Saying goodbye to the year of the monkey for children. Scenario New Year's holiday "meet the year of the monkey." Table New Year's drinker "Acquaintance by horoscope"

  • 11.08.2022

Lyubov Rodionova
"Seeing the old year on the planet of the apes." Scenario New Year's party for older children

« Seeing off the old year on the planet of the apes»

Children run into the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree.

Leading: Colorful lights

Shiny Christmas dress

Look how many are with us

Joyful guys!

1r. We are friends, our girlfriends

We recognize in different masks

Let's have fun with them

Let's sing a song!

2r. A gentle song is heard in the forest

A song about a Christmas tree, about its beauty.

Fabulous, clear lights shine

Hello beautiful winter days!

3r. Christmas tree-beauty will sing with us

Every New Year begins with a song!

round dance "What is the New Year?"

4r. Snow flew in and covered the earth,

Blizzard and cold winds howled

But let bad weather rages and gets angry

We will have fun at the festival!

At the festival we will dance from the heart

Let's sing our favorite songs

And with Santa Claus we will conjure a little

And let's get into his fairy tale!

6r. In that fairy tale awaits us New Year's miracle,

There we will meet new friends

And a good wizard will come from nowhere

Fulfill wishes children!

7r. Santa Claus will come to us

Will bring gifts

He hurries to us through the snowdrifts.

On snowy roads

8r. Either a blizzard, or winter

Wrote this song

But when she sounds

We don't fit in.

round dance "Under the New Year!"

(children sit down)

Leading: Get comfortable, and I check Are all guests present? Or is someone missing? Maybe we forgot someone?

Now together we will call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, just do it here how:

The girls will call the Snow Maiden, and the boys will call Santa Claus. Let's try.

A sound is heard announcing the arrival of guests.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter.

D. M: Well, here we are! Snow Maiden, introduce me to the children.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, do you really think that the children have forgotten you?

D. M .: Imagine, it’s supposed to be like that!

Snow Maiden: Okay, now I'll make a riddle, and the guys will answer in unison. Listen? what will we talk about now?

Who comes to us in winter

In a fur coat and with a beard

Good look and red nose

Who is this? (Father Frost.)

Snow Maiden: You see, grandfather, everyone knows you

Father Frost: Indeed. In that case, hello guys. Girls and boys! Meet my granddaughter Snegurochka!

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! Grandfather, the guys and I have known each other for a long time, remember, we came here last year.

D.M.: Really? Somehow I look familiar faces, but it seems they were a little smaller.

Snow Maiden: A whole year has passed, the guys have grown up, learned a lot, learned a lot.

D.M.: And that's right! Remind me, granddaughter, what did we do here last year?

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's recall what we did last year at the holiday, remember the guests too (poems, danced, played, lit the Christmas tree)

FROM: - Clap mittens

Stamp boots,

For girlfriends and for friends

Dance, you, have fun!

D.M. It's such a deal for me

Very simple

Oh, the soul is rejuvenated

Pair dance "White Snowflakes"

D. M. And now I want to listen to poetry, only to speak loudly, but expressively!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, can I play with your staff?

The game "Magic Staff"(to the music, the children pass the staff in a circle, when the music stops, the child completes the tasks of D.M.)

At the end, D.M. asks to say that he is the most powerful wizard.

Snow Maiden Santa Claus, but this is not modest.

D. M. But, it's nice.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's all say these words together.

We made you happy, and now you make us happy, help us light the Christmas tree

D. M. Come on, tree, wake up,

Come on, baby, smile.

All:1-2-3, Christmas tree, burn! (didn't light up)

Children sit down.

D. M. Eh, I have become old. I forget everything. After all, in order to celebrate the New Year, you certainly need spend the old.

Snow Maiden: It's impolite to meet a new, young year, not after spending the old but we don't know how to do it?

D. M. I have a familiar star, maybe she will help us?

Oh, you, star, star

You shine on us from above

Where are the honest people now

Seeing off the New Year?

(a star descends, there is a message from aliens-sound letter)

Attention! Attention! The king speaks planet of the apes!

Today on my the planet will see off the old year. Residents of various planets. Have a good mood with you!

D. M. Before we leave, we need to prepare. I hope you know how kings are greeted? (answers children) Granddaughter, teach the guys.

Snow Maiden: Now we're going to take a crash course in etiquette. Listen and remember!

When the king approaches, the drums must beat. Only boys will do it (you need to inflate your stomach and quickly, quickly hit it with your palms like this) And now you.

And now let's deal with girls: you will puff up your cheeks, and then press them with your fingers, here So: "Pu-yu-yu"

And now together, each his own party ...

D. M: And in order to be accepted as their own, we will turn into aliens, for this we will put on these things. And now on the road!

(They arrive, a flying saucer appears and alien):

Hello! Who you are? Where? Target? (situational conversation) First the dance, then the king.

General dance "Zimushka-winter"- around the Christmas tree.

Out comes the king monkeys:

Zyryaka kabyaka

Snow Maiden: What he says?

D. M. He is glad to see you.

King: Zyumba, syusyuki!

D. M. Hello, children!

Let's welcome the king (Greetings as agreed)

King: Dunduks are fools?

D.M.: He asks if there are crybabies or lazybones among us?

(answers children)

King: Lyulyuka figak?

D.M. Why did you come here?

King: Rite of Pipika

DM Let's start our holiday with an interesting game. Now you you will go through this rope.

The game "Rope"(during the passage, the rope falls lower and lower)

King: Murmon pig

D.M. He liked it

King: takes out multi-colored caps and does not know what to do with them, tries to find a use for them

Shusyuka helps

JM asks you for help, who knows what they are for?

Dance "Merry Gnomes"

The king takes out a box of handkerchiefs and starts throwing them up.

D.M. Wait, your majesty! Look, the girls will show you what these things are for.

Dance with the Snow Maiden "Ice Girl"

King: Pretty girl!

D. M. Well, this is clear even without translation.

King: Pozyaka macaque!

D. M. Now we will take the oath of the king planet of the apes, and it is done like this

Raise your right leg, close your right nostril and put your hand on your stomach

King: repeating macaque

D. M repeat after him

The king gives D. M a letter, he reads, the children repeat

"Entering on planet of the apes in the face of my comrades, I solemnly swear (: never cry, never whimper and always hold the tail with a pipe!

King: Wretched attack!

D M. His Majesty grants permission see off the old year

Everyone stands around the Christmas tree

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

King: Przyaka davaka! First, a dancer, and then a prize!

Children dance a common dance "Winter"

D. M. Now the king will distribute wish medallions to everyone.

King: Amba-kukaryamba, syusyuki!

Everyone says goodbye with a bow and goes to kindergarten in the same way.

Now we will all say 1-2-3 together - the Christmas tree is on fire!

Snow Maiden: And these medallions are magical. Now each of you will whisper your wish, and then put it under the tree.

The Snow Maiden draws attention to her medallion of desires, throws it, it turns into a cosmic flower with gifts (transformation accompanied by sound and light effects).

Grandfather(he is later - Grandfather Frost)
foreign girl(later - Snegurochka)

For grandfather- simple old man's clothes, Santa Claus costume;
For girl- sunglasses, a vest, a dress of the Snow Maiden;
For grandma- a bathrobe, a scarf, slippers, a package of semolina;

2 ropes of 4 meters;
Light balls of two colors or models of fruits of two types (for example, coconuts and apples);
A picture of a monkey.

The tables are standing, the guests are sitting, there is background music.

- Good evening, good afternoon!

How glad I am to see you!

you are brilliant today
This moment is New Year's Eve.
We spend the past year
It was difficult with him and easy.
So let's give

Tribute to him we ringing toast!
(glasses are raised for the outgoing year)

- New Year is not just a holiday,
That is famous among the people,
That there are many different stories
He keeps many stories.
There is an island in the world
No problems and no worries.
Whatever the day, there is fun
Whatever the word - congratulations.
It is like Atlantis
We live without seeing it.
There are palm trees and creepers,
And coconuts and bananas.
And live without knowing problems
In a corner of earthly paradise
naughty monkeys,
Eternally joyful faces.
But unexpectedly, unexpectedly,
No road, no way
Suddenly the monkey disappeared.
Where can you find it now?
(The presenter leaves to the side, and a girl in a vest and sunglasses runs out to the song "Chunga-Changa").

Girl(looks around and in a calling voice shouts first to one side, then to the other):
Monkey! Monkey! (sounds like "mankey, mankey")
(Grandma enters with weaving steps, in her hand she has a large bag with the inscription "MANKA". Following the grandmother, the grandfather limps a little further).
- Baby, here's a decoy for you.
Girl (surprised)
— What's it? (vots it)
— Vodka? Well, you have tastes, my daughter. And she's still young. Well, who knows, maybe you need the truth. (Turning to the guests, looking around the tables) Good people, does anyone have vodka?
Grandfather(twirls at the temple):
"Babe, are you crazy? Well, what did you do to her. Why does she need your decoy?
- So she was crying here: decoys, decoys!
— Oh yeah! Monkey!
- Well, you see, he asks. Eat, baby, just cook first!
- You're stupid, you're stupid! STE is English. Theirs “monkey” in ours is “monkey”.
grandma ( waving):
- Who's the monkey here? I'll show you a monkey now! I will show you such a monkey now.
(Grandfather and girl run away, grandmother chases them, swearing).

- Dear friends! The year of the monkey is coming, so what do you and I have to do? That's right, monkey around. This is dedicated to ourcompetition "Show the monkey".
(Volunteers of 4 people come out in 2 teams: "Gorillas" and "Macaques." Each member of the team takes turns grimacing and showing faces only with facial expressions, without repeating others and himself, and the audience should evaluate by shouting "was" or "was not" The competition goes up to 3 matches.
After the end, the host rewards the winning team with apples or bananas).

- Well, well, in the last competition you shone with charm, and the next one is a test of strength. As you know, monkeys choose strong males. Our contest is called"Strong Male".
(Two men are tied to a belt with ropes, leaving a “tail” behind. The tails are tied into a knot. “males” pull each other in different directions. Whoever knocked down the opponent wins. The reward is a kiss of the “female” chosen by him).

Let's raise a toast to a strong male. May our males be strong in the coming year, and their females be beautiful, and we will all be healthy, successful and happy!
A little later, the presenter announces a musical pause. Everyone is dancing.

— An erotic dance contest with a banana is announced"Treat for the Beloved" :
(There are peeled bananas on the tray. Several couples participate. At the start, the partner takes a banana in his mouth. Music is turned on (for example, samba “mosa mosa asi voce me mata”). In the dance, the partner should eat the banana as effectively as possible without dropping a single piece. At the end, the audience chooses the best couple, declaring them the king and queen of the holiday).

- You excelled in beauty,
Force measured with effect,
In the dance, too, were not embarrassed,
So show off your intellect!
Say congratulations
You are all amazing!
For brevity, we are
Let's call them "congratulations".
Who will put in the box
Best congratulations?
Come on, take a leap:
Read me a poem.

(Guests readhappy new year greetings ).

presenter(ending the contest)
- Well, you are smart, poets,
It's hard to single out someone.
All in a word you are sharp.
Summing up the game
I announce: to your honor
You all won together.
The competition ends
And the holiday continues!
(There is a feast. After some time, a girl and a grandmother run in, run around the tables).

Girl(looking under the tables)
Monkey! Monkey!
grandma(carries a picture of a monkey in front of him):
- I'm looking, I'm looking! (walks, touches the guests, looks into their faces) No, not that, similar, but not that.
(Bypassing the circle, they are removed).

- To catch the nimble Monkey
We don't have enough bait.
Let's play with you again
Everything is ready for this!
As you know, monkeys are big pranksters. Themfavorite entertainment - Throw coconuts at the bald heads of passing tourists. You, friends, will have to do a similar useful thing. Now a tourist will appear among us.
(Grandfather comes out, carries a basin with him.
The presenter takes out two bags of balls or dummies of fruit).
- Volunteers are built in 2 teams of 5 people. Our tourist prudently took a container with him (grandfather puts the basin on his head, holding it like that). Your task is to take turns getting the fruit into the basin from a distance of 3 m. The Monkey team throws apples, and the Chimpanzees throw coconuts. When the fruits run out, we will count what is more in the basin and determine the winner.
The competition goes to the song "Macarena".

presenter(when the results were summed up and the grandfather took away the basin):
- I hope that the monkey will come to the collected fruits and stop hiding from you and me.
Well friends, glasses are empty -
Fill them up soon!
New Year brings a lot
Meetings, events and ideas.
Let the desired happen
Let happiness be brought to the house!
(A loud knock sounds.)
“Oh, who is knocking?”
Come in, we are waiting for you!
To the phonogram "The New Year is rushing towards us" gr. Accident Ded Moroz and Snegurochka (disguised, but recognizable grandfather and girl) enter.
Santa Claus:
- And we came to the holiday to you,
And they brought the Monkey.
And, having visited your light,
She stayed for a year.
She liked your welcome,
But that's what she's famous for.
Someone is cringing
Someone will like it.
Snow Maiden:
- Sometimes she fools around:
She has a hundred masks
Well, hiding under them
For each his own.
Accept the mischievous
Smiles and laughter
And it will return
To you happiness and success!
- A toast to the New Year!
Santa Claus:
- Happy New Year! With new happiness! And we have a surprise for you!
Get out on the threshold
There is a commotion waiting for you.
To the song "Happy New Year" gr. Abba go outside and set off fireworks.

New Year is the most magical and adored by all holiday. A wonderful mood, communication with loved ones, gifts - all these are mandatory features of the upcoming event. To make the celebration of the New Year truly fun and memorable, it is worth preparing for it in advance.

Preparing for the Year of the Monkey

home decoration

The symbol of the coming year is the Fire Monkey. Therefore, when decorating a house according to the New Year of the Monkey scenario, it is necessary to use rich, bright colors. The most relevant will be shades of red, gold, orange and brown. Pick up stylish balls and garlands in these colors, decorate walls, windows and doors with them.

In 2016, designers advise dressing the Christmas tree according to the American tradition, in two or three colors. Do not forget to plant a small plush monkey under the tree.

Try to use as many candles as possible when decorating the room. Light them up on New Year's Eve, and luck will not fail to settle in your house!

Choice of outfit

When choosing an image for the new year, give preference to unusual combinations and colors. The monkey is a resident of the tropics, which means that African prints and large jewelry are perfect.
For ladies, an elegant dress, perhaps orange or gold, would be the best option. If these shades seem too catchy to you, then you can pick up a more modest dress, complemented by a golden belt or brooch.
Men can wear a casual suit and shirt, but to keep the theme going, add a fiery tie or belt.

Catering and table setting

The festive menu must include fruits and vegetables. You can create whole compositions from sliced ​​apples, bananas and kiwis. Do not forget to cook dishes with red elements, for example:

  • stuffed bell pepper;
  • strawberry jelly;
  • beetroot salad;
  • meat with lingonberry or pomegranate sauce.

Plates with salads and hot dishes will look especially elegant if you make a Christmas tree pattern using a stencil and finely chopped greens.

Of the drinks, the most relevant will be juices of bright colors (orange, cherry) and, of course, champagne.

When setting the table, try to use a lot of small details, because the Monkey is a lover of interesting little things.

Necessary props

For the competition we need:

  • skewers, toothpicks, fruits and vegetables;
  • paper and markers;
  • bananas.

New Year of the Monkey - holiday script

Leading: So, it's time to spend the old year and better prepare for the New. We already have one wonderful Christmas tree. Let's try to build some more! We will call the most elegant of them the winner and leave it as a table decoration until the morning!

Participants use toothpicks, skewers, pieces of vegetables and fruits to try to create something resembling a Christmas tree.

Leading: There are only a few minutes left before the start of the New Year. Do not forget that while the chimes are striking, we all need to make a wish according to our most secret desire!

12 hours. Congratulations, gifts, hugs.

Leading: Happy New Year! I wish everyone happiness and good luck, as well as joy and mischievous mood! Did it sound standard? Then let's each wish the others something unusual, but very pleasant!

Guests take turns toasting. Everyone drinks champagne.

Leading: And now we will find out which of us especially tried to please the Fire Monkey. Count how many items of clothing you have in red, gold, brown or gray. I give you exactly 5 minutes to complete the task! We take into account everything, even buttons and socks!

competition for attention

Invitees count the number of designated items of clothing. The one who counts the most wins a prize.

Leading: Monkeys are a whole detachment of mammals. Let's try to remember as many species of this animal as possible!

Everyone in turn names the type of monkey. The stumbled participant drinks a glass of alcoholic drink or juice. The winner is the participant who remembers the breed or species last. He receives a small symbol of the year as a gift.

Leading: Something we stayed too long. Let's run?

Competition "Glasses"

Glasses are placed on the table. There should be so many of them that one participant is not enough. The music turns on. While it sounds, everyone runs around the table, as soon as it stops, the guests grab glasses. The one who did not have time to grab is out of the team. The entertainment continues until someone takes the last glass.

Leading: The monkey loves to laugh. Let everyone tell the funniest thing that happened to him last year.

Competition "Funny stories"

The guests take turns entertaining each other with their stories.

Leading: Now we will draw the symbol of the year. Easily? Not really! Draw how you imagine a broad-nosed howler monkey.

Competition "Artists"

The invitees are actively trying to portray the animal. At the end, a picture with a real image is shown. The winner is the one whose drawing even remotely resembles the original.

Leading: Gentlemen, it's time to practice your eloquence! Remember the most exquisite compliments that you are ready to address to our luxurious ladies.

Competition "Praise"

Each of the men voices all sorts of epithets that characterize the surrounding ladies. Each is given no more than 10 seconds. The facilitator writes down how many words the participant managed to name. You can't repeat. The winner is a prize.

Leading: Monkeys, as you know, as a result of evolution, have the same palm structure as we do: four fingers together, and one separately. This gives them the opportunity to feast on bananas, peeling them. Imagine yourself in the place of a prehistoric monkey and try to peel and eat a banana without using your hands!

"No hands!"

Participants pick up plates of whole bananas and try to peel them. The plate is held with both hands. The winner is the one who first manages to pull the fruit out of the peel and eat it.

Leading: Are you full? Now is the time to dance! To make the first dance in the New Year even more fun, I propose to draw lots about who will get paired with whom!

"Ticket to Luck"

Cavaliers are given pieces of paper with the numbers assigned to them. The ladies pull twisted numbers from their hats. The funniest thing is when there are fewer men than women. Then several numbers can be assigned to pets or even an inanimate object - for example, a toy.

Leading: Well, we had a lot of fun! Now I propose to end the evening with a feast and a festive disco. Enjoy your holiday and Happy New Year to all of you, dear friends!

New Year's Eve is led by a host and volunteer who plays the role of the Monkey. At the end of the program, another character appears - the Rooster, chosen among the team. The essence of the scene is to guide the Monkey and meet the Rooster. The monkey does not want to leave, so he arranges tests for the team, and also interferes in every possible way with the participants in games and contests. At the end of the program, the Monkey receives a gift, the Rooster receives recognition, and Santa Claus gives gifts. Everyone is happy!

Please note that the symbol of the evening is the Rooster. It should be present in everything - from treats to the table and decorations, to costumes and props for the holiday.

We offer a choice of several scenes that are suitable for cooperatives, family feasts, friendly youth parties.

Advice! For the first scenes, you need to acquire props.

bright clothes, preferably multi-colored;
chips with the image of a Rooster;
round plates with numbers on each of them from 1 to 10;
big bag.

The hall includes leading and says:

- On this New Year's holiday, I greet you, friends,
Today you are all beautiful and friendly, as never before.
Gathered and dressed up to celebrate the Year of the Cock?
Well, let's start with the fact that we need to fill our glasses!

The glasses are filling up. Leading He speaks:

Who is the leader here?
Who is our leader today?
Word to you, leader,
We won't drink without toast.

The leader makes a speech, summarizes, thanks and congratulates the team.


- New Year is not far off,
But it will come when
We say goodbye to the Monkey
And we'll find the Rooster.

Fill up your glasses
Have fun honest people
So that adversity and sorrow
Gone to the old year.

Glasses are being filled. Anyone who wants to make a toast. The team is drinking.

The hall includes A monkey:

- Wait a minute, friends.
I haven't left yet
And I'm not going to
Give away your rights!


You served for a whole year
Now it's the turn of the rooster.

A monkey with a smirk:

- You have to wait until the morning,
To meet the Rooster
He's in the chicken coop today
There will be a snooze as always.

- Don't worry about us.
We'll find it now
In our friendly team,
Cockerel has a stock.

And there are talents, believe me,
If you don't believe it, check it out.
We'll show you now
Who is the beast today!

Guests will be prepared for mini-competitions. The host invites them to take part in comic skits.

Who said "Ku-ka-re-ku"

Improvised contests can be used as comic skits for the new year 2017. The most cheerful ones are selected from the guests (you can choose more serious comrades - if they agree, it will be fun to watch their roles change).

Guests line up and are invited to demonstrate their vocal abilities. Let karaoke fans not be in a hurry to rejoice - they will not be able to show off their talents. The time of the Rooster is coming, you need to sing the song accordingly.

Advice! Let each guest crow any popular hit, and the audience should try to guess it. Prizes are awarded to the vocalist who liked the majority of the audience. The viewer who guessed the largest number of "songs" is also noted.

Podium project

The rooster is a real dandy who is not averse to showing off in front of the assembled public. He will not miss such an opportunity.

The monkey pulls the participants she likes from the table and invites them to put their hand in a bag with "props". There are the most diverse and awkward outfits. Put bonnets, frills, boas, festive tinsel, colorful bloomers, grandmother's scarves and shawls, wigs in advance. Each participant "blindly" chooses an outfit.

But this is not enough for the monkey. She demands that all participants parade with an important air on an impromptu catwalk, showing off their outfit. Spectators are given plates with numbers from 1 to 10 in advance, with which they evaluate all the contestants.

Competition "Show the animal"

Each guest shows the Monkey the animal in the year of which he was born with the help of facial expressions, gestures and movements. Sounds are not allowed in the contest. The Monkey does not understand, and the hall is also silent on the first attempt, and then the participants prompt the Monkey the correct answer. The most creative participant wins.

A monkey:
- It's all easy for you,
What else can you do?

We have a rare talent
Put everything together, we will be able to find,
Without much work
And yet, regardless.

Competition "Let's put the word"

10 people are invited, who are divided into two teams. Each team must add the word "rooster". Each participant is preliminarily assigned a letter, which is hung on his back, and during the competition it is necessary to stand so that the word is formed. Then all the contestants are blindfolded, and at the signal the competition begins. During the competition, the Monkey will interfere with the contestants, get between them, etc. The team that spells the word first wins. Winning participants move on to the next competition.

Contest "Find the Rooster"

Participants who won the previous competition are blindfolded. The monkey hangs four rooster figurines on the Christmas tree so that one participant does not have enough. On a signal, the contestants begin the search, and the audience can tell them the location of the figures. This game is on the wane. The participant who did not get the figure leaves the game. This continues until there is only one player left to declare the winner. You can simplify the competition by leaving one round, in which the one who finds the rooster first wins.

A monkey:
- Okay, but for fun,
Not enough entertainment
Laugh from the heart
To easily get away from you.

- We will arrange it now,
We will build dear guests,
Specially for you,
There is a funny game.

Competition "Merry relay race"

Six participants are selected, who are divided into three teams of two people. Participants in a pair turn their backs to each other and bandage in this position. Teams are given a bag (basket). At the maximum possible distance from the participants, balls are scattered. On a signal, each pair runs to the balls and begins to collect them in a bag. When there are no balls left on the floor, a count is made. The pair that collects the least number of balls is out of the game. There are two pairs left. Opposite the remaining participants (as far as possible from them) put two chairs. On a signal, the teams run to the chair, run around it twice and return to their original position. The first team to reach the start wins.

New New Year's contest (!!!) for the company - "Lunokhod"

The best outdoor game for adults not quite sober people. Everyone stands in a circle, according to the counting rhyme the first one is selected and inside the circle he squats and seriously says: “I am Lunokhod 1”. Whoever laughed next - squats in a circle and walks, seriously saying: "I am Lunokhod 2." And so on…

Merry New Year's contest "Who is longer"

Two teams are formed and each must lay out a chain of clothes, taking off everything they please. Whoever has the longer chain, that team won. If the game is not played in the company of the house, but, for example, in a square or in a club, then two participants are first selected, and when they don’t have enough clothes for the chain (after all, taking off their clothes, you must remain within the bounds of decency), then the hall is invited to help the participants, and any of those who wish can continue the chain of the player he likes ....

A monkey:
- That amuse me!
Only there is no Rooster,
And maybe I'll have to
Stay forever.

- Do not rush to claim
We don't have long to wait
We'll try a hero
Find in the team!

Competition "Choose a Rooster"

To participate in the selection of the Rooster, three men (roosters) and six women (hens) are needed. Participants are chosen by lot. Then three teams of three people are divided (one rooster and two hens). For the competition, you will need outfits laid out in three bags. As decorations, you will need various ribbons, blouses, pants, elastic bands on the head, ribbons, and more. The chickens are blindfolded and, on a signal, they begin to dress up their Rooster. During the competition, music plays, and when it stops, the result is evaluated. The rooster should be dressed up as brightly and original as possible, be sure to decorate the head (comb) and arms (wings). The Rooster is chosen, which, in the opinion of the audience, is decorated the best. The monkey can help when it is difficult for the team to decide on the winner. The winning Rooster and his hens are awarded medals of honor.

A monkey with annoyance :
- Well, they chose the Rooster,
Drive me away.

- Monkey, wait,
Don't be quick to get angry
Dance with us today
And accept a present from us.

Bananas are presented to the monkey, and the Rooster dances a dance with her (lambada, waltz, etc.). Santa Claus enters the room. Applause sounds.

Father Frost:
- Happy New Year to you, friends,
monkey, rooster,
Boar, Fox, Pig,
I will generously bestow upon you all,
Hurry up, run up
And get gifts.

Participants of the corporate party individually approach Santa Claus, dancing. For each person, music is selected that is most appropriate to him in style.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for the year of the Monkey 2016 "DISPUTES OF THE GOAT AND THE MONKEY"

The scenario of the opening of the New Year tree in the city square.

The action takes place in the city square. In the center of the square is a tree. A circle is outlined around the Christmas tree, with a diameter of 50-70 meters. There are playgrounds around the circle. When viewed from a height, the area should look like a clock face. Opposite the "dial" is the main stage.

A snowman with a broom comes out onto the stage, sweeps, dances, sings.
Song of the Snowman:
I. It would be nice, it would be nice
Sweep all the paths
To Santa Claus way
Could find us for a holiday
Everything today, by the way,
Santa Claus will be waiting
I will sand everything
So that you don't accidentally fall.
Chorus: You sweep, sweep, broom,
Sweep the snowdrifts.
You sweep, sweep, broom,
For a fairy tale to come to us,
To find a way.
II. It would be nice, it would be nice
Hurry New Year
The tree lit up so that
The children stood in a round dance,
To dance together
And laughed to the point of tears
To make wishes
They will be performed by Santa Claus.

Snowman: I am a snowman, a snowman
Looked at you in passing
To congratulate all the girls
And Happy New Year boys!
Look what I am
I'm made of 3 balls
Two coals instead of eyes
And with a whisk in hand.
I am neither small nor big
Call my name!
My name:………….Snowman.
Came back to us today
Christmas tree and winter holiday
This New Year's holiday
We eagerly waited.
There is one game for you
I will read poetry now
I will start and you will finish
Answer in unison.
Where is the answer - there is the end
Who will tell - well done.
1. What kind of tree is
The whole crown is in silver
It blossomed in winter
On a frosty day in December
Needles glitter with silver
Well, of course it is…………TREE.

2. Grabbed the cheeks, the tip of the nose
Painted a window without millet
Who did it? Here is the question.
All this was done by………..FATHER FROST.

3. Roof in a fur hat
white smoke overhead
Yard in the snow, white houses
WINTER came to visit us………..WINTER.

4. Christmas tree, candles, tinsel
Waiting for children's gifts
Santa Claus is walking with a bag
This is a holiday…………NEW YEAR.
Now, guys
The last riddle.
She is a famous person
Very pretty
Tailed, horned and even bearded.
Should you tell me now
Who is the symbol of the outgoing year?...................... GOAT.
Hurry goat for the holiday
Give us something to sleep.
A goat appears, she dances and sings.
Song-Dance of the Goat:
1. Look with all your eyes
A goat rushes to you on a holiday
I jump, I jump, I dance
What is a holiday without me
I send you greetings, friends!
Chorus: Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa
I'm very glad to see you
You lived all year with a goat - 3r.
Don't cry in life
Let's dance better
What to grieve.

2. Everyone here is terribly cute
I am applauded loudly
I'm jumping, jumping, I don't feel sorry for my legs
After all, soon, soon the New Year
Good luck awaits you all.
Chorus(the same).
Goat: Hello little people!
It's been a whole year,
How I know you!
I see my friends here!
So the holiday will be glorious,
And with the most important task
We'll handle it without any hassle
Let's celebrate the New Year together.
But first we are without candles
The Christmas tree must be lit.
Snowman: Goat, you shouldn't be in a hurry!
We still have to invite a guest -
The symbol of the coming year!
I want to ask the people:
Answer without a hitch
very fast, straight
Who is the symbol of the coming year?........ MONKEY.
Applaud adults!
Applaud, children
The symbol of the New Year, we will meet with dignity!
A monkey appears, it dances and sings.
Song of the Monkey:
1. I came from the hottest countries
I brought you congratulations.
I will honestly serve people for a year
To entertain all children and adults.
Chorus: I brought a lot with me
fireworks, carnivals,
To make everyone happy
New Year's Eve for everyone
And on a cold winter evening
Light candles of happiness
2. I promise, the blue sky,
I promise sunshine all year round!
I promise to everyone who is here now,
Your happiness will not leave you!
Chorus: A magical island awaits love
Everything will be easy and simple!
There will be songs, there will be toasts
Since the year of the Monkey has come,
There will always be money!
Eat coconuts, chew bananas!
A monkey: Leaving distant, hot countries,
I came to the Kamchatka land.
May the Year of the Monkey be happy!
May your work be successful!
Goat: You, my dear, are in a hurry!
My year - the year of the Goat has not yet passed.
So don't jump here, don't rustle
How would you not be angry with me!
A monkey: And who are you?
Goat: I am Koza-Dereza
Horns are cool, take care of your eyes.
A monkey: you on my manicure
Madam, look!
Better take care of your eyes!
Snowman: Dear ladies, what a controversy!
The holiday today is not at all up to a quarrel.
Look at the square - the people gathered,
He longs for fun and is waiting for a holiday.
Goat: My year has not gone, I'm stepping on my heels.
A monkey: Let me tell you: you have hooves, not heels.
Goat: Now, as I kick, you will run without looking back.
Snowman (to the audience): What should I do, how should I be?
How can I reconcile girls?
How much can they argue?
Definitely ruin the New Year!
Goat: Yes, ruin the New Year
It will be the opposite
I declare exactly, directly - I will not go anywhere,
And I will remain the hostess in the coming year!
A monkey: You don't know me yet
I'm a terrible beast in anger!
You, Goat, I call
New Years duel! (throws down glove).
Goat: (raises glove)
Oh you monkey without a pocket,
Lost two bananas....
Do you want to fight? So be it!
Take three steps back
Now I think: ain, zwei, dry,
Choose your weapon.
The Goat takes cabbages from the basket, and the Monkey takes oranges. Getting ready to throw things at each other.
Snowman: Think, think, snowball
How do we save our holiday?
Come on, ladies, stand
Answer my question.
Who wants to be the symbol of the coming year?
Goat and Monkey: I!
Snowman: Now we will test you as a leader.
And now you ladies need
Assemble 2 squads instantly
What, Monkey, are you standing so not boldly?
You will be the first! Get down to business!
A monkey: The girls got ready
The boys got ready
I will play the game with you
Under the name "Monkeys".
Game "Monkeys":
We are funny monkeys
We play too loud
We clap our hands
We stomp our feet
We inflate cheeks
Jumping on toes
And even to each other
We'll show you the languages.
Together we jump to the ceiling,
Let's raise a finger to the temple,
Let's stick out our ears,
Tail on top
How do I say the number "three"
All freeze with grimaces!
Who has the best grimace -
He's on my team
Unconditionally and immediately.
One two Three!!!
(The monkey chooses 15-20 people, at this time the music of “Chunga-Changa” sounds in the background, lines up the team in one line)
Snowman: Your turn goat
What can you show?
I'm for you guys
I'll recharge!
Repeat after me
All figures to one!
Game-dance "Charging":
1. Pay in order
One, two, three, four, five
We're all charging
We start playing.
Chorus: Come on, sit down, be, me,
Come on, get up, be, me
They jumped together.

2. Do not stand still legs
We all need to play
Clap your hands loudly
One, two, three, four, five.
Chorus: (same).

3. And now move the booty
One, two, three, four, five
And stomp loudly with a hoof
And shake your horns.
Chorus:(the same).

4. Danced together
How do I say the number "five"
You freeze everything in place
I will choose you
Chorus: I'm starting, I'm counting:
One, two, three, four, five
I start, I think
I'm already choosing.
The goat is recruiting a team of 15-20 people, the game “Charging” sounds in the background.
Snowman: The goat has its own squad,
Monkey does too.
Now listen to me
We will help you resolve our dispute.

Everything goes from year to year
Everything changes its course:
Whether it's the circle of the zodiac,
Is the horoscope perfect?
The hands on the clock are running
Making an exact circle.
You look at the square
Pay all attention to:
The tree in the center is like an arrow,
Well, this circle is not a plate,
It looks like a dial
On it, fairy tales are waiting for the guys!
Take a circle of honor
According to our fabulous hours,
Someone is waiting for you every hour
Surprises and miracles await.
Go around the whole dial
And collect all the letters
Then fold it right
Get the key to the puzzle.
Kohl Goat you will be the first -
Your year continues... I guess.
And if the Monkey is faster, faster
The symbol of the year, of course, be her.
Guys, are you all ready to travel?
We will solemnly open this procession.
Goat, Monkey, three of us
On the path, we will sing a marching song.
Camping song:
1 verse Goat: There are no miracles in the world today
For those who do not believe in them themselves.
A monkey: And adults and children know about it,
And fairy tales live here and there.
Goat and Monkey: Miracles on the dial
They are waiting for us on the way.
Snowman: This is a fairy tale, not a fairy tale
The story is ahead.
verse 2:
Goat: There is a hut on chicken legs in a fairy tale,
A monkey: And Carlson flies across the sky.
Goat: There, a frog turns into a princess
A monkey: A whale fish swims in the sea.
Chorus: the same
Goat: Science will answer our questions
A monkey: Snow White lives in the forest
Goat: Rockets are sent to distant stars
A monkey: But there is also a flying carpet.
Chorus: the same.
Teams line up! And on the road!
A magical dial awaits!
Good luck and luck to help.
Find the right treasure!

Goat and Monkey teams in opposite directions go to play on the playgrounds. At each playground, teams meet with a fairy-tale character, complete his tasks, for which they receive one of the letters of the phrase: HAPPY NEW YEAR!, as well as an exclamation mark. Letters of different colors, for one team - red, for the other - blue.
At this time, on the main stage, the Snowman holds games and competitions for the remaining spectators.

1 HOUR: "Meeting with Zimushka-Winter".
Children are met by Zimushka-Zima.
Winter: Hello, good people!
Accept my bow
From all four sides!
I am glad to welcome you
Feel my chill
Invigorates every soul.
You are greeted by yourself
Coloring page Winter.
Snowball shooting game
(props: 2 buckets. Children make snowballs themselves)
Go to the newest
Unusual snow shooting gallery.
Don't shoot guns here
No rifle fire here
We need good snow here
And the throw on the target is dexterous.
Well shot at the dash,
They honestly deserve a letter.
2 HOUR: Encounter with the Dwarves.
Gnome 1: Well, friends, let's get acquainted
Gnome 2: We are two brothers
Gnome 1: We are two gnomes
Gnome 2: We invite kids
For a fun game.
(Gnomes show movements, children repeat)
Gnome 1: Who can show
How to drive a car?
It's as simple as that -
One, two and done.
Gnome 2: Show me how guys
A bear is walking.
It's as simple as that -
One, two and done.
Gnome 1: Hey, don't yawn
Show how the bunny jumps.
It's as simple as that -
One, two and done.
Gnome 2: Now you try
Wash your face with your cat.
It's as simple as that -
One, two and done.
Gnome 1: Who is so good
Clapping hands together?
It's as simple as that -
One, two and done.
Gnome 2: Well, who do you have now
Merry started dancing.
It's as simple as that -
One, two and done.
Gnome 1: Now friendly people
Get into a round dance
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta
Let's dance the Lapata dance.

Dance "Lapata"

Gnome 2: You danced well
Get the letter: one, two and you're done.
(Gnomes give the children a letter)

3 HOUR: "Meeting with the Bear".
Bear: Hello guys!
For starters, for order
I'll give you a riddle:
He lives in the deep forest
Clumsy, clumsy
In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw…….BEAR.
Very correct answer
Hello from the bear!
I offer you a game
"At the bear in the forest"
Which one of you will I catch?
I take to my lair
You just can't leave
You will pay the ransom.
Get ready, kids
The game starts.
The game "At the bear in the forest."
(The bear catches the children and hides them in his "lair")
Bear: Tales about bears
I need to call you
Answer correctly
I'll give you the letter.
(Children call fairy tales where the character is a bear - they get a letter)

4 HOUR: "Meeting with the Hare."
Hare: I salute you people!
Hare - I will be familiar.
I love to jump and jump
I love to play
And I love very much
"Christmas trees-stumps".
If I say the word "Christmas trees" -
Hands must be raised
And until then, stand like that
While I, by the way,
I will not say "stumps".
When you hear the word "hemp"
Sit down as low as you can.
The terms of the game are clear to you,
Or repeat again?
The game "Christmas trees-stumps".

Hare: We played great
I hand over the letter to you personally.
(The hare gives the children a letter)

5 HOUR: "Meeting with the Fox."
Fox: Allow me to introduce myself:
In the forest I am the first beauty!
I have a gorgeous outfit
In vain people say
That I am cunning and thieving,
And I'm not to blame for anything
I don't eat chickens or roosters
And my best friend is a bun!
I'll tell you a story about him
And I ask you guys -
Where I will lie a little,
I need to be corrected with claps
You can also stomp and scream.
Fairy Tale Game:
There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. And one day my grandfather wanted dumplings (was there such a thing?). And he says: "Thumbelina, bake me a bun." And the grandmother went to the store for the dough, kneaded the dough and put it in the microwave. She baked a loaf and took it to the refrigerator to cool. Lying-lying kolobok on the window, he got tired of lying, he took it and melted. Well done, you know the story well!
Fox: Well you stomped
They clapped very loudly!
And so the letter was earned.
(The fox gives the children a letter)

6 HOUR: "Two from the casket."
Together: And we are two from the casket,
The same from the face.
1st: Two teams gathered
Left - stand right.

2nd: You need to show strength
In tug of war.
Together: One, two, three - pull the rope!
Competition "Tug of war". (Props: rope)

Together: You guys are strong
Get a letter for this!
(Two from the casket give the children a letter)

7 HOUR: "Meeting with the Wolf".
Wolf: Let me introduce myself
I am the Gray Wolf!
I know a lot about fishing.
It doesn't matter that fish don't have a bite in winter
We will do ice fishing with you.
Have you read the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Fox"?
She talks about it!
I, the Wolf, lowered my tail into the hole,
And I caught fish with my tail.
This idea is not bad.
We drag fish from buckets.
And it's just beauty!
For catching fish 2 tails,
No line or stick needed!
Divide into teams
Let's go fishing.
(Divide children into 2 teams)
I see packs of wolves
I announce fishing conditions.
Know this is a relay race.
We take turns clinging the tail to ourselves
And we run to the bucket
We lower the tail into the bucket -
Is a fish biting? Here is the question!
As soon as the fish clings to the tail
The player returns to the team!
Then the next one fishes
You now have a clear task.
I wish you all good luck!
Ice fishing game.
(Props: 2 buckets, 2 tails at the end with magnets, 30 fish with metal parts)
Wolf: Caught a lot of fish
Thank you all for fishing.
Don't rush to leave
Get your letter.
(The wolf gives the children a letter)

8 HOUR: "Meeting with the Crow".
Crow: And I am a Crow, I am a smart bird,
You will have to work hard.
If you solve riddles
You get the letter right away.
1. Warms in winter,
Smoldering in the spring
Dies in summer
By winter comes to life………SNOW.

2. The old man guards at the gate,
Warmly dragged away,
Doesn't run on his own
And he doesn’t tell others to stand………..FROST.

3. In the yard by a mountain,
And in the room with water…….….ICE.

4. What grows upside down……..Icicle.

5. We cover the ground like small grains of sand.
We were born without wings
And we fly merrily………SNOWFLAKES.
6. All winter under the roof is fun,
In winter, the sun ate her up……….ICUCLES.
7. He lived in the middle of the courtyard,
Where the kids are playing.
But from the sun's rays
It turned into a stream……….SNOWMAN.
Crow: Well you answered
For this I give you a letter!
(The crow gives the children a letter)

9 HOUR: "Meeting with Baba Yaga".
Baba Yaga: Oh hello guys
You grandmother Yaga,
My leg is bone.
And I know now
How much sense do you have
I will run the relay
On high speed brooms.
Split into two teams
And enter the competition.
(Divide children into 2 teams)
Relay "On Panicles"
(Props: 2 brooms, 4 skittles)
Baba Yaga: Did the job, as if
Get your letter.
(Baba Yaga gives the children a letter)

10 HOUR: "Meeting with Emelya".
Emelya meets the children, he sits on the stove, in the hands of an accordion.
Emelya: I am Emelya - known to everyone!
An interesting competition awaits you.
I put my ears on top,
You sing ditties to me.
When you complete the task,
I will give you a special prize.
Let's start: one, two, three,
Let's voice ditties.
Ditties competition
Emelya: You conquered Emelya with vocals
And honestly they deserve it!
(Emelya hands the children a letter)

11 HOUR: "Meeting with Marya the Craftsman".
Marya: Bow to you guys!
Bow to your companion!
Let me introduce myself:
I am Maria the Craftsman!
Master of all trades
I can achieve everything
No matter what you take in your hands,
All of them are arguing things:
Bake pies, cook
I can embroider and sew!
Can you manage things?
Can you handle a needle and thread?
(Children answer)
Look how quick!
I give one of you a needle and thread,
(give props "tape tied to a pencil")
You must make friends with everyone -
Sew everyone tightly.
Sew all the guys to each other,
Through belts, belt loops, eyelets!
Game "Sew"
Marya: You are hardworking and also friendly,
And for this you guys, I need to reward!
(Mary the artisan gives the children a letter)

12 HOUR: "Meeting with Leshy".
Goblin: Come on, don't hesitate!
Leshy meets you!
I live in the forest
I don't have many guests.
And when they come
They start a song for me!
And a song like this
Which one do I ask.
Song Contest
Leshy holds a song contest, at his request, the children perform several songs.
Goblin: You sang songs well
modern, up-to-date
Get a special prize.
(Hands the children a letter)

Snowman: While my assistants
Working with teams
responsible business,
We'll take care of the white snow
And with all the people
Let's create great weather
Repeat after me
All figures to one.
Snowfall game:
Like winter without snow
Snow fell on the city, fell ... (sit down)
And then what was the strength
The north wind howled…. (howl)
He circled, carried snow ... (circle)
A blizzard broke out...
What are these skyscrapers?
These are snowdrifts
(Hands up, stand on toes)
Come on, hands up quickly!
Whose snowdrift is higher than all?
At night the wind howled .... (howl)
And in the morning it stopped.
(Head between arms)
And in every window
The sun came up.
The sun is smiling
The guys love it.

Snowman: There is a lot of snow
No road, no path.
It will be difficult for Santa Claus
Come visit us here.
We will come to his aid
Let's clear the way for grandpa.
Game "Broom"
Taken in hand, the audience
My beloved
Brooms imaginary.
To be a welcome guest
Didn't go astray
Please make a path for him.
Repeat after me
All shapes up to one:
Here, here, turn and turn.
Broom up, broom down,
And work, don't be lazy.
 A couple more movements, a little more,
Let's add slips,
Let's clear the path.
Well done guys!
The track is ready
For a dear guest!
Song-dance "Snowy commotion is spinning in the sky"
(Snowman shows movements, children repeat after him)
1. A snowy mess is spinning in the sky,
Trees and houses turned white
Teach us to have fun
Show us how to frolic
Because winter has come to visit us.
2. White fur coats near the trees and birches,
Warmer wrap your cheeks, wrap your nose,
Teach us to have fun
Show us how to frolic
Santa Claus went for a walk!
3. Put on your skis and skates,
We are looking forward to slides and skates!
Teach us to have fun
Show us how to frolic
Oh, how fun it is to play snowballs in winter!
4. A round dance began to spin near the Christmas tree,
All the people rejoice and rejoice
Teach us to have fun
Show us how to frolic
Finally, the New Year is coming!

The game "What grows on the Christmas tree."
All the boys need to know
Answer questions
Choir "yes" or chorus "no"
Shout back to me.
What grows on the tree:
Cones and needles?
Bright toy?
Green frog?
Are the fish golden?
Soaked apples?
White snowflakes?
Ripped boots?
Tinsel and beads?
Ripe watermelons?
Balls, icicles?
Tablets and pills?
They answered very loudly
Well done boys!
Snowman invites you
Dance with ducks
Dance of little ducks.
Snowman: Well, friends, the fun has begun,
While teams work
We'll have a disco.

(when the teams go up to the court)
Snowman: Here are the commands with the task
On the dial circle of honor went around
Friends, a minute of attention
Let's see what they brought with them.
These are magic letters
Everyone guessed at once
It remains to complete the last task
Compose a key phrase.
(while the teams are composing a phrase, music plays in the background)
Snowman: As soon as this phrase
Let's say it out loud
The winter wind will blow it around the world,
Rushing through snowdrifts and hummocks
Wake up in the kingdom of ice
He is Santa Claus.
Children:(read) Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
The song "Happy New Year!"
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
New Year is rushing to us
Everything will happen soon.
It will come true that dreams
Santa Claus is already coming to us,
He will be here soon
Not long to wait
The tree will be up soon
Only little sense
If Santa Claus children do not call in chorus
Well, now we're all together
Let's call Santa Claus.

Father Frost! Father Frost!
Santa Claus!

No, we need to shout very amicably
Father Frost! Father Frost!
Santa Claus!

I hear! I hear!
(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden ride a sleigh along the dial, along the passage of Father Frost, all the characters who played with the children on the playgrounds are attached to Santa Claus and everyone goes up to the main platform)
Father Frost: I see all the guys in the collection,
Christmas tree in festive attire.
My Helper Snowman
As always with a whisk
He's not used to being lazy
I swept everything under the tree.
To spend your year
look at mercy
Goat-Goat herself
Came for the holiday.
And although a little early
I am glad to see the Monkey.
It's time I know for sure
Everyone please note
We see off the old year
To meet a new one.
(To the Snow Maiden) Snow Maiden, my dear, granddaughter,
I know you're not white.
Here is the magic wand
And she has great power.
I want you to Christmas tree granddaughter
Illuminated with lights.
Snow Maiden: Light up with bright lights
green beauty,
Flashlights are bright
Light up our faces.
Golden toys
We like yours very much.
Elegant, radiant
Shine, shine, burn.
We repeat everything together:
One, two, three - Shine! Shine! Burn!
(call signs “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sound. The Christmas tree lights up)
Snow Maiden: Our Christmas tree sparkles with lights
And invites all the guys to the round dance!
Father Frost: Come on, hold hands
Stand in a wide circle.
All under the tree in a round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
(The 1st verse is lost so that the heroes and children line up in a round dance under the tree in the center of the square. A song sounds from the 2nd verse.
After the end of the song, 2 more verses sound - loss, so that the characters go up on stage)

Father Frost: Christmas frost on the slopes of the roofs
Wraps pipes with light steam.
Snow Maiden: From here we are within reach of the stars,
Monkey and Goat: Where the New Year says goodbye to the old.
Mary the Craftsman: Where in the realm of endless minutes,
Bear: Where in the kingdom of all millennia
Winter: The heavenly hours are coming,
Fox: The only accurate ones in the world.
Gnomes: How fast time moves forward!
Goblin: But still every day
Baba Yaga: the old fashioned way
Wolf: In the frozen sky they dance
Crow: Simple old fashioned snowflakes.
Emelya: This hour has struck, exciting souls!
Two from the casket: There is a solemn turn
Father Frost: Goodbye, last year
All: Hello, hello New Year!
Final song.