The good good of people looks to people. The best riddles about the sun

  • 06.11.2019

Puzzles develop children's thinking, and many riddles with a trick allow the child to look at seemingly well-known things with completely different eyes.
Solving riddles helps the child to develop comprehensively, this fact was noticed in ancient times. We have found and published for you on this page the most popular riddles about the sun for children which are sure to please your child. There is an opinion that the appearance of riddles is connected with the fear of our ancestors before the unidentified forces of nature. People were afraid to anger nature by saying something wrong, so they began to describe objects by comparing them with something similar, but without naming them out loud. Time passed, man was able to explain many vagaries of nature with scientific point vision. But the game of riddles is recognized as useful for all ages and has become so beloved that it continues to be played in the modern world.

The main plus of the riddle is that it develops non-standard thinking in a child who grows up as an inquisitive person, he is very interested in what is happening around and what are the reasons for these phenomena. The child plays, tries to remember where he saw an object similar to the one described, what it is called, memory training takes place. Here are some sun riddles for kids younger preschool age:

You warm up the whole world
And you don't know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you...

We cry without him
How will it appear
We hide from him.

What is higher than the forest
More beautiful than the world
Does it burn without fire?

For a child, a simple riddle about the sun becomes a difficult task that cannot be solved with the help of logic alone. He has to connect all his knowledge to solve it. The question makes the baby pay attention to the little things: colors and shapes. To find the answer, he studies a large amount of information about objects and phenomena. And most importantly - he wants it himself, parents do not have to force the child to study.

The riddle can be called the first encyclopedia of a child, which in an accessible form will show him how this world works, who its inhabitants are, convey the wisdom of their ancestors and enrich it with mass new information. Psychologists and educators note the great influence of the riddle for the proper development of the child and the future formation of a person's personality. Different values ​​for a child (moral, aesthetic) are also easier to learn through riddles. There are so many interesting facts to be learned in these questions.

The riddle shows the child that the same towers can be viewed from different angles: the sun is not only round, it is also yellow and warm and large. The children enjoy immersing themselves in the process of solving riddles. Let's see some more riddles about the sun and moon for young children:

Good, good, for everyone
looks, but does not command himself.

I walk in the sky at night
I dimly illuminate the earth.
I'm very bored alone
And my name is...

I wake up early in the morning
I'll look and laugh
After all, in my window
Shines bright...

Alone in the sky at night
Golden orange.
Two weeks have passed
We didn't eat orange
But only remained in the sky
Orange slice.
Answer: The moon that turned into a month

Who enters the window
And doesn't reveal it?

With the help of a riddle, the child’s speech apparatus also develops, studying previously unfamiliar words with him, showing how one word can mean different actions or things. Children love to memorize riddles, especially rhymed ones, to make them to their peers, parents, grandparents. Ask him sometimes to think of something like that for you.

The best popular riddles about the sun, sun rays, moon and stars for children.

Not fire, but it burns painfully, Not a lantern, but shines brightly, And not a baker, but bakes? Kind, good For everyone of people looks, BUT people on the myself look not orders. Blue scarf, Scarlet bun Rolling on the scarf, people smiles. Painter walks across the sky without brushes Brown paint Paints of people. Sun rays. Who enters the window And doesn't break it?

"The surface of our region". Lesson on the world around (4th grade...

We have a companion with whom we will travel. Get to know him! Kind, good, For everyone of people looks, BUT people on the myself look not orders.

Rides sideways, With a plow, a harrow, With spring water. (Spring.) Kind, good On the of people looks, BUT people on the myself look not orders. (Sun.)

Riddles about nature and natural phenomena Riddles Nursery rhymes...

(Sky) Kind, good On the of people looks, BUT people on the myself look not orders. (Sun) In a blue shirt Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

Children's riddles about the world around - Blot.Ru

One fire Warms the whole world. Sun. Kind, good On the of people looks, BUT people on the myself look not orders.

Extracurricular activities 3kl. "Merry Adventures of the Seasons" comp.

Spring. · Kind, good, for everyone of people looks, a people on the myself look not orders(sun) · In a blue shirt runs along the bottom of a ravine (stream) · Presenter Well done, guys! You are good at solving riddles! And now we would like to hear the proverbs and sayings that you have prepared in advance.

View topic - Riddles for kids and more.

Post subject: Re: Riddles for kids and not only. Kind, good, for everyone of people looks, a people on the myself look not orders.

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The birth of children in a family is the most important period when spouses are united by common love and care for them. However, it is not only about feeding and dressing the child. F. M. Dostoevsky has a very precise and deep thought: "There is nothing more important in a person's life, nothing more necessary and useful than a bright and warm memory taken from childhood, so clear and kind. It is laid down in the family and helps in difficult times" . Only a friendly family can have a beneficial effect on the personality of a child. Basically, the influence of parents on the formation of a child's personality falls on the first years of his life. By adolescence, as a rule, the style of relationships between children and parents is laid: patronizing or friendly, based on trust or on constant control.

Imagine: during rush hour you are riding in a crowded subway car. Suddenly, the train grinds to a halt and there is silence. An unusual tense silence sets in, the light in the car weakens, it becomes stuffy. That happens, doesn't it?

So what is the task before us? And before us is an eloquent sentence, apparently a mystery, because by reasoning analytically, we can track the moment that here, as it were, something is being summed up, something is being said, but there is no such information specifically about what it is about. Simply, we do not have the required noun in front of us (most likely one word), which could be characterized by everything that is written in the sentence. Therefore, for sure, we are faced with the task, through some kind of logical reflection and certain knowledge (Russian folklore or features of the speech patterns of the language), to find out and give an answer, what is still being discussed in this riddle. What is her answer?

Text analysis

So, let's begin. The riddle is about something "good" and "good". According to their lexical meaning, these two words can be considered synonyms of each other, so we will not sharpen and analyze each of them, because only the general meaning is important here:

  • living being;
  • subject;
  • phenomena.

being a clue. Further it is said that this is something good "looks at everyone". We think: well, maybe he has eyes? Is Masha the same one who follows the Bear from the fairy tale, carrying pies to her grandmother? No, perhaps she does not look at everyone. Or maybe it is only figuratively said, which is very typical for Russian proverbs, and there are no eyes there. Well, until we lose our thoughts and move on. "... but he doesn't tell people to look at himself" - we have a rather interesting contradiction. On the one hand, this is something good, but on the other hand, it does not allow people to even look at themselves. Perhaps the key here is the phrase "looks at everyone", and apparently, we are talking about something global, a phenomenon, most likely. The best and most view, as we know, is from above. Therefore, mentally we should look at the sky, what can be seen there: clouds, blue, the sun, sometimes the moon and stars. But which of these can be associated directly with something kind and good. Of course, since the time of Russian folklore, this has been sun. This is our answer to the riddle.