When is Victor's name day according to the church calendar. Victor's name day, Victor's angel day. Diminutive names

  • 29.05.2020

When translating the name Victor from Latin, you get a winner. There is also a female version of this name - Victoria. Starting from a very young age, Victor is distinguished by impulsiveness, curiosity and gullibility. He is easily offended by lies, but he will never accumulate evil thoughts in himself. A very outgoing and friendly person. Victor shows particular interest in unusual and exciting things that are associated with adventure and adventure. He always offers his friends to be reincarnated as pirates, treasure seekers. As for studies, he will pay attention only to subjects that are interesting to him. If the subject does not arouse interest in little Victor, then no one will be able to seat him for him.

Although there is something dreamy and romantic in Victor, these people have a strong sense of the earth. Victor will go into the profession for which they will show an inclination and where they would like to achieve maximum success.

Due to their mobility, Victors often find themselves in sports. Here they are also helped by their quick actions and reactions. It is rare that you will be able to spot Victor at a sedentary, slow and monotonous job. They are closer to such activities, where the result is visible immediately.

As an interlocutor, Victor is very verbose, witty and impulsive. Of course, he cannot be a leader. But Victor easily knows how to win the interest of the company, keep it and get real pleasure from the process of communication. He likes to be in society. As friends, he chooses people who have a good sense of humor.

Victor is a patient and tolerant person who expects the same from others. Victor tends to be sarcastic. By negligence, it can offend, although due to natural charm it is not capable of serious insults. He does not like serious people who also think for a long time.
Victors are not alien to the desire to experience the thrill. They receive them through extreme species sports or gambling. The most significant drawback of the owners of the name Victor lies in the innate frivolity and disdain for morality.
When it comes to the opposite sex, Victors become romantics and idealists. In most cases, they try to transfer the relationship model from the book to their own couple. It is important for Victor to have not only witty friends, but also the same girl. They may show interest in adult women with curvaceous forms.

When it comes to bed, the Victors are resourceful and tactful. He is interested in new knowledge. You can get them both from a companion and from special literature. Appreciates the looseness.

Victor's soul is sensitive and complex, which periodically prevents him from choosing a companion. He tries to find common features in girls with himself. In rare cases, he is able to leave his wife. Can change, very loving. Always looking for new experiences.
For Victor, the family represents solidarity. For them, this is a safe haven, a method of dealing with loneliness. Victor loves children, but is too strict with them. They are very strict about family life. Time passes, and Victor turns from a pedant into a bore.

It will be difficult for the ladies' man Victor to resist another intrigue. He does not seek to replenish his collection of girls. Thus, he tries to find the ideal that he painted in his head. When you try to drag Victor down the aisle by force, be prepared for the guy to go all out, even openly cheat.

Victor will not allow pressure to be put on him. However, when he meets his true love, he will open his heart and soul to this girl.
By type of character, Victor is a sanguine person. He has a stable psyche, the reaction is quite fast, strong will. Unfortunately, intuition let us down. There is no difference in foresight.

As soon as Victor is born, he already knows what he wants. The boy does not make hasty decisions, because the problem must be considered from all sides, studied thoroughly.

Victor is a real workaholic. Unfortunately, this quality plays to his detriment. Colleagues happily sit on his neck.
Family for Victor is sacred. If he comes across a woman with a strong character, then she will twist ropes from her husband. Well, if the wife is unloved, then not a single skirt will just pass by Victor.
Most often, Victors are real extroverts. Receptive to everything around them. In an effort to escape from danger, it can behave like a small child.

Victor has a synthetic mindset. He doesn't like to mess around with little things. Happy to give this right to someone else.
The owners of the name Victor strive to please at any cost. Moreover, he forgets about moral norms at such moments. Don't trust Victor's promise. They mean nothing to him anyway.

Victors tend to be overweight. A real gourmet who is alien to such a word as diet. There is a predisposition to osteochondrosis. He thinks little about his health. There just isn't enough time. There will always be time for a few other things.

With his eloquence, Victor is able to win any girl. If we talk about pleasures, then Victor is closest to delicious food and drink.
Victor has his own drug - it's work. He shows a craving for classical sciences and languages. As for the profession, it is closer to him where there is specificity and tangibility.

Victors who were born in the summer are distinguished by modesty and isolation. He will not open his soul to unfamiliar people and let him into his inner world. For communication on intimate topics, he will choose a calm woman who will be older than him and with great sexual experience. Summer Victors are extremely jealous. Able because of this to go to a divorce and then another for a long time don't start a family.
Victor, born in winter, is very sensitive, cherishes dreams of great love and passion. It takes him a little time to become attached to his companion. Expects loyalty and devotion from her. He considers important not only physical fusion with his partner, but also spiritual.
I would like to see next to me an understanding woman with whom I would be spiritually close, and also had similar intellectual interests. It becomes truly happy when it reaches harmony sexually. He is no stranger to madness in bed. He is interested in the erotic sensations of his companion, does not mind laughing with her.
Victor, born in December, is distinguished by increased sexuality. He's just a fan of women in the body. For the February Victor, treason is alien. It often turns out to be monogamous. For him, marriage is a way to escape loneliness.

Victor likes to develop sexually. He studies the literature on this subject with great interest. Some of them are even applied in practice.

Victor, who has a birthday in the spring, is a very slippery and dodgy type. Often deceiving and completely optional. He enters into marriage early, but family life does not last long. The second marriage, as a rule, also does not give Victor family happiness. However, he has his own material benefit, which does not allow him to leave this family as well.

When, according to the church calendar, Victor's name day:

November 24 - Victor of Damascus, martyr; April 28 - Victor Gruzinsky, martyr; April 2 - Victor of Rome, martyr.

  • January 21 and 30
  • February 13
  • 3, 7, 23 and 30 March
  • April 2 and 28
  • May 1 and 2
  • June 1 and 20
  • July 1 and 19
  • September 2, 8, 15, 24 and 29
  • October 10 and 21
  • November 11, 19, 22, 24, 27 and 29
  • December 8 and 31

The meaning and characteristics of the name Victor

The name Victor came from the Latin language, in translation from which it means "winner". So called the great generals and military leaders. With exclamations of “Ave, Victor,” the Romans greeted the winners returning from the war.

Little Vitya has been striving for victory since childhood - he likes to be a leader in the company of his peers, he always comes up with interesting entertainment and games for kids.

However, the boy is very trusting and naive, so he does not always succeed in occupying a leading position in the company - more cunning boys take the “reins of power” into their own hands.

But Victor cannot be angry and offended for a long time, and, after a few days after any unpleasant situation, he will again communicate with people who outwitted or deceived him.

A man with this name, as a rule, chooses a simple profession - he likes to make something with his own hands, to do physical labor. In Victor's house, the faucet never leaks, the cabinet doors will not be broken, and there will be no other similar problems.

A man also chooses a housewife for his wife, which will help him in creating and maintaining home comfort. As a rule, the family of the owner of this name is always large, very friendly and happy.

Congratulations for Victor on his name day in verse

We congratulate you, Victor,
And with the kindest feeling
We wish you joy
And let there be no sadness!

Let your career please
Let the salary grow
And every day from work
The family is waiting for dinner!

I, Victor, congratulate you,
After all, the holiday has come today,
Good luck, of course, I wish
I want you to be successful!

Let work be only a joy,
Let order be in everyday life
One day let someone meet
And your life will make you happy!

SMS congratulations to Victor on his name day

Victor, in life you are always and in everything a winner! I want to wish you that it stays that way in the future! Take everything you can from your destiny, always be loved by your loved ones, respected by your comrades and happy in your soul!

Victor is a glorious winner
In life, you are by no means a spectator,
You are the master of life
Let dreams come true!

Such a science as onomastics arose a long time ago, many interpretations formed the basis of modern reference books describing the character, inclinations and even the possible fate of a person, depending on the name. Each carries a karmic load and energy, so parents always approach the issue of choice with all seriousness and responsibility, discussing and studying literature. Today we will talk about the name Victor. Now it is not very popular, although in the 60s of the XX century it was called that very often. Let's try to find out what is the meaning of the name, for whom it is suitable and what it brings to its owner.

Origin and meaning of the name

Translated from Latin, Victor literally translates as "winner." This name of Latin origin, which has deep historical roots, was full of greatness.

Did you know?In ancient Rome, the greeting exclamation "Ave viktor" could be heard as a greeting to warriors returning home with a victory, which meant "Long live the winner."

Since traditionally the ancient Romans tried to call it that to glorify the best qualities of a person, the victorious meaning of the name Victor made him popular with boys all over the world.

Name and patronymic forms

The full form is inflected general rules Russian language: Victor, Victor, Victor, Victor, Victor, about Victor.

  • Middle name: Viktorovich, Viktorovna
  • Short form: Vitya, Vitek, Vik.
  • Diminutive forms: Vitenka, Vityusha, Vityunya, Vitasik.
In the Orthodox calendar it occurs 31 times in its existing form, without changes.

name angel day

The fact that in the old days was often called Victor is associated with the beginning of the spread of Christianity in Europe. Many church leaders were called that. Several martyrs were canonized as saints, both by Orthodox and Catholics. According to the church Orthodox calendar, Victor celebrates name days 3 times a year:

  • February 13 - Martyr Victor of Corinth: suffered in the struggle for faith in Christ in the city of Corinth;
  • May 1 - Martyr Victor of Nicomedia: suffered in the persecution of Christians under the emperor Diocletian;
  • November 24 - Martyr Victor of Damascus: belonged to the early Christians, in the II century he was executed during the persecution of Christians.

Did you know? There is a popular belief that if it is foggy and cloudy on the “winter” Victor, then we should expect a good harvest of flax suitable for yarn.

In the Catholic calendar, no less number of saints named Victor are noted. According to church canons, Catholics have 5 days to celebrate name days: January 22, May 8, July 21, October 10 and December 7.

Name in different languages

The very origin of the name makes it universal and sounds the same in most languages. Of course, there are spelling and pronunciation features that are characteristic of each language group.

  • in Russian and other languages ​​​​of the Slavic group, the form Victor is used;
  • the British and Americans do not have a modified form, so only the transliteration changes - Viktor;
  • The French pronounce Victor with the stress on the second syllable.
  • in Spanish and Portuguese, the name "loses" the letter T and takes on the form Vitor;
  • the Italians call Vitya Vittorio, while the full male name in an abbreviated version turns into Vitto;
  • the form in Finnish is curiously transformed - Vihtori (Vihtori), only one letter "o" distinguishes it from the female name, and the female version sounds like Vihtoori;
  • in Arabic there is the name Ghalib, it is a direct translation of the word "winner" and carries the same semantic load;
  • in Chinese and Japanese there is no exact semantic analogue, therefore, a transcription that is close in sound to the original is usually used: in Chinese - Weikedo (维克多), in Japanese - Vikutoru (ヴィクトル).

The nature and fate of people with that name in history

Victor has a certain grandeur and pretentiousness, in a sense, the reason for this was the fact that many were called that famous people. With the birth of Christianity, it became clear that the name acquired a new meaning: it meant the victory of Christ over death. Many representatives of the clergy were called Victor, from where it further spread in Europe, and then in Russia. It should be noted that there are not so few famous owners of the name Viktor, among them there are many representatives of creative professions.

  • Famous Russian artist V. Vasnetsov, his brushes belong to such famous paintings as "Bogatyrs" and the saddened "Alyonushka". An important place in his work is occupied not only by epic, but also by religious themes; it was Vasnetsov who made the drawings in the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg.

The artist was born into the family of an Orthodox priest, and probably the child was given the name Victor for this very reason. Indeed, for a believer, this name is of great importance and symbolizes victory over passions and sin. Vasnetsov himself sought to stand out from the generally accepted canons of painting, trying to bring the spirit of folklore into his work, to arouse interest in the Old Russian style. Despite the criticism of his contemporaries, the artist, with his characteristic tenacity, defended his vision of art and, as a result, influenced his followers.
  • V. Hugo, a French writer, publicist, who was characterized by irrepressible ardor and romanticism, not only in his work, but also in life in general. His works are recognized as classics of lyric literature throughout the world. He devoted a significant part of his life to the theater, while he never remained aloof from the political situation in France.
Hugo in his youth had the glory of a staunch Catholic and a fighter for justice, his romantic outlook on life quite coexisted with the observance of moral dogmas. At a more mature age, youthful maximalism was replaced by an awareness of acute social injustice, to which the writer devoted many theatrical plays, pouring out deep feelings for his people and his country into his work.
  • W. Fleming, an American film director, familiar to us from the magnificent film "Gone with the Wind", a master of his craft. An adherent of the adventure theme, he was inclined to take risks in ordinary life. During the First World War, he served in intelligence, taking photographs. In the director's career, he did not make a significant leap, his filmography is limited to adventure entertainment topics. Fleming's deep conviction of his own rightness, reaching stubbornness on the set, made it possible to achieve the perfect acting of the actors, but killed the whole creative idea in the bud.

Of our contemporaries, there are also quite a few popular people:
  • V. Merezhko, Russian screenwriter, actor, director. In his work, an emphasis on the moral problems of society is clearly traced, and his characters always skillfully combine lyricism and eccentricity. Merezhko himself, distinguished by his stubborn disposition and perseverance, in spite of all obstacles, strove to engage in an interesting business. Life pretty much drove him, forcing him to try himself in different professions, however, thanks to the perseverance of the director, the goal was achieved and brought him popularity.
  • , rock musician, founder and leader of the Kino group, tragically died in a car accident in 1990. Tsoi from childhood was distinguished by a difficult character, waywardness, bordering on stubbornness. He was expelled from art school due to his stubborn unwillingness to do the same as everyone else. Probably, it was his determination and stubborn disposition that helped him find his path and make music his life's work. Despite the fact that many years have passed since the day of his death, his music does not lose popularity among the new generation, and the legendary phrase “Tsoi is alive” can still be found on the walls of houses in residential areas.

The main character traits of people with this name

As we can see from specific examples, rebelliousness, an active life position and talent are successfully combined in this person and accompany him throughout his life. This once again confirms that tangible activities, concrete actions and results are important for Viti. In the life of this person there is no place for pink dreams and castles in the air. Most often, Victors have unsurpassed patience, are able to engage in painstaking and thoughtful work for a long time and with full dedication. Quite calmly and condescendingly will treat women's whims. However, as with any rule, there are exceptions.
A man born in winter is likely to be the owner of a tough temper and enviable stubbornness. Vit usually makes good family men, largely dependent on the hearth. Such people usually try to save the family to the last, considering it their immediate duty. Little Vityusha is usually a restless and playful boy, has a wild imagination and extraordinary ingenuity. If the vector of this energy is not directed in the right direction, then it will be difficult for the child to cope with his own feelings in the conditions of life's realities. The task of parents is to help find their own business, teach them to be guided by logic, not emotions.

Important! Vitya is sometimes referred to as Vitaly, shortening his full name, which is misleading to those around him or future parents deciding what to name the child. However, it should be understood that Victor and Vitaly have a completely different semantic load, and it is the full form that influences the fate of a person.

An adult man, with the right upbringing, as a rule, becomes a purposeful, ambitious person, capable of performing complex tasks, persistently completing projects that have been started, and achieving excellence in work. In personal relationships, he can be quite impulsive, but quickly cools down, inclined to fight for justice wherever possible. success family life Viti is based not only on mutual understanding, for him the sexual component is no less important.
Despite their commitment family values, he is able to end a relationship that, in his opinion, does not bring satisfaction. With all the advantages, these people also have a significant drawback: many of them are prone to alcohol abuse, which regularly becomes a factor that destroys a prosperous family life.

Name astrology

We already know that in translation into Russian, Victor means “winner”. What do the stars tell us about the bearer of this name?

  • The patron planet is Mercury, responsible for mental activity, it is also called the planet of intellect or mind. This influence tangibly affects the development of the intellect of a man and his ability to learn.
  • Zodiac sign - Virgo. Vitya owes his pedantry, scrupulousness and responsibility to an influential sign.
  • name plant - thistle.
  • Wood - Birch, slender, flexible, hardy, corresponds to the temper of this man.
  • Color - green, malachite.
  • Stone - emerald, topaz, rock crystal.
  • totem animal - fox, monkey. They give a person decisiveness, resourcefulness, the ability to adapt to circumstances.

Important! According to astrological theories, the full and abbreviated names have different vibrations and can affect its owner in different ways. The address Victor seems to many of its owners more pleasant than the short form, because its vibration is higher.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

There is an entertaining theory that the meaning of a name is made up of the meanings of each of its letters:

  • AT- communication skills, sociability, openness to people;
  • And- romanticism, spiritual wealth, high sensitivity of nature;
  • To- fortitude, originality of thinking, high endurance, determination;
  • T- a symbol of creativity, sensitivity;
  • O- the ability to experience deep feelings, isolation in one's own inner world, self-sufficiency;
  • R- courage, bordering on recklessness, self-confidence.
In addition to literal decoding, numerology provides objective information about the nature and meaning. The number of the fate of the name Victor is 7. This number indicates that Vitya has a penchant for philosophy, is talented in the scientific field and in various areas of art. And the ability to deep analysis allows him, with due zeal, to take a leadership position in the team. So, we examined the features of the male name Victor and made sure that it fully justifies its translation. With the right direction of activity and the support of others, he is able to become a true winner.

Linguists claim that the name Victor is derived from the Roman generic names Victor, Victorinus and Victorianus. They, in turn, come from the Latin word victor, which means "winner". So, following the logic, we get the meaning of the name Victor is "winner". The name Victor also has a female related name - Victoria.

It is worth noting that many popular names have come from Roman personal and generic nicknames. These are, for example, such male names as Vitaly (Vitalis), Camille (Camillus) and Maxim (Maximus). Similarly, many female names have a similar origin. These are such names as Albina (Albinus), Claudia (Claudius), Emilia (Aemilius) and many others.

The meaning of the name Victor for a child

Little Victor is mischievous and cheerful child. He is restless and has an indefatigable imagination. He is always inventing new games, and in designing he has no equal. His strong imagination can serve him both positively and negatively. Once he instills a certain logic and consistency of reasoning, otherwise jumping from thought to thought can become his habitual behavior in life. This can lead to the fact that he will dream a lot, but will not start to implement his plan.

The boy is in middle school. He does well in many subjects, but there are not enough stars from the sky. More inclined to the exact sciences, and especially to physics. Languages ​​and literature are quite difficult for him, although the boy loves to read very much. He simply does not understand Dostoevsky and Tolstoy at the age at which they are taught. It is worth noting the accuracy of Victor and his responsibility. The boy knows how to be collected, and strong-willed qualities have been noticeable in him since kindergarten.

Victor's health is very good, although you can't call him a hero. He rarely gets sick, which unfortunately leads to neglect of preventive measures. The child grows athletic, and his metabolism is even increased. Often, until the age of 18, he is even prone to thinness, but then he gains weight to normal. May begin to gain weight closer to forty, but this will depend on the type of activity and home diet.

Abbreviated name Victor

Vitya, Vitya, Vitek, Vityukha, Vitakha, Vityakh, Vishechek, Vityasya, Vitasik, Vik, Viko.

Diminutive names

Vitechka, Vityushka, Vityenka, Vityasha, Vityosha, Vityulya, Vityunya, Vityusya, Vityusha.

Patronymic of children

Viktorovich and Viktorovna. It does not have established folk forms of pronunciation.

Victor name in English

AT English language The name Victor is spelled Victor but pronounced Victor.

Name Viktor for passport- VIKTOR.

Translation of the name Viktor into other languages

in Belarusian - Viktar
in Bulgarian - Victor
in Hungarian - Viktor
in Greek - Βίκτωρ
in Danish - Victor
in Spanish - Victor
in Italian - Vittorio
in German - Victor
in Norwegian - Viktor
in Polish - Wiktor
in Portuguese - Vítor
in Romanian - Victor
in Serbian - Victor
in Ukrainian - Viktor
French - Victor
in Finnish - Vihtori
in Czech - Viktor
in Swedish - Viktor

Church name Victor(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Victor. Of course, when baptizing a boy, you can choose another church name.

Characteristics of the name Victor

As an adult, Victor can be described as an impulsive and even impulsive person. If some idea comes to his mind, then he can go into it completely, and then his diligence and perseverance can only be envied. Victor is overly narcissistic, which affects his relationships with others. His conceit often becomes close to narcissism and causes negative emotions in his interlocutors. It can also be said about Victor that he has a broad outlook, which allows him to make a pleasant first impression. He often uses this.

Victor can successfully work in various professions. The range of his interests is quite wide, but he always wanted to do interesting things. It is completely unsuitable for monotonous work. His choice is usually distinguished by a certain originality, although it is more originality in his presentation. Often when choosing a job, Victor will choose one that he thinks will impress others. The effect on others is the main thing he achieves.

Victor treats the education of the family with trepidation, although he often marries a little hastily. He is a good family man, as can be seen from his relationship with loved ones. He often chooses an active and caring woman as his life partner. At home, he is neat and knows how to do a lot around the house. He is quite strict with children, which does not at all exclude the warmth of relations. He pays a lot of attention to education, and especially tries to instill in children respect for work.

The secret of the name Victor

Victor's secret can be called his lack of independence. He does a lot in his life to impress others. This may be, for example, the choice of work or any other of his actions. Often one act done without an inner impulse requires him to continue. This can lead to quite negative consequences. Victor should remember this feature of his.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

totem animal- Horse.

Name color- Green.

Wood- Birch.

Plant- White carnation.

Stone- Selenite.