huge sums abroad, treating the bank as their own purse for dark shenanigans. And it's not just about the Ananiev brothers, hung with Orthodox images and icons.

It is not surprising that Yosya Kobzon also lit up in these dark affairs - moreover, the tanga both came and left
. Not only has Yosya been banned from entering America for a long time, but also the trail of his dirty deeds stretches back to the distant 70s, when he was the link between the criminals, bigwigs, financial swindlers, traders and the party and economic activists of the Central Committee of the CPSU, especially URKAins.
"Grev to the zone" for the lads is the very same

It is not surprising that the faces of Baturykh and Shvydkoy flashed in conjunction with Khabibulin .. sorry, Khubutia.

Well, the fact that the majorist son of this rogue was shot, everything is clear here too - serious people sent greetings to Mishiko Khubutia with a "black mark" - we will shoot the family too

bitch, to tears .. as the broken urkaboxer Vytalyk Klychko said))

After all, no matter how much the rope does not twist ..

Now we are waiting for the revelations of the Moscow pizdysmen and other "rusmafia" and their pizdnes interests in the war in Little Russia - LDNR.

and Maria Butina, who advocates the legalization of firearms, somehow immediately ended up in an American prison.

But they wrote about it back in September 2016 A shotgun for a rainy day. What will the legalization of weapons lead to for everyone
Experts discussed on the air of Life how the legalization of firearms can lead to lawlessness in society.
Listen to the full version of the High Voltage program with Maria Butina and Alexander Belyaev in the audio recording.

how many "coincidences", well, you have to ..

The businessman's son is found dead in his apartment. Who or what could have caused the tragedy?

Nikolaz Khubutia, the son of Mikhail Khubutia, owner of the Kolchuga arms stores, was found dead with a gunshot wound. The investigation is checking the circumstances of his death. This was reported by the correspondent of The Moscow Post. Mikhail Khubutia in February accused the chief builder of Moscow, Marat Khusnullin, of a number of crimes. A conflict could have arisen over the development of the residential complex "Western Port", in which Khubutia invested.

The businessman's accusations against Marat Khusnullin were very serious - a threat to life, extortion of several million dollars and fraud with even larger amounts. This was written by the publication "". Khubutia also named a number of entrepreneurs who could receive multi-billion dollar contracts from Marat Khusnullin.

Literally a day before the conflict, the Moscow Renovation Fund held a competition for the design of 20 residential buildings. Most of the objects went to the PIK group of Sergey Gordeev and Moskapstroy, and in 6 houses they were the only participants in the competition, which suggests that its results could be predetermined.

And this could hurt Mikhail Khubutia, since he can’t fit into the current government of Moscow in any way, being a representative of the business of the Luzhkov-Baturin era.

Previously, Mikhail Khubutia and Marata Khusnullin had a quite comfortable relationship. However, in business, they usually exist for the time being - until it comes to big money. Perhaps it was they who became the “bone of contention” between Khubutia and Khusnullin. The amount could be $25 million.

Mikhail Khubutia - ex-head of the Union of Georgians in Russia, deputy general director of Gostiny Dvor, head of the Shater company, chairman of the board of directors of the Kolchuga arms company. How did he decide to oppose Marat Khusnullin, behind whom stands the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin? The forces in this conflict are clearly not equal.

Mikhail Khubutia vs Khusnullin and Sobyanin!

Back in 2009, the Shater company of Mikhail Khubutii, together with the Moscow City Hall, entered the Port City company, which planned to build up 300 thousand hectares in the area of ​​the Western Sea Port. However, construction progressed rather slowly.

Long-suffering LCD "Western Port"

Mikhail Khubutia was supposed to invest in 3.94 billion rubles, and the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Western Port" (SUE "MZP") - 1.28 billion rubles. in the form of a plot of land, which corresponded to the amount of $ 25 million. The Moscow City Hall fulfilled its obligations, but Mikhail Khubutia could have problems with money and the residential complex "Western Port" turned into a long-term construction. Probably the mayor's office tried to find a new construction contractor. Mikhail Khubutia might not like this alignment?

State Unitary Enterprise MZP was liquidated in 2016, and in 2013 the Department of Property of the City of Moscow was liquidated, its successor was the Department of City Property of the City of Moscow. What was the need for this? Upon liquidation, the profit of SUE “MZP” and its value were negative. Was the money withdrawn from the organization?

The latest financial results of the work of the MZP date back to 2012. And what did the organization do for another 4 years before its liquidation? When problems with interest-holders began, the Moscow mayor's office might have tried to “jump off” from the general project. And cover your tracks?

A month after the scandal arranged by Mikhail Khubutia, the residential complex "Western Port" acquired Sergey Gordeev's PIK Group from him, which undertook to fulfill all obligations to the equity holders of the complex. Perhaps PIK made the purchase at the request of the Moscow City Hall, with which it is closely cooperating on the renovation program.

Experts suggest that the deal could amount to 6.5 billion rubles, and a source close to its participants said that the first installment could be 2.5 billion rubles, and the rest will be paid in installments. The participants in the transaction themselves did not disclose its amount, so any assumptions may turn out to be misinformation specially launched on the market in order to extinguish the conflict between Khusnullin and Khubutia. Perhaps he considered the terms of the deal unprofitable for himself and began to make new demands to Gordeev and Khusnullin?

Have they made a guilty person out of Khubutia?

Mikhail Khubutia's accusations against Marat Khusnullin strangely coincided in the report of the anti-corruption international organization Transparency International. And immediately rumors spread that a man who looked like Mikhail Khubutia was seen with a man who looked like Anton Pominov, the head of the Russian branch of Transparency International.

Rumor has it that this organization can closely cooperate with American intelligence services and carry out orders to publish materials that compromise Russian businessmen. In this case, we could talk about several construction companies that belonged to businessmen from Tatarstan, where Marat Khusnullin had previously worked.

It is possible that the information about the alleged meeting of Khubutia and Pominov pursued a specific goal - to discredit Mikhail Khubutia in the eyes of the public, presenting him as a "mole" transmitting data to the Americans. And in a way to turn the anger of the public on him. Traitors are not loved anywhere, and even more so in patriotic Russia.

Mikhail Khubutia is an average developer and could hardly have had information about the entire construction market in Moscow and the activities of Marat Khusnullin. If the businessman met with Pominov, then the goal could be not to provide or sell information to him, but to buy it for the possible blackmail of Khusnullin. And who knows what else Pominov Khubutia could provide from the unpublished report? Perhaps he had a serious compromising evidence on the deputy of Sergei Sobyanin, who was not supposed to appear before the autumn elections of the mayor of Moscow?

Arms baron?

Another accusation against Mikhail Khubutia was that he was a "weapons baron" and at one time lobbied for the interests of making weapons by prisoners. Some media simply frankly hysteria, describing the "sins" of Khubutia.

He allegedly personally participated in the development of a law allowing access to weapons for all citizens. And this despite the fact that a high school student in Moscow shot a geography teacher and a policeman. What will happen after the mass legalization of the market? It was strange to read this, because how could Mikhail Khubutia have anything to do with lawmaking?

He, in principle, was very lucky that the peak of negative publications about him fell precisely on March, immediately after the conflict with Marat Khusnullin. If this happened now, then the hack writers would attribute to him a connection with the deputy chairman of the Central Bank, Alexander Torshin, and Marina Butina, suspected of interfering in American politics.

Here they are, indeed, advocated the legalization of weapons. As a result, Mikhail Khubutia could easily become, for example, Butina's patron. And he could develop the bill together with Alexander Torshin. Why not once again “rinse” the name of a businessman?

Journalists, in their, probably, custom-made materials, suggested that the amount of Mikhail Khubutiy's contracts with law enforcement agencies could cross the mark as much as 130 million rubles. Did they try to look at the numbers?

The amount of contracts is 456 million rubles. And what is the negative about Mikhail Khubutia? In second place among its supplies is the school of the Olympic reserve, the amount of contracts is comparable to the amount of contracts of the Federal Customs Service and the Ministry of Emergency Situations combined - about 20 million rubles. And Khubutia could also be made guilty for the fact that the founders of his Russian Eagle company include the Italian company Beretta Holding. For someone who does not know her, she could well pass for offshore.

Mikhail Khubutia apparently lost his former influence back in 2011 after the dismissal of former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. And, perhaps, immediately Khubutia began to have problems with the new leadership of the Moscow government. Hence the problems with the construction of the residential complex "Western Port"? All this is very similar to the truth. The new broom usually sweeps out the old footage to give the lucrative chunks of the business to their own.

The businessman must have endured as much as he could. And then he went for broke in desperation. He accused Marat Khusnullin on the social network. What kind of business could Mikhail Khubutia count on in Moscow after that? Neither Khusnullin nor Sobyanin would have probably ever forgiven him for this. The deal with Gordeev is also a big question. The head of the PIK Group of Companies, according to rumors, could have established himself as a raider since the late 90s. Could Khubutia have simply taken away the residential complex "Western Port"?

In some articles about the businessman, there is information that Khubutia is somewhat unbalanced and can sometimes make strange statements. All this very much resembles the organized persecution of Mikhail Khubutia, who dared to go against the leaders of Moscow. If you attack Marat Khusnullin, then you attack Sergei Sobyanin?

The investigation will probably sort out the causes of the death of Mikhail Khubutia's son. The businessman is purely humanly sorry. According to media reports, he is on vacation in France. Or maybe hiding there from their ill-wishers? Perhaps soon this will become known from Mikhail Khubutia himself.