Instructions on how to open your hotel from scratch. Own business: opening a mini-hotel What you need to open a hotel

  • 18.06.2022

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Owning your own hotel business is the dream of many entrepreneurs. Moreover, this direction is considered promising and profitable. The gradual development of the tourism business in our country leads to the development of the hotel industry. Moreover, not only large global concerns, but also small companies and even individual private entrepreneurs open their own hotels in Russia.

Experts believe that the most popular these days are not large hotel complexes, but the so-called mini-hotels. The cost of accommodation there is much lower, and the level of service is often not much inferior to the level of service in hotels that are part of a large chain. Moreover, economy class seats are of the greatest interest when it comes to large cities. Mini-hotels include establishments with up to fifty rooms. In addition to the actual rooms, guests can be offered a cafe-bar, a sauna or a bathhouse, billiards and even a swimming pool.

Russian hotel business operators offer two main options for their customers: accommodation in a first-class hotel, where the cost of a room in large cities can be over 10 thousand rubles per day, or two-, three-star hotels, where you can rent a room for 1,000 rubles per day. For this reason, it is this intermediate segment of economy class hotels that attracts the greatest attention of entrepreneurs who own private houses or cottages.

If you still decide to try your hand at the hotel business, you should decide in advance on the format of your future hotel and its location. The most common option is a small hotel in a large city (first of all, its guests are visitors and business travelers).

Renting an apartment or house as a hotel from a third party is not the best option. You will spend a lot of money on repairing premises that, in fact, will not belong to you.

Another problem is the high cost of rent, which will force you to increase the prices for your guests. And, finally, this option is associated with many risks - from increasing rental rates to changing the owners of an apartment or house.

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A slightly better option is to build your own building for a small hotel. Firstly, if you live in a large city, then there is a high probability that you will not be able to find a favorable place for building (ideally in the city center or at least close to it and a transport interchange).

For all these reasons, in most cases, a small part of an existing or former hostel, basements, several apartments located on the same landing or on two floors at once are used as a small hotel, and a part of a residential building or a detached building is purchased for these purposes.

Communal apartments are very popular for organizing mini-hotels, which are settled and then repaired. In this way, six to eight separate numbers can be created. At the same time, ordinary apartments are less convenient in terms of planning for restructuring. Accordingly, the costs of redevelopment and additional engineering approvals from the BTI will be much higher. On the other hand, having a separate entrance and an entrance with 24-hour security or a concierge will be your advantage.

Consider the total costs of such a hotel project. They are made up of the market value of the property itself, the cost of repairs and redevelopment (if necessary). Add to this the cost of buying furniture, conducting electrical wiring, installing plumbing and other equipment. According to approximate estimates, they will amount to about 10-13 thousand rubles per square meter.

Note that this is the cheapest option for organizing a mini-hotel, which does not fully comply with the requirements of the law. After all, if you do everything right, your hotel should be located in non-residential premises and meet a number of requirements of the SES, fire supervision and safety standards. A license to open and run a hotel business is not required, but many owners of mini-hotels undergo voluntary certification at the Rospromtest certification center. To issue voluntary certificates or not is a difficult question. On the one hand, certificates are necessary if you are aiming to develop your business, because they guarantee a high quality of service and safety for your guests, and on the other hand, obtaining them is associated with considerable financial and time costs.

Ready-made ideas for your business

If the design of your hotel and its development plan assumes the presence of catering facilities, then you will also need to obtain a license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages.

It will also take a lot of effort and time to transfer premises from the housing stock to non-residential, obtaining all the necessary permits and approvals. There is nothing surprising in the fact that many owners of such hotel establishments do not register and do not issue any permits, acting illegally. First of all, this concerns hotels, the number of rooms in which does not exceed four and which are located in small apartments. Thus, their owners reduce their costs through tax evasion and can set the cost of living in their "hotels" below the average market.

Ready-made ideas for your business

But this scheme of work has its obvious drawbacks. Let's start with the fact that this activity is illegal and any complaint from a dissatisfied client to the relevant authorities will lead to its termination, and the owner of the "gray" business will have to pay considerable fines. Add to this a sharp limitation in the number of your customers and partners. For example, you will not be able to accept corporate clients (travelers), as your company will not be able to provide them with documents for financial reporting.

For the same reason, you will be extremely limited when promoting your hotel services through the media, you will not be able to add information about it to various directories. True, many entrepreneurs are not afraid of all this, and they quite successfully get by with word of mouth. The capacity of such mini-hotels is extremely small, and the costs of organizing them are minimal, so the payback period for semi-legal establishments is much shorter than for those who conduct their business according to the law, and, according to various sources, are a little more than two years.

Demand for mini-hotel services depends on the season. However, the season may vary, depending on their location. For example, when located in a recreational area, consider the flow of tourists and vacationers. If the hotel is located in a large city, then the season falls on those months when applicants from the region and other cities come to enter the universities of your city. Partly among the competitors of mini-hotels can be called private apartments and apartments, which are rented by their owners by the day. However, hotels are still intended for longer stays and in this case are more profitable than apartments rented for a day.

As the experience of other entrepreneurs shows, the main factor that guides people when choosing a mini-hotel is still the price, and not at all a beautiful renovation or a very convenient location (although these two conditions are of some importance, especially if you are focusing on more paying audience). But if you count on a constant influx of customers and rely on mass character, it is worth minimizing costs and, consequently, the cost of services. Savings are achieved, as a rule, by optimizing costs.

Ready-made ideas for your business

There are a lot of different tricks in the hotel business. Even saving on small things as a result allows you to save a lot of money. Unfortunately, all these things are not taught anywhere, they are comprehended only in practice. But it is important to remember that saving should not turn into greed and in no case go to the detriment of the convenience of your guests. For example, you can buy liquid soaps and shampoos and put them in dispensers, which will help you save a lot. However, you should not completely remove the standard set of detergents from the room.

Experienced entrepreneurs who have been working in the hotel business for a long time know that their income directly depends on whether their guests like the living conditions or not. Therefore, they offer guests the opportunity to make free phone calls within the city (except for calls to mobile phones), Internet access, copying services (these services can be provided for a fee, at the request of customers).

The other two conditions for the success of your business are maximum cleanliness and a high level of service. This can be achieved without great expense. If you position your hotel as a budget establishment with affordable prices, you should not invest in the development of design projects for each room, in expensive repairs, furniture and utensils. But it’s definitely not worth saving on the services of a cleaning lady.

Another important issue is the careful selection of service personnel. Even if the entire staff of your hotel includes one administrator, two maids, a cook, a dishwasher and a cleaner, this does not mean that you can afford to serve your guests badly. The usual signs of attention, courtesy and helpfulness will create the most favorable impression about your hotel. As professionals say, the success and popularity of a hotel establishment directly depends on the atmosphere that develops in it.

Also make sure that your guests do not worry about their safety. Many, even the smallest hotels, install panic buttons, safes for storing valuables of guests, offer them life, health and property insurance services. In addition, if the client is going to settle in a hotel for a rather long period, its owners often offer to resolve issues with temporary registration.

Nutrition deserves special attention. Some hotels offer only partial meals (for example, only breakfast and hot drinks), some do not have their own kitchen, ordering all meals in a nearby cafe or restaurant, or even purchasing ready-made meals in grocery stores. As experienced hotel owners say, the cost of organizing a kitchen and preparing lunches and dinners rarely pays off.

Mini-hotels that exist in large cities can be divided into three main types - an ordinary apartment without much renovation in a residential area, a large apartment (3-6 rooms) in good condition and apartments in a private house. Accordingly, the cost of staying in such hotels also changes, which can range from 500 to 3000 rubles per day.

It is widely believed that the payback period for a small hotel for long-term leases is from 15 years. However, in practice they turn out to be somewhat less - from 5-6 to 9-12 years.

The cost of opening a short-term rental mini-hotel can be returned even faster - within the first three years of operation (subject to renting rooms by the day and renting for at least six months a year). When doing your calculations, factor in the monthly costs of maintaining your hotel, which will be about a third of its income. This amount includes payroll, utility bills, equipment repair and maintenance costs.

Opening a mini hotel is a good business idea for entrepreneurs who have good management skills, are able to organize work competently and reduce unnecessary expenses. The appeal of this idea lies in the fact that people are constantly in need of hotel services, even during the economic crisis. Only the focus of demand is changing from luxury to standard or economy. In this article, we present a detailed mini-hotel business plan that will help you organize your work properly, calculate the profitability and payback of the business, conduct a SWOT analysis and build a competent marketing strategy.

In order to immediately determine the format of the business, it should be stipulated that the number of rooms in a mini hotel, according to GOST, should be within 3-15 rooms. At the same time, business can be implemented in several directions at once. This includes the creation of youth hostels and the opening of cozy family hotels. A 15-room hotel, which will attract the attention of business travelers and tourists, will be much more expensive for a novice businessman.

GOST also regulates the placement of a mini hotel only in a separate building with its own entrance. You may need an emergency exit - these moments will already be set by the Fire Inspectorate.

Mini hotel can be located only in the non-residential fund.

Despite the economic instability in the country, the demand for hotel services has not fallen. Today, preference is given not to luxury hotels, but to practical and inexpensive mini-hotels that can offer quality service at an affordable price.

Let's dwell on the main points that you should pay attention to in order to launch a successful project.

The implementation of any project is preceded by a stage of careful planning. No matter how original and relevant the business idea is, without strategic planning, analysis of the competitive environment, market capacity, it is impossible to launch a project.

The hotel business is associated with large investments and, perhaps, it will not be possible to manage without the assistance of investors. On the other hand, the profit from this business promises to be large.

A business plan will allow you to build a strategy for the actions that are necessary for the successful implementation of the idea.

The document must:

  • justify the relevance of the idea;
  • perform an analysis of the environment in which the business will develop;
  • calculate additional sources of financing;
  • create a schedule for completing tasks.

Evaluation of a business idea: pros and cons

Before starting to draw up a business plan, let's analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this project, identifying the strengths and weaknesses.


  • High demand. In many ways, this aspect depends on the attractiveness of the region and the location of the hotel. Therefore, to choose a place, be guided by an analysis of the competitive environment, study transport accessibility, the location of the bus and railway station, and the presence of attractions near the object.
  • Regular customers. With a properly developed marketing strategy and a high level of service, you will be able to occupy your niche in the market and work with regular customers who will promote your hotel through word of mouth for free.
  • High income opportunity. Well-organized hotel business, profitable at 30-35% of the settlement. And already at 50% of the settlement, it begins to generate income.


  • High competition. Considering the stability of this business and the possibility of obtaining a high income, many novice businessmen turn their attention towards opening inexpensive mini hotels. With a properly built strategy and high quality of services, this disadvantage can be leveled.
  • Large start-up capital. This business is associated with large financial investments, without which it is impossible to organize a company. Renting a room or purchasing your own property, renovation, purchase of furniture and equipment - all this will require investment.

Where to start - determine the format of the hotel

Before making a cost estimate, you need to determine what size and concept your mini hotel will be.

Starting a business - where to start?

  • A small mini hotel is designed for 10-12 people and allows you to create 3-4 separate rooms for overnight stay. Such forms are distinguished by a quiet, comfortable environment and, in comparison with other options, do not require large investments. But in this case, one should not expect a large income.
  • The average size of the hotel is designed for 15-20 guests.
  • If you decide to open a hotel with 15 rooms and the possibility of simultaneously receiving up to 40 guests, you are in for a big investment. To open such a business, entrepreneurs buy out part of apartment buildings or build separate mansions, originally designed for the hotel business. The disadvantage of this option is a serious investment, plus - the possibility of large profits.

Before opening a mini hotel, it is important to make sure that it will be able to offer its customers all the necessary services.

The range of services largely depends on the chosen target audience, as well as the saturation of the competitive environment.

Standard service includes:

  • daily housekeeping;
  • wake-up call in the morning at the request of the guests;
  • provision of ironing supplies;
  • delivery of correspondence;
  • change of towels at least once every three days;
  • calling an ambulance and providing a first aid kit;
  • safe;
  • change of bed linen at least once every five days;
  • taxi call.
  • breakfast in the room;
  • sauna;
  • billiard room;
  • providing access to a computer with Internet access;
  • swimming pool.

Market analysis

Given the high competition of this business, it is necessary to clearly define the target audience for which the hotel will be designed.

It can be:

  • tourists;
  • vacationers;
  • people who came for treatment;
  • travel allowances;
  • romantic clientele.

Each group of people will have their own requirements, so you need to be clear about what category of customers your business is designed for.

Analyze the market and highlight the main players in your region. As a rule, a greater number of hotels are concentrated in places of mass congestion of tourists. But quiet sleeping areas or the entrance to the city are often ignored by businessmen. Calculate the feasibility of placing a mini hotel, depending on the range of services and the selected target audience.

Pay attention to the fact that the location next to the attraction and the mass congestion of tourists largely determines the seasonality of the business.


This indicator is significantly influenced by such factors as:

  • competitive environment;
  • hotel location;
  • range of services;
  • room category;
  • selected target audience.

The average price range of mini hotels ranges from 1400-1800 rubles per day, with breakfast included.

SWOT analysis

To determine the strengths and weaknesses of the business, we will perform a small SWOT analysis.

Strengths of the mini hotel:

  • high quality of service;
  • high demand;
  • design renovation;
  • location in the park area;
  • additional level of service (breakfast in the room, transfer, laundry).

Weak side:

  • large investments;
  • lack of parking;
  • high competition.

  • economic instability in the country;
  • emergencies, accidents;
  • seasonal demand.

Project features:

  • increase in demand;
  • powerful advertising;
  • offering an additional service.

Production plan

The main production costs include:

  • buying real estate (or renting);
  • purchase of furniture and equipment;
  • room renovation.

organizational plan

The hotel business is in the field of view of the state. To register it, you will need a certain package of documents. As a rule, mini hotels are registered as LLC, which allows them to work on a more favorable taxation scheme.

When contacting the tax office, prepare the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee (800 rubles).
  • Application form P21001.

To open a business, you must have the following documents on hand:

  • the charter, which will spell out the type of activity of the enterprise;
  • current account of the enterprise;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty;
  • authorized capital;
  • minutes of the meeting of the founders (if required).

To open a hotel, it is necessary to obtain a License, which gives the right to provide public services.

As for the form of taxation, this choice will depend on the scale of the hotel. For a medium-sized business, it is advisable to choose a single tax. In the future, with the development of the project, you can always switch to another form of taxation.

After registering all the primary documents, you need to get a conclusion from the fire inspectorate and the sanitary and epidemiological station that the hotel complies with all legal standards.

In order to obtain such a Conclusion, the following documents must be submitted to the relevant authorities:

  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur (or LLC);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate confirming tax registration and taxation form;
  • a lease agreement for premises or a document confirming ownership;
  • employees' medical records.

Personnel search

An important stage in the opening of a mini-hotel will be the search and selection of personnel. The success of the enterprise largely depends on the level of qualification, their communication skills and appearance.

Considering that the mini hotel will work around the clock, the work of the staff will need to be organized in 2-3 shifts.

For the operation of a hotel with 10 rooms, you will need about 5-7 employees. The larger the hotel, the wider the staff, respectively. At the first stages, you can combine managerial functions, as well as the functions of a production manager. However, over time, you will encounter the need to separate them.

The main staff units are:

  • Administrator. Given the round-the-clock work of the hotel, you will need at least two people who will receive guests, keep order, and answer phone calls.
  • Maid, whose duties will include cleaning rooms, changing and washing linen, order in the recreation area and in the kitchen.
  • Accountant. With a small hotel format, you can find a person who will combine the functions of an accountant and an administrator.

If the range of hotel services is not limited to standard room cleaning, but involves the presence of a sauna, serving breakfast, you will need to hire a cook. However, this type of service can be organized in another way.

It is enough to conclude a partnership agreement with a cafe or restaurant, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the hotel. This will save money on paying for the services of a cook and purchasing equipment for cooking.

Room search

The level of service and the range of services that you can offer to customers largely depend on the right choice of premises.

Pay special attention to the area where the mini-hotel will be located. If there is an industrial zone nearby, nightclubs, a market, a railway - all this will significantly reduce the demand for your business services and affect pricing.

As for the issue of renting a room or acquiring real estate, the issue of investment and payback should be carefully studied.


The ideal place is the central part of the city, a quiet residential area, the entrance or exit from the city.

Pay attention to the following criteria when selecting a building to buy or rent:

  • successful transport interchange;
  • attractiveness in terms of the tourist route;
  • place for parking;
  • quiet cozy area.

Many owners prefer to open mini hotels in the city center, which provides good traffic. The downside of this is only the high price of real estate, which will significantly reduce the payback period.

In addition, there are a number of standards that a mini-hotel must comply with.

You will need to provide:

  • constant cold and hot water supply;
  • power supply;
  • the air temperature in the room is not less than 18.5 degrees;
  • television broadcasting;
  • ventilation;
  • telephone connection.

And if the optimal microclimate of the hotel will help to create household appliances, then you will not be able to influence the noise level, smells.

Experienced owners of the hotel industry are advised to be very careful in choosing the location of the hotel and to come to the place more than once at different times of the day and year in order to correctly determine all the advantages and disadvantages.

Please also pay attention to the requirements for the size and staffing of rooms.

The area of ​​a single room should not be less than 9 square meters.

The area of ​​a double room must not be less than 12 square meters.

For multi-bed rooms, the following calculation applies: base 9 square meters + 6 sq.m. for each guest. The only exceptions are seasonal mini-hotels - in this case, 4.5 square meters can fall on one person.

The staffing of hotel rooms is regulated by GOST as follows:

  • bed;
  • table;
  • chair;
  • cabinet;
  • a place to store things;
  • mirror;
  • one lamp (minimum);
  • carpet or bedside rug;
  • door lock;
  • curtains.

Also, upon check-in, each room must have a set of bed linen, a set of towels.


The success of the hotel depends on the quality and stylish renovation, because this will be the hallmark of the mini hotel. Therefore, this issue must be approached responsibly and not save money on design.

After the completion of the repair and arrangement of furniture, you should take care of other important points in the organization of the hotel business.

You should focus on the following criteria:

  • provide customers with drinking water;
  • install fire-fighting equipment and purchase fire-fighting equipment;
  • provide cleaning of the hotel premises, processing of towels and bed linen;
  • ensure the maintenance of cleaning equipment and equipment;
  • take care of the maintenance of adjacent territories in proper condition;
  • provide waste disposal, as well as protection from various insects and rodents.

When the initial issues are resolved, a suitable room is selected, it's time to start purchasing equipment for work.

When selecting equipment and furniture for a mini-hotel, be guided by the following rules:

  • room equipment should not be luxurious, but too cheap furniture is out of place;
  • choose durable and comfortable furniture and textiles;
  • the ideal option is to purchase special hotel equipment. Depending on the price level and target audience, choose a set from the economy class or luxury category.

Even in a small hotel, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. The beauty of the interior alone will not attract a client. In a hotel, he needs convenience first and foremost.

  • rooms (beds, tables, chairs, TVs, split systems, wardrobes, mirrors);
  • laundry (washing machine and dryer);
  • reception (bar counter, armchair, coffee table, sofa, chairs for staff;
  • means of communication;
  • plumbing;

Marketing plan

How you will promote the service in the market must be taken care of long before the hotel is opened. A plan should be drawn up, including a detailed description of the proposed activities to promote the service.

In this article, we present classic marketing techniques

In order for the mini hotel to become popular and recognizable, it is necessary to choose a sonorous and capacious name for it, and also to create a unique logo. This data is placed on a signboard, business cards, leaflets and any promotional materials.

Important! Instagram, the VK thematic group and the YouTube channel are best suited for promotion.

Financial plan

Calculation of starting investments

  • Regional feature.
  • Market saturation.
  • The quality and level of service of the hotel.

We will give general items of expenditure (with an indication of the average cost in Russia), which cannot be dispensed with when opening a hotel.

  • Buying or renting premises. In the first case, you need to have at least 10-20 million rubles. The price will vary greatly depending on the region and the choice of the location of the hotel. Renting a building for 15 rooms will cost 80-100 thousand rubles. Obviously, the acquisition of premises in the property is much more efficient and economical.
  • Room renovation. This factor determines the status of the hotel, its category of "star" and is a hallmark. Therefore, a stylish design is indispensable.
  • Purchase of furniture, plumbing, household appliances - from 1 million rubles.
  • Paperwork will cost about 300 thousand.
  • The cost of a marketing company - from 100 thousand.

Monthly costs

For the normal functioning of the business, you will have to make certain injections of funds every month. The costs can be presented as follows:

  • employees' wages. Depending on the format of the business, the number of states can be 100 thousand rubles a month.
  • payment for utilities is a significant item of expenditure and will amount to approximately 40 thousand rubles a month;
  • taxes from 20 thousand rubles;
  • consumables - 10 thousand rubles.

Total: 170 thousand rubles.

When determining the pricing policy of your business, carefully analyze the market in your region and the offers of competitors. It is important to understand what exactly competitors include in the standard set of services.

In some mini hotels, the price consists of only one bed with a standard set of services.

Other owners offer extended service, which affects the price. Of course, each of these categories will have its own target audience. You, in order to avoid mistakes and not to overestimate or, on the contrary, not to underestimate the price, you need to clearly calculate the profitability.

The cost of living 1 person / day 1000 rubles, load 80%

20 people * 1500 * 30 days = 600,000 rubles

With a successfully built marketing strategy, good location and high quality of services provided, the profitability of the hotel business ranges from 15 to 75 percent.

The return on investment is 4-5 years.

Additionally, to increase profitability and increase profits, you can implement related services:

  • laundry, ironing;
  • snacks in vending machines;
  • TV, game consoles;
  • massage;
  • billiards, board games;
  • excursion services;
  • food;
  • transfer, etc.

Important nuances for organizing a mini hotel

In addition to production costs, it is important to take care of the following nuances for opening a mini hotel:

  • good security needs to be in place. Do not neglect hiring additional staff (guards) and installing alarms.
  • the hotel must provide round-the-clock check-in for guests;
  • for catering in hotels, you will need additional permits and codes in the registration documents.


The hotel business, despite high competition and large start-up investments, can bring good profits. It is important to clearly define the target audience, choose the right place and correctly perform pricing.

The high professionalism of the staff, high-quality repairs will become the hallmarks of the hotel and will serve as additional advertising, so the implementation of these points of the plan must be approached with all responsibility.

Video. Business plan for opening a mini hotel

It is gaining more and more popularity both from customers and from those who want to open their own profitable business. This is facilitated by developing tourism and business trips, which have already become part of the lifestyle of a business person.

It is cheaper for businesses to pay for a room in a hostel or hotel than to rent a separate apartment for an employee. Each city tries its best to attract tourists to its region. Therefore, the hotel business becomes a profitable business.

The main thing is to correctly assess your strengths and choose the type of hotels for which there will be the least competition. But the quality and range of services provided must be on top. This article contains a comprehensive answer to the current question of how to open a hotel business from scratch and what is needed for this.

If you buy several communal apartments for a future mini-hotel, you will have to make a lot of effort to register the BTI. It takes a lot of time to obtain all the necessary certificates - fire system, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions, certificates for the services provided, etc.

If the presence of alcoholic beverages is expected, then a separate license must be obtained for them. To avoid queues and waste of time, you can use the My Business services on the Internet, which work online. There you can find a complete package of documents, forms, applications that are needed to open an IP.

After collecting all the documents, obtaining the necessary permits, it's time to deal directly with the arrangement of the premises themselves. Refurbishment and repair is always present at the initial stage. The purchase of furniture, plumbing and kitchen equipment, equipment will certainly follow the repair.

Pay a significant share of attention to the selection of personnel for your hotel business. The most basic features that every major hotel provides:

  • meeting clients in the hall - hall and their further accommodation depending on the possibilities and wishes;
  • cleaning and room service;
  • cooking according to the menu;
  • control by the security service;
  • quick response of the engineering and technical service to malfunctions;
  • financial and commercial department;
  • other employees who perform additional or support functions.

As you can see, this is the minimum list of services that a hotel should provide. If your city has strong competition, then consider expanding or innovating this list. For example, hire not just a cook, but a pastry chef.

Freshly baked pastries according to an individual recipe perfectly complement a cup of tea or coffee during breakfast. Specify dishes for the younger generation in the menu. It is desirable that the chef or his assistant be creative in serving food.

It is very important to focus on politeness No client will use the services of the hotel again if his stay in the room was accompanied by constant rudeness and rudeness.

The quality of your workforce directly affects the reputation and competitiveness of the hotel itself. Therefore, if employees perform their duties with high quality, stimulate them with good salaries, bonuses, etc. Find a competent administrator who will represent the face of the hotel.

To get a regular profit, you need to develop a permanent customer base. For greater profitability, the average daily occupancy of the hotel should be at least 60%. To attract a flow of customers, take the time and money to advertise.

Publish ads on websites on the Internet, in newspapers, magazines, banners. You can use the services of a peddler of leaflets and business cards. Order the development of your own website. Of course, these costs should not make up the lion's share of the allocated budget.

If the competition in the region is high enough, try to innovate in your business. Allocate a separate room for a cafe or restaurant, equip a children's room, connect free WiFi, cable or satellite TV, etc.

Remember that customers make money.

Therefore, sometimes conduct unobtrusive surveys or mini-surveys to hear their wishes in a friendly tone, and not then read negative reviews. Cleanliness in the rooms, quality food, polite staff and modern trends will attract not only regular customers, but also new guests.

How to open a hotel - detailed instructions for beginner entrepreneurs. Choosing a hotel format + regulatory framework + business registration procedure. Production, marketing and financial plans of the project. How to open a mini hotel on the sea - features of the tourist niche of the hotel business.

The hotel business is one of the oldest areas that has stable popularity within our country. Business trips, tourist trips - Russia is a huge country, and therefore, there is always a demand for hotel rooms. Today we will talk about how to open a hotel from scratch, and where it is a priority to do this in general - the sea, mountains, large cities, or places where the memos of the Russian Federation are concentrated. After reading the article, you will be able to independently establish a procedure that will lead your business to success.

Is it worth opening your own hotel in 2019-2020 - analysis of the service market

Opening a hotel in Russia is not a problem, the difficulty is keeping it afloat. The target audience that will rent rooms in your establishment will be mainly tourists and workers who are sent to other settlements on duty of their work.

Statistics says that most hotels in our country are large-scale establishments with a large number of rooms. Although it is easier to open a mini-hotel from scratch, not many people want to do such a thing now, but in vain. Unlike large hotels, where the payback period exceeds 6-7 years, mini-hotels are able to return the invested funds 2-3 times faster. When it comes to mini-hotels of apartment type, then here the profitability is even higher, and the payback is at the level of 1-1.5 years.

Trends in the hotel service market in 2019:

  • growth in the level of business activity in large cities of Russia, which leads to a steady increase in demand for hotel services;
  • more than 50% of large cities experience a shortage of hotels;
  • in the economy segment, the lack of mini-hotels for 2 or 3 stars is felt even more strongly;
  • in 2019, the cities of our state are actively developing the tourism sector + infrastructure, and this requires the business to open even more hotels, both mini-format and full-fledged complexes.

Two areas should be separated in which the main competition for individual entrepreneurs will be concentrated - mini hotels and apartments that are rented by the day. Since the price category of the latter is an order of magnitude more profitable for customers, it is necessary to carefully consider the concept of the institution - to introduce periodic bonuses, spend money on a marketing campaign, and the like.

Why open a hotel:

  • high and constant demand;
  • prestige and respectability of the direction in business;
  • a large number of opportunities to reduce start-up costs through partnerships with other infrastructure points in the distribution city;
  • due to the high level of liquidity, in the event of a change in the field of activity, the current business can be easily sold under the hammer or privately;
  • an entrepreneur who decides to open a mini-hotel from scratch can count on help in implementing the idea from the city authorities.

The disadvantages that may affect an individual entrepreneur who decided to open a hotel from scratch include a high start-up capital and a lack of qualified personnel. In addition, the business location area should be taken into account, since about 20% of settlements have an overabundance of offers in this direction. The uneven distribution of demand across the country forces a businessman to conduct an even deeper analysis of the state of the market, since opening a hotel in a place where it will not have customers will put an end to it even before it is launched.

What is included in a deep analysis of the service market:


    Everything is simple here. If there are bars, restaurants and entertainment-type establishments near the potential rental place, it will be more rational to enter into partnerships with them, rather than organize all this from scratch in your own establishment.

    The cost of opening will decrease + you will get connections that can be useful in the further expansion of the business;


    No one forbids a businessman to borrow some useful chips from competitive establishments. Naturally, making a carbon copy of a hotel from scratch does not make sense, because the flow of customers will instantly be divided into two.

    If there is a mini hotel or a guest house nearby, then it would be more rational to open a more respectable 4-5 star hotel nearby, and vice versa;


    Having decided to open a hotel in a metropolis from scratch, this factor of influence is almost imperceptible, because there is a flow of customers there at any time of the year. All because of the target audience for which hotels are designed - employees, students, and so on.

    When the hotel is located on the seashore or near a ski resort, seasonality comes first - the difference between the flow of customers in winter and summer can vary up to 90%.

Even if we take into account the unstable economic situation in our country at the moment, the question of how to open your own hotel from scratch will not lose relevance for many more years, because this service market is growing very slowly, in contrast to the level of demand itself. The right one will help reduce the likelihood of a negative outcome and risks that relate to the hotel business as such. And how exactly it is necessary to develop this document for the hotel, we will analyze further.

How to open a hotel from scratch - a typical business plan for a project

In order to open a hotel from scratch, it is enough to use one of the standard business plans with its own settlement part, which can be found on the Internet. The problem is that for a high-quality and detailed document, you may be required to pay a tidy sum, and you may remain dissatisfied with the end result of the purchase. If you want to get involved in the work from the very beginning, we advise you to develop a plan on your own.

The procedure for an entrepreneur who decides to open a hotel from scratch:

  1. The organizational part, which will include determining the format of the hotel, registering the case with the tax authorities, obtaining all kinds of licensing permits.
  2. Production plan, which will list the staff, requirements for the building, a possible design project (when building a building for a hotel from scratch), and equipment for equipping rooms / bathrooms and the like;
  3. Directly launching the hotel itself or a mini hotel.
  4. The marketing part of the work, through which as many potential customers as possible should learn about the hotel. It is important to create a positive reputation of the institution from the very beginning, because the competitiveness of the hotel in the service market will directly depend on this.
  5. Development and expansion.

It can take up to 3 months from the moment the plan is created to the opening of the hotel, however, the entrepreneur is able to combine some of the activities, thereby reducing the time for project implementation to 1-1.5 months. When a person does not have knowledge in the field in question, the risk of burning out at a hotel increases significantly. You can protect yourself - either hire a specialist in planning and supervision of all stages of the opening, or engage in self-development and attend 3-5 courses / trainings, fortunately, now this training option is not a problem at all, and it costs mere pennies.

1. Format, registration and permissions

The first thing an entrepreneur must decide on when deciding to open a hotel from scratch is what format of the establishment is right for him. It should be understood that the speed of organizing the business and the amount of start-up capital will directly depend on the outcome of this decision.

Starting a hotel from scratch does not mean that a person should build a complex of 100+ rooms. This alignment is unprofitable due to many factors - the duration of the launch, the high cost of the project, and the likelihood of losing the relevance of the business by the time of opening. The best way is to rent premises with the possibility of redevelopment.

What hotel formats should be considered:

    The most economical and fastest option on how to open your own mini hotel from scratch. It is based on a network of rooms, each of which can accommodate from 5 to 15 people. Payment at the hotel is carried out by beds. Bathroom, kitchen and recreation area - common;

    mini hotel.

    In second place in terms of ease of organization. To open a mini hotel, it is enough to rent a couple of floors of a residential building and, after a small renovation, open 30 - 50 rooms. The only thing is that 1-2 apartments will have to be allocated to the reception and a mini canteen / buffet;

    The format is similar to mini hotels, however, it is a priority to open such an establishment near the roadside, where tourists, truckers and just people who do not want to spend the night in a car will be the main customers. The set of amenities and furniture for such a mini hotel is also minimal. For a high payback, you need to choose transport interchanges with high traffic permeability;

    guesthouse, or as it is also called - a guest house.

    It is difficult to call such a format even a mini-hotel. This establishment is more of a family business. It is based on living in rooms that are located in 1-2 houses. A full range of amenities are included, and meals are most often organized through a home-style kitchen;

    resort hotel.

    One of the most expensive options, which is designed for wealthy clients. In addition to the rooms themselves, the hotel is obliged to provide the visitor with high-quality restaurant meals, a gym, a sauna and other whims that can be found very rarely in ordinary mini-hotels;

    business hotel.

    From the name it is clear that the rooms should have a prestigious and not cheap look. Since the main clients here will be employees of companies, agencies and other large organizations + their purpose of travel is work, it will not be superfluous to have 2-3 conference rooms in the hotel and a complete set of all necessary office equipment.

As you can see, you can open a hotel from scratch both in economy and premium formats. It all depends on the starting capital and the area in which the future institution will be located. So, for recreation areas, a business hotel will not be the best solution, and vice versa, opening a resort hotel in a metropolis is a waste of money. Most the best options for a novice entrepreneur are considered to be a mini hotel and a hostel. If the cat cried money for the opening, it would not be superfluous to think about opening a guest house, since in terms of the size of the starting capital, it holds a leading position in the “economy” section.

The second step on the way to your own hotel is the registration of a private legal entity. Which form of ownership to choose depends on the size of your business. The best option for a novice businessman who plans to open a mini-hotel is individual entrepreneurship. The list of documentation that is required for both individual entrepreneurs and LLC, we have submitted in the table below.

Enterprise typeDescriptionDocumentation
IP (individual entrepreneur)This form is used to create a small mini-hotel, with a staff of 5-10 people.Receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles)
Certified application by a notary in the form No. Р21001
Application for the transition to the simplified tax system (otherwise it will be the default OSNO) Notification in the form 26.2-1
Copy of all pages of the passport
LLC (limited liability company)This form is used to create a large hotel, hire employees, scale the network and attract external financing (loans).Application Form No. Р11001
LLC Charter
Decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners)
Receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles)
Notarized copies of the founders' passports
Application for transfer to USN. Notice Form 26.2-1

If you are going to open a hotel under an LLC, you must take into account that the amount of the authorized capital, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, cannot exceed 10,000 rubles.

Which OKVED will need to be indicated:

  • 55.10 - the code is responsible for the operation of hotels and the hotel business;
  • 55.11 - for those who will combine a hotel and a catering establishment together;
  • 55.12 - hotel operation without using the services of a built-in restaurant;
  • 55.2 - operation of places for temporary residence of other types;
  • 55.23.3 - provision of services for the rental of hotel rooms with furniture;
  • 70.20.1 - long-term rental of premises (if you suddenly have a guest house of a similar format).

And the last nuance in the paperwork is the choice of the taxation system under which your hotel will operate. By default, this is the BASIC, however, this option is rather unprofitable, therefore, it is advised to switch to one of the varieties of the simplified taxation system. There are 2 options here - STS for gross, for businesses with a profitability of 40%, and STS for income, for hotels whose profitability does not exceed 25%. There is also UTII, however, as in the case of OSNO, it is better not to use it because of the low benefit in comparison with both types of simplified tax system.

Another option that should be considered by private entrepreneurs is franchise work. Since new hotels do not have a sufficient level of popularity, it is incredibly problematic for them to get customers at the start.

What is required for a franchise:

  • open a hotel with a certain number of rooms;
  • the set of services we provide is taken from the franchisor's price list;
  • payments for used property;
  • royalty.

The starting fee for the franchise is floating, and depends on the company under whose brand the person is going to open his own hotel. On average, this is from $ 4,000 and above. In addition, if the franchise is in demand, the distributor may also require monthly fees, which are set as a percentage of the hotel's income.

So many expenses. What does a businessman get in return - you ask. First of all, completely off-the-shelf business model s, which practically does not need to be changed. A private manager who will not only follow all the stages of opening a hotel, but also help in the implementation of each of them. And of course, a high-profile brand, thanks to which, your establishment will be known even before it opens.

2. Production part of the hotel business

This section includes the choice of a place for a hotel, its equipment and repairs. It is possible to carry out the selection of premises for the future complex in parallel with the registration of the business itself - this will reduce the time to start a business from scratch.

a) How to choose a room for a hotel?

The building in which it is planned to open a hotel is very unprofitable to rent or build from scratch. In the first case, the main obstacle will be the impossibility of redevelopment due to the lack of appropriate permits, and in the second case, the amount of start-up capital, which will increase significantly. Most often, either a private building or a purchased building with a full package of documents is used for a hotel from scratch. In this case, there will be practically no problems with changing the layout of the future hotel and obtaining the necessary permits.

The optimal premises to open a hotel from scratch are considered to be:

  • the lower part of high-rise buildings-new buildings. It is possible to use real estate from the secondary housing market, however, there may be problems with residents who do not want to change their place of residence;
  • burning buildings that came out of communal property and are put up for sale to private owners. When considering such a variant of a building for a hotel, it is necessary to carefully study the layout - it should correspond as closely as possible to your design project of the future establishment;
  • houses of private owners with a large area. It is possible to buy several houses at once, located next to each other. The size of the future hotel will depend directly on the purchasing potential of the businessman and its format. Most often, this option is considered by entrepreneurs who plan to open from scratch either a mini hotel or a guest house.

If you find an ideal option for a hotel, without the need for redevelopment, then you can think about a long-term lease of the building for a period of 10 years or more. To increase the profitability of the business, it would not be superfluous to agree with the owner of the building on the possibility of a subsequent purchase, since renting such huge areas on a permanent basis is not financially feasible.

Requirements for hotels from public services:

  • in hostels, the footage per guest must be at least 4 squares. For mini-hotels and hotels of other types, the minimum allowable area for accommodation of a person is from 6 square meters;
  • the hotel must have connected electricity, water supply and sewerage;
  • equipment with a ventilation system + garbage collectors is required;
  • the administrative part of the mini hotel must be located regardless of the area under the rooms.

In accordance with the requirements of public services, the entrepreneur has the right to open a mini hotel only in non-residential fund. If the chosen premises is listed as a residential property, it will take a couple of weeks, or even months, to re-register the building into the required type of property.

Hotel accommodation requirements:

  • proximity to train stations or airports, if there are any in your city;
  • nearby parking spaces or partner/hotel private parking;
  • if you are planning to open a mini-hotel from scratch, take care of the proximity to the rented building of public catering facilities, since there is no question of your own canteen in this business format. When opening a full-fledged institution, compliance with this condition is not necessary;
  • if a person buys out part of the building, then he can open a hotel without problems with neighbors only on the first floor;
  • the building has no historical value, as you will not be allowed to reconstruct or change the layout in this case.

Taking into account all the described conditions for the location of the hotel, the best options should be considered the city center / business district, places near attractions or transportation points, as well as buildings on the seashore or along a highway with active traffic. When choosing a place for a hotel, you should not ignore the compliance of the place with the chosen format of the hotel, as the wrong combination can put an end to the business in the very first months after its launch.

The interior design of the future institution directly depends on the format chosen by the entrepreneur. For a fashionable hotel, this is luxury and wealth, and for a mini hotel, it is a practical non-staining design project. It is better not to resort to bright colors, but to do everything in soothing colors, which will allow the guest to relax and feel at home. If you approach the issue responsibly, then more than 30% of the positive reputation of your establishment will be formed precisely due to design.

b) The issue of personnel and equipment

We think you have heard one of the catchphrases - "cadres decide everything." So, if we take into account the hotel business, then this expression will come here as well as possible. Depending on how exactly the employees of the institution work, the client forms an opinion about the hotel as a whole. Minor flaws in other quality indicators can be carefully smoothed out by the hotel staff, therefore, the search for worthy candidates should be approached with all responsibility.

The list of hotel employees should include:

    managing person.

    The person who will actually manage the mini-hotel, solving all the pressing organizational issues;


    A person whose duties include direct communication with clients and assistance in their resettlement. One of the most important duties of an employee is booking, check-in and settlement;


    The number of vacancies is adjusted to the size of the institution being opened. For mini hotels, only 2-3 people will be enough. Most often, the maid performs related duties, doing laundry, cleaning and other trifles in the room. In order for a person to have time to do everything qualitatively, hire at the rate of 4-5 rooms per 1 employee;

    technical worker.

    Engaged in electricity, ventilation and other life support systems. In addition, if the manager has accepted a generalist, he can also perform work related to the repair / debugging of furniture and other equipment, which is located in the hotel rooms;


    A couple of people working in shifts to ensure the safety of your establishment at night, and maybe during the day;

    porter (optional).

    A person who personifies the spirit of the establishment, whose duties include meeting the guests of the establishment and helping with their luggage.

A specialist can be engaged in accounting on the basis of an employment contract with hourly pay or remotely. The same goes for the clerk. If an entrepreneur is going to open a resort hotel by the sea or a business hotel, he will have to spend money on his own kitchen, and in this case, you simply cannot do without good chefs - + 3-4 more vacancies per institution.

The minimum list of equipment for opening a hotel:

  • beds in one or two tiers, depending on the format of the institution;
  • on the nightstand in place;
  • cabinets, chairs and tables;
  • administrative desk;
  • plumbing for each room - washbasins, showers and toilets;
  • household appliances for each room - mini fridge, hair dryer, TV, boilers and so on. A complete list of amenities is formed depending on the price list of the hotel;
  • building protection equipment - CCTV cameras, alarms, safes, etc.;
  • linen sets and dishes;
  • consumables for cleaning and cleaning hotel rooms, as well as laundry;
  • office-type equipment - a couple of PCs / laptops, a telephone and an Internet connection.

Depending on the list of services in the business plan, according to which a person is going to open a hotel, the final list of equipment can be adjusted upwards. The final amount of investment required for the considered item of expenditure is also floating, and depends on the number of rooms of the future institution.

3. Hotel advertising campaign

Opening a hotel from scratch is only 50% of the work. The remaining half is the promotion of services and the formation of a positive reputation of the institution. That is why the marketing plan is one of the most costly items of expenditure for a businessman, especially with a high level of competition within the city of distribution.

One of the methods of forming a positive opinion of customers is a wide range of services that will be offered by the administration. There is no need to create a price list from scratch, since you can find the most popular offers on the Internet.

What services can be distributed on behalf of the institution:

  • rent a number;
  • food in the room or restaurant / buffet. If you have a mini hotel, then building a catering facility from scratch does not make sense. It is better to contact nearby outlets and enter into a long-term partnership with them;
  • putting things in order in the room;
  • dry cleaning of the guest's belongings;
  • “alarm clock” is a service for guests who find it difficult to wake up on their own in the morning. To wake up the client, either a call from the reception or a knock on the maid's door is used;
  • assistance in looking after the younger generation;
  • search and provision of data on transport and institutions that are in the city;
  • call an ambulance;
  • delivery of postal correspondence;
  • booking tickets with hotel partners - circuses, theaters, cinemas and so on;
  • parking;
  • access to the Internet.

Some of the services can be free, and some - for a minimal fee. In addition to the basic price list, premium hotels also have more expensive offers - a sauna, a jacuzzi, a restaurant, and so on.

How to promote a hotel from scratch:

  • mass media, in particular, thematic publications or guidebooks;
  • advertising within the city - billboards, streamers, billboards and so on;
  • promotional offers with the participation of the media;
  • leaflets, booklets and other printed materials;
  • Personal site.

The last tool of the marketing campaign is especially important, since they will find out about your mini hotel or premium hotel from the Internet when searching and booking rooms in advance. The more colorful and thoughtful the resource is presented, the higher the chance to get regular customers.

4. Financial plan for opening a hotel from scratch

The expense part of the business idea under consideration is its sore spot. Opening even a mini-hotel is not cheap. In most cases, people who already have a building in idle time, which needs to be attached somewhere, are engaged in this area. Otherwise, the key item of expenditure is the purchase / rental of real estate.

How much will it cost to open a hotel from scratch:

  • 8,000,000 rubles or more - the cost of real estate for a future hotel;
  • 120,000 rubles - expenses for registering a business and processing other documents;
  • 2,000,000 - 3,000,000 rubles - implementation of the design project of the future hotel;
  • 1,200,000+ rubles - the cost of purchasing equipment;
  • 200,000 rubles - monthly wage fund;
  • 80,000 rubles - operating costs;
  • 50,000 rubles - spending on an advertising campaign.

Total starting capital should be about 12,000,000 rubles. The last 3 items refer to monthly expenses. The calculations describe an optimistic course of events. P In a pessimistic scenario, the expenditure side may increase by 50-70%, at least.

The income part, as well as the expenditure part, will be formed on the basis of an average mini-hotel opened from scratch. Let a night in a room for 1 person be about 3,200 rubles. The total profit will be formed based on seasonal factors, occupancy and number of rooms. Statistically, income will be about 700,000 rubles for 1 month, and the net annual profit will be a little more than 5,000,000 rubles. A successful marketing campaign can increase this figure by another 25-35%. Thus, the payback of the project is 2-3 years, which is quite acceptable for the hotel business.

Unit economy: how to open a mini-hotel and make money?

Interview with the owner of the mini-hotel:

How to open a mini hotel on the sea - features of the direction

A universal plan for organizing a hotel business was described above, and now let's take a look at the features of a mini-hotel that an entrepreneur can open on the seashore or in a resort area. This is where the seasonality factor comes into play, because in winter there is no large influx of people on the seas, more precisely, there are almost no customers. An exception is if a businessman decides to open a mini-hotel from scratch in a town on the seashore, where income from tourism is secondary, and in addition to it, the settlement has other developed infrastructure points - factories, offices, and the like.

Classification of mini hotels according to the parameters of the premises:

  • mini hotel in a private building - up to 10 beds;
  • mini hotel in residential real estate - from 7 to 20 beds;
  • mini hotel in non-residential real estate - from 20 to 30 rooms.

In addition to the dimension, there is also a classification of mini-hotels according to the class of services provided to their customers - home hotels, economy hotels, business hotels and apart-hotels. The requirements and regulatory framework for a mini hotel by the sea is no different from those specified when registering a hotel business in large cities.

How to open a mini hotel on the sea - a checklist for IP / LLC:

  1. Choice of a place on the beach or close to the resort.
  2. and issuance of permits.
  3. Remodeling of the building (if necessary).
  4. Cosmetic repair of the exterior.
  5. Implementation of an interior design project.
  6. Search for employees for a mini hotel.
  7. Purchase of equipment for a mini hotel.
  8. Drawing up a price list for the range of services provided.
  9. Promotion of a mini hotel before the start of the season.
  10. Business expansion and reputation enhancement.

As a rule, there is always an influx of visitors to the sea - if we are talking about a good resort. About 3-4 months, the occupancy of the mini hotel will be 1000%. Further, it depends on the adjacent format of the institution and the potential of the place where it is located.

Features of opening a mini hotel from scratch on the sea:

  • the seasonality of the business. Peak workload occurs in May-September - this is 95-100% of places. The rest of the time, either the activity is curtailed altogether, or the mini-hotel's space is rented out for banquet halls;
  • the target audience consists of 60% of families. This fact requires family rooms, not single rooms, from a mini hotel by the sea. In addition, it is necessary to take care of additional entertainment services for children while they are on the territory of the institution;
  • establishment format. Many entrepreneurs prefer to move away from classic mini-hotels, and prefer guest houses - a minimum of redevelopment + the opportunity to establish home cooking.

When developing a financial plan for a mini hotel from scratch on the seashore, it is necessary, first of all, to resolve the issue of winter business downtime. If the town lives only at the expense of tourists at sea, then the profitability of a mini-hotel will decrease significantly, and the payback will be at the level of 4-5 years.

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