Which brings high income. How to create passive income from scratch? Proven Ways to Gain Financial Independence

  • 13.10.2023

Passive income is a method of making money that does not require constant effort and work from you; you get your money even when you just sit in front of the TV and drink tea with sweets.

Surely you have noticed that most rich and successful people receive a considerable profit every month almost out of thin air. In fact, money doesn’t just “drip” into anyone’s bank account. It's all the result of hard work. Let's try to understand this issue together and learn how to use passive income with a minimum of effort.

What is passive income

The vast majority of people are accustomed to living by standards. The monotonous “home-work-home” lifestyle suits many people. Some men and women, wanting to earn additional income, take a second or third job. But with such an approach it is hardly possible to become a successful person. In order to live for your own pleasure and not think about whether you will make it to your salary, you need to find a source of passive income.

Passive or residual income- This is a type of income that does not require active human action to obtain. Simply put, a certain amount of money is deposited into your bank account every month for work previously done. That is, you invested money in a business, or successfully sold your creation and now throughout your life (or several years) you receive a reward.

But in fact, organizing and receiving such income is not easy. You will have to make a lot of effort. This may take years. But it's worth it. Still, what is the point of getting money this way?

In order to receive dividends or interest, you must have an asset. And it is precisely these types of assets that we will now talk about.

There are several types of passive income.

  • Intellectual. Occurs when creating a certain intellectual product. It could be a book, a song, an invention, a video. Subsequently, the author (rentier) receives a royalty and a percentage of each copy sold, a patent.
  • Investment (financial). To obtain this type of passive income, you need some capital, which is invested in real estate, securities, shares, etc. Such deposits are a source of interest and dividends.
  • Marketing. By creating a marketing network, a personal website or your own brand, you can receive a certain amount of money every month.
  • Legal. This is a type of income that many citizens are entitled to by law. Namely, pensions, social benefits, financial assistance. So, if you are part of a group of people who rely on social services. payments, then by filling out the appropriate documents at a government agency, you can regularly receive money without making any effort. We won’t talk about this species, because it’s already clear to everyone.

A person who lives on money received from passive income is called a rentier. He most often owns real estate that he rents out, financial assets, or intellectual property.

What are the differences between passive and active income

Modern man is accustomed to surviving thanks to active income. But this is due to the fact that not everyone knows and understands the difference between active and passive income. In order to start a new life, or leave everything as it is, let's find out how passive income differs from active income.

  1. Active income is received by an employee, a specialist, an employee for some work done. This could be salary, advance, bonus, etc. But if a person stops working, then he is not paid any money. Passive income does not depend on whether you worked this month or not, and you receive payments in any case.
  2. In order to receive dividends and interest, you must have initial capital and assets. To receive active income, you do not need to have any valuables.
  3. Active income limits a person's actions. For this type of income, you can work one or two jobs. While passive income does not limit the actions of the owner. Those. Financial capital can be divided into several parts and invested in different projects.
  4. The risk of being left without a livelihood is higher when receiving active income. So, when you quit your job, you will stop receiving any payments, i.e. losses will be 100%. Having passive income and investing assets in several projects at once, you will never be left without money. If one project fails, you receive income from the others.
  5. Active income is preferred by people who do not understand financial issues. Therefore, they most often never achieve financial stability. Holders of passive income live for their own pleasure and do not need anything thanks to financial independence and prosperity.

Sources of Passive Income

So, we have already found out what passive income is, what types it is divided into and how it differs from active income. It's time to find out how and thanks to what you can create a source of passive income.

Let's look together at the most popular and accessible ways to get “easy” money.

Renting out real estate

One of the most popular and widespread ways to generate passive income. To obtain rental income, you must at least have real estate, or a considerable amount of capital, for which you can buy residential or non-residential space.

After acquiring square meters, you will need to work hard to make repairs and purchase the necessary furniture. Real estate can be either residential or commercial. In the first, people live and relax (at home, apartments), and in the second, they work (offices, industrial premises).

Having this type of income, you receive a certain amount every month, but periodically you will have to make repairs and monitor the condition of the premises. This can be avoided if you use the services of specialized companies. They will take on most of your responsibilities, and in return they will require about 10% of the premises' rent.

Renting out special machinery and equipment

Renting special equipment, just like renting real estate, is a profitable business. Very often, this type of income brings more profit than renting out real estate. This is because special equipment can quickly pay for itself. So, for example, if you have any expensive construction tool, then regularly renting it out will cover the cost in a few months.

You can rent out any movable property whose value is higher than the average salary in your city. This can be a wide variety of equipment (trade, production, industrial), machinery, inventory.

For example, one acquaintance of his plant periodically rents a car with a tower (boom) to repair power supply systems, lifting electricians to the required height to the cables. They give away more than 5,000 rubles per day. Calculate the profits yourself.

Owning such equipment, you can live comfortably for more than one year.

Renting advertising space

Everyone knows that advertising is the engine of trade. It is thanks to bright advertising campaigns that trading companies have become successful. Our people are designed in such a way that they buy and use exactly those products and services that everyone knows about. Numerous advertising companies take advantage of this. They try to place advertisements in all sorts of places. These could be cars, public transport, billboards and even residential buildings. So why not make money from it?

Renting advertising space is an excellent passive income option for lazy people. This is because it requires minimal effort from you. This is to find an organization and offer your services for advertising on your car, the facade of a house, a balcony, etc. After which an agreement is concluded, you place the specified type of advertising (posters, stickers, etc.) and receive the agreed amount. The only downside may be the limited duration of your agreement. But you can always find an advertising company that wants to cooperate with you.

Bank deposits

One of the least labor-intensive ways to generate passive income is bank deposits or deposits. They require minimal effort. You just have to find a reliable bank with the highest interest rate. The rest is done by employees of the financial institution. The only condition is the availability of a certain capital that should be invested. The larger the amount, the higher the interest amount.

If you have several million at your disposal, then having made a profitable investment, you don’t have to work at all. But if the amount is not large, then the income will be minimal. Very often, people with little income save a certain amount every month for several years. As a result, their children have a good passive income.

But this type of income has a significant disadvantage. This is inflation. It is because of this that investors lose up to 10% of their income, because... Every year money depreciates. You need to remember this before concluding a long-term contract.

Intellectual or creative product

This type of income will appeal to talented and gifted people. They are the ones who can create some kind of intellectual or creative product. It could be a book, a song, a poem, or some kind of invention.

After writing the book, you will need to contact the publishing house, where they will accept the manuscript (if it is really worthwhile). After the publication of your masterpiece, a royalty will be paid and a certain percentage of each copy of the book sold will be deducted monthly. This all sounds very beautiful and simple, but in fact this type of income has very tough competition. Therefore, only brilliant authors who are loved by millions of readers receive maximum cash payments.

If you create any technology, you will have to patent it. If the invention is useful and its mass production begins, then your children can also receive passive income.

Own business

If you feel great potential as a leader, then you can try. In order for it to generate passive income, you need to work actively for several years.

First you need to understand what exactly you want to do. This should be an area of ​​activity that you know well. Let's give a simple example: if a man is well versed in cars and loves transport, then opening his own service station would be a great idea.

When the idea is “ripe”, get it. Then start your business.

When you realize that your business has become successful and brings in a stable income, you can think about delegating it (transferring certain powers to another person) and receiving passive income.

In order to retire and “skim the cream” in the form of cash, you need to remember that the company you have built must work like a well-oiled machine, and the person to whom you entrust the management of the company will not let you down and will justify the trust placed in you.

Based on the experience of many companies, we would not recommend completely withdrawing from business. This leads to bankruptcy in 90% of cases.

Selling franchises and receiving royalties

Owners of large well-known companies can count on such a source of passive income. It does not require any capital, but to obtain it you will have to work fruitfully for more than one year. Let's take a closer look at franchises and royalties.

Simply put, a franchise is the rental of a brand, trademark, method of company management, slogan, etc. some little-known organization. Thanks to this, they produce and sell their products under the logo of a well-known brand. As a result, the turnover and income of the start-up company quickly increases.

Once the franchise is sold, royalties (an agreed upon amount of money) are paid regularly. It can also be a certain percentage of the income of the company that bought the franchise.

At first glance, everything seems easy and simple, but in order to receive passive income, you need to build a large business or a brand that will be well-known.

Investing in a third party business

People with substantial capital and assets can count on passive income by investing in third-party businesses. Moreover, the larger the amount you invest, the higher the interest you will receive.

In order to invest money in a third-party business, you need to thoroughly study the business plan, calculate all possible risks, and regularly monitor the company’s activities. This is the only way you will protect your investments and not be deceived.

Investing in any business is a very risky undertaking. In order not to lose all your money in the event of bankruptcy, do not rush to invest all your savings in one project. It is better to invest in several organizations at the same time. Thanks to this, if one project fails, others will bring passive income.

Creating a mobile application

In the modern age of advanced technology, most people have a mobile device that supports various applications. Mobile apps make life easier for millions. Everyone downloads an unlimited number of them and recommends them to others. Therefore, anyone can create their own application that will generate decent passive income.

  • First, you need to have an interesting idea. She is the one who can help you get rich. Due to the great competition, it is sometimes difficult to surprise users, but if you succeed, you are guaranteed success.
  • Secondly, create an application. To do this, you need to contact specialists who will be happy to help you for a certain fee.
  • Thirdly, place the finished product on the platforms. To begin with, do not overprice the application. Bet the minimum amount. And when thousands of people love it, gradually raise the price. Or make it free, but with paid add-ons or advertising.

Creating a mobile application is a fairly simple source of passive income. In most cases, it does not require large investments, and the income received can pleasantly surprise you for several years.

Creating a channel on YouTube

Probably every PC user has watched videos on YouTube at least once. This is really a very convenient site where you can find any information you are interested in (master classes, training videos, funny videos, etc.). Millions use this service every day. So why not make money from it?

To earn passive income using YouTube, you just need to create your own channel and post interesting, and most importantly, useful videos. It can be varied, from videos of funny animal behavior to a master class on repairing a washing machine. It all depends on what you can do.

Very often, a start-up business lacks recommendations that will ensure regular sales. If you have a wide circle of acquaintances and close cooperation with a large number of companies, then passive income from recommendations is created just for you.

So, while communicating, you will find out that someone needs the services of an electrician or designer. You can recommend this or that company and receive a monetary reward or a certain percentage for this. The main thing is that this organization includes payments for recommendations.

Maybe the amounts won’t be exorbitant, but it’s better than nothing. The lack of start-up capital is the main advantage of this method of generating passive income.

Passive income on the Internet - your website or blog

I started working on blogging (article) sites a long time ago, but I didn’t turn them into passive income. I developed them for sale or temporary income from advertising and, as a rule, they did not stay with me for more than 1 year. But now that I already have several types of main activities, why not slowly start acquiring assets with passive income. So I created a website several years ago, which now brings in more than 100,000 rubles. only on contextual advertising without my participation. And what’s more, I didn’t stop there and created several more sites that are now generating income.

What is good about passive income from websites?

The fact that they will read articles constantly and search for information constantly. Having written an interesting article once, it will bring you a lot of traffic from search engines and will bring you readers constantly. And that means income. Blog development is about creating interesting content (articles, for example) and attracting readers. When there are readers, you place contextual advertising and earn money from clicks on it. It's very profitable. Having boosted your blog a little, you will already be making a profit and with each increase in readers your profit will grow. And then you can do nothing and only publish articles occasionally, and the money will still trickle in and that’s a plus. Or you can assign an editor to work on your site or several, as we do.

If you are planning to develop this area, then read the section about. There you will find useful information, and if it is not enough, then ask questions, we will add more.

Investments in the purchase of information sites

If you do not want to create a source of passive income in the form of a website, as I described above, then you can buy websites with income. But to do this, you must at least understand the topic and go through the process of creating your own websites.

Affiliate programs as passive income

I already wrote an article about that. And this source of income can be made passive. If you do a good job in this direction and through your affiliate links many people are registered in those services or stores on whose affiliate program you earned money, then all further actions of these people will also be paid to you.

I still get money from many of the services I referred people to several years ago. This income is small, but roughly comparable to renting out an apartment in Omsk.

We hope that everyone who reads this article has already understood the importance of passive income and the main differences from active income. Now let's try to figure out together how to achieve this coveted financial independence.

  1. Start with yourself and educate yourself. In order to make assets, capital, and business work productively, you first need to study the theoretical part. Start reading books by famous financial experts (e.g. Robert Kiyosaki, Bodo Schaeffer, Robert Allen, etc.). Thanks to this, you will better understand all the nuances and details of financial activities.
  2. In your free time from your main job, start looking for a source of passive income. Maybe you will invent something new, patent your creation and receive monetary rewards for the rest of your life, or maybe you have another hidden talent that will help you achieve financial freedom. To make your work enjoyable, try to turn your hobby into a source of income. For example, an amateur photographer can sell his work on specialized platforms on the Internet, and a programmer will create an Internet application that will be downloaded by millions of people.
  3. If you do find a way of passive income that suits you, don’t stop there. Try to develop and discover new methods of earning money. For example, having invested money profitably in the bank, you can also upload videos on YouTube, review your existing construction equipment and rent it out.

Why do the poor stay poor and the rich stay rich?

The subconscious of most people of our time contains information that in order to feed their family and provide for themselves, they need to learn some kind of profession, and then work all their lives in a factory, mine, office, etc. At the same time, take a full rest only once a year on vacation. That is why the average person in our country follows the plan.

At the same time, more successful and financially literate people have long realized that a decent income can be brought not by active, but by passive income. Naturally, they understand that in order to regularly receive money with a minimum of effort, they need to work actively for a certain time. This period may be several years, but such a person is aware that he is working to create passive income that will ensure a comfortable old age.

Poor people work only to satisfy their needs. At the same time, they don’t even think about creating some kind of capital that can bring in money. In the best case, a person gets another or additional job.

The difference between the poor and the rich is how they spend their free time. A wealthy person gets richer every minute due to passive income that profitable investments bring. Low-income people drink beer, watch TV and complain about life to the people around them.

One famous businessman and financial analyst said that a person's success is not measured by the size of his bank account, but by the amount of time he can be away from work. This is true. After all, you can deny yourself everything all your life, limit your desires and needs while collecting savings in a three-liter jar. But such a person can hardly be called happy, successful and enterprising.

How to gain financial freedom and independence

In order to live for your pleasure, you need to make money work for you. This is possible if you work hard for a while. During the active period, we do not encourage you to work 24 hours a day. It is enough in your free time to look for methods of alternative income, which in the future will bring passive income. The more such sources there are, the less work you will have to do.

It may be quite difficult at first, but remember that thousands of people like you do not live on starvation wages, subsisting on bread and water. They do not know the feeling of hunger and need. And all because they understood in time exactly how to make money.


Now you know everything about passive income! You may also find this article useful. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because everyone has one life. And it depends only on you and me how we will live it. It's never too late to start changing your life. This can be done by both a teenager and a pensioner. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up, and then you will definitely succeed!

The choice is yours! And I'm waiting for comments under the article.

Each of us dreams of financial independence. However, for the most part, we are forced to actively work from paycheck to paycheck, feeling the eternal fear of losing our job as our main source of income.

Meanwhile, there are options for so-called passive income, for example, we described in detail. Such earnings do not depend on current activities; funds are credited to the account thanks to thoughtful investments made earlier. You can lie on the beach and earn passive income as the only source of funds, or you can work peacefully in the office, simultaneously receiving a pleasant increase in income and not worrying about possible job loss.

Today's selection presents the best sources of passive income. Of course, most of the ideas from the top 10 require some starting capital, but there are also ways that allow you to lay the foundation for future income without investment.

Unlike bank deposits, such investments bring higher income. However, the risks here will be much higher. Credit unions and trust funds do reallocate capital, allowing the money to work and generate income, but only if the fund's management invests it wisely.

Investments in securities can bring a stable income if the investment is made by a specialist. Therefore, such investments require at least minimal knowledge of the state, trends and laws of the securities market. Otherwise, it is better to entrust the funds to professionals, paying attention to mutual funds, which will be discussed below.

8. Passive income on the Internet

– an investment project created according to the principles of a financial pyramid, operating on the Internet. The income of investors consists of funds from newly attracted investors. Investing in HYIP will not allow you to relax - in order not to lose everything, you need to regularly monitor the status of the project.

7. High-yield investing

If an investor is not attracted to independently purchasing shares or playing on the currency exchange, then the funds can be invested in the most or transferred to an experienced trader. Naturally, for their services, the owner of a PAMM account will retain a commission on income, but professionals have a better understanding of the market and know the most profitable ways of investing.

6. Play on FOREX

To play FOREX, you need to undergo minimal training to master the principles of trading. In addition, participation in trading requires constant attention, which makes income no longer completely passive. However, when financial literacy is combined with a certain amount of intuition and luck, fortunes can be earned on FOREX.

An excellent option for receiving passive income, however, it requires significant investments at the initial stage. After all, not everyone has real estate to rent out. If there is an object, then it can provide a stable income from several tens to several hundred thousand rubles per month.

4. Creating your own business

If at the starting stage a new business requires full dedication of effort and time, then over time a successful business can work like a well-oiled mechanism that does not require the constant presence of the owner. we presented earlier.

Websites allow their owners to earn money by advertising. However, in order for an Internet page to become a source of passive income, it must be filled with interesting and useful content, promoted online, and then maintained in this state.

Unlike a bank deposit, mutual funds offer higher income. True, the risks here are higher, however, you can entrust funds to professionals, as well as determine an investment strategy. As a rule, large companies offer several options for mutual funds - from the most reliable with lower income to high-risk, but more profitable.

1. Bank deposit (Deposit)

The list of sources of passive income is headed by the simplest and most understandable way of investing. Currently, deposit insurance covers funds in the amount of up to 1,400 thousand rubles. If you plan to invest more money, then it is better to distribute it among the most.

A fairly large percentage of contemporaries are looking for passive income options for themselves. People begin to care about their future when they are young. Living on a small pension or, roughly speaking, “survival” no longer appeals to anyone. Preference is given to a certain amount of work done, for which long-term systematic payment is made in the future. This allows you to do what you love and not attend a job you don’t like, enjoy life and realize your potential, and forever overcome the problem of all modern humanity - lack of time.

Deposit is the most common passive income

The most common investment instrument is a bank deposit. Passive income depends on the amount deposited into the account of a financial institution. The options for partnership schemes are very diverse, and each bank offers its own terms of partnership. The main essence of the partnership is that a person gives his capital to the bank for savings, and the institution pays its client a certain percentage of the provided amount for a set period of using the funds.

Advantages: active participation of the investor in the process of capital increase is not required. High guarantees of safety and security of the deposit.

Disadvantages: low percentage, which is completely absorbed by inflation. The rationality of the direction is justified only if the starting capital is large enough.

Investment projects

When considering options for passive income, it is worth noting that risks are added to the high probability of large profits. This area of ​​investment is dominated by the purchase of shares of successful and developing companies. There are only two options for the development of events: the flourishing of the chosen company and the accrual of substantial dividends to the investor’s account, or the bankruptcy of the organization with all the ensuing consequences. To avoid unfavorable developments, investors are strongly recommended to contact specialized professional investment centers, where experts will advise the most profitable and less risky areas of investment.

Benefits: High return on investment.

Disadvantages: high risks, the need to have a large amount of funds.

Buying a property

When considering options for passive income in Russia, you can focus on purchasing real estate. You can consider not only the purchase of residential square meters, you can also pay attention to commercial properties. The property can be rented out. Investing in the purchase of foreign real estate is considered a very promising direction. In Western countries, almost 90% of the population lives by renting out their residential property. Income covers not only the minimum expenses of the family, but also recreation and entertainment.

Advantages: complete absence of risks, each project fully pays off when it is resold by the investor.

Disadvantages: purchasing square meters requires a lot of capital.

Secondary Investment Options

Secondary options for passive income offline are the creation of an intellectual product, network marketing and Each of the areas requires not only specific knowledge and professionalism in a certain area, but also significant effort at the stage of primary construction of a source of profit.

An intelligent product means releasing something for which people will be willing to pay money on a regular basis. It is enough to simply formalize the discovery and patent it. Income will be a percentage of sales. Passive income without investments based on network marketing is only possible if you get to the top of the pyramid, but for this you will have to spend a lot of time and effort, going from start to finish. Ultimately, you won’t have to work at all, since income will be generated from the labor of people from the very bottom of the structure.

Advantages: the ability to create a powerful one without having to maintain it.

Disadvantages: high labor costs in the first stages of work.

The Internet can help you

Thanks to the spread of the World Wide Web, a huge number of opportunities have emerged to create a permanent and stable source of good income without leaving home. The number of directions is unlimited. This is not only affiliate programs, our own websites, but also investing in successful managers in the stock markets, and much more. Passive income on the Internet is remarkable in that it is available to almost everyone, including young parents and students who do not have the opportunity to work full time. The big plus is that all materials on organizing a source of profit can be found on the Internet, and by strictly following the instructions, the result will not take long to arrive. In this case, no special education, much less university diplomas, is required.

Investments on exchanges

Investments on exchanges are the simplest passive income that does not require significant expenses. Options for inexperienced players in the foreign exchange market are not very diverse and are largely limited to deposits in PAMM accounts. Simply put, the deposit is transferred to the management of a qualified trader, who, for a certain percentage of the profit, increases capital using trading instruments. Depending on the qualifications of the trader, the amount of profit on invested money can vary from 150% or more per year. Funds can be either reinvested or withdrawn. The main thing here is to study the principles of choosing managing PAMM accounts. There are risks of losing your deposit or part of it, but it is quite possible to minimize them by differentiating risks and distributing capital.

Advantages: the opportunity to receive income from the first month of investment.

Disadvantages: an incorrect decision on the direction of investment can lead to the loss of the deposit.

Personal site

When exploring passive income on the Internet, one cannot help but mention creating your own website. A popular and interesting project can bring good profits. A resource that has traffic (a constant flow of visitors) is in demand for advertising, affiliate programs and network business. If in the first stages of project development you have to spend a certain percentage of the total income and a lot of time, in the future there is practically no need to spend effort on maintaining the profitability of the site.

Many argue that to create a website you need to learn a programming language and the SEO optimization structure. In fact, a ready-made frame can be ordered from an agency or a freelancer. SEO optimization can be carried out independently. An alternative to creation and promotion is the purchase of a ready-made working portal with a certain profitability. All that remains is to maintain the existing one in working order.

Advantages: income level is unlimited. It all depends on the activity of the project creator.

Disadvantages: It takes time to learn a new area.

Public pages

Creating a public page on a social network is another promising passive income. Options without investments are not so common, but this is exactly one of them. No specialized skills are required to create a public page. The designer is at the disposal of the network user. It is enough to fill the project with interesting information and attract as many group members as possible. In the future, the prospects for earning money are as follows: paid placement of advertising, banners, informers, links. The most popular topics are women, men, relationships, sports and cooking.

Video blog on YouTube channel

The most popular options for passive income in the USA are the creation of various kinds of video blogs, including on the YouTube channel. Profits will come from advertising that will be distributed within the blog. This prospect opens up opportunities not only for trading links and selling advertising, but also for direct cooperation with the advertiser. Customers are willing to pay impressive fees for reviews of their own products and for describing them in a positive way. It is quite natural that the more subscribers there are on a channel, the higher the reward its owner can expect.

Advantages: unlimited profit threshold.

Disadvantages: the need to constantly maintain the popularity of the channel.

Why are people afraid of passive income?

When considering the options, users are put off by the fact that there is a certain time gap between the work done and the payment. People are accustomed to constantly doing a certain amount of work and immediately receiving their reward. Working for the future scares most people. Fears related to the fact that the resources spent will not be rewarded play a big role. No one is used to wasting time and investing money without knowing what results it will bring.

In Western countries, passive income options are actively considered by millions of people. They prefer a one-time investment of funds and wasting time in order not to think about the level of their material well-being in the future. Everyone strives to get away from visiting the same workplace every day, month and year. Stable wages, which are a guarantor of stability, are gradually losing their attractiveness. The search for alternative options for earning money is in fashion, with large profits and minimal expenditure of effort and time.

Few people can do a job they don’t like, especially if they do it for 30-40 years. Therefore, more and more people, from their youth, are thinking about finding decent sources of passive income. They don't teach this in school, but they should. What better way to develop creativity than not having to go to work to survive.

Before getting into the basic ideas of generating wealth, it's worth considering what passive income is. This is the profit that a person receives without the need to actively perform daily work. That is, to receive passive income, you don’t need to hang around in the office from 9 to 6 or go to the factory. In addition, you will receive your money, the amount of which may exceed the income from work. By providing such an income, you can become a financially free and independent person: devote time to your family, travel and engage in your favorite hobbies.

The most common ways to create passive income

  1. Create some object that implies the emergence of copyright - this could be a design, an invention, a book. Once, having written a beautiful song, the author receives passive income for using it on an ongoing basis. The legislation of the Russian Federation contains a list of objects related to copyright. By obtaining a patent, you can receive a one-time reward. The advantage of this method is that you only need to apply effort to the job once, and then receive a fee the entire time.
  2. Construction of a business system that assumes the intermittent participation of the founder. All that is required is to create a large or small company that will benefit people, provide jobs for workers, and bring passive income to the creator. The advantage of the method is that having created a strong company in just 5 years, you can forget about being hired. The disadvantage is the complexity of the process; it will take a lot of time and effort to achieve the goal.
  3. Implementation of a business franchise. This idea refers to the possibility of starting a business from scratch, but does not quite fall under the concept of passive income without investments. The fact is that opening a company will require a lot of effort, especially if you plan to sell its franchise.
  4. Capital accumulation. In the world of rich people, there is one “golden” rule that says: money makes money. This idea of ​​creating passive income is one of the most popular. That is, it is not necessary to make enormous efforts to earn money in large quantities without personal participation. However, to implement the idea, a certain amount of start-up capital will be required. You can start by saving 10% of your income from each salary; after 10 years, a large amount will accumulate that can be invested at interest.

Top ideas for earning money from passive income and various ratings were specially published for my partners and readers. Today I have collected the most effective tools, described the world practice of working with tools and described popular sources of profit.

The article tells you where to start, what amounts you can receive initially and how to provide for a constant flow of money without personal participation.

With the development of both technology and the supply market, there are quite a lot of ways to shift the vector of attention from active income towards passive income. Let me note: with a competent approach, you can combine them, choosing what you love to do, and at the same time not worrying about whether you will have the means to live and gain financial freedom. I’ll tell you how to do this, especially since I have tested many of the tools myself.

Passive and active types of income

The main feature of passive income is that ideas, once realized, allow you not to take a direct part in receiving money. This way, the accruals come without any time effort or work being done. In one of my materials on the blog, I already clarified what investments are, and in most cases they are considered a classic example of such income, and are included in the ranking of the most popular instruments, occupying solid places in the top. Active income requires constant physical effort, intervention, control over all processes, and the availability of profit, and in some cases, its size, directly depends on this.

Why do we need passive income and what is it?

This is a way that allows you to make a profit through the work of previously prepared capital, and passive income gets its name from the fact that it does not require direct active action on our part. Essentially, such a tool can be represented as:

  • main source;
  • additional source.

As a rule, at first its role is secondary, but over time it is possible to turn it into a basic one, covering all expenses.

There is ready-made material on the site about what dividends are, how to receive them, where to invest to make a profit. But these are not all explanations of the concept. Pat Flynn, an investment guru, claims that there is only such passive income that works without investments online with daily or weekly payments. To do this, he proposes to create platforms that turn our time into our money.

Sources and types of passive income

  • online;
  • physical, material.

It is also customary to distinguish between instruments that require a preliminary investment and those without them. There is already published ready-made material on how to establish a stable income on the Internet without investments. Among the main sources of passive income, it is customary to distinguish 3 positions, depending on which method of obtaining the initial capital is the basis and the method of calculating profit:

  • investment;
  • marketing;
  • intellectual.

I propose to consider each in more detail.

Investment passive income

The tool requires preliminary investments, for example, in projects, business, some kind of contractor, real estate at an early stage of construction. For readers of my GQ Blog Monitor, this is associated with investment platforms, which I often add for introduction. Here you can get an average of 500 rubles per day in different currencies, and due to activities on the Internet, regular control over all stages is not required, and passive income is available from different parts of the world.

It is important to follow the rule: the more projects, the better, correctly assess risks, invest not the last or borrowed funds, rationally distribute deposits.

Marketing Passive Income

The main task is to create your own structure in business, including MLM. While the business is gaining momentum, you can bet on other earnings, because some sites offer to earn from 1,500 rubles a day and more by watching short videos. This method is relevant when distributing your company via the Internet. Among the popular sub-areas for the marketing type, I will focus on:

  1. creation and sale of a franchise;
  2. work with lease and sublease;
  3. consulting or offering a product or service.

Intellectual passive income

With the development of passive income, working tools increase, and then ratings and tops are formed, for example, among intellectual methods. A typical example: a person wrote a book, published it and continues to receive royalties. But the works gradually lose popularity, and sometimes after a couple of years no one needs the once bestseller. Other popular options for receiving royalties include:

  • role in a movie, TV series;
  • writing words or music for a song;
  • using your own name in advertising.

Earning money from games without investments can be partly classified as this type, because you need to overcome obstacles in your own way, reaching a new level.

How to create passive income - best ideas

The best ideas on how to turn passive income into the main one, more than one rating and top have been formed, and it is practical that from everyone you can get the most suitable and necessary for yourself. Based on my experience, I recommend working in several directions, but first you should bring one to the required level, then take on another method.

I think it’s wise to combine options with and without investments, because the profitability where you invest is an order of magnitude higher. Choosing ways to make passive money on the Internet without investments for different ages with withdrawal of money allows you to start making a profit while still a teenager. It’s always worth developing and not forgetting about what you love. I offer the best time-tested ideas for making money.

Creating your website

On your website you can sell products, engage in mediation, blog, and even organize your own online store. It is important to provide for its capacity and do everything to regularly increase attendance. Additionally, you can consider making money on the Internet using various programs, for example, affiliate programs. There is also software that allows you to make a profit for completing tasks: solving puzzles, entering captcha; some services offer to do this for you automatically.

Sometimes it’s worth re-qualifying your website a little to achieve success or create an additional product or service based on it. Michal Szawranski had been blogging for a long time about how to make money, jakoszczedzacpieniadze.pl, but he managed to promote his website in just a couple of days, when he prepared a printed version of the book with the tips outlined on this blog. The main site for monetizing your own resource is google adsense.

Network Marketing (MLM)

The goal of this area is to attract new clients and expand the partner network. Attracting new people can happen through personal contacts or through websites. As a rule, investments are initially required, but small ones, for example, for the purchase of the first batch of goods. Such passive income has too many pitfalls and puts forward quite serious requirements to make money on the Internet, so they often choose methods without investments and invitations with an income of 500 rubles per day. Medicines, cosmetics, household chemicals, etc. are promoted in a similar way.

Renting out property (car, real estate, equipment)

This is the top ranking of the most popular methods of passive income. It is enough to buy a car, moped, residential or commercial real estate and rent it out to clients. Lately, leasing equipment, as well as space in beauty salons and advertising platforms, has become popular.

The main task: not just to accumulate capital and buy material resources, but also then to find a regular client for it.

The most popular area is real estate, since contracts are drawn up for a long period and from a financial point of view it is quite profitable.

Investments in securities, PAMM accounts, banks, mutual funds

In the ranking and popular tops, investing in banks, PAMM accounts, and working with securities (bonds, stocks) are effective ways to generate such income. Among the advantages: low risks, a large selection of investments, the ability to invest small and large amounts. Among the disadvantages is that the percentage of accruals is not too large, which means that only such an instrument will not always be enough to live on, especially if the needs are too great. This list can also be supplemented with index funds for cooperation, but I would recommend in this case to rely on trust management.

Own business

When your own business is promoted, has a constant flow of clients, it generates passive income, and in 2019 this area does not lose popularity. You should not assume that a business at the starting stage will immediately bring profit; it will take a long time until it requires new supporting investments, constant monitoring and physical presence. In order to get promoted, it will be necessary, and at the same time, look for other ways to reach new clients.

Pros and cons of passive income

Initially, I will consider the positive aspects of such profits. First of all, this is freedom of action, and besides this:

  • the opportunity to engage in another area;
  • time for family or hobbies;
  • free planning of the day.

The negative aspects of passive income, which, for example, brings 50,000 or more rubles a month, is that it is very relaxing and removes the motivation to develop and improve. Among the additional negative factors, I will highlight:

  1. the need to accumulate start-up capital for investment;
  2. quite a significant risk;
  3. You need your own experience or trust to manage money.

Many factors depend on where to invest your money: how much you will earn and what risks you will face. In my article I give more detailed recommendations.

What is not a source of passive income?

If I were compiling a personal rating or top methods of passive income, I would never include the lottery in it, since it is difficult to predict when you will win and whether there will be a winning, and to set its fixed size. Secondly, this is working with video (filming, editing), as well as photographs and posting them on depositphotos or another popular resource, shutterstock. Sometimes such work can simply be done for the future without determining the cost and time when it will generate income. Also, I would not classify making money from watching ads and videos as such a simple form, because it requires our time, although it can bring good income. Plus, “I received money from renting an apartment.” “I received money from renting an apartment” sounds differently (the first, of course, is closer to us), but carries the same meaning.

Financial freedom is the result of passive income, selected tools from the rating: top places and below, allowing you to develop and systematically increase your capital. Among the main recommendations for achieving this state, I will highlight:

  • diversification;
  • working with methods of different risk levels;
  • consideration of additional sources, for example, passive income on various sites on the Internet with stable payments and without mandatory investments.

An approximate plan for expanding passive income tools, taking into account the time and effort spent:

Way What to do? Average profit per month
Rental of real estate, cars, equipment Find a client, conclude an agreement From 100 dollars a month
Own website Create a platform and work to improve it Depending on the topic, the number of visits per month
Clicks, captchas, puzzles Parallel methods of work require regular completion of tasks and withdrawal of profits With regular work from 50-70 dollars
Business Investments Medium or long term payback From 10-15% after the project reaches net profit
Bank deposit Enter into a contract 3-7% depending on the bank, terms, currency

Everyone chooses monetary freedom for themselves: for some, 1,800 rubles a day is enough, for others several times more, but only options without investments are considered, but one thing is important - the income must be stable and regular.

To summarize, let me clarify that today there are many ratings and top-popular tools for different clients depending on the size of the starting capital, but they all have in common that passive income is the result of people who know how to think and have managed to establish cash flow from different sources without personal direct participation.

Many of them are concentrated on the Internet, so my article about top sites for making money on the Internet will be useful to those who are just discovering passive income or have already been living off this type of cash income for a long time. Today, to earn money, you can use not only PCs, but also smartphones to surf the Internet without investment, and the best offers are available at globus-inter.com. Traditionally, I wish for everyone that passive income only increases in size and expands in types, and that the profit received is enough to do what you love.