A contextual advertising specialist - who is he and what does he do. PPC Specialist: How to earn more? Where to find a contextual advertising specialist

  • 10.01.2022

The course is designed for those who want to learn how to create. It does not matter if this is your work activity or you just feel the potential for creativity in yourself. The course is universal and designed so that you can master and then apply creative techniques to create any kind of ideas. The author and teacher of the course is Sergey Ilyukhin, senior creator at the Affect TOP-5 agency in Russia, teacher at 2 creative schools in Moscow and winner of the all-Russian stage of the Cannes Young Lions 2017 competition.

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

We work with insights, empathy maps, social capital and learn how to use these tools.

Digital strategy. 1 month.
Tools for attracting and retaining customers

The profession of Internet marketing is not a set of magic buttons that magically makes or does not bring profit to the company. On the course, you will learn how to build an Internet marketing strategy in such a way as not to doubt the effectiveness of online promotion. The course is intended for beginners: marketers, Internet marketers, project managers, and will also be useful for managers. In 8 lessons, in which the necessary theory is combined with practice, you will learn how to operate with the basic concepts of classical marketing, study the situation on the market and competitors, prepare the site for promotion and use the tools to attract and retain customers.

Lesson 1

The role of marketing in the business system. Business plan => Marketing plan => Monitoring, validation, goal adjustment. Pyramid of Mann. Basic concepts and models. The difference between a product and a service. subsets of products. 4P concept. 4P and 4C. AIDA. Digital AIDA. KPIs. Points of contact with the client. Funnel. Functions and tasks of a marketer.

Lesson 2. Analysis and segmentation of the target audience

Definition. Segmentation. Segmentation types. B2B segmentation. The minimum description of the target audience. Algorithm and criteria for segmentation. Formation of hypotheses about target actions, channels of attraction. Templematrix. The degree of awareness. Sources of information about the target audience, Ways to identify needs. typical characters. Usability audit. Summary: Target audience - Segmentation - description - increasing CR.

Lesson 3

Goals and objectives of the analysis. Digital competition: theses. Why do we need competitors? When do we need analysis? Who are we analyzing? Types of competitors. Criteria for evaluation. Analysis of online activities, traffic sources, social networks. Professional monitoring systems. Website traffic analysis. The role of the site, its analysis: design, content, navigation, targeted actions. Tracking software. Price monitoring. Conclusions: analysis, comparison, borrowing, tasks, proposal. Systematization of data. Definition and features of USP. USP formulas. USP Checklist. Wording template.

Lesson 4

Website in the promotion ecosystem. Site requirements. Those. audit. Content audit. Goals and objectives: SEO/Communication. Texts and search. Goals of communication. Types of text content, their features. What should be the text? Working with text in SEO. Text structure, layout. Text quality assessment. TK for a copywriter. The result of the content audit. Usability: terms. Goals. Analysis of visitors, study of characters. types of visitors. Development of scripts for interaction with the site. Scenario design. Interface design, personalization. Research, hypothesis testing, A/B tests. Popular KPIs. Tools. Main page requirements Forms, call to action. Website or landing page? Purpose of creating a landing page. Definitions. Advantages. The main objective. Types of goals. Landing design. Study of target groups. Design choice. Design elements, texts. Content styles. Landing models. Examples. Block types. Funnel of interest. How attention works. Accents of attention, triggers. Examples of good and bad landings.

Lesson 5

Definitions of CM: creation, placement, curation. Content types. Content types. promotion channels. Business benefit. KM in the IM system. New approach: help - loyalty - increase in purchases. What KM does: PR, SMM, SEO. The job of a content specialist. How to choose a copywriter. Scheme of work. Content strategy. Editorial policy. Commercial strategy. distribution channels. Genres, headings, tags. Periodicity: why is it important? Where to get ideas? Video content. Useful video types. Content plan/

Lesson 6 Brand management

Lesson 8

Media planning. Goals and objectives of media planning. Preparing a media plan. An example of a media plan.

Lesson 9

Introduction to web analytics. What is web analytics. Counters. Key metrics to track. Key performance indicators in Digital (KPI).

Creation of websites and applications. 1 month.
Methods for increasing conversion

How to sell a product or service online? How to interest users of your site? How to create your own marketing agency and work only a few hours a day? This course will give you access to powerful marketing tools. You will learn what is really important, and what is optional, and sometimes even harmful. The emphasis is on beginners, so the information is presented as simply as possible. Less water, more practice! After completing the course, the acquired knowledge will allow you to recoup the investment several times after one to two weeks of independent work.

Lesson 1 UX/UI approach in interface design

UX and UI; features of modern web interfaces; UX prototyping; testing and evaluation of test results.

Lesson 2: Site Analysis and User Scenarios

Technical audit of the site; content audit; traffic sources; quality of traffic from different sources; user behavior; analysis and creation of user scenarios; A/B testing; site adjustments.

Lesson 3

Identification of problems; solutions: design, architecture, content.

Lesson 4

Landing page and classic site; main elements of Landing page; myths about landing page; effective landing pages.

Lesson 5

Functionality of mobile applications; which companies need a mobile application; application development process; preparation of technical specifications for developers.

Lesson 7

Key metrics for the mobile version of the product; mobile audience segmentation; reach and overlap with the audience on the web; reports; analytics and planning.

Lesson 8

Teamwork; roles and tasks in Internet marketing; pros and cons of remote work and office work; time management for freelancers.

We will get acquainted with all the tools and formats that Yandex.Direct and Google Ads offer. And we will learn how to use the main ones: search advertising and advertising in networks.

Lesson 1. Video lesson. SEO promotion

SEO in Marketing Strategy

Lesson 3

Lesson 4. Setting up and optimizing search campaigns in Yandex.Direct

Lesson 6: Retargeting and Audiences

Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Lesson 10

The principle of the CPA model

80% of the Internet audience in Russia uses social networks every day. To paraphrase, “all your customers use social media. networks." Yes, this is not an exaggeration. Work in social networks is the most productive way to find your target audience and make it as loyal as possible to your brand. This is relatively cheap advertising and constant contact with the end user. In this course, students gradually create a selling community from scratch, put into practice various methods of promoting groups and attracting customers on social networks such as VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram.

Lesson 1. SMM. Beginning of work

Lesson 2. Creative in SMM

Roles in SMM. Platforms and brands. Insight. The role of the brand. The idea of ​​communication is a form of relationship. Social frames, norms. Brand personification. Typical reactions in SMM. relationship scenarios. Examples. Creative brief. role model. Examples. Adequacy table. Headings and posts. Rubricator. Change of contexts. Headings and forms of relations. Event chains. How to write posts. deductive cards. Mechanics: competition. human capital. Contest constructor: examples. Trends in SMM. How not to. Community scaling. Shielding. Screening for a year. Engaging mechanics. The personification of the brand is the face of SMM. SMM portrait. Tools for working with SMM

Email marketing from Unisender. 1 month.
Creation and optimization of "killer" mailings

People check email up to 20 times a day, and according to many studies, email marketing is the channel with the highest return on investment (ROI) in existence. Is this not a reason to pay attention to technology today? In the course, we will analyze the complete algorithm for working with Email: from getting the first subscribers to creating newsletter releases and analyzing their effectiveness. This course will be useful for online stores, offline businesses and anyone who wants to learn how to build communication with their readers, subscribers and customers using email.

Lesson 1

Why email marketing is needed, what are its goals. Types of letters. Types of mailing services. Analysis of transport services: what are they for, what types are there. Analysis of mass mailing services: the specifics of the work, according to what criteria to choose. Basic work algorithms.

Lesson 2. Base collection and segmentation

Base collection: legal offline and online methods. Collection on your site: how to collect effectively without annoying. How to use popup forms correctly? Ready base collection mechanics: Facebook ads, landing page integration, popup installation. How to choose options for audience segmentation. Personalization in mailing lists and substitutions.

Lesson 3: Email Marketing Strategies: Automated Email Series

Automated emails and their role in email marketing. How to build a welcome series: logic, timings. Customer retention chain: segments, timings. Other types of auto funnels. Examples. How to measure the result from the chain.

Lesson 4

Trigger emails: where to start, how to calculate the effectiveness, what can be implemented without a programmer. Trigger emails in b2b: implementation features. Cyclic trigger emails. Examples.

Lesson 5

What is the difference between resuscitation and reactivation? Reactivation: approach in text and sending. Base resuscitation: base, texts and sending. Resuscitation of the client: segments, texts. sending.

Lesson 6 Texts of letters

Title: why is it needed and how to write. Amplifiers in headings (emotions, provocation, jargon, substitutions). How to choose and test a sender. Preheader. Features of the text in mailing lists. How to present a share. How to deliver content distribution. Storytelling in newsletters.

Lesson 7 Newsletter design

Reasons why emails end up in spam. Checklist for good mailing. How to configure authentication and postmaster. How to create the best mailing plan. Email structure (tables, gifs). Technical information about the newsletter: email size (width/height), sending data (who sends and when). Adaptability. Creation resources (creation tool, photo sources, inspiration, mailing lists from other companies).

Lesson 8

Classic indicators in mailing services. How to work with tags in Google Analytics. How to run split tests. RFM analysis of mailings. Other ways to track orders from the mailing list (calltracking, promotional codes).

Content marketing. 1 month.
Successful dialogue with the client

“Content marketing is the only marketing we have left.” Seth Godin, author of the business bestseller Purple Cow. The time for head-to-head sales is over. For buyers, recommendations from acquaintances and expert opinions are more significant today. Direct advertising is gradually fading into the background. In a world of information noise, users and customers have become more sophisticated, the value of their own time has increased. Content marketing is focused on customer satisfaction. This is a constant generation of useful, interesting content. This is not a dry monologue of the brand, but a dialogue between business and the client. The result of such a dialogue is a constant increase in valuable, from the point of view of users and search engines, pages and queries. Interest and demand for content marketing will only increase. Already today, the quality of content is paid close attention. Not a single self-respecting web studio, advertising agency, large Internet project, or even public on social networks can do without a content manager, once considered an outlandish profession. Content marketing is a tool that brings customers, and with them profit, forms the company's image. Each lesson of the course is a necessary theory and useful practice, which consists of independent work and checking assignments by the teacher. The theoretical part deals with planning, implementation and subsequent evaluation of the effectiveness of content marketing using modern tools and mechanics.

Lesson 1. What is content marketing

In the lesson we will look at:
- What is content marketing
- What is a content strategy
- Goals and objectives of content marketing: custom funnel
- What is a content plan
- Content Marketing Trends 2019

Lesson 2

  • Types of content: selling, informational, entertaining, educational.
  • Content types: streaming, evergreen, situational.
  • Content formats: text, visual, audio, interactive.

Lesson 3: Good and Bad Content

  • Content effectiveness.
  • Good and bad content from a business point of view.
  • Good and bad content from the user's point of view.
  • content and needs.
  • Content and emotions

Lesson 4. Media consumption in Russia

  • The evolution of media consumption.
  • How social networks have affected media consumption.
  • Features of media consumption on different types of devices.

Lesson 5

  • What is content distribution.
  • Platform types: own, shareware, joint and paid.
  • Platforms and CA.
  • Platforms and formats.
  • Platform restrictions.
  • Promotion and crops.
  • Working with influencers.

Lesson 6

  • What is virality
  • How did viral content come about?
  • Goals and objectives of viral content
  • Serving viral content
  • What affects virality

Lesson 7

  • Why do you need a performance appraisal?
  • Which makes it difficult to evaluate.
  • Key indicators.
  • Assessment tools..
  • What are UTM tags and why are they needed.

Lesson 8

Lesson 9 Creative. How to invent anything in digital

We have prepared a mini-course, after passing which you will learn what creativity is, what it is for, how to create new ideas and evaluate them. You will understand a set of versatile tools for developing and evaluating ideas and understand how to sell your ideas.

This course is for those who want to learn how to create. It doesn't matter if it's related to your work or you just feel the potential for creativity. The course is universal and designed so that you can master and then apply creative techniques to create any kind of ideas. The author and teacher of the course is Sergey Ilyukhin, senior creator at the Affect TOP-5 agency in Russia, teacher at 2 creative schools in Moscow and winner of the all-Russian stage of the Cannes Young Lions 2017 course.

Web analytics in internet marketing. First level. 1 month.
Tracking key indicators and KPIs

Since people began to track the number of visits to the site, the principles of web analytics and measurement of Internet marketing KPIs have undergone significant changes. The development of systems such as Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica, as well as the creation by companies of their own analytical systems, have greatly simplified the tracking of key Internet marketing performance indicators and made the process of measuring them more accessible. These days, you can't be successful in online marketing without knowing KPIs like user engagement and conversion rates. On the course, you will learn how to use web analytics tools, create reports for online stores, integrate reporting systems with CRM and other services.

Lesson 1

Introduction to web analytics. What is web analytics. Data collection methods. Counters. Log analyzers. Creation of Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics counters and installation on the site. Creating a Yandex Metrica counter. Creating a Google AdWords counter. Installing the counter code on the site

Lesson 2. Yandex.Metrica

Yandex.Metrica system. System features. visual reports. Alerts. Working with WebVisor. Electronic commerce

Lesson 3

Features of the Google Analytics system
Google Analytics technologies. Communication with other services. E-commerce block. Setup and reports. GTM setup. What is a tag? Principle of operation. Setup and installation. How to create an account and a container. How to add container to web pages. How to create additional containers in existing accounts. How to add, update and publish tags.

Lesson 4

Technical specifications; the audience; conversions; users: activity, loyalty.

Lesson 5

The concept of "goal" in web analytics. Simple and compound goals. Event targets.
Sales funnel tracking

Lesson 6

Customer call tracking systems. Tasks of call-tracking systems. Overview of services, selection criteria. Target Call 2.0 from Yandex. calltouch. Calltracking.ru. Comagic. Ringostat

Lesson 8

Reports for web analytics. Generating reports, setting the necessary parameters. Yandex.Metrica reports. Google Analytics reports
Reports for online stores. Possibility of adjustments after working with reports.

From year to year, there is a steady growth in the online advertising market. So, in the last quarter of 2017, the cost of contextual advertising in all search engines increased by 24% . Cost per click on the Google Display Network increased by 14% and spend on search ads by 23% compared to 2016. In the B2B sector, PPC spending increased by 21%.

In Russia for 2017search engine ad spending increased by 25%and reached 73 billion rubles. Byexperts' forecasts , the contextual advertising market in our country will grow by 15-25% per year for the next few years.

All this indicates an increase in the number of advertisers. This is logical, because contextual advertising is suitable for almost all niches and types of business (except for prohibited topics). With its help, you can promote any goods or services for which a certain demand has already been formed.

The more competition, the higher the cost per click and the larger the budget of each client. And the more you, as a contextual advertising specialist, can earn, and not only by paying for your work. There isand other options for additional incomewhich will be discussed in this article.

How to make money on contextual advertising in Click.ru

One of these options for making money on setting up contextual advertising is an affiliate program for agencies and freelancers from. You can receive up to 8% from the turnover of advertising campaigns in Google Adwords (Ads) and Yandex.Direct. Program conditions and requirements for partners

The service is an official partner of Yandex and Google. The affiliate program is open to all types of businesses, regardless of budget size or niche.

To participate in the affiliate program you need to register in the system and transfer existing campaigns there (or create new ones).

Log in to your user account and select "Link Account":

In the window that appears, enter the data about your advertising campaigns:

For Google Adwords (Ads), this is the client ID:

Then confirm the request from the support team to link your account, which will be sent to your email.

For Yandex.Direct, enter your Yandex login and advertising campaign numbers:

Within a day, the service will copy your campaigns, and they will be completely ready for work.

  • write ads that are catchy and as relevant as possible to the query (or - it will be faster this way);
  • work on extensions for ads - quick links, clarifications, vCard;
  • set the optimal rates for the required amount of traffic and .

The percentage of partner remuneration depends on the turnover for the last thirty days:

1% - if less than 20,000 rubles are spent;

4% - if spent from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles;

8% - if more than 50,000 rubles are spent.


Let's count. Let's say you are running an advertising campaign through Click.ru, the amount of expenses for which over the past 30 days has amounted to 35,000 rubles. In this case, the reward will be 4%:

35000/100*4 = 1400 rubles.

80000/100*8=6400 rubles.

The more clients you lead, the more you will earn in the end.

This additional income will allow you to create additional value for your services as a contextualist - you can offer clients free ad testing or even free campaign setup or running.

How to understand how much a client will spend on an advertising campaign before it is set up and launched? To do this, Click.ru has a tool for budget forecasting and media planning, which we have already talked about. With it, you can easily calculate the approximate cost of contextual advertising for each client.

Who is eligible to work through the Click.ru service?

Through Click.ru, everyone who is engaged in setting up contextual advertising can work and earn money - from beginners to pros.

  1. Freelancers often you have to work with different campaigns, including correcting them after other specialists. For one person (especially a beginner), running three or four campaigns is already problematic. Working through Click.ru, you get a convenient interface for managing any number of campaigns in both advertising systems - Yandex and Google.
  2. PPC beginners easily master the simple, intuitive interface of the service. The system will simplify the selection of keywords and work on ads. It also has everything for learning online marketing: from seminars and offline courses to tutorial videos and blog articles.
  3. Agencies no need to write special software for Yandex.Direct, Click.ru has everything you need: automatic bid management (bid manager), ad generation, automatic selection of keywords (including competitors). Through the system, you can run an unlimited number of campaigns of varying complexity for various clients - from large online stores to simple landing pages.
  4. Arbitrators work with a large amount of traffic, and Click.ru will help you manage campaigns more flexibly and save your budget through a bid manager. All campaigns (both Direct and Google Ads) will be in one interface.

Everyone - freelancers, agencies, and affiliates participating in the Click.ru affiliate program and who meet the requirements - can earn extra money from campaigns through remuneration.

Take advantage of a unique offer for our readers. Register in the system, enter the promo code " key» and you will receive the maximum reward of 8% already in the first month, regardless of the amount of turnover.

Hello my readers!

Consider in today's article who is ? How much can you earn by setting up contextual advertising, and where can you learn this, specialties in contextual advertising?

Advertising is the engine of progress. This has been known since ancient times. Each of us, one way or another, met with its various types, including contextual and targeted. I'm not talking about advertising products on television or radio.

To properly set up a campaign to promote products or services, you need special knowledge. They have a specialist in contextual advertising. This is a great profession for remote work.

With the help of special services, he will control the entire process, monitor the work of each component of the entire campaign.

The main duty is to competently conduct a campaign to promote certain services, goods or an Internet resource as a whole.

The campaign is considered effective if the ads have a high conversion, sales increase, the number of subscribers, and so on.

Specialist responsibilities include:

  • It is necessary to plan an advertising campaign as a whole. Decide with the customer about the final result. Find out what needs to be achieved in this campaign. Maybe you need to develop several directions?
  • Competently create contextual advertising. Write topics and texts for the ad, choose the initial price per impression, the location of the ads.
  • Set up advertisements before passing moderation, taking into account all the rules and recommendations.
  • Advertising campaign management. Each ad must be analyzed for effectiveness. Timely correct, change the text, add high-quality images, and so on.

Depending on the desired end result, the number of responsibilities can be increased.

It is one thing to develop a campaign to attract blog subscribers, and quite another to invite to purchase a specialized product.

For example, lawn mowers in winter. Agree that in the second case, it will take more ideas and time to develop an advertising campaign and create ads.

This profession is suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of gender and age. But there must be certain skills for the job:

  • Know the basics of contextual advertising, its features. It is important here to convey the essence of the advertisement in a short phrase.
  • Must understand the promotion of goods and various services in the market. Apply different calls to action, time limit and so on.
  • Be able to analyze the actions of competitors and make timely changes to the current campaign. If you don't attract customers, your competitors will.

In this profession, it is very important to quickly respond to the slightest changes in the cost of displaying advertising, quickly make changes and be able to create attractive advertising texts.

Each advertising campaign is the expenditure of a certain amount, so to speak - the budget. You need to stay on budget and create a great campaign. Therefore, the specialist must have several additional skills:

  • Be attentive to various details. You should not rush without checking the input data for creating ads and submitting them for moderation.
  • Be diligent, as checking the effectiveness of each ad will take time, analysis and adjustment.
  • Be able to work not only with text editors, but also with other programs. For example, with spreadsheets, notes and others.

Naturally, all responsibility for a successful advertising campaign lies with the specialist. How quickly the budget will be spent and how good the effect will be depends on his actions.

How much does a contextual advertising specialist earn?

The income of a specialist depends on his professionalism, experience and the number of projects in the work. Therefore, there is no strictly fixed amount in this profession.

Payment can be made both for the project as a whole and for the time of work on the project. A novice specialist can expect to earn from $ 200 per month when working on one project.

This profession is quite profitable, but time-consuming and requiring creativity. As soon as you start taking on two or more projects, the income will increase.

Here it is important to consider the amount of time that you can devote to each of the projects. Start with one project, analyze the time spent at each stage of work, try to minimize them.

Main clients

As I said at the very beginning, advertising is the engine of progress. Therefore, almost all commercial enterprises, educational organizations, and entrepreneurs need Internet advertising and specialists in its implementation. This list can be continued indefinitely.


It is worth considering the fact that every year contextual advertising is more and more in demand. Therefore, the demand for qualified specialists in this area is only increasing.

In the process of work, you will have the opportunity to improve your professionalism, learn new "chips" of advertising and promotion of goods and services on the Internet.

After all, this profession is not only profitable, but also gives the right start for mastering a related specialty - an Internet marketer.

But if you like doing analysis, comparing different metrics and improving ad performance.

Why not take your first project to work? Moreover, this profession makes it possible to work in comfortable conditions and according to a free schedule.


My dear readers, I will be glad to hear and see your comments on this topic!

Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.

While contextual advertising managers are not trained in universities, novice specialists will have to master the necessary skills on their own. In the article I will tell you where to start studying the profession and where to then develop the first practice.

Minimum required knowledge for a beginner

First of all, you need banal literacy and mathematics at the level of the 7th grade. And if there are usually no problems with the ability to write without errors, then beginners have problems with mathematics. At eLama webinars and classes in Netology, someone will regularly ask why, by dividing 30 rubles by 5%, I got 600 rubles, and not 6 (as it should have turned out in his opinion).

Now you can move on to more specific knowledge and skills:

1. Internet Marketing Terminology

You can check yourself if you understand the terminology by asking the following questions:

  • and how is it different from a single page site?
  • what is a conversion and why is it measured in percentages, and conversions in pieces?

2. Marketing communications

Contextual advertising is the same kind of advertising, and therefore you cannot do without knowing the basics. It is important to understand what exactly and to whom you are selling, what problems the product solves, why it is better than other ways to solve the same problem / task, what questions and doubts the consumer has in the selection process.

3. Basics of web analytics

It is better to start your acquaintance with web analytics by mastering Google Analytics. After that, there will most likely be no problems with Yandex.Metrica. You need to be able to create and understand reports: compare periods, segments and different. After all, data alone does not provide answers. Data needs to be analyzed in the context of its changes or in comparison with other data. It's easy to learn how to set up a counter and set goals. It is more important to understand which goals you need to set up and to know the difference between micro and macro conversions.

4. Working with semantics

The success of an advertising campaign largely depends on the careful selection of key phrases. A specialist who understands semantics knows the differences between a search query and a key phrase, a negative word and a stop word, quotation marks in Direct and AdWords, knows how to automate the collection of phrases, and understands that later processing still needs to be done by hand.

5. Create ads and banners

When compiling text ads and drawing banners, knowledge of marketing communications will come in handy: you need to remember who you are contacting, what situation this person is in, what he is doing now, what he cares about, what his needs are. We must not forget about what action you need from the user. Of course, the click is always implied, but it is not the ultimate goal.

6. MS Excel or Google Spreadsheets

With their help, they process semantics, write declarations and analyze the results. Excel has become practically the standard in the industry. Google Spreadsheets is not only gradually catching up with its older brother in terms of functionality, but also allows you to integrate with various scripts and serve as a means of loading / unloading data. But all this is waiting for you only in the future. To get started, it is enough to be able to work with formulas, filters, sorting, transposing, calculating the average, percentages, etc.

7. Work with advertising campaigns

Only when a good knowledge base of related fields has been formed does it make sense to study the systems themselves to set the context. You need to familiarize yourself with the functionality of the services: figure out how to create a campaign, where to add key phrases, negative keywords, what restrictions these systems have in terms of the number of characters in an ad, phrases in a group, groups in a campaign. It is important to know about advertising bans, moderation features, and possible reasons for blocking an account. This will help you avoid many problems. So, some beginner advertisers send the same ad for moderation without making any significant changes to it. This will not only not lead to approval, but may also lead to account blocking.

A separate stage of learning a profession is working with Direct Commander and AdWords Editor applications. Commander is great for making massive changes to ongoing campaigns. For example, if earlier a product had a 3-year warranty, and now it has a 6-year warranty, and you need to change the information in all ads at once. AdWords Editor not only allows you to make bulk changes to campaigns, but also makes it easy to upload new advertising campaigns from excel spreadsheets (you can also do this without it, but it's very inconvenient).

Where can I get knowledge for free

Materials from Yandex:

  • Online training from Yandex https://yandex.ru/adv/edu/;
  • Certification of specialists in Yandex.Direct and Yandex.Metrica https://yandex.ru/adv/expert/exam/direct;
  • YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdO3sXFwivyug74BIPQIVg and Blog https://yandex.ru/blog/adv of Yandex advertising technologies;
  • Yandex Advertising Network Club https://yandex.ru/blog/partner;
  • Direct Club https://yandex.ru/blog/direct;
  • Yandex.Metrika Club https://yandex.ru/blog/metrika-club;

Where to start working

With all this base, you can either start looking for clients for freelancing, or get a job in an agency. I recommend choosing the second option.

Advantages of working in an agency:

  • Access to the knowledge base and accumulated experience of colleagues.
  • Experience with large volumes of semantics and data.
  • Understanding the full range of possible KPIs (it can be not only sales or profit, but also the coverage of the advertising campaign, market share, etc.), the ability to customize advertising in accordance with different goals.
  • Quick development of various cases from which your future portfolio will be formed.

Where to go next

Having mastered to perfection the basic principles of working with contextual advertising, you can become a narrower professional. Possible specializations in the field of contextual advertising:

1. Marketing copywriter

It studies consumer intents (intentions): what questions people ask the search engine, what need they are trying to solve. He knows how to express the main idea in five words, since ads have to be written within a strict framework in terms of the number of characters. To draw banners, a basic knowledge of graphic programs will be enough. The same person is usually engaged in the creation for different segments of the target audience. If math, data analysis and programming are hard for you, then perhaps a marketer-copywriter is your way.

2. Analyst-optimizer

Works with web analytics, analyzes and improves the effectiveness of running campaigns, distributes the budget between them in order to optimize the set KPIs. It will be useful for such a specialist to study, learn how to work with databases and write queries to them in SQL. Such specialists are especially in demand by large eCommerce.

3. Automator-programmer

According to my estimates, the entire process of growing from a beginner to a sought-after specialist takes from one to three years. It may take the same amount to master a specialization or just related topics: marketing, analytics, programming.