Quotes from "The Little Prince" about a rose. Quotes "The Little Prince" Exupery about the rose

  • 30.09.2021

Quotes about flowers The little prince said often, because Rose was also his friend.

Quotes "The Little Prince" Exupery about the rose

  • You know... my rose... I'm responsible for it. And she's so weak! And so simple. She only has four miserable thorns, she has nothing more to defend herself from the world ...

If you love a flower - the only one that does not exist on any of the many millions of stars - that is enough: look at the sky - and you are happy. And you say to yourself: “Somewhere there lives my flower ...”

  • People grow five thousand roses in one garden... and they don't find what they are looking for.
  • All I had was that it was just a rose. What kind of prince am I after that?

You are nothing like my rose, he told them. - You're nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. This was before my Fox. He was no different from a hundred thousand other foxes. But I made friends with him, and now he is the only one in the whole world.
The roses were very confused.

You are beautiful, but empty, - continued the Little Prince. - I don't want to die for you. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But she alone is dearer to me than all of you. After all, it is her, and not you, I watered every day. He covered her, and not you, with a glass cap. He blocked it with a screen, protecting it from the wind. For her, he killed the caterpillars, only left two or three for the butterflies to hatch. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I listened to her even when she was silent. She is mine.

  • “People have forgotten this truth,” said the Fox, “but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your rose.
  • - I did not understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these miserable tricks and tricks one should have guessed tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I didn't know how to love yet.

Flowers are weak. And simple-minded.

  • Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.
  • It's like a flower. If you love a flower that grows somewhere on a distant star, it is good to look at the sky at night. All stars are blooming.

If you love a flower - the only one that is no longer on any of the many millions of stars, that's enough: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: “My flower lives somewhere ...” But if the lamb eats it, it’s the same as if all the stars went out at once!


Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry (1901–1979) was the wife of the great author of The Little Prince and The Planet of the People. Maeterlinck, d'Annunzio, Maurois, Picasso admired her painting and sculpture. Consuelo's memoirs of her husband are written with her characteristic expansive grace. The manuscript of the book remained a secret of the archive for many decades, and only at the turn of the century permission for publication was finally received.

“When I fly among the stars and see lights in the distance, I tell myself that this is my little Consuelo calling me ...” - Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote about his love for the beautiful Consuelo Sunsin. Handsome and hero, aristocrat and warrior Count de Saint-Exupery fell in love at first sight. Friends admired Consuelo, calling her "a small Salvadoran volcano." This book is a dramatic and exciting story of the life together of two talented people with unbridled, explosive characters. It was Consuelo who became the prototype of the beautiful Rose from The Little Prince.

In 1995, the film "Saint-Exupery" was filmed in the UK, dedicated to the history of this painful and happy marriage.

Translation: Natalia Morozova

Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry


Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry

Memories of a Rose


I hesitated for a long time before publicizing the existence of this manuscript. On the twentieth anniversary of Consuelo's death and the centenary of the birth of her husband, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, I decided that the time had come to honor her memory and return to her the place she always occupied next to the man who wrote that he built his entire life on this love.

José Martinez-Fructuoso, heir of Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry

This text is written in French, although Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry's native language was Spanish. Her heirs and the publishing house Plon thank the writer Alain Virkondelet, author of the essay on Saint-Ex, for restoring, where necessary, the correct syntax. Chapter titles provided by the publisher.


“Between the First and Second World Wars,” says the Colombian writer Herman Arinegas, “everyone talked about Consuelo as a small Salvadoran volcano, whose flames licked the roofs of Paris. There was not a single story about her first husband Enrique Gomez Carrillo and the second - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, where it would not have been about her. Having married Gomez Carrillo, she became friends with Maurice Maeterlinck, Moreas, Gabriele d'Annunzio. She was widowed in 1927 and remarried in 1931 to Saint-Exupéry. Andre Gide, Andre Maurois, Denis de Rougemont, Andre Breton, Picasso, Salvador Dali, Miro became her friends ... Where the Saint-Exupery couple lived, pilots and writers always gathered. André Maurois was visiting them when Saint-Exupery was writing a book that continues its triumphal march around the world, The Little Prince. After dinner, the guests sat down to play cards or chess, then Saint-Exupery suggested that everyone go to bed, because he was going to work. One night, Morua heard shouts on the stairs: “Consuelo! Consuelo! Mad with fear, he jumped out of the room, thinking that the house was on fire, but as it turned out, it was just a hungry Saint-Exupery asking his wife to fry his eggs ...

If Consuelo could describe all these little things of their daily life together in her usual style - lively and funny, everyone would confidently conclude that it was she who was the Muse of the writer. She was an artist, a sculptor, she wrote successfully and talentedly, but she shared her memories ... orally.

* * *

Now we know that Arinegas need not have worried. Fifteen years after meeting Saint-Exupery in 1930, Consuelo, yearning for loneliness in America, spoke about her life with a pilot-writer, writing many pages in a sweeping oblique handwriting and dotting them with blots. Then she typed them neatly on a typewriter on thin paper and bound them, not very skillfully, in thick black cardboard.

"Memories of a Rose" is the latest trick of the "exotic bird".

* * *

It's 1946. Consuelo yearns for France, but does not dare to return there, fearing difficulties with the inheritance. She longs to live in a country where Spanish is spoken, and in this connection she thinks of Palma de Mallorca, “in memory,” as she puts it, of George Sand and Alfred de Musset, those famous “enfant terribles” .

Since the disappearance of Saint-Exupéry in July 1944, Consuelo has led a rather secluded life in New York. She decorates shop windows and lives in memories of her Tonio. It is hard to mourn for an unburied husband, the suffering from his absence is even more painful. She writes down fragments of memories, says something into a dictaphone, types edited chapters on a typewriter, in which her Latin American expansiveness overflows, “recreates” Tonio’s face by other means - in stone and in clay. She also draws it - in pencil, charcoal, watercolor. He dreams of returning to the huge estate of La Feyre, rented by Saint-Exupery shortly before his flight in 1940, and now abandoned. Consuelo wants to find there "a portrait of father, mother, your portrait."

Consuelo is talking to him. On the other side of the ocean, in Europe, the disappearance of Saint-Exupery turned him into a legend. They created a myth out of him, he became an angel, an archangel, Icarus and the Little Prince, who returned to his planet; the hero of the sky dissolved in the vastness of space. There was no place for Consuelo in this myth - she found herself in the shadows, as if she did not exist, although in her hands she still had the keys to many secrets. It is unlikely that Consuelo could decorate a legend with herself, she did not fit too well into the heroic and aristocratic history of Saint-Exupery. Consuelo also inherited from biographers who knew little about her life: they either simply ignored her or considered her an eccentric fool, who was dismissively treated by both the writer’s relatives (with the exception of his mother, Marie de Saint-Exupery), and their closest friends (“opera house countess", "an eccentric and capricious person", "a talker who does not speak French well"). Consuelo appears in their words as a woman-thing, a frivolous coquette. In short, she, so to speak, brought disorder to the myth.

1944–1945 Consuelo, in her own words, "is not in a very cheerful mood." But she mastered the art of waiting a long time ago, because she only did what she was waiting for, since she married Saint-Exupery. Probably the most difficult hours of waiting for her began in March 1943, after he left for the war. “Your desire is stronger than all the forces of the world put together, because I know my husband well. I always understood,” she says in an unreleased fictional dialogue with Saint-Exupéry, “yes, I always understood that you would leave. - And he adds: - You wanted to be cleansed in this stream of bullets and shells.

1944-1945 - for Consuelo, this is the time to take stock, to return to the existence of a seemingly dissolute, bohemian, "artistic" existence, as we imagine the art world of the thirties. And also the time of survival, "worthy" Tonio. Consuelo must find a new home, find a source of livelihood, again assume the role of a widow. In any case, this is not the time for tears. “I don’t have them anymore, my love,” she writes. How to overcome grief? “You are eternal, my child, my husband, I carry you in me like a little prince, we are inviolable. Inviolable, like all who are full of light. Consuelo was not ready to defend herself in family and publishing squabbles. From childhood, she retained a slightly naive and trusting ease, which had nothing to do with the unscrupulousness of Europeans, she was not prone to intrigues ... Moreover, with Saint-Exupery, she got used to a life free from any restrictions and social conventions, to a life that perfectly suited her reckless, sensitive and unrestrained nature. Therefore, now she acted as best she could - she moved forward intuitively and, on a whim, arranged her new life in the same way.

Tatyana Sinitsyna, columnist for RIA Novosti.

On July 31, 1944, the plane of the French military pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery, who went on a reconnaissance flight over the territory occupied by the Nazis, did not return to the airfield of the island of Sardinia. No information, no wreckage: it took off into a clear blue - and seemed to dissolve in it. Thus, one of the greatest humanists, the author of the immortal "The Little Prince", a wise, radiant fairy tale of all time, died.

Only more than half a century later, in 1998, one fisherman accidentally “fished out” a bracelet near Marseilles, on which the inscriptions were engraved: “Antoine”, “Consuelo” (Consuelo, wife’s name), as well as the address of the American publishing house where the writer’s books were published. Two years later, fragments of the aircraft flown by Saint-Exupery were found and raised from the bottom of the sea.

The personalized silver bracelet was the talisman of Saint-Exupery. The work of a pilot is dangerous, and Consuelo was always afraid of being a widow. Calming her down, Antoine once wrote a half-joking prayer for her, full of sincere meaning: “... God, leave me the way I am, what my husband sees me ... God save my husband, because he really loves me, and without him I'll be an orphan..."

Antoine did not marry for a long time. “The woman I need is, as it were, made up of 20 women ... I demand too much ... I will never find such a woman,” he wrote to his mother in France. And yet, in the 31st year of his life, in Buenos Aires, where he ended up on business, fate sent him one that struck his heart like a lightning bolt. Saint-Exupery was leaving a restaurant located in the city center when the police opened fire for an unknown reason. On the chest of the pilot, from fear, a passing woman rushed. She was the charming widow of the Argentine journalist Consuelo Suntzin. Exupery immediately drowned in the abyss of the stranger's huge eyes, and soon she became Countess Antoine Jean-Baptiste Marie Roger de Saint-Exupery.

Consuelo turned the writer's life upside down, showing what an earthly paradise and an earthly hell are like. The writer called her "the daughter of the volcano." Their house was full of mysticism: doors opened by themselves, cups burst on the table. All this was witnessed by numerous guests who were not translated in the house.

Since Antoine was very afraid of family life according to the bourgeois model, he calmly accepted that strange bohemian life without any rules. As Ksenia Kuprina, who knew Consuelo well (daughter of the Russian writer A.I. Kuprin), testifies, “Madame de Saint-Exupery was eccentric and extravagant, miniature, graceful, with lovely hands, with graceful Latin American movements, shining expressive eyes.”

Consuelo was also very well-read, knew many languages, wrote poetry. Her passion was the world of fantasy, bright, indefatigable. She acted like a little girl and it was never clear if she was telling the truth or making things up. This unusual married couple was related by an anxious, unbalanced attitude, a heightened sense of poetry. It is believed that it was Consuelo who was the inspirer and mysterious fairy of The Little Prince and even, in some way, a co-author.

The writer André Maurois, who visited Saint-Exupery more than once during his emigration to the United States, impressively describes the atmosphere of the huge house in Long Island, where The Little Prince was created. “The fairy tale that conquered the world was created at night. Everyone went to bed, and Exupery went to the desk, on which there was always a pile of clean paper, and calmed down. But suddenly, in the stillness of the night, his loud voice was heard: "Consuelo, I'm hungry, I'm bored!" She woke up immediately, meekly went downstairs, hastily cooked scrambled eggs and cheese and climbed into an armchair, wrapping herself in a shawl. Everyone who was in the house followed her down. Antoine began to read the pages he had just composed. Consuelo's sleepy eyes became more and more animated, flared up. From time to time, with a wave of her flexible palm, she stopped her husband, suggested her own plot options, individual phrases, skillful episodes. Her imagination drew amazing metaphors and images. “Wait, Consuelo, repeat the last phrase again,” Saint-Exupery exclaimed every now and then.

“I ask the children to forgive me for dedicating this book to an adult,” he wrote in the dedication. - I will justify it: this adult is my best friend... If all this does not justify me, then I will dedicate this book to the boy that my adult friend once was. After all, all adults were children at first, only few of them remember this ... ". But the book is not only dedicated to the friend "Leon Werth when he was little", it is also dedicated to Consuelo's wife when she was young and grown up. The same “rose with a single thorn”, which the Little Prince so dearly loved and cared for so much ...

Rose Saint-Exupery has a fuchsia color. The height of the bush is usually about 80-120 cm. The width is about 60 cm, sometimes more, but quite rarely. Disease resistance of Saint-Exupery rose: sick in unfavorable years.

Description: Saint-Exupery roses

Georges Delbar created a rose with this name in 1961. After 30 years, she disappeared from the catalogs. Delbard now offers a new variety with the same name. A dense bud turns into a luxurious flower of bright pink color. The expressive power and simple scent of a rose. Gorgeous in a bouquet. (Catalogue Delbard 06/07)Fine flowers develop from dense pointed buds with a complex and bizarre arrangement of petals. A rich pink color that I want to call crimson is liked by many lovers and such roses in the garden attract attention, but for a spectacular display of flowers with active color, you need a good background of foliage. The originators succeeded, dense bushes with wonderful foliage and beautiful flowers look elegant. Lovers of scented roses can smell the pure, additive-free rose fragrance. I highly recommend, even for beginners, such a rose will not cause problems. (G.Pankratova)

Along with the Fox, personifying Friendship, the Rose, symbolizing Love, plays a large, if not the main role in the story. Exupery, describing Rosa, portrayed his wife Consuelo, a very emotional Latin American.

Getting to know Rose

A rose seed accidentally landed on the prince's planet. The flower has grown and blossomed.

The little prince could not restrain his delight: - How beautiful you are!

Yes true? - was a quiet answer. - And mind you, I was born with the sun.

The little prince, of course, guessed that the amazing guest does not suffer from an excess of modesty, but she was so beautiful that she was breathtaking! ...

Rose character

After a short communication with the beauty, the Little Prince felt her character on himself.

It soon turned out that the beauty was proud and touchy, and the Little Prince was completely exhausted with her. She had four thorns and one day she said to him:

Let the tigers come, I'm not afraid of their claws!..

No, I am not afraid of tigers, but I am terribly afraid of drafts. Don't have a screen?

A plant, but afraid of drafts ... very strange ... - thought the Little Prince. - Which difficult character of this flower.

When evening comes, cover me with a cap. It's too cold for you here. A very uncomfortable planet. Where I came from...

Although the Little Prince fell in love with a beautiful flower and was glad to serve him, doubts soon arose in his soul. He took empty words to heart and began to feel very unhappy.

I should not have listened to her,” he once told me trustingly. - You should never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower filled my whole planet with fragrance, but I did not know how to rejoice in it. This talk of claws and tigers... They should have touched me, but I got angry...

And he also confessed:

I did not understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pathetic tricks and tricks, I should have guessed the tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I didn't know how to love yet...

Farewell to Rosa

The little prince went on a journey.

And when he watered for the last time and was about to cover the wonderful flower with a cap, he even wanted to cry.

Farewell, he said.

Beauty didn't answer.

Farewell, - repeated the Little Prince. She coughed. But not from a cold

I was stupid, she finally said. - I'm sorry. And try to be happy.

And not a word of reproach. The little prince was very surprised. He froze, embarrassed and confused, with a glass cap in his hands. Where does this quiet tenderness come from?

Yes, yes, I love you, he heard. It's my fault you didn't know that. Yes, it doesn't matter. But you were just as stupid as me. Try to be happy... Leave the cap, I don't need it anymore.

But the wind...

I'm not so cold... The coolness of the night will do me good. After all, I am a flower.

But animals, insects...

-I must endure two or three caterpillars if I want to get acquainted with butterflies. They must be lovely. And then who will visit me? You'll be far away. And I'm not afraid of big animals. I have claws too.

And she, in the simplicity of her soul, showed her four thorns. Then she added:

Don't wait, it's unbearable! Decided to leave - so leave. She didn't want the Little Prince to see her cry. It was a very proud flower...

Love for Rose

The little prince went to look at the roses.

You are nothing like my rose, he told them. - You're nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. This was before my Fox. He was no different from a hundred thousand other foxes. But I made friends with him, and now he is the only one in the whole world.

The roses were very confused.

You are beautiful, but empty, - continued the Little Prince. - You won't want to die for you. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But she alone is dearer to me than all of you. After all, it is her, and not you, I watered every day. He covered her, and not you, with a glass cap. He blocked it with a screen, protecting it from the wind. For her, he killed the caterpillars, only left two or three for the butterflies to hatch. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I listened to her even when she was silent. She is mine.

And the Little Prince returned to the Fox.

Farewell... - he said.

Farewell, said the Fox.

Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes, ”the Little Prince repeated, in order to better remember.

Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it your whole soul.

Because I gave her all my soul ... - repeated the Little Prince, in order to better remember. “People have forgotten this truth,” said the Fox, “but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your rose.

I am responsible for my rose... - repeated the Little Prince, in order to better remember...

You know... my rose... I'm responsible for it. And she's so weak! And so simple. She only has four miserable thorns, she has nothing more to defend herself from the world ...