About the presidential program. Young Manager Development Program Presidential Young Manager Program

  • 12.10.2021

Starting a career is an important step. From the first day of work in the company, not a single employee of L'Oréal is left without attention. The peculiarity of the young managers development program (Management Trainee Program - MTP) lies precisely in the individual approach to each of its participants.

More about the development program

Practical experience in the company is gained through rotation in several departments within the company. An individual development plan is developed for each participant, taking into account his interests and the capabilities of the company, as well as an on-the-job training program.

At L’Oréal, the Young Manager Development Program lasts 1 year, during which you have a unique chance to gain experience in different departments:

  • Marketing
  • Sales department
  • Finance
  • Logistics
  • Procurement
  • Production
  • Personnel Service

You will be able to understand the interaction of various departments and business units with each other, the specifics of their work and, importantly, establish business contacts. You are assigned a personal mentor who will help you navigate the organization in the first months, answer your questions, and also act as an experienced adviser.

The development and rotation of program participants, even in one functional area, can vary greatly. Several examples can be given.

The young specialist program wishing to become a brand manager may consist of the following departments:

  • 3 months - PR or marketing research department,
  • 3 months - marketing
  • 6 months - sales department

The program of the future financier may include:

  • 3 months in the purchasing department
  • 3 months in marketing or finance
  • 6 months in the sales department

For a future professional in commerce, the program might look like this:

  • 3 months in trade marketing
  • 6 months in the sales department
  • 3 months in logistics

How to participate in the development program?

Requirements for candidates

  • University graduate or final year student
  • Ability to work full time
  • Fluency in English and/or French
  • Work experience no more than 3 years

How to apply

You can send your resume to us through the online system

THE PROGRAM "YOUNG LEADERS" - personnel reserve. Managers up to 35 junior and middle management with good (A and B) performance. "SCHOOL OF MANAGER" People and process management - training + business game "Manager and team" (assessment + development) Department management - seminar and business game on VSP management (based on PSS) Excellent service - training using business cases and role-playing games Project management - blended learning: training, distance courses, business game Business planning and financial modeling - practical course and business game "Bank Management" Change management - training and business game based on the PSS. Assessment of intellectual and leadership potential in several stages. Active involvement in the deployment of the PSS Formation of a personnel reserve from among the active participants of the PSS PSS as a development project for reservists. Targeted communication of the Bank's strategy and profile strategies and knowledge testing.

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"Personnel Management" - The use of indicators in the analysis of job requirements. Job instructions. Job title. Valuation of available resources. Registration of pension insurance. The procedure for maintaining documentation. Qualification requirements. Type of work, types of activities that it includes. Responsibility and authority.

"Trade unions and labor collectives" - The labor market. Place and role of the trade union. Formation principles. Labor code for minors. The results of the analysis of excerpts from the laws of the Russian Federation. The role of the trade union. social interests. Key concepts. Trade unions and labor collectives. Factors affecting the level of wages. labor interests.

"Employees of the enterprise" - Employees of industrial and production personnel are divided into two main groups - workers and employees. For example, economists are divided into planners, marketers, financiers, etc. In the group of employees, the following categories of employees are distinguished: The payroll includes all employees hired for work related to both core and non-core activities.

"Personnel statistics" - The natural method involves accounting for products. Indicators of the use of working time. Relationships. The staff of an enterprise (firm) is a set of individuals. Methods for measuring the level and dynamics of performance. The balance of personnel movement of the enterprise. Enterprise workforce statistics. Analytical indexes.

"Collective agreement" - Additional guarantees. Non-monetary forms of payment of wages. The amount of monetary compensation. Duration of daily work. Monitoring the implementation of the collective agreement. Why does an employer need a collective agreement? Annexes to the collective agreement. Tariff wage systems. Collective agreements, agreements.

Duration of training: 8 months (550 academic hours)
Training format: full-time/day, modular
Teaching language: Russian

Who is this program for?

The target group for training within the framework of the State Plan is made up of promising senior and middle managers (hereinafter referred to as specialists) of organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as organizations).

Issued documents

Upon completion of the program, a diploma of vocational retraining is issued.

The diploma of professional retraining gives the right to engage in professional activities in the field of management, taking into account the chosen direction of training (management, finance and credit).

  • For some specialists (who do not have a higher economic, legal or managerial education) this will be a new type of professional activity.
  • For other students (who have higher education in the above areas of training) it will be the implementation of activities in the field of management at a new professional level.

Persons who have successfully completed their studies under the Presidential Program have the right to continue their studies in the second year of the Master of Business Administration program at the Far Eastern Federal University.

Program description

The presidential training program for young managers of Russian enterprises has been implemented since 1997.
The strategic goal of the Presidential Program is to improve the quality of management at domestic enterprises to the international level. As part of the Presidential Program, 5,000 managers annually undergo 550 hours of training at leading Russian educational institutions in an enlarged group of specialties and areas of "Economics and Management". In Primorsky Krai, the educational institution implementing the program is the Far Eastern Federal University. Training is conducted in the areas of professional retraining "Production Management" and "Financial Management".

After completing training in educational institutions, program participants are given the opportunity to undergo internships at specialized Russian or foreign enterprises.

The level of changes in the field of introduction of new technologies at enterprises participating in the Presidential Program is almost two times higher than the average data for industrial enterprises in Russia. Thanks to the fulfillment by specialists of project assignments developed during the training process, about 400 new enterprises are created in Russia annually, the amount of investments attracted to Russian enterprises is measured at 300 million euros, and the average reduction in production costs is 10%.

Learning outcome:

Participation in the management training program provides an opportunity for specialists to:

  • take a special (exclusive) training course and gain professional knowledge;
  • participate in internships at leading Russian and foreign enterprises;
  • establish business and friendly contacts with Russian and foreign colleagues;
  • be included in a specialized federal information database for the purpose of using it to form a federal and regional personnel reserve;
  • become members of associations of graduates of the Presidential Program;
  • improve foreign language skills (if necessary).

Entry requirements:

  • higher education;
  • total work experience of at least 5 years;
  • At least 3 years of experience in managerial positions;
  • the concept of the project (project idea) of the development of the organization, supported by the employer.

The Presidential Management Training Program for National Economy Organizations is a state program for advanced training of managers, which has been implemented in Russia since 1998. The main goal of the program is to provide organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation with highly qualified specialists in the field of management and organization of production that meet modern economic requirements, are able to work effectively in market conditions, are familiar with the management culture and experience of leading foreign countries.

The Presidential Program is being implemented in the Russian Federation in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 23, 1997 No. 774 "On the training of managerial personnel for organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation" and the State plan for the training of managerial personnel for organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation in the 2018/19 academic year (hereinafter referred to as the State Plan), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2019 N 142 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2019, No. 7, Article 670 (hereinafter referred to as the State Plan), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2007 year number 177.

RANEPA has been involved in the implementation of the Program since its inception and has been a leader in terms of the quality of additional professional education among Russian universities accredited to participate in the Program. Every year, about 400 middle and top managers of enterprises and organizations of all sectors of the national economy of the Russian Federation, including municipal employees in the status of a head, are sent to study under the Presidential Program. The geography of listeners extends to all subjects of the Russian Federation.

The presidential program is designed to improve the quality of work of senior management in accordance with leading international standards. Graduates of the program are included in a specialized federal database for the subsequent formation of a reserve of managerial personnel.

Benefits of participating in the Presidential Program:

  • Passing a unique training course for management specialists;
  • Internship at leading enterprises in Russia and abroad;
  • Entering the management elite of the Russian economy;
  • Increasing the level of foreign language proficiency;
  • The opportunity to significantly improve their managerial competencies;
  • Participants and graduates of the Program have the opportunity to take part in various events, meetings, seminars aimed at developing managerial competencies, assist in the development of entrepreneurship, expand interregional and international relations, etc.

Stages of the Program implementation:

  1. Competitive selection of specialists.
  2. Passing the training program on the basis of RANEPA.
  3. Internship in leading Russian or foreign organizations. After completing training in educational institutions, program participants are given the opportunity to undergo internships at specialized foreign enterprises. Foreign internships are held in Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, France, Japan.
  4. Implementation of an individual project assignment.

Funding for training

  • 34% of the cost of training is paid by the sending organization or personally by the participant of the program from their own funds;
  • 66% of the cost of education is compensated from the budget.

Requirements for participants of the Presidential Program

  • age up to 40 years;
  • availability of higher education;
  • work experience: total - at least 5 years, in managerial positions - at least 3 years;
  • applicants for participation in the program must present on a competitive basis the concept of the project that they plan to develop during the training;
  • knowledge of a foreign language is required.

Implementation of the Program in the branches of the Academy

Since 2014, branches of the RANEPA have been actively participating in the implementation of the Program. They implement both basic and project-oriented programs, as well as the City Manager advanced training program (120 hours), focused on municipal employees.

The start of the Presidential Program was laid in June 1997 in Denver at the summit of the leaders of the leading world powers, in which Russia participated for the first time as a full member of the G8.

New managers: origins

New managers: program, issue price

Within the framework of the Presidential Program, young managers, sent mainly by enterprises in the real sector of the economy and selected on a competitive basis, are trained for one academic year in accredited Russian educational institutions in the main economic specialties: Management, Marketing, Finance and Credit. The program is also exceptional because the training for its participants is practically free. Financing of the Program is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, the budget of the regions, as well as at the expense of the sending enterprises. The proportion is as follows: 33 percent is federal money, 33 percent is regional money, and 34 percent comes from the enterprise. Training under program A costs 100,000 rubles (550 hours of classes for TOPs and business owners, with project development), under program B - 60,000 rubles (for middle managers and managers of small and medium businesses) and there is a 120-hour program named Q for entrepreneurs for 20,000 rubles.

From the participant you need a bright head, a great desire and diligence. Foreign internships are paid by the countries participating in the Program. (And, according to experts, according to the experience of last year's graduates, every euro invested in organizing internships and work at specific firms and organizations brought up to ten euros of profit to the host country).

The selection of candidates includes several stages: submission, acceptance of documents, passing competitive tests (including testing in a foreign language and information technology, project presentation and essay, interview with experts of the Competition Commission).

New managers: Ural personnel

The Sverdlovsk region has been participating in the project since 1998. During this time, almost two thousand managers of the Ural enterprises have undergone professional retraining. 578 specialists trained abroad. The partners were Germany, Great Britain, Japan, France, the Netherlands, the USA, Italy, Finland, Canada, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Austria, Poland. More than 30 enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region have trained entire management teams under the Program.

The coordinating role in this work is played by the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the commission for organizing the training of managerial personnel. Operational activities in the commission are carried out by the Ministry of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Having calculated the effect of the projects of graduates in 2010 (having invested one and a half million regional money, they received more than ten million), they made the appropriate conclusions.

Therefore, in 2011, at the initiative of the Regional Government Commission, an application was submitted to increase the quota for the Sverdlovsk Region, annually allocated to the regions by the federal government for personnel training. Thus, the number of listeners to date has increased from 99 to 155 people. Out of 77 Russian regions, we rank seventh in terms of the number of places for training specialists.

By the way, you should not associate the word "manager" exclusively with business. For example, more than three dozen heads of social enterprises have already been trained under the program. Managers from education, culture, health care now have modern knowledge in the field of business process management, financial and project management, they have the skills to analyze and develop a development strategy for their organization.

According to Alexander Kharlov, Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk Region, this educational project is a unique example of public-private partnership. Training of specialists within the framework of the Presidential Program makes it possible to achieve the best performance at low cost. For example, according to statistics available at the ministry, last year's graduates attracted investments worth more than 90 million rubles and created 360 new jobs.

The partners of the program are the leading Ural universities - Ural Federal University. Boris Yeltsin and USUE.


Larisa MALYSHEVA, Head of the UrFU Presidential Program, Ph.D.

“Everyone who comes to the Program probably wants something of his own and will take what he can from it. Someone comes up with projects and implements them, and this is what you want to study for. Invent, get resources, contacts, knowledge, enjoy life. Do good to people, develop your company, your region, provide maximum benefit, be useful to others and find something new for yourself.

Kirill ZBYKOVSKY, 2010 graduate:

— I am grateful to the Presidential Program for three invaluable gifts: intelligent teachers, creative friends and smart books that I managed to read during my studies.

Igor CHERNYAEV, Head of Department of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia:

“You come here with your controlled chaos, the so-called life and practical experience, with priceless grains of your trial and error. And here, with the help of teachers and very experienced mentors, it all comes together, you get a method that works amazingly well in today's economic conditions. It looks like magic, but it's actually technology at its best.

Daniil MAZUROVSKY, Chairman of the Association of Alumni of the Presidential Program of the Sverdlovsk Region:

“Speaking of the Program, I would compare it to a window into another world. The world is more colorful, more interesting and eventful. Anyone can approach him and even approaches. But for some reason, not everyone opens it, and certainly not everyone enters this other world. Do not be afraid to approach this window, open it and enter another world.