How to deal with inappropriate clients? Inadequate clients Inadequate clients what to do how to get rid of

  • 04.10.2021

If the buyer is rude, then this causes tension among the consultants. And in our company, this, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Recently, we have a profitable, but conflicting buyer. He is frankly rude to managers. Seems to find this style of communication acceptable. Employees are nervous, refuse to negotiate with him. Nevertheless, I do not want to lose this customer. Tell us how to work with such a client.


Valeria Dolgikh,

independent business coach, coach, consultant

When the customer is rude in most cases, it seems that the "boor" wants to humiliate you. But you probably don't even care about him. By his behavior, he, as a rule, solves his own problems. Therefore, in order for communication to be effective, find out the motives of the conflicting buyer and, on this basis, choose one or another approach to resolving the conflict situation with the buyer.

Combat commanders

This type specifically communicates on the verge of correct and "boorish" behavior, testing the partner for stress resistance. If he ignores harsh statements and calmly continues the conversation, conflict buyers stop checking and translate the conversation into a constructive direction. And the one who did not pass the test, they will be treated as a person of a lower level. Basically, this type includes professionals with high status and experienced negotiators - businessmen or officials in responsible positions.

How to be. Do not respond to attacks "loud" or deftly parry remarks, adhering to a professional theme. As a rule, the verification ends 15–30 minutes after the start of negotiations, and the partner himself proceeds to business communication. This is an established style of communication, so be prepared for regular checks.

Code phrases: “What exactly does not suit you in quality? We are constantly working on the level of quality, so this information is very important for us”, “I propose to return to the question…”

What to do if the client is rude: techniques for the seller

The editors of the Commercial Director magazine have prepared 8 techniques that will help calm the client. Study them together with sales managers, and they will be ready to give a professional rebuff to boors.

Imaginary kings

These are arrogant people who always and with almost everyone behave “boorishly”. The reason is self-doubt. This type is more common among middle managers, lower-level employees (secretaries, security guards, cleaners), business owners who did not create it themselves, but received it as a gift. Such arrogance is associated with a discrepancy between the real and the desired state of affairs (the level of claims of people of this type is much higher than their position in the organizational structure).

How to be. Such people are usually greedy for flattery and love it when their achievements are emphasized. Therefore, moderately use compliments, emphasize the status and importance of the interlocutor.

Code phrases: “I see you are a professional in your field”, “I think this will be the best option. Tell me, as an expert, is this so?


A person can behave "boorishly" when he has problems (in business, in his personal life). For example, the purchasing director fears that he may be removed from his position, hence the unreasonable claims and demands on partners, most often expressed in a “boorish” attitude or an unreasonable negative assessment of the quality of their product or work with clients.

How to be. Remember that this is a temporary mood (although it may drag on for several months). When things get better for the partner, cooperation will return to normal. Moreover, he may become ashamed of his behavior. In this case, try to do everything possible to smooth the situation: establish an informal relationship on social networks, have lunch together.

Code phrases: "Did something happen to you? How can I help?", "Let's have coffee and think about the problem."

  • Reframing, or How to deal with customer objections

Conscious manipulators

There are people who are deliberately "rude", thus knocking out favorable conditions for cooperation. This is a feature of buyers of large retail chains - even after a change of position, they retain such a manner of communication for a long time.

How to be. Try to extinguish the conflict. Rephrase the question asked in a "boorish" tone, calmly and without emotion ("So you mean that ..."). Do not put the boor in his place - he will find a dozen new ways to provoke a conflict. In some cases, it is better to refuse, firmly and adamantly (“We have great respect for your company, but we will not work on such conditions”).

Code phrases: "Why should we accept your conditions?", "Argument your position."

This article is how to for communication support with clients, how to communicate with clients with whom it is impossible to communicate: hostile, embittered, suspicious - those that we used to call inadequate.

There are many well-known strategies on this topic. For example, let's try to apply the advice from the book "Customers for Life" by Carl Sewell:
  1. Listen to the client
  2. Do as he wants.
I assume that in simple cases it works. When I traded the K155IR1 chip in a hostel and one of them had bent legs, I had to carefully straighten these legs. You don't have to be Carl Sewell to do this.

But how will this advice help us with Anton Uralsky, who has breaks? No way. Support worker Dimitri is unable to fix the gaps on the spot. Especially if, as he says, it's a technological feature.

Another example. We have a niche dating site. In response to the mailing list, a response from a client named Craig (name changed):

What the heck...sorry, but fat grandmas are not HOT CHICKS. too funny!

The client is unhappy that fat and old women write to him. Let's try to apply Carl Sewell's advice:

  1. Listen. Well, we listened.
  2. Do as he wants. The client wants women to be younger and slimmer.

WTF, Carl Sewell, how do I make them look younger and slimmer? We need other methods. Let's start with the unpopular: self-improvement. Then we will continue with a more rewarding topic: working on a client.

We don't label

It is important not to brand the client as "inadequate", "fuck" and so on. As soon as we call the client "inadequate", we program our reaction. Indeed, imagine yourself in the place of a support employee: we are attacked by someone "inadequate". What should be done? We need to protect ourselves from the "inadequate". How?

We all know how to defend postal workers, government agencies and other places where they pay little and recruit employees, let's say, of the lower segment of the qualification.

An example of a passive-aggressive defense: " Get outta here bitch »

Protection methods may vary:
get frostbitten
get off
or, as employee Dmitry does, internally neigh, admiring himself.

The stigma of the client is detrimental not only to the relationship between the client and the company, but also for ourselves. As soon as we put a label, we begin to worry: "If it weren't for such assholes that poisoned my life, I would live in peace." Or, "How can you be so stupid?"

In fact, of course, they are not assholes. People are more complex than the asshole in a single episode, and one inadequate attack does not make them assholes, just as one single adequate act does not make them models of harmony.

Alternate Algorithm: Harvard Negotiation Project

Briefly, the algorithm is as follows:
  1. State the situation in a neutral way
  2. Formulate from the point of view of the client
  3. Formulate from your side
  4. Suggest a solution.

Next, I will talk about each of the points separately. Sources:
* The so-called Harvard Negotiation Project, excellently outlined in the book " Difficult conversations»
* Examples from personal practice.

1. Formulate the situation in a neutral way

To begin with, you need to express the thought neutrally, as if from the outside.

Grandpa looks from the side

For why this is needed, let's look at the whole: why do conflicts occur? They rarely occur due to the fact that the client and support operate on different facts. But they often happen because the parties give different weight to the same facts. Consider examples.

In the case of Anton Uralsky, gaps are important for him. For a support, this is a trifle. How does the support respond, looking from his bell tower?
- Well, once every 24 hours, the session is guaranteed to break ...

For a dating client, the parameters of one particular woman who wrote to him are important - one of the tens of thousands of those on the site. For a support, they are not important, since there are many other women on the site. How would a support from his bell tower respond?
- Look for others.

Everyone speaks about his own, it turns out the Tower of Babel.

In order for the case not to end in a crusade with robberies and rapes, it is important to find a common language. Start with something you both agree on. State facts, not interpretations.

Anthony can be answered like this:
- It looks like we have a problem with constant breaks.

- So we've got a problem with the appearance of our women.

What have we done? Formulated something from which you can push off. Something we agree on. We are good guys.

2. Formulate from the customer's point of view

It is very difficult. Why is it so difficult? It seems to me, because my primary school teacher Nina Alekseevna taught me to act according to “truth” and “justice”. I loved her and love her, and at the same time I think this is the worst advice that can be given. Millions of teachers, teachers, dads and moms around the world give a similar attitude. This setting is part of Western culture.

According to this setup, it is assumed that there is only one truth, although, of course, in reality there are an uncountable number of them, and all are true:
- Uralsky sees gaps - this is true (regardless of whether they are there or not)
- Dmitry considers them irremovable - this is also true
- The dating client considers the woman old and fat - this is also true (even if she is cute, and the client himself is over 50)
- The site is full of other women - this is also true.

At the same time, we don't have to take someone else's truth. It's important to her easy to understand. Understand what he is talking about and how it looks from his side.

It's not difficult at all. Here is how the support could answer Anton:
- That is, before the connection was not broken, but recently it began to break?
And here's how Craig:
- Looks like you're not a fan of old and big?

3. Articulate from our side

We do not start communication by broadcasting from our bell tower, but we do not hush up our point of view either. Once formulated neutrally and from the point of view of the client - hooray! - You can say for yourself. Our opinion is no less important than the opinion of the client. No more important, but no less.

So, we say to Anton:
- From my side it looks different: a protocol feature that happens to all clients and most do not pay attention to it. Could you tell us in more detail why this is so important to you, and we would think what can be done about it?

Those who noticed the recursion, offset.

- So here we go, Maxim models are not chasing us around. Same time, there are plenty of women on the website.

Is it worth it to say that "From my point of view, you are shit" - this does not mean expressing your vision of the situation, which means expressing your relation to man. It won't help the case. “You called an idiot an idiot. Congratulations, you called a spade a spade. So what? You haven't changed anything” (c) Motorcycle and art of motorcycle manteinence.

And finally the most important:

4. Suggest a solution

Why can't you start with this? Can. Denis said so. Expressed in the sense that the gaps need to be ignored. Which infuriated the unfortunate Anton.

Or take the example of Craig. Craig could have answered: look for others. Dialog:
- She's fat and old
- Look for other ones.

At first glance, briefly and to the point - good, at the second - bad. Because it puts Craig before a choice: to admit that he is an idiot and did not guess himself, or to give weight to other sides of the case. For example, he could object: “Then why should I send such terrible ones and wait for me to catch fire in lust?”

What solution to offer? It's usually easy here. For example:
- Anton, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the absence of at least one break per day. Let's think how to be?

- So maybe you look for other ones.

What to do next and how to deal with complications

Then you need to listen again. As you noticed, sometimes the process is recursive. Sometimes it loops. Consider some of the complications that may arise.
Sometimes the client repeats the same thing: "I'm telling you again ...". Well, cycles are normal. One of my employees needs to be listened to three times, then she herself proposes a solution and leaves satisfied.
Endless Loops
They need to be torn in one of many ways. For example, you can interpret the loop as a problem and start at step 1: “Looks like we've been talking about the same thing for some time now.” Another way is to thank and hang up.
Screams, curses and threats
Shouting is a protest against a situation where the client is cornered. Anton screams in helplessness. That is, crying is not a problem in itself, but a symptom of another problem.
Shouting is also a provocation. The client set a trap for you. It is important not to please her. Denis is great here.
And, most importantly: screams, cursing and threats are not the end of the dialogue, but the continuation of negotiations. While they are playing, you have a chance to negotiate (see Secrets of power negotiating). There is no chance in another case: with complete disregard.

In real life, you can not say absolutely everything, if you feel that you can not talk, so as not to sound like a caricature of a psychologist: they will think that you are mocking.

But: in case there are doubts - we have a script, especially in writing, where if you can be misunderstood, you will be misunderstood (and where you can't either).

But - let me remind you - you can not deviate from the basic settings:

  1. Do not label
  2. Look at the problem as through the eyes of the client.

Dating client example

Here is the correspondence with Craig. The name has been changed, personal data has been smeared.

An example with a client who bought support (from a hoster, in Beeline, at an airport, in a shoe shop - it's not so important).

  • The rest play support.
  • At the end, I ask clients to tell how it really happened: what they told you and how the case ended.
  • And those and others we plus and minus for successful and unsuccessful moves.

    I will also play for a while, but I hope that the game will continue without me.

    update: in the comments about how to see the problem through the eyes of the client

    This article is how to for communication support with clients, how to communicate with clients with whom it is impossible to communicate: hostile, embittered, suspicious - those that we used to call inadequate.

    There are many well-known strategies on this topic. For example, let's try to apply the advice from the book "Customers for Life" by Carl Sewell:
    1. Listen to the client
    2. Do as he wants.
    I assume that in simple cases it works. When I traded the K155IR1 chip in a hostel and one of them had bent legs, I had to carefully straighten these legs. You don't have to be Carl Sewell to do this.

    But how will this advice help us with Anton Uralsky, who has breaks? No way. Support worker Dimitri is unable to fix the gaps on the spot. Especially if, as he says, it's a technological feature.

    Another example. We have a niche dating site. In response to the mailing list, a response from a client named Craig (name changed):

    What the heck...sorry, but fat grandmas are not HOT CHICKS. too funny!

    The client is unhappy that fat and old women write to him. Let's try to apply Carl Sewell's advice:

    1. Listen. Well, we listened.
    2. Do as he wants. The client wants women to be younger and slimmer.

    WTF, Carl Sewell, how do I make them look younger and slimmer? We need other methods. Let's start with the unpopular: self-improvement. Then we will continue with a more rewarding topic: working on a client.

    We don't label

    It is important not to brand the client as "inadequate", "fuck" and so on. As soon as we call the client "inadequate", we program our reaction. Indeed, imagine yourself in the place of a support employee: we are attacked by someone "inadequate". What should be done? We need to protect ourselves from the "inadequate". How?

    We all know how to defend postal workers, government agencies and other places where they pay little and recruit employees, let's say, of the lower segment of the qualification.

    An example of a passive-aggressive defense: " Get outta here bitch »

    Protection methods may vary:
    get frostbitten
    get off
    or, as employee Dmitry does, internally neigh, admiring himself.

    The stigma of the client is detrimental not only to the relationship between the client and the company, but also for ourselves. As soon as we put a label, we begin to worry: "If it weren't for such assholes that poisoned my life, I would live in peace." Or, "How can you be so stupid?"

    In fact, of course, they are not assholes. People are more complex than the asshole in a single episode, and one inadequate attack does not make them assholes, just as one single adequate act does not make them models of harmony.

    Alternate Algorithm: Harvard Negotiation Project

    Briefly, the algorithm is as follows:
    1. State the situation in a neutral way
    2. Formulate from the point of view of the client
    3. Formulate from your side
    4. Suggest a solution.

    Next, I will talk about each of the points separately. Sources:
    * The so-called Harvard Negotiation Project, excellently outlined in the book " Difficult conversations»
    * Examples from personal practice.

    1. Formulate the situation in a neutral way

    To begin with, you need to express the thought neutrally, as if from the outside.

    Grandpa looks from the side

    For why this is needed, let's look at the whole: why do conflicts occur? They rarely occur due to the fact that the client and support operate on different facts. But they often happen because the parties give different weight to the same facts. Consider examples.

    In the case of Anton Uralsky, gaps are important for him. For a support, this is a trifle. How does the support respond, looking from his bell tower?
    - Well, once every 24 hours, the session is guaranteed to break ...

    For a dating client, the parameters of one particular woman who wrote to him are important - one of the tens of thousands of those on the site. For a support, they are not important, since there are many other women on the site. How would a support from his bell tower respond?
    - Look for others.

    Everyone speaks about his own, it turns out the Tower of Babel.

    In order for the case not to end in a crusade with robberies and rapes, it is important to find a common language. Start with something you both agree on. State facts, not interpretations.

    Anthony can be answered like this:
    - It looks like we have a problem with constant breaks.

    - So we've got a problem with the appearance of our women.

    What have we done? Formulated something from which you can push off. Something we agree on. We are good guys.

    2. Formulate from the customer's point of view

    It is very difficult. Why is it so difficult? It seems to me, because my primary school teacher Nina Alekseevna taught me to act according to “truth” and “justice”. I loved her and love her, and at the same time I think this is the worst advice that can be given. Millions of teachers, teachers, dads and moms around the world give a similar attitude. This setting is part of Western culture.

    According to this setup, it is assumed that there is only one truth, although, of course, in reality there are an uncountable number of them, and all are true:
    - Uralsky sees gaps - this is true (regardless of whether they are there or not)
    - Dmitry considers them irremovable - this is also true
    - The dating client considers the woman old and fat - this is also true (even if she is cute, and the client himself is over 50)
    - The site is full of other women - this is also true.

    At the same time, we don't have to take someone else's truth. It's important to her easy to understand. Understand what he is talking about and how it looks from his side.

    It's not difficult at all. Here is how the support could answer Anton:
    - That is, before the connection was not broken, but recently it began to break?
    And here's how Craig:
    - Looks like you're not a fan of old and big?

    3. Articulate from our side

    We do not start communication by broadcasting from our bell tower, but we do not hush up our point of view either. Once formulated neutrally and from the point of view of the client - hooray! - You can say for yourself. Our opinion is no less important than the opinion of the client. No more important, but no less.

    So, we say to Anton:
    - From my side it looks different: a protocol feature that happens to all clients and most do not pay attention to it. Could you tell us in more detail why this is so important to you, and we would think what can be done about it?

    Those who noticed the recursion, offset.

    - So here we go, Maxim models are not chasing us around. Same time, there are plenty of women on the website.

    Is it worth it to say that "From my point of view, you are shit" - this does not mean expressing your vision of the situation, which means expressing your relation to man. It won't help the case. “You called an idiot an idiot. Congratulations, you called a spade a spade. So what? You haven't changed anything” (c) Motorcycle and art of motorcycle manteinence.

    And finally the most important:

    4. Suggest a solution

    Why can't you start with this? Can. Denis said so. Expressed in the sense that the gaps need to be ignored. Which infuriated the unfortunate Anton.

    Or take the example of Craig. Craig could have answered: look for others. Dialog:
    - She's fat and old
    - Look for other ones.

    At first glance, briefly and to the point - good, at the second - bad. Because it puts Craig before a choice: to admit that he is an idiot and did not guess himself, or to give weight to other sides of the case. For example, he could object: “Then why should I send such terrible ones and wait for me to catch fire in lust?”

    What solution to offer? It's usually easy here. For example:
    - Anton, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the absence of at least one break per day. Let's think how to be?

    - So maybe you look for other ones.

    What to do next and how to deal with complications

    Then you need to listen again. As you noticed, sometimes the process is recursive. Sometimes it loops. Consider some of the complications that may arise.
    Sometimes the client repeats the same thing: "I'm telling you again ...". Well, cycles are normal. One of my employees needs to be listened to three times, then she herself proposes a solution and leaves satisfied.
    Endless Loops
    They need to be torn in one of many ways. For example, you can interpret the loop as a problem and start at step 1: “Looks like we've been talking about the same thing for some time now.” Another way is to thank and hang up.
    Screams, curses and threats
    Shouting is a protest against a situation where the client is cornered. Anton screams in helplessness. That is, crying is not a problem in itself, but a symptom of another problem.
    Shouting is also a provocation. The client set a trap for you. It is important not to please her. Denis is great here.
    And, most importantly: screams, cursing and threats are not the end of the dialogue, but the continuation of negotiations. While they are playing, you have a chance to negotiate (see Secrets of power negotiating). There is no chance in another case: with complete disregard.

    In real life, you can not say absolutely everything, if you feel that you can not talk, so as not to sound like a caricature of a psychologist: they will think that you are mocking.

    But: in case there are doubts - we have a script, especially in writing, where if you can be misunderstood, you will be misunderstood (and where you can't either).

    But - let me remind you - you can not deviate from the basic settings:

    1. Do not label
    2. Look at the problem as through the eyes of the client.

    Dating client example

    Here is the correspondence with Craig. The name has been changed, personal data has been smeared.

    An example with a client who bought support (from a hoster, in Beeline, at an airport, in a shoe shop - it's not so important).

  • The rest play support.
  • At the end, I ask clients to tell how it really happened: what they told you and how the case ended.
  • And those and others we plus and minus for successful and unsuccessful moves.

    I will also play for a while, but I hope that the game will continue without me.

    update: in the comments about how to see the problem through the eyes of the client

    About the new TV...

    A man comes in, takes out a TV remote control and starts a story - that he bought a super cool and fancy TV, but he just can’t make friends with the tricolor. Asks to show where on the remote control to press to become ZBS. I find out which cable is connected to the TV set and explain what to press the source button and there already select HDMI with the number to which it is connected to the TV set, or go through everything in turn. The man leaves and calls someone, then his dialogue:

    Hello *NAME*, are you home?

    Okay, go turn on the TV.

    Turned on? Right now, I will press the buttons on the remote control, and you watch what is happening on the screen and speak. Right now the menu should come out

    It doesn't work as you say, you must be a crappy master.

    And he leaves in search of better masters.

    About expensive repairs

    A client arrives with a DVB set-top box, the connector from the tuner is torn out.

    Will we fix it? Preferably today.

    Easily. 350r

    Did you f*ck? I'll do better myself

    He left, the next day he was the same, but only with a fee. There is a fierce star in the tuner area. There is nothing to restore, most of the smd components are missing, everything is covered in rosin and plops of tin.

    Do it for 350, I agree. But he even stopped turning on, but I took it apart for you to save time.

    There is nothing to restore here, go for a new one

    Yes, you’re driving, it’s been the same here since Novya, just say that you were offended.

    Again turned out to be a crappy master)

    About ARA services

    They bring a tablet, complain that after replacing the touchscreen in another service, it blunts, sometimes it presses by, or it may not respond at all for some time. In that service they said that it was necessary to flash the touchscreen controller under a new glass (almost a quote), but now they don’t have such an opportunity, otherwise they will do it anywhere for 300 rubles. I understand that people just leaked a touch with marriage. I take the mouse, I cling to it, in the developer mode I turn on the display of touches, everything works perfectly. On the same hole and phantom clicks in the corners. I explain that they were simply thrown, take it under warranty or leave to change the touch to another. They called him an asshole and, again, a worthless master. They left to look for good masters. In the evening I met with the owner of a friendly service, they also could not prove that nothing needed to be flashed, but it was necessary to change the touch to a normal one.

    And the last story, instructive so to speak.

    They brought a TV set, CRT 29 Samsung. There is no image, on the primary diagnosis it is clear that there is no high voltage. At further we learn that the lineman died. For those who are not in the know, this is such a black thing that makes over a damn volt for the kinescope to work, to put it simply:

    We did not have such stocks, there are no direct analogues either. For personal reasons, we haven’t ordered linemen from various Internet stores for a long time, tk. it is always expensive (one mail is 400 rubles at least) and often the linemen are leftist, re-marker or dismantling is burned out. If we buy it from colleagues in the region. We refuse to repair in this situation.

    The frustrated customer picks up the TV set and takes it away. It was at the end of last year, a few weeks ago they come with the police with a receipt for the repair of this TV, but the repair is signed with a different handwriting and a different pen. And only the diagnosis is written by the hand of the receptionist. We find a copy of the receipt. We show that there was only diagnostics, and someone added the rest on top. Please tell me the details. According to the police, the dacha burned down, the examination showed the TV set was the cause of the fire, and in the same place the expert service established that the lineman was installed not native, with winding the turns and transferring the tracks along the legs. As a result, this Kulibino miracle could not withstand the load and flared up, the plastic case caught fire and then the house.

    Most likely, after the diagnosis, the owners were taken to one master, who in the local newspaper and social networks promotes himself as a guru of everything and everything and can fix everything. Only it is impossible to present anything to him, tk. works for himself, does not give receipts, and in case of problems he says a well-known phrase to everyone.

    Salesman is not an easy job. Working with people exhausts quickly - both physically and psychologically. Often the accumulated negative sellers win back on the buyers, shifting their grief and anger onto them.

    Crisis in wallets and minds

    Two years of crisis have changed the situation. If earlier employers were forced to put up with the boorish behavior of their staff, especially during a shortage of personnel in the market, now they don’t want to deal with aggressive workers. The reason is the decrease in the purchasing power of the population. In exchange for a purchase, customers are allowed to do whatever they want. But the rights of the sellers diminished.

    There is less money, depressive moods are growing, salaries, on the contrary, are not increasing. In such a situation, rarely does anyone think about shopping "for the sake of pleasure" - about unnecessary, excessive or unreasonable spending. Problems are increasing like a snowball - people are losing their jobs, they cannot pay loans. Hopes are crumbling, old dreams look naive. A cloud of fatigue and irritation hung over all of us.

    The body requires relaxation - aggression must be thrown out. But to whom? To quarrel with the authorities is more expensive for yourself. Hooking one of the relatives is fraught with even bigger problems. To pour out all the accumulated negativity on the seller is a sweet thing! It's simple, fast and affordable - sellers, they are always there; it is very easy to get to the bottom of them even on the smallest occasion.

    Seller vs buyer: who is right, who is wrong

    There are still more cases when the seller is to blame. Often the buyer is provoked into a scandal by the elementary bad manners of the store employee, his unwillingness to fulfill his direct duties. If this is your option, re-educate the seller. Or just fire him.

    If you want to delve into the underlying causes of inappropriate behavior of the staff - engage in the analysis of management processes. Management often neglects the training of their employees: salespeople do not know their job responsibilities, do not know about control methods, about the system of punishments and rewards adopted in the organization. They just work - and work poorly.

    It also happens: the seller behaves adequately - he is polite and courteous. And the buyer is dissatisfied - he unnecessarily sharply demonstrates his superiority, scandals from scratch and starts other customers. What should the seller do in this case? Answer the same or the same - tactfully silent?

    If the buyer provokes a conflict

    Standard conflict pattern: the buyer is angry, and the seller:

    • Endures;
    • justified;
    • Responds with aggression.

    The “patience” phase ends after 5-7 minutes. Further, depending on the nature of the seller, comes the "justification" or retaliatory aggression. A scandal will not resolve this - a quarrel, mutual reproaches will only grow, the situation will develop into a catastrophic one.

    Of course, it is beneficial for every leader that his employee endures to the last. Moreover, the fate of the sellers is to endure. “And if you don’t like it, look for another job. There are no irreplaceable people, as they say.

    Such reasoning in the second year of the crisis is not uncommon. And the sellers are aware of the management's opinion. That is why they try to find a way out of unpleasant situations on their own - not to complain to the authorities, but to seek a compromise with the client based on their own experience.

    To be honest, they are bad at it. There is no relevant life experience; special knowledge - even more so. As a result, the mood is at zero, health is melting every day, I no longer want to sell. The last point should concern management the most.

    If the administration continues to be inactive, this will lead to:

    • Loss of a client.
    • The loss of several clients - people who became bystanders of an unpleasant scene.
    • Decrease in the efficiency of the seller due to a violation of his psychological balance. This is a sluggish process that is not immediately noticeable. But it will bring great harm to the company.

    When both parties stop arguing, the buyer goes home. The seller remains at the workplace, for him the conflict is not over. After the attack of the buyer, he still has to go through the blow from the management - catch up for "wrong behavior." But after a series of attacks, the seller will have to go to the hall “as if nothing had happened” in order to continue working with customers. You understand how effectively he will perform his duties after the incident.

    The seller must learn to respond effectively to aggression from the buyer. And he must do it first of all - for his own sake, and only then - for the good of the company. The leadership is obliged to teach him to "repel" attacks.

    A simple model for responding to buyer aggression

    The sequence is:

    1. Localize the conflict. Find out the reasons for the dissatisfaction.

    2. Try to convince the client to start negotiations. To negotiate.

    3. Take a break from the conflict. Re-energize with stress management techniques.

    Let's analyze each of the points in detail.

    Localize conflict. Find out the reasons for dissatisfaction

    Lasts 3-6 minutes

    Trying to outshout a customer is stupid. You will not be able to prove anything to the buyer while his emotions gush. At the moment, it is important to get rid of unwitting witnesses. You don't need to put on a show in front of other clients. And so - act calmly and confidently:

    1. Tell an angry client that there is no reason to make noise, because you have already paid your attention to him. Convince the buyer that his problem will be taken care of right now.

    2. Find out the root of the problem. Agree on options for solving it. So that during the conversation the client does not feel silent support from other buyers - take him to the corridor, to another part of the hall or to the utility room. Invite him to sit down - it is much more difficult to make a fuss while sitting.

    3. Ask the client to describe his dissatisfaction in detail. He will have to slow down - emotionally telling the problem in detail is incredibly difficult. When he starts the story - listen without interrupting. Leave all clarifying questions for later. And no objections.

    Try to convince the client to start negotiations. To negotiate

    Lasts 7-12 minutes

    The buyer says, calms down. Take your time to dot the i's. If your fault in the conflict is not - the buyer is likely to understand this during the monologue himself. Own speech will gradually drown out emotions. Crying will be replaced by rational thinking and, perhaps, remorse.

    As soon as the client comes to his senses, start negotiations. Remember: it is not in your power (if you are "only" - the seller) to promise compensation to the brawler. All financial issues are decided only by the management. Your task is to calm the client and save your nerves. And therefore: do not interrupt, do not re-educate, do not be rude and do not fawn.

    But back to the negotiations. Ask the client a question that makes you think - why, in fact, all this fuss was started.

    Here are three options:

    1. And what do you think we should do?

    2. What kind of actions do you expect from us?

    3. And what do you think is the way out of this situation?

    The buyer can respond to this question in the following way:

    1. Comes to the conclusion that nothing can be done. Say goodbye and leave.

    2. Offer a real way out of the conflict.

    3. Offer an unacceptable way out of the conflict.

    4. Transfer all responsibility to the seller: “Ask a question? Answer it yourself."

    5. Continue charges.

    6. Another option.

    Either option is good. Even the most disadvantageous. Treat the buyer's response as material on the basis of which you need to build further tactics. Admit guilt and ask for forgiveness, refer to company rules and apologize, offer some way out, call security, etc.

    Take a break from conflict. Rejuvenate with Stress Management Techniques

    The client is gone. The conflict is averted - successfully or not, it doesn't matter anymore. It's time to think about yourself - you need to calm down, restore strength, tune in to work.

    Each buyer reacts to scandals in his own way: someone becomes irritable, someone is drawn to sleep, there are those who cannot cope with the accumulated anger - they begin to break down on colleagues, friends or relatives.

    Any reaction is natural. But not everyone is nice. To avoid it, try applying stress management techniques on yourself.

    Let's digress a bit. In pre-crisis times, leaders of organizations en masse trained their employees in all sorts of techniques. For this, speakers, trainers, coaches were invited to the company. Classes were held in which sellers were told about stress management. Today, managers save on ordering training services. And in vain. The training is worth continuing. Sellers, buyers, and the employer will benefit from this. Let's get back to the techniques.

    The first - simple and effective - is movement. The back muscle is tense, the shoulders are raised, the face is stiff? So you need to move. Walk at a fast pace. Squat or push up a few times. Stand in front of a mirror and make faces. Do all this not in front of customers or colleagues, but in solitude. To remove muscle tone and adjust to the working mood, you will need about three minutes.

    The second technique is relaxation. Remember something pleasant: a vacation, a beautiful picture, the plot of a recently read book, friends, a funny incident. Connect all channels:

    • visual - remember the shape of objects, the color of furniture, faces, sun glare;
    • auditory - pleasant voices, favorite music, the noise of the city, the murmur of water;
    • smell and tastes - the freshness of the sea, gooseberry acidity, the aroma of pizza;
    • emotions - love, fear, surprise.

    The more vividly and in detail you remembered something pleasant, the easier it will be for you to re-adjust to a working mood.

    The third option is to relieve the effects of stress outside of work. If the previous techniques did not help you, go outside - walk part of the route to the house on foot. It is advisable to choose quiet streets, parks, alleys for a walk. Let your family know by phone that you had a difficult day today. Ask them to go to the store and cook dinner.

    Go visit a friend. Tell him about your misfortunes, cry into your vest. Don't hold on to the heavy burden. Let her leave without harming herself or her family.

    Do not relieve stress with strong alcohol and drugs. This is a direct road to dependence, and after - and degradation.

    All stress management techniques are aimed at one thing - to help you quickly forget about troubles, get rid of resentment and irritation.

    Salesman is not an easy job. Not everyone can stand everyday communication with quarrelsome people. This is especially true for young sellers. Employees without experience sometimes do not even suspect that they can work with the negative coming from customers. That any scandal can be ended painlessly for both sides. All this is a matter of technology. Techniques that are easy to learn.