Hello my heart friend whose words. Forgotten and unknown

  • 29.10.2019

You are sad friend of the heart because
That the heart remembers that distant Star,
Where did you live many many years ago...
Free, strong, proud, everything was happy there ...

Your pure soul trembles...
It's time to say it's time for you to go there again ...
And there are no limits for your soul
She has long known magical worlds ...

So hurry, living here on Earth,
Learn more about the mysterious Star...
And bringing here her gifts,
Help people get out of the WORLD of darkness!

Dear friend, you have been sick for a long time,
But I couldn't save you!
Death is stronger than me.
Forgive me, I beg you!

You have always protected me!
I will never forget
How you growled at the evil dogs,
Attacking us from the bushes.

Though you were small in stature,
You could protect me
From cruel hungry wolves,
From criminals and from thieves!

The children grew up with you.
We all lived as one family!
You were always obedient
Though I scolded you sometimes!

And now my soul hurts
Like conscience...

heart rhythms,
And summer storms.
linden blossom,
Rose bloom.

And the rising sun
The mood grew.
Singing about life
Zeal on the street.

carried by the wind,
And walk and run
And with faith and God,
Mysterious shore.

pensive often,
Captured forever
Beautiful fairy tale,
Nice speeches.

And in vain is salvation
That there is nowhere to hide.
To you, only movement,
How could I fall in love.

In the crimson sunset
But, you're afraid to go out.
blessed dope,
Again, at night you dream.


Another life -
Only a month, two, six months.
Let another life fill the soul.
Everything is fine,
But why is nature
Rain predicts my life sadness?
The last kiss with the departure of summer
Cooled down. Now it's cold as ice.
He wiped off his lips - a sad omen
And the heart no longer waits for warmth.
Another life -
Other thoughts, fates, people.
I really need this for
To understand that life will be different,
Nothing from the past is needed.

A friend ceases to be a friend.
Everything is still moving in circles
And congratulations on New Year
We are still in a hurry to send to each other.
We are also looking for mutual meetings.
But in a conversation suddenly - lengths.
And speech, you see, is no longer speech -
Diplomatic notes.
When with me another takes a risk
To blaspheme him - with an open soul,
Having crushed the alienation raid,
I'm still on the defensive.
But in silence, alone
With myself and my conscience,
Direct question: “Is he my friend?” -
I don't dare to ask myself.

We lost each other with you, we are looking for lies in each other ...
Then why swore an oath eternal faithful love?...
After all, we stood in the church then, we were betrothed by God ...
Or maybe it does not exist? And all about Love-mirages?
You say that life is a mystery, I will answer that it is a fact.
And I know the path to the solution is full of high obstacles.
That's just possible to the riddle, try to find the answer .. And you ..
You just left, left..
And you are not with me .. Tears are shed from pain ...
From the pain of the wound in the soul ..
I remember those scarlet roses...
in love...

without each other we get everything
In our life difficult dispute.
You have all yours, I have all mine,
And their smiles, and grief.

We are wise: we have found a way out in conflicts
And, without regretting yesterday,
Suddenly they decided and went a new way,
You went your way, I went mine.

Everything is free now: both business and life,
And good people meet.
Without each other, we get everything
Only happiness does not work ...

My friend, I'm sick, damn sick -
Sadness in my heart:
I hit the glass of my own free will ...
Blood does not flow from the temple!

My friend, not eternal, our path is not eternal ...
Only the feast of the Gods is eternal:
Odd, odd falls again,
So this is the outcome!

My friend, I'm scared, I'm very scared
See in your eyes
The shape of a demon with a naked saber,
With a bad book in hand.

My friend, not eternal, my path is not eternal -
There is only anger in my heart
I will decorate the evening with action,
Scarlet in color "bone".

Without a well-thought-out (as a writer should do, since I seriously decided to become one one day, but this is unlikely to happen!) The plot, I begin my ridiculous story. Ridiculous not because it is filled with all sorts of fiction and vulgarity. Not at all. It is simply impossible to describe these actions differently. In the end, which of the reasonable and sane people will write from the bulldozer? Of course ( keyword"mind"!), no one. And I - forgive me, my dear readers - nevertheless let my thoughtlessness, ardor and naivety scrape together here a small, with a strained letter, artistic letter. Well, let's go! The dream is calling!

So, it doesn’t fit in someone’s head, what should I listen to, let alone blind my eyes for the sake of a young upstart who, having read the classics or inspiring articles in a magazine, is now striving to really win the sympathy of her failed - I’m sure that she is - a book? It is better to throw this reading aside and not waste time in vain!

Stop, reader bad mood! And yet, you are too emotional and in vain succumb to stupid beliefs and prejudices. I know that, perhaps, my style is boring for you, grandiloquent, but be kind enough to throw out insults from the heart and try to understand the course of my thoughts.

I have been waiting too long for this hour when I can dare to stand before the face of the reader and, what is more terrible, speak to him. Something I chopped off from Chernyshevsky, his manner of conducting conversations with the public, but the rest ... all my unlimited imagination. I repeat not for the stupid: I have waited too long for this hour and wanted to completely translate my plans into reality. My dream was to give people their faith in goodness, mercy and, of course, love. But I knew that at the time of nostalgic autumn, they would rather throw me pumpkins and all sorts of figurines of witches, and now is the time for me to fully believe that I have the strength.

"So the snowy time has come; This winter evening - everyone is waiting for good. Happiness is in every home. The holiday is coming to us," the Christmas tree sings, but I, from excitement and a future fairy tale, shudder, sincerely believing that the magical time is already decently pokes his snow-covered finger at our window. Then winter came, so she wrapped someone in fluffy snow, showered discreet earth with it, lay flat on the surface of the same unremarkable five-, -nine-story houses, and completely, not wanting to prove anything to anyone else, fell asleep. What should I do? Will I give myself up to bad feelings and never feel the taste of magic? You won't see much in life without a dreamy heart... Well, don't go crazy for me trigonometric functions eventually? That's why I tell you, dear reader, that I need to lead some to their dream, to make these some catch the magic of the holiday. I've waited too long for this hour.

Love me if you neglect me. Think well of me if illogical thoughts come into your head, that is, such thoughts without which we would stop throwing ourselves into drama. But the main thing is to love each other, because it is with love for everything around that a fairy tale begins, but don’t leave me: I care a lot about you.

But my friend has not yet come!

What is the heart with you?

What are you whining about again?

Ah! Know what's up with the moon

I can't wait for a friend!

Already in the sky the moon has risen high,

And my friend of the heart is still far away!

Everyone is full of fun

I'm bored alone!

Ah! Slow down the flow

Golden moon!

But in the sky the moon went out long ago,

But my friend is still not with me!

M.S. Lisitsina

K' S. S. T - oh

(Seraphim Thermal)

In you alone, my priceless friend,

All happiness, all my joy!

Be my constant keeper

Don't leave me, my friend!

You know all my suffering

You know what I endured

Do not deceive the hope

Don't leave me, my friend!

Fate stripped me of everything

The dawn of my days has gone out;

My grave is close to me

Don't you leave me.

Like grass with fresh dew

Takes life back into itself,

So I live with you

Don't you leave me.

Where there are many feelings, there are not many words!

And can I assure you?

You know everything - but for God's sake

Don't leave me, my friend!

M.S. Lisitsina

To poverty

With you there is no boring day for me,

You are the happiness of my life!

You opened the way for me to the mystery

Find fun in work!

You endowed a share of sweet

Live away from the noise of the world!

I don't know the sting of envy

You are a faithful shield to me from him;

I fall asleep with my heart in the world

Under the shadow of your roof!

It won’t touch me in the monastery

Cunning cunning people:

It shoots like an arrow

To the halls of the lush rich!

Greed runs from a wretched hut,

In it are people with one conscience

And unless, unless rich

Sometimes a playful dream!

O poverty! My unchanging friend!

With you there is no boring day for me.

Dearer than all the riches of the universe,

You are the happiness of my life!

P.A. Vyazemsky

(Anna Ivanovna Gotovtseva)

The fragrance of the soul

And beauty like a rose,

And without poetry, and in prose,

You are truly good.

But it was not enough for you to worry

We have inspiring dreams:

You wanted to multiply them

Gifts of a happy spring.

you wanted to reconcile

Essentiality with imagination;

For inspiration inspiration

Pay for a song with songs.

Given to a rare poet

To be a poetic person:

In the living room looks September,

Who is the sorcerer in the office.

But in you, the favorite of sciences,

Fresh color is inseparable from the fruit:

Consonant with your smile

And yours is silent, pure sound of the heart.

A.I. Gotovtseva

(dedicated to Yu.N. Bartenev)

In obscure silence, forgotten by the whole world, I do not want praise, nor glory to be a poet; But I strive to earn your favorable gaze, And remembering your gentle and subtle reproach, I celebrate carelessness and lyre's deep sleep I want to interrupt - with a cruel fantasy.

My forgotten genius disappeared in embarrassment; But your invocative voice gave him a new life. And who, listening to you, in a fit of ecstasy, To the good, to the graceful, did not feel aspirations? I remember the charms of these captivating conversations, When, forgetting feasts, fun, noisy light, I rested my soul in the temple of wisdom And replaced high emptiness in my heart; Hello, yours lit up my inexperienced mind, Put in order the chaos of immature thoughts And, decorating the path with flowers with difficulties,

Taught and on earth to taste the bliss of paradise!

Will I forget these minutes of holy silence,

When legends fly, gray-haired antiquity

You conveyed to my ears - to my soul

And a new brilliance was given to Karamzin's pen;

Exameter Gnedich on the heart is not extinguished

You touched the mind, enchanted the ear,

And Andromache's groan and Achilles' fury

The soul of the reader shared with Homer.

Russian poets, oh the glory of our days!

Do not be destroyed from my memory:

I felt feelings, I replaced a dream with a dream,

When the tongue of the gods listened from the mouth of the golden ones.

And you! ... But with sadness I turn my eyes away

From the fallen angels: their genius reproach them;

Their glory, flashing like a dirty comet,

She eclipsed the brilliance of the stars - and died for the light! ...

K.K. Pavlova To you now I turn my thoughts,

Sinless, even sad, - to you!

I esus my soul to a distant land

And to a fate alienated to me for a long time.

So many years have passed - and the days of adversity,

And joy met days more than once;

So many years - and more than years,

Events have changed us.

This is not how we parted with you!

We parted - do you remember, poet?

And happiness was a gift offered by fate;

Yes, maybe, but maybe - and no!

G.R. Derzhavin

Offering to the Monarch

That the bold hand of poetry wrote, Like God, truth, Felitsa in the flesh And your virtues depicted I dare to bring to your throne. Not according to the dignity of the most elegant style, But according to the zeal of my soul for you, As a pure sacrifice, burnt for God, You accept it and in your meekness Accept it and sanctify it with your good will And be my cover and shield for my muse, As you were and are you from slander salvation, Pass through the darkness of centuries and become among the descendants, Do not be afraid of their judgment, broadcast your praise! And the greedy worm, when, in the midst of grave debris, The rest will gnaw the dust of my bones, The last family of Bagrim will be forgotten in me, No one will visit my house grown in the green, But - the lyre where mine, in the dust, will only be visible, And its ancient strings where the voice thunders Under your name, she will be loud, You are the glory - I will live with your echo. The universe will not forget the heroes and singers. I will be in the grave, but I will speak!

G.R. Derzhavin

On perishability

The river of time in its striving

Carry away all the affairs of people

And drown in the abyss of oblivion

Peoples, kingdoms and kings.

And if anything remains

Through the sounds of the lyre and trumpet,

That eternity will be devoured by the mouth

And the common fate will not leave ...

(Here are two more lines to parse

impossible )

These lines are written by G.R. Derzhavin on a slate on July 6, 1816, three days before his death, which followed on June 9; looking at the famous historical map of that time, called "The River of Time"

Petr Buslaev

From the poem

"Psychic speculation, described

poems about resettlement in eternal

Life of the Excellency Baroness

Maria Yakovlevna Strogonova

Then he appeared red, more than a man, Domineeringly shining, like God could not be otherwise: In the light, insatiable to the eyes, he was dressed red, It was sweet to see! and terribly joyful! His body is all in blood, as if from agony recently: His arms and legs were pierced, and his side was clearly visible. However, this did not take away the glory, But divine love for mortals showed in him: His eyes showed mercy, his faces were all joy, He was all desire, all sweetness was pleasant. Surrounding it stood heavenly powers, Bright faces of property, and electric wings: From impregnable glory they closed themselves. "To Mary Christ has come" marvelously sang. Then a beautiful maiden soon appeared, The forces cried out: "The heavenly queen has come." She is clothed all in the sun, the moon is under her feet, On her head is a royal crown with stars; Husbands, wives and maidens entered many according to their rank; It was terrible for us sinners to discuss the reason. All shine in the glory, honor and beauty of heaven. The spiritual mind saw that: the bodily spirit was blind. Flamingly visible were the powers of the cross of Christ, The crown of thorns and the snake with which they tied Christ, Canes, spears and nails, instruments of passion, From which the elements of light trembled.

A.P. Sumarokov

Ellegy to Mr. Dmitrievsky on the death of Mr. Volkov

Shed a stream with me, O Melpomene, tearful: Cry and weep and ruffle your hair! My friend has passed away; sorry my dear friend! Volkov's clock has stopped forever! My whole spirit is restless, melancholy torments me, Pegasus' spring freezes in front of me. Rasinov, I showed the theater, O Russians, to you; Goddess! I have built a splendid temple for you; This temple will now be transported into oblivion, And its foundation is already shaking. This is the fruit of my sense and care; All the centuries diligence and labors! What, Dmitrievsky, shall we begin with this fate now? Our Volkov parted with me and with you And with the muses forever; look at his coffin: Mourn, mourn with me your friend Who, like us, posterity will not forget; Break the dagger; there will be no koturna; Say goodbye to those rejected from the drama and from us: Say goodbye to Volkov for the last time, In the last game you said goodbye to him, And say, as then Oskold was informed, Having let out bitter streams from vague eyes today: Humans are subject to so many sorrows; Forgive me, dear friend, forgive me, my friend, forever.