What do you need to make cheese? Cheese production as a business. Mini-workshop: technology and equipment. We draw up documents for the enterprise for the production of cheese

  • 18.06.2022

Reading 9 min. Published on 13.12.2019

In our country, consumers have a positive attitude towards such a valuable food product as cheese. Today this is one of the most profitable activities, so why not start creating and developing your own cheese factory.

Cheese factory from scratch: where to start?

The legal registration of production and the solution of all organizational issues is the first thing to do when opening a cheese factory. It should be understood that this is a food industry, so be careful to comply with all legal requirements in relation to this object.

Production registration

First of all, you need to register your business. You can choose the option of opening a farm (taxation of 6%), or organize a JSC - in this case, the enterprise will be on the simplified tax system with the payment of taxes in the amount of 15%.

The second issue is the choice of premises. It must fully comply with the requirements of fire supervision and sanitary standards. Of course, it is necessary to obtain documents for permission to conduct activities from the fire inspectorate and SES.

Licensing and certification of products is the third and mandatory item that must be completed before you start marketing products.

Cheese certification

Cheese is a food product, so it is necessary to obtain a certificate for it, which is issued either for the manufacturer or for the contract. A declaration is issued indicating the batch number and the exact quantity of the product.

Documents for permission SES

The SES permit is the basis for opening a cheese factory, to obtain it, you must provide the following documents:

  • Certificate of state registration of the organization (production).
  • Taxpayer's certificate.
  • Technological maps of production, list of equipment used.
  • Lease agreement for premises (or certificate of ownership).
  • List of employees, confirmation of their medical examinations.
  • A plan of the premises, if reconstruction work has been carried out, it is necessary to provide a project of the work carried out.
  • Passport or design documentation for ventilation.
  • Certificate from the department of statistics with a seal.
  • Contract for garbage collection and scheduled disinfection.

After obtaining all permits, licenses and certificates, it is necessary to conclude contracts for the sale of products.

Which cheeses are popular with manufacturers - the range of cheese makers in comparison

With the most pressing issue is the choice of cheese varieties. Indeed, what kind of cheese is better to produce in order to get the desired benefit faster? The answer to this question will help to give an analysis of the market in your region, as well as the presence and number of competitors.

Important Tip: do not try to start producing several varieties at once, start with 1-2, maximum with 3 varieties, and in the future you will already be able to evaluate the dynamics and pace of sales, and then decide to expand the range.

Today, domestic cheeses are popular in Russia, but foreign varieties continue to be in demand. Moreover, the technologies of imported products are already familiar to Russian cheese makers, so many well-known foreign cheeses are produced in Russia by analogy.

Table 1. The most purchased cheeses in Russia

Russian cheeses Dutch cheeses Swiss cheeses
Russian cheese

The variety is semi-solid, the structure is plastic, the taste is slightly sour. Fat content 45-50%. Shelf life 30 days.

Dutch cheese

The variety is firm, the taste is slightly spicy. The structure is plastic, the color is milky white or light yellow.


Solid grade, without holes. The taste is pleasant, nutty-fruity. It melts easily, so it is recommended for soups.

Kostroma cheese

The variety is semi-solid, easy to cut, the structure is elastic, the slices do not break when bent. Shelf life 45 days.


The structure is dense, soft, creamy taste without bitterness (its presence indicates poor quality), the slice does not break.


Hard variety, covered with a yellow-brown crust, spicy taste, sweetish shade.

Adyghe cheese

The recipe is extremely simple, prepared on the basis of milk, enzyme and whey. Does not require maturation, but the shelf life is not more than 35 days.


It has a characteristic nutty taste, the structure is oily, there are obvious large spherical holes.


The variety is semi-solid, pronounced milky smell, delicate, oily structure.

In general, any of these and other types of cheese can be produced not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world, regardless of its origin.

What equipment is needed to make cheese?

The process of cheese production begins with the preparation of raw materials. Milk is the basis of any cheese, so it must always be of good quality, otherwise the reputation of your production can very quickly damage the business.

To check the quality of raw materials, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Milk must be brought only from healthy cows (veterinary certificate and other supporting documents).
  • The pH meter readings are at least 6.8.
  • The fat content of the product is not more than 3.5%.
  • Protein composition not less than 3%.
  • Absence of antibiotics.
  • The temperature of milk when taken is not higher than 12 degrees.

If it is planned to store raw materials, separate refrigeration equipment is required for these purposes.

Cheese production requires a set of instruments and equipment. With their help, there is a phased preparation of cheese. This complex includes the following equipment.

Long pasteurization baths

These are special containers in which the formation of cheese grain is carried out. During pasteurization, a coagulating enzyme is added, cutting and mixing of raw materials takes place. In large production, large-scale analogues of such baths are used. The principle of operation of such equipment has not changed much over the past few decades. You can only observe the improvement of the main nodes.

Main equipment items:

  • Closed tank.
  • Washing.
  • Mixing and cutting tool.
  • Automatic whey selection.
  • Equipment management software.

Forming equipment

There are two types - horizontal and vertical. The main work is carried out with the layers under the whey layers. There is a less expensive way - molding the cheese in bulk. In this case, perforated ladles are required, and forming equipment and whey separators are not needed.

The molding equipment consists of a bottom, a pressing mechanism, and a unit for cutting a whole cheese board into bars.

Containers for curing cheese

These are usually large baths, with a capacity of at least 200 liters, made of stainless steel. Here the cheeses are aged in a special brine.


At this stage, the cheeses are covered with a special paraffin or polymer layer for further storage and maturation. The heated paraffiner packs the cheese bars tightly.

Cheese storage and ripening racks

Usually racks and containers are mobile, with free air circulation.

The principle of cheese making is identical in most industries in our country and abroad. The higher the level of your equipment, the less time it takes to make quality cheese .

Cheese production technology and its features. Cheese factory production scheme

A thorough study of all stages of production allows you to correctly draw up a business plan. The purchase of equipment directly depends on what kind of cheese you plan to produce and in what volume.

In general, in Russia all varieties of cheese are in approximately the same demand, but the study and analysis of the market in your region is still necessary, because. there may be a trend towards a shift in favor of a particular type of product.

The cheese production technology looks approximately the same and consists of the following steps:

  • Purchase and preparation of raw materials . Milk must be cooled to 7 degrees, the manipulation is performed using a plate cooler. At the same stage, the necessary filtration and purification of raw materials is carried out.
  • Obtaining a grainy consistency of the workpiece . The maturation of milk lasts from 12 to 24 hours, during this period the product also gains acidity. A special mixture of bacteria or calcium chloride is used as a starter. In recent years, rennet has been increasingly used, which allows to reduce the ripening time of cheese.
  • Cheese molding.
  • Product pressing.
  • Salting process.
  • Cheese ripening to the state of hard cheeses with a dense structure.
  • Storage and subsequent marketing finished products.

Despite the fact that the technology seems to be a simple and not laborious process, it still requires compliance with special conditions, including the temperature factor. Therefore, at any cheese production, even at the most low-budget, there must be a technologist responsible for all stages of production.

Cheese factory production scheme

Your attention is presented to the main scheme of the technological process of the cheese factory .

Business - plan for the production of cheese - profitability and payback period of the cheese factory

For the production of a minimum volume of products (100 kg of cheese per day), capital one-time costs are required, and monthly, fixed costs.

One-time costs:

  • Purchase of finished equipment, including delivery and full installation - 300 - 320 thousand rubles.
  • Preparatory work in the premises (repair, general cleaning) - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Staff training - 30-35 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration, organizational expenses - 45-50 thousand rubles.
  • Other additional expenses 50 thousand rubles.

Total: 650 thousand rubles ("+" "-" 20 thousand rubles).

Fixed monthly costs:

  • Renting premises for a cheese factory with an area of ​​up to 50 sq. meters 30-40 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salaries (for 4 people, including insurance premiums) 80 thousand rubles.
  • Utility payments 30 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising needs 20 thousand rubles.
  • Other (unforeseen, additional expenses) 50 thousand rubles.

Total: 210-220 thousand rubles.

Expected income:

  • Cheese production in 22 working days - 2200 kg (at the rate of 100 kg per month).
  • The price of cheese for sale for sale is 200 rubles per kg.
  • The cost of raw materials for the production of 1 kg of cheese is 70 rubles.
  • The total cost of raw materials per month is 154 thousand rubles.
  • Monthly revenue of 440 thousand rubles.
  • Monthly revenue minus the cost of raw materials - 286 thousand rubles.

We subtract the amount of fixed expenses for the month from the revenue and get the result of 76,000 rubles (“+” “-” 10 thousand rubles). Tax must be deducted from this amount, if you have a JSC, then this is 15%. We get a net monthly income of approximately 65,000 rubles. The payback of the business in this case will occur within 10 months.

Risks associated with the development of cheese production: what should be considered when opening a cheese factory?

Risks are always present, so you should always be aware of them.

In the case of a cheese factory, they can be associated with the following factors:

  • Sales market . Before starting production, it is necessary to conduct a market analysis, evaluate opportunities and alternatives, and draw conclusions. Particular attention should be paid to the demand for cheese in your region, the presence of a competitive base. The product must be sold in a timely manner, then there will be opportunities for development, and losses will be minimized.
  • Goods storage . In the room where the production is located, there must be a place for storage with a certain temperature regime. Vehicles for transportation also need to be equipped with a refrigerator.
  • It is important to choose a reliable milk supplier (raw materials). The optimal ratio of price and quality is an ideal tandem for production, but not always everything goes that way. Remember, the quality of your products and the reputation of the cheese factory depend on the quality of milk.

A competent approach to organizing a cheese factory allows you to get a really profitable business. Do not rush things, it is better to spend time on a project than to remain without profit for a long time.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to organize a mini-cheese factory with a capacity of 20-24 kg/day. Products - high quality hard cheeses of premium price category. Location - Rostov-on-Don. The project has low investment costs and has a high investment attractiveness (Table 1).

Despite the general decline in the population's solvency against the backdrop of the economic crisis, the premium segment in almost any industry is highly stable and shows minimal decline rates. This also applies to food products. The high demand for the company's products is due to the food embargo imposed on Western food suppliers, including elite types of cheese. Retail trade is experiencing an acute shortage of premium segment goods; the existing offer has an unreasonably high price.

Table 1. Project performance indicators

Investments are aimed at the purchase of equipment for production, the purchase of the first batch of raw materials, as well as the formation of a working capital fund until the project reaches payback.


Milk and dairy products are among the most consumed food products both in the world and in Russia. Under milk and dairy products, it is customary to understand liquid whole-milk and sour-milk products, cream, cheeses and cottage cheese, butter, milk powder (skimmed and whole), milk fat powder, whey, condensed milk products, milk protein concentrates, ice cream. Among fermented milk products, the most popular are kefir, curdled milk, acidophilus, yogurt (including Greek), tan, ayran, koumiss. Buttermilk, fermented baked milk, varenets, sour cream.

Experts suggest that in the next ten years, the consumption of milk and dairy products in the world will grow by 35-40%. Their consumption in Russia has been declining in recent years. In 2014, according to Rosstat, it amounted to 244 kg per person per year, which is almost 100 kg less than the consumption rate recommended by the Ministry of Health (320-340 kg). According to the results of a study conducted by the Dairy Market Index, most Russians note an insufficient assortment of dairy products in stores.

In 2016, there is an increase in demand for dairy products. According to the National Union of Dairy Producers, in the first quarter of 2016, the consumption of whole milk powder increased by more than 30%, cheese and cheese products - by 5.8%, whole milk products and skim milk - by 3%, butter - by 2% .

Table 2. Consumption of main dairy products per capita in Russia in 2010-2015*, kg

* Data for 2015 are estimates due to the lack of official market statistics

In the first half of 2015, Russian enterprises produced 1.4% more whole milk (5873 thousand tons) than in the same period of 2014. The growth leaders were the Central and Volga Federal Districts. In general, 6 regions produce 95% of the total volume of whole milk.

Figure 1. Shares of regions in the total volume of whole milk production

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In the first half of 2015, the volumes of production of fermented milk products (excluding cottage cheese and sour cream) slightly decreased by about 2%. In total, 1273 thousand tons were produced. More than half of the volume was produced by 10 regions.

Figure 2. Shares of regions in the total production of fermented milk products (excluding cottage cheese and sour cream)

The production volumes of cottage cheese (+9.7% compared to 2014) and sour cream (+5.6% compared to 2014) increased. The leaders in the production of cottage cheese are the Central and Volga Federal Districts - they each own 25% of the market. The most dynamic region in development is the Crimean Federal District, which increased its production volume by 56% over the year. The leaders in the production of sour cream are also the Central and Volga Federal Districts with market shares of 21% and 20%, respectively.

Prices for dairy products have recently had a steady upward trend. Experts consider this a delayed effect from the increase in raw milk prices in 2013-2014. However, the decline in demand is largely holding back this growth. In April 2016, the retail price of drinking milk increased by 0.3% and amounted to 35 rubles/kg, which, however, is 1.3% cheaper than in April 2015. The price of butter in April 2016 decreased by 0.7% (RUB 261.2/kg), while the annual cost growth was 4.6%. Experts attribute the decrease in prices in April to the growing volume of imports. The cost of hard cheeses rose to 308.8 rubles/kg (+2.2%), the annual appreciation was 4.2%.

The growth in demand for dairy products in Russia is provided primarily by imported products. In particular, in the first quarter of 2016, 30% more cheese and cheese-like products were imported than in the same period in 2015. Among the reasons for this growth, experts cite a decline in world prices for cheese, as well as some strengthening of the ruble against the dollar. The main increase was shown by: the Republic of Belarus - by 41%, Serbia - by 87%, Armenia - 2 times. The main importer of cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products is Belarus, whose share in total imports is 85%.

Ready-made ideas for your business

According to analysts, an increase in imports leads to an increase in consumption and restrains price growth. Thus, in the first quarter of 2016, cheese consumption increased by 8.1%. On the other hand, it reduces the competitiveness and profitability of domestic producers. In order to increase competitiveness, Russian enterprises will be forced to reduce the cost of production, which, according to experts, may lead to an increase in the proportion of counterfeit products.

Figure 3. Structure of cheese and cottage cheese imports (in natural terms) to Russia in 2015

The volume of exports of dairy products for the first quarter of 2016 also increased, exceeding the last year's figure by 29% (176 thousand tons). At the same time, in value terms, the volume of exports increased by only 5.9%, which indicates a decrease in export prices. In the structure of exports, the share of whole milk products increased - up to 12%, cheeses and cottage cheese - up to 23%, butter - up to 7%. The share of ice cream, condensed and powdered milk, cream has decreased. The main consumers of Russian dairy products are Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. At the same time, the share of Kazakhstan in the structure of exports is decreasing, and the share of Ukraine is increasing due to the supply of humanitarian aid.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Trade created a department for the development of the market of socially significant goods, which at the first stage will deal only with the markets of dairy and meat products, cereals, sunflower and butter, as well as a number of other products, the prices of which can be regulated by the state.

To increase the competitiveness of products of Russian manufacturers - both for domestic and foreign markets - it is necessary to introduce innovative solutions in the areas of production technology and management of organizations.

Figure 4. Dynamics of the main financial indicators of the industry in section OKVED 15.5 for 2007-2015, thousand rubles

In recent years, until 2015, demand in the Russian dairy market has been declining. At the beginning of 2016, there was some increase in demand, however, primarily due to imported products. The competitiveness of Russian products is at a rather low level. To increase it, it is necessary to master new technologies, as well as effective management. State support for the industry is sporadic, which also negatively affects its condition.

In order to implement the project, a new enterprise is being organized on a leased area in Rostov-on-Don. Rostov-on-Don is the largest city in the South of Russia, the administrative center of the Southern Federal District and the Rostov Region; the largest economic, industrial, cultural and historical center. The population of the city is 1.1 million people, the urban agglomeration is 2.14 million people.

The project is aimed at a target audience with a high income level, the sale of goods is wholesale deliveries to retail non-network grocery stores of the city located in elite residential areas. The production capacity of the cheese factory is 20-24 kg of finished products per day.


Cheese is one of the most popular dairy products both in Russia and around the world. It contains all the nutrients and vitamins that are part of milk, but in a concentrated form. Calcium contained in cheese has the greatest digestibility by the human body from this product. Cheese is rich in fats, in combination with which fat-soluble vitamins enter the body, which are necessary for normal human life. Fats also contain fatty acids that the body cannot produce on its own. The fat content of cheeses ranges from 20 to 50 percent.

In addition, cheese contains about 25% protein, 2.5-3.5% organic salts, vitamins A and B. All this makes cheese one of the most valuable and healthy food products. Cheese is part of medical nutrition and all kinds of diets.

Despite the similar production technology, today experts distinguish from 500 to 5000 varieties of cheese, depending on the classification criteria.

Ready-made ideas for your business

First of all, cheeses are classified according to the method of production - rennet (using rennet) and sour milk (lactic acid bacteria are used). In Russia, for the most part, the rennet method of production is used. Rennet cheeses can be classified into hard, soft and processed.

The project involves the production of hard cheese. This term is applied to cheeses with a moisture content of not more than 45%, having a relatively firm texture, allowing the cheese to be sliced. Hard varieties account for about 41% of total cheese consumption. The project is focused on a high price category and produces only one type of cheese - Swiss.

Swiss cheese is a variety of hard cheese belonging to the rennet group with a high temperature of the second heating. It has a strong, even rind (film) that adheres tightly to the surface with traces of the fabric used in the cheese making process. There may be a slight dampening of the surface. The consistency is plastic and homogeneous throughout the thickness of the cheese; as a rule, there are large, up to 4 cm, round or oval cavities (eyes), formed as a result of the release of carbon dioxide by bacteria. Eyes may be missing in some areas of the cheese. The cheese has a moderately pronounced spicy sweetish taste and pronounced aroma. Color from white to slightly yellow.

Swiss cheese is made from raw and pasteurized milk. Rennet, ferment from lactobacilli and propionic acid bacteria are added to the normalized milk mixture.


Target audience men and women (mainly) aged 25 to 55, mostly family, with a high average income (from 40,000 rubles per month). As a result, non-chain food retail stores located in elite residential areas of the city are used as a distribution channel. Given the low productivity of the mini-cheese factory (up to 24 kg/day), it is required to involve no more than five stores in cooperation.

It is assumed that the capacity utilization will be at the level of 100%, which corresponds to the planned sales volumes. Given the small volumes of production, the organization of sales with high quality products does not cause difficulties. Approximate actual market volume is 3.3 million kg per month. Demand for the company's products has a weak seasonality, but in terms of sales, it can be neglected due to low production volumes. The planned sales volume is given in Table. 3.

Table 3. Planned sales volumes






Swiss cheese, 1 kg


The planned retail price of 1 kg of cheese produced under the project under consideration is 550-600 rubles. Prices for similar goods in retail chains today are 700-750 rubles/kg. Thus, the products of the project are highly competitive both in price and quality.


Production is organized on a leased area on the territory of the industrial complex. The total area of ​​the production premises is 30 m 2 , of which 15 m 2 is allocated directly for the placement of equipment, the remaining area is allocated for the warehouse of raw materials and finished products. Two people are required to operate the production line.

Equipment supplier - Russian manufacturer of food equipment; delivers a turnkey mini-cheese factory, which includes equipment installation, commissioning and staff training. Delivery and installation time - 15 calendar days.

Raw materials for production are purchased from a Russian wholesale trading company specializing in raw materials for the production of dairy products. The supplier is selected based on a detailed analysis of the quality and cost of the products offered.

The cheese maturation period according to the project technology is at least 20 calendar days. Thus, the production plan is ahead of the sales plan by about three weeks. Sales in the first month of project implementation are not planned.

Delivery of goods to customers is carried out on the personal car of the project initiator.


The initiator of the project has a higher education and many years of experience in the field of food production. He performs all organizational and management functions in the project. Secondary functions are performed by the son of the project initiator. Accounting outsourced.

The project team consists of two people who perform all the functions: management and administration, sales organization, production line maintenance, etc. Production with such small volumes is profitable only if the project initiator is self-employed and has minimal costs.


The financial plan is designed for a five-year period and takes into account all income and expenses of the project. Revenue from operating activities is considered as income. Investment costs amount to 671,387 rubles. Own funds of the initiator - 400,000 rubles. The lack of funds is planned to be covered by attracting a bank loan at 18% per annum for a period of 36 months. The loan is repaid in annuity payments, credit holidays are three months.

Table 4. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.


Equipment set

Intangible assets

working capital

working capital

Purchase of products


671 387 ₽

Own funds:

400 000.00 RUB

Required borrowings:

271 387 ₽



Term, months:

Variable costs per unit of production include the cost of raw materials, the cost of electricity and the delivery of products to customers of the enterprise (Table 5). Fixed costs include the cost of renting premises, advertising and depreciation (Table 6). The amount of depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method based on the useful life of the equipment in five years. A detailed financial plan is given in App. one.

Table 5. Variable costs





Swiss cheese, 1 kg

Table 6. Fixed costs


Evaluation of the effectiveness and investment attractiveness of the project is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the financial plan, simple and integral performance indicators (Table 1). To account for the change in the value of money over time, the discounted cash flow method is used. The discount rate is 5%.

Revenue of the first year - 3.0 million rubles; net profit (after taxes) - 805.5 thousand rubles. Revenue for subsequent years annually - 3.6 million rubles, net profit - 1.0 million rubles. Net present value (NPV) - 776.8 thousand rubles. Internal rate of return (IRR) - 10.2%. Profitability index (PI) - 1.16. All these indicators speak about the effectiveness of the project. With relatively low rates of return, the project is expedient as a provision for self-employment of the project initiator, has a small expenditure side.


The main risks associated with the implementation of the project include, first of all, production problems: poor product quality, equipment failure. To neutralize these risks, it is necessary to provide for regular monitoring of product quality, as well as monitoring of the condition of the equipment and its regular routine maintenance.

Since the market capacity and the level of demand exceed the enterprise's supply by several orders of magnitude, the threats from competitors and existing players can be ignored.

Profitability calculator for this business

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To open your own cheese production enterprise, there is no need to invest tens of millions of rubles. At the initial stage, the amount of investments will not exceed one million rubles.

It is profitable to open production to rural residents who have their own farms, in this case, production will be carried out from their own raw materials, which will make the final product more in demand.

You can open a mini-workshop and buy milk from farmers. In general, everyone can open a mini-workshop for the production of cheese as a business, the main thing is to plan their actions correctly.

Sales market

Any production begins with the search for buyers.

Although cheeses are mass consumption products, and it will not be difficult to sell a quality product, it is necessary to find potential buyers in advance and outline ways to sell finished products.

There may be several of them:

  1. Through your own store.
  2. At the local food market.
  3. Conclude an agreement with wholesale warehouses.
  4. Work directly with retail outlets.
  5. Deliver products to cafes and restaurants of the city and region.

It is not necessary to stop at one option, you can choose several from the list at once.


The easiest way is to register your company as a sole proprietorship.

Many wholesale buyers prefer to work with legal entities, that is, with limited liability companies.

It is more expedient to open an LLC, because the mini-workshop has a development prospect.

As for taxes, it is better to choose a simplified system, according to which the tax will be 6% of total revenue or 15% of net profit.


Equipment for the production of cheese is quite compact, for the production of products up to 100 kg, 20 square meters will be enough. m area.

There are no strict requirements for the height of the room, because the height of the equipment is only 90 cm.

The main requirement is the availability of communications: electricity, water supply and sewerage.

The cost of renting such a room will be about 30,000 rubles per month.


The range of equipment for the cheese dairy is quite wide.

For production, you will need basic and auxiliary equipment.

The main equipment is a 50 liter container made of stainless steel, which is heated by gas, hot steam or heating element and cooled by cold water movement.

Additional equipment is a press table, a salt container, racks, a ripening chamber, coolers and molds.

It is very important to choose the right manufacturer of equipment, the market leader is Italian suppliers.

You can buy a set of different volumes of 120 or 360 liters from them.

The minimum volume of processing of raw materials will be 500 liters of milk per day, and the maximum - 1200.

Any milk, cow or goat, is suitable as a raw material. According to the technology, cheese production on this equipment can be carried out even in cafes or restaurants.

The second place among equipment manufacturers is occupied by Russia. The quality of the cars is quite high, and their prices are much lower.

The cost of equipment that can process from 700 to 1000 liters of milk per day is only 150,000 rubles.

Many other fermented milk products can also be cooked on it, they can be included in the assortment later.


Making products at the factory is different from cheese making at home. Business involves the release of a large volume of products, so it is important to know the technology.

Production stages:

  • Before starting the process, the milk is filtered and analyzed for quality, then it is pasteurized and separated.
  • At the next stage, enzymes are added to the milk, heated and the cheese grain is separated.
  • The milk is aged for 14 hours and enzymes are added for maturation.
  • The resulting cheese grain is heated and excess liquid is removed.
  • Cheeses are formed from the resulting mass.
  • The cheese is then pressed.
  • After soaking in containers with table salt, the harder the product, the longer it is soaked.
  • After soaking, the cheese is dried, packaged and sent to the chambers to ripen.

Financial calculations

The preliminary financial plan may vary depending on the region, so the numbers may differ when compiling your business plan.

Expense in rubles:

  • Equipment together with delivery and installation - 300,000.
  • Employee training - 30,000.
  • Indoor repairs - 200,000.
  • Registration and paperwork - 50,000.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 50,000.

Total: 630 thousand rubles.

Fixed expenses in rubles:

  • Rent - 30,000.
  • Salary - 80,000.
  • Utility payments - 20,000.
  • Other expenses - 50,000.

Monthly payments will amount to 180 thousand rubles.

  • The daily output is 100 kg.
  • Monthly volume - 2200 kg.
  • The cost is 200 rubles / kilogram.
  • The cost price is 70 rubles / kilogram.

The proceeds will amount to 286 thousand rubles, of which 180 thousand are monthly expenses. The net profit of the entrepreneur is 106,000 rubles minus taxes.

Opening a mini-workshop for the production of cheese as a business is quite profitable. It does not require a large investment of capital and has an excellent development prospect.

Over time, it is possible to expand production and include other fermented milk products in the assortment, for example, sour cream, processed cheeses, kefir. They will always remain in demand in the market.

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There is a wide range of cheese products on the shelves of retail stores. Moreover, the demand for high-quality cheese is steadily growing. Home-made cheeses, private cheese dairies, as well as large cheese factories, which have been pleasing customers and gourmets for more than a dozen years, find their buyers. In the article, we will consider the implementation of a business plan for the production of cheese, give practical advice on its implementation, and weigh the pros and cons.

Benefits and Risks of a Cheese Business

World consumption of cheese is growing, there is always cheese products in retail, which are in stable demand - all these are signs that any, even the smallest cheese production business, has the potential for development, has a chance to gain a foothold in the consumer market. Today, when the government provides significant support to agricultural producers, stimulates the creation of new jobs, creates conditions for import substitution, it's time to invest in food production.

According to experts in business organization, among the various industries of the dairy industry, the cheese business has the minimum number of risks and the greatest number of advantages.

Cheese is a modern fast food product that combines useful properties with excellent taste. If the business owner focuses on the ease of use of cheese products, slicing, convenient packaging for a quick snack, the company will have a huge market among fast food lovers, healthy food enthusiasts, gourmets.

After the introduction of retaliatory sanctions on the import of agricultural products into the country, a niche was vacated for cheese producers. Previously, more than half of all cheeses sold in Russia were imported from abroad.

Statistics confirm the growing consumer preference for natural hard cheeses, which are of higher quality and healthier than soft cheese products. However, only high-quality cheese with excellent taste characteristics will overcome the competition. At the same time, it is far from always possible for a manufacturer to keep a high price for products - the purchasing power of the population differs depending on the region. Optimal consumer demand should be expected for a product with excellent taste characteristics at a cost from the lower price segment.

However, cheese production also has its risks:

  • The cheese making business requires a large start-up investment.
  • Strict observance of standards (67.100.30 Cheese), GOSTs (27568–87, 52685–2006, 52686–2006, 52972–2008, 53379–2009, etc.) is required.
  • Any violation of the recipe for the preparation of the product is fraught with losses.
  • The country produces insufficient quality milk at low prices.
  • There may be interruptions in the supply of raw materials.

Business plan

The first step to building a successful business is creating a well thought out business plan. This document is not only strategic, but also practical, as it contains goals and objectives for the creation and development of production, allows you to evaluate specific costs when putting the enterprise into operation. Planning determines the sequence of actions for successful work, indicates future steps to achieve the planned output indicators, establishes a pricing policy, and calculates the expected profit.

Before forming a marketing strategy, in order to identify a niche, an analysis of the market, a potential target group of buyers is carried out, sales volumes, an assortment list, cheese sales volumes are planned in accordance with the required level of product production.

Most enterprises of the dairy industry consider a territorial marketing strategy as a starting point, when, after the launch of production, nearby territories are first developed: city districts, nearest villages. After the establishment of stable demand, along with the availability of opportunities for expanding production, the development of neighboring regions will begin, cooperation with large federal retail chains is being established.

Profitability calculation

A large workshop or a cheese production plant is opened in regions with a low purchase price of milk, and it is desirable that the market could talk about an overabundance of raw materials, rather than its lack.

Regular costs for the operation of a small workshop that produces about 20–24 kg of cheese per day from 200 liters of milk fluctuate between 1.7–2 million rubles per month. This includes:

  • purchase of raw materials;
  • rental of premises;
  • employee salaries;
  • electricity costs;
  • the cost of storage and transportation of the product;
  • taxes.

In addition, you will have to pay at least 1.2 million for the purchase of the necessary equipment.

Table: how much does a workshop day cost

Monthly costs for the purchase of raw materials (an average of 22 working days) will amount to 99,000 rubles.

Purchase prices of large retail chains of well-known inexpensive brands of cheese - 250 rubles. for 1 kg. That is, 250 * 22 kg \u003d 5500 rubles. can be a potential daily income in cooperation with chain stores. Such income does not cover the cost of mini-production. The purchase of a mini-line for the production of cheese will pay off in 3–4 years only if you have your own dairy herd, which guarantees regular supplies of milk at a cost of around 10 rubles, as well as prices for 1 kg of the finished product from 300 rubles. Only under these conditions and guaranteed demand, the profitability of the enterprise will be 20%.

Only a large cheese factory with industrial production volumes will be able to receive a stable profit on the supply of cheese for retail chains at a purchase price of 250 rubles.

From plan to action

How to draw up documents

A small cheese production is formalized in the form of a “peasant farm”. With such an organizational and legal form, it will be possible to significantly save on paying taxes: the accrual of agricultural tax (ESKhN) in the amount of 6% comes not from turnover, but from profit (income minus expenses).

When organizing a large cheese business, the owner will have to take care of obtaining a license for the production of food products, certificates of conformity, since this process is an integral part of the organization of food production. You will need to purchase or rent premises, draw up title documents (LLC or IP), conclude contracts for the supply of raw materials.

To obtain a certificate of conformity, a package of documents is provided, including a completed application form, documents of a legal entity, a certificate of sanitary compliance, a contract, a veterinary certificate, a sample label for future products.

What kind of cheese to produce

In total, there are more than 2,000 types of cheeses on the market. The most common of them:

  • Fresh cheeses. Products with curd texture, made without pressing. The most famous representative of this group is the Italian Mozzarella, to which buffalo milk is added during production. This group includes "Mascarpone", "Feta", "Ricotta", "Suluguni", "Adyghe cheese", etc.
  • Pressed uncooked. These are yellow cheeses with a hard rind, tender cheese mass in the young, spicy in the mature product. In the manufacture of cheeses, the curd mass is finely crushed, pressed, molded, salted, and then aged for up to a year. This is how the well-known varieties Gouda, Edam, Maasdam, Cheddar, etc. are produced.
  • Pressed boiled. Such cheeses are produced with a light yellow center and large heads on the edges by mixing fresh and settled milk with enzymes. To obtain a characteristic taste, the finished product is aged for a year. These are cheeses of Parmesan, Emmental, Gruyere, Beaufort varieties.
  • Soft cheeses with white moldy rind. According to technology, after salting, such a product is dipped into a special solution containing mold spores, which forms a characteristic crust during aging for 2-6 weeks. Bright representatives of this group are the French cheeses Brie and Camembert.
  • Soft with a washed red rind. Due to the red mold, the cheese has a characteristic color, a pronounced smell and a spicy taste. Such taste delights are achieved by repeated washing in a saline solution during the ripening stage. These are Epuass, Marual, Livoro, Munster.
  • Blue. Popular cheeses whose flesh is riddled with blue or green mold. The product is kept until whey drains completely without boiling and pressing. A few weeks later, the mass is rubbed with salt, mold spores are added inside, which grow within a few months, taking the form of veins. According to this technology, the Swiss "Roquefort" is made from sheep's milk, from cow's milk - varieties "Gorgonzola", "Stilton", "Danablue", "Dor Blue", "Furm d'Amber".
  • Goat or sheep milk cheeses. A white product with a specific odor and taste characteristic of goat or sheep milk, made using various technologies, with or without mold. The most common varieties are "Shabishu" made from goat's milk, "Chevre" with a pleasant aroma and delicate taste, "Saint-Mor" with a black crust of wood ash.
  • Processed cheeses are produced by melting the rennet base with milk, cream, curd additives, fillers, spices.

If you decide to produce goat or sheep cheese, then be sure to consider that such indicators as the possible production volume, the cost of raw materials, as well as the demand for the final product in this case will be very different from those for cheeses made from cow's milk.

To determine the main production strategy, they study the assortment list of products offered by competitors, analyze sales volumes for each position. Solid rennet cheeses of well-known varieties (Russian, Poshekhonsky, Hollandsky, etc.) are always in stable demand from the consumer, but there is high competition in this segment. There is less competition among producers of soft sour-milk cheeses, however, even here, at the initial stage of production development, one will have to fight for each buyer.

When developing a pricing strategy for a project, marketers study competitors' prices. In large cities and regions with high purchasing power, the main focus is on the products of the “elite” and intermediate groups (“Dor Blue”, “Roquefort”, “Bree”, “Camembert”, “Maasdam”, etc.), in regions with an average solvency - for high-quality cheeses of well-known varieties (Mozzarella, Gouda, Cheddar, Edam, Russian, etc.).

According to 2013 statistics, Russians prefer to buy hard cheeses of the following varieties:

  • "Russian" - about 25% of the total sales;
  • "Dutch" - 17%;
  • "Poshekhonsky" - 15%;
  • "Kostroma" - 11%;
  • "Gouda" - 8%.

Of the processed cheese products, buyers prefer Yantar - 43%, Sausage - 38%, as well as cheeses with various additives from popular foreign brands - 24%.

Photo gallery: types of cheese most in demand among Russians

Processed cheese "Yantar" is chosen by 43% of buyers "Sausage" cheese product is still popular among Russian consumers "Kostroma" cheese belongs to the most famous varieties of low price category "Poshekhonsky" cheese variety is notable for its low price "Russian" cheese variety is the leader in terms of volume sales in Russia Gouda cheese is great for making homemade pizza Dutch cheese is preferred by 17% of Russians

In a crisis, when launching a new product on the market, entrepreneurs often tend to a dumping strategy, i.e., they deliberately lower the prices of goods in order to attract a large number of buyers, conquer new sales markets and crowd out competitors.

An entrepreneur's knowledge of cheese making technology will be a significant advantage when starting a production. Those who are thinking about the cheese business for the first time should not be upset: for a decent salary, you can attract an experienced technologist or manager who has the practice of starting a cheese factory from scratch to the enterprise.

Opening a cheese factory requires large investments, which will pay off only after 3-4 years of profitable operation of the enterprise. Some entrepreneurs at the initial stage of work conclude an agreement with large factories and perform for them one or more operations of the technological cycle of cheese production: they carry out primary processing of dairy raw materials, undertake obligations to melt the cheese mass, provide storage and aging of hard cheeses, package the manufacturer's products - partner.


The production of each type of cheese requires specialized equipment, so it is important to decide in advance on the type of production activity.

The production area is divided into zones in accordance with the stages of cheese production, which are equipped with specialized equipment to automate the processes of each cycle and smoothly transition from one operation to another. For the first technological stages, containers for storing raw materials, bathtubs, containers, industrial refrigerators are installed in the workshop. In large industries, a production workshop is equipped, a platform for fermentation of milk mass, a place for pickling cheese heads and a storage room are separated. The minimum area of ​​the mini-workshop will be 15 square meters. m, plant - 350 sq. m.


When opening an enterprise, it is necessary to purchase universal equipment that allows you to simultaneously produce hard and soft cheeses.

Table: the minimum set of production equipment for a room of 15–20 sq. m

This kit is enough to process 200 liters of milk daily into 20-24 kg of cheese. To service the production, it is necessary to hire two employees, install a power supply panel with a capacity of at least 20 kW.

The minimum cost of equipment for a mini-workshop will be 1,200,000 rubles, the price of factory equipment can reach 50–80 million rubles.

Raw materials

The following dairy products are necessary for cheese making: whole milk, skimmed milk, cream, as well as biological bacteria responsible for fermentation of the milk mass, enzymes, pepsin, salt, additives, thickeners, baking powder. For all these products, the manufacturer must obtain GOST certificates of conformity, otherwise the production will not meet the standards of cheese making.

Milk is the basis for making cheese. To ensure that production does not stop, the supply of dairy products must be carried out regularly in the planned volume. For this, it is important for the plant to conclude contracts for the supply of raw materials with dairy farms, peasant farms, and reliable private suppliers. In the contract for the supply of products, it is important to prescribe the requirements for its composition, daily and monthly volumes, delivery methods, the procedure for settlements with the supplier (cash or bank transfer, payment term).

It is important to organize large-scale cheese production only with a sufficient amount of raw materials at reasonable purchase prices. The advantage will be your own dairy herd with a mini-factory, which will provide a minimum raw material load of production facilities without the threat of equipment downtime.

Cheese production technology in the workshop and their storage

Hard cheeses are made from fatty cottage cheese by pressing, pressing, and aging for a month at a low temperature. Soft cheeses are made using a similar technology, but with a reduction in pressing time or without any pressure at all.

In cheese production, in order to obtain a quality product, it is necessary to follow all the technological stages:

  • Weigh the milk purchased from suppliers, take an analysis for compliance with GOST.
  • Observe the standards for the storage of dairy raw materials (temperature 6-8 degrees, period - no more than 24 hours).
  • Properly clean the milk raw materials, cool.
  • Conduct pasteurization at the time set by the technology (20–25 seconds) at a temperature of 75 degrees.
  • With the help of a separator, normalize milk raw materials according to the level of fat content.
  • Heat the mass, introduce the bioconcentrate, knead for 10-15 minutes, hold for 14 hours at the set temperature.
  • Ensure curdling of the prepared milk mass for 30–40 minutes with the addition of special components to form a cheese pattern and taste characteristics.
  • Heat the protein mass to remove excess moisture.
  • Carry out the cutting of the cheese clot in accordance with the technological size.
  • Give the cheese the desired shape with a press.
  • Dip the finished product in a container with a 20% saline solution for 2-3 days at a temperature of 8-12 degrees.
  • Dry the salted cheese on special racks for 2-3 days at the same temperature as when salting.
  • Place the cheese for ripening in special chambers with a temperature of 10–12 degrees, a humidity of 75–85% for 15–60 days, turning every 3–5 days.
  • After 20 days from the date of production, dip the cheese head into a paraffin alloy for 2-3 seconds to form a protective crust.

Batches of finished cheeses are placed in refrigerators. If the product must be transported to the place of storage, during transportation it is important to observe the temperature regime in the range from -6 to +10 degrees, avoiding a sharp increase or decrease in temperature.

In the storage of the finished product, it is important to monitor compliance with one of two options for temperature and humidity.

Table: cheese storage modes

Hard cheeses are stored for up to 8 months, Swiss - from a year to 18 months. at a temperature of minus 4-5 degrees, soft - up to 4 months.

Cheeses tend to absorb foreign odors, so it is not recommended to store finished products together with food products with specific and pungent odors. American marketers conducted studies that proved that a cheese product with a unique aroma and taste is much more in demand among buyers than cheese with excellent taste characteristics, but without a pronounced smell.

Industrial storage of cheese involves a separate room with constantly maintained temperature and humidity parameters.

How to profitably sell a product

It is important to think about ways to sell the product produced in advance, even at the stage of developing a business plan. Stable demand and well-established sales channels will ensure the rapid growth of any production. If an entrepreneur plans to keep product prices in the middle or lower price segment, there will be no difficulties with the sale of goods.

For example, hard cheeses of popular brands in the domestic market can be sold:

  • through wholesale sales;
  • through own outlets;
  • in food markets;
  • with the help of mobile sales at car shops;
  • small wholesale deliveries to small private shops;
  • through district consumer societies (RayPO);
  • at catering establishments.

Having mastered the domestic market, manufacturers are building cooperation with federal retail chains.

For a high price, you can sell only high-quality goods - the modern buyer is picky and quickly recognizes a fake cheese.

According to marketing research, buyers want to buy cheese:

  • made from high quality ingredients (natural organic milk), and this must be marked on the packaging;
  • affordable and at the same time high quality;
  • to compensate for the lack of calcium in the diet;
  • to increase the amount of protein you eat.

If the manufacturer takes this into account in the content of the text on the packaging, and also positions the product in accordance with the wishes of consumers, sales can increase several times.

Budget option: making cheese at home

Home cheese production will be beneficial if you have a subsidiary dairy farm. High-quality cheese can be prepared at home, but, most likely, the cost of a dish will be comparable to the price of a store product. For its preparation, acidified milk is used in the proportion of 10 liters per 1 kg of finished hard cheese or 1.5–2 kg of soft cheese. If it is necessary to mix milk from different cows or milkings, it is important to cool it to 12-18 degrees.

Cheese should not be cooked from fresh milk - it should stand for at least 4 hours.

Cheese sourdough is prepared in advance. To do this, half a liter of milk is fermented during the day in a warm place.

You can make sourdough with the addition of yeast. Mix 200 g of milk, 120 g of yeast and leave the starter warm for a day. After that, the mixture is divided in half, 200 g of milk is also added and left for another day. The whole procedure is repeated for 6 days, and on the seventh day 400 g of milk is added.

Rennet enzymes accelerate the clotting of milk mass. They can be purchased at the store in the form of tablets or extract, which are added to milk at room temperature.

Step by step recipe

Here is one way to make cheese at home:

  • 5 liters of fresh milk are poured into a metal container, heated to 26 degrees.
  • 200 g of cheese starter are placed in the heated mass, the container is covered and placed in a warm place for one day.
  • The aged mass is cut into small cubes with a side of about a centimeter, put them back in a metal bowl, after which, with constant stirring, they are heated in a water bath to 40 degrees.
  • After the cheese product hardens, it is removed from the container, wrapped with gauze in two layers, the whey is decanted, washed with warm running water.
  • Salt is added to the washed mass, cream is cooled in accordance with taste preferences.
  • A ball is formed from the finished product, which is wrapped with gauze and placed under a three-kilogram press for 10–12 hours. Cheese is ready!

In household conditions, cheeses with a simple recipe are considered optimal for making: “Dutch”, “Yaroslavl”, “Cheese”, “Mascarpone”.

The main advantage of the final product will be its safe natural composition: such cheese does not contain palm oil, harmful chemicals and additives.

The cheese production business is beneficial for agricultural enterprises and full-cycle farms. If the farm has an excess of milk that needs to be processed, own production of popular cheese varieties will bring additional income and create jobs in the countryside. When concluding agreements with retail chains and contracts with milk suppliers, a medium-sized and large-sized plant will become profitable. However, such production requires significant capital investments.

Consumer interest in a healthy food ingredient like cheese never wanes. Therefore, cheese making brings a stable income. If an entrepreneur decides to master the production of cheese as a business, there is an opportunity to create his own cheese factory without fabulous investments.

How to open a cheese factory from scratch - business plan, technologies, permits

To formalize the legal side of production and resolve all issues on the organization of processes - this is the main thing from which you should start running your business. Do not forget that there are always increased requirements for the food industry, so an entrepreneur should take them with all responsibility and formalize his activities in accordance with the law.

The stable growth of production, the creation of new budget equipment and marketing moves calculated to the smallest detail should stimulate businessmen to the successful development of the industry. Cheese making can be called a progressive idea of ​​​​production at home.

Sales market analysis

If you are planning to make homemade cheese for further sale, then you should not rely on your own shelf in large-scale retail chains. Home production refers to small wholesale production, which has competitors in the form of large manufacturers specializing in the production of similar products.

Network merchants work in strict conditions on terms of delivery. And this is not always an acceptable condition for an individual entrepreneur. Due to small volumes of production and lack of own space in supermarkets, it is not possible to count on sales through network sellers.

At the beginning of creating his own business, an entrepreneur should make a complete analysis of the market and its competitiveness. Weigh all the alternatives, calculate the possibilities and draw significant conclusions based on this.

Pay special attention to the price of these products in your city or region, compare the volumes of a specific base. Your products should be sold on time, and only then the losses from force majeure will be minimal.

Cheese dairy business plan

If we take as a basis the production volume of up to 100 kg of cheese per day, then three types of costs will be required - constant, one-time and monthly. And if you are interested in how much it costs to open a cheese factory, then pay attention to these indicators.

Fixed costs for each month:

  1. Rent of premises for the production of cheese - 45,000 rubles (area up to 60 square meters).
  2. Payments for utilities within the limits of 30,000 rubles per month.
  3. Monthly salary for employees, taking into account insurance deductions for 4 people, is 90,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising your products - up to 15,000 rubles.
  5. Unforeseen expenses - 40,000 rubles.

Total: 220,000 rubles.

One-time costs:

  1. Purchase of the necessary equipment with its delivery and installation - 350,000 rubles.
  2. Registration of your business and organization of work - 50,000 rubles.
  3. Hiring and training employees - 30,000 rubles.
  4. Indoor repair and cleaning - 250,000 rubles.
  5. Other expenses - 30,000 rubles.

The total approximate expense is: 710,000 rubles.

Estimated income:

  1. Cheese production for 23 working days - 2300 kg.
  2. The cost of cheese products for sale is 210 rubles per kg.
  3. The price of raw materials for manufacturing is 60 rubles per kg.
  4. The price for all raw materials per month is 160,000 rubles.
  5. Monthly income 500,000 rubles.
  6. Profit for the month minus the purchase of raw materials - 300,000 rubles.

From the total revenue, you need to subtract the amount for fixed expenses, and in the end you get the expected result.

Important: when calculating, one should take into account the possibility of fluctuations in numbers both up and down. From the amount received, deduct 15% for tax payment and get the amount of net income for the month. The entrepreneur will see the expected payback no earlier than in 6 months.

Registration of a cheese factory in Russia

For the full-fledged conduct of their business, an entrepreneur needs to undergo legal registration of his enterprise. You can register your business:

  • as a farm with mandatory taxation of 6%;
  • joint-stock company (JSC) with a simplified taxation system of 15%.

Important: when registering, an entrepreneur should contact the branch of the Federal Tax Service of Russia at the place of residence.

The entrepreneur should collect the following documents:

  • a copy of the passport of a citizen of the country;
  • application form for opening production;
  • application for the transition to a simplified taxation system;
  • TIN certificate;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty.

Registration will take at least three business days. When submitting documents, the applicant is given a receipt.

Product certification is the main component for its possible implementation in the future. This requires a list of documents:

  • application for product certification;
  • documents of a legal entity;
  • raw material certification.

After the submission of all documents, the newly opened enterprise is entered into the database of the State Register of Objects of the GOST RF Certification System.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a cheese production

To conduct production for the manufacture of cheese products, a sequence of actions should be clearly developed. We should not forget about the requirements for the premises, the purchase of raw materials and equipment, the recruitment of personnel for work. For a better understanding, we will consider each item separately.

Step 1. Room

The owner of the cheese production must take into account all the technical standards and requirements of the regulations that apply to the premises. Otherwise, he faces an administrative penalty.

Room requirements:

  • high-quality lighting, heating and water supply;
  • the presence of a working sewer system;
  • renovation of the premises and wall decoration with antibacterial tiles;
  • working ventilation system and fire safety equipment.

Step 2. Purchase of raw materials

An important stage is the purchase and preparation of raw materials for production. The main ingredient for cheese is milk.

The technological process makes it possible to use cow, goat and sheep milk. You can get it in the following ways:

  • purchase of raw materials from private individuals;
  • on farms;
  • keeping your own herd.

The first method is not suitable due to the unreliability of product quality. The purchase of raw materials is best done in farms. In order to avoid the acquisition of low-quality raw materials, distributors must be required to provide documentary evidence of certification of the products sold.

The best option is to grow your herd. Then the entrepreneur will be sure of the quality of the main raw material.

This also applies to the processing and cultivation of special additives, for example, spices to create new varieties of cheese products.

Transportation of milk can be carried out on your own transport. This is beneficial because the employee will be responsible for compliance with the rules for the transportation and delivery of raw materials to the storage location. Store milk for further processing in clean closed containers in refrigeration equipment.

Conditions for the purchase of milk:

  1. A veterinary certificate must confirm the quality of the milk.
  2. The temperature of the purchased milk should not exceed 12 normal units.
  3. The fat content of the product is up to 3%.
  4. Does not contain antibiotics.

Step 3 Equipment

Without special equipment and additional devices, the technology will not be sustained at any of the stages of cheese production. You will need:

  1. Forming equipment.
  2. Closed storage tanks for raw materials.
  3. Filters for milk processing.
  4. Baths or pools for long-term pasteurization.
  5. Cheese ripening chambers.
  6. Milk coolers.
  7. Racks for sorting and ripening finished products.
  8. Paraffiners for long-term storage of cheese.
  9. Containers for moving products.
  10. Press tables.

For mini-workshops, you can purchase a ready-made line with the desired performance factor. To process 600 liters of milk, an automatic line of 120 meters is enough.

The quality of products depends on the operation of the equipment, so it is better to buy your own than to rent for a while.

For the production of cheese at home, Italian-made lines are most suitable. The optimal ratio of price and quality, as well as the use of high technology will help to make products excellent in taste.

It is best to purchase equipment from direct suppliers, agreeing on its further maintenance.

The cost of domestic equipment starts from 180,000 rubles, but it does not differ in high performance. Although in conditions of small production it is quite possible to obtain soft, hard cheese and sour cream in minimal volumes.

Step 4. Employees

To service the line in a small production, up to 3 people will be needed. Also, your business cannot do without the help of a cheese-making technologist. His knowledge will help develop new types of cheeses and will be required in many technological aspects of cheese making.

Also, you can not do without a manager for the sale and supply of products. If it is not possible to hire such a unit, then the owner will have to take over its functions.

Personnel must be registered for work officially, in accordance with the laws of the country.

Documents for applying for a job:

  1. Passport and its copy.
  2. Employment history.
  3. Food Industry Diploma or Certificate of Completion of Similar Courses.
  4. Military ID.
  5. Sanitary book.

Very important: it is not allowed to demand from citizens entering work documents prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Technology for the production of sour-milk cheese at home

Knowledge of the technological process makes it possible to correctly develop a cheese dairy business plan. The choice of equipment is based on the factor what type of cheese you have come up with to make - sour-milk or rennet.

The production of sour milk cheese includes the following processes:

  • curdling milk with heat and additional spices;
  • formation of cheese mass;
  • packaging in special containers and transportation for sale.

Recipe for sour milk cheese at home "Skyr":

  1. Boil 1 liter of fresh milk.
  2. Pour 1 liter of curdled milk into boiling milk.
  3. Boil the mixture for 4 minutes (carefully monitor the rise of the foam).
  4. Remove the container from the heat and strain the whey.
  5. Gently press the resulting cheese to drain excess liquid.

As a result of cooking, a product with a delicate creamy taste will be obtained. Cheese can be tasted immediately.

Recipe for Lithuanian sour milk cheese at home:

  1. Sprinkle the finished cottage cheese with salt and mix.
  2. The resulting mass is twisted twice in a meat grinder.
  3. Add spices to taste and mix well.
  4. Cheese is formed in canvas or linen bags.
  5. The bags are pressed down with a load or a press and incubated for 12 hours.

The cheese obtained according to this recipe has a pleasant aroma and light taste.

Technology for the production of rennet cheese at home

Rennet cheese is made using a special rennet. Thanks to this leaven, the production of this product is very fast. In addition to rennet, various spices, dried fruits, nuts and herbs are added to the cheese. For the production of cheese of this type, a certain technology is needed. But at home, it is quite possible to make a tasty and healthy dish.

Recipe for rennet cheese "Mozzarella" at home.

To make cheese you need:

  • milk - 1 liter;
  • rennet - 10 grams;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 1 liter.


  1. Heat milk, add lemon juice and rennet.
  2. Stir and prevent boiling.
  3. Squeeze out the resulting mass and drain the whey.
  4. Boil water with salt and gently lower the cheese into it.
  5. The viscous mass must be kneaded with gloves, dipping several times in water. Cheese should become homogeneous and whole.
  6. Roll the cheese on cling film into a ball, form and leave to cool.

The cheese prepared according to the provided recipe tastes very much like a purchased product. In the same way, you can cook the famous parmesan.

Recipe for rennet cheese with mold at home.

Ingredients you will need:

  • milk - 3 liters;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • rennet - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - half a teaspoon;
  • piece of soft brie cheese.


  1. Mix lemon juice with water.
  2. Heat the milk until hot and pour in the lemon mixture.
  3. While whisking the mixture, dissolve the rennet in it.
  4. Cut the resulting thickened mass with a slotted spoon and leave for 10 minutes until whey appears.
  5. Put the container with the mass on the fire and mix thoroughly until the cheese begins to settle to the bottom.
  6. Drain the whey and salt the cheese.
  7. Divide the resulting product into molds.
  8. Let the cheese stand for several days in the refrigerator, wrap in a cloth before cooling.
  9. After a few days, cut a piece of brie cheese and rub the resulting product with the side with mold. This is necessary in order for the disputes to penetrate inside.
  10. Transfer the cheese to a container and leave in the refrigerator for 10 days.
  11. After 10 days, turn the cheese in the container over to the other side.
  12. When the cheese ripens (this takes 1 month), it can be served at the table.

This type of homemade cheese will turn out with a spicy aroma and mushroom taste.

What else can be produced in a cheese factory?

In the conditions of stable operation of the cheese factory, it is also possible to produce:

  • processed cheese;
  • soft cheeses;
  • elite varieties of cheeses;
  • suluguni;
  • tofu;
  • Adyghe cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • sour cream;
  • cream with a high percentage of fat and fat-free;
  • kefir;
  • bioyogurt;
  • glazed curds;
  • cheese mass;
  • butter;
  • cheese dessert;
  • soft cheese cream;
  • drinking yogurt with fruit additives.

Greek yogurt recipe

This delicious dessert differs from the classic version with its soft texture and resemblance to buttercream.

Ingredients needed to make it:

  • 1 liter of fresh milk;
  • 250 ml. plain yogurt.


  1. Boil milk and leave to cool until warm.
  2. Dilute yogurt with a little milk.
  3. Combine liquid yogurt with chilled milk.
  4. Cover the container and leave it in a warm place for 8 hours.
  5. After aging, carefully put the yogurt in the refrigerator for a day. You don't need to stir or shake it.
  6. After a day, strain it through two layers of gauze and allow excess liquid to drain.
  7. Put the resulting Greek yogurt in the refrigerator to set for 3 hours.
  8. After the time has passed, you can apply.

glazed cheese recipe

This delicate dessert has long gained its popularity among consumers. A simple recipe makes it possible to make your favorite delicacy in any quantity.

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 g of fatty cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of high-fat cream;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 200 g dark chocolate;
  • 200 g milk chocolate;
  • nuts, dried apricots, raisins or jam as desired.


  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add cream to it and beat.
  2. Add the selected additional ingredients - nuts or dried apricots - to the resulting cheese mass.
  3. Roll the mass into a bar, spread out in special forms and refrigerate for 1 hour to solidify.
  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and dip the curd bar into it.
  5. Arrange the resulting dessert on a wire rack and send for 2 hours in the refrigerator to solidify.

In the recipe, you can change the ingredients or apply other technologies.

Advantages and disadvantages of cheese making as a business

When it comes to the question of how to profitably open a cheese factory, they always begin to consider the advantages of this idea. They can be safely attributed to:

  1. The demand for a cheese product among the population.
  2. Acceptable price for raw materials for the manufacture of products.
  3. The ban on the import of imported products, which makes it possible to promote the goods of local producers.

Every business has its own pitfalls and risks, so you need to be prepared for them.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Short shelf life of some cheese products.
  2. High competition.
  3. The unsatisfactory quality of raw materials entails the manufacture of low-quality products.
  4. Lack of distribution channels.

Sales of cheese products

The sale of cheese needs to be adjusted gradually, focusing on consumer demand. Any legal means is suitable for the sale of products. First you need to look at the price of goods in city markets, shops and trade pavilions. Constant advertising of your product allows you to form a circle of regular customers.

The main task is to orient the assortment of goods to consumer demand. For example, if many customers appreciate soft cheese varieties, then it is necessary to work on the development of new technologies in this direction.

Important: the ability to listen to the wishes of customers, follow useful tips and hear information will depend on the production of cheese at home as a business.

Also, a traveling truck shop can provide a constant sale of cheese to remote regions. A good channel for the sale of goods is catering establishments: restaurants, cafes, fast food enterprises, pizzerias.

Opening your company store with a "cheese" name in a crowded place will attract a certain flow of customers.

Try to establish contact with intermediaries who can sell your products.

Calculating the profitability of cheese making

When working in the food industry, do not expect quick profits. But a properly established production with a thoroughly drawn up business plan will guarantee a good income in the future. A cheese factory cannot exist without the necessary raw materials, and farmers will be interested in your business developing and bringing benefits. As soon as the cheese factory returns the initial investment, then only we can talk about its profitability.

The main criteria for the profitability of the cheese business.

  1. The purchasing power of the population.
  2. The variety and quality of the range.
  3. Equipment with high production capacity.
  4. Qualified specialists.
  5. Established points of sale.
  6. A room with special climatic conditions and refrigeration equipment.

Payback can be expected for each type of activity at different times. For example:

  • for home production up to 2 years;
  • farming - up to 3 years;
  • mini-cheese factories - up to 1.5 years;
  • large-scale enterprise up to 4 years.

The Importance of Promotions

Can be used:

  • distribution of booklets, business cards, flyers;
  • badges, mugs and pencils with your company logo;
  • announcement in the media;
  • site on the Internet;
  • colorful signs with pointers;
  • promotions with free tasting of products;
  • prizes for bulk purchase.

Organization of a business from scratch, subject to a competent approach, will allow you to have a constant profit. A large assortment of goods is a confirmation of the reliability of the company and the opportunity to increase its income. No need to rush and hope for special luck. It is best to write a well-thought-out business plan, calculate your investments and reap the benefits of your success, and not be ignorant and jealous of competitors. And do not forget that successful people always attract money to themselves.