How to highlight text using the keyboard? Ways to select all text and its parts on the keyboard. Keyboard shortcuts - assigning various combinations How to select everything without a mouse

  • 23.03.2022

Sometimes it happens that you have to work with text in any of the editors using only the keyboard. Let's say the mouse is broken, and you need to print the document immediately, there is no time to go to the store. In addition, in hotel situations, you can perform any actions using the keyboard much faster. No wonder the manufacturers of many programs add to them the function of the so-called hot keys. In this article, we will look at how to select text using the keyboard, as well as generally ways to work on a computer without using a mouse.

Highlighting a test using a keyboard on a laptop

In the event that you use a laptop or netbook for work, you can select text using the keys in the following ways:

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the fragment that needs to be selected. You can do this by sliding your finger across the TouchPad. Next, you need to hold down the Shift key and move the cursor to the end of the fragment.
  2. You can also place the cursor at the beginning of the text by holding down the left button on the TouchPad and move it to the end of the passage.

How to highlight text using the keyboard while working on a PC

If you work on a computer, selecting text without using the mouse is also easy. To do this, you need to move the cursor to the beginning of the fragment, using the arrows. Next, hold down the Shift key. Without releasing it, select the text using the same arrows. In this case, when you click on "right" or "left", the selection area will move one character in the corresponding direction, when you click "down" or "up" - on the line. To select one word, place the cursor in front of it and use the combination Ctrl + Shift + right arrow.

How to highlight paragraphs

To select a paragraph above the cursor, use the combination Ctrl + Shift + up arrow. The paragraph after that will be selected to the very beginning, regardless of where the cursor is, at its end or somewhere in the middle. To select a paragraph to the end, you need to press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + down arrow.

How to highlight pages and all text at once

In order to select the entire page at once, you need to use the Shift + pgUp combinations if the cursor is at the bottom of it. If it is located at the top of the page, you should use the Shift + pgDown combination.

Now look at the keyboard right away. It is very easy to do this. You need to press Ctrl+A. Further, everything printed can be deleted, centered, copied to, or some other similar action can be performed. How to do this without using the mouse, see below.

From the current cursor position, you can select text up to the very beginning of the document by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Home. To the very end - Ctrl+Shift+End.


How to select text using the keyboard, you now know. This is done elementarily. Fragments are usually selected either to be deleted or to be moved to another part of the text. In the first case, you just need to press the Del key, to copy the fragment - Ctrl + C. To paste it in the required place (it doesn’t matter, in the same editor or in another), you should use the Ctrl + V combination. You can cut a piece of text with Ctrl+X.

How to navigate the editor menu without a mouse

So, we have figured out how to select text using the keyboard if the mouse is broken. But how do you work with the editor menu? With a laptop, everything is simple. In this case, the same convenient TouchPad will help. On the computer, you will have to use certain Which ones, let's look at the example of the well-known Word program.

How to launch Word and change the position of the window on the monitor

Selecting text is not the only task that can be accomplished using only the keyboard. You can launch the editor from the desktop by simply moving between the shortcuts with the arrows. The same applies to opening a program from the Start menu. It is displayed after pressing the flag icon on the keyboard. The menu will also open when using Ctrl+Esc.

In order to minimize the editor window, you should press the combination Alt + space and in the drop-down menu, use the up or down arrows to select the item "Minimize". To move the program, click on the "Move" line. After that, the arrows can be used to move the editor window to any place on the monitor. In order to close the menu that appears after pressing the Alt + spacebar combination, you just need to press the Esc key.

How to open a file or create a new document

For those who often work with the Word editor, it will be useful to know not only how to select part of the text or all of it without using the mouse, but also how to open a file or create a new document. In the first case, you should use the combination Ctrl + O. After that, the explorer will open, in which you can find the necessary file. To move around the explorer, use the Tab key (move around from folders to the files in them, the “Open” button, the “Cancel” button, etc.) and the arrows. To create a new document, press Ctrl+N.

How to change the appearance of text without using the mouse

Sometimes the question of how to highlight text on the keyboard arises for users due to the fact that it needs to be made bold, underlined, etc. In this case, you can also apply keyboard shortcuts. Ctrl+I changes the selection to italics. Use Ctrl+B to make text bold, and use Ctrl+U to underline it.

See the table for some other popular keyboard shortcuts.

Font increase

Right alignment

Font reduction

Ctrl+equal sign

Transfer to index (lower)

Aligning a fragment to the left edge of the sheet

Ctrl+Shift+ plus sign

Transfer to index (upper)

Center text alignment


Undo last action

In order to remove the formatting of the selected fragment, you need to press Ctrl + space.

How to copy formatting

In the Word program, using the keyboard, you can, among other things, copy the formatting done. To do this, select a fragment with the desired design and press Ctrl + Shift + C. To apply formatting, you need to select the area to be changed and combine Ctrl + Shift + V.

Navigating text without a mouse

To go to the very beginning of a document, no matter what size it is, use the Ctrl+Home combination. You can move to the end of the typed text using the Ctrl+End shortcut. Arrows are used to move through the lines in the horizontal or vertical direction.

How to navigate the table without using the mouse

To move to the next cell in a table row, press Tab. You can move to the previous cell using the Shift+Tab combination. If necessary, using hot keys, you can quickly get to the last (Alt + End), as well as the first cell (Alt + Home). In a column, you go to the first cell by using the combination Alt + Page Up, to the very last cell - Alt + Page Down. You can go to the lines adjacent to the top and bottom using the usual arrows. You can move the text along with the line up or down by using the combination Alt + Shift + down arrow or the same keys and the up arrow.

Vertical block of text: selection

Selecting text using the keyboard in the Word program is also possible in a vertical position. In order to execute it this way, you must press Ctrl + Shift + F8, then limit the block with arrows. Now the letters in the selection can be made bold, italicized, underlined, etc. You can also highlight the block with a color or change the color of the letters themselves. True, copying this section of text will not work.

How to save the typed text and exit the program

To save the printed document on your computer, press Ctrl+S. To print the file, you need to use the combination Ctrl + P. You can navigate within the displayed dialog box using the Tab key and arrows. To close the document, press Ctrl+W. You can also stop Word with the Ctrl + F4 combination.

Thus, we have figured out how to select the entire text using the keyboard, its individual parts horizontally or vertically. As you can see, this is not at all difficult to do. So, if your mouse breaks, you can now easily print the document you have started.

It is often necessary to select all text in a browser window, text editor or other application: for example, to copy it into a text document or paste it into an email and send it to someone, or vice versa, to delete it from a file and start writing all over again. In this article, we will talk about the main ways to select text that work in almost all applications, whether it is a word processor, browser, or messaging program.

Keyboard selection

Perhaps the easiest way to select all text at once is to use a special keyboard shortcut that works in any program. Just press the Latin [A] (aka Russian [F]) on the keyboard at the same time. By the way, the text selected in this way can be very easily copied without even taking your hands off the keyboard - just press and [C] at the same time. And if you want to delete the selected text from the file, the key will help you.

Mouse Selection

If the passage is small, you can also select it with the mouse - just place the cursor at the beginning of the text, press the left mouse button and, holding it, scroll the page to the end with the wheel. However, this is not suitable for long multi-page texts - it will take a very long time to flip through. In this case, it is easier and faster to select all the text with the keyboard. By the way, in some applications, in particular, in browsers, Windows Notepad, Skype and some other instant messengers, there is another way to select all text with the mouse - press the right button and find the "Select All" item in the menu that appears. In the same way, you can then copy the selected text - right-click on it and select the "Copy" command.

Selection via menu

In most programs, one way or another designed to work with text, the selection option is also in the "Edit" menu. Open it and find the "Select All" item. By the way, often next to the command in the menu they also write a key combination that can be used to quickly execute it. So if you suddenly forgot which keys to use to select all the text, open the "Edit" menu and pay attention - there will probably be a hint there.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog! I will not be mistaken if I say that many ordinary users, when sitting at a computer, never use Hotkeys. Most control their computer by manipulating the mouse. Even many of my friends, to whom I showed some key combinations for the speed and convenience of working at a computer, did not immediately understand what was the point of using them.

The force of habit does not allow many to give up what they are used to. That's the way man is. But, having tried several times to perform this or that operation on the computer, using keyboard shortcuts, after a while, many begin to use them automatically. I hope that the following recommendations on using the keys on the keyboard will be useful to someone and make it easier to stay at the computer.

Keyboard shortcut.

Hotkeys allow users to optimize their work on the computer and not interrupt the creative process for any nonsense. Using standard keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly execute the necessary commands (undo an action, copy and paste text, take a screenshot of the screen, switch the language, and even turn off the computer) without being distracted or even looking at the keyboard. By the way, Windows hotkeys are valid in almost all applications of this operating system. It doesn't matter if you're running Windows 7 or Windows XP. I will give a simple example of how the undo hotkeys "Ctrl" + "Z" work. To undo the last action, press the left key "Ctrl" and, holding it, press the English key "Z". If you want to undo multiple actions, press the "Z" key several times. Moreover, it does not matter what language you have enabled. Most often keyboard shortcuts work the same way in Russian and in English layout.

Keys on the keyboard for searching.

It is very convenient to use the search keys "Ctrl" + "F". They allow you to quickly find a phrase in a document, and work with text is greatly simplified. By the way, search keys can also be used on site pages. When you press "Ctrl" + "F", a small box will appear in the top right in Google Chrome (top left in Opera, bottom left in Mazilla) where you can enter the word or phrase you want to search for on the page. If such a word is on the page, it will be highlighted in your browser in yellow or orange. The same line will contain the number of words found on the page, as well as arrows that allow you to quickly move to the next option. Just don't confuse hot keys search with site search. They only work on the page that is open in your browser.

How to highlight text using the keyboard.

Keyboard shortcuts are also used to select text. For example, if the text document is very large and needs to be fully selected, use mouse cursor not very convenient. It's much easier to press "Ctrl" + "A" and all the text will be selected. To select a piece of text from the cursor to the left or right, press the "Shift" key and, while holding it, press the "←" and "→" arrows. Each time you press the arrow, the next letter will be highlighted. True, it takes a long time to highlight the text in this way, but it can come in handy. And to select text from the cursor to the beginning or to the end of the line, you can use the combinations "Shift" + "Home" and "Shift" + "End". In the same way, you can select text from the cursor in whole lines, up or down. To do this, place the cursor in the right place, press the "Shift" key and, while holding it, use the "" and "↓" arrows. By the way, pressing the opposite arrow removes the selection. To remove the selection, you can click anywhere in the open document. In some applications, you can deselect using the "Ctrl" + "D" keys, but they do not work everywhere. For example, the virtual keyboard does not respond to this particular combination.

How to copy text using the keyboard.

Many are also interested what keys to copy in different applications. To do this, use the combination "Ctrl" + "C". The keys work in the same way in text documents, in graphic editors and in other programs. It is enough to select the desired fragment with the cursor and copy with the keys. Moreover, these keyboard keys are used to copy some files. But there is one caveat. If you want to copy text published on some site, you may not be able to. This is the copy protection of the text that the owner of the resource has set. About, how to copy non-copyable text from such sites, is described in more detail in another material.

How to paste text using the keyboard.

To paste text from the clipboard, you can press the hotkeys "Ctrl" + "V". They also work in different applications. you can use insert hotkeys in text documents or when copying a file. It is especially convenient to use them to insert a large number of identical objects (for example, characters that you want to use many times in a document).

How to switch the keyboard to English.

We switch the keyboard from Russian to English and vice versa a hundred times a day without even noticing it. Most often we use language switcher RU / EN, which is located at the bottom of the screen, on the right, on the taskbar. But it is much more convenient to do this using the Alt + Shift key combination. Over time, you start using these keys automatically. You just keep typing on the keyboard and don't think about how to switch to english and back.

How to restart your computer using the keyboard.

There is another key combination that you need to know. If the computer freezes and does not respond to your actions, press the "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "Del" keys at the same time. The Task Manager window will open, listing all the applications you have running. If you see the status “Not working” opposite any of them, click on the “End task” button.

If the mouse does not work, use the "Tab" key to select. When the End Task button is highlighted, press Enter. You also need to know what keys you can log out of the system if your mouse is broken. So to reload quickly or at all turn off computer, press the Windows key. It is located at the bottom, on both sides of the keyboard, it shows the logo of this operating system. When the main menu window appears, press the "↓" key until the "Shutdown" button is highlighted. Press "Enter", the standard window "Turn off the computer" will appear. Use the keys "←" and "→" to select the command "Shutdown" or "Reboot" and press "Enter". To cancel this action and return to the system, press "Esc".

Of course, there are other options for keyboard shortcuts to perform various operations on the computer. But in this note, I shared the most common ones that I use all the time myself and recommend to you, my readers. I wish you all good luck! See you soon on the blog pages!

Good day.

Have you ever wondered why different users spend different time on the same operations in Windows? And the point here is not the speed of possession of the mouse - just some use the so-called Hotkeys(replacing several mouse actions), while others, on the contrary, do everything with the mouse (edit / copy, edit / paste, etc.).

Many users do not attach importance to keyboard shortcuts (note: several keys pressed simultaneously on the keyboard) meanwhile, with their use - the speed of work can be increased at times! In general, there are hundreds of different keyboard shortcuts in Windows, it makes no sense to memorize and consider all of them, but I will give the most convenient and necessary ones in this article. I recommend to use!

Note: In the various key combinations below, you will see a "+" sign - you do not need to press it. Plus in this case indicates that the keys must be pressed at the same time! The most useful hotkeys are marked in green.

Keyboard shortcuts with ALT:

  • Alt + Tab or Alt + Shift + Tab- window switching, i.e. make the next window active;
  • ALT+D- selection of text in the address bar of the browser (usually, then the combination Ctrl + C is used - copy the selected text);
  • Alt+Enter- see "Properties of the object";
  • Alt+F4- close the window you are currently working with;
  • Alt+Space(Space is the spacebar) - call the window system menu;
  • Alt + PrtScr- take a screenshot of the active window.

Keyboard shortcuts with Shift:

  • Shift + LMB(LMB = left mouse button) - selection of several files or a piece of text (just hold down the shift, put the cursor in the right place and move the mouse - the files or part of the text will be selected. Very convenient!);
  • Shift+Ctrl+Home- select to the beginning of the text (from the cursor);
  • Shift+Ctrl+End- select to the end of the text (from the cursor);
  • Shift button pressed- blocking CD-ROM autorun, the button must be held while the drive reads the inserted disc;
  • Shift+Delete- deleting a file bypassing the trash (be careful with this :));
  • Shift + ←- text selection;
  • Shift + ↓- text selection (to select text, files - the Shift button can be combined with any arrows on the keyboard).

Keyboard shortcuts with Ctrl:

  • Ctrl + LMB(LMB = left mouse button) - selection of individual files, individual pieces of text;
  • Ctrl+A- select the entire document, all files, in general, everything that is on the screen;
  • ctrl+c- copy the selected text or files (similar to the edit / copy explorer);
  • Ctrl+V- paste copied files, text (similar to the edit/paste explorer);
  • Ctrl + X- cut the selected piece of text or selected files;
  • ctrl+s- save the document;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete (or Ctrl + Shift + Esc) - opening the "Task Manager" (for example, if you want to close an "unclosed" application or see which application loads the processor);
  • Ctrl + Z- cancel the operation (if, for example, you accidentally deleted a piece of text - just press this combination. In applications that do not have this option in the menu - mail and always support it);
  • ctrl+y- cancel operation Ctrl + Z;
  • Ctrl + Esc- opening/closing the Start menu;
  • Ctrl+W- close the tab in the browser;
  • ctrl+t- open a new tab in the browser;
  • Ctrl + N- open a new window in the browser (if it works in any other program, a new document will be created);
  • Ctrl+Tab- moving through the tabs of the browser / program;
  • Ctrl+Shift+Tab- reverse operation from Ctrl + Tab;
  • ctrl+r- updating the page in the browser, or the program window;
  • ctrl+backspace- deleting a word in the text (deletes from the left);
  • ctrl+delete- deleting a word (deletes on the right);
  • Ctrl+Home- moving the cursor to the beginning of the text/window;
  • Ctrl+End- moving the cursor to the end of the text/window;
  • ctrl+f- search in the browser;
  • ctrl+d- add the page to favorites (in the browser);
  • Ctrl+I- show the favorites bar in the browser;
  • ctrl+h- browsing log in the browser;
  • Ctrl + mouse wheel up/down - increase or decrease the size of elements on the browser/window page.

Keyboard shortcuts with Win:

  • Win+D- minimizing all windows, the desktop will be shown;
  • Win+E- opening "My Computer" (Explorer);
  • Win+R- opening the "Run ..." window, very useful for launching some programs (more about the list of commands here: )
  • Win+F- opening a search window;
  • Win+F1- opening a help window in Windows;
  • Win+L- blocking the computer (useful when you need to move away from the computer, and other people can come up nearby and see your files, work);
  • Win+U- Open accessibility center (e.g. magnifier, keyboard);
  • Win+Tab- switching between applications in the taskbar.

A few other useful buttons:

  • PrtScr- take a screenshot of the entire screen (everything that you see on the screen will be buffered. To get a screenshot - open Paint and paste the image there: Ctrl + V buttons);
  • F1- help, user guide (works in most programs);
  • F2- renaming the selected file;
  • F5- updating the window (for example, tabs in the browser);
  • F11- full screen mode;
  • Del- remove the selected object to the trash;
  • Win- open the START menu;
  • Tab- activates another element, moving to another tab;
  • Esc- closing dialog boxes, exiting the program.


Actually, that's all I have. I recommend the most useful keys, marked in green, to remember and use everywhere, in any programs. Thanks to this, you will not notice how you will work faster and more efficiently!

By the way, the listed combinations work in all popular Windows: 7, 8, 10 (most of them also in XP). Thanks in advance for additions to the article. Good luck to all!

In the last article, we looked at keyboard shortcuts for quickly and conveniently moving the cursor through text. Here there is a place to tell about how to select any parts of the text and fragments of any configuration.

What is text selection.

I think you have already noticed the general concept and logic that can be traced in the use of "hot keys" when working with text. Thanks to this, combinations and their corresponding actions are very easy to remember. If you understand the logic of moving through the text using the keyboard, then it will not be difficult to master the techniques for selecting text and its fragments.

So what is selection? Text selection is an operation that allows you to select a piece of text for further work with it - copy, cut, delete, move. The size of such a fragment is not limited in any way - it can be either the selection of one character, word, line, page, or the entire document.

I assume you already know what it is. But I'll tell you anyway. Highlighting is typically displayed as coloring the selection of text in a different color, usually in full contrast to the normal current background and text colors. Since the classic color scheme is most often used - black text on a white background, then when highlighting, the colors are inverted - black (or blue) background and white text.

Selecting text with the mouse

Most often, users use the mouse to select text. Selecting text with the mouse can be indispensable where you need to select non-editable text, such as on a web page.

To select text with the mouse, you need to hold down the left button and move the cursor over the text fragment that you want to select. It may be the only way you use. But the fact is that this method is not the only and not always the most effective, especially when you work with editable text.

Judge for yourself. Let's say this situation: you are typing or editing text, and you need to completely delete the line on which the cursor is currently located. Of course, it will be faster and more efficient to do this only with the help of the keyboard by pressing three keys than to reach for the mouse, aim and select the desired fragment. Therefore, we will stop at such combinations.

How to select words, paragraphs, lines and arbitrary text fragments with the mouse.

But first, let's talk about mouse selection. The standard way, which works almost everywhere, is double and triple left-clicking. A double click allows you to select the word on which it is made, and a triple click allows you to select a paragraph. True, the behavior of a triple click may differ in different applications. For example, in the MS Word word processor or in the Mozilla Firefox browser, triple-clicking allows you to select exactly a paragraph of text, and in some applications this technique selects a line. One way or another, wherever you need this feature, try it, and it will immediately become clear how it works.

In addition, the selection of the desired fragment of the edited text can be done as follows. Remember once and for all: always and everywhere, in any application, text selection is made using the Shift key. Excluding various consoles and command shells. But in them all the tricks differ from the standard work with text in classical graphic applications, which we are considering here.

I suggest that you use the following as a traditional selection with the left mouse button pressed: place the cursor at the beginning of the fragment to be selected, press the Shift key, and while holding it, click the mouse at the end of the desired fragment. In my opinion, this gives more precise control over the selection of a piece of text.

Selecting text with the keyboard.

And now about the most effective ways. You can select any piece of text using the combination of the Shift key with the arrow keys to control the cursor - Left, Right, Up, Down. In this case, the combinations Shift + Left and Shift + Right select the text character by character. Therefore, this method is suitable only for small fragments of text, part of a word, several characters. moreover, even for highlighting part of a word, it is not always the most effective, but more on that later.

Keys for highlighting lines of text

Shift+Up and Shift+Left combinations allow you to select text line by line, one line up and down from the cursor, respectively. It should be noted that if the initial position of the cursor is the middle of the line, then such a combination will select a fragment from the middle of the line, starting from the place where the cursor is located, to the middle of the bottom or top line, respectively, to the place exactly above or below the cursor.

Next, let's remember the keys to go to the beginning (Home) and the end (End) of the line. Using them in conjunction with Shift will give the effect of selecting a fragment from the current cursor position to the beginning or end of the line, respectively.

Highlighting a single word.

I suppose you already understand the logic of text selection, so remembering the combinations of word-by-word movement through the text, you can display the corresponding word-by-word and paragraph-wise selection. Ctrl+Shift+Left (Right, up, down). But such a combination is already quite difficult. The position of the fingers for him is the left little finger - the left Ctrl, the left ring finger - the left Shift, and the right little finger to the desired arrow key. Here the difficulty can be represented by pressing ctrl and shift at the same time. But in any case, it needs to be mastered, because it is used not only when working with text, but also in many other combinations.


To do this, use the shift+pgUp and shift+pgDown keys to select the page up and down, respectively.

The combinations Ctrl+Shift+Home and Ctrl+Shift+Home will allow you to select the entire document from the current cursor position to the beginning or to the end.

How to select all text.

Selecting all editable text at once can be done using the Ctrl + a combination. And this combination works not only for text. Let's say you can select a complete web page with it. The same combination can be used in operations with files and folders, which you can learn about in the corresponding article.

Delete selected text.

Any selected text fragment can be completely deleted with the Delete, Backspace keys, and in this case they will work the same way. Selected text can be replaced by pasting, or by typing a replacement fragment on the keyboard.

Now you can effectively edit text without using the mouse at all. And if you use these methods, you will notice very soon that the speed of working with text has increased significantly.

It remains to master the combinations for copying, cutting and pasting, if you do not already use them.