G sapgir read four envelopes. Summary of the lesson on literary reading topic: N. Nosov "Patch". under the program of teaching staff "School-2100"

  • 14.05.2020

Beautiful poems about autumn from various children's authors for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old on the site Your child.ru!


In the autumn garden
By the path
Aspen slams
In the palms
That's why
That week
her palms

Autumn seamstress (Tatiana Gusarova)

So that the little earth winters without hassle,
Autumn sews a patchwork quilt for her.
The leaf is neatly sewn to the leaf,
The stitch adjusts with a pine needle.
Leaves to choose from - any will come in handy.
Here next to the crimson lilac lies down,
Although very golden to the taste of the seamstress,
Will fit and brown, and even spotted.
The thread of the web fastens them carefully.
More beautiful than this, you will not find pictures.

Trees in autumn

Birch braids unraveled,
The maples clapped their hands,
The cold winds have come
And the poplars flooded.
Willows drooped by the pond,
Aspens trembled
Oaks, always huge,
It's like they've gotten smaller.
Everything calmed down, cringed,
It drooped, turned yellow.
Only the Christmas tree is pretty
She got better for the winter.
M. Sadovsky

Heinrich Sapgir "Four envelopes"

Here is the envelope
Big and yellow.
How about us, an envelope,
Did you find?
The leaves were blown by the wind.
And the envelope flew
Like a leaf.
Through the field
On the slope of the roof
slipped off
Way down
And lay down on the ledge.
Here Alenka stood on a chair
And I got the envelope easily.
My address is on the envelope.
Whose reverse?
Watching with interest
What do they write to us from the forest?
Foxes write,
Elks are writing
Hares write:
"Autumn! Autumn!"
"Yellowed everything around" -
The motley Chipmunk writes.
Here is a note from Belka.
Belka's handwriting is very small.
For half an hour we dismantled
Above the words frowning foreheads,
Finally read:
"Eat Nuts and Mushrooms"
Write Ducks from the lake:
"It got cold at night.
Oh, our paws are cold.
Our paws
Very chilly.
Early in the morning
We have gathered
And south
Were going to fly.
And decided
All congregation
hand over to you
Mikhail Ivanovich writes:
"Found a lair for the night.
ducks pull
On the road.
Until spring!
I'm going to bed."
Hedgehog writes:
"Leaf fall.
On a stump - a family of mushrooms.
Right there under the roots of the stump
I have a room.
On the bed
Carved sheet…
Wait for news - in the spring!"
Lizard wrote:
"I'm tired of running through the woods.
Who - in the lair,
Who - in a hole.
I'm hiding
Under the bark."
And two more ruffs
Scribbled hastily
Notice that
What a river
Covered with ice.
Until spring
Ruffs say goodbye.


The leaves have fallen
The birds are gone
Everything that bloomed
Lurked in disgrace.
Burrows are busy
Controversy froze
Frosted fences in the morning ...
What is so sweet in this time
In the heart that squeezes us in October?!
M. Sadovsky

Autumn (V. Avdienko)

Autumn walks along the path
Wet her feet in puddles.
It's raining
And there is no light.
Lost somewhere summer.
Autumn is coming
Autumn wanders.
Wind with maple leaves
New carpet underfoot
Yellow-pink -

Autumn Gamma

Empty siskin's nest.
Autumn day in the yard.
The wind howls outside the door.
Before. Re. Mi.
Bright days empty column.
The whole earth turned white.
La. Ice in the puddles, like salt.
Wear a warm hat.
Before. Re. Mi. F. Salt. La. Si. Before.
Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain.
Luchezar Stanchev

Autumn (K. Balmont)

Cowberry ripens
The days got colder
And from the bird's cry
The heart is only sadder.
Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea,
All the trees are shining
In multi-colored attire.
The sun laughs less.
There is no incense in flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And cry awake.

*** Boring picture!
Clouds without end
The rain is pouring down
Puddles on the porch...
stunted rowan
Wet under the window
Looks village
Gray spot.
What are you visiting early,
Autumn, come to us?
Still asks the heart
Light and warmth!
Alexey Pleshcheev

Ivan Bunin Listopad

Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.
Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower ...


A hedgehog curled up under a bush
Wet and prickly.
And the rain falls over the forest,
Dispersing clouds.
Dressed in red leaves
Smiling stump.
Stayed dry all summer
And now it's soaking wet.
I. Mogilevskaya

I decided to say goodbye to the summer
I decided to say goodbye to the summer,
Suddenly the river became cloudy
Birds became a friendly flock
Go on vacation.
And so that everything becomes like in a fairy tale,
Giving beauty to the earth
Year spilled colors for autumn
From the boxes of September!
V. Marakhin

Summer flies away

It suddenly became twice as bright,
Yard as in the sun.
This dress is golden
At the birch on the shoulders ...
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...
Gossamer webs fly
With spiders in the middle.
And high from the ground
The cranes flew by.
Everyone is flying! It must be
Our summer is flying by.


Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds have flown away.
Outside the window rustling in the morning
Yellow blizzards.
Under the feet of the first ice
Crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh
And sing -
He is shy.
V. Stepanov

Hello Country!

I decided to try 2 new genres of poetry (if you can call it that) - the author's continuation and poetry for children. The poem "Four Envelopes" by G. Sapgir served as a source of inspiration for me. After reading an excerpt from a verse that spoke about autumn, I decided to write a sequel myself. Here's what happened:

G. Sapgir. Four envelopes. Author's continuation

... And in the winter they flew
Bullfinches and waxwings.
Wrote a waxwing
How the hare decorated the spruce.
coming soon New Year,
The animals will dance.
Forty writes to us too,
That the hedgehog fell asleep under the snow,
The badger, the raccoon is fast asleep,
Lizard, gray mole.
And the bear is snoring
Pretends to be asleep.
But forty in secret
Told the whole world
What's in the bear's den
Children were born in winter.
Here Alenka writes a squirrel
(As usual - small handwriting):
"Store a lot of nuts,
Enough for the whole family.
And now it's beautiful in the forest,
Everything is in the snow - earth, bushes,
And the lakes are all frozen
Fish sleep and dream.
We are all looking forward to spring!
San Sandra
On the illustration: Artist - Yuri Matsik

One of my favorite children's poets. According to his poems, there is a lesson in my program of children's classes. Well, what a pleasure to read them! Unpretentious, at the junction of several styles at once. There are not all poems from the collection of 4 envelopes (the name itself is somehow pleasantly intriguing). I chose the most-most, which I will probably use in the classroom. If someone is really interested in reading poetry and a biography, I advise you to start with poetry .. then everything will become clear. =))). Good beautiful bright morning and good day. May they be as beautiful as these poems =)

A few words about the author from Wikipedia:
G. Sapgir belonged to a rare type of writers of a proteic warehouse, changing and looking for new forms of expression throughout the entire creative path. In his early (late 1950s-60s) texts, he more often leaned towards social satire, which often took, however, elegant playful forms,
In the future, in Sapgir's poetry one can also find landscape lyrics and civil poetry. He created several cycles of sonnets and at the same time developed new, experimental forms that continued the tradition of Russian futurists and German concretists - for example, "Messages in an unknown language." Critics spoke of him as a classic of the modern Russian avant-garde. Author of many books. In the late period, Sapgir's work organically combines laconicism and an incredible variety of expressive means, reckless experiment, love for precise detail, play, grotesque, irony and unexpected sincere pathos, the desire for ecstatic states of mind. "They had Brodsky in St. Petersburg, and we have Sapgir in Moscow." This well-known phrase reflects not so much the difference in the literary tastes of the two capitals as the real creative weight of the poet Heinrich Sapgir (Andrei Voznesensky calls him great), the heir and successor to the brilliant creators of the Russian poetic language - from Vasily Trediakovsky to Velimir Khlebnikov. "I was looking for a new harmony in the language, which I found"

Grass has green words
And they are barely audible.
And the wind has blue words
And they are dizzy.
And the sun has so many clear words.
Red songs, golden verses!
I call all my friends today
Listen to the sun, wind and grass.

across the sky
Buckets full
The cloud blurted out
Bucket -
In the sky
And above the forest
And over steep
Evil lightning!
Buckets are full!
cloud with cloud
Buckets across the sky

lay down
In the shadow
On the sand
Yellow solar circle.
The kitten ran up to him.
"It looks like a hare!"
A hare from under the paws
Jumping gallop,
catch up! —
And huddled
Under the shed.
“Meow!” the kitten thinks.
It looks like a mouse! .. "
Climbed up -
And the little mouse from the paws
Jumping gallop
On the wall
Up down -
On the window.
- Meow! Meow! - said the kitten.
It's a yellow bug! —
By pipe
climbed to him,
And the little bird
Suddenly disappeared.

In the evenings, And this cloudy
In the evenings the old man
The moon looks always dressed
In glass frames. I'm used to sleeping.
And they go to bed And without galoshes
Freaks and no coats
Wearing pince-nez, he does not lie down
Or glasses. Never.
To clearer His pensive dreams
To see dreams. Always rainy
Flying to them And sad.
From the moon And here is the crafty Bearded Man.

And alone He is under the pillow
Used to take Hides the ball.
Pencils He knows
With you to bed, What's in a dream again
So that everything in a dream He will run
Draw, And play.
Others - There will be a lawn.
Your tape recorder. sun light -
To write down And will be again
Beautiful dream. Eight years.

Weird mathematician
Lived in Germany.
He is bread and sausage
Accidentally folded.
Then the result
I put it in my mouth.
Like this
Outdoors in the morning

Yesterday or sometime
Once upon a time, there lived an eccentric.
He seemed to be shy
from different halves.
With your stupid look
He surprised the guys:
Look to the right - brit he
And on the left is a beard.
He is dressed on the right with a dandy,
And on the left - somehow.
One foot bare
And on the other - a shoe.
One foot dances
The other one is aside.
One hand: go away
Other: all to me.
Smiling all the time
One side of the face
The other frowns all the time
P cries endlessly.
This is how the halves lived
Out of tune and out of place
And only one loved -
Three-layer marmalade.
and also wrote cartoon scripts =)
1964 - "The Frog is looking for dad" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1965 - "The Bear on the Road" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with R. Kachanov
1966 - "Main Star" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1966 - "My Green Crocodile" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1967 - "How to become big" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1967 - "The Legend of Grieg" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1967 - "The Engine from Romashkov" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1967 - "Honest Crocodile" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1968 - “Happiness is not in a hat” (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1968 - "Nothing is forgotten" (Man with closed eyes) (cartoon) - screenwriter
1968 - "Scarecrow" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1969 - "Sunny grain" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1970 - "Sweet Tale" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1970 - “I will draw the sun” (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1971 - "Edge of the Earth" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1971 - "Donkey Plush" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1971 - "The Amazing Kitten" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1972 - "In the thirtieth century" (cartoon) - screenwriter
1972 - "Veterok" (cartoon) - scriptwriter
1972 - "The most respected" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1973 - "Magic Lanterns" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1973 - "Fables in the Faces" (in the movie "Veselaya Karusel" No. 5) (cartoon) - scriptwriter
1973 - "First Meetings" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1973 - "Thank you" (cartoon) - screenwriter
1974 - “How the goat held the earth” (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Tsyferov
1974 - "Morning Music" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Ball
1975 - "And Mom Will Forgive Me" (cartoon) - scriptwriter
1975 - "Our Nanny" (cartoon) - screenwriter
1976 - "Bird Festival" (cartoon) - scriptwriter
1976 - "The Tale of Greed" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with S. Prokofieva
1976 - "Churidilo" (cartoon) - scriptwriter
1977 - “Do not like - do not listen” (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with L. Nosyrev
1977 - "Silver Hoof" (cartoon) - screenwriter
1978 - “My friend is a traffic light” (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with S. Prokofieva
1979 - "Unfinished and redistributed" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with G. Sokolsky
1979 - "The Princess and the Cannibal" (in the movie "Veselaya Karusel" No. 9) (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with E. Nazarov
1980 - "Pie with a Smeyanik" (cartoon) - screenwriter
1981 - "Moroz Ivanovich" (cartoon) - screenwriter
1982 - "Sweet Spring" (cartoon) - screenwriter
1983 - "The Tale of a Very Tall Man" (cartoon) - scriptwriter together with O. Driz
1984 - "Hunter to fairy tales" (cartoon) - scriptwriter
1984 - "About Buku" (cartoon) - scriptwriter
1984 - "About Foma and Yerema" (cartoon) - scriptwriter
1984 - "Sineglazka" (cartoon) - scriptwriter
1986 - "Doremi" (cartoon) - screenwriter
1986 - "Three on the Island" (cartoon) - screenwriter
1986 - "Smile of Leonardo da Vinci" (cartoon) - screenwriter
1987 - " Eternal ice"(cartoon) - scriptwriter together with L. Nosyrev
1987 - "How the donkey fell ill with sadness" (cartoon) - screenwriter
1987 - "Ice Cream Songs" (cartoon) - scriptwriter
1991 - "The Little Witch" (cartoon) - screenwriter

Sapgir's poem Smeyantsy from the collection of Sapgir's best poems from Deti-Online.com.

In the land of laughter
The laughers lived.
Loved by the laughers
Fun and dancing
And just laugh
Loved by laughers.

Let the word not be new
And the joke is old -
Laugh ready
They are until the morning.

Confess, at times
It happened like this:
They look at each other
Laughing into a fist.

What's so funny about it
In your neighbor?
- We're just happy
Laugh together.

And if someone fell
And hurt
Didn't whimper
Didn't cry
got up
And laughed.

The laughers loved to work,
On weekdays they made
From every joke -
From every smile
And from the loudest
Laughter -
Full of rubbish!

And every Sunday
Smeyanki baked cookies
From the good

So the laughers lived
Knowing no worries
But here...

To the land of laughter
The Dragon has arrived.
On three planes
He complained.

Over Smekhograd
Thunder struck:
The dragon has descended
To a laughing place.

solid dragon,
Lilac scales.

The laughers fled:
- Tell me where
So funny
Ridiculous miracle? -
Breathed in smoke
Three heads:

Listen, you!
From now on
Don't dare to laugh
Otherwise you will
Put to death!

I will incinerate!
My word is law.
I'm known to
Terrible Dragon.

laughing laughers
Dragon in response:

dragons in the world
Long gone!

Yes, are such
Are there dragons?

And not at all
They open their mouths!

What kind of dragon is there?
Three-headed giraffe!

Ho ho
Yes, this is
- hehex,
- haha,
It's a kettle
From the teapot tribe

And screaming and laughing
Totally muffled
"But I'm a dragon!" -
Dragon convinces.
- You already!
- You're a frog! -
The dragon got angry.
Like a hot oven
The dragon is on fire...

And then, probably,
Trouble happened.
flared dragon
And burned without a trace.

Burnt with anger

Above the city of laughter
cheerful echo
And jokes
And songs
The answer was:
And scary
It's been gone for a long time!"

And swallows in the sky
They started dancing.

In the land of laughter
The laughers lived.

In this country
It's very easy to be.
You just need friends

Cannibal and Princess, or vice versa

That's how it was.
Was beautiful
The weather was terrible.
At the second hour
Lost princess
In the woods.
Looks: clearing
Dugout in the meadow
And in the dugout - a cannibal:
- come on in
For lunch! —
He grabs a knife
The matter is clear.
Suddenly I saw what...
The cannibal immediately became
“Go away,” he says.
From here.
Appetite - says -
Too kind - says -

And went slowly
Straight to the castle
Came out of the forest.
What is the legend
What a princess

Or maybe it was the other way around.
the weather was
The princess was
At the second hour
Lost princess
In the woods.
Looks: clearing
Dugout in the meadow
And in the dugout - a cannibal:
- come on in
For lunch! —
He grabs a knife
The matter is clear.

Suddenly I saw what...

The cannibal immediately became
“Go away,” he says.
From here.
Appetite, he says.
Too kind, - says, -

And went slowly
Straight to the castle
Came out of the forest.
What is the legend

What a princess


fish tail
By mistake
somehow grew up
Do dog...
You're a dog, -
Not a dog
To myself.

And the dog
fish tail
- I am a dog.
I admit
What a dog
I am marine.
But troubles
I don't see in
As long as I can
Wag the tail.

N. Nosov "Patch". to teach to work on correct and expressive reading, through the development of understanding the content and understanding of the emotional mood; learn to divide the text into parts and draw up a story plan; educate diligence, the ability to overcome difficulties; instill an interest in reading.
During the classes
Children's story about N. N. Nosov and an exhibition of books they have read. Nikolai Nikolayevich Nosov - children's writer. Born in the city of Kyiv in the family of an actor. Before becoming a writer, he was a newspaper seller, a digger, a log carrier, a laborer. After graduating from the Institute of Cinematography, he worked as a director for almost 20 years, directed many scientific and animated films. He wrote stories about children your age. They give rise to a cheerful mood and make you think about your behavior.
Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was not going to become a writer. He worked in cinema. But one day he wrote funny little stories for his preschool son and his friends. The children liked these stories, and from that time he began to serve literature.
The books of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov are called the encyclopedia of children's life.
Look at the book exhibition. Magicians and dreamers, inventors and dupes live in these books. The stories “Live Hat”, “Cucumbers”, “Inkblot”, “Bobik Visiting Barbos” and others are imbued with soft humor.
One of the writer's books is called "The Patch". We will get acquainted with this wonderful work today at the lesson.
What is a payment? (A flap of fabric sewn onto a torn spot.)
Have you ever sewn on a patch? Do you think it's easy to do this?
IV. Familiarization with the text
1 Reading the story by the teacher.2 Conversation on the text.
Did you like the story? What did you learn from listening to it?
How many finished parts would you divide the text into? Justify your answer.
3 Reading the story by children.4 Working on the text
5 Vocabulary work
Patch - the word is based on the Old Russian word plat, which means a piece of matter, from this word the words swimming trunks, dress, patch were formed.
The protective color is grayish green (military uniform).
Inky pencil - pencil which, when wet, writes like ink.
Annoyance - a feeling of irritation, discontent due to failure, resentment.
6 Making a plan
now we will read in parts and title each part.
1 part:
Why did the boy like green pants so much? (No one had such pants.)
How can you title it? ("Great pants.")
What was Bobka's mood like when he tore his pants?
How did his mother meet him? Why?
What did Bob decide to do? How shall we name it? ("Hole".)
How did Bobka behave with the guys?
Who did he blame for everything?
Why was Bobka ashamed?
How shall we title this part? (“Bobka felt ashamed.”)
How did Bobka sew on the patch for the first time?
What is the author comparing to?
Why Bobka began to remake?
How can this characterize Bobka?
What did the patch look like the second time around?
Name this part. ("It's not easy to patch.")
Why did the guys praise the boy?
Did Bobka like doing everything himself?
What shall we call this part? ("Good job".)
Story plan
Great pants.
Bob was embarrassed.
It's not an easy task to pay.
Good job.
What conclusion can be drawn? (They appreciate those people who know how to do everything on their own, well and beautifully, and not just somehow.)
7 Physical education
Group work
group: make pictograms for the text plan.
group: choose a proverb that fits the meaning of the content of the story.
group: pick up words that characterize Bobka at the beginning of the story and at the end.
What do Nosov's stories teach? (Student answers.)
(Students summarize the lesson by completing the sentences.)
I like it...
What would I commend myself for...