Correction of working documentation after examination. What is the difference between remodeling and refurbishment? Design and working documentation

  • 20.01.2022

Making changes to the project documentation that has passed the examinationmay be required due to various reasons. At the same time, in some cases, a repeated expert work on the project is mandatory. All questions and nuances of making changes to the project documentation and conducting an examination for the second time, we will consider in this article.

Changes to project documentation and re-examination

Making adjustments to project documentation after receiving a positive summary of experts is a situation that occurs quite often. So, paragraph 7 of Art. 52 of the Town Planning Code directly prescribes to make appropriate corrections to the project if in the process of building there are inconsistencies in the parameters from the theoretical data of the project documentation. Otherwise, discrepancies in the project data and the parameters of the actually constructed object will not allow you to subsequently draw up documents for the building.

In accordance with paragraph 15 of Art. 48 of the same code, after making adjustments to the project documentation before its approval, the developer or customer must send the project for examination. However, paragraph 3 of Art. 49 contains some exceptions and establishes that expert work on project documents is not required if:

  • the corrected project documentation has already passed the examination and received a positive resolution on the results;
  • the amendments made to the project did not affect the design and other characteristics of the object's reliability and safety;
  • the adjustment of the project did not lead to an increase in the construction estimate.

The same thing, only from a different angle, is also mentioned in paragraph 44 of the Government Decree of 05.03.2007 No. 145. In this norm of the Decree, it is prescribed to resubmit the modified project documentation for expert analysis, which received a positive expert opinion earlier, if the amendments concerned technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of the capital construction facility.

At the same time, in clause 44 of Decree No. 145, the customer or developer is left with the choice of undergoing a re-examination of the corrected project, if the essence of the modification allows the re-examination not to pass. That is, in this case, the customer or the developer can, at their own request, undergo an examination of the project documentation again.

When is a re-examination of project documentation required?

An expert analysis of the project documentation is initially carried out in order to obtain a building permit for the facility and begin the actual construction with the fulfillment of all legislative and bureaucratic requirements.

But there are situations when, after passing an expert study, a second examination is required.

Don't know your rights?

  1. First of all, this situation arises in the event of a negative conclusion on the project. The goal with this option of conducting a repeated expert analysis of the project is obvious - obtaining a positive resolution for issuing a building permit. Therefore, customers are interested in making all the necessary changes to the project documentation as soon as possible, indispensable for the approval of the experts.
  2. The need for a re-examination due to changes in the project documentation in the form of:
    • development of additional sections;
    • adjustments or significant additions;
    • significant changes to the project.

Thus, it is clear that in any case, the need for another examination of the design documentation arises due to changes to it. Only in the first version, these changes are forced, due to previous errors or inaccuracies that led to a negative conclusion of the examination. In the second case, the amendments are voluntary, due to some external circumstances or adjustment of the project, associated with the objective application of theoretical data in the practical construction of a particular facility.

List of changes affecting the safety of the capital construction facility

So, the most important question that needs to be solved by the developer or the customer who makes adjustments to the design documentation that has passed a positive examination: do the changes being made relate to technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of the facility? That is, in fact, to draw a conclusion about the need for another expert analysis of the project documentation.

The Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia No. 624 dated December 30, 2009 approved the List of types of work affecting the safety of capital construction facilities. The document is quite detailed and therefore voluminous. The types of work are divided into 3 sections:

  • for engineering surveys;
  • preparation of project documentation;
  • for construction, reconstruction and overhaul.

In addition, a significant part of the types of work within its section are divided into subspecies. So, for example, preparatory work for construction, reconstruction and overhaul (clause 2, section 3 of the List) includes 4 subspecies:

  • dismantling / dismantling of buildings, walls, ceilings, stairs, etc.;
  • construction of temporary roads, sites, engineering networks and structures;
  • installation of rail crane tracks and foundations of stationary cranes;
  • installation and dismantling of inventory external and internal scaffolding, technological garbage chutes.

Such a detailed enumeration avoids any doubts about the involvement of the amendments made to the project in the adjustment of work that affects the safety of the capital construction facility, and hence the need for another examination of the project.

The procedure for conducting a re-examination

In accordance with clause 44 of Decree No. 145, a re-examination can be carried out an unlimited number of times (2 or more). At the same time, each subsequent examination is carried out in the manner prescribed by law for the primary state examination. Meanwhile, experts will evaluate:

  • that part of the project documents in which changes were made;
  • compatibility of the modified part of the project with the rest of the project documentation, on which an expert analysis was previously carried out.

Thus, in order to conduct a re-examination, the customer must provide a package of documents according to the list specified in clause 13 of the Regulation approved by Resolution No. 145, including:

  1. Application for examination.
  2. Project documentation that received a positive expert opinion earlier.
  3. A copy of the positive conclusion.
  4. Assignment for making adjustments to the project documentation.
  5. Notice of amendments to the draft.

It should be borne in mind that the project can be considered at the re-examination in its entirety if, since the initial or last re-examination, amendments have been made to the legislation affecting the results of the state examination.

Making changes in the event of a negative examination of project documentation

If the project documentation received a negative opinion based on the results of the work of experts, then in paragraph 10 of Art. 49 of the Town Planning Code offers 2 solutions:

  1. Contact the Ministry of Regional Development or the court and try to challenge the results of the expert opinion.
  2. Pass a re-examination, after eliminating all the indicated shortcomings.

In practice, since experts rarely make mistakes, and litigation is not cheap and long, it is easier and more effective to amend the draft on the basis of comments and pass the examination again. Moreover, the Regulation on the examination, approved by Resolution No. 145, contains a rule allowing not to return to the applicant the documents submitted for examination in paper form, if the comments that caused the negative conclusion are eliminated, possibly without returning the documentation. In this case, the applicant is given a certain period to eliminate the shortcomings, after which he must submit to the expert organization that part of the project documentation that has undergone changes and a certificate describing the amendments made.

Thus, the corrected project documentation requires a re-examination, both mandatory and at the request of the developer. At the same time, it is very important not to miss the moment, to correctly assess the changes made to the design documents and conduct a re-examination, if required by law, otherwise there may be great difficulties with the documentation of the constructed object.

ADJUSTMENT OF THE PROJECT introduction of changes to the existing project in accordance with new requirements for the facility or changed construction conditions

(Bulgarian; Bulgarian) - change [updating] for the project

(Czech; Čeština) - změna projektu

(German language; Deutsch) - Projektanderung

(Hungarian; Magyar) - tervmodositas

(Mongolian) - zurag tosliin zohitsuulalt

(Polish language; Polska) - korekta project

(Romanian; Român) - corectare a projectului

(Serbo-Croatian; Srpski jezik; Hrvatski jezik) - ispravke i dopune projekta

(Spanish; Español) - enmienda del proyecto

(English language; English) - correction of design

(French language; Français) - correction du project

Construction dictionary.

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  • The volume and composition of construction processes, costs, costs and expenses for construction, reconstruction, overhaul for delivery to the State Customer.

Adjustment reallocation, cash overruns. Acceleration of the examination of the estimate documentation of the "Detailed Documentation" stage in one or two stages using cost estimates as part of the terms of reference. The price indicators of the basic cost of construction and the cost of survey work, architectural supervision are preserved. Correction of drawings, statements of construction works.

Chapter Price, rub./
from 10000 m2
EPfrom 49Preliminary design. Development of architectural - town-planning and space - planning solutions.
AGR Compositionfrom 49*The same without developments - 118 rubles / m2Support until certificate of approval
AGO Compositionfrom 79*The same without developments - 79 rubles / m2
AR 199 If we develop AGR / AGO - the cost of the AR section will be - 148/49 rubles / m2
KR 129
QJ/KM 88/88
CD/CMD 49/49
AC 299
OV - K 88
VC 78
EOM 88
TX 18 - 69

*Customer's developments - preliminary design and / or section of the "AR" project.
  • 〉 Pre-project documentation for Moscow:

      floor plans and explications


      about the archaeological significance of the territory

      on the historical boundaries of a cultural heritage site

      on engineering and environmental surveys on the territory of the land plot of the facility

      fragment of the historical and cultural basic plan of the city of Moscow

      historical information about the object of cultural heritage (identified object of cultural heritage or historically valuable city-forming object)

      obtaining information from the City Register of immovable monuments of history and culture and their territories

      land cadastral certificate

      cadastral plan of the land plot

      engineering - topographic plan M 1: 500 (geobase)

      situational plan M 1: 2000

      engineering and geological conclusion on the condition of the soils of the building site

      development of a technical opinion based on the results of an engineering survey of the technical condition of the building (structure) structures

      documentation on engineering and geodetic survey of a land plot

      documentation on the survey of a land plot for compensatory landscaping

      obtaining initial information from the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest" at the location of the facility

      technical conditions for connecting the object to engineering networks:

      location of the object in the security zone of engineering communications

      water supply and sewerage


      heat supply

      gas supply

      electricity supply

      laying of engineering communications

      relocation of existing engineering communications

  • 〉 Composition of design documentation (for 87 PP):

      No. p / p 87 PP RFDesignationSection name
      Project documentation
      1 PZSection 1 "Explanatory note"
      2 ROMSection 2 "Scheme of the planning organization of the land"
      3 ARSection 3 "Architectural solutions"
      4 KRSection 4 "Constructive and space-planning solutions"
      5 Section 5 "Information on engineering equipment, on networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions", including:
      5.1 IOS1Subsection 5.1 "Power supply system"
      5.1.1 EM1Part 1 "Power supply. Input device (TP, ASU)"
      5.1.2 EM2Part 2 "Power electrical equipment"
      5.1.3 EM3Part 3 "Lightning protection and grounding"
      5.1.4 EOMPart 4 "Electric lighting (internal)"
      5.1.5 ENPart 5 "Outdoor electric lighting"
      5.2 IOS2Subsection 5.2 "Water supply system"
      5.3 IOS3Subsection 5.3 "Water disposal system"
      5.4 IOS4Subsection 5.4 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heat networks"
      5.5 IOS5Subsection 5.5. "Communication networks"
      5.5.1 SCSPart 1. "Structured cabling"
      5.5.2 SRFPart 2. "Radio system"
      5.5.3 MFPart 3. "Electric clock system"
      5.5.4 SKPTPart 4. "The system of collective television reception"
      5.5.5 STSPart 5. "Telephone communication system"
      5.5.6 LANPart 6. "Local area network"
      5.5.7 mmsPart 7. "Multimedia system"
      5.5.8 ACSPart 8. "Access control and management system"
      5.5.9 OWNPart 9. "Security video surveillance system"
      5.5.10 SOTSPart 10. "Intruder alarm system"
      5.5.11 SSOIPart 11. "Information collection and processing system"
      5.5.12 SPAPart 12. "Automated parking system"
      5.5.13 SVDTSPart 13. "System for detecting sabotage and terrorist means"
      5.5.14 BMSPart 14. "Automated building management system"
      5.5.15 SKUPart 15. "Room control system"
      5.5.16 ASDUPart 16. "Data center automation and dispatching system"
      5.5.17 ASUEPart 17. "Automated accounting system for electricity consumption, water consumption, heat consumption"
      5.5.18 AOBPart 18. "Automation of the ventilation and air conditioning system"
      5.5.19 ACS CTPPart 19. "Automation of the control system of the central heating unit"
      5.7 IOS7Subsection 5.7 "Technological solutions"
      6 picSection 6 "Construction organization project"
      7 UNDERSection 7 "Project for the organization of demolition and dismantling"
      8 OOSSection 8 "List of measures for environmental protection"
      9 PBSection 9 "Measures to ensure fire safety"
      9.3 AGPTPart 3. "Automatic gas and powder fire extinguishing system"
      9.4 SAPSPart 4. "Automatic fire alarm system"
      9.5 SOUEPart 5. "Warning and evacuation control system in case of fire"
      9.6 SPPAPart 5. "Fire automatics system"
      10 ODISection 10 "Measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities"
      10.1 EESection 10 (1) "Measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used"
      12 Section 12 "Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws"
      12.1 Technological regulations for the process of handling construction and demolition waste
      12.4 Requirements for ensuring the safe operation of a capital construction facility
      12.5 ITM GO and Emergencies
      12.6 Measures to ensure anti-terrorist security
      12.7 Traffic management project
      12.10 SMIS (SMIK, SUKS, SSP)
      12.11 Dendrology
      working documentation
      1 General plan
      2 Architectural solutions
      3 Constructive decisions
      4 Internal engineering systems, including:
      4.1 Power supply system
      4.2 Water supply system
      4.2.1 Household pumping station
      4.2.2 Fire pump + automatic fire extinguishing system
      4.3 Drainage system
      4.4 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks
      4.4.1 Thermal mechanical solutions (central heating substation)
      4.5 Communication networks. Automation and dispatching systems
      5 Technological solutions
      6 Security and protection deratization system
      7 Measures to ensure anti-terrorist security
      8 SMIS, SMIK, SUKS
      9 PPR for dismantling works
      10 PPR for the preparatory period
      11 Stroygenplan
      Radiation drainage and KLD
      External networks for heat supply, water supply, household and storm sewerage, low-current sewerage, power supply
      Measurement works
      Inspection of load-bearing and enclosing structures
      3D scanning
      Inspection of connection points of external engineering systems
      Color passport of existing buildings
      Album of architectural and urban planning solutions (formation of a regulatory album in accordance with the requirements of the Moscow Committee for Architecture)
      Special technical conditions for design and construction in terms of ensuring fire safety
      Construction supervision
      Engineering supervision
      Building instruction manual
      Technical regulation on building safety
      Instructions for the operation of engineering systems (TP, ASU, central heating station, pumping, ventilation chambers, server rooms, etc.)
  • 〉 Coordination and approval of project documentation:

      OPS GBU "Mosgorgeotrest"




      State Unitary Enterprise of Moscow:


      NIiPI General Plan


      "Moscow subway"



      Moscow Cable Network (ISS)

      County prefectures

      GBU "Zhilischnik" district

      District councils

      Office of Urban Planning Regulation of the administrative district (UGR)

      Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage

      UPSP Moskomarhitktury

      Rostechnadzor (Mosenergonadzor)

      Department of the city of Moscow:


      health care


      Social Security

      GKU TsODD

  • 〉 Work steps:

      Free consultation

      Signing an agreement

      Handing over the initial data for design

      Coordination of the project with the customer

      Coordination or support of the project in competent organizations

      Delivery of project documentation to the Customer.

  • 〉 Matching:

      Name of serviceDates / months / from.Cost, rub. / from.
      1. Construction2 150 000
      2. Project documentation4 150 000
      3. Constructions with the airport and Rosaviatsia4 300 000
      1. PZZ8 negotiable
      2. Master plan8 negotiable
      3. GPZU with the necessary TECs4 150 000
      1.Specifications2 100 000
      2. Permits for commissioning4 150 000
      3. Initial - permissive documentation4 150 000
      Services for developers4 150 000
      Passing the state examination2 30 000
      Legalization of unauthorized construction4 150 000
      Technical customer services- negotiable
      Issuance of a building permit2 60 000
      Statement of real estate objects on cadastral registration2 60 000
  • 〉 Coefficients of MU No. 620 dated December 29, 2009:

      Reduction of terms:

      10% - 1.2 times, clause 3.11.

      30% - 1.4 times, clause 3.11.

      40% - 2 times or more, clause 3.11.


      50% - development of design (working) documentation for overhaul, clause 3.5.

      Linking standard or reusable project documentation without making changes:

      65% - above-ground part, clause 3.2.

      80% - above-ground and underground parts, clause 3.2.

      50% - unique objects, item 3.3.

      50% - reconstruction and technical re-equipment, clause 3.4.


      2% - performance of the function of the general designer, clause 3.9.

      30% - design with the installation of imported main technological equipment used by the design organization for the first time, clause 3.8.

Cost calculator for adjusting design estimates per m2
Select building type

Commercial buildings Trade MFC Administrative Industrial Warehouse MFC Residential development


Design cost calculation
The cost of design work for the main sections
from 10 999 m2, Vstr=31 892 m3
"P" "RD"
p 1 "Explanatory note" 0 0
p 2 "Scheme of the planning organization of the land" 0 0
p 3 "Architectural solutions" 0 0
p 4 "Constructive solutions" 0 0
p 6 "Power supply" 0 0
p 7 "Water supply system" 0 0
p 8 "Water disposal system" 0 0
p 9 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks" 0 0
p 10 "Communication networks" 0 0
p 11 "Gas supply" 0 0
p 12 "Technological solutions" 0 0
p 13 "Construction organization project" 0 0
p 14 "List of measures for environmental protection" 0 0
p 15 "Measures to ensure fire safety" 0 0
p 16 "Measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities" 0 0
p 17 "Project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects"
(if demolition or dismantling is necessary)
0 0
p 18 "Estimate documentation" 0 0
p 19 "Engineering and technical measures of civil defense and emergency situations" (if necessary) 0 0
p 20 "Project of the organization of traffic" (if necessary) 0 0
p 21 "Justification of measures to comply with the required heat-shielding characteristics of enclosing structures" (Energy Efficiency). 0 0
p 22 "Requirements to ensure the safe operation of the facility" 0 0
p 23 "Technological regulations for the management of construction waste" 0 0
TOTAL by sections: 0 0
Tables of the relative cost of developing design documentation (as a percentage of the price), for the following design stages:The cost of developing project documentation as a percentage of the price

The cost of adjusting the design and estimate documentation
  • Justification of the adjustment of design and estimate documentation;
  • Cost of design work ____;
  • Work completion time ____ days;
  • Prepayment 50% (advance payment), final settlement under the act.


  • The cost of design work should not exceed the starting cost;
  • The design and estimate documentation is transferred to the Customer in 1 copy according to the invoice, payment is made according to the executive estimate and the act of work performed;
  • Estimated documentation is carried out in accordance with the current regulatory framework for TER, FER is transferred to the Customer in 1 copy and in electronic form.

Scope of work:

  • Make adjustments to the design and estimate documentation by sections.

for the performance of work on the adjustment of design and estimate documentation

1 Functional purpose of the object
2 Type of constructionReconstruction
3 Budget
4 Staged designworking documentation
5 Survey results
6 Project organization
7 State customer
8 TEPThe total area of ​​the object is ___ m2.
9 Requirements for engineering surveys
10 Technical conditions for the connection of utilities
11 Estimate requirements
12 Author's supervision
13 Requirements for engineering communications
14 Additional requirementsPrepare a bill of quantities.
15 Initial data for design
16 Turnaround timeStart of work: End of work:

Quote from plemyash_062 on 07/09/2014 4:02:23 AM

give me a link to justify it.
--End quote-------
Case 1.
If the need for adjustment arose before work began
When making adjustments to project documentation, one should be guided by the norm of the Law "On architectural activity in the Russian Federation" (Article 20).
Article 20. Changes in the architectural design
1. Changes in the architectural project during the development of documentation for construction or during the construction of an architectural object are made exclusively with the consent of the author of the architectural project, and in case of deviation from the requirements of the architectural and planning assignment, also in agreement with the relevant body of architecture and urban planning.
That is, the existing practice of involving other designers to correct a project developed by one team of authors without the consent of the architect-author of the architectural project seems unlawful.
2.11. Customers of project documentation and designers are obliged to make timely changes to the working documentation related to the introduction of new regulatory documents.
Those. Clause 2.11 contains a mandatory provision for making changes to the working documentation related to the entry into force of new regulatory documents.
In addition, there is also such a document - "Organization of the state examination of project documentation in the Moscow region"
"In the event that construction under the project has not been carried out for 2-3 years, the Customer must, before submitting the documentation for examination, verify the compliance of this documentation with the current legislation, regulatory documents for design, as well as extended technical specifications issued by local supervisory authorities and interested bodies of the local administration (with the involvement of the design organization)."
Therefore, the requirement for designers to adjust the already completed design and estimate documentation is legitimate only in the event of a change in regulatory documents.
In this case, the design documentation must be brought in line with the new requirements by the customer before construction begins. To do this, the customer concludes a contract or an additional agreement with the design organization to perform work on adjusting the design documentation.
But, since the adjustment of the DDS requires a new designation, the corrected documentation is, in essence, a new type of documentation, executed by a different author and requiring new approval.

Case 2
If work has already begun
Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Article 744
1. The customer has the right to make changes to the technical documentation, provided that the additional work caused by this does not exceed ten percent of the total construction cost indicated in the estimate and does not change the nature of the work provided for in the building contract.
2. Changes to the technical documentation to a greater extent than those specified in paragraph 1 of this article are carried out on the basis of an additional estimate agreed by the parties.
At the same time, the need for coordination between the customer and the designer of changes to the technical documentation carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation has not been determined.
In cases where changes in the standards occurred after the start of work, and the introduction of the necessary changes to the project entails significant and inadequate costs for the customer during their implementation, it is recommended to be guided by clause 3.5 of SNiP 11-01-95, having received permission to use the expired norm from the body that approved the new norm.
3.5. Reasonable deviations from the requirements of regulatory documents are allowed only if there are permissions from the bodies that approved and (or) put these documents into effect.
Therefore, the requirement for designers to correct the already completed design and estimate documentation for facilities whose construction has been started, is underway, or is resumed after a suspension or conservation, is legitimate only in the event of a change in regulatory documents and the lack of coordination of the execution of work on an already completed project .

In the process of construction, sometimes there are deviations from the decisions made, not only at the initiative of the customer or the designer. The technical side of making changes to the working documentation is reflected in GOST 21.1101-97.
At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between changes in the working and project documentation.

Extracts from GOST R 21.1101-97
7.1 Making changes to the working documentation
7.1.1 General A change in a working document previously transferred to the customer is any correction, deletion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document.
The designation of a document is allowed to be changed only if different documents are erroneously assigned the same designations or a mistake is made in the designation of the document.
Changes to the calculations are not allowed. If the document change is unacceptable, then a new document with a new designation must be issued. Any change in a document that causes any changes in other documents must be accompanied by the corresponding changes in all related documents at the same time. Information about changing the document is indicated in the main inscription of this document, in the general data on the working drawings and on the title page (if any). Changes are made to the original document. When changes are made to the original electronic document, any change is indexed as a new version of this document. Copies of sheets (changed, additional and issued instead of replaced sheets) of the working documentation are sent to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, simultaneously with copies of the general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, specified in accordance with 7.1.3.
7.1.2 Permission to make changes Changing the document (including its cancellation) is carried out on the basis of permission to make changes (hereinafter referred to as permission), drawn up according to forms 9 and 9a of Appendix L. The permission is approved by the head of the organization that developed the document or other authorized official.
Permission is the basis for obtaining original documents and making changes to them.
It is allowed to send to the customer, along with copies of the amended documentation, a copy of the permit. Changes for each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specification of equipment, products and materials) are issued with a separate permit.
It is allowed to make one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interconnected or the same for all changed documents.
7.2 Making changes to the project documentation
7.2.1 Changes to the project documentation previously transferred to the customer, as a rule, are made in an automated way and carried out:
- replacement, addition or exclusion of individual sheets of the volume;
- replacement (reissue) of a volume (part, book) - with its complete processing;
- release of additional parts or books.
7.2.2 Changes to the design documentation are made, as a rule, on the basis of permission to make changes (see 7.1.2). Reasons for making changes may be comments of the customer and coordinating executive authorities, comments and negative conclusions of non-state and state examination bodies.
7.2.3 When making changes to the design documentation, the provisions of and 7.1.3 should be taken into account (taking into account the specifics of completing the design documentation).
7.2.4 When the entire volume is completely reworked, at the beginning of the text part included in the modified volume, it is recommended to provide information about the changes made: the reason for making the changes, a brief description of the changes made.
7.2.5 If changes are made to the project documentation on the basis of a negative conclusion of the state examination, then the section "Explanatory Note" as an appendix includes a certificate in the form established by the state examination body, describing the changes made to the project documentation. The certificate must be signed by the chief engineer of the project.
7.2.6 Registration of changes in the volume as a whole is carried out in the table of registration of changes in the form 10 of Appendix M, which is placed on its title page and cover.
Registration of changes in the text part of the project documentation is recommended to be done in the change registration table in form 11 of Appendix M, which is placed on the last sheet of the text part when making the first and subsequent changes.
Information about the replacement of sheets of graphic documents is given in the "Note" column of the content of the volume, performed in accordance with 8.6.
Information about changing volumes, as well as the release of additional parts of volumes and books, is entered in the statement "Composition of project documentation", performed in accordance with 8.8.
When making changes, the requirements of 8.5 must be observed.
7.2.7 Changes to the approved project documentation related to a change in the parameters of the construction object and the need to re-approval of the project documentation are made by the decision of the customer on the basis of a new design assignment or an addition to a previously approved design assignment.

Sorry for the links to the old SNiP and GOST, it's just a bummer to fix, but everything is the same in the new ones. Check it out if you want.

Specialists of the design workshop Spetssection will promptly correct project documentation of any level of complexity.

Correction is necessary in case of a change in the terms of reference for the development of project documentation, a change in planning, design solutions, the purpose of buildings, height, areas, etc.

In some cases, the adjustment of design and estimate documentation is appointed by state supervisory authorities to eliminate inconsistencies with current standards. In addition, its goal may be to minimize costs, eliminate detected errors and reduce construction time.

Our project team is ready to perform both the correction of the entire project and the correction of individual sections of the project documentation. For example, the customer decided to install an additional boiler house, and the project provided for a heat supply device from the city network.

In order to successfully pass such a project in the examination bodies, it is necessary to supplement the project documentation with sections: reduction of the sanitary protection zone (SPZ reduction project), correct the section list of environmental protection measures (PM EPA), correct fire safety measures (MOPB), develop a section industrial safety, etc.

Correction of project documentation can be performed both in the projected object and in the project that has passed the state / non-state examination of the project documentation. In the second case, you will need to re-pass the project documentation.

The specialists of our design workshop have extensive experience in making adjustments to project documentation. They will carefully study existing plans, analyze the scope of work and complete the task within the minimum time, which will help to avoid significant deviations from the construction schedule. In addition, Spetssection employees can search for additional errors and deviations from the norms in order to determine the need to correct project documentation before approval. Thanks to this, the customer will significantly reduce unproductive losses of time and material costs.

To calculate the cost and deadlines, you need to contact the specialists of the Special Section design workshop to clarify the needs, parameters and type of work. Processing and calculation of the application is no more than 2 hours during business hours. The qualifications of our employees allow us to make calculations as transparent and informative as possible for quick decision-making by our clients.

If we did not answer you within 2 hours, we guarantee you a 10% discount on the total cost of the work. To do this, please write to