adwords remarketing code. Setting up remarketing in Google Adwords. Targeting in advertising campaigns must be set to the Display Network

  • 30.01.2022

To use remarketing, you must select a supported campaign type.

Display Network Campaigns

If you want to use Display Network Remarketing, select "Display Network" as the campaign type and "Move Actions > Shop Online" as the target when creating your campaign. You can create a campaign without selecting a marketing objective. However, if you select marketing goals, you will see features designed specifically to achieve them. Complete campaign setup and click Proceed.

Once you've set up the rest of your campaign settings, create an ad group. In the "Users: who do you want to reach" section, expand the "Audiences" section and select your target lists in the "Remarketing" window.

Search Campaigns

To use Search Network remarketing lists, select the Search Network campaign type.

After creating a campaign, follow these steps:

How to add the Google Ads tag to your site or app

Event Tag

Getting started with remarketing lists

Remarketing lists automatically generated in Google Ads

Rules for creating remarketing lists

Special Options

The dynamic remarketing event tag allows you to send custom parameters that can be used to create remarketing lists.

In particular, you can send product price and page type values ​​(for example, a buy page) using an event tag to create a list of users who have bought a product with a price greater than a certain value. In this case, the specific parameters included in the remarketing event tag would be a numeric value (product price) and a page type (which will determine how close a visitor is to a purchase).

In this article, we will go through the three steps in detail:

  1. Setting up site visitor tracking.
  2. Creating audiences to which we will direct our advertising
  3. How to properly set up an advertising campaign.

Add a remarketing code to your site

To collect lists of users who have been on your site, you can install the Google AdWords remarketing tag and use a modified Google Analytics code.

It is best to use two options at once. This will allow you to create user audiences in both systems in the future.

1.1 How do I add a remarketing tag to Google AdWords?

First you need to go to Google Adwords and click on the “Shared Library” - “Audiences” tab.

In the menu that opens, click on the "Set up remarketing" button. If you are going to create only a regular remarketing campaign, then uncheck the "Use dynamic ads" box.

In the window that appears, you are prompted to add send the code and instructions to the mail. Usually it is worth indicating the mail to your programmer or the person who is involved in the site.

To copy the remarketing code, click on the link “View AdWords tag for websites”

Now you need to paste this code on all pages of the site between the tags .

1.2. How to set up remarketing in Google Analytics?

If you set up remarketing with Google Analytics, this gives you some benefits:

  • You can work more flexibly with audiences. In the settings you will have access to the behavior of people on the site and their goals achieved
  • You can create remarketing audiences using ready-made templates from the Solution Gallery
Go to Google Analytics and click on the gear in the bottom left corner. Then you will see the "Administrator" panel. Now we need to go to the sub-item "Tracking code" and then - "Data collection".

Now we need to go to the remarketing settings and enable the slider. Then we save the changes.

If you installed Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager, then you can enable data collection in your account settings.

We need to go to the “Tracking code” item and copy the script.
Now it remains to insert the code on all pages of the site before the tag

Creating Remarketing Audiences in Google Adwords

A remarketing list is a list of criteria for selecting potential users who will be shown ads. Let's say you can stalk people who went to your site but didn't make a purchase.
On the “Audiences” page, click on “+ Remarketing List” and select “Site Visitors”.

In the window that opens, you need to specify the condition for which our ad will be shown. We can customize the lists based on the pages visited. And split the audience

In the “+Rule” section, we can collect the audience by several audiences. For example, to collect people who watched the promotion and then clicked on links to another section of the site.

To configure multiple sets of conditions, click on the link “Show advanced settings”

In the “Estimate list size” section, you can only show ads on remarketing lists. But they must contain at least 100 active users.

You can create a period during which the user will be in this list. It is recommended to set 30 days, however, if desired, you can set more than 540 days.

Building a Remarketing List in Google Analytics

To collect users into an audience, you can use the following functions:
  • Demographics
  • Site behavior
  • First session dates
  • Traffic source
  • Conversions
  • Device information

Creating Remarketing Audiences with Solution Gallery

Creating an audience in Google Analytics can happen automatically. To do this, you need to use the “Solutions Gallery” and staples.
To import ready-made templates you need:

Now we need to select the view templates in which we will create remarketing lists.

It is not necessary to create all the audience lists that are offered. You can simply mark the desired lists.

Now our task is to import Google analytics lists into AdWords

The first thing to do is establish a link between the analytics system and your AdWords ad accounts.

To do this, go to the “Administrator” tab and in the resource settings select “Connection with AdWords”

In the communication settings, select the account we need with the checkmarks and select “Continue”

Enter the name for linking accounts and click “Select All” and link accounts.

Now after 24 hours you will have linked accounts.

Setting up a remarketing campaign in Google AdWords

We only need to create a display network. To do this, click on “+ Campaign” and select the appropriate item.

Campaign-level settings are the same as display campaigns. You need to specify the budget, bidding strategy and geotargeting.

Now we need to create an ad group and add remarketing list targeting

To do this, select “Display Network – and Remarketing” and then click on the “+Targeting” button

Check the boxes next to “Interests and Remarketing”, and then “Remarketing Lists”.

Now you need to click on the button with two arrows next to the desired list.

In the window that opens, select “Remarketing Lists” and add the desired list. Then we save the settings

This completes the Google AdWords remarketing setup.

Setting up Google remarketing takes a few minutes. This can be done in two ways - we will analyze the simplest of them. Sit back, I will quickly tell you how in 7 minutes you will create your first audience in Google Adwords and set up ads for it.

Remarketing or Retargeting?

Yes, they are synonyms. It’s just that retargeting is used in the terminology of Yandex Metrica, and remarketing is used in Google. Therefore, these concepts are one and the same. But since we refer this article to the Google Adwords section, we will speak His language 🙂

2 Ways to Set Up Google Remarketing

Hereinafter, I will assume that you, dear reader, already have a Google Adwords account. Because otherwise you would not have wondered how to set up remarketing - after all, this is the next step in working with contextual advertising.

So, there are two options for setting up remarketing.

Using the Google Adwords tag

To do this, go to "Shared Library" (menu on the left), the "Audiences" tab and click "Set up remarketing".

Then click on the blue button "Set up remarketing" and you will see instructions for setting up. The system will offer to copy the remarketing code to all pages of the site so that it becomes possible to collect an audience.

To be honest, I have never tried setting up remarketing using the Adwords tag. Why, if it can be done using Google Analytics without installing additional code on the site 🙂

Remarketing with Google Analytics

The easiest option, because it involves setting up remarketing in the process of setting up the Analytics counter. Of course, in this option, everything starts with installing a counter on the site.

Then, in the counter settings at the Resource level, we link the Analytics and Adwords accounts. If the Analytics account is created in the same Google account on which you work with Adwords, then the setup is done in just a couple of clicks. If Analytix is ​​on a different account, then you will have to give access to the counter. I am sure that you have everything in one account, so I will not dwell on this point.

Go to "Resource Settings" - "Connection with AdWords". Further - elementary, the beginner will understand. If you still have problems at this stage - see

How to return a visitor to the site who did not complete the target action? Launch remarketing on the Google Display Network: attractive banners will remind users of the product, and you will be able to direct your advertising budget to a “hot” audience. In this article, I will describe the setup step by step. remarketing in Google Ads.

1. Add a remarketing code to your site

To collect lists of users who visited the site, you can:

  • set the Google Ads remarketing tag;
  • use the modified Google Analytics code.

1.1. How do I add a Google Ads remarketing tag?

1.1.1. Open Google Ads and navigate to the Shared Library - Audiences tab.

In the "Site visitors" subsection, click on the "Set up remarketing" link.

1.1.2. In the window that opens, click on the "Set up remarketing" button. You will need a checkmark next to the "Use dynamic ads" field only when setting up dynamic remarketing, to create a regular remarketing campaign, leave the field blank.

1.1.3. A pop-up window will appear asking you to install the Google Ads remarketing tag. You can immediately send the code and instructions for it to programmers - just enter the recipient's email.

To copy the remarketing code, click the View Google Ads for Website tag link.

This code must be inserted on all pages of the site between the tags .

Choosing to set up remarketing with Google Analytics gives you several benefits:

  • more flexible audience settings are available - you can take into account the behavior of users on the site and the goals they have achieved;
  • you can quickly create remarketing audiences using scripts and ready-made templates from the Solution Gallery.

1.2.1. Go to Google Analytics and click on the gear to open the Admin panel. In the resource settings, go to the sub-item "Tracking code" - "Data collection".

1.2.2. In the remarketing settings, move the slider to the “On” position. and save your changes.

1.2.3. If Google Analytics is installed using Google Tag Manager, it is enough to activate data collection in your account settings. If the analytics code is installed directly on the site, after activating remarketing, the Analytics tag must be replaced.

In the resource settings, go to the "Tracking code" item and copy the script highlighted in the screenshot.

Paste this code on all pages of the site before the closing tag.

To use remarketing, you must select a supported campaign type.

Display Network Campaigns

If you want to use Display Network Remarketing, select "Display Network" as the campaign type and "Move Actions > Shop Online" as the target when creating your campaign. You can create a campaign without selecting a marketing objective. However, if you select marketing goals, you will see features designed specifically to achieve them. Complete campaign setup and click Proceed.

Once you've set up the rest of your campaign settings, create an ad group. In the "Users: who do you want to reach" section, expand the "Audiences" section and select your target lists in the "Remarketing" window.

Search Campaigns

To use Search Network remarketing lists, select the Search Network campaign type.

After creating a campaign, follow these steps:

How to add the Google Ads tag to your site or app

Event Tag

Getting started with remarketing lists

Remarketing lists automatically generated in Google Ads

Rules for creating remarketing lists

Special Options

The dynamic remarketing event tag allows you to send custom parameters that can be used to create remarketing lists.

In particular, you can send product price and page type values ​​(for example, a buy page) using an event tag to create a list of users who have bought a product with a price greater than a certain value. In this case, the specific parameters included in the remarketing event tag would be a numeric value (product price) and a page type (which will determine how close a visitor is to a purchase).