Or selling this article to. Earn by writing articles. Top text exchanges for advanced copywriters

  • 11.04.2020

If you speak Russian and create unique articles, you can start making money on it. But how to do it right? You can search for buyers on different sites and advertise, post resumes. But all this will not give the result that you would expect. When asked where to sell an article, I will answer: on the content exchanges. It is here - a huge number of people who want to buy unique texts.

Copywriting exchanges

Where you can sell your articles, we have decided. Now I will tell you on which sites this can be done. So, I described copywriting exchanges. There are all the pros and cons, features, etc. So if you're interested, you can check it out.

Articles must be sold through the article store. On each exchange, they are put up for sale in different ways. I'll show you with etxt as an example:

    Log in and select Add Article.

    Specify the title of the article, category, type, keywords, description, price.

    Place the text.

As you can see, nothing complicated. Now you know where to sell an article. I advise you to familiarize yourself with other exchanges, including "".

What topics to write about?

So with that where to sell articles online, understood. A p You can write on absolutely any topic. Are you fond of needlework and want to share your experience and valuable knowledge with other people? Please! Maybe you want to write an article about oscilloscopes? Welcome! Only, of course, it is better when choosing a topic to proceed from the needs of people. That is, a text on how to make a spaceship with your own hands is unlikely to be bought from you. Articles on women's, children's, travel, entertainment, etc. are well acquired. And don't write too short or too long texts. The optimal volume is 2000-4000 characters.

What price to indicate?

If you are just starting your journey as a writer, I recommend that you indicate 20 rubles per 1000 characters. If you want to earn a rating, it is better to write a lot. You need to take very little. This is how I increased my rating and after that I was able to start doing more or less favorable orders. When will you earn good reputation you can increase your rates. You don’t need to be very impudent, because in the end no one will buy your articles.

Post the same articles on multiple content exchanges. Just keep in mind that in this case, a situation may occur when several customers make a purchase at the same time. What to do in this case? To avoid this, I advise you to keep track of your purchases and promptly remove already purchased texts from sale.

L best exchanges, selling articles on which it is well debugged and comfortable. Any exchange from the list below will enable the optimizer to buy articles on the desired topic, and the copywriter to sell their texts and . Plus, you can order an article, its writing and design according to your requirements.

Ordering or purchasing articles from these ready-made content stores is one of better ways filling the site with unique material, which of course will be appreciated by both search robots and visitors. The uniqueness of the texts is checked by the exchanges themselves and articles are put up for sale only after this check is completed.

In general, the optimizer on these exchanges can either order an article with the desired parameters, or buy ready-made articles available. And these article exchanges give a copywriter a convenient tool to sell their articles at their own price.

  • Etxt

    The Etxt Article Exchange is the best system to sell or buy an article. Personally, I really like this service for the choice of texts sold in it and their quality. There are plenty of webmasters who want to buy these articles and copywriters who squeak them. Prices vary widely (as they say, for any wallet). In general, on this exchange, the processes of buying and selling articles are a pleasure.

  • work hard

    Workhard is a place where you can buy texts for websites. Adult webmasters in Telegram told the boy Alyoshka about this. He went, looked, and it’s true: you can order articles in Workhard. What a happiness!

    Here you have ready-made texts, and custom comments, and articles for a website, blog, group in social networks! The boy Alyoshka thinks that it is necessary to take it.

  • text sale

    The TextSale article exchange is the most famous and promoted exchange for the purchase and sale of articles with a huge number of existing customers and performers. The widest selection finished articles and copywriters for every taste and budget make it a leader for many years! Here you can buy or sell texts on really any topic!

  • advego

    Advego, in addition to allowing, filling customer sites with posts and comments, also includes an article store. This circumstance makes this service doubly beneficial for both SEOs and copywriters. allows in one place to be the first not only to order the promotion of the resource through forums and blogs, but also to fill the site with unique content, and the second to earn money in different ways: fulfill orders to promote customer sites or sell articles and translations.

  • Copylancer

    Copylancer is one of the oldest article exchanges. Performers-copywriters pass a small aptitude test there, which, at least, cuts off frankly bad employees. But the rest receive profitable orders for articles and a decent level of income.

  • ContentMonster

    ContentMonster is an article exchange with almost professional copywriters. Each performer, when registering with ContentMonster, must pass a test for knowledge of the Russian language, and then write a test rewrite. Only after successfully passing the test, the copywriter is allowed to work in this exchange of articles. In addition, the performers in ContentMonster have a dynamically changing rating, the value of which depends on the current achievements of the copywriter. So I can highly recommend ContentMonster to all customers of articles.

  • Turbo Text

    TurboText is a good article exchange with a simple and user-friendly interface. In addition to the standard features (ordering articles and buying ready-made ones), TurboText also offers the services of translating articles, automatically filling websites with content, checking texts with proofreaders. Performers (copywriters) in TurboText can sell ready-made articles and write custom texts. The minimum withdrawal amount is only 50 rubles.

  • Text.ru

    Text.ru is a very powerful article exchange. Here the texts are extremely High Quality at amazingly reasonable prices. Everything on Text.ru impresses: a user-friendly interface, thoughtfulness and solidity, the quality of articles, additional services, and much more.
    I highly recommend this exchange for buying or selling articles.

There are many ways to make money on the Internet. But one of the most commonly used is writing articles and selling them. The benefits of this income are obvious: you make a profit almost instantly after the article is sold.

And the speed of sale can always be adjusted by lowering or increasing the price. And all you need is to choose relevant topics and start earning. You will find out where is the best place to sell articles. All this will be discussed.

Selling Articles

Most often, articles are written to order. In this case, the employee (copywriter) receives a specific task that must be followed when completing the order. But there is another way - to write articles not for a specific customer, but for free sale. In this case, articles are added to special places- article exchanges where buyers come.

Many people are already engaged in such earnings and receive quite decent money. They know where to sell articles, how much text is the most popular, what topics are popular, and so on. Some individuals have as many as 400 articles in free sale, and all of them are sold in several stores at the same time, which increases the number of purchases. Some even organize and make money on it.

Article stores charge a small commission for their work. This percentage is usually 10%, but there are more loyal exchanges - their reward is only 5%.

When selling articles, it is very important to be able to use all the tools that article exchanges offer. For example, many stores publish the most popular topics, so why not take advantage of this valuable information?

Buyers choose an article by reading the title, description, and part of the article (a small piece of the article presented as an image so that it is not indexed by search engines).

Where to sell articles

There are a lot of places for selling articles - exchanges. But it’s not worth working with everyone, it brings a lot of difficulties: you have to spend a lot of time adding articles, and when selling an article on one exchange, you will need to quickly remove the same article from all other stores. Labor and time costs are growing, and even do not pay off. Therefore, I will list only the best shops articles that I work with.


All articles are manually moderated (and those who constantly add articles to the sale receive the possibility of auto-moderation), which, as a rule, takes up to 5 days. In this case, the quality of the article is assessed according to three criteria: punctuation, style and spelling.

  • advego

Moderation takes place quite quickly - usually during the day (excluding weekends). But articles can be rejected if they contain many errors.

  • Textsale.ru

There are a number of advantages that increase the number of sales. All in all, this place is one of the best articles to sell. But here a lot depends on your rating: it is very difficult for beginners to break through - the competition is simply huge! However, if you can earn a ranking, then the number of sales will skyrocket.

The system commission is 10%, and articles are moderated automatically, instantly getting to the "counter" of the store.

Alas, the law “the buyer is always right, even if he is fundamentally wrong” is fulfilled here. Get ready for injustice. But by the way, this injustice is covered by prices - they are the highest on this exchange.

- a very good article store. Pleased with the speed of sale and prices. Here, attention is paid to the literacy of texts, so some articles may be rejected due to a large number of errors.

The commission for the sale of the article is not charged from the performer.

Text moderation is manual, it takes about 2-3 days.

These four article stores I consider the best of their kind. I have not found alternatives to them. If you know good article exchanges that offer decent conditions for selling articles, be sure to share them by indicating the link in the comments.

Good day! In this article, I want to talk about making money on articles, namely, to tell you how writing and selling texts for websites takes place. As you know, it is relatively easy to make money on the Internet by writing articles. Those who find it easy to formulate their thoughts, retell other texts in their own words, can start earning extra money in their free time. Moreover, the work of writing texts can be combined with the main job for hire.

How to make money on articles

There are really two ways to make money on articles on the Internet:

  1. write articles for sale;
  2. fulfill direct orders.

In terms of income stability, the most profitable thing is to take orders for work and cooperate with customers for a long time. This guarantees a daily inflow of funds into your wallet. work will continue. But, very often, this method is not suitable for beginner copywriters.

As a rule, the difficulty is caused by the lack of experience, reputation and recommendations from other customers, zero or low rating, fear of complex and not entirely clear order conditions. In addition, you will not have the right to choose a theme. Many customers want the text to contain certain keywords or the number of some words repeated a limited number of times, and it is difficult for a novice copywriter without any experience to complete the task.

Making money selling articles is easier. The topics of the articles are up to you. If the text is not written, you can always put it aside and take another topic.

What should be the article

To quickly sell an article on the Internet for money, you need to write it on a topic that is in demand. For example, in the stock market eTXT there is such a rating of the catalog of headings and search queries, where you can see what topics are in demand among buyers at the moment:

Other exchanges of articles for making money on the sale of texts are listed at the link

Pretty good buying articles related topics. For example, you write several texts on one topic, but at the same time, each article, as it were, complements the previous one and is a topic on its own. For example, you have chosen some disease in the medical field. You devote one article from the cycle to the symptoms and manifestations of the disease, the other to the causes, the third to the treatment of folk remedies, the fourth to drug treatment. Or it may be that the sore has types and varieties to which separate articles can be devoted. The customer is more willing to buy a series of articles from you that reveal a separate subtopic than to seek to collect material in parts from different copywriters.

Most often, buyers search for article titles by keywords. You can also use the key selection service for webmasters: https://wordstat.yandex.ru/. How to work with this site is described in detail.

And this picture clearly illustrates the selected list of topics that you can take to work on one specific topic:

Beginners can do this: write several similar articles in different subjects. Of course, if you understand several topics. For those who find it difficult, write only about what you understand, where you have knowledge. Develop your skill.

I am often asked the question: where can I get the source code? You will find material for rewriting in the search results. Enter the title of the future article as a request and select the appropriate text for work. Ideally, the text you create should be better than the existing ones. Only in this case will it be useful on the new site. But buyers do not always understand this and place articles on their sites that do not differ in content from existing ones, but only unique in terms of verification services ...

I will not describe in detail the structure of the article, this information is in the article at the link. As for the size - write as much as you need to cover the topic. The most popular articles are 2000 - 5000 characters long without spaces.

Check the article for spelling and punctuation errors. The MS Word editor will tell you the main mistakes. And there is also a wonderful free spelling service, use it for more advanced analysis. Here is the link orthogrammka.ru

Do not post your articles for sale on several exchanges at once. If you do, be prepared to instantly delete a copy of the sold article from another exchange. If it happens that your article is bought on two exchanges at once, arbitration will be on the side of the buyer, and you will lose your account.

Promotes fast sales beautiful packaging articles. When placing a text on the exchange, you need to write an attractive catchy name for it, write a description, and also provide a piece of text as a DEMO version for viewing. Choose the part of the text that, in your opinion, best demonstrates your skill. AT keywords indicate those phrases that reflect the topic of the article, and those that you originally selected in Yandex Wordstat.

Value for money. Too low a price will scare off a serious buyer, because. he may decide that low-grade text is being sold. Too much high price in the absence of a rating and reviews, it will also not attract a buyer. For a beginner, the normal price will be the one that is slightly below the average. In your profile, you can indicate: "quality texts from a novice copywriter with a 20% discount for only 3 days." It's kind of advertising reception in order to attract potential buyers.

If you have several dozen articles for sale, you can advertise for a quick effect. eTXT has this option.

If you are just starting to make money on articles, download a free textbook on copywriting " How to become a successful copywriter ".

Write your thoughts in the comments, share your experience on how and where it is better to sell an article on the Internet.

As a good start when looking for earnings on the Internet, selling articles in stores and article exchanges can serve. There are a lot of them on the Internet, some successful, others not so much. If you want to achieve some results in this business, then I recommend that you sell your articles at once in several article stores at the same time.

Also read more:

So, it is best to sell your articles in several stores at once. But there is one big "BUT"! When selling an article in one of the stores, immediately delete it from other article exchanges. Unless, of course, you want to lose your rating or be blocked for selling an already posted article on the Internet.

In which article store is it better to sell an article? Which article exchange is the best? Where and how to sell an article? Let's try to answer these questions.

To begin with, I will say that before writing a review of the best article stores, I worked for them for at least a year. And now I would like to give my objective assessment best exchanges articles.

On the first place in the ranking of the best article stores, I would put the text store. . The store started its work relatively recently and has already managed to break into a leading position among its competitors.

High selling price of articles;

High speed of selling articles;

Manual moderation of each article (a plus for buyers).

A special algorithm for checking texts for uniqueness (if on other sites the uniqueness of your article is more than 90%, then here this figure can be equal to 38%) - you need to get used to the verification system;

For articles to pass moderation, you need to be a literate person: text.ru moderators are the most principled moderators of all article exchanges.

Tip for working on text.ru: write and post more articles, gain rating, but don't rate too much low price, since the number of sold articles does not affect your rating in any way.

The second place in the ranking of the best article exchanges can rightfully be given Exchange Etxt. Etxt is a reliable and trusted exchange.

A large number of buyers;

Good speed of selling articles;

Not all articles are checked by moderators, there is an auto-check on the site (not always a plus for buyers);

High competition;

Prices are below average;

For each non-unique article posted in the store, "-10" rating points.

Tip for working on Etxt: before each posting an article in the store, check its uniqueness using Etxt - anti-plagiarism (should be at least 80%). At the initial stage on the article exchange, do not set too high prices for the sale of your articles, but do not lower the price too low either.

Register for Etxt .

In third place in the ranking of the best article stores, I would put Copylancer. Very good and convenient article store.

Limitation minimum price for 1000 characters (the main plus of this exchange is the high price of selling articles);

Gentle conditions for moderating articles and checking them for uniqueness;

If the article hangs in the store for more than six months, then an automatic discount is made on it.

Average article selling rate;

If the moderator finds errors in the article, it is immediately removed from the store (after the errors are corrected, the article must be posted again).

Tip for working on Copylancer: articles here are bought, as they say, "rarely, but aptly." Patience and hard work - this is the main principle of working on Copylancer.

Register for copylancer.

Fourth place - article exchange text sale. A very old exchange, someone likes to work on it, but someone does not really like it.

A large number of buyers;

Articles are not checked for literacy by anyone (a big minus for buyers).

Selling price of articles below average (high competition);

From time to time, a failure occurs on the exchange and all your articles posted earlier for sale are marked with a red icon and do not pass the uniqueness check, so you lose your entire rating;

The administration of the site is practically not involved in the exchange.

Advice for working on TextSale: post only unique articles on the exchange so as not to lose your rating (if the rating is zero, the articles are automatically removed from the store). In case you suffer the fate of the “stock exchange glitch” and all your articles are marked as non-unique on the same day, then there is one option to return it back: post the marked articles again and set the sale price of $ 0.50. As soon as your rating becomes positive, the price of articles can be increased again.

Register for Text Sale .

Fifth place behind content exchanges neotext and Krasnoslov. These exchanges have their own article store, similar interface and navigation, so they can be combined together.

Lack of checking articles for literacy and sparing check for uniqueness (minus for buyers).

Very low speed of selling articles (exchanges mainly specialize in copywriting and rewriting).

TextTrader TextTrader .

Seventh place - advego copywriting exchange. Many people really like advego, but in most cases, as a copywriting exchange, and not as an article store. Advego gets such a low place in the ranking of the best article stores for its moderators. On this site, getting a block is easy, and the requirements for articles are too high (an article is returned for revision at any controversial point, with every wrong space). For example, I was blocked on the site because the moderator did not like my 98% unique article, which I wrote while preparing my graduation project. The moderators considered my article “too smart” and blocked my profile with the comment “Staging someone else’s article in the store” (and I was not provided with any links to such texts or any other confirmation of this). The result is 1 article sold for $3.

The table shows the results of sales in various article stores over the past year.