What is a demo? Free demo versions of programs, games. What is the demo version of the album? What does demo mean

  • 10.01.2022

Demo (English) demo) is a demo that a band provides to a record company for general evaluation of the sound and playing level. Early demo versions of music albums of legendary artists and bands are of the greatest value for critics and the most devoted fans. Unknown records are especially highly valued. For example, accidentally found recordings in the personal archives of musicians.

Musicians can also use the demo as a showcase of their sketches to share with colleagues or organisers. Many unknown bands and artists have their own demo versions of recordings, so that in the future you can get a contract for a studio recording. Such demonstrations are sent to in the hope that the author will be credited to the label's list and will be able to record his own.

However, most record companies generally ignore unwanted demos that are sent to them. The author must be a very creative person in order to demo version fell into the hands of the people who make the decision to record. Elton John and Donovan got their studio experience early in their careers recording publisher demos for other artists, as their executives were also involved in music publishing.

Many famous bands and performers recorded demo versions of new songs before recording the album. A demo may allow the author to provide sketches to exchange ideas with bandmates, or to explore multiple alternative versions of a song. It also makes it possible to quickly record many proto songs before deciding which ones deserve further development. Most demo recordings often include one or two songs.

Demos tend to be recorded on relatively raw hardware (for example, "boom box",cassette recorders, personal computers with Audacity software) but sometimes they capture the artist's feelings and intentions better than the final cut of the song after the input of managers, producers and sound engineers.

Demo recordings are rarely listened to by the public, however, some artists publish special compilations or , where they record their early demos. Other demos were released as unofficial bootleg recordings. In heavy music, demos are often distributed by band fans as the release itself, or sold at a very low price. So get demo recordings of your favorite music artists. In them you will find a lot of interesting and unique things.

"Leave us the demo and we'll take a look at it," customers tell me and are very surprised when they find out that we don't have demos. There are demos, there are presentations, but there are no demos. There are several reasons for this, which are discussed below.

A demo version is available for many boxed products. What is she like? Most likely, this is exactly the same program, just with limited features. Something cannot be done, maybe there are restrictions on the timing of work, perhaps on the amount of data. That's why it's a demo version. This is a program that is not intended to be a full-fledged work, but is intended to assess the possibilities and make a decision on its purchase. For accounting systems that are not boxes in the full sense of the word, this is where the first problem lies.

It takes time to understand the program

It takes time to understand an unfamiliar program. And the more complex the system, the more time it takes to master it. It is naive to believe that you can easily see all the features of the accounting system. You can look into the program and see nothing in it, since the logic of work does not lie on the surface. There are a large number of nuances that help in the work, but which need to be studied. If you watch the demo, you only see what you can see. Only what allows you to see your previous experience.

You choose an accounting system, and you are an accountant? You choose a system for automating sales, and you are a sales manager? You choose an enterprise management system, and you are a leader?

How can a person understand the new program? Will she live up to his expectations? A person looks at the program through the prism of his previous experience. He knows how other software products work, but not this one. This one might work differently. You can understand all the nuances only after a certain amount of time has been spent, usually quite a lot. Without knowing the process embedded in the system, it will be almost impossible to cover it with one glance in a short time. And the conclusion can be disappointing. You may decide that the program does not suit you just because you did not see its capabilities, did not consider the hidden functions.

There is a well-known saying: "if something does not work out, then finally look at the instructions." Are you ready to read instructions for several systems and not just read, but try to work?

This is what often happens in reality after installing the demo and trying to just look at it, since there is neither time nor desire for deep learning:
(quote from the forum)

We are trying to get the object XXX. We fill in the registration card of the object and press the "Record" button ...

We rummage through the help for a long time, and after spending some time, we find another form that lies in a completely different directory branch, in which this account must be set.
Then we return to the form of the XXX object and again press the "Save" button ...
Bach! Error message. "No account specified for XXX."
What nonsense, they asked this damned bill! We spend a little more time and find out that after adjusting in another form, the XXX object card had to be updated. We make an update and for the third time press the "Record" button.

We spend a little more time, find out which group we are talking about, fill in the corresponding dictionary, update the form and ... that's right, click "Save".
Bach! Error message. "Group cannot be null."
Already swearing through our teeth, we again climb into the help, and, after spending a little time again, we find out that there are two types of groups in the system, AA-1 and AA-11. Despite similar names, they perform completely different functions. We filled out the dictionary according to the first ones, and we were interested in the second ones.
Once again, press the "Record" button .....
As the respected community thinks, after how long such research will take a person to run out of patience and he will run to the leadership to report that "we don't need this for nothing !!"

In this case, there was an attempt to use the system in the wrong order, as intended by the developers. It is not the fault of those who watch. Just in a short time, you need to look at the maximum of programs and understand them deeply, no one will fully study logic. In this particular case, it just needed to set something up initially. What is usually done during implementation.

"Give us a demo and we'll choose"

Sometimes the question about demos sounds a little different:

"Here you listened to what we need. Show how your system will work with our data. Download from this Excel file our nomenclature broken down by types, types, manufacturers, and let us try to work with the program, we want to post the goods, release it to suppliers, only it should be done the same way as in our Excel. We have a macro there that checks this and that. Here in your system we want to see how it checks this and see if it will be convenient to work with your program ."

And more than once, potential clients ask us to make a "demo version" for them, which is very similar to the real one. Unfortunately, in the IT field, if you made a program, then you made it, or it works or not. It can't "look" like the real thing. If you can work with it and the program implements some functionality, then this is already a completely real program, the development of which requires a certain investment of time and effort.

If you want to get a "demo version" that implements some of your algorithm, then the developer may well ask for a certain amount for this. If you want to see how your data will look like in the new system, then developers are unlikely to do it for free. Ask a SAP R/3 consultant to test the system against the customer's data and you'll get a big bill straight away, no wonder.

We want to see how everything will work under load

This is one of the options. "Give us a demo," customers say, "and we'll see how it works for 50-100-1000 users."

Indeed, a good load test will show the possibilities of working on a large amount of data and with a large number of users, but will clients themselves be able to conduct it on a demo version? Will real working conditions be simulated? And whether the customer will train 100 people at once in order to test one, second, third demo version. It's easier to find a company in which the specified software actually works and go and see how it works.


And what is the result? Making a demo version for custom accounting systems, in my opinion, is a waste of time, and first of all the time of the customer, because:

  • To independently view all the necessary functionality of the demo version, the customer needs a lot of time, which is so lacking in normal work.
  • To understand the functions of the demo, you need to have specific knowledge, special for each automated area.
  • To correctly assess the capabilities of the system, you need to know how it must work.
  • To properly conduct load testing at the customer's site, you need to properly install the system and train the staff, which is not done in an hour or two.

That's why we don't do demos. If you want to see it, come to our office and you will be shown one of the configurations from previous projects. But this is not a demo. This is a real system with some kind of customized business processes and it is not a fact that these processes are the same as those that you will have. If you want to see how the system will work with your data, then you can start with a minimal "pilot project" that will show the possibility of further work.



the same as a demo tape - a demo recording, a recording for providing gram, audio, video recordings to companies to raise funds for recording an album, film, and other products

New dictionary of foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .

See what "demo" is in other dictionaries:

    Demo is short for demonstration. It is used as an independent term in the following meanings: Demo Demo (more often a demo version) a preliminary (stripped down and often free) version of a product, for example, a computer game. ... ... Wikipedia

    Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 demo (4) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Demo version, demo version (or just demo), trial version is a pre-release (reduced and often free) version of a product, such as a computer game. The name of the term is an abbreviation for the word "demonstration". Demo versions are given ... ... Wikipedia


    demo- (od lat. demonstrans show, interpreter) right, a test shot for a music composition on a cassette or on a singleplot. (grch. demos) prefix in folds with the meaning: people, folk ... Macedonian dictionary

    demo- (gk) δῆμοζ people democracy democracy demagoguery "ethnic leadership", manipulation of public opinion (cf. populism) epidemic widespread infectious disease (covers the whole people) pandemic spread of infectious disease to ... ... Anatomy of terms. 400 word-building elements from Latin and Greek

    Slipknot demo Release date 1997 Genre New metal Country ... Wikipedia

    Demo recording is a "draft" phonogram intended for demonstrating musical material. Most often, demo recordings are created by novice performers or authors for presentation to music publishers (labels), producers and others, ... ... Wikipedia

    Demographer... Russian word stress


  • Їdemo, letemo, plivemo, Darina Lysakova. We encourage you to take away a book with crumbly elements for children of the preschool age ...

Today, binary options are one of the most popular sources of income that do not require a personal presence in the office or a strict boss over your head. Free schedule and virtually unlimited profit margin - these advantages make binary options trading especially attractive.

But many people forget that before trading turns into a profitable business, a rather long period will pass, during which you will have to improve yourself as a professional. This will require not only time, but also certain financial investments.

As practice shows, most beginners successfully merge more than one account before they figure out the specifics of trading and start earning consistently. This situation is especially typical for those who do not know what a demo account is and what it is for.

Meanwhile, it is a wonderful tool with which you can quickly gain experience while saving your money.

Demo account for risk-free trading

So what is a demo account and can you do without it? Basically, you can. This is exactly what traders did until recently. True, trading for real money, when a trader does not have sufficient experience, ended in failure.

After some time, brokers began to offer their clients a new service - the opportunity to practice on a training account, which is similar to a real one, with the difference that the trader's deposit will contain not real, but virtual money.

Nevertheless, trading on a demo account allows you to quickly learn how to open trades, conduct technical analysis, etc. Among beginners, a practice account has become very popular, especially since it is usually enough to simply register on the broker's website to open it.

This broker has demo accounts.

A bit of history

It must be said that the history of the formation of demo accounts in the binary options market has gone through not very pleasant stages. So, there were unscrupulous brokers who used the training deposit as a trap. All transactions concluded on it turned out to be profitable, and the newcomer believed that now he would be able to quickly get rich on a real deposit.

Naturally, he tried to invest more money in his working deposit. However, real trading did not live up to expectations, and soon there was no trace of the invested funds. Today such a situation is impossible.

Brokers that remain in the market will never risk their reputation by doing such "miracles" for their clients. The practice account fully reflects the picture of the real market. With competent trading, profits will grow, and with a frivolous attitude of the trader, virtual money will evaporate as quickly as real money.

What is a demo account and what are the differences from real

Understanding what a demo account is and what advantages it gives to a novice trader, most beginners take their first steps on it. Having received a tidy sum of virtual currency from the broker, they readily begin to trade.

The design and device of the terminal on the demo account is exactly the same as on the real one. In the center is a price chart where you can determine the direction of the price. The trader has the opportunity to select an asset, option type, set the desired timeframe and expiration date.

In addition, it has a list of built-in technical indicators. True, for some brokers their number on a training account is limited, as well as the number of assets intended for trading.

But they are quite enough to get the trading experience that traders need. After the conclusion of the transaction, the profit is immediately added to the total amount of the deposit, and the loss is written off from it.

Thus, the trader is completely immersed in the market and can experience all the "charms" of trading.

What can you do on a demo account

Despite the fact that most beginners know what a demo account is, they take it very lightly. Instead of using this unique "simulator" to improve their skills, they perceive the training deposit solely as a computer game - a kind of roulette.

Based solely on their intuition, they buy options and are not very upset if the deal turns out to be unsuccessful. This way you can even trade with a profit, but, of course, not for long and, of course, you won’t be able to gain experience and become a real professional with this approach.

A demo account is useful because it allows you to develop your own trading mechanisms, whether it be an individual approach to market analysis or your own trading strategy.

Experienced traders never risk on a real account until these mechanisms have been worked out on a training one. Why don't newbies think about it? Here are just some of the points in which the training deposit will become a reliable assistant:
  • Studying the features of the trading platform;
  • Determining the features of each trading instrument;
  • Familiarity with technical indicators;
  • Gaining experience in technical analysis of charts;
  • Development of trading strategies;
  • Testing existing trading strategies;
  • Determining the most suitable investment amount for the chosen trading method, etc.
As you can see, a demo account (available here -) opens up new horizons for beginners and experienced traders, allowing you to enter the real market fully armed. It was not in vain that I mentioned experienced speculators, because they also use training deposits to test and tune their systems.

A little advice

Now that it is clear what a demo account is, I would like to figure out how long a beginner should stay on it and when to switch to a real deposit? It depends on the individual characteristics of each person. Some people understand the specifics of trading quite quickly, others take more time.

Bear in mind that experienced traders do not recommend sticking with the demo for too long. The reason is that when trading with virtual money, the trader relaxes, and when he switches to a real account, he experiences psychological discomfort.

The sooner you can deal with it, the sooner you will succeed. If you “hang” on a demo account for a long time, then it becomes more and more difficult to switch to real trading. As you gain experience, it becomes clear that there are no miracles in the market and losses are inevitable. To reduce the fear of loss, it is recommended to start with small amounts in real life and gradually increase them.