Famous pirate names. A new scenario for a New Year's party in a pirate style. We offer some ideas in a pirate style

  • 03.05.2020

I never thought that I would arrange pirate party . After all, we have two girls growing up - beauties and all the holidays we revolved around princesses.

But recently I received an email from the company " Holiday in a cube with an offer to test their holiday box. The company slide announced "Pirate Party" as well as the "Knights and Princesses" and "Shadow Theater" set.

I gladly agreed to be tested, being sure that we would get "Knights and Princesses".

It wasn’t there, a package with a “Pirate Party” came to us. Nothing to do - had to unpack.

Pirate party - collage 1

To my delight, the box turned out to be not scary at all, but excitingly interesting. I myself, as a child, began to consider everything that was inside. And there were as many as 9 tasks for the "Pirate Party".

Pirate party - collage 2

I carefully examined everything and my eyes “lit up” - I wanted to arrange a “pirate party”. And we made it!

Since spring has already begun, it is warm outside, we decided to arrange a pirate party for children in nature and invited friends for a picnic.

I love to arrange holidays for children and prepare for them for a very long time - 2-3 weeks. This time, I was released from training. Everything was already prepared in the “Holiday in a Cube” box: a script for a pirate party with wonderful contests, props, and gifts.

I just have to take care of the pirate picnic.

Pirate party treat

We have prepared:

  • good rum (juice, which had very successful inscriptions "Sharp Eyes")
  • treasure chest (rafaelki)
  • shark brain (boiled milk sugar)
  • pirate bread (fried bread)
  • crocodile eggs baked in sand (boiled chicken eggs)
  • from a pirate island (cucumbers, tomatoes, bananas)
  • sour worms and monsters (marmalade)

Pirate party - collage 3

Our Olesyunka, who was always terribly afraid of even the word "bones", took an active part in decorating pirate dishes. But when I started drawing the Jolly Roger, Olesya laughed and said that I didn’t get a skeleton, but a funny baby. Her fear disappeared and her daughter herself drew several skulls with bones.

Pirate party - collage 4

And then came the long-awaited day of our picnic. Instead of 10 children there were 5 aged 5-7 but they had a lot of fun.

First, I told the children a story about how someone called our apartment and placed a strange box painted with skulls under the door.

The children became interested and we began to examine the box. It turned out that not skeletons were painted there, but jellyfish and fish.

Pirate Party - Package

Opening the box, we found a will from an old pirate sea ​​urchin. He told us that he hid his treasures in a secluded place and only the most daring and courageous pirates who will master 9 tests can find them.

Pirate Party - testament

After talking with the children, we decided to hit the road in search of pirate treasures.

To find the treasure, we had to read a secret message of 16 words.

First Pirate Party Challenge

The first test was to transform into pirates. We painted the children's faces and hands with pirate symbols: for girls - hearts on their cheeks and arms, for boys - mustaches and beards.

Little Pirates

Pirate symbols:

  • seagull - a sign of freedom
  • dagger - a sign of villainy
  • heart is a sign of love
  • coin - a sign of wealth
  • target - a sign of vigilance

The children were also asked to forget about their names and choose suitable pirate nicknames for themselves. So we got:

  • beauty Jenny
  • Madame Zin
  • Baby Janelle
  • Captain Flint
  • Jack Sparrow
  • Hook - iron hand

pirate names

All new pirate names were written on sticky notes and we attached them to the new pirates.

The second test at the pirate party

In this test, it was necessary to paint a pirate flag and strengthen it in a safe place. Pirates easily coped with this task.

Pirate flag

As a reward, the pirates got a real sea bell, which helped to quickly gather all the pirates together.

Pirate Party Trial 3

In this test, the pirates learned to "sneeze" like a pirate and caught a pirate fish.

Pirate Games

Fourth Pirate Party Challenge

It was a very interesting test. We found a secret message wrapped in a lot of papyri.

Each papyrus had a riddle, and inside were 2 cones "Poison" and "Magic Water".

The pirates got a little scared, but then they realized that they needed to connect the cones. When we poured magic water into the poison, everything foamed, the water turned from white to brown and on a stick inside the flask we found 2 secret words.

Pirate letters

Fifth Pirate Party Challenge

Also a very interesting and difficult test. We took out a brick with encrypted words from the pirate box. For a long time we fought over its solution, but then we noticed the numbers. It turned out that there was a mirror inscription on the brick, which we successfully read with the help of a mirror from a magic box.

Mysterious letters

Sixth Pirate Party Challenge

Here the pirates had to move, which they did with pleasure, playing the tail of a sea serpent, the captain with the ship and pulling a real ship's rope, which also lay in a wonderful box.

Even mothers joined the tug-of-war.

Pirate Games

Pirate Party Trial 7

In this test, there was a warning that treasure hunts often end in the death of seekers. It was said in the message that white bones keep many secrets. One mystery had to be unraveled.

Cards with parts of the skeleton were attached to this test. Savvy pirates put all the pieces together and read another word from the message of the Sea Urchin.

Pirate secrets

Pirate Party Trial Eight

A very interesting test. A pirate cipher with mysterious signs was kept in a beautiful handkerchief. The cherished word was encrypted in the form of strings on the bracelet.

The pirates figured out the encryption very quickly.

Pirate message on knots

Ninth Pirate Party Trial

This test turned out to be one of the most difficult - it was necessary to hit certain sectors with darts that store encrypted characters. Our shooters had little accuracy and they threw darts for a long, long time.

The young pirates liked throwing darts so much that they still played this game after the picnic.

Pirate fun

When all the trials were over, we read the encrypted message “You want to find a treasure. It's less than a meter away. Immerse a brick with inscriptions into the water - a secret hidden for centuries will be revealed.

We put a brick in a bucket and started pouring water on it.

Pirate treasure is close

The brick began to dissolve and inside we found a real pirate treasure: golden piastres, a lot of jewelry and precious stones.

pirate treasure

The pirates equally divided all the treasures and the picnic began.

Children drank rum with great pleasure, snacking on crocodile eggs, octopus caviar, pirate bread and sour worms.

pirate picnic

While the pirates were eating, we found the last message from the Sea Urchin.

Pirate's message

In this message, the Sea Urchin revealed the secret that real pirates are thugs who live by the principle "Every man for himself and all for one." And our young pirates are not real, because they managed to overcome all adversity, remaining friends, guided by the rule: "One for all - and all for one!"

So it was. After the pirate party, we all together launched a huge balloon into the sky, which flew away to fulfill the good wishes of the children.

wish ball

good luck! Children want a repeat, and parents ask - where did I get such a wonderful box? I answer is « Holiday in a cube ”and readers of the Razvivashka blog are given a 5% discount when ordering, just tell the code word wunderkind

A person has a hole the size of a god in his soul, and everyone fills it as best he can.


1 Pirates Had Health Insurance

For the first time, health insurance for his subordinates was introduced by the famous pirate Henry Morgan. Before the storming of Panama, he drew up a special document, according to which for the loss of an arm or leg a pirate was entitled to 600 reais, for the loss of two legs - 1800, for the loss of one or two eyes - 2000. At the current exchange rate, one real is more than 75 dollars, so that the amounts came out quite decent. With this money, a disabled person could have a good walk and improve life on the shore. In addition, badly wounded pirates had the right to take slaves from among the prisoners to provide food for their crippled master.

2. The famous pirate flag "Jolly Roger" was raised during the epidemic on the ship

Pirate ships have always flown their own flag, commonly known as the Jolly Roger. The main idea of ​​​​creating a distinctive sign was the goal of scaring and morally influencing its victim.
The flag depicts symbols of death, skeletons, skulls and bones. Each team reworked the flag illustration in their own way, but the essence was always preserved. The skull was depicted with a rather cheerful smirk, which is probably why the flag began to be called the "Jolly Roger". The very first pirate flag was red, and according to the law issued in England, in 1694 it denoted English ships.
For strategic purposes, pirate ships sailed under the usual flags, and only before the battle they put up a flag with a skull and crossbones. Initially, such an image on the flag indicated that the vessel began epidemic, and keep other ships away from them. But with the passage of time, pirates began to use it for their own purposes in order to avoid attacks from other more powerful warships.

Each pirate team had its own flag, which differed not only in pattern, but also in color. The classic famous black flag and the image of a skull and two crossbones first appeared on board the ship of the French pirate Emmanuel Wynne, in the 18th century. After the first mention of the classic flag, Roger gained great popularity among the famous pirates of the world.
The fact that the symbolism of death is depicted on the flag does not yet speak of the cruelty of the pirates, but it gave the full right to take those captured.
There were also such pirates who used the symbolism of the hourglass, which served as a symbol that no prisoners were taken. In general, there are many versions of the origin of the Jolly Roger, but most often the pirates raised the flags of those countries to which they belonged or were strategically advantageous at that time.
Modern pirates do not use distinctive flags, as this is now considered an international crime.

3. It wasn't just wounded pirates who wore the black eyepatch.

Oddly enough, an eyepatch didn't always mean he wasn't there. Such a bandage was often worn on a healthy eye in order to quickly get used to the darkness of ship holds. The fact is that when descending from an illuminated deck into a dark hold, the eyes need several minutes to adapt. And so it was enough for the pirate to lift the bandage, and he could already navigate quite normally in the dark.

4. Women also sailed on pirate ships

Everyone has heard of the traditional sailor superstition: "A woman on a ship - to be in trouble". In fact, women on pirate ships were not uncommon, and not all of them were captives.

Probably one of the most famous female pirates was the Chinese woman Zheng Shi. This amazing woman started out as a port whore, but somehow managed to charm the commander of an entire pirate fleet and marry him. After the death of her husband, Zheng Shi took over the command. More than 2000 teams obeyed her ships with a total number of over 60,000 people!

Another striking example is the Irishwoman Grace O'Malley, aka Granual, aka the Rockfleet Witch. She started with the command of one ship, the team of which consisted of only 200 people, and ended up as the commander of a large flotilla and personal corsair of the English Queen Elizabeth I. Granual was a brave and determined woman, in addition, she fenced remarkably and shot well, therefore she participated in battles on an equal basis with men .

However, the most interesting story about female pirates is the story of Anne Bonnie and Mary Read*. They were both mistresses of the pirate captain John Rackham. Both Ann and Mary were remarkably skilled with weapons. For example, once Bonnie challenged a pirate who was too persistently harassing her to a duel, and killed him. Both women were distinguished by impudence and cruelty during raids and boarding. However, their pirate career ended ingloriously: in October 1720, Bonnie, Reid and Rackham were captured, convicted and sentenced to hang along with the rest of the crew. However, Ann and Mary managed to get a reprieve due to the fact that they were both pregnant. John Rackham was hanged, and the fate of his mistresses remains a mystery to this day.

5. Not all pirates had the right to wear an earring

Among the sailors (and after all, pirates are also sailors) there was a whole hierarchy of wearing earrings. Only a senior officer could flaunt a golden earring. And ordinary sailors could only afford copper or bronze jewelry. Traditionally, pirates were only allowed to wear an earring after crossing the equator for the first time, or after they rounded Cape Horn (a place still infamous).

The earring was considered not just an accessory, but a strong amulet against evil spirits, shipwrecks and even death. In addition, the earring was for the pirate something like capital set aside for a rainy day. If the ship was wrecked, but the sailor managed to stay alive, it was possible to sell the earring and go home with the proceeds. If the fate of the pirate was destined to die at sea, the earring became payment for his own funeral. After all, if the body carried a wave to the shore, the locals saw him off on his last journey, taking an earring for his labors. Naturally, the richer the sea robber was, the larger was the decoration that he wore.
Among other things, pirates, and honest sailors too, were convinced that the presence of an earring in the ear cures poor eyesight, and pierced ears help to avoid seasickness.

6. Pirates took nicknames for a reason.

Why did many pirates take nicknames for themselves, such as "Black Sam" or "Lanky Ben"? They did it ostensibly because they started new life on the ship. But in fact, they really did not want the authorities to apply any sanctions to their loved ones who remained in their own country, so many pirates went down in history under false names.
“The fantasy of the robbers was quite mundane, but rich, and the pirates, alien to pretentiousness, willingly endowed their fellow pirates with all sorts of unpretentious nicknames. Behind the nicknames could hide people very different. Some preferred to keep their real names secret, others - special favorites of the pirate world - proudly bore nicknames as an honorary title, and some pirates had such unusual physical features that it was simply impossible to ignore them.

Often, nicknames were received on a geographical basis. It is not difficult to understand where Gassan Veniiano, the famous Algerian corsair of the 16th century, comes from. The legendary Jean Francois No, known as Olone and famous for his cruelty, was born in the town of Sable d "Olonne. The nicknames of Pierre Picard, Miguel Le Basque, Roque Brazilian or Bartolomeo the Portuguese also give out their nationality or remind of the countries with which one way or another they were these people are connected.

It is unlikely that special explanations are needed for nicknames associated with the physical characteristics of their carriers. For example, Long Ben, Pierre Long, Handsome, Tich Blackbeard, two red-bearded brothers Aruj and Khairaddin, who went down in history as Barbarossa I and II. The nickname Wooden Leg was widespread. The familiar pirate John Silver from Treasure Island, perhaps, owes his appearance to the fame of two real-life heroes of pirate battles in Spanish Maine - the Frenchman Francois Leclerc and the Dutchman Cornelis Elu.

In other cases, the pirates' fantasy was more sophisticated. If the nickname of the filibuster leader Alexander the Iron Hand suggests that his carrier possessed an all-destroying powerful blow and tremendous physical strength, then Pierre Legrand (French "grand" - "big", "great"), probably was just a tall man, and maybe he had a great mind.

A certain West Indian filibuster was nicknamed Hardtooth, and another was known as Easy on the Foot. It is difficult to determine what qualities the pirate nicknamed Tailwind became famous for. It may well be that for his comrades he was something of a talisman, and his presence on the ship promised the right direction of the wind, or perhaps he earned the nickname because of his constant readiness to take part in a glorious fight and dashing booze. An obviously playful nickname was coined by one famous Algerian robber - Dead Head. His completely bald head resembled a waterless dead desert, where there was no place for living vegetation.

More intricate nicknames were given for special "differences". The Caribbean world has retained a few fairly typical nicknames - for example, Slick or Tidestorm. The most famous was the nickname of the Exterminator, received by the Chevalier de Montbar for his all-consuming passion for the extermination of the Spaniards.


1. Pirates buried treasure.
In fact, the life of a pirate was short and they did it only in case of emergency. Not so many pirate treasures are known.

2. They say that the captives had to walk on the plank.
This is not so, the captives were pulled through the keel (I will write about the procedure later), but the first prisoner was forced to walk on the plank after 1784, when the golden era of piracy had already ended.

3. Pirates had a code of honor.
Yes, it was, but it concerned only them. In relation to the prisoners, nothing of the kind existed. For example, Blackbeard did not bother himself with such trifles as removing rings from ladies' fingers, he simply cut them off.

4. Pirates stormed every ship.
And it's not. Merchant ships of serious carriers insured their cargo and therefore they simply gave it to pirates. In most cases, no one suffered and did without an assault.

5. Black mark.
Pirates didn't have that mark. It was invented by Stevenson for his works about pirates.

* - By the way, these characters are key in the game Assassin's Creed: Black Flag (Assassins Сreed: Black Flag)

What kid didn't play pirates as a child? It seems so romantic to capture other people's ships in distant seas, experiencing dizzying adventures. However, not only men, but also women were engaged in piracy. There is historical evidence for this. At the same time, the most successful pirate ladies achieved the unspoken status of "queens".

Such women turned out to be no less brave, cunning, and sometimes cruel than the most famous corsairs of that time. The sea beckoned ladies the opportunity to get rich quick, to see different countries, and there was no shortage of worthy lovers. That's just the authorities did not particularly look at the sex of the pirates caught, administering their justice. About the most famous ladies who have chosen such a dangerous, but also romantic craft, and will be discussed.

Alvilda (5th century). This woman in the history of piracy is one of the first known representatives of the weaker sex. Alvilda led robbery in Scandinavian waters in the early Middle Ages. The name of this woman is found in all popular stories of piracy. Legends say that this woman was actually a princess, her father was a king from the island of Gotland. When the monarch decided to marry his daughter to Alpha, the son of the powerful king of Denmark, Alvilda decided to run away from home and become a pirate. In her robbery voyage, the Amazon recruited a team of young women just like herself. The robbers dressed in men's clothes, and Alvilda herself became the main robber in the local waters. Soon the raids of a brave female pirate began to seriously threaten merchant ships and residents of the coastal territories of the Danish kingdom, then Prince Alf himself was sent to fight the robbers. He did not suspect that he would pursue his failed bride. After the prince killed almost all the pirates, he entered into a duel with their leader. The man was able to defeat the pirate and forced him to surrender. Alf was very surprised when, under the helmet, he discovered the young face of Alvilda, whom he wanted to marry. The girl appreciated the courage of the prince and his fighting skills, agreeing to marry him. The wedding was played right on board the pirate ship. The young people made vows to each other. The prince promised to love his chosen one forever, and Alvilda herself gave a vow to ever go to sea without a spouse. The veracity of this story can be questioned. The researchers found that for the first time the legend of Alvilda was told to his readers by the monk Saxo Grammatik, who lived in the 12th century. The mention of a female pirate is found in his Acts of the Danes. The image of Alvilda was born either thanks to the myths about the Amazons, or the ancient Scandinavian sagas.

Jeanne de Belleville (1300-1359). If the image of Alvilda is semi-legendary, then the avenger Jeanne de Belleville became the first truly famous corsair from the point of view of history. Around 1335, Jeanne remarried a Brittany nobleman, Olivier Claesson. It was a turbulent time - there was a Hundred Years War, and the country was torn apart by internal conflicts. Jeanne's husband turned out to be an accomplice in the conspiracy and was executed by order of King Philip VI. His loving wife decided to avenge her husband, vowing to do everything possible for this. Jeanne took her two sons, the eldest was only fourteen years old, and went to England. There she obtained an audience with King Edward III. The monarch provided the avenger with a small fleet of three ships, it was called the "Vengeance Fleet in the English Channel." This small flotilla robbed merchant ships for several years, even attacking French warships. All the booty received was sent to England, and the sailors who surrendered were simply destroyed. The brave woman personally went on ships at sea in search of prey, Jeanne was among the first to rush to board and led the assaults on coastal French castles. Eyewitnesses said that the female pirate was fluent in both a boarding ax and a saber. The fame of Jeanne de Belleville spread throughout France, where she was nicknamed the bloodthirsty lioness. Parliament even passed a special decree on the expulsion of such a recalcitrant subject from the country and on the confiscation of all her property. The country's fleet received an order to finally clear the English Channel from English pirates. Soon Jeanne's flotilla was surrounded. She herself abandoned the pirates and set off with her sons in a small rowing boat towards England. For six days, the sailors tried to row to the island, but the current constantly carried them out to sea. It turned out that the escape was made in such a hurry that the pirates forgot to take water and provisions with them. Six days later, the youngest son de Belleville died, and then several sailors. A few days later, the unfortunate people washed up on the shores of Brittany. Fortunately for Jeanne, she ended up with the associates of her deceased husband. Over time, the brave woman even remarried, the nobleman Gauthier de Bentley became her chosen one.

Lady Killigru (?-1571). This pirate woman became a thunderstorm of the same English Channel about two hundred years after the story of Jeanne de Belleville. Lady Mary Killigreu has managed to lead a double life. In secular society, the lady was known and respected as the respected wife of the governor, Lord John Killigre, who lived in the port city of Falmet. On the other hand, she secretly commanded pirates who plundered merchant ships in Falmet Bay. And this tactic long time allowed the lady to act with impunity and covertly. She just never left any living witnesses behind her. One day a Spanish ship entered the bay, heavily laden with goods. The captain and crew did not have time to come to their senses, as they were captured by pirates. The leader of the Spaniards managed to hide and was surprised to see that a young, beautiful, but very cruel woman was in command of the corsairs. The captain managed to escape from the captured ship and get to the shore. In the city of Falmet, he went to the governor to inform him of the pirate attack. What was the captain's surprise when he saw that same beauty sitting next to the governor! But Lord Killigru managed two fortresses, which were supposed to ensure the calm navigation of merchant ships in the bay. Then the captain decided to keep silent and left for London. There he told a strange story to the king, who began his own investigation. It suddenly turned out that Lady Killigru had piracy in her blood - her father was the famous pirate Philip Wolversten from Sofolk. The woman herself early age began to take part in the robbery attacks of her father. Marriage to the lord helped her achieve a position in society, as well as form her own pirate crew. So Lady Killigru began to rob ships in the English Channel and coastal waters. The investigation found out exactly how some ships disappeared, which were previously considered to have disappeared due to mystical forces. Lord Killigru was convicted and executed for pandering to the interests of his wife. Yes, and the lady herself received a death sentence, later replaced by Queen Elizabeth I, not life imprisonment. Interestingly, ten years later, pirates under the command of Lady Killigru again appeared in the English Channel. This time it was the daughter-in-law of the executed lord who acted.

Grein (Granual) O "Malley (1533-1603). This female pirate was, on the one hand, very brave, and on the other, cruel and insensitive towards her enemies. Grain was from an old Irish family, in which there were many pirates, corsairs, or simply sailors. The ships of the family flew a flag with a white seahorse and the inscription "Strong on land and at sea." According to the legends, Grain O'Malley was born in the same year (1533) with the English Queen Elizabeth I. They write that the Irish woman even met her crowned peer a couple of times, although women fought each other in life. From an early age, Grain showed a warlike character. When her father refused to take her to sea for the first time, the girl cut off her luxurious hair - a symbol of female beauty. This is how her nickname "Bald Graine" appeared. On sea voyages, the girl also studied languages, she knew Latin very well. Soon the brave girl rallied herself the most selective pirates and corsairs and began to plunder the lands of people hostile to her clan. Grain decided to get rich in this way. Over time, she either defeated her half-brother in battle and became the leader of the clan, or simply married the corsair O'Flaherty, leading his fleet. I must say that even as a pirate, Grain managed to give birth to three children. After the death of her husband in battle, the widow managed to save her warlike fleet, moreover, her relatives gave her the island of Clare for a pirate base. And the woman did not remain inconsolable. Grain was first comforted in the arms of a young aristocrat, Hugh de Lacey, fifteen years her junior. After him, Lord Burke, nicknamed Iron Richard, became the new husband of a brave woman. The fact is that on the coast of Mayo only his castle turned out to be uncaptured by her. This marriage lasted only a year. The pirate divorced in a very original way - she simply locked herself in the castle and shouted from the horse to Richard Burke that she was leaving him. Grain showed her rebellious nature even at a meeting with Queen Elizabeth. At first she refused to bow to her, not recognizing her as Queen of Ireland. And the rebel dagger somehow managed to carry it with her. As a result of that meeting, it was possible, if not to attract Grein to the royal service, then to conclude at least the appearance of a peace agreement. Over time, the pirate began its activities again, trying not to harm England. Grain O'Malley died in 1603, the same year as the Queen.

Anne Bonnie (1700-1782). And this native of Ireland managed to enter the history of piracy. At the age of five, thanks to her father, lawyer William Cormac, she got into North America. The case took place in 1705. And already at the age of 18, Ann was known as a beauty with a stormy and unpredictable temperament. She was considered an enviable bride and her father began to look after rich suitors. But the girl met the sailor James Bonnie and fell in love with him. The father interfered with the relationship, which is why the young people got married and left for the island of New Providence. But love soon passed and Ann began to live with the captain of a pirate ship, John Rackem. He, in order not to part with his passion, dressed her in men's clothes and took her to his service as a sailor. Ann became a pirate on the sloop Dragon, which sailed between the Bahamas and the Antilles. At the moments of boarding merchant ships, Ann amazed even the best pirates with her courage. She was merciless to the enemies, rushing first into the thick of the battle. And after the end of the battle, Ann personally dealt with the prisoners, doing it extremely cruelly. Even battle-hardened pirates were frightened by such sadism of a young sailor who, with or without reason, grabbed a knife and a pistol. They did not know that their colleague was a woman. After some time, Anne became pregnant, and the captain put her ashore, leaving his friend in charge. Having given birth, the woman left the guardian of her small child and returned to the pirates. There, she and the captain decided to tell the pirates the truth. And although the team remembered what a woman means on a ship, especially a pirate one, the riot did not take place. After all, everyone remembered how bloodthirsty and cruel Ann was. And her behavior and advice often saved the pirates. And in one of the attacks, the Dragon captured an English ship. Young sailor Mac liked Ann, who decided to sleep with him. But he, too, turned out to be a woman, an Englishwoman, Mary Read. She also became a pirate, no less famous than her friend. In 1720, Anne Bonny, along with her accomplices, was caught. The execution of a woman was constantly delayed due to her pregnancy. It is said that the father managed to redeem his unlucky daughter and return home. The storm of the seas once died in 1782, at a venerable age, having given birth to nine more children in a second peaceful marriage.

Jaco Delahay (XVII century). This lady was a French privateer in the 17th century. And she was born in exotic Haiti, however, the girl's father was not a native, but a Frenchman. In the history of piracy, Jaco Delahai remained a woman of extraordinary beauty. It is believed that she chose the path of a pirate after the death of her father. In fact, this was the only person close to her. The mother died during childbirth, and the older brother was mentally handicapped, remaining in the care of his sister. Jaco Delahai had to go on board the ship of his sailor father and become a robber. This happened in the 1660s. Over time, in order to hide from her pursuers, the pirate staged her own death. At one time, Jaco changed her name and lived in a male form. When she returned, she earned the nickname "Red of the Dead" thanks to her beautiful fiery red hair.

Anna Dieu-Le-Vaux (Mary Ann, Marianne) (1650-?). This French pirate woman was born in the middle of the 17th century. It is believed that she was taken out of Europe to the colonial lands as a criminal. A woman appeared on Tortuga in 1665-1675, when the governor Bertrand Dogeron de la Boure ruled there. On this island, a famous haven for pirates, Mary Ann married the corsair Pierre Lengs. In 1683, he died in a duel at the hands of the famous pirate Laurens de Graff. Then Marianne also challenged him to a duel. According to some information, the reason was not the death of a spouse, but personal insults. But the fight did not take place, Lawrence said that he was not going to fight with a woman. But admiring her courage, he invited Marianne to become his wife. In fact, de Graff was already officially married, so Marianne became his concubine and mistress. You can really call Anna a pirate, as she followed her husband everywhere and fought alongside him. Ann Bonnie did the same. However, unlike her, Die-Le-Vaux did not hide her gender, which is why she attracted attention, causing universal respect and even admiration. It is believed that Marianne was a brave, stern and merciless pirate. She even got the nickname "Anna - God's will." And although it is believed that a woman on a ship brings bad luck, this did not concern Marianne. It seemed that the pirates were lucky with her. In 1693, her husband took part in the capture of Jamaica, for which he received the title of chevalier and the rank of senior lieutenant. But a year later, the British attacked Tortuga - Anna, along with her two daughters, was captured and spent three years as a hostage. The family was reunited only in 1698. The fate of the pirates is then lost, it is said that they even became colonists in the Mississippi. But there is one interesting story dated 1704. There is evidence that it was Anna, along with her husband Lawrence, who attacked the Spanish ship. The man was killed by a cannonball, then Marianne took command of the pirates. Unfortunately, there were fewer robbers, they lost the battle. All the pirates were sent to hard labor, but the name of their leader turned out to be too famous. The news of Anna's arrest reached Louis XIV himself through the naval secretary of France, who asked the Spanish king to intervene. As a result, the female pirate was released. And one of her daughters lived in Haiti and became famous for defeating a man in a duel.

Ingela Hammar (1692-1729). This woman served as a privateer for the Swedish king Charles XII during his Northern War at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1711, the 19-year-old girl married the pirate Lars Gatenhielm, who officially received permission from the king to rob enemy merchant ships. But the privateer plundered everything that came in his way. And Ingela knew her future husband from childhood, their union had long been approved by her parents. This marriage was happy, five children were born in it. There is every reason to believe that Ingela was not just a beloved wife, waiting for her husband on the shore, but also a faithful companion in his activities. Perhaps it was Ingela who was the brain behind all of Lars' cunning operations, behind all his activities. Most of the operations were planned at the base in Gothenburg and were controlled from there. And in 1715, the family had already earned a huge fortune. In 1718 Lars died and his privateering passed to Ingele. During the course of the war, she further expanded her husband's privateering empire. It is no coincidence that the Swede was even nicknamed the queen of navigation. But after the conclusion of a peace agreement with Denmark in 1720 and Russia in 1721, there was no one to fight with. The former pirate remarried in 1722 and died in 1729. Ingelu Hammar was buried next to her first husband.

Maria Lindsey (1700-1745). This Englishwoman was born in 1700 and her piracy is also associated with her husband's name. Eric Cobham robbed ships in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and his base was located on the island of Newfoundland. The couple became famous for their cruelty on the verge of sadism. The pirates preferred to sink the captured ships, and all members of the crew were either killed or used as a target for shooting exercises. Such a career of corsairs lasted for the spouses from 1720 to 1740. After that, the couple decided to start a new life in France. In Europe, the Cobham couple became respected in society, Eric even managed to get the post of judge. But for Maria, such a sedate life turned out to be not to her liking, and she simply went crazy. Either the woman committed suicide, or her husband killed her. And before his death, Eric Cobham told the priest about all his sins, asking him to tell everyone the story of his life. The book came out shameful and incriminating, and the descendants even tried to buy and destroy the entire print run. But a copy remained in the National Archives of Paris.

Rachel Wall (1760-1789). The death penalty has long been abolished in many American states. The last person to be hanged in Massachusetts was Rachel Wall. Possibly the first American-born woman to become a pirate. And she was born into a family of devout believers in provincial Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Rachel did not like life on a country farm, which is why she chose to move to the city. Once a girl was attacked in the port, and a certain George Wall saved her. The guy and the girl fell in love and got married, although Rachel's parents were against it. The young people moved to Boston, where George became a sailor on a fishing schooner and his wife became a servant. The family was constantly short of money, so George Wall suggested to his friends that they become pirates. At first, the crew, along with Rachel, operated on Shoals Island, off the coast of New Hampshire. The girl on the deck of the schooner portrayed the victim of a shipwreck. When boats with rescuers arrived there, the pirates killed them and robbed them. In 1781-1782, the Walls, along with their accomplices, captured twelve boats and thus earned 6 thousand dollars and a bunch of valuables. 24 people were killed. But in the end, George Wall, like most of his team, died during a severe storm. Rachel had to return to Boston and resume her work as a servant there. But the robber has not forgotten her past, from time to time stealing boats in the docks. And while trying to rob a young lady, Margaret Bender, the bandit was caught. On September 10, 1789, Rachel Wall was convicted of robbery, but she asked to be tried as a pirate. The authorities agreed, although the woman did not kill anyone. On October 8, Rachel was hanged, having lived only 29 years.

Charlotte Badger (1778 -1816). There were also female pirates in the history of Australia. The very first is considered to be Charlotte Badger, who was born in the English Worcestershire. She also made history by being one of the first two white female settlers in New Zealand. An Englishwoman was born in a poor family to support herself, she began to engage in petty theft. In 1796, a girl was caught trying to steal a silk scarf and some coins. For this, she was sentenced to seven years hard labor in New South Wales, Australia. There she began working at a women's factory and even gave birth to a daughter. Together with the child in 1806, Charlotte boarded the Venus, planning to find work in the colonies. The captain of the ship, Samuel Chase, turned out to be a cruel man and liked to beat women with whips just for fun. Badger, along with his girlfriend, also an exile, Catherine Hagerty, did not want to endure the bullying of the sadist and persuaded the passengers to revolt. Having captured the ship, the women, along with their lovers, headed for New Zealand, choosing the difficult fate of the first settlers. There is information that the rebels from the Venus, along with two women and their lovers, took up piracy. However, this idea quickly failed, because the rebels did not understand anything in the seafaring business. There is a story that the ship was captured by the Maori natives. They burned the ship by eating or killing the crew members. Catherine Hagerty died of a fever, but the fate of Charlotte Badger, a failed pirate, remained unknown. It is believed that she managed to hide on the island, and then join the crew of an American whaling ship.

Pirates! Gentlemen of the sea. For many centuries, their names inspired fear in people. Captain Flint, Jack Sparrow, John Silver, James Hook... The list of names goes on and on! Thunderstorm of the royal fleet, cunning and treacherous, "people without honor and conscience", tireless adventurers. Read about such fearless marines below.

1 Jetrow Flint (1680-1718)

The famous Captain Flint begins our selection today. Despite the fact that this is the name of a fictional character created by the thought of the Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson, his mention is worthy of this collection. Flint was a merciless man. This is confirmed by the famous pirate song, which contains the words - "Fifteen people for a dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum." It was fifteen people who unwittingly witnessed the place where Flint buried his treasures. And with that, they signed their own death warrant.

2 Henry Morgan (1635-1688)

The name of this pirate, we know from the film "Hearts of Three", based on the novel of the same name by Jack London.
However, unlike the previous participant in our selection, Henry Morgan really existed. He was not only a pirate, but also a man who helped England gain control over the entire Caribbean region. For this, he received the rank of Governor of Jamaica. However, the sea could not part with its favorite, and as a result of the earthquake, the cemetery where the old pirate was buried went under water. The cause of Morgan's death was liver disease, caused by the indefatigable use of rum, a favorite drink of pirates.

3 Francis Drake (1540-1596)

Despite the fact that Francis was born in the family of a priest, he was not an exemplary Christian. This was facilitated by the blessing of the Queen of England, who was ready for anything, if only the Spaniards were not the leading power in the world. At 18, Drake becomes the captain of a pirate ship that robs and destroys Spain's property. In 1572, he participated in the capture of the Spanish "Silver Caravan", thanks to which he brought 30,000 kg of silver to the treasury. In addition, with the desire to visit unknown countries, Drake was a participant. Thanks to her, the treasury of England received an income that was three times the size of its annual budget. In addition, the British got acquainted with the then exotic vegetable - potatoes. For this, Drake was knighted and received the rank of admiral.

4 William Kidd (1645-1701)

His fate has become a reminder to all pirates of the inevitable punishment. By a court verdict, he was executed, and his body was placed on display in a metal cage in London for more than 23 years. The reason for this was the pirate antics of Kidd, who was a real disaster not only for the French, but also for the British.

5 Grace O'Malle (1530-1603)

This name is forever entered into the annals of piracy. The life of this girl is a continuous series of love and adventurous adventures. In the beginning, she is a pirate along with her father. Then, after the death of her father, she herself becomes the leader of the Owen clan. With a saber in hand and loose hair, she made her enemies tremble. However, this did not stop her from loving and being loved. The mother of four children, even when she was no longer young, continued to raid. At the same time, she rejected the proposal of the Queen of England to enter the service of Her Royal Majesty.

6 Olivier (Francois) le Vasseur (1690-1730)

One of the most famous pirates, whose homeland was France. Without taking a direct part in the pirate raids against the British and Spaniards, Vasser, meanwhile, received the lion's share of all booty. The reason for this was the island of Tortuga (present-day Haiti), which this talented engineer turned into an impregnable fortress and became a haven for pirating elements. There is a legend that during the years of managing the island, he saved up more than 235 million pounds. But his character, which deteriorated over time, played a cruel joke with him, as a result of which he became food for sharks. Gold, which has not been found so far, remains hidden somewhere on the islands in the middle of the world's oceans.

7 William Dampier (1651-1715)

Despite the fact that William Damir's main occupation was piracy, he is also considered the father of modern oceanography. This is explained by the fact that he not only pirated, but also described all his travels and what was connected with them. The result of this was a book called A New Journey Around the World.

8 Zheng Shi (1785-1844)

"Night Butterfly", who first became the wife and then the widow of the famous pirate Zheng Yi, she inherited more than 400 ships after the death of her husband, which were a thunderstorm of the Chinese merchant fleet. The strictest discipline was introduced on the ships, which put an end to such pirate liberties as the robbery of allies and violence against prisoners. In addition, Zheng Shi is known in history as the owner of brothels and the patroness of gambling.

9 Arouge Barbarossa (1473-1518)

Potter's son. His homeland was the island of Lesvos. Probably because he did not find his great love on it, or perhaps because of the capture of the island by the Turks, Barbarossa becomes a pirate at the age of 16. After 4 years, he concludes an agreement with the Tunisian authorities, according to which he can create his own base on one of the islands, and in return, he shares a percentage of the profits. Soon he becomes Sultan of Algiers. However, as a result of a clash with the Spaniards, he was killed. His successor was a younger brother known as Barbaross II.

10 Edward Teach (1680–1718)

This name not without reason frightened the British and French governments. Thanks to his courage and cruelty, Teach soon became one of the most feared pirates operating in the Jamaica area. By 1718, more than 300 men were fighting under him. The enemies were horrified by Tich's face, almost completely covered with a black beard, in which the wicks woven into it smoked. In November 1718, Teach was overtaken by the English lieutenant Maynardt and, after a short trial, was hung up on a yardarm. It was he who became the prototype of the legendary Jetrow Flint, from Treasure Island.

Or a corporate party or a party on the theme of pirate adventures, it is better for guests to announce it in advance so that they come in elements of pirate costumes. Such a program unites guests very much, creates a cheerful and lively atmosphere for the whole evening.

To organize the program new pirate scenario new year party you will need: props for contests, medallions or badges with pirate names for each guest, as well as cards with the same names, gold and black doubloons for counting points, jars where doubloons and musical arrangements for the holiday will be dropped.

Scenario of a pirate party.

Presenter: Greetings, friends! It's nice to see you on this New Year's Eve so beautiful and lively, it shouldn't be otherwise, because we are preparing to meet New Year, and are full of anticipation from new sensations and impressions that he prepares for us all together and each separately. Let's fill our glasses soon and congratulate each other on the upcoming 20 ... year!

First toast

Counts down the last minutes of the outgoing year,

Let them be bright, like fireworks!

May this meeting bring us joy and fun!

And the holiday will spin us all with its carousel!

Today, in the new year and life, everyone leads routes.

May love await everyone there and everyone will be comfortable!

And let the loud: "Hurrah!" under the Christmas tree

Under the clink of glasses will sound, raising our spirits!

(All guests clink glasses and shout: "Hurrah!")

(Small break).

Presenter: Probably, each of you noticed that on new year holidays a special atmosphere always reigns, we all involuntarily fall under the magic of this miracle - the meeting of the new year. And since all horoscopes vying with each other offer us to spend this night actively and recklessly, with positive and drive, I propose to spend it in pirate style. pirate party with full decoration and props, we didn’t pull our budget, but we will try to catch the mood and immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of excitement and carefree fun! So let's get started!

The thirst for adventure and exploits is already contained in the very word “pirate”, in Greek it means “to put to the test”, which today we will do with pleasure, my dear future pirates and pirates! Now each of you will choose a pirate name for the whole evening, for the use of a secular name - a black mark and punishment!

(Each guest draws out a medallion or a badge with a pirate name, it is desirable that male and female names lie separately)

Sounds like the song "Chance" from "Treasure Island"

Presenter: I see many people are shocked by their name. Yes, pirate names are not very harmonious, treat this with humor, especially since respect for your nickname is one of the first commandments of a pirate, so I ask you to love and favor yourself with a new name.

And now, so that you get used to it a little, and others get to know you again - let's make a comic forecast - a roll call. I read the text, the one whose new name will be called, even if he does not suspect that he will hear, raises his hand or rises himself so that everyone admires and gets to know him. Go.

(this forecast is designed for 35 guests: 17 women and 18 men, if the composition and number are different, then it is better to make appropriate changes to the text of the forecast)

Comic forecast-acquaintance at a pirate party

Where do we have Indomitable Bonnie, who will amaze everyone with her vocals today?

Most of all will dance Ben Lanky.

Today, Miggy Miggy will shine and star most of all.

Freaky Maggie will be happier and louder than others shouting "Happy New Year!"

But she will constantly be shouted over by Blind Pew, who will demand: “Pour more!”

In an hour, Katie Kortik will say that she is the coolest.

And Daniela Mor will giggle and say: “We have seen such cool ones”

After 1.5 hours, Jim Pluh will say that he, in general, sneezed at everyone.

And Baby Davy in 2 hours, alas, will fall asleep and will not tell anyone anything.

He will constantly demand to bring tomato juice to Bloody Mary vodka.

- “And more napkins,” Patchkulya Betty will soon shout.

Today Richard Iron will give Sly Xiao $100.

And Jeanne Blade will gladly give Bald Michael her beloved.

John Cox, having taken a dose of ... intoxicating, will distribute everything to everyone free of charge, and will immediately forget about it forever.

Only for today, Leaky Hands will be inviting Katherine the Black Mark to rest in Haiti all evening.

And Shorty Dirk will tell Terrible Mur-r that Haiti is tired and will call her to Lapland to Santa Claus.

And Hook Iron Hand will gently caress Viper Pati on the knee, and she will pretend that she likes it.

Fire Grace and Ruff Francis will have a showdown over who Devil Jones loves more.

By the end of the evening, angry, Ruthless Ann will say: “Yes, you are all bastards!” and drunk with grief

And only Skinny Annie, standing on a chair, will shout with enthusiasm: “People, I wish you happiness!”

Velcro Sky will pester everyone with the question: “Santa Claus is a red nose, did you bring me something?”

On her own, practically without staggering, Sonya Black Bones will sing about the fact that she is drunk and will not reach the house herself and they will call a taxi for her.

And Sam Bloodthirsty and Bootstrap Bill will hardly take Terrible Lila out of the party, who will shout: “I will melt from love now, I’m a Snow Maiden, I know!”

Gloomy Shpas will invite everyone to hangover tomorrow

And John Mad, waking up in the morning in a strange bed, asks in bewilderment: "Where was I yesterday?"

And finally, let me introduce Captain Black Dog and the Elusive Madame Wong, who are tired of listening to all this nonsense and are eager to make a toast about the fact that it's time to move the glasses for acquaintance.

So, welcome!!! By the way, today you can call me Veselushka Nadine, and DJ Loud Alex.

(you can beat an acquaintance using any other game, you can choose

(small break)

Presenter: And now I will ask Captain Black Dog and the Elusive Madame Wong to come to me. These are the two captains, let's welcome them! Your first task is to come up with a name for your schooner. Remember, whatever you call a boat, that's how it will float. And the second, but no less important, is to recruit a loyal and cohesive team. So, the title? (they call it, they need to be written on the banks, where the prize or penalty doubloons will be added, based on the results of the competitions). And now everyone is gaining equally (...) pirates and (..) pirates (the number depends on the composition of the guests).

Captains draw cards with pirate names - recruit teams

Presenter: Got it? How successful - tests will show. I read the list of commands.

On a schooner (made up name) under the command of Captain Black Dog, sailing for New Year's gifts are sent ...

On a schooner (made up name) under the command of the Elusive Madame Wong are sent...

(cards scored by captains are counted)

You can also divide into teams without drawing lots: by tables or by teams represented.

Presenter: Sit down, dear captains. By the way, the names of our captains once belonged to very famous pirates - cunning, elusive and cruel. And our captains , I hope they will live up to the authority of their nickname. The captains have the last word, I think they will be fair and we will not have to throw them overboard and start a riot. Before proceeding to the main program, I suggest that this matter be smoked and noted.

(small break)

Presenter: To pass the rite of passage into the pirates, you must first get acquainted, at least briefly, with the Pirate Code of Honor.

Pirate code of honor .

1. A pirate is proud of his pirate name, no matter how it sounds.

2. The pirate code of honor is the only law that a pirate honors.

3. The Pirate Brotherhood is the only family for a pirate.

4. A pirate ship is the only home for a pirate.

5. Cowardice and betrayal are the most shameful crimes for a pirate.

6. On a ship, pirates can only swear in legal jargon.

7. Only a determined, courageous and hardy woman can be allowed to become a pirate.

8. It is strictly forbidden to fight on the ship.

9. Pirate rank allows a pirate to increase his rank after participating in battles and demonstrating his new skills and abilities.

10. For non-compliance with the rules of the Pirate Code, a pirate receives a stigma on his reputation and a sign of punishment - the Black Mark.

Presenter: Here I have gold doubloons and black marks - based on the results of the tests, we will calculate which team will win. The winning team comes up with a punishment for the losing team, in case of non-performance, it loses New Year's gifts. Now we will distribute responsibilities, according to Pirate rank. We will be the first to choose the ship's doctors, which is especially important at such an event. By the way, pirate doctors are like pianists in the Old World - respected and untouchable persons. They were the only ones who had the right not to obey the Pirate Code and to help the enemy. Although, between us, the medicine that they really mastered very well was this or that dose of rum.

The ship's doctor of the schooner is appointed ……………………… (pulls out a card with a name)

I will ask the doctors to come to me, choosing an assistant along the way.

Game moment at the New Year's party "Pirate Medical Examination"

(Participants receive a small prop from a children's first aid kit or a joke shop: a thermometer, a hammer, a stethoscope - for entourage and for the "medicine" test: trays with bottles that say "Rum": disposable glasses - will be carried by assistants)

presenter: Dear doctors of pirate schooners, with the help of the tool received, and most importantly, medical intuition, you need to examine the guests and determine among them those to whom you can put the diagnoses indicated on the card. And with the help of various doses of medicine, they can be cured immediately.


1. chronic danceritis; nedopohmelin; love fever of the first degree.

2. light holiday addiction; severe underdrinking; sharp ditty.

(“Doctors” walk around the hall, examine guests, make diagnoses and treat with a different number of glasses)

Presenter: We can admit that both doctors passed the test, and the surest medicine for us tonight will be: love, fun and a bottle of rum. And now to everyone who didn’t get the medicine or to whom the therapeutic dose seemed insufficient - I suggest drinking “For health!”

(banquet break)

Presenter: Thanks to the care of the doctors, everyone wet their pirate throat, which means it's time to scream. Do you agree? In the meantime, I propose to shout a little.

(small break)

Presenter: An equally important person on a pirate ship is Cook or Ship cook. The fighting capacity of the crew depends on good nutrition. We appoint cooks.
ship's cook schooners ……………………… appointed
ship's cook schooners ……………………… appointed (pull out) - ………………………………………….. (name)

Game moment with the ship's chefs

Presenter: Your test is as follows: from improvised material, i.e. from what is on the table, come up with a new dish and give it a pirate name such as Sea Knot noodles with the Last Barracuda volley sauce. But remember that the dish must be edible, because it will be tasted by your captain, not the captain of the enemy. We started.

Groovy music sounds - participants create a dish

Presenter: It is clear that with such cooks not a schooner crew will be lost (title), nor the crew of the schooner (title) And tell me, dear pirates, what else is valued in navigation? (referring to guests).

The guests respond, the presenter comments on their answers, when something like fun or a joke is heard, the program continues.

Presenter: Indeed, it can be very boring on a long voyage, so they love and appreciate the representatives of the pirate brotherhood, who can tell a funny story, make them laugh, or even invent something. The next test is the ability to tell a New Year's fairy tale.
From the schooner (title) are invited (draws 7 cards with the names of the pirates of one team)

Participants come out, the presenter gives them headbands or hats of characters and replicas. It is best to rehearse with the "artists" before starting, so that they remember their lines well and understand when pronounce them, then they will play more expressively, without peeping at the word cards.

Sounds like a musical composition

They go out, the host gives them beads and skirts and quickly explains that they should shout in unison: “Oh!” and how to move, and that in the final they should pull everyone to the dance floor by organizing a lambada train.

Costume number "Natives on a New Year's holiday"


The Yumba Tumba tribe

Flowers do not bloom in the flower beds,

But bananas and coconut grow,

And they do not know cold and frost!

They won't talk much

But they will give us love!

Let's bathe them in applause,

Yumba-toomba tribe! We meet!

Drums sound -

- dancing, "natives" come out

They will not say their wishes -

They will show you with an incendiary dance.

Capture every moment in life

Sing, dance, joke, love!

Natives: Oh!

Let there be a lot of delicious food

And there will be no diseases, troubles at all,

Your children and grandchildren will be healthy,

And so that they do not know sadness and boredom!

natives: O! (everyone grabs their shoulders and spins)

So that your leaders would be smart,

They did everything for the prosperity of the country,

So that everyone is sure to get rich,

Have everything they want!

natives: O! (everyone grabs their shoulders and spins)

I wish you a holiday every day

And so that even a stump blooms in the garden.

But in order to experience all this

Everyone should dance the dance of love!

natives: O! (everyone gets into the train and goes to the hall to collect guests)

It sounds like Lambada. Then a dance break

New Year's toast

Presenter: And we continue our tests. Now let's choose Quartermaster and boatswain (pulls out names). Their task is the technical and material support of the team, let's see how they can do it.

Mobile game "Come on, bring it"

(4 chairs are placed, who will bring it faster)

1. Alcohol

4. A shoe from a pirate of the opposite sex

(according to the results, doubloons are thrown into banks)

Presenter: Who have we not tested yet? Pilot and captain's assistant, those on whom the correct course of the ship depends.

Team competition "Guess the course"