Product advertising: successful examples. How to advertise a new product launch. Shop with a twist: how to make money on a healthy diet

  • 31.12.2021

Under the promotion of goods on the market understand the use of various methods by which the seller can convince the buyer to buy this product. The methods of promotion of goods are:

  • Informing consumers about the product (where you can buy the product, what is its price and other information about the characteristics of the product);
  • belief in the merits of the product, motivation to buy this product;
  • Reminder about the product, necessary to stimulate additional demand.

Advertising is the most effective method of food promotion.

The purpose of advertising is to inform, convince and remind. This is the effect of advertising on sales. At the same time, advertising is only part of the whole, and this must be kept in mind when budgeting for advertising costs.

The high degree of competition of food producers in almost all segments requires not only the construction of effective distribution channels, but also the need for advertising, highlighting the product, increasing interest in the product, increasing the number of buyers and forming a group of regular consumers.

As a rule, you go to the store to buy the product you need and will only buy it if the promoter conducting the next tasting does not knock over a cup of hot tea on you, and the flyer does not "kill" you with his ignorance of the simplest information about the product that he advertises. You will only buy what you have planned and leave the store. But what about the huge sums from the marketing budgets of food manufacturing companies? They fly into the trash along with leaflets and disposable cups!?

It is necessary to promote a product and it must be done correctly. It's not even discussed. What promotion method we use will indicate the amount that will appear in the "company profit" column. Working only with standard methods and thinking only with patterns, the firm thereby marks itself with the stigma of a loser. Competitors are not asleep: they will quickly write off!

What is interesting in the market of modern advertising technologies? Interesting and working projects are offered by audiovisual advertising. There is no need to prove once again that in terms of the breadth of coverage of the target audience, the intelligibility of the advertising message, and the degree of influence on the consumer, television advertising is many times superior to all other means of promotion. On our, Russian, television, two types of television advertising are mainly used: direct (video blocks) and sponsorship. A lot has been said and written about the effectiveness of commercials. Sponsorship is becoming more and more popular on television: the consumer learns about the product, its qualities and features while watching a TV show. The advertised product is automatically transferred to a positive image of the presenter talking about the product, or the image of the viewer's favorite show.

In recent years of the development of domestic advertising, non-standard audiovisual technologies are also beginning to be used, especially for the promotion of food products. Such a way of integrating an advertising message into a program broadcast, like virtual advertising, is gaining momentum. Virtual advertising is characters, logos or any objects of the company integrated into the television broadcast through advertising technologies. These can be animated or static characters and 3D objects, as well as 2D logos and symbols. An example would be banner ads popping up on the screen. Due to the originality of the execution of this type of advertising, the degree of memorability of the advertised product is very high, and its effectiveness is 2.5 - 3 times higher than that of direct advertising. Virtual advertising is 1.5-1.7 times more effective than traditional sponsored advertising.

The integrated use of virtual and traditional advertising increases the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. This is confirmed by the following example: the chocolate manufacturer "Alenka" sponsored the show "Circus with the Stars" and, in addition to the sponsor's usual video for us, used virtual advertising.

A comprehensive program was carried out at the "Ice Age" by the company "Nidan-Juices": along with the mention of the brand "My Family" as a sponsor of the program, virtual advertising also worked - bright, memorable, carrying with the help of rich colors information about the ripeness of the fruits used for the production of juices .

Like standard advertising blocks inserted between TV programs or during their broadcast, audiovisual advertising retains its mass coverage and the ability to show the advertised product as effectively as possible. However, when using this promotion method, the likelihood that a potential buyer switches the channel, getting rid of the seller’s importunity, is excluded, since the product’s advertising fits so well into the “topic” that there is no rejection of information.

Product Placement is also an interesting audiovisual technology. In this case, it is rather difficult to determine the real return on advertising, there will not be a sharp surge in sales, but if you measure sales volumes before and after using this type of hidden advertising, the results will pleasantly surprise you. But only if the question is correctly resolved: who uses the product and in what situation. Otherwise, there is a crude insertion of product advertising into the context of the film. As an example of not very successful advertising in this segment, one can cite various references to food products in the TV series "Daddy's Daughters". For example, in one of the last episodes, young people Dasha and Venik (Veniamin) for no apparent reason begin to feed each other Prostokvashino sour cream, praising it in every way. “And you give me this sour cream as much as you love me,” the young man asks the girl. Sounds fake and inappropriate.

But the use of this technology on the TNT channel is quite impressive. The leader in product placement on the domestic TV market is the show "Dom 2", whose participants enjoy various types of ice cream, chips, juices (including TNT's own production), etc.

The types of audiovisual advertising also include advertising in the gaming space and website sponsorship. The clearest example of the latter is the virtual squirrel that lives on a Nestlé-sponsored site. Here the visitor creates his own virtual character who lives in a house stylized as a company: everywhere there are corporate colors and the mention of its name. The project began work in September 2009 and is not yet sufficiently promoted, but it is already clear how good this publicity stunt is. The character can talk, train, and is even able to blog his master!

The above-mentioned computer games are a relatively new platform for the work of advertisers. To date, the following brands have placed ads in computer games: "Shock XXL" in the Russian version of the game "Lara Croft: Angel of Darkness", Coca-Cola and Kompashki in the game "Adrenaline Extreme Show", pasta "Makfa", beer "T and many other manufacturers of food and alcoholic beverages. After all, there are many interesting advertising moves for them here: a player who has wasted vital energy must replenish it. This is where crispy bags and bright jars appear.

And what is the result? Great, untapped opportunities to tell your product in a new way. In gratitude for the sleepless nights of advertisers in search of an interesting advertising move, the consumer will definitely pay attention to this particular product in the supermarket, which attracts his attention in advertising!

Today, a growing number of people prefer to be scrupulous about the products they eat. Not only labels containing information about the composition, but also data on the area where this product was produced are subjected to careful study, from which a conclusion is made about its ecological and chemical purity.

In America and Western Europe, the demand for natural food has ceased to be just a fashion trend, but has become an urgent need of people among whom there are such ardent fans of eco-food that they resemble religious sectarians.

Organic food has already split Western consumer society: there are even separate shelves with these products in supermarkets for them. Today, the demand for it is growing in our country.

Organic food: what is it and why does it cause so much controversy?

I am what I eat

Organic food is called so because of the way of managing, which owes its appearance. This means that when growing fruits and vegetables, farmers should not use synthetically obtained substances that accelerate plant growth, destroy pests, increase the shelf life of products and improve the appearance of plants.

In animal husbandry, with this method of farming, the use of antibiotics, growth stimulants, hormonal drugs and other achievements of the chemical industry and genetic engineering is prohibited.

The processing of raw materials into finished food products must also be carried out according to certain standards without the use of refining, chemical odors, dyes and substances that increase the shelf life.

All these principles make it possible to produce food products that are guaranteed not to contain unnecessary chemical elements that can harm human health.

Minimizing harm to nature: truth or myth?

When growing plants, the means and methods of their processing and cultivation permitted by special documents are used. As a rule, compliance with the locality becomes the main principle.

But scientists know that even abandoning artificially synthesized substances that help agriculture can cause a serious blow to the environment, even if, at first glance, organic food is grown according to all standards.

Natural fertilizers for high efficiency must be applied in large quantities, which is very expensive for farmers. It can cost even more to groundwater, which can get organic pollution in this way, which, in turn, will lead to a whole chain of adverse consequences for nature and humans.

Since when growing plants without chemical fertilizers and insecticides that have become traditional for agriculture, the yield is lower than with these substances. This way of cultivation forces farmers to use more and more new plots of land, which can lead to the destruction of a significant amount of forestland.

Can organic food hurt?

European legislation already allows for the use in the production of bioproducts many additives marked "E", and not all of them are harmless. In addition, organic food can potentially be a source of poisoning with so-called mycotoxins, since its production excludes the use of insecticides for grain treatment, which means that many pests, including fungi, can leave traces of their vital activity on products.

Are organic products tastier and healthier than conventional ones?

If you go to an organic food store and buy a basket of groceries there, and then do the same at the nearest supermarket and take your purchases to the laboratory, where they will analyze the nutritional value of both products, then most likely the results will not shock the curious buyer.

The difference in the composition can only be found with regards to antibiotics, artificial colors, preservatives and other "synthetics", as well as pesticides used to treat pests of crops.

As for pesticides, according to the concept of growing eco-products, the use of these substances is allowed if they are isolated from living organisms. However, studies conducted in the United States have shown that more than thirty percent of even such pesticides remain in eco-products and enter the human body, accumulating over the years.

Where to buy such food?

One can imagine what organic food means to a person who is terrified of the achievements of the modern food industry, which in recent years has become more like a chemical one.

Ancient wisdom says that food should be medicine, and medicine should be food, so the desire of consumers for the best products is as natural as the desire of every person to be healthy.

Organic food in Moscow, for example, is no more accessible than on the periphery for the simple reason that in the provinces many people cultivate their own, albeit small, plots of land, so they can boast of their cucumber and apple, and also put up the surplus for sale.

Therefore, when looking for organic food in the provinces, one should pay attention to private ads in the newspaper and collective farm markets. But such a method exists at the buyer's peril and risk, because the products are unlikely to have passed veterinary control and are certified, and in the absence of the use of synthetic chemicals in food production, the seller is unlikely to provide a guarantee.

Another thing - or counters in supermarkets, decorated with bright signs with a corresponding call to buy organic food.

Organic lovers, rejoice!

Yes, those same cups of raspberries and bunches of greens from grandmothers on the market can also be proudly referred to as "organic food". Reviews about it among lovers of natural farming products are much more favorable than about specimens of traditional intensive farming that are ideal in shape, size and color, decorating store shelves.

The same can be said about organic products produced on an industrial scale. Many stores in our country have special racks where only organic food is on sale. Customer reviews without prejudice about the benefits or uselessness of such food are especially interesting. On one of the forums such purchases were discussed.

Perfectly shaped organic tomatoes, purchased at twice the price of the rest, failed to impress consumers. Purchases were made in April, which means that the fruits were grown in a greenhouse, which deprived them of a significant part of their organoleptic properties.

This means that no matter how farmed, the taste of organic food cannot be significantly different from the taste of non-organic food. A similar opinion is shared by many people who leave their impressions of such purchases.

Why is organic food so expensive?

The disadvantage of organic food in our country, and in the West as well, is the high price, which is due to the costs of producing these products. Low productivity, death of plants from pests are the result of the rejection of modern methods of farming, which inevitably leads to high labor costs.

Due to the rejection of preservatives, products deteriorate faster, and long transportation and storage, even according to all the rules, can spoil a significant part of an already poor crop.

All these costs fall on the shoulders of the consumer, who decided not to save on his own health.

Organics and Russian Law

While many Russians enjoy the benefits of going to the organic food store, Moscow has been slow to legislate the cultivation and production of organic food. The reasons for this are not entirely clear, however, when buying products of domestic manufacturers that place the words "Organic", "Bio", "Eco" and others on the labels, one should not be under illusions and put such products in a basket without carefully studying the label.

Steps towards the preparation of the relevant regulatory framework are still being taken by the Government, because in 2016 the state standard on the rules for the production, storage and transportation of products, which today we call "organic food", came into force. What is it, a step towards the reform of the food industry or a move towards the development of natural farming, will show the further development of events.

The domestic import substitution program also contributes to meeting the demand of the population for environmentally friendly products in the domestic market. This also applies to the Western market, since the demand for organic food there has been formed for a long time and is growing steadily.

Many companies specializing in the production of organic products intended not only for food, but also for household and cosmetic purposes exist and successfully operate in Russia.

Or maybe even harmful?

The reasons why modern poultry farmers, livestock breeders and crop growers use pesticides, antibiotics and anthelmintic drugs in growing their products are not limited to the thirst for quick profit and the desire to save the crop at all costs.

The elementary concern for the safety of the end consumer, dictated by the requirements of the law, forces them to introduce such drugs, because, for example, the risk of getting sick with salmonella when eating organically grown chickens is three, and sometimes even five times higher.

The same applies to plant products grown on soil fertilized with manure, which is a favorable environment for the development of many pathogenic microorganisms.

Will synthetic food save the planet?

Analysts believe that the mass application of the principles of organic farming and animal husbandry on our planet is not expected. The growth of the planet's population is too great, and in order to feed humanity, organic food is simply not enough for everyone, even if all the forests are cut down and used to fertilize the soil, therefore, organic food is not intended for a planetary scale solution.

Organic food has a lot of advantages, as well as disadvantages, so it cannot fully claim the title of the most useful, nutritious, tasty and healthy. But this does not prevent you from enjoying it and making it part of your daily life and family food culture.

Nadezhda Bryullova-Bezenkova talks about how her passion for natural food grew into a successful business

The market for natural food and healthy nutrition is experiencing a real boom in Russia - new projects are being launched, the popularity of eco-products is growing, and new players are emerging. And seven years ago, in 2009, the “I-ME” project (an abbreviation for “Internet-Shop-Natural-Food”) almost single-handedly “rocked” this niche and popularized healthy food. From a small project in seven years, it has grown into a network with branches in 17 cities, and to this day is one of the trendsetters in the trade of eco-products. Nadezhda Bryullova-Bezenkova, founder of the I-ME project, told the site about the specifics of this business and how to successfully develop in a highly competitive environment.

Entrepreneur from Moscow, founder and director of a network of stores of natural eco-products. Education: Moscow State University (specialty "Psychology"). Prior to launching a network of eco-product stores, Nadezhda was developing her own project (production and sale of T-shirts for pregnant women with positive prints).

How it all began

Our health food store was opened in 2009 - then the theme of healthy lifestyle was not yet as popular as it is now. We were the first fans of naturalness in the field of nutrition and at the same time in the field of food sales via the Internet. Many around it seemed that this was a terribly strange idea, but we succeeded.

I have been fond of proper nutrition for a long time and, living for some time in Europe, I tried to choose products labeled Organic and Bio in the store. For as long as I can remember I have always read labels. Also books on healthy eating. And then my son at 11 months of age started having problems with his teeth. Oddly enough, no dentist could explain or help. It was a very unusual situation.

I began to think what could spoil the teeth that had just grown so quickly? We rushed about and looked for a solution. Six months later, four teeth had to be pulled out, and four more were at risk.

At the stage of searching, trial and error, I learned a lot about our usual food. It turned out that most of the supposedly natural and healthy products, upon closer examination, turned out to be not what they used to be.

If you think about it, over the past 30-50 years, the nutrition of mankind has changed more than in the previous thousand years. We voluntarily and involuntarily live within the framework of a large experiment. And our children are now eating things that children have never eaten before.

I began to "collect" useful products. Products without refined sugar, without chemical ingredients not listed in the composition, grown away from production emissions. I had to delve into and understand, travel a lot, read, study, see with my own eyes and even persuade us to make / bring / grow more natural products especially for us.

Friends asked: “Buy me too! And me! And me!". I created a Google Doc with a table, since there were a lot of people, I shared it with my friends and started ordering food for everyone. That is, in fact, it all started with the idea of ​​joint purchases, although we did it out of friendship, without a commercial component. Key factor: I had to delve into the quality of products in great detail, and after a while I was considered an expert in these matters. And, of course, I liked to share my findings.

By the way, we also saved the child's teeth - now he walks with a beautiful smile from his relatives and is very beautiful. Most of all, in my opinion, black sesame sprouts helped. It was in them that the most digestible calcium turned out to be.

Conceptlocal food

My first Internet project, which preceded "I-ME", was a store of high-quality printed t-shirts for pregnant women - natural fabrics and non-vulgar, kind inscriptions.

This experience helped me quickly understand that Google Doc with healthy food and joint purchases should be turned into an online store and a website. There was such an important moment when it was necessary to decide whether to make the site closed, only for its own, or open to everyone.

At that time, I didn’t think about the commercial component, the question was whether there would be enough time for a full-fledged website. In the end, I decided: “Well, this is such a cool food, let it be for everyone.” Bang - and ticked the box that the site would be public. It was seven years ago - September 3, 2009.

Explosive growth began immediately. The number of orders grew very quickly, and as new products were added, the average check grew rapidly, although we didn’t call it that then. Of course, no one really spoke about the beginning trend of healthy eating, but we felt it to the fullest. Orders climbed like "Mishkin's porridge" from Nosov's story.

Six months later, we opened the first showroom, put up shelves, a sofa, made samples ... Now we have a network in Russia and Ukraine, 17 cities, a franchise. The central management company employs 40 people.

We scoured the Internet and encyclopedias, went around markets and shops, private households and subsequently large factories, asked uncomfortable questions to sellers and manufacturers, drilled a topic and sometimes ate people's brains to get to the bottom of the truth. Everything was invisible.

By the way, the concept of local food still prevails in our country. There is a lot of delicious and cool food in Russia and in nearby countries. We wanted and want to find a product exactly the way it was originally, until it came under the pressure of the mass market, marketing and logistics.

But to truly delve into this topic is really very difficult! You need to have at least a basic academic education, the ultimate fanatical motivation and pathological honesty.

It is not enough just to get a document that says that this product is organic. We have seen so much fakes and fakes ... None of the competitors bother like that. I can talk for hours about trips to Uzbekistan, Dagestan, India; about how we ourselves grew buckwheat in Altai, and about why ordinary sunflower oil is in stores ... in general, not everyone wants to know. Sometimes you know less - you sleep better.

As for the promotion of the site and the store, it was not at all - can it be called "word of mouth" promotion? For seven years we lived on organic traffic, without using paid channels. Only this July, for example, we connected Yandex.Direct. We have always had a lot of quality content - descriptions, articles, reviews. And we are ready to answer for every word. Therefore, the rating of the site was high. We have eco-friendly methods of promotion, in general.

Ups and downs

In the first year and a half, we suddenly opened 50 branches. To be honest, we didn't plan this. Just enough intuition not to interfere. From the very beginning, our project was international - we launched "I-ME" simultaneously in Moscow and Kyiv, where there were friends-raw foodists, members of our expert community and my partners. People saw two cities on the site and wrote to us - “Is it possible in our city too?” And we answered: “We will make a website for you, and you fuck off.”

At that time, we didn’t even think of taking money for opening, we didn’t know the word “franchise”, and in general, as you know, fools are lucky. We did not know then what we should be afraid of, how much we would have to plow later, so that all this would not collapse faster than it grew. Branches paid only technical expenses and support of the center - then we learned that this is called royalties.

And we also had to build two central procurement systems - separately in Russia, and separately in Ukraine. It was necessary to provide these 50 stores with goods ... Subsequently, we created a wholesale website and a whole logistics center - to provide our branches and especially persistent wholesale customers. This year, our wholesale website will go public. Demand creates supply.

Now for the other side of the coin. "Mishkina porridge" for the first time ended in a year and a half. Predictably, we lacked experience. In 2011, we could not cope with the growth in the number of visitors to the site, did not have time to develop the technical side of the project quickly enough ... In general, we almost killed the project out of the blue and flew into debt for one and a half million rubles - this is at the old dollar rate. Every year this figure seems to me more and more ridiculous, but then it was a disaster.

For a whole year we repaid debts and recovered for another year. And only two years later they began to develop again. After such a kick from above, we began to pay more attention to the technical part. We completely redesigned the site, and adjusted accounting by connecting to the MySklad service.

And then another magic pendel flew in - in 2014, through the fault of the landlord, we sealed up a warehouse store in Moscow. Business stopped again - for 10 days. True, due to the network of branches and friendly investments, we recovered almost instantly.

This year, we again experienced a serious emergency - for a number of reasons, the Moscow site "I-ME" completely dropped out of the search results in Yandex. All our wonderful karma stopped working for a while, and this significantly affected revenue and profit. I must say that psychologically it was no longer a big stress. We have experienced big swings, and gradually we have learned to deal with big failures and big successes. And hold on to each other in any situation. The team is the main thing. We have an awesome team.


Now we have packaged our experience in the form of a franchise with a commercial concession agreement, built the basic structures and are a network of 17 online stores and 12 retail stores. The former "free" affiliates have passed natural selection, of which seven strong and reliable partners remain. And we have opened ten more over the past two years under a franchise for decent money, and they are actively developing.

In Moscow, we have a central logistics warehouse where you can come and pick up the goods or order delivery. We made the warehouse for a long time and carefully - it is focused on the storage of specific products that need certain conditions, their own logistics at each stage. We have more than 2000 items of goods and about 160 suppliers. In seven years we had seven own productions. And we continue to expand the range, conclude exclusive contracts.

Since we have 17 regional sites and a specific product, complex retail accounting is required. Therefore, we are seriously engaged in automation, we create many IT tools ourselves. We have invested a lot of effort and money in IT. With the help of programmers, we synchronized the site with the back office. And the back-office part and accounting for all branches and franchisees is implemented on the basis of the MySklad service. It maintains warehouse, financial and management accounting. This solution, a combination of a profile site and the MySklad system, we are constantly developing and selling to all new franchisees.

Of course, we will increase our presence, continue to expand into shopping centers, and expand our product range.

From creative ideas there is such an idea. We have always said that we have a store-club. Often people want not just to come to the store, but also to try the food, sit and chat. If you have enough strength, then you want to open a club, implementing the concept of a “third place” - so that in addition to home and work, a person has some other outlet, a place where he is always welcome. Yoga, massage, real food. I think, if not me, then there will be partners who will gladly implement this idea.

I also want to take "I-ME" to a new level of control. We already have a lot of employees, and we need new technologies for interaction. We apply our eco-requirements to everything: eco-relations within the team, with suppliers, contractors. Clean, transparent, trustworthy. We want the people who work for us to feel happy. I am constantly working on this.

It is very difficult to surprise an ordinary user with anything, and even more so, to induce to make a particular purchase. This is especially true for absolutely new and unknown goods. Therefore, manufacturers and marketing firms go to great lengths to promote their new brands in such a congested consumer market. In any case, to attract attention, you need to have a creative approach and a lot of creative ideas. We will tell you more about what a successful advertisement of a product from the new line is like below.

Difficulty in launching a new product

Most PR people know firsthand how difficult it is to promote a new product. Especially when dealing with a cult brand. In this case, advertising the product simply forces you to take risks. And, as they say, "who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne."

This is exactly what the creators of the Red Bull energy drink did. First, they came up with a jar that is small in size and looks like a battery. And, secondly, they deliberately increased the cost of the drink (about 2 times) and began to place it not only in the drinks department, but also in others, for example, bread or milk.

Moreover, branded cars with a huge can of drink at the top began to drive along the streets of cities. Behind the wheel sat beautiful young girls. On certain days, they stopped in crowded places and handed out jars of new energy drinks for free. Such complex and unusual advertising of the product brought its results. The product became recognizable and took its place of honor along with such giants as Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

If you want to advance yourself, remind about useful and ordinary things

When promoting a new brand or trademark, traditional approaches are often used that do not bring results. Taxi service companies, for example, are choosing a tactic that has been tried and tested for years, but partly does not work. Most often they publish advertisements in the press, rarely make videos on TV, and even use asphalt to create a stencil with the name of the service and phone number.

However, product advertising does not always have to be the same type and standard. Sometimes creative ideas are perceived by people much better. And skillfully filed and partially veiled advertising, and even bearing a certain benefit to the buyer, will be an excellent tool.

This is the approach taken by a Canadian taxi service called Mike. They not only printed advertising booklets with the address, phone number and a brief description of the service, but also made a kind of map of local cafes and restaurants. A potential client opens such a booklet and sees where the most delicious Viennese waffles are served. And then he reads the phone number and the name of the taxi service that can take him there. Original, isn't it?

There are not many ads

Advertising a new product should be constantly in front of users. This method was used in their advertising by representatives of the well-known marketing company HBO. Shortly before the third part of the continuation of the cult series "Game of Thrones" began to be broadcast on large screens, a huge shadow of a winged dragon periodically appeared in newspapers, magazines, on vehicles and even on the walls of buildings.

Because of this successful, in our opinion, publicity stunt, people simply could not help but think about the release of the new season of the series. As a result, the number of viewers watching the series, struck the imagination of even the most malicious film critics. And the telesaga itself was recognized as the most successful project in the history of a marketing company. As it turns out, HBO advertisers know how to make product ads stand out and be effective.

Great ideas don't grow in garden beds.

Sometimes long-standing rivalries are used in advertising for new products. For example, a high-quality advertisement for food products from a farm in Dallas clearly demonstrates a similar trick. On a beautiful poster, you can see fresh vegetables neatly packed in a red box. Notice the similarity? This picture looks like french fries from the famous McDonald's. And this is the confrontation between natural food from the farm and hard-hitting fast food.

An ad that sparks fantasy

Some PR people create ads with a special meaning. And they do it in such a way that different people have the most unexpected associations. For example, this is the case with shoe advertising. When creating a bright poster for TM Brazilia Shoes, a white background was chosen, on which there were female legs in magnificent colored tattoos.

It is noteworthy that they were without shoes. The girl, whose legs are shown in the photo, stood up on imaginary heels. On the one hand, such advertising said that the advertised shoes are so light that you almost don’t feel them. This was evidenced by the birds depicted on the legs and the legs themselves, raised on half-toes. On the other hand, they seemed to emphasize that ordinary Brazilian girls do not wear shoes and this is the prerogative of wealthier ladies. Who knows what was meant? Perhaps the author just liked such graceful female legs ?!

Successful product advertising: examples

The originality of the ideas of PR people sometimes just rolls over. For example, the chewing gum company Orbit turned to graffiti artists for help. Those, in turn, depicted huge faces of women and men on the pavement. At the same time, instead of a mouth, they had pits, drains, sewer and ventilation hatches.

Such advertising of products (photo can be seen below) is symbolic and needs further clarification. In particular, with such drawings, the authors of the advertisement wanted to draw an analogy between a mouth with an unpleasant odor. In other words, if you haven't eaten two Orbita plates, your mouth will be the same as in the picture. Simple and clear.