How to find out the organization code in the consolidated register. UIS in the field of procurement: what is it, what is it intended for? Registration deadlines and procedures Registration number eis where to find

  • 31.12.2023

SDR number is an abbreviation for the phrase “consolidated list of customers.” Another name for it is the unique SDR accounting code? All you need to do is log in to the official government procurement website.

Method 1: through or TIN

How to find out the SDR code of an organization after you have visited the official resource of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement? Follow this algorithm:

  1. On the main page you will see a "Search" line. Enter the full official name of the desired organization. However, it is easier and faster to print the company tax identification number.
  2. Press the Enter button or click on the magnifying glass in the search bar.
  3. If you wish, you can use the advanced search: print the OGRN, checkpoint, location - address, region, federal district.
  4. Click on the "Find" button.
  5. If you provide the correct information in the next window, to the left of the company name, you will see an 11-character organization code.
  6. How else can I find out the SDR code? In the window from step 5, click on the company name. In the first line of the window that opens you will see this code.

Method 2: according to the consolidated register

And one more method that tells you how to find out the SDR code. You will again need to open the main page of the government procurement website. And then look at the algorithm:

  1. Click on the "house" icon - "Home page".
  2. In the menu that opens, find “Additional information”, and in it - “Register of organizations”.
  3. Enter the INN or OGRN of the company.
  4. The system can immediately give you the desired result. Or a window may appear where you need to select the registry. Stop at 44-FZ (93-FZ).
  5. Go to "Additional information" on the company card.
  6. Among other things, you will see the line “Unique Account Number”, where the 11-digit SDR code will be written.

That's all the simple and quick ways to tell you how to find out the SDR code. To obtain the necessary information, you need to know very little about the company - full name or individual taxpayer code.

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On January 1, 1916, the Unified Information System (UIS) was introduced in our country. Thanks to modern technologies, the EIS collects, stores and processes information contained in various databases.

Through the official website it provides access to unified information on the Internet.

The Unified Information System (UIS) in the field of procurement plays an important role in our country. You need to get acquainted with this system if your activity is in the slightest way related to government procurement.

Everyone knows why an organization needs a tax identification number and checkpoint, how to find them and for what purposes to use them. But few people know about the unique account number.

Today I will talk in detail about how to find out the registration number of an EIS organization.

Why do we need a unified system?

Unified Information System – collection of important information, which is stored in a database. It is necessary for processing, storing and providing important information. A unified information system was created in the form of a website -

Information in the system is free and available to every user. All processes are automated and public.

In the Unified Information System you will find the following important information:

  • Purchasing plans, sales plans and schedules, as well as other information;
  • Data on the approval of goods;
  • Procurement data;
  • Registers of contracts;
  • Registers of unreliable suppliers and buyers;
  • Bank guarantees;
  • Standard contracts;
  • Complaints, scheduled and unscheduled inspections, orders;
  • Regulations;
  • Catalogs;
  • Reporting.

How to find out the registration number of an EIS organization, instructions

You can find out the organization’s registration number on the new official website

To do this, just enter the name, TIN or any other information about the organization in the “Search” line.

Please note that you can search for a company using any data known to you.

After that, click “From the register of organizations” (even if the search does not return results). You will see brief information about the organization. The new 44-FZ must be indicated next to the phrase “Registered”.

If 44-FZ is not indicated, contact the Federal Treasury Department.

Open detailed information about the company by clicking on it. Then go to the “Additional information” tab and in the organization registration data section

You will find the organization's unique account number and other important information. Each digit of the number is a digit that carries important information.

How to find out the registration number of an EIS organization, summary

As you can see, a unified information system is in demand by users. That is why developers are constantly improving it. With the help of the Unified Information System, you can find out a lot of necessary, useful information about the organization, and significantly save time on finding reliable suppliers or customers.

The Unified Information System allows the supplier to predict in advance the increasing demand among customers for any goods, works or services and draw up long-term plans for participation in procurement.

The new official website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement has a beautiful, intuitive and modern interface. Wide functionality has been available to all users since the beginning of this year.

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Registry assigns. Registration main page of the forums application What is the registry list of the GMU look. Technical support Good afternoon, we cannot find the Unique Account Number of the Organization in the UIS where to View your organization in the register of organizations inn name. There is a Civil Registration Department of the Republic of Adygea. After registration, a consisting of eleven ranks is assigned and the 1st 2nd ranks are treasury - registers the information system and forms a unique registration system. This means that the plan version column is xxxxxxxxxx In Romashka LLC, which is assigned inventory 1 to 8. of the corresponding system.

Unique Account Number of the Organization in the UIS where to View— input of information in the information system of the Omsk region in the field of procurement of goods and work during this generation. Click on the name of the organization, select the register of organizations 44-FZ on the right “Additional information” and see the unique account number of the organization. In a request to receive such a document, the corresponding application software must specify a Unique Unique as the “Spz Code” attribute. It could be improved without comments to view the download results or find.

Unique account number of the SDR organization where to find

The chief manager of budgetary funds (GRBS) is a government body that distributes federal budget funds (budget funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local budget funds) among subordinate institutions. The main manager may also be the most significant budgetary institution of science, education, culture, health care and the media.

State power in the Russian Federation.
Other government bodies of the Russian Federation.
Central Bank of the Russian Federation
State power in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Other government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Local self-government in the Russian Federation. Election commissions of municipalities
Organizations for which federal statistical observation is carried out. Groupings of economic entities and public associations used for official statistical recording
Interstate governing bodies

How to find out the registration number of the State Medical University organization

It is for this purpose that a special website was created, where the above-mentioned institutions receive an account number, and citizens who register on it can, in real time, view all the information of interest about the organizations, including the expenditure of budget funds.

  • information containing general information about such an institution(the founder of the organization, the state or municipal government body to which the organization is subordinate, a list of main activities, as well as management personnel);
  • information about the powers granted by state or municipal authorities(task for the provision of state or municipal services (performance of work), and their execution;
  • plans for financial and economic activities for various time periods;
  • information about what operations were carried out by this institution with targeted funds that were allocated from the budget;
  • Availability of information on budget estimates(this includes various obligations and their implementation);
  • availability of information about the activities of the institution me and his property (real and movable);
  • information about what inspections of the financial and economic activities of the institution by regulatory authorities were carried out, and what are the results of these inspections;
  • annual accounting data reporting;
  • availability of electronic copies of documents(decision of the executive authority on the creation of an institution, various constituent documents, bank and other details)
  • other information, namely accounts(even open in other institutions), for which the population and legal entities must pay for the services of the State Medical University, its accreditation (relevant for educational organizations), what types of activities can be licensed by this institution, other data characterizing the work of this organization in providing services or providing work, area of ​​activity.

Registration in the EIS

2. Establish that registration in the unified information system of persons registered before the entry into force of this order on the official site. ( not required until July 1, 2019.
3. The persons specified in paragraph 2 of this order must register in the unified information system in accordance with the Procedure in the period from July 1, 2019 to January 1, 2019.

3.5. No later than the working day following the day of registration of the organization in the unified information system, The Federal Treasury sends a notification to the relevant organization on registration of an organization in a unified information system indicating the identification codes of the organization.

Unified information system in the field of procurement: registration and use procedure (Repin A

To cancel the registration of an information system in the Unified Information System, including in the event of its decommissioning, the operator of the information system submits to the Federal Treasury an appropriate application indicating the value “Cancellation of registration of an information system (code 03)” and the reasons for cancellation.

To register an information system in the UIS, the organization that is its operator submits an application for registration containing information in accordance with clause 2.2 of the Procedure for registration in the UIS.
The said application, submitted on paper, must contain the signature of a person who has the right to act on behalf of the information system operator in accordance with a regulatory legal act, constituent document or power of attorney, and in the form of an electronic document - an electronic signature of the person. The following documents or copies thereof must be submitted along with the application:
1) a legal act on putting the information system into operation (a copy of such an act, certified in the prescribed manner);
2) a copy of the certificate of compliance of the information system with information security requirements, certified in the prescribed manner;
3) a power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or a copy of a document confirming the authority of a person to act on behalf of the information system operator in accordance with a regulatory legal act, legal act, constituent document, certified in the prescribed manner, or information about such a document and its source official publication.
The Federal Treasury, within five working days following the day of receipt of the application and documents, checks the correctness of its formation and submission. In case of a positive result of the audit, the Federal Treasury:
— registers the information system in the UIS;
— generates a unique registration number of the information system, consisting of ten digits;
— generates and sends, within the above-mentioned period, to the information system operator a notice of registration of the information system in the Unified Information System, indicating the date of registration and the assigned account number.
When changing information about an information system previously registered in the Unified Information System, the organization that is its operator must submit an application to the Federal Treasury with the changed information about the information system indicating the value “Changes (code 02)”. The procedure for generating an application for change is identical to the procedure for generating an application for registration.

How to find out the organization code in the SDR using a certificate. You can find your SDR code as follows: On the OOS. On January 1, 1916, the Unified Information System (UIS) was introduced in our country. where BODSuccessMessage is parsed for each value of the ID attribute. To receive the SDR code (Consolidated List of the Customer), you need to fill out information and a power of attorney by November 2, 2019. Submit these documents to the Department of Education E.N. Zaveryaeva office. 403. Click on the “Find” button. If you provide the correct information in the next window, to the left of the company name, you will see an 11-character organization code. How else can I find out the SDR code? The organization code in the Consolidated List of Customers (SLC).Unified Information System in the field of procurement (hereinafter referred to as UIS), it is necessary to record a failure in the operation of the official website. 3. The resulting code is 01343000418 organization code in the SDR. Method 2. Through the procurement site.2. In the organization field, enter the TIN of the desired organization and click the search button. In the search results table, the first column shows the SDR number. Where can I find the user manual for registration on the government procurement website. At the same time, registration in the Unified Information System of an organization subject to inclusion in the consolidated register is carried out automatically after the SPZ code (the abbreviation stands for “consolidated list of customers.” At the same time, when generating a Request to receive such a SCPEP in the appropriate application software, as an attribute “SDR code”, you must indicate “Unique accounting number of the organization in the UIS” Organization identification codes (ICO) in the UIS. Date/time of the last change of the entry in the SDR 01/16/2019 11:20:16. spz code is also the registration number of the organization EIS. This institution has more opportunities for classification on the capital market, you can on “Find” China asks the IMF Christine Lagarde How to find out the ICO in the EIS after registration/re-registration: Step 1. From 22-00. On January 31, until 08-00 on February 1, 2019, routine maintenance will be carried out on the official website of the UIS (in part 44-FZ) in the event that the TIN and KPP were not found in the list of information systems in the UIS and were previously registered in the SPZ in accordance with the procedure in force. Before the application of the Registration Procedure in the UIS Customer Code (ICO), the organization is automatically registered in the UIS. At the Treasury they say you need to re-register in the 5th order: 1) for the ESI, 2) for the EIS. Good evening! tell me where I can find the SDR code in the registration data of the organization (I was told today at the Treasury that we should have it and consist of 11 characters), in our SDR Code (the abbreviation stands for “consolidated list of customers”) or in another way “ It’s not difficult to find out the organization’s registration number. To do this, you can use the website UPD I found information about certificates that gives me hope that they will not need to be changed: 5.30. For registration in a unified information system, an authorized person Question 3. Will the SUFD accept 22 characters when generating a FL certificate for the UIS in the “SPZ Code”? State information system of the Omsk region in the field of procurement of goods, works, services. You should take information about this field from the Unified Information System in the section “Additional information” / “Register of organizations”. But there have been problems with the EIS for two months now. The new control unit does not appear there; the old control unit with the old codes (SPZ and IKU) hangs there. Accordingly, we cannot obtain an electronic digital signature -> we cannot conclude a single contract, including communications, electricity, heat, etc. If the code is indicated according to the inactive OKOPF classifier (OK 028-99), on the right it is registered in the SPZ in the manner in force before the start of application of the Registration Procedure in the UISV in the event that the TIN and KPP are not found in the list of information systems in the UIS And a window opens with a description details of the organization in it we find the SDR and GMU codes. How to find out if the iPhone is locked - Duration: 6:19. In order to find out your EIS code, you need to go to the Purchasing website http How to find out the SDR code of the organization after you have visited the official resource This list posted in the EIS. On its basis, a procurement identification code is generated. This section indicates the purposes of use, the procedure for use by customers, and special cases. How to find a catalog of goods, works, services in the EIS. How to find out the organization code in the SDR using a certificate. Open the certificate - “Composition” tab. Select "Subject Alternate Name" (see picture). To cancel the registration of an information system in the UIS, including in the event of its decommissioning, the operator of the information system. If you do not find the information you need on this page, try using the site search Unique Account Number of the Organization (UNR). IKO. ICU. SVR code. To avoid searching for codes, use the UIS search in the register of organizations. It is enough to indicate the TIN of the organization in the search line and go to the page with the information Account number of the organization UIS: - this code is identical to the SZ code (Consolidated List of Customers). When you click on the result found in the search (on the organization), select “From the register of organizations 44-FZ (94-FZ)". KSKP is intended only for working in the Unified Information System under 44-FZ, for example, with the “Customer” role.

The notification status in the UIS will be automatically changed to “Control failed.” If you find an error in the text, press CtrlEnter or CmdEnter. Where can I get it? UIS organization account number: - this code is identical to the SPL code (Consolidated List of Customers). This page contains materials on the request of how to find the SPR code of a new organization. State order of the Lipetsk region. instructions for working in the unified procurement system Guidelines. To find out the ICU, you need to: 1) find the name of the customer in the register of organizations on the official website of the EIS (, section “Additional information” How to find out the SDR code? Go to the website Select in the section Information about institutions, item Register of organizations. In the search line, enter the TIN of the organization of interest. And a window opens with a description of the organization’s details; in it we find the registration number of the organization or the SPR code (consolidated list of customers), you can get it on the State Procurement website. the number in the list of State Medical Institutions can be viewed on the website by entering only the organization’s INN. Registration of the customer under 44-FZ in the unified procurement information system (EIS). The user’s SNILS is the unique account number (SPZ code) of the organization. SPZ Code is the Code. in the Consolidated List of Customers. Your organization received the Code when it registered with the Federal Treasury. In the search bar, enter the TIN of your organization and click FIND.

What is the Unified Procurement Information System (UPI) and how to use it

The main goal of creating the Unified Information System is to increase the transparency of public procurement, therefore all information posted on the portal is in the public domain and is provided free of charge. The only exception is data containing state secrets - only a limited circle of people can obtain such information.

The responsible government body for developing the system and determining functional requirements is the MED - the Ministry of Economic Development. At the same time, the responsible agency for the development and operation of the UIS is the Federal Treasury of Russia.

EIS organization account number where to find

In accordance with paragraph 15 of the Rules for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers as a result of procurement, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2014 No. 1132 “On the procedure for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers as a result of procurement” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 45, Art. 6225), I order:

7 Part 3 Art. 23 of the Federal Law of 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”, Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of 06/29/2015 No. 422 “On approval of the Procedure for the formation of a procurement identification code”.

05 Aug 2018 818

The abbreviation EIS reads as Unified Information System in the field of procurement. This system was conceived to optimize interaction between customers and performers of all types of tenders in order to bring clarity and transparency to transactions between state-owned companies and private commercial firms. The main website of the EIS system is

Having registered on it and received an organization registration number, the customer or contractor can begin searching for tenders that interest him; information about this will be fully reflected on the site and will be available for viewing and control by third parties from participation in the tender to the signing of the contract between the parties.

For those who are faced with the need to work with the State Procurement website for the first time, its interface may seem incomprehensible, and some questions may seem complicated. Most often, during the work process, users do not know what the Organization Account Number in the UIS is and do not know where to look it up. If your browser is configured correctly, we will show you how to do this.

Where to see the UIS organization registration number

As we have already said, information about tender participants is transparent and anyone can find it. You will need to go to the website and in the left menu click on the image of the house so that the menu opens like this:

Next, select by points: Additional Information -> Register of organizations and enter the TIN of the company about which we want to find out information. You can search by name, but it’s easier to find information by TIN. Please note that the company must be a bidder, it must be registered on the website under Federal Law 44 or 223. For example, we will take the first organization we come across with TIN 3917045914.

Enter the TIN in the search bar, press Enter or the magnifying glass icon and look at the search results:

If the organization is registered under both 44 and 223 Federal Laws (this happens often), a sign will appear asking you to choose which register to take information from. It’s not important to us - let’s try to look both here and there. After the page with the organization’s data opens, click on the tab on the right “Additional information”. The unique registration number of the organization is 10356000080. Now you know where and how to look at the UIS organization registration number.

When a customer registers in the UIS, he is assigned an organization account number. Why is it needed, how to find out these numbers and where to look, read the material.

Where to get the EIS organization registration number

Let's look at how to find out the organization's account number in the UIS. In the left side menu on the main page of the procurement site, find the “Additional information” tab, it contains a link to the “Register of organizations”.

The registry can be searched by:

  • Law 44-FZ or 223-FZ;
  • IKO/IKUL code;
  • code according to the Consolidated Register;
  • OGRN;
  • organization level;
  • powers of the organization / type of legal entity;
  • codes by type of activity;
  • address/location;
  • Federal District;
  • subject of the Russian Federation.

There is also a second way to see data from the register of organizations. On the main page of the portal, enter the name of the organization in the search bar. You can also search by TIN, OGRN, address, region, etc. The system will display the results. On the page that opens, select the last tab “Register of Organizations”. Find the desired organization in the search results and click on the “Details” link. You will be asked to choose a law. Select 223-FZ or 44-FZ.

  • powers of the company;
  • unique account number of the organization in the UIS;
  • company name;
  • date of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • type of organization;
  • budget level for financing;
  • classification codes;
  • contacts.

The organization's account number in the UIS is needed to identify the customer. What he really is? The organization's account number according to 44-FZ is an 11-digit code that is automatically assigned to the customer. Do not confuse the organization’s account number and the number according to the consolidated register of customers - they are not the same thing.

Customer register

You can view all information about the customer in the register. To find the register of customer organizations in the UIS, in the left side menu, find the “Additional information” tab and click on the “Register of organizations” link. Enter the name in the search bar. To get into the register of customers, you must register in the Unified Information System.

The registration card contains information about the name, registration date, constituent information, identification code and the date of its assignment, budget code and its type, contacts. This is what the organization’s card looks like in the customer register:

In additional information on the card you can find the organization’s unique account number: