Public Relations Resume. PR manager resume sample. Key knowledge and skills

  • 11.01.2024

What does a sample resume for a PR manager look like?

PR manager resume example

Correct resume sample for PR manager

Zhuravskaya Elena

Career objective: PR manager
Desired income level: 40 thousand rubles

Date of birth: 03/20/1986
Accommodation: St. Petersburg, metro station "Zvenigorodskaya"
Not ready for business trips.

Contact Information:
Phone: +7 (9хх) ххх-хх-хх
Email: [email protected]

Key knowledge and skills:

  • Ability to develop and implement promotion strategies in accordance with the objectives and profile of the company;
  • Ability to negotiate and conduct business correspondence;
  • Knowledge of the features of offline and online platforms, the ability to use them effectively;
  • Organizational skills, communication skills, ability to analyze and adjust developed plans for brand promotion;
  • Stress resistance, ability to multitask.


11.2012–04.2015 PR manager

Osvald LLC (, St. Petersburg

Field of activity of the company: lighting fixtures and equipment

  • Monitoring specialized exhibitions and conferences, organizing company participation in them.
  • Development of a strategy and organization of website maintenance and official company accounts on social networks.
  • Working with the media, initiating and preparing publications.
  • Preparation of PR materials and presentation products.

Achievements: Thanks to my efforts, the brand became recognizable, the number of orders for products increased by 20%.

11.2009–09.2012 Public Relations Specialist

LLC "Modus-team" (, St. Petersburg

Field of activity of the company: IT company

  • Development of a promotion strategy, analysis of competitors.
  • Participation in the development of PR content on the company’s website, social networks, and partner platforms.
  • Generation and publication of information events (press releases, event reports, articles, etc.).

Achievements: developed and implemented a PR strategy, which allowed us to bring the company into the top 10 for the “website creation” service.


2014 National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

Business Communications Course, Diploma of Professional Retraining

2010 Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen, St. Petersburg

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English – intermediate (B2).

PC knowledge: Confident MS Office user.

Driver's license: category B, driving experience 6 years.

The main purpose of the questionnaire is to publish brief information about the applicant’s qualifications, his contact information, and expectations regarding the salary level.

List of information that will be needed when filling out the form:

  • Salary level;
  • Place of previous work;
  • Experience, knowledge, skills;
  • Email;
  • Social network pages;
  • Knowledge of languages;
  • Basic and additional education.

You can determine the optimal salary based on the rates published on large websites of recruiting agencies in the region and bulletin boards.

For contacts with organizations while searching for vacancies, it is better to create a temporary mailbox. This will help protect your permanent email from spam.

Right Wrong
piarov@site pr-pupsik-tut@site

To create a profile you will need a high-quality photograph.

How to describe work experience

The section about the length of service and job responsibilities that the applicant had to cope with is primarily of interest to employers.

The information allows you to learn about the experience and potential of a PR specialist.

For personnel officers The reputation and scope of the company’s activities matter, where the candidate worked. Such information confirms the competence of the applicant.

Employer representatives pay attention also to continuity of service. This indicator indirectly characterizes the applicant’s performance, his ability to adapt to the team and get along with his superiors.

Example of work experience:


    Public Relations

    Job title:

    PR manager


    — Organization of press conferences, press tours;
    — Writing articles, preparing press releases, interviews;
    — Interaction with printing houses, designers, video operators;
    — Monitoring of the media, PR campaigns of competitors;
    — Communication with clients, journalists, bloggers;
    — Analysis of campaign effectiveness;
    — Reports on the work done;

    If the PR person has no experience

    For industry newcomers Public Relations It is better to focus on valuable knowledge in the professional field. To increase competitiveness, you should not just mention the university, courses and trainings, but disclose information about your studies in detail.

    Filling out the education section

    The resume of a PR manager, a sample of which is discussed in this article, contains the “education” block; when filling out this section, you must follow certain rules.

    Employers love erudite and inquisitive employees.

    A big advantage for the applicant is having a specialized education. If the candidate cannot boast of a diploma in his specialty, it is advisable to take a short course in PR management at any licensed training center. Even a small amount of knowledge on the profile will increase your chances of finding a job.

    Example of educational information:

    • University "Synergy"


      Public Relations Manager

      Year of ending:

    Additional education in the application form is formatted as follows:

      Year of ending:


      Basics of SMM promotion

      Conducting organization:

      SMM promotion school

      Year of ending:


      Psychology in work and business

      Conducting organization:

      Psychology Center

    What to include in the skills section

    Such information will help the employer correctly assess the range of responsibilities and capabilities of the applicant.

    Personal qualities of a PR specialist

    General personal characteristics are no less important.

    In his work, a PR specialist constantly has to communicate with various categories of people, so communication skills in this profession are fundamental.

    Also in this area, perseverance and the ability to quickly solve assigned tasks are important, so such skills must be included in the application form.

    What information is included in the “about yourself” section?

    Public Relations Specialist Resume is an example of the applicant’s professionalism and competence, therefore such a document must have a certain degree of uniqueness. In the “about yourself” block, they mention personal qualities, awards and thanks, features that will help motivate the employer to make a positive decision.

    This section does not have a specific format, so it would be appropriate to talk about your unique methods used in your work.

    You should not write about various hobbies and marital status in this block; as a rule, such information is considered superfluous and does not affect the decision-making process.

    An example of filling out the “about yourself” section::

    • I know how to set up and maintain PR channels to interact with the target audience, journalists, and representatives of government agencies. I have experience in organizing and conducting PR campaigns. I regularly improve my knowledge. I can speak interestingly and write memorable texts. I will be happy to respond to every response from the employer.

    Which contacts will be most important?

    The section should contain the necessary amount of information for prompt communication between the personnel officer and the applicant. At the same time, it is better to indicate several channels for communication in case one turns out to be inaccessible or inconvenient for the employer.

    The correct format of the form is of great importance.

    Before sending the document, check all the blocks again. Evaluate the information provided for its informativeness. Remove excess "water". Remember, in order for your resume to be noticed, it must be unique and meet the requirements of the vacancy. At the same time, you must comply with the rules of business document flow.

Are you looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our example of filling out a resume for the position of PR manager (an experienced specialist or a newcomer without work experience) will help you. A competent resume will greatly increase your chances of getting hired.

PR manager resume template is available in two types

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Advantages of the template

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what doesn’t. This example of a PR manager resume has been tested by practice.

2) Standard format. Every HR manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as a PR manager.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in personnel selection. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find a good job, the most effective way is to slightly change your resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our example of how to write a PR manager resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a PR manager resume sample, click on the link below.

PR manager

Expected income level

Personal data

Place of residence: Moscow, (nearest metro station)
Date of birth: April 04, 19.. (... years)
Family status: Married, no children


20.. - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
Faculty: Advertising and PR
Specialty: PR and advertising

20..g. - Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
Faculty: Faculty of Foreign Languages
Specialty: Teacher of French and English languages

19.. - Modeling agency - BURDA MODEN
Course name: Business etiquette and acting courses


05.20.. - 09.20.. LLC "XXX", Moscow
Scope of the company: Marketing/advertising/PR.
Position: PR manager


    Development and implementation of marketing and communication strategies;

    Marketing research (market research, analysis of the competitive environment, consumer research, brand research, assessment of distribution channels);

    Analysis and evaluation of efficiency (market share, sales volume, brand knowledge, share of information presence, etc.);

    Organizing the work of the team, drawing up plans and coordinating their implementation;

    Production and adaptation of press, videos, POS materials, outdoor advertising;

    Participation in brainstorming sessions together with the creative team;

    Conducting meetings at the highest level of management;

    Preparation of pre/post-campaign reports.

Reason for leaving:

09.20.. - 04.20.. LLC "XXX", Moscow
Scope of the company Consumer goods and services sector - retail.
Position: Marketing Department Specialist


    Organizational work and holding conferences, presentations, PR events;

    Work on developing priority clients;

    Studying the client’s strategy and finding the most effective development solutions for a specific client;

    Development and implementation of strategic and operational plans;


    Development and maintenance of customer databases; expanding contacts, improving and developing relationships with clients;

    Analysis of the retail market, segmentation of consumers of the company’s services to select the most competitive development strategy;

    Press monitoring (Internet and print media);

    Conducting negotiations with potential clients;

    Project Management;

    Development of commercial strategies;

    Work with various corporate databases.

Reason for leaving:

Additional Information

English language: Free level
French: Free level
Spanish: Basic level
Computer skills: skills in working with Microsoft Office, email, Internet
Driver license: Category B