Rules of conduct in the team. How to observe office etiquette Ethics in the office to employees

  • 04.10.2021

Understand the essence of office etiquette. While you may associate the term "office etiquette" with stiffness and pedantry, it's actually much simpler. Office etiquette is a simple set of rules for interacting with others in an organization's environment. Even just living within a society involves following some agreements (tacit, but quite expected) and rules that indicate what kind of behavior in the work community ensures congeniality, respect for the team and work for pleasure every day.

  • Although many rules of etiquette are not spelled out, just because they are not reflected on paper or posted on a bulletin board does not mean that they should not be followed. A large proportion of social groups will always believe that you should always follow the unspoken rules of etiquette, with rare exceptions and no matter how quirky, rebellious and authentic you are, there will always be boundaries in the form of respect for others that you need to take into account. This will become clear from the next part of the article.

Be punctual. Being punctual is extremely important, especially if you have an appointment. This shows that you respect the time of your colleagues, and they, in turn, will respect your time too. There is one famous saying that fits this situation: “Time and tide wait for no one” (“Time waits for no one”). Lead by example and everything else will fall into place.

  • If you are a junior employee, avoid arriving at work after your boss. At the initial stage, try to show that you are an energetic person and passionate about work.
  • Pick the right clothes. In many offices, a dress code is agreed in advance, which is usually strictly enforced. However, if you are so lucky and got a job without such rules, you can dress as you see fit. Remember that the place of work is not a party, and you should dress in a way that shows your colleagues and clients that you respect them. The dress code has a major impact on the trust your customers are willing to give. Dress like a worker or in the same manner as your office workers. Don't wear highly informal, provocative, or dinner-party attire.

    • Of course, there are always exceptions, for example, there are offices that have days with a more relaxed dress code or days when you are allowed to dress less formally to work to earn money for charity, etc. However, even if the atmosphere in the office is rather relaxed, it is better to wear a suit or other professional attire when meeting with clients who have come on an important business or to resolve other work issues.
  • Beware of gossip. Gossip may not ruin your career, but it can bring a lot of stress with it, which should be avoided at all costs. You definitely wouldn't want someone to gossip about you, no one wants that. In some cases, if you suddenly find out that you were the source of evil gossip, your career may be in jeopardy. Limit yourself to positive comments about co-workers. Office rumors can travel at the speed of light; any negative statement you make will spread and may do you a disservice, or even secure you the title of office gossip.

    • You may accidentally overhear the conversations of others. Be nice and try to forget what you heard, use the "so what" rule. Do not talk about what you overheard and in any case do not invent something from yourself!
  • Ask permission before taking anything. If you have a good relationship with co-workers, then it's probably okay for you to take their stapler or marker off the table without permission. Well, the thing is, it's not normal. It's something that goes without saying: you have to ask before you take anything. This attitude of yours shows that people can also handle your belongings, and these very things will not be lost (read "will not be borrowed for a while") when you return to your workplace after the meeting.

    • If you have some things in your office that you need all the time, create a common place for such things, so you will avoid unexpected disappearance of necessary devices from your desk. For example, a place for a stapler, tape and packaging is a good idea, since no one specifically owns these items, they will always remain in the designated place.
  • Always say "thank you" and "please". Just a few nice words can lift the spirits of the entire office, or at least make employees cheer up. When you walk down the hallway and meet an employee who is not your friend, just smile or nod at them. Acknowledge their existence. You don't have to wildly rejoice and hug them, just say hello. Consider what people will think of you when you deliberately look away.

    • Say "hello" to your office neighbors when you arrive at your workplace. A bad habit can become ingrained if people skip the polite greeting and just sit down in their seats without saying a word when they arrive at work. This is rude and bad for your relationships with others. Even if others are making no effort to reinforce this habit in the office, set an example for everyone to show that this is not only normal, but also expected.
    • Watch your language. When talking to people in the office, remember that some people can't stand foul language. Also avoid attacks or jokes towards other people.
  • Don't bother people all the time. By doing this, you seem to be making it clear that your time or opinion is more important than theirs. If your colleague is on the phone and you need to ask him a question, don't get over your head. Touch his shoulder and whisper that you need to talk to him (or leave him a note) and ask him to call you or come to you as soon as he finishes the conversation. If your colleague has a meeting, do not disturb him, just wait or ask him to come to you when he is free.

  • Try not to be loud. In offices without doors, the most common problem is noise from surrounding workers. Quiet conversations will be to your advantage in any type of office relationship:

    • When you are talking on the phone or with your colleague, try not to speak too loudly.
    • If your office door is open, use the handset or headset rather than the speakerphone when receiving calls.
    • If you get a call on your mobile phone, it is better to go into the corridor or find an office where you can close yourself to talk without disturbing the others. It is especially recommended to do this when it is a personal call or a call that involves a long conversation.
    • Do not speak in a loud or aggressive manner. An aggressive or raised tone disturbs people, and even when they are not the object of aggression, they will still be anxious and uncomfortable.
    • Turn off your personal phone during work hours; put it on vibration mode if you don't want to turn it off. Avoid making personal calls in the workplace; your colleagues do not need to know that your (your) spouse (spouse) will need a kilogram of ham for dinner.
    • If you are listening to the radio, turn the volume down or put on headphones.
    • Be especially quiet when colleagues are calling about work matters or when they are talking to other office workers. It is not necessary to conduct long negotiations in the general office space; if the topic of conversation requires more than a couple of minutes, go to the conference room so as not to annoy your colleagues.
    • Be careful when passing by the meeting room. Even if you're not sure if there's a meeting going on right now, just in case, always act like there's something important going on.
  • Respect the privacy of others. Do not read other people's faxes, mail, email or text on the monitor. Share with others only personal information that you don't want to read about in the next weekly paper. Remember that when sending an email, you should not include information that could lead to serious consequences if the letter is forwarded to someone else; just act as if this email will be forwarded, you should always be on the lookout for this possibility.

    • If you need to discuss something secret or personal with another colleague, find a room where you can shut yourself up and no one can eavesdrop on you. Personal questions and performance analysis are not meant for the ears of others.
    • Use speakerphone only behind closed doors. Use a handset or headset in an open workspace.
  • Do not be a source of various odors. Eating fragrant food at your workplace, taking off your shoes, or spraying perfume or air freshener may not appeal to people who are sensitive to smells. No one wants to smell the smell of feet (no matter how long you yourself are willing to endure it) and the smell of lunch. Everyone's sensitivity to smells is different, so don't think this scent is as delightful to others as it is to you. Besides, why did you decide to eat at the office in the first place? Get out and get some fresh air!

    • If you doubt whether the smell comes from your actions, from your clothes or from your food, assume that it is still there. Our sense of smell can play a cruel trick on us when we get used to smells that are still unusual for others, it weakens the power of these smells for our nose, while others may even feel sick. This is not the case when you need to assert your "rights"; your smell has probably become a serious test for others.
    • If one of your colleagues has become a source of smell, read "How to deal with a colleague who wears stinky lunches"
  • Keep your workplace clean. Try not to be dirty. A mess in a cubicle or on a table shows how sloppy, sloppy, and untidy you are. It can also affect your personality and the atmosphere in your home. Don't make people think that you are a disorganized person. Keep your cubicle clean (only the necessary things should be on the table, like charts or reports, etc.)

    • If you like to add distinctive features, like photos or key chains, choose a few worthy options. Don't overload the space like it's a collector's corner. Also, do not put a lot of personal items in the workplace. People may find you sentimental, and it will be difficult for them to take you seriously in terms of work. In addition, if you often move from place to place in the office, it is simply inconvenient to carry everything with you.
    • If you have a shared kitchen, keeping it tidy is also important. If you spill something, wipe it up. If dropped, pick it up. There is no mother here to follow you around and clean up the mess you made. Don't think that your colleagues will do it for you.
  • Etiquette in the office- a kind of set of rules of conduct necessary for a business woman. An office is not a home or a place to relax, it has its own rules and norms of behavior. And even if you have a friendly and almost homely atmosphere at work, office etiquette must be observed. So, for example, business women and men should behave correctly, not discuss their personal lives and, of course, forget about bad habits. The author of the following article will tell about the rules of good manners and business etiquette in the office.

    Good manners rules

    Colleague, forgetting about etiquette in the office, puts his feet on the table, or is frankly rude to others? What business woman would love that?! Everyone knows that this is not the way to behave in the workplace, but sometimes he himself forgets to say hello to a colleague or breaks into the corporate cafeteria without a queue. Why is it important to follow the rules of etiquette? And what should be remembered in order not to “wet” business reputation?

    Is it possible or not?

    Well, if the company has a charter, governing the rules of office etiquette. In this case, you can hang a printed version next to the workplace and check daily whether it is acceptable, for example, to lie down imposingly in an armchair in the presence of the boss. However, it's hard to imagine a document listing things you can't, for example, litter, dance samba on the director's desk, and use foul language. Because such things are assumed by default.

    Vladimir Yakuba, senior partner at Tom Hunt, says that knowing the rules of unspoken business etiquette will only play into the hands of any employee, and even more so a business woman. A true professional is distinguished not only by excellent skills and knowledge, but also by decent behavior with colleagues and business partners.

    Determine what is good and what is bad, will help education and a sense of tact. Do not forget - colleagues need to be, if not loved, then at least respected. It's a shame when secretary Lenochka is texting with a friend via ICQ while you are trying to find out from her where an important business contract has gone? Then do not conduct personal conversations on the phone while solving work issues.

    So, what, according to our experts, is absolutely impossible to do in the workplace?

    “Coming to work drunk, stealing food from colleagues, behaving rudely and defiantly is unacceptable in principle. This can simply lead to your dismissal, ”says Elena Khmelevskaya, recruiting consultant for the Recruitment Agency of Unique Specialists.
    "I am convinced that you can’t hang out on social networks on personal matters, play computer games, it’s also indecent for a manager to use obscene language against subordinates,” shared Marina Zyryanova, webinar teacher at the MBA Live Moscow Business School project.

    internal regulations

    How to be and what to remember so as not to be branded as a tactless ignoramus in the team? A few simple rules must be followed.

    Dormitory rules boil down to the fact that you need to clean up after yourself, not shock the audience with an overly defiant appearance and try not to devote colleagues to the details of what you do in your free time.

    "Personal Conversations" telephone calls in the workplace are not entirely appropriate, especially if you work in a large company where the social distance between employees is much higher than in a small team. To discuss personal problems on the phone, it is better to choose a secluded and quiet place where no one will hear you and your conversations will not embarrass anyone, ”recommends Elena Khmelevskaya.
    "Appearance can say a lot about you, so do not neglect the nuances in your suit. Remember: you must look clean and tidy, in this case you will make a favorable impression on your colleagues, clients and business partners,” adds Vladimir Yakuba.

    Basic courtesy rules.

    Rules of non-conflict.

    "Be careful and delicate discussing and expressing their comments and observations on work and personal issues. This is especially true for religion, national and racial affiliation of colleagues and clients - any careless word can provoke a conflict, which in the end will turn against you, ”says Elena Khmelevskaya.
    “Even if you are on good terms with employees try to avoid asking them for a loan. In general, the discussion of money issues is not welcome at the workplace,” sums up Vladimir Yakuba.
    And of course, do not provoke quarrels in the team.- Do not collect gossip about colleagues. It is unacceptable to weave intrigues, shout and be rude to employees. Use one universal rule - treat colleagues the way you want colleagues to treat you.

    Etiquette and reputation

    Some professionals prefer to "stand out" and consider their tactless behavior something like charisma. Being different is great, but preferably after the end of the working day and outside the walls of the company. After all, violation of the norms of corporate etiquette in the office can easily spoil the business reputation - both women and men.

    “You just won't be taken seriously. An employee who violates the principles of etiquette closes career prospects within the company with his incorrect behavior. Do not forget that your behavior, attitude towards customers and colleagues is an indicator of the company's corporate culture, which can affect the image of your employer,” Elena Khmelevskaya is sure.

    Remember, it is important not only to work well, but also to comply with business ethics.
    Vladimir Yakuba argues that compliance with the rules of good manners in the company is a kind of visiting card of a professional. Adhering to the basic provisions of office etiquette, you will establish yourself as a specialist worthy of respect. Isn't this a guarantee of career advancement for a purposeful business woman?!

    The rules of conduct in a team are one of the most important components in any institution. A person who wants to achieve mutual understanding with colleagues and move up the career ladder must strictly observe such rules. Many companies already prescribe requirements for the behavior and appearance of their subordinates. Therefore, when applying for a job, it is worth knowing about them in advance.

    What it is?

    Etiquette in Russia began to be more strictly regulated and introduced everywhere under Peter I. At the beginning of the 18th century, the rules of behavior from the West began to be adopted in our country. For a long time there was a search for a compromise and the introduction of rules suitable for the mentality of our fellow citizens. Over time, etiquette began to be divided into secular, military, religious and official.

    Service etiquette is the rules of conduct in a team, which are expressed in the fulfillment of certain requirements of professional communication in a particular organization. This is the most common definition or concept of business etiquette.


    There are several types of business etiquette.

    • The rules of conduct with customers must be carefully observed. Do not stare at your interlocutor or keep looking into his eyes - this can confuse a person. You can not talk on the phone during negotiations or an important meeting. Shoes and general appearance should be neat and inviting.
    • In the age of information technology it is important to follow the rules of electronic communication. This may be communication by e-mail, the use of various electronic services or communication through various applications on the phone. It is important to fill in all the columns in the email. It is especially important to correctly fill in the field with the heading "Subject". Your letters must always be signed. You need to address people politely and do not forget about the words of greeting. When writing an email, the use of emoticons is allowed.

    When writing an email, the use of emoticons is allowed.

    • office phone call etiquette represents another important aspect of the rules of conduct at work. During the conversation, it is important to monitor your tone and intonations in your voice. It is important to greet the interlocutor and do not forget to introduce yourself. You need to specify not only your name and position, but also the company on behalf of which this call is made. Before starting a conversation, it is worth finding out whether the interlocutor is currently in a dialogue. It is better to immediately go to the point and voice the topic of the conversation. It is unacceptable to eat or drink during the conversation. Using the speakerphone is allowed only with the permission of the interlocutor. At the end of the conversation, be sure to say goodbye.
    • Leader's work etiquette equally important for both men and women. Competent management is impossible without determining the type of management, the mood of the team and its attitude towards subordinates. You need to try to have a conflict-free space in the office.
    • Senior management visit or significant guests is carried out according to a special protocol. Such protocol behavior is clearly regulated. It specifies all acceptable ethical standards, times and meetings with guests.

    What does it include?

    The rules of conduct in a team should be the same for everyone. Each employee must respect his boss and not be hostile to him. The employee must contribute to a positive atmosphere in the team. In the process of relationships between colleagues, controversial situations may arise - you should avoid them or try to smooth out sharp corners.

    Every team has its own rules. They can be fixed in the corporate code, or they can be unspoken. Some institutions prohibit taking documents home or using portable storage devices. The unspoken rules may include mandatory attendance at corporate events and symbolic gifts to colleagues for the holidays. It is important to watch your speech and not discuss others. It is worth carefully choosing topics for conversation and not talking too much about yourself - this is already an aesthetic side in the upbringing and behavior of each individual person.

    The rules for the relationship between the leader and the subordinate are acutely regulated. It is impossible to communicate with the manager and all higher-ranking persons in an overly familiar way or switch to “you”.

    In a new team, you need to learn about the basic rules of behavior - there may be features of the relationship between employees and the manager. Tact must be observed in dealing with colleagues. It is important to know about the presence of a dress code in the company. If it is necessary to leave the workplace, it is worth finding out how this is formalized: is it enough to speak verbally with the manager or is it necessary to write a written statement.

    Office clothing plays an important role in business etiquette. When choosing clothes for work, you need to follow a few rules:

    • do not wear homemade knitwear;
    • women must wear tights or stockings even on hot summer days;
    • girls need to follow the length of the skirts and the color of the clothes;
    • dresses in the office are allowed to wear only the most strict styles.

    It is necessary to have a change of shoes in the office. Hands must always be covered. You need to change clothes daily. If a man or woman wears a suit, then a daily shirt change is important.

    Women should avoid wearing too much jewelry. Preference should be given to one thing, but from precious metals. You can not wear jewelry over knitted and woolen items. Religious symbols are unacceptable to be worn for show. And one of the highlights is perfume. Its complete absence during the day is desirable, especially if there are several people in the office: the smell of eau de toilette can be unpleasant for others, and for some even cause attacks of an allergic reaction.

    Strict adherence to the dress code is carried out mainly in large companies. In some institutions, the ban exists only on jeans. There are institutions where there is no dress code as such. But this does not mean that you should not follow the elementary rules in the selection of your clothes.

    The functions of an employee are clearly spelled out in the job description of each individual employee. It specifies the mode of operation, the rights and duties of the staff. Organization of work in the workplace is essential.

    Important Aspects

    Entering the office, you need to say hello first. This applies to communication with higher-ranking people. Each employee must know the basics of working time planning and be able to allocate their working time and tasks competently. It is important to follow the dress code rules. The workplace is the personification of the employee of the enterprise, which itself will tell everything about its owner, so it must always be kept clean and tidy.

    It is important to comply with all requirements for documents: correctly fill out the official letterhead of the organization, adhere to the corporate font and intervals. A structured and competent speech of an employee is the basis of his further career growth. With the ability to speak beautifully in the future, it will be easy to transfer your thoughts to paper in the form of business letters.

    It is important to be able to accept other people's opinions. Work information should not be discussed outside the office. This can be facilitated by a special order of management on non-disclosure of information.

    In the workplace, you need to work, and not indulge in idleness. A person who performs well and brings income to his institution rises very quickly in his career.

    It is a great success for a person to be able to hear other people. In business, this is a very important quality. In short, this skill helps to make a profitable offer at the right time and save a lot of money.

    When working with a delegation of partners from another country, it is worth remembering the etiquette of this nationality. It is important to learn the art of negotiation. First you need to attract the attention of the interlocutor, and then bring it to a specific result.

    Remarks to a subordinate should be made in private. But public remarks should be left for that moment, if the employee did not understand the first time. The subordinate is obliged to follow the orders of the immediate supervisor, but has the right to express his point of view.

    Personal relations of employees, novels and hatred greatly interfere with the work process - you must try to maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the team. It is important to pay great attention to your gestures and words. It is worth noting that the handshake is the only acceptable tactile contact.

    It is important to learn to control your gestures and facial expressions, because they will say more about you than any words.

    Don't impose. In open space, greet everyone at once, without addressing anyone in particular. Shake outstretched hands, but you don’t need to bypass all men for this purpose. If a woman from a neighboring wing once asked you to help fix a coffee machine that you ended up breaking, and now nods at you with a smile, answer her. If it looks away - do not interfere with avoiding you.

    2. SHARE

    Be generous and selfless. Share chargers, headphones, ideas. Regift unnecessary gifts and treat free alcohol. To a person who always has something pleasant in store, more sympathy.


    In the office, as in the army, the concept of “lost” and not “stolen” works. And yet, the loss of a stapler, flash drive or choker does not give the right to get "lost" on other tables. Even a sip of cognac from other people's stocks must be replenished with a whole bottle of the same drink.


    There is no need to change the whole image every day. Especially if the dress code is detailed in the employment contract. But it is necessary to update the appearance constantly. One fresh shirt is not enough here: the handkerchief in the jacket pocket also needs to be changed.


    Spare the receptors of those around you, already exhausted by anti-freeze vapors, exhaust gases and passive vaping. There are far fewer connoisseurs of selective perfumery than it seems. Therefore, it is better not to add more than to overdo it. By the way, there is nothing wrong with making a remark to the source of an unusual aroma. It won't hurt him, it will only make him better. The main thing in this conversation is to get straight to the point.


    “Employee's clothing must be clean and tidy” - such a clause is in every employment contract. If there are no strict rules, then shorts, sweatshirts and sandals formally meet the requirement of "clean and tidy", but radically diverge from the concept of "appropriateness". No matter how comfortable a tracksuit is, there is a place and a time for everything.


    More specifically, don't get drunk more than the rest. A corporate event is not Las Vegas - what was on it will definitely be picked up by the evil tongues of your office.


    Far from everyone still understands how indecent it has become to disturb people with calls. These Old Believers often include important partners and clients to whom you can’t throw a careless “write on WhatsApp”. It will take longer to explain what it is. They call, of course, exactly at the moment when you walked away for a second, leaving the phone on the table. In this case, always keep your gadget not just on vibration, but in silent mode. The downcast lowing of a vibrating apparatus irritates colleagues no less than the epileptic overflow of a ringing melody.

    9. Gossip wisely

    The temptation to get involved in a fascinating discussion of the weaknesses and shortcomings of one of the colleagues is unusually great. If you can't resist, then at least rinse other people's bones in a balanced and reasoned manner. Try to do this only with trusted colleagues. Know that somewhere near you they are also actively discussing whose son you are and who you sleep with.


    An office romance is a meaningless and unproductive story. Sooner or later it will end, and you still have to share the elevator, the negotiation room and the microwave. Another thing is light flirting with a deeply and happily married employee. In such a configuration, no one will break anyone's life and no one will claim anything.


    A sense of obscenity, like a sense of humor, should be delicate. Thoughtless swearing is chaotic and destructive. It makes less sense than Power Point slides. Feel the moment and the audience. A swear word awkwardly thrown in the wrong direction can cost you the reputation of a decent person, turning you into a tram boor in the eyes of others. And this is not the most advantageous characteristic for a gentleman.

    12. BE ILL AT HOME

    A disheveled man with red eyes and a sniffing nose, who generates not ideas, but bacilli, can cause nothing but irritation. No one will appreciate the feat of a temperature workaholic. And not so much because of the lack of an aesthetic component in your image, but because of the efficiency tending to zero.


    Calmly and with understanding endure this orgy called “The client has returned with new edits” and do not get in with your cry: “Colleagues, remove my address from correspondence!” Everything is on your nerves even without you, and your message, which is not directly related to the case, will please few people. Mistakes happen, but don't force all participants in the correspondence to black out your address from the address bar.


    Needless to say, food particles that get under the keyboard turn it from a working tool into a source of germs, and the smell of cutlets and the sight of a person chewing badly affect the office atmosphere? Yes, you have to. Otherwise, thousands of lunch boxes would be opened daily right at the workplace. Not only will the on-the-job lunch be less digestible, but the attitude towards you will become as cold as your cutlet. It is necessary to change the situation. At least in order to take a break from work and become not only full, but also useful.


    All the most important things happen at the wrong time. Avral, like a bus, appears unexpectedly, one has only to light a cigarette. Nobody dies if you don't react right away, but after a cup of lavender raff, but disappearing from the radar is worse than not calling back.


    Or better yet, tell the real one. Talking about the fact that in the morning you completed the birdhouse with your child, and then ran to donate blood, at the same time distributing things to the poor - while breathing to the side and sipping mineral water - is extremely unpromising. But honesty will be accepted and appreciated.

    17. DON'T VAPE

    Actually, never and nowhere.

    18. STAND UP

    Every office worker should crumple at the table with disposable cups at least once in his life. If on the occasion of your birthday (promotion, marriage, divorce) you do not feed the team with pizza and pies, he will take it as disrespect.


    People often mistake kindness and openness for weakness and spinelessness. The closer you communicate with subordinates, the more often they will break a pipe or a cat will die. At one point, they will simply begin to put you before the fact by text message, in which there will be something like “Hi. I'm from home today." Keep your distance and don't discuss work between toasts and karaoke songs.


    Fighting over the air conditioner remote control and arguing over the angle of the blinds are the cases when it is better to give in. There will always be an allergic person, a chronic person, or just a cretin who will yell from the corner about a congenital intolerance to drafts and a cold sinus.


    It’s stupid to argue smartly that a Facebook profile is a personal space. Avoid deep penetration of colleagues into the bowels of your account. You still have to build a career with them, go to business lunches and suffer at business trainings. Don't let them in on the details of your life.

    22. DON'T SHOW

    It always seems that others get more and work less. People are too envious and unfair to sincerely rejoice with you for a new car, a beautiful watch or a model girl. Save all this luxury for the parallel life that begins after the office. At work, modesty or even austerity is more adornment than a gold watch on the wrist and four-wheel drive in the parking lot.


    Sluts don't inspire confidence. Heaps of crap on and around the table is not a creative mess. It's just heaps of crap. Cashew bags, confetti, an empty bag and last year's newspaper will not help in creativity. No matter how talented an employee you are, cleanliness as an additional option will not hurt the image. Not like this flower pot, which takes up half a table.


    Never feel sorry for yourself. Even if you are so saturated with the corporate spirit that you occasionally have a company logo on your ankle, you do not think about such a thing as CAPEX (capital expenses of your company). A computer, a printer, a copier, a fax (are you kidding? Do you have a fax?! You really do have one!) - all this is taken for granted, and handling this technique does not seem to require too much delicacy. This is not so - because any breakdown can damage the work. Try not to push through the scanner glass when you sit on it in order to print out on paper and fax (you have it!) The answer to the claims of an annoying partner.

    Good relations with colleagues, a pleasant working atmosphere and the location of superiors imply quick and easy career advancement. And all these components depend on your behavior: are you familiar with such a concept as office etiquette, without knowing which work may soon end with a transfer or, worse, a dismissal? These are the basic rules of conduct in a team, which are recommended for those who plan to link their future with this work. By showing colleagues and superiors that you own them, you will earn authority and respect, which will become another step in your business. What rules are we talking about?

    You will be interested to read:

    Office Etiquette: The Dangers of Telephone Communication

    Office work involves a lot of phone calls. However, not everyone is familiar with the rules of etiquette governing telephone communication in the workplace. They depend on the purpose of the phone on which you have to communicate during business hours.

    1. Office phone

    If phone calls are paid by the company and directed purely to resolve business matters (it does not matter at all whether you are talking on a mobile or landline), a good employee should understand the basics of the correct use of such a phone:

    - never solve your personal problems on the office phone;

    - try to pick up the phone no later than the fourth ring, otherwise the caller may simply not wait for your answer;

    - the person who called ends the telephone conversation;

    - the interrupted call must be resumed (called back) by the one who called first the previous time;

    - if they call, and you have a visitor at this time, pick up the phone and say that you will call back a little later; if the question does not require delay, apologize to the interlocutor and only then continue the conversation.

    If office etiquette in terms of the office phone is systematically violated, this can lead to a whole cascade of troubles: irritation of colleagues or displeasure of superiors.

    2. "Two in one"

    If a company pays part of your mobile bills, assuming that you will also conduct business conversations from it, it is very important not to lose such trust:

    — during the working day do not call on personal matters (except for especially important cases);

    - after the working day, do not abuse the trust of the company and unnecessarily do not solve work matters by phone.

    If you treat your personal-office phone responsibly, you can soon earn full payment of bills from your superiors.

    3. Personal phone

    The most unpleasant moments at work are associated with a personal phone, in relation to which office etiquette is indisputable and does not tolerate violations:

    - during the working day, your personal mobile must be in the "vibro" mode;

    - be used only for the most important, urgent conversations;

    - when talking, it is better to retire so that no one hears (or sees) you;

    - always carry your personal phone with you, do not leave it on the table in your office - this can annoy your colleagues.

    Office etiquette: a few key points

    Real office etiquette is a science that needs to be comprehended for a long time and carefully. At work, there will always be moments when you need this elementary, but such necessary knowledge. A good employee should know that:

    - at the workplace (on the table, shelves, in the office as a whole) there should be things that are needed at work, and not a personal mobile phone, comb or mirror;

    - looking into other people's records and someone else's monitor is a sign of bad taste, even if your colleague is currently sitting in Odnoklassniki;

    - you can’t talk with colleagues (even if your best friends are among them) on personal topics: office etiquette allocates a break or after hours for this;

    - you should not discuss any of the employees, and even more so - the bosses;

    - being late is unacceptable: you need to be in your place about 10 minutes (or even earlier) before the start of the working day;

    - you should not flirt with your pretty colleagues - harmless flirting can then turn against you in the form of unsightly rumors and the "tarnished" authority of the womanizer;

    You can only take time off from work in the most exceptional cases.

    At first glance, office etiquette may seem easy and laid-back, but in practice it requires skill and constant practice. But the results will also be visible immediately: the attitude of the people around you at work will noticeably change for the better.