Where can I get tax free at customs? Tax free in Russia. Is it possible to use the purchased items before leaving the country?

  • 20.07.2022

The Soviet era of total deficit has long passed. Domestic counters literally "groan" from imported abundance. The era is gone, but the harmful bacillus that prompts our compatriots to look for exclusive gizmos in the West has taken root in our minds forever. And it doesn't matter that you have to overpay for this "exclusive" (which has ceased to be such for 20 years already). Do the math: air tickets, visas, hotels, transfers - all this eventually translates into solid numbers. Maybe that's why (in order to sweeten the expensive pill), the leadership of the EU countries came up with for the Russians, Chinese, Japanese TAX FREE?

And the EU leadership is also making sure that we remember for a long time the long tails of queues “for something” in the beautiful Soviet era. After all, it is almost impossible to get a refund after shock shopping in Italy without tedious waiting. But, jokes aside, our story is on a serious topic. So…

Dedicated to all Russians shopping in Italy...

What is TAX FREE?

International VAT refund system for non-EU residents. This means that Russians (Chinese, Arabs, Japanese) who make a trip to Italian shops can alleviate the bitterness of losing their money by returning a small percentage.

What is the refund amount?

In different countries, the percentage of TAX FREE is different. Tax-free in Italy - 22%. It's official. In fact, its value varies greatly. Shops enter into unfavorable contracts for tourists with intermediaries, which we will talk about later. As a result, a Russian citizen receives 11-13% instead of 22%. The exception is exclusive stores (jewelry, fur). In them, the returned amount sometimes reaches several thousand euros.

Minimum purchase value

The total amount of purchases is over 155 €. They must be completed during the day and certainly in one store, less often - in one trading house. For example, Milan Center La Rinascente at the Global Blue office issues a common tax free invoice for all purchases in different boutiques.

Which stores provide Tax Free?

We noticed shop windows, on the glasses of which there is a logo or global blue, or Tax refund or Premier Tax Free- that way. There are more than 18,000 such outlets in Italy.

How to ask the seller about Tax Free?

After selecting the product and going to the checkout, say: "Tax Free, Perfavore". Say the phrase before making a purchase.

What documents are required?

Personally with you - a passport. For large purchases, branded equipment (for example, Apple) without a passport, a discount will not be issued.

The store must issue:

  • Fattura- a special invoice, which indicates: the amount of the purchase (as in the check) and the amount of the return (without this figure, the customs officers will not put the necessary stamp). Sellers can fill in your personal data themselves or ask you to do so.

Return methods

  1. In the city before leaving.
  2. At the airport of Rome, Milan, Naples, Rimini, Verona, Pisa, Bologna.
  3. In Moscow.

Return in the city

Without waiting for the return flight, you can return the tax free at the city offices of the return points. A list of Global Blue offices is available at globalblue.ru. The list of TAX Refund points is available at taxrefund.it. Going for money, grab:

  1. Product.
  2. fattura.
  3. The passport.
  4. Return ticket.
  5. Credit card.

The tax-free return procedure looks like this. Employees, after checking the checks, pay money, while fixing the credit card data. You undertake, in turn, to send stamped checks to the address of the office in due time. Otherwise, the amount paid and a fine for non-fulfillment of the contract will be debited from the card.

Expensive fur and jewelry boutiques provide this service without intermediaries. This is the most favorable return for the buyer. Such stores return the maximum percentage (22%). That is, you buy a product "cleared" from value added tax (VAT).

For stamped checks in a branded envelope (it is issued with fattura), special boxes are installed at the airport. The envelope can be sent from Russia by mail, gluing the necessary stamps.

Standard return procedure at Italian airports

  1. Take your boarding pass.
  2. Approach the dogana (customs office) with documents (coupon, passport, checks, fattura) and with things bought in the country. Do not remove labels from products.
  3. The customs officer, having checked the purchases and checks, puts a stamp.
  4. Find points global blue, or Tax refund or Premier Tax Free and show stamped checks.
  5. You receive money in cash or leave your credit card details, to which the entire amount will be transferred in 3-5 days.

Yaroslav, Petersburg:

“At the Rome airport (in January 2019) I left my card details. I waited 2 weeks in vain. I thought my blood was crying! It's good that I kept a piece of paper with a phone from Premier Tax Free. Called. I had to "roar" in Italian-English. Received mine after 3 weeks. Bad story."

Rome. Tax Free at Aeroporto di Fiumicino

There are 2 customs offices in the building. The first one is intended for passengers who wish to send items bought in Italy as luggage. Huge queues in which it is easy to lose 2 hours are 100% inevitable. The undoubted plus of this item is a superficial inspection of purchases.

Olga, Petrozavodsk:

“I once got TAX FREE by showing a used Naf Naf dress instead of a purchased Max Mara outfit.”

You will see the second dogana behind the store. Salvatore Ferragamo after going through passport control. This dogana has a procedure for those who “prefer to carry everything with them” rather than check it in as luggage. The queue here is small, but things are examined more carefully.

In front of this customs crowd of people at the window global blue. An immediate refund occurs in this window. Stock up on patience and time (the final step will take another 40 minutes).

Milan. Tax Free at Aeroporto di Milano - Malpensa

The first customs office (registration hall) checks checks more quickly than the point behind passport control. In the window Premier Tax Free(return) for some reason there are always fewer people than in the other two. Experienced shoppers in Milan know this and initially look for stores that have contracts with this intermediary firm. The return office opening hours can be found at airportmalpensa.com.

Vera, Tula:

“The worst airport in terms of money back! Active Arabs, disciplined Chinese visit Milan with the only mission - to collect more goods. Three-hour lines, noise, hassle. You don't wish it on your enemy! Passengers who are lost in lines are often called over the loudspeaker, and they drop everything and run to the plane.”

Rimini. Tax Free at Aeroporto di "Federico Fellini"

Map of Federico Fellini airport.

The customs office is located next to the check-in counters for aircraft flying to Russia. Customs officers are extremely picky: they open the boxes, check the letters on the shop receipt with the letters on the product label. The screening takes 20 (at least) minutes.

Cash points are located on the second floor. You need to get to them before going through passport control.

Moscow. Return Tax Free

In Moscow, a refund is carried out:

  • First Czech-Russian Bank;
  • SMP Bank;
  • Intesa;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • MDM Bank.

Payments may not be made by all Moscow branches of banks, therefore, before you go for blood money, call and specify the address of the desired branch. The checks you present must be stamped by Italian customs officials.

Do not forget!

  • TAX FREE checks for Italian purchases are valid for 3 months. Make sure you meet this deadline!
  • With each Fattura, upon receipt of cash, a commission is charged - 3 €.

farewell parable

At the planning meeting, the director of the holding instructs managers:
- Ask the client what he wants more: a discount or the product itself. If the discount is more important to him, offer the product for a triple price with a 50% markdown - let him rejoice!

Sometimes, when picking up goods worth more than 155 €, an excited customer does not notice that she is choosing an unnecessary item (skirt, trousers). At home, she sighs in disappointment: “Why did I grab this?”. Benefit as a result - zero. Don't make mistakes!

In simple terms, the term tax-free (Tax Free) means the tax refund procedure for goods purchased abroad.

general information

Tax free is a refund to a foreigner tax embedded in each product. In our state, this tax is called or abbreviated VAT. In England - VAT, in France - TVA, in Spain - IVA, etc.

For some reason in our country tax on goods called value added tax and thereby confused ordinary people. The terminology "value added tax" without explanation from the outside is completely incomprehensible. Either they translated tracing paper from other languages, or “it was necessary” to make the simple complex.

It is customary to return tax free due to the fact that VAT is a tax, the proceeds of which are used to support the lives of its citizens. Given that most tourists from other countries come for a short time, they do not have time to take advantage of these social benefits. So it's fair to give them the money. This is where one of the rules comes from. You may be denied the issuance of tax-free if you have stayed in the country for more than a certain period. Usually more than 90 days. Or you have residence permits in this country.

The amount of Tax-free varies from one state to another and on average ranges from 10 to 20 percent.

Each country has restrictions on the minimum amount of goods after which you are entitled to a tax-free refund.

Tax-free is returned for clothes, household appliances, jewelry and some other types of goods. There are exceptions, for example, in Norway you can return tax-free for the money spent on food if it is more expensive than 285 crowns (about 20 euros).

How to return Tax Free

1. The product must be purchased in a store operating under the Tax Free system. Company logos of tax-refundable companies may be pasted on or inside shop windows. In the store, you can check with the sellers if they have taxi-free.

There are several companies involved in the return of tax-free. The best known and most widely networked is Globalblue. In fact, it does not matter who exactly is responsible for returning the money to you. Just remember their icons. Seeing in the store, it will become clear to you without words that you can get tax-free here.

2. When making a purchase in such a store, ask for a tax-free. You must be given special Tax Free Checks.

3. You need to fill out a tax-free check (not necessarily in a store), you must specify your data: full name, passport number, residential address, email address, and also sign. Keep in mind that if you want to receive money at the airport upon departure, then the checkbox should be next to the Cash (cash) item.

4. Stamp the customs office at the airport on the tax-free check. This is done either in special offices that are available at the airport (sometimes before going through customs). Or, if they are not there, then the seal must be placed where you are marked in your passport about passing customs, i.e. at the border guards. Very important: without this seal, you will not be refunded!

According to the rules, you must show: a completed tax-free check, a regular sales receipt, goods in their original packaging. Sometimes customs officers may neglect the latter, but they have every right to refuse to print you on the tax-free check if you already use the item or you don’t have it with you.

5. Collect money by giving a check with a seal to special tax-free pick-up points, which are called Tax Free Cash Refund.

Sometimes the taxi-free points at the border run out of cash. In this case, you will be given an envelope in which you put the completed tax-free check. In the tax-free receipt, it should be ticked that you want to receive money on a plastic card and indicate which one. After that, the envelope must be lowered into a special box, which, as a rule, is located here. And forget about it for a couple of months. Money can go up to 4 months.

You can also use this method (send an envelope) if you do not have time to receive money at the issuing point due to a long queue. A special envelope for sending, where stamps are not required, is usually given in the store along with a tax-free check.

For each place (country or city), it is better to find out in advance how the procedure for issuing tax-free is carried out. Each place may have its own rules. For example, sometimes you need to put a stamp on the tax-free receipt before passing through any checkpoints and it’s not far to get cash there. And if you pass customs, then you will either have to go back or receive money in another way.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Forgot to stamp tax-free at the border

In this case, there are several options. Get stamped at customs on your next trip. As mentioned above, you must have the product in the original packaging. Or, already in your own country, go to the embassy of the country where the purchase was made and put a seal. For this process, a commission is taken in the region of 20 euros.

Where can I return tax-free in Moscow

Banks returning tax-free are listed on the website www.globalblue.ru. You can also look for other cities there.

Deadlines for obtaining tax-free

Each country has its own deadlines for obtaining tax-free. There are two deadlines:
– Tax-free check period — the time during which you need to put a customs stamp on the check. On average 3 months, but there are exceptions up to 30 days or six months.
– Validity of the customs seal itself on this check. From 2 months and unlimited.

The minimum amount for registration of Tax Free and more

The data in the table is for informational purposes and may not correspond to the latest changes, if any. If you need absolutely accurate data, please contact tax-free refund companies or other official sources for information.

Country The minimum amount for issuing a Tax Free check Estimated refund amount The period for which you need to put a customs stamp on the Tax Free check Validity of Tax Free checks with a customs seal affixed
Austria 75 EUR 15% 3 months 3 years
Belgium 125 EUR 15% 3 months 3 months
Great Britain 30gbps 16.5% 3 months not limited
Hungary 52001.01huf 19% 3 months 6 months
Germany 25 EUR 14.5% 3 months 4 years
Greece 120 EUR 17.5% 3 months 3 months
Denmark 300 dkk 19% 3 months 1 year
Ireland any amount 17.5% 3 months 3 years
Iceland 4000 isk 15% 3 months not limited
Spain 19.15 eur 15.7% 3 months 5 years
Italy 154.94 eur 15% 3 months 3 months
Cyprus 50 EUR 12.5% 3 months 1 year
Latvia 44 EUR 12.4% 3 months 1 year
Lebanon 150000 lbp 7.42% 3 months not limited
Lithuania 200ltl 13.5% 3 months not limited
Luxembourg 74 eur 11.8% 3 months 3 years
Morocco 2000 mad 15% 30 days 3 months
Netherlands 50 EUR 16% 3 months not limited
Norway 290 nok 19% 1 month 1 year
Poland 200 pln 16.5% 3 months Seven months
Portugal 61.35eur 15% 3 months 150 days
Singapore 100sgd 6.08% 2 months 2 months
Slovakia 175 EUR 13.5% 3 months 5 months
Slovenia 50 EUR 15% 3 months 6 months
Turkey 108 try 12.5% 3 months 3 months
Uruguay 500 yuu 14.4% 3 months not limited
Finland 40 EUR 17% 3 months 5 months
France 175 EUR 13% 3 months 6 months
Croatia 740 hrk 17.9% 3 months 6 months
Czech 2000 czk 17% 3 months 5 months
Switzerland 300 chf 7.3% 30 days 4 years
Sweden 200sec 19% 3 months 1 year
Estonia 38 EUR 14% 3 months 1 year
South Korea 30000 krw 8.18% 3 months 3 months

Tax free is a VAT refund system popular with tourists for goods purchased abroad. This system is common in the states of the European Union and in several Asian countries.

The size of Tax Free is from 7 to 24% in accordance with the tax rate in a given country. The tax refund does not apply to services, rental vehicles, food products, books.

Not all outlets interact with the Tax Free system. There should be a Tax free logo on the window of a store or shopping center, if it is absent, you should check with the staff about the tax refund.

The tax is refunded from the VAT of goods purchased in one day for one check in one store. VAT is not refundable on goods purchased online.

Each country has its own VAT refund amount. Before visiting the country, it is advisable to study the conditions for tax refunds. In Turkey, Greece, Italy, it is more convenient to bargain with sellers of small shops and get a discount on purchases in the amount of VAT.

How to get Tax free in Moscow?

In Moscow, Russian citizens can receive compensation for VAT on goods purchased abroad. To do this, you need to contact intermediary banks and submit all the necessary documents and their copies.

Rules for reimbursement of checks Tax free

Tax free compensation is possible if the tourist:

  • is less than 3 months in the territory of the state;
  • does not have a residence permit;
  • does not have a work permit;
  • purchases goods in specialized outlets;
  • payment for the purchased goods must exceed the established minimum;
  • no more than 3 months should elapse between the purchase and the export of purchases.

Each country in the European Union has its own percentage of additional tax on refunds. Also within the country for different goods, the percentage of VAT is different. Several systems are responsible for VAT refunds, the two largest are Global Blue and Premier Tax Free.

To receive a refund on purchases abroad, you must:

  • get a check in the store tax free forms;
  • when crossing the border, the customs officer must put a stamp on the form of Tax free about the export of purchases;
  • get VAT refund.

To receive a check, you need to make purchases at outlets that cooperate with the Tax Free system.

When purchasing a product, the tourist must ask the seller or cashier to write out a nominal form of Tax free to receive a tax refund. The form is of two types: white and blue, filled in with letters of the Latin alphabet in the presence of a passport.

The form contains the following items:

  • name and surname of the recipient;
  • foreign passport number;
  • home address and zip code;
  • Country of Residence;
  • E-mail address.

Errors in the form will cause a refund to be denied. The form must be correctly completed and signed.

At the customs control you need to get an export confirmation. For convenience, all purchases are placed in hand luggage. The customs representative is presented with sealed purchases with labels, a passport, checks and a Tax Free form. Customs officers, after checking purchases and documents, put a seal.

Then you should contact a special point for the return of funds, where you need to provide:

  • international passport;
  • passport or other identity document;
  • checks from stores;
  • Tax free form with a customs seal.

Based on the documents, the amount is issued in cash banknotes in any currency.

How to return Tax free?

Several ways to return Tax free:

  1. Receiving the amount at special cash desks near customs. A small commission may be charged upon payment. The amount can be received in any currency, but when transferring to the currency of another country, you will have to pay a commission. For example, in the countries of the European Union, when converting the amount into dollars, you will have to pay a commission.

    In advance, you need to find out where the cash-back counter is located in order to save time. This information is on the leaflets, they are on the counters in the tax free checkpoints or shops.

    Long queues are possible near the cash desk and the tourist may not have enough time to get the amount before boarding the plane or train.

  2. Transfer to the card of any bank. To do this, you need to put a stamped tax free receipt and all other necessary data in an envelope and drop it in a mailbox near the operators' offices. From any city in Russia, you can also send an envelope to the operator by mail. The refund will be returned to any specified bank card within two months.
  3. In authorized banks of Russia in cash.It is necessary to provide copies and originals of the following documents to the bank branch:
    • tax free form filled out without errors;
    • check with customs stamp;
    • passport of a citizen of Russia;
    • international passport.

Get travel medical insurance

If you forgot to stamp tax free at the border

One of the main conditions for VAT refunds on goods is obtaining confirmation at customs control. If there is no confirmation in the form of a stamp, then you cannot receive a refund of Tax Free.

It also provides for the repeated possibility of obtaining confirmation at the customs point. To do this, you need to re-cross the border and receive confirmation of the export of goods based on the existing rules of the state.

If the goods were purchased in the EU countries, then it is necessary to go through customs again and obtain a seal confirming the export of goods.

Where can I return tax free in Moscow?

You can get a VAT refund on goods purchased in other countries in Moscow at authorized banks, for example, VTB24 and Financial Standard.

Branches of Financial Standard Bank are located at the following addresses:

  • Sheremetyevo Airport to terminals E and F;
  • st. Troitskaya, house 7, building 4, main office;
  • Petrovsky lane, house 5, building 8;
  • st. Tverskaya, 7.

Branches of VTB24 Bank are located at the following addresses:

  • st. Bolshaya Sukharevskaya, 14/7, 2
  • st. Avtozavodskaya, 6
  • Pokrovka st., 28, building 1
  • st. Marksistskaya, 5, building 1
  • st. Bolshaya Molchanovka, 17/14, building 2
  • st. Barclay, 7, building 1

Deadlines for obtaining tax free

At the cash desk for the issuance of funds, the amount is issued immediately.

Tax free tax refund to the beneficiary's account or card will be transferred through:

  • 5 working days when the request goes through the Tax Free office;
  • 21 days from the date of receipt of the Tax Free form by mail;
  • 10 days to Alipay account when submitting Tax Free Mail form.

The minimum amount for issuing Tax Free

The minimum purchase amount is not constant for all countries. It ranges from 40 euros in Finland to 175 euro in France. To receive the Tax free form, goods must be purchased in one store in one day for an amount not less than the minimum.

The purchase of one or more goods is paid for with one check. In large supermarkets, the cost of purchased goods is added up and displayed in one check.


By purchasing goods abroad, you can save on VAT and get a refund. Before traveling, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules for tax refunds in a given country, since the legislation of each country has its own nuances.

Tourists traveling to Europe often see blue and white stickers with the words Tax Free or stickers with the Global Blue logo in the windows of European stores. If you make a literal translation, it will look like "no fees."

It turns out that you can save money by shopping abroad? Tax Free or taxi-free is a system by which you can get a refund of value added tax (VAT). The amount of VAT is refunded from purchases made by foreign citizens when they cross the borders of the country in which they shopped on their way back.

Purchase of almost all goods: clothes, cosmetics, alcohol, food, shoes, household appliances, building materials, jewelry, etc. in tax free stores allows tourists to save up to 20% of the purchase amount.

To use this system, you need to know how to apply for tax free. The features and nuances of the system will be shed light in this article.

What is the Tax Free system and who can use it?

The Tax Free system allows foreign guests of the EU countries to return part of the cost of the goods withdrawn during the purchase in the form of value added tax. Getting tax free occurs when leaving the country where the goods were purchased.

Each individual country independently determines the conditions, volumes and terms of compensation and for which goods it is supposed. To return tax free, you need to pay attention to the amount of the purchased goods. In different European countries, its size is set separately.

You need to spend the following amount to get a tax refund:

  • Germany - 25 euros;
  • France - 175.01 euros;
  • Denmark - 300 crowns;
  • Poland - PLN 200;
  • Netherlands - 50 euros;
  • Austria - 75.01 euros;
  • Spain - 90.16 euros;
  • Lithuania - 55 euros;
  • Latvia - 44 euros;
  • Belgium - 125.01 euros;
  • Switzerland - 300 francs;
  • Czech Republic - 2001 crowns;
  • Finland - 40 euros;
  • Hungary - 54001 forints;
  • Cyprus - 50 euros;
  • Estonia - 38.01 euros;
  • Croatia - 740 kunas;
  • Italy - 154.94 euros;
  • Great Britain - 30 pounds;
  • Greece - 120 euros;
  • Portugal - 61.35 euros;
  • Ireland - 30 euros;
  • Iceland - 6000 crowns;
  • Norway - 290 crowns;
  • Slovakia - 175 euros;
  • Slovenia - 50.01 euros;
  • Sweden - 200 crowns.

This amount, due to the specifics of the store, can be set to be the same for all purchases in the store or for a specific department, for example, for the household appliances department. It also happens that stores try in every possible way to get away from Tax Free and in return they can offer the buyer an additional discount. In some cases, it is advisable to take advantage of the discount immediately than to issue a VAT refund.

Inexperienced travelers often make the same mistake. Tax free checks are not cumulative in different stores and on different days of the trip. To apply for a VAT refund, you need to make purchases for a minimum amount in one store within one day.

What are the rules for shopping in Tax Free stores?

Tourists trying to get tax free for the first time have many questions in the shopping process. In practice, the VAT refund procedure is quite simple. When making purchases in Tax Free stores, a foreigner receives a special check, on which a special stamp will be required when leaving at customs.

After a direct purchase, you can proceed to the process of processing documents for a return. This usually happens either at the box office or at a special point located at the information desk. It is important that at this moment the buyer has a foreign passport with him.

It is very important to ensure that the seller fills in your data correctly, namely, last name and first name, passport number, place of residence and email address, which you can enter yourself. The entire list of purchased goods must also be indicated. If the space provided for this is not enough, you can attach a cash receipt or invoice. It is also necessary to fix the amount of the purchase, the tax paid and the amount to be issued.

The store must provide the following details:

  • date of purchase;
  • room;
  • cashier's signature;
  • stamp of an authorized point of sale.

Labels on purchases and store tags must be in place and not lose their presentation before presenting them at customs, when Tax Free is processed. Many try to immediately put on the purchased thing and cut off the labels, but this is just not possible.

How do I get an export confirmation from customs?

At customs, when processing a return, you must prepare your passport, a Tax Free store receipt and the goods themselves, and sometimes they may require a sales receipt. When a tourist crosses several customs points in the EU countries, it is necessary to issue tax free at the checkpoint of the last country.

During passport control at the international airport, checks must be stamped. In some cases, this operation is carried out at the place of stay, for example, in a tourist center or directly at a bank branch. Travelers who prefer to travel by car are advised not to queue up to pass through the green corridor.

Often at the checkpoints you will be refused to stamp checks. There are, of course, exceptions in countries that are taking measures to optimize the work with documents. For example, special terminals have already been installed in Poland, where you can quickly process all documents using a mobile device.

In some countries, the process of processing documents at customs has its own specifics. So, for example, in Sweden or the Netherlands there is a time limit, according to which a stamp can only be affixed within 30 days from the date of purchase. In Sweden and Germany, there is a restriction according to which a stamp is affixed only on the condition that the product is sealed and has not been used. Therefore, going to a particular country, this item should be asked in advance.

Where and how to get tax free?

The most popular VAT refund systems are Global Blue and Premier Tax Free. There are also some local companies, for example, Innova Tax Free (Spain), Detaxe and Euro Free Shopping (France), New Tax Free (Italy). There are also companies that provide tax refunds paid for car rentals or when paying at hotels and restaurants.

How to return tax free? You can receive money:

  • in cash at Tax Free Cash Refund points at international airports, where the money is returned directly in the transit zone beyond the control line;
  • using a special Tax-Free box in the transit area or in the waiting area, where you need to drop a sealed envelope with Tax Free documents and a customs mark, after which the money will go to a MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Diners, JCB and CUP bank card, the number of which will be indicated by the tourist ;
  • in partner banks operating in the tax refund system upon arrival home;
  • in a foreign partner bank during the next visit to this country;
  • in the stores themselves during the next visit, and it is not even necessary to issue a Tax Free check, but a regular store check with a customs mark is enough. Such a return system is practiced, for example, in the Netherlands, provided that the purchase amount is at least 50 euros and the return occurs no later than 30 days from the date of purchase.

Please note that in a number of countries, tax free return points are located in common areas where you can get money even before passing through passport control. After the tourist passes it, he will not have the opportunity to return to the common room, which means that he will not receive his money.

Thus, having learned in advance all the nuances and features of the operation of Tax Free stores and the procedure for issuing a VAT refund in a particular country, you can save your money and get back up to 20% of the cost of purchases.

You can calculate the tax refund with all commissions using special calculators, look on the Internet for the GlobalBlue calculator. A good and simple option is http://www.globalblue.ru/customer-services/tax-free-shopping/refund-calculator/

And the last. There are more and more stores where you can immediately return tax free. This is great, but tourists inspired by the discount then forget that tax free checks still need to be stamped at customs, sealed in envelopes and thrown into special boxes. If this is not done, the stores will demand a return of the money received, because they have not received confirmation that the purchased goods have left the country. Be careful!

Shopping abroad attracts many Russians, and the opportunity to return tax free makes this process as profitable as possible. Not everyone knows that it is possible to compensate for part of the funds spent on the purchase. This is possible only with the correct execution of the relevant documentation.

Tax free in translation means "without fees." The essence of the procedure is that there is a refund of the amount of VAT on a purchase that was made in another country. This rule applies only to foreign buyers. That is, Russians who go abroad have the opportunity to reimburse a certain percentage of foreign purchases.

The number of countries that charge VAT is 130, and only 50 of them are ready to reimburse tax free in the amount of 7 to 22%. The key condition is the purchase of goods in stores that have the appropriate mark.

The offer for foreign tourists is very tempting, but not everyone knows the conditions and features of issuing tax free return checks. For this reason, difficulties and misunderstandings arise.

The refund process looks like this:

  1. A tourist buys in a store marked with a special sign for a certain amount. Each country has its own amount.
  2. The store receives a specially designed check.
  3. When leaving the country within a certain period of time, a check is provided at customs and the goods are demonstrated. A stamp is affixed.
  4. The amount of tax is paid at the checkpoint in a special institution. In addition, it can be returned through the bank, tax free refund is possible on the card.
  5. Check expiration dates vary from country to country, so be careful at this point.

Tax free systems

The tax refund occurs through chain stores that are owned by individuals. Each network includes several partner stores and offices in different countries. Of course, companies charge a certain percentage for such activities. It is worth considering the main systems, more specifically:

  • Global Blue or Global Tax Free. 36 countries, 29 European ones, are connected to this system. The system was founded in 1980 in Sweden.
  • Premier Tax Free. Coverage - 20 countries, 15 in Europe and 5 from other parts of the world. Founded in Ireland in 1985.
  • Tax Free Worldwide. Unites 8 European countries, recently merged with the previous operator.
  • Innova Tax Free includes 5 countries.
Country Required minimum purchase amount The period for which the stamp was placed, months Validity of checks
Austria 75 euro 3 3 years
Argentina 70 pesos 6 6 months
Belgium 125 euro 3 3 years
Great Britain 30 pounds 3 No limit
Hungary 48 thousand forints 3 150 days
Germany 25 euro 3 3 months
Denmark 300 CZK 3 Without Borders
Iceland 90 euro 3 3 months
Italy 155 euro 3 3 months
Spain 90 euro 3 5 years
Cyprus 50 euro 3 1 year
Latvia 30 lats 3 1 year
Lebanon 150 thousand pounds 3 Without Borders
Lithuania 200 litas 3 Without Borders
Luxembourg 74 euro 3 3 years
Morocco 2 thousand dirhams 3 3 months
Netherlands 50 euro 3 Without Borders
Norway 315 CZK 1 1 year
Poland 300 PLN 3 4 months
Portugal 60 euro 3 5 months
Singapore 100 dollars 2 2 months
Slovakia 175 euro 3 5 months
Slovenia 50 euro 3 6 months
Turkey 120 lire 3 3 months
Czech 2000 crowns 3 5 months
Estonia 40 euro 3 1 year
Finland 40 euro 3 5 months
France 175 euro 3 6 months
Croatia 740 kuna 3 6 months
Sweden 200 crowns 3 1 year
Switzerland 300 francs 1 4 years
South Korea 30,000 won 3 3 months

Exceeding the time limit for leaving the country where the goods were purchased is a violation of the rules for obtaining tax free, so, just like an insufficient purchase amount, you can increase the purchase limit. That is, you should not count on a refund of the amount of tax.

Design errors

The rules of the Tax Free action are standardized, but there are certain points that you should pay attention to and not lose sight of. The most common mistakes that tourists face when registering:

  • Carelessness. After buying a product, a tourist forgets to fill out a questionnaire and certify it in the store or destroys the corresponding document. Even if you have a check and bought goods for the required amount, you should not count on a refund without a questionnaire filled out in the store.
  • Provision of purchase. Customs have every right to request a product for which the tax is refunded, this is done in most countries. Tax free refunds are not possible if the item is out of stock. Often there is a requirement that the goods be transported across the border in a sealed form, as it was purchased in a store. It cannot be checked in with luggage until the customs clearance has passed.
  • Failure to meet deadlines. To begin with, all tax free receipts have their own expiration date, they differ for different countries, and before declaring a refund, you should clarify how long it is valid. The second point is that there is always a queue at the return point and they work according to a certain schedule, so it is important to plan your trip correctly. If you get to the checkpoint at a time when the operator's office is closed, you can return the tax, but you will have to wait a couple of months at best.

Who can't refund tax free?

The procedure for issuing Tax Free is standardized, and there are rules that cannot be violated. Citizens of Russia cannot apply for a VAT refund in the following cases:

  1. Those who have a residence permit in any EU country.
  2. Authorized to work in the country where the purchase was made.
  3. Stays in the country for 6 months.

The right choice of goods

You can buy anything abroad, but not all goods can be refunded. Almost all stores have data on how much Tax Free as a percentage can be returned. The return applies to manufactured goods. These include: clothing and footwear, jewelry, household goods, stationery, watches, accessories, electrical engineering.

You will not be able to get a tax refund by buying:

  • I go to supermarkets.
  • Books.
  • Cars, water transport.
  • Precious metals in bank bullion.
  • Gems.
  • Goods for professional activities.
  • Any online purchases.
  • , tobacco, weapons.

Also does not apply to services, hotel accommodation, meals in restaurants.

The item must be kept in the condition in which it was purchased. Sometimes you need to have it packed in a special package in the store.

Making a purchase

Before ordering a tax free, you need to make a purchase in a store that is part of one of the networks presented. They are labeled accordingly. To check if there is a store or a certain product in it, you can visit the site of the corresponding system. After purchasing for the required amount, you need to inform the seller about your intention to issue an appropriate discount.

The conditions for the provision of tax free require you to inform the seller before paying that the discount will be issued. To confirm that you have the right to do so, you must provide a foreign passport. Only then will the corresponding check be issued.

Large stores are given the opportunity to make a tax refund at the point of purchase, but they need to:

  1. Present a passport of another country, an air ticket.
  2. Get a refund.
  3. When exporting goods, you must obtain a stamp on the receipt.
  4. Send a check by mail.

If this procedure is not completed, then the funds will be debited from the bank card. If not, then the next trip abroad will be a problem.

Issuing a check

It is important to know how to fill in tax free correctly, only in this case a VAT refund is possible. The check must contain the following information:

  • The total cost of the purchase.
  • VAT amount to be refunded.

These items are filled in by the seller. The buyer enters the data:

  1. Foreign passport number.
  2. Address of residence in Russia.
  3. If you want to receive money on the card, its number is indicated.

In the store, you should get an information card, which contains the tax free return table. It indicates the points of issuance of VAT refunds at airports and other checkpoints in the country.

After issuing a check, it is important to check the accuracy of the data entered, especially in the fields of personal data and passport data.

Receiving the money

The right to a refund of VAT, issued in accordance with the rules, is possible only after exporting it outside the country of purchase. The pass stamp spacer entitles you to a return. Interestingly, when buying goods in any country of the European Union, it is necessary to obtain a stamp when leaving the territory of the European Union, and not the territory of the country where the goods were purchased.

Before returning tax free, it is useful to know the amount you can count on. Do not think that the entire amount of VAT will be reimbursed. A portion of this percentage goes towards commission and administration costs. Sometimes the costs are up to 50% of the amount possible to return.

Check cashing options

The timing of the return of tax free depends on the method of how exactly the check will be cashed. Each option has its own characteristics that are better to know.

The airport

The problem faced by inexperienced tourists is that they hand over the goods for which the Tax Free check is issued in luggage. Most often, it is required to provide for inspection and control of the integrity of the package. Before heading home, it is useful to contact the help desk or visit it in person and clarify where customs control is located, stamps are affixed to checks. Before heading to the issuing window, check that the receipt is filled out correctly.

Arriving at the airport, you need to take a queue at the customs window, present at the checkpoint:

  1. Check taxi fries.
  2. Cash check.
  3. The passport.
  4. The product itself is in store tags, in packaging.

VAT is received at the operator's payment point, most often this is one of the cash desks. It is better to take a refund in local currency, otherwise you will have to pay a commission for the conversion.

Bank card, mail

If you couldn’t get to the point of issue, and there are no return offices in the city of residence, then the only option is to order a transfer to a card or by bank transfer. To do this, enter the account details on the Tax Free check, which contains the stamp of the customs authority. All documents are packed in an envelope and dropped into the appropriate mailbox on the spot. You can also send a letter, do not forget to stick an international stamp on the envelope.

Before you get tax free in this way, you need to remember that this option is the longest. The period from registration to receipt of money is 2-4 months. At the same time, it is considered the most reliable.

Before sending the original documents, they must be photographed or scanned.

Specifics returns in some countries

Tax free laws are more or less standard, but there are still some differences. Among them:

  • A stamp equivalent to a customs stamp can be inserted at the embassy or consulate of the country in which the purchase was made. But you will have to pay for this - from 20 euros.
  • When visiting Poland and buying there in system stores, you can only count on a cash refund.
  • In Norway, the stamp is affixed at the tax free offices, not at customs. Also here you can make a return for food.
  • There is no VAT in the USA, so it is not possible to issue a refund.
  • When purchasing a wool product in Iceland, you do not need to print a receipt.
  • When leaving Slovenia, you must put 2 stamps: on the application issued in the store and on the receipt.


The Tax Free refund procedure is beneficial for tourists, although there are many points that can be missed and thus not receive a refund. Although there are rules, often for the smallest mistake in the documents of the return system they try to refuse a refund.

Video: how to return Tax Free