Pirate names nicknames are cool. The most famous pirates in history. We offer some ideas in a pirate style

  • 03.05.2020

This year I decided to arrange a "Pirate Birthday" for Stas.

The theme was chosen in advance, so before the "big day" I managed to collect a solid props.

And so...

June 29 we celebrated Staskin DR. This year I organized the holiday alone, since the 29th was Monday, and I didn’t want to postpone the celebration for a week (and my mother clearly hinted that she had no particular desire to participate in all this).
I started preparing almost from the winter. I was looking for pirate souvenirs for gifts for children and for treasure, I bought pirate books (the Piratology series by the Makhaon publishing house, by my birthday I already had all three, and also the book Pirate's Diary).

Unfortunately, Staska's beloved friend Sashuni was not present at the celebration. But there was a new girlfriend Katya, with whom the children became friends very successfully.
In total there were 4 children (Stas 5 years old, Oksana 2 years 10 months old, Andrey 6 years old, Katya 9 years old) and two adults - me and Andrey's mother. My grandmother only looked out of the window (they showed a movie all day on that day, so she almost didn’t even leave the room). Andrey's mom, like last year, helped VERY. She took pictures and filmed, and entertained the children for almost an hour while I set the table.

In the morning I woke up first and went to cook breakfast, then the children woke up, had breakfast with semolina (Stasina's favorite), and we began to prepare for the holiday. Stas inflated (HIMSELF!!!) balloons, and I tied ropes to them and at the same time prepared a treat. From 9 to 10 we spent like this, and then we went to dress up as pirates. Ksenia did not want to dress as a pirate, she asked her to wear her favorite puffy white princess dress. I foresaw this business and captured the dress from Moscow. Stas dressed without any problems, asked for the biggest hat (which I actually saved for myself), but at the holiday he got hot in it, so he gave it to me anyway, and he was in a bandana, like the rest. Of all the pirate accessories, Oksana agreed only to a headband with skulls (I bought it the day before in Daughters and Sons), and I didn’t braid her pigtails, so our princess looked like a pirate disheveled.

For the last half an hour I have been running around like crazy and setting up decorations (tying balloons and flying fish in the clearing, bringing a box with props, etc.) In the clearing where all the games were held, I hung blue and green balloons (such as sea-okyan), and at home in the terrace where we ate, she hung red ones, yellow ones and the rest.

I was so fussy that Stas saw me burying the treasure. I asked him to sit at home and not look after me, because I was preparing a surprise, and he spied from the window that I was burying the treasure in the sandbox. And then he says to me: “I know what a surprise this is! It's a treasure!" Me: "It hurts you're smart ... How did you guess?" He: "And I spied what you are digging." In short, it turned out that I buried the treasure in the sandbox. I was terribly upset and scolded him. And he ran after me for a long time and apologized, like he already knew that the treasure would be in the sandbox, and I didn’t say that you couldn’t follow me through the window. But then I calmed down a little (after all, the child has a birthday, you can’t be angry with him for a long time, especially since it’s her own fault, she didn’t encrypt it properly). I burned the old place of the treasure on the treasure map with a candle and drew a new one, respectively, and reburied the treasure for sure, so that Stas would not see it. But still ... upset that the surprise was spoiled.

Andrey and his mother Anya were the first to come. They gave Stas a crossbow, a set of cars and a gun with a cunning top and music. While I was finishing the last preparations, Anya and the children were looking at gifts, so I had time to do everything. Then the children ran after Katya. We called Katya the day before, so she didn’t have much time to prepare a gift. Katya gave a bouquet of flowers, a cake with roses and a box of chocolates. But the main gift from her was that she came!!!

Then we dressed up the children as pirates:
- bandanas (my neckerchiefs are better, of course, real cotton bandanas - Andrey had one of his own, it almost did not fall off, unlike my silk ones),
- belts (we had children's scarves, you can just cut old rags),
- weapon,
- Kate and Andrey drew mustaches and a beard with a cosmetic pencil.

For some reason, Stas did not want a purchased pirate sword (I had two of them), but took his “daily” saber with a sheath and a freshly presented crossbow (though he agreed to put the crossbow later, otherwise all hands were busy). By the way, I recommend making swords out of thick cardboard (from boxes, you can ask for boxes in large supermarkets) and the same for everyone (so as not to quarrel), because children will definitely fight on these swords until they break. And cardboard swords are not a pity, and you won’t be seriously injured by them. You can even not glue any shiny paper and do not paint the blades with shiny colors, for children this is in the heat of playing the drum - if only the skull and bones were on the handle. You can simply spread the “blade” with PVA glue and wrap it with foil.

Stas refused the mustache, and Oksana was so frightened that they would draw her too, that for a long time she covered her face with her hand. And in general, she was so frightened of the children dressed up as pirates (Andrey and Katya immediately began to fight with sabers), that at first she hid at home, and I barely persuaded her to return, and then she stood with me for the whole holiday by the hand, and if she had been given freedom, so I would gladly climb on the handles. In general, she did not participate in any competitions.

First, Anya and I took some pictures of the children (as long as the props are intact). And it was very prudent, because by the end of the game there was little left (the steering wheel was torn off the stick on which it was attached, the balls popped, one sword was broken and generally dispersed so that they could no longer pose calmly). So I recommend taking a picture at the very beginning.

We also invited the children to come up with pirate nicknames for themselves. It turned out like this: Stas - Storm of the Seas, Andrei - Blackbeard, Katya - Bloodthirsty Katrin.

I started my show.

She told me that I was a pirate and brought Stas an “explosive letter” as a gift from the captain of our ship Blackbeard - she gave him a balloon (a letter from Blackbeard was stuffed into the balloon on paper filled with burnt as it should be). Stas only guessed from my hint that in order to get an “explosive” letter, the balloon had to be blown up, that is, burst). And from this first burst balloon, the spade-ball chaos of the holiday began :))) The balloon burst, the letter was found. At first, Katya began to read it (3rd grade, after all), but my pirate accent somehow went hard for her, so from the second line I myself began to read, so that with the right expression and all that!

Hello land rats!
So, are you ready to enter the world of pirates? If you are reading this letter, then you are damn lucky, anchor down my throat! I am an old and bloodthirsty pirate and never give to beggars, but if you prove that you are worthy of my gift, a hundred devils in my side, you can get some of my treasures buried on the Mysterious Island. This will be my gift for your holiday! I trust my senior assistant, Blind Helga, to check your readiness for the journey.
Pirate Blackbeard

Of course, the children happily expressed a desire to urgently prove that they are real pirates and worthy of the treasure.

The first contest was - FIND THE WHEEL.
I nailed a cardboard steering wheel onto a stick (Oleg and I cut it out of big box and painted in Moscow). The pirate candidate was blindfolded, untwisted, and then, with the tips of the others (left, right, forward, back), he had to find the helm, that is, to prove that he could be entrusted with the watch in a storm.
The first tried Stas. He barely found it (apparently, I promoted it too much). Then Katya found the helm very quickly. Andrei is also fast, but a little slower than Katya.
As a result, it was decided that Katya would be at the helm on our ship.

The second competition INDIAN CAPTURE.
I said that during a treasure trove, pirates can be captured by the Indians. Therefore, candidates must prove that they will be able to get out of this captivity so that I am not left without a team.
Participants are tied behind their backs with a rope. On a signal, the players try to free themselves.
I prepared a separate rather thick rope for each. I tied them without knots, just wrapped them (I was very afraid that they would not be able to unravel), as a result, they unraveled almost instantly, so they didn’t even have time to feel it. So I advise you to still knit at least single knots and tie everyone with one rope, so they will feel better as a team, and one person, having got out, can help the rest to untie even tighter and double knots. In general, in order to still have time to suffer.

In general, the whole team came out of this test with honor, so it’s not scary to get into Indian captivity with them.

The third competition is MARINE DICTIONARY.
I said that everything is called in a special way on a pirate ship, and they must know this terminology so as not to get into trouble. I did not fool around with a jar of papers, because not all participants could read. I just read the terms from my piece of paper. If you didn't guess, she explained. At first I also wanted to show illustrations from the book, but along the way I did not do this, since any hitch harmed the overall impression. With a great desire and opportunities, you can prepare a separate illustration for each concept on the cards for this competition.


1 Rear of the ship (stern)
2 Kitchen on the ship (galley)
3 The front of the ship (bow)
4 Room for the captain or passengers (cabin)
5 Wall inside the ship (bulkhead)
6 Side of the ship (board)
7 Room for sailors (kubrick)
8 Board for descent from the ship, ladder on the ship (ladder)
9 Steering wheel of the ship (steering wheel)
10 Window on the ship (porthole)
11 Floor on the ship (deck)
12 Clock (sand) on the ship (flasks)
13 Ship's bell (bell)
14 Toilet on the ship (latrine)
15 The lowest part of the internal space of the ship (hold)
16 Bench in the boat (bank)
17 Steel hook (hook)
18 Box or chest for personal belongings (locker)
19 The main person after the captain on the ship (boatswain)
20 Apprentice sailor (cabin boy)
21 High wooden sail support (mast)
22 Sea robbers (pirates)
23 What holds the ship in place (anchor)
24 Pirate seizure of a ship with hooks and ropes (boarding)
25 Watch on the ship (watch)
26 Berthing place (port)
27 Ship cook (cook)
28 Captain's or passengers' quarters (cabin)

They answered with pleasure. But they did not know about half of the terms. Stas answered most of all. I praised him at the end, said that he would be the chief assistant to the captain, because, knowing the terminology, he would be able to give commands correctly.

The fourth competition - "TO DOWN THE DESERT ISLAND"
Here the children surprised and delighted us, showing enviable ingenuity and non-standard thinking.

Each player is given a balloon and a marker. I explained that it might happen that a pirate would end up on a deserted island. And I want to see if they can survive there. So, while the music is playing, they must draw everything they need on their balloon-island in order to survive there. I wonder who will be able to settle down on their island faster than the others.
Stas drew scribbles (he drew them very quickly, almost the entire ball managed to scribble in the allotted time - only the flomik creaked!), And then with honest eyes he explained to us that it was his house, and food, and a cow, and a boat and much more more.
Andrei only drew a boat to sail away from this island.
Katya drew a house, palm trees and also a boat.
Stas was declared the most savvy and was told that he would conduct all negotiations, since he was so cunning and smart.

After the end of the competition, the children expressed a unanimous desire to pop their balloons-islands!

(all pirates must be able to tie and untie sea knots)

Rules: First you need to appoint a driver. First, it’s the birthday person himself, then you can ask: “Who else wants to try?”
The leader leaves the room. The rest of the participants hold hands tightly, forming a chain. This chain needs to be "tied" into a sea knot. Players can turn around, step over the hands of a player standing nearby, climb anywhere without letting go of the neighbor's hand. After the sea knot is ready, and the participants "twist" to the limit, the pirate team shouts: "Hey, pirate! Unravel the rope!". The driver comes up and unravels the knot without breaking the chain. The competition can be repeated several times.

We had few participants, so it was very easy to unravel everything. But the kids still loved it! I can advise, if you also have few participants, use a thick rope tied in a circle, and everyone hold on to it and get tangled.

The sixth competition - STUDYING SEA TEAMS.

I explained that all pirates on the ship must follow the captain's orders quickly, clearly and correctly. Explained the rules:

Left hand drive! - everyone runs to the port side (left edge of the site).
Rudder right! - everyone runs to the starboard side (right edge of the site).
Nose! - everyone runs forward.
Stern! - everyone runs back.
Raise the sails! Everyone stops and raises their hands.
Clean up the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.
Cannonball! - everyone sits down.
Captain on board! - everyone screams, squeals, whistles and stamps their feet - that is, they greet the captain in a pirate way.

This contest was a great success and everyone liked it very much. The children readily followed all the commands. The most difficult thing was the “bow” and “stern”, these commands consistently led to panic on the ship. Very funny, the children reacted to the command to “scrub the deck”, from which it was concluded that only Stas washes the floor of the house :))

Seventh competition - MYSTERIES WITH A TRICK
Pirates must be cunning and not fall for tricks. Need
quickly and correctly answer riddles:

Fastest of all from fear
Rushing ... (not a turtle, but a hare).

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown ... (not a wolf, but a bear)

In his warm puddle
He croaked loudly ... (not a sparrow, but a frog).

Passed along the steep mountain
Overgrown with wool ... (not a crocodile, but a ram).

More often with his head up,
Howling with hunger ... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).

Like a bus showroom
Mom jumped into the bag ... (not an elephant, but a kangaroo).

Above the forest the sun's ray went out
The king of animals is sneaking ... (not a rooster, but a lion).

Having overcome all obstacles,
The faithful one beats with a hoof ... (not a lion, but a horse).

Takes hay with a trunk
Thick-skinned ... (elephant, not hippopotamus).

Fan tail, crown on head.
There is no bird more beautiful than ... (not a crow, but a peacock).

Who likes to rush through the branches?
Of course, a redhead ... (not a fox, but a squirrel).

A simple question for kids:
Who is the cat afraid of? ... (not mice, but dogs)

Everyone liked this competition very much. The children answered with satisfaction and laughed a lot when they made a mistake.

Eighth competition - PIRATES-ORDERS.
I said that pirates at sea often fight, so they need to be able to give each other first aid. She offered to bandage the wounds with toilet paper.
First, Stas and Andrey bandaged Katya. Stas hand, Andrey leg. Andrei worked very professionally - methodically and diligently. At first, Stas did not succeed very well, but in the end he got used to it.
Then they bandaged Andrei's head and stomach. Here the children were already spoiled, and Stas completely tied Katya to Andrey. But in general, the children also liked the competition.

By the way, wherever it was appropriate during the competitions, I turned on the music from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" on the tape recorder, downloaded this album on the Internet.

And now the competitions are over, and I announced that in front of me is obviously a great team - everyone is so smart, cunning, dexterous, and of course they are worthy of a treasure map!

But only real pirates can go in search of a real treasure, so all participants need to confirm a solemn oath:

“Joining the ranks of pirates and treasure seekers, I swear to honor
pirate code, do not be afraid, do not lose heart, help your comrades,
to share the found treasures according to honor and conscience, otherwise let me
deprive me of my share of the treasure and throw it to the sharks."
Who agrees, calls his name.

The children happily called their real names. Anya and I quietly neighed among ourselves on the topic “Pirate Stasik” and reminded the children that now they have new names - Storm of the Seas, Blackbeard and Bloodthirsty Katrin.

At the end, they learned to sing pirate songs:

Pirate, forget about heaven
forget about the father's house -
gaping holes in the sails
stabbed with a knife! Haha!

And in the hold to flow, and in the hold to flow,
and rum is pouring by!
Pirate, save your buckshot,
pray later! Haha!

Over stormy seas
We go here and there
And no one calls us

And above us is a black flag,
And on the flag is a black sign -
human skeleton
And bones, bones, bones, bones!

The first one did not go at all, the second one was somehow tried to bring to mind, but the friendly choir did not work out. At the end, Stas joked funny, singing “And on the flag is a SHELL!”, after which everyone rolled with laughter and could no longer sing. Then, by the way, according to Anya, Andrey composed a whole song in the style of rap about this “skull” at home.

Then I said that the cards are worthy, only flying fish ate her. So now they need to catch all the fish, rip open their belly, get the pieces of the map and fold them up.
I made fish from balloons. I glued their mouth, eyes from colored paper with PVA glue (the eye itself is a chamomile, in the middle the pupil is drawn with a felt-tip pen), glued the fins and tail with adhesive tape. I hung it by the upper fin (therefore, it is better to make it from colored cardboard so that it does not come off ahead of time). A MAP was written on the burnt - scorched paper and torn into five pieces letter by letter (it was necessary to cut even more crookedly and tear into more pieces to make it more difficult to assemble). I put the pieces in fish balls before inflating. In total, I had seven fish, two without pieces. It was necessary to make more fish (15 pieces), since the children really liked to burst them, and before that these fish also very much decorated the clearing on which the game took place. But Oleg and I and with these families were tortured - cut and glue.

In general, our pirates rushed at the fish very zealously, so zealously that they forgot about the map, so after they had eaten the fish, they searched for pieces of the map in the grass for a long time. But all five were found and the word MAP was added from them. So I gave them a real map. And our pirates went in search of treasure.

By the way, for some reason, I expected that the competitions would take us more time, and so we did it in just an hour. But there were few children (only 3), the competition with ropes ended very quickly, all games were played no more than 2 times. But I still had to prepare the table after searching for the treasure, and I cooked it for almost an hour, all this time Anya entertained the children (they took pictures and played edible-inedible). If someone else prepared the table, the competitions could be stretched for 2 hours. Or somehow beat treasure voyage, taking into account the acquired skills (build a ship and sail on it (teams on the ship, fight off sharks, etc.)).

For the treasure I bought:
- "golden" chocolate medals,
- chocolate sweets in golden wrappers (such as gold),
- small chocolates "Alenka" (she took them out of the papers, and they remained in the foil - like silver bars),
- "Kinder" pirate series,
- decorative balls (such as gems)

I also put beads for girls there - like jewelry.

She put all the treasure in a chest, which was given to Stas on a Christmas tree in the Golden Ring Theater (there was a performance on a pirate theme). But you can make a chest out of the box and color it accordingly.

I buried the chest in the area behind the bathhouse. I drew a treasure map yesterday. For this, a sheet of A3 paper was filled with strong tea leaves, dried (the paper turned yellow, as if old). I drew a treasure map with pencils and felt-tip pens with special symbols (house - Camp of the natives, barn - Abandoned camp, greenhouse - Crystal cave, bathhouse with shower - Thundering waterfall, garbage dump - Rotten swamps, sandbox - Quicksand, etc.). Then she also made tan marks on the map with a candle.

The children were too lazy to think about the map, at first they just ran around the site and looked for the "Green boulder" (basin). Then they began to pester Anya and me: "Well, where?" We courageously held on for the first time, but then it became obvious what the main problem was - the only person who navigates the site, the birthday boy, can’t read, so he can’t make out anything on the map :) I still had to prompt a little with leading questions. after a hint, the children quickly found the treasure, dug up the earth under the basin and pulled out the TREASURE CHEST!

Divided according to the principle "who managed to grab what", but no matter how old it turned out almost equally.

Pirate loaf before a feast:

On our pirate schooner
We baked a loaf
Like this ... (heights, lows, widths, dinners)
Loaf, loaf, you choose a pirate!

I bought a cake in a store, chose one that could depict something on a pirate theme on it.
I had in store tartlets in the shape of boats, a variety of chewing marmalade (tropical animals, shells, ship accessories (wheel, anchor, etc.), fish) and thin straws. From all this, I built the following composition on the cake:

I also made boat sandwiches: eggs with a cheese sail (in the egg there is a yolk with mackerel fish and mayonnaise)

There were also pepper ships with a sausage sail and tartlet boats with viola cheese inside and a sausage sail.

The children did not eat peppers, but they tried boats made of tartlets and eggs.

The children drank "real pirate ROM" (I poured apple juice into liter bottles of kvass. I stuck the inscription ROM on the bottles.

There was no rum left after the feast, as the REAL PIRATES feasted!!!

Especially for the holiday, I bought plates with pictures from "Pirates of the Caribbean" and made skeleton napkin holders (you can print it here).

The pirates had a feast, then we played a little more outdoor games in the street (blind and seek, hide and seek, etc.), and everyone went home. Both the children and the birthday boy were very happy :)

For his birthday, we gave Stas these books:

and a bunch of pirate Bricks

Books from the Secrets and Treasures series, of course, are not for five-year-old children (look at the comments on the Labyrinth for yourself), but Stas himself can’t read, so we leafed through them, he climbed through the secrets, and I told him myself that considered it necessary, and removed these books for the time being (up to 9-10 years). But we read the "Diaries", very informative. With the "Diary of a Page" Stas is still worn and periodically flips through it himself or asks me to tell and read it again.

And finally, some notes:

Decorations on the street where the celebration takes place:
Hang blue and silver balls (depict the sea)
Draw a Jolly Roger on other balloons (I didn’t do this - I felt sorry for the nerves of my old grandmother with prejudice :)))
You can make a palm tree from bananas, ferns and sticks.

You could also run the following contests:
Dance for Aboriginal Cannibals
To scoop out water from the hold (real water from a large container (bucket, trough) or depict pumps)
draw a pirate ship
Putting your nose on a pirate from a poster
Show prowess on sabers - cut down something - the prize is suspended on a thread or on toilet paper.

Helpful Hints:
Rehearse all the same texts in advance. I was very worried and spoke with insufficient artistry and expression. If I knew the lyrics by heart, there would be more artistry.
Don't forget that main man at the holiday - a birthday man, and most importantly for everyone - his good mood. Do not forget to praise and celebrate him in all competitions. And in general, praise the children more, otherwise Anya and I still made fun of them a lot.
If the birthday boy is younger than all the other guests (as we did), support him so that the rest of the children do not "rub" him
Clearly understand what role the child himself wants to play and proceed from this birth. For example, Stas wanted to be my cabin boy, not the captain (as I originally planned), I had to beat it.
I wouldn't have been able to do it alone, I can't hope for it. Setting the table and taking a picture would definitely not work.
Stas should have been entrusted with more participation in the preparation of the holiday. For him, this would be more pleasant than a surprise (especially since he saw everything in advance anyway). For example, you could definitely entrust him with gluing fish. Just don't say what's in their belly.
Pirates really liked (most of all, probably) bursting balloons. We need to do more contests where you need to burst them. To make an enemy of one of them (a sea miracle Yudo), so that they beat him with the whole team.
Do not lose control for a second, because during each hitch, the children immediately began to fight with swords or hit everything with them - “the weapon burned their hands straight”.

The phenomenon of piracy has given human history many names of legendary adventurers. The peak of maritime robberies came in the 17th century, when the World Ocean was the scene of a struggle between Spain, England and some other European colonial powers gaining momentum. Most often, pirates made a living by independent criminal robberies, but some of them ended up in public service and purposefully harmed foreign fleets.

Francis Drake

Born in 1540, he came from an ordinary farming family, and nothing foreshadowed that he would become a great pirate and navigator. A sharp turn in his life happened at the age of 12, when his parents moved to Kent. There, the teenager became a cabin boy on a merchant barge. The owner of the ship was his distant relative. Dying, he handed over the ship as a legacy to Drake. So, by an amazing coincidence, already at the age of 18, the young man turned out to be a captain.

Like all other contemporary sailors, Francis dreamed of distant western seas, where the Spaniards continued to rule since their discovery. The most famous pirates of that time, as one, hunted royal galleons loaded with American gold. The Spaniards really controlled the West Indies and were not going to give its resources to the British. Skirmishes constantly occurred between the ships of these two countries. In one of them, in 1567, Francis Drake almost lost his life. Of the entire English flotilla, only two ships survived. After this episode, the Spaniards became Drake's sworn enemies.

Francis received from his authorities a letter of marque and the right to free robbery of enemy bases. Using this opportunity, the pirate captured Spanish fortresses and outposts in the Caribbean. In 1572, his detachment intercepted a huge cargo of silver. The robber sailed to England with 30 tons of precious metal.

Drake became famous not only as a thunderstorm of the Spaniards, but also as a brave navigator. In 1577, Queen Elizabeth I sent him on an expedition around the world. It was this pirate who became the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. During his journey, he found out that Tierra del Fuego is an island, and not the southern mainland, as was previously believed in Europe. After his triumphant return, Francis Drake received a knighthood and became a sir. The high rank did not change the habits of the sea wolf. On the contrary, over and over again he rushed into another adventurous voyage.

In 1588, Francis Drake participated in the defeat of the Spanish Invincible Armada. The victory of the English fleet was a harbinger of British maritime dominance for several centuries. After this success, Drake went on expeditions to the West Indies several times. In it, he destroyed enemy bases of pirates that interfered with the lucrative English trade. Sir Drake died in 1596 while traveling in Panama. His lead coffin was buried in the ocean. Without a doubt, the adventurer is the most famous pirate of the 16th century.

Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan was born in 1635 in the Welsh outback to a landowner's family. The boy could become the heir of his father, but from childhood his passion was not Agriculture, and the sea. As time has shown, love for distant horizons was justified. The most famous pirates envied the success of Henry Morgan, who became a living legend of his time.

As a young man, an Englishman hired himself on a ship sailing to the harbor of the island of Barbados. Once in the Caribbean, Morgan began to build an amazing career as a pirate. Joining the sea robbers, he moved to Jamaica. Junga quickly became a participant in raids, the main purpose of which was to rob ships that came to hand. In a short time, the boy learned all the laws and customs of marine life. Already in his youth, he became the owner of considerable capital, knocked together from pirate proceeds and winnings in dice. With this money, Henry bought his first ship.

Very soon, even the most famous pirates heard about the prowess and luck of Morgan. A group of like-minded people formed around the pirate. New ships began to join his ship. The growth of influence could not but lead to the growth of ambitions. In 1665, Morgan decided to give up plundering ships and began planning an operation to capture the entire city. Trujillo was his first target. Then the robber captured several Spanish bases in Cuba. Both simple privateers and the most famous pirates could not boast of such success.

Morgan's most famous military enterprise was his campaign against Panama in 1670. By this time, the robber already had a fleet of 35 ships and a team of 2 thousand people at his disposal. This gang landed in Panama and moved to the Spanish fortress of the same name. Although the garrison consisted of 2.5 thousand soldiers, he was unable to defend the city. Having taken Panama, the pirates exterminated all those who resisted and plundered everything they could reach. The city was set on fire and destroyed. After this raid, the names of the most famous pirates faded against the background of the name of Henry Morgan.

When an English subject returned to Jamaica, which belonged to the crown, the authorities unexpectedly arrested him. The fact was that on the eve of London and Madrid made peace. Pirates did not act on behalf of the state, but enjoyed its benevolent connivance. Having made peace with Spain, the British government promised to rein in their pirates. Henry Morgan was expelled to his homeland. At home, a court was waiting for him, but the process turned out to be only a sham demonstration. The authorities were not going to punish the pirate who had rendered them so many services in the fight against Spanish rule at sea.

Henry Morgan soon returned to Jamaica. He became vice-governor of the island and commander-in-chief of its fleet and army. In the future, the pirate continued to faithfully serve the crown. He died in 1688 and was buried with honors in the church of Port Royal. A few years later, Jamaica was rocked by a catastrophic earthquake, and Morgan's grave was washed into the ocean.

Ann Bonnie

Although sea robbery has traditionally been considered an exclusively male business at all times, the most famous female pirates are no less interesting. One of them was (born in 1700). The girl came from a wealthy Irish family. When she was still a child, her father purchased an estate in distant America. So Ann moved to the New World.

At the age of 18, her daughter ran away from home and embarked on a path of adventurous adventure. She met a pirate and decided to join his sea adventures. The girl had to get used to men's clothes and master the skills of combat and shooting. Rackham's crew was seized by the authorities in 1720. The captain was executed, but the punishment for Ann was constantly postponed due to her pregnancy. Her further fate remains unknown.

According to one version, Bonnie was released and died during another raid, according to another, her influential father rescued her, after which the former robber spent her whole life in South Carolina and died in 1782 at a ripe old age. Be that as it may, the most famous female pirates (another famous robber at the time was even more rumored than their male counterparts.


The legendary figure of Blackbeard remains one of the most recognizable in the pirate pantheon. Under this nickname was Edward Teach. Almost nothing is known about his childhood. The sailor made himself known in 1713, when at the age of 33 he joined the robbers of Benjamin Hornigold. Like all world-famous pirates, this team hunted in the Caribbean Sea, which is attractive for valuable cargo. Teach was the true ideal of a pirate. He knew nothing but regular raids and robberies. His ship, Queen Anne's Revenge, terrified both sailors and civilians on earth.

In 1717, thanks to the efforts of the governor of the Bahamas, the official authorities began an uncompromising fight against pirates. In new unusual conditions, many robbers (including the same Hornigold) decided to lay down their arms and receive a royal pardon. However, Teach refused to change his lifestyle. From that moment on, he became enemy No. 1 for the British military and naval forces.

Many famous pirates who did not want to integrate into new order, joined Blackbeard. The most famous adventure of this captain was the blockade of Charleston in South Carolina. The raiders captured many high-ranking citizens and received a colossal ransom in exchange for their return.

The treachery of the owner of Queen Anne's Revenge did not go unpunished. The authorities promised 100 pounds for the head of a pirate, which was then a fortune. A real hunt began for Blackbeard. Very soon, on November 22, 1718, he died in a boarding battle against the team of Lieutenant Robert Maynard. Often the most famous pirates and their ships disturbed the seas for an extremely short, but eventful period. The same was the fate of Blackbeard.

Bartholomew Roberts

The fame enjoyed by the most famous pirates in history gave rise to many rumors and myths around them. Bartholomew Roberts was no exception to this rule. It is he who is credited with the authorship of the Code of Pirates - a set of rules according to which many generations of sea robbers lived.

Roberts was born in 1682 in the small Welsh town of Haverfordwest. His sea travels began on a slave ship, where Bartholomew was the captain's mate. He got to the pirates at the age of 37, when he was hired on the ship "Princess of London". A month and a half later, the novice robber was elected captain of his own ship.

Further independent enterprises Roberts glorified him in many seas and countries. At that time, it was believed that he was the most famous pirate in the world. Bartholomew's team operated not only in the Caribbean, but also in the coastal waters of West Africa, Brazil and even Canada. The thugs plundered everything that could be profitably sold: ships with noble metals, galleons with northern furs, barges with rare American goods. Roberts made his flagship a stolen French brig, which he called the "Royal Pirate".

Bartholomew was killed in 1722 while on another trip to Africa, where he intended to engage in a profitable slave trade. The legendary pirate was killed by the addiction of his companions to drink. When a British ship unexpectedly attacked Roberts' ship, his entire crew was dead drunk. The most famous pirates of the Caribbean and the admirals of the Royal Navy were amazed by what happened: it seemed to everyone that Bartholomew was invincible. Roberts stood out noticeably from his comrades not only in his own successes, but also in his habit of dressing well, as well as his aversion to gambling and foul language. There is no doubt that he was one of the most extravagant pirates of his time.

Henry Avery

During his short life, he managed to acquire many nicknames. Some contemporaries called him Lanky Ben, others called him the Arch-Pirate. Avery's love of the sea was predetermined by his own roots. Henry's father was a captain in the English navy. In 1659, a son appeared in the officer's family, who was destined to become one of the brightest and most legendary pirates of his era.

At first, the future criminal sailed on merchant ships and only then changed them to robber ones. In 1694, 25-year-old Emery was employed on a privateer ship. The main difference between such a ship and the classic pirate ship was that it robbed and attacked foreign merchants with the permission of its government. Sometimes contracts were violated: when the ship stopped paying salaries, the crew rebelled. The sailors decided to become pirates and instead of the old captain they chose a new one. It turned out to be Henry Emery.

The new leader of the robbers left the Caribbean Sea and went to the Indian Ocean, where there was also something to profit from. The place of the first long stop was Madagascar. Emery's team then attacked ships belonging to the Indian Mughal Empire. The robbers managed to capture a huge amount of rare oriental goods and all kinds of jewelry. All the pirates of America dreamed of such a profitable enterprise. After that expedition, Avery disappeared from view. There were rumors that he moved to England and tried to start an honest business and ended up completely broke.

Thomas Tew

The path that Henry Emery followed during his famous expedition was called the "Pirate Circle". Thomas Tew was the first to pass this route (Atlantic - South Africa - Madagascar - India). Like Emery, he started out as a privateer and ended up as a pirate. In 1693 he robbed several ships in the Red Sea. Before his attack, European thugs had never hunted in this area. Perhaps this is the reason for Tew's success - no one expected the appearance of Caribbean gentlemen of fortune.

During his second voyage to Madagascar, Thomas met Henry Emery by chance. Because of the rumors about easy money in the eastern countries, the most famous sea robbers now sought to repeat the success of Tew. In the memory of the pirates, this captain remained precisely as the discoverer of the "Circle". He couldn't do more. In 1695, Thomas Tew died during an attack on a Mughal flotilla.

Thomas Cavendish

The list, which includes the most famous pirates in world history, cannot be complete without mentioning Thomas Cavendish (1560-1592). He was a contemporary of Francis Drake. The biographies of these two pirates, who acted in the interests of the English crown, have many similarities. Cavendish, following Drake, decided to travel around the world. The expedition, made in 1586-1588, was not peaceful at all. Rounding America, English pirates robbed many Spanish ships full of gold. In a sense, Thomas Cavendish's journey was audacity. The Spaniards considered the Pacific Ocean their "inland lake" and were furious when foreign robbers penetrated these still unknown waters.

The Cavendish team made the most profitable attack near the coast of Mexico. The subjects of Elizabeth I attacked the galleon, which was carrying a year's supply of Peruvian gold (120,000 pesos). Another lucrative enterprise for pirates was a stopover in Java. This island was famous for its pepper and cloves. Spices at that time were valued by the weight of precious metals. Cavendish managed to get a large load of this expensive goods. The pirates returned to their native Plymouth in 1588. Having completed a round-the-world trip in 2 years and 50 days, they set a speed record that lasted for two whole centuries.

Cavendish quickly spent his fortune. A few years after his amazing success, he assembled a second expedition, intending to repeat his last triumph exactly. However, this time the pirate was pursued by failures. In 1592 he died in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Presumably Cavendish's ship sank near Ascension Island.

Francois Olone

Although the most famous pirates and their ships, as a rule, were associated with England, other countries also had their own nuggets. For example, the Frenchman Francois Olone (1630-1671) left a significant mark on history. In his youth, he became famous in the main Caribbean pirate port of Tortuga. In 1662, a young robber received a letter of marque and began to hunt Spanish ships. One day Olone's ship was wrecked. The pirate was thrown onto the Mexican coast, where he, along with his team, was attacked by the Spaniards who came to the rescue. All the French died, and only Olona, ​​who pretended to be dead, managed to survive.

François' most ambitious undertaking was his capture of the Spanish city of Maracaibo in present-day Venezuela. The daredevils who attacked the colony fit in only five ships. On the way, the pirates plundered a Spanish ship and obtained a valuable cargo of jewelry and cocoa. Arriving on the mainland, Olone led the assault on the fort, which was garrisoned by 800 people. The pirates captured the fortress and got 80,000 silver piastres. In honor of the fall of Maracaibo, the captain was nicknamed "the scourge of the Spaniards."

The last campaign for the famous French robber was his expedition to Nicaragua. After three months of looking for profit, the pirates seized a ship loaded with cheap paper. Due to failure, part of the team returned to Tortuga. Olone continued the raid, but unfortunately for the captain near Cartagena, his ship ran aground. A French detachment of 40 people that reached the shore was attacked by a crowd of Indians. Local cannibals tore and ate Olone and his team.

Amaro Pargo

Amaro Pargo is one of the most famous Spanish pirates. He was born in 1678 in the Canary Islands and already in his youth began to trade in the transportation of slaves from Africa to America. Free laborers on the plantations were highly valued, thanks to which Pargo quickly got rich. He was a sworn enemy of Blackbeard and, in general, of all English pirates.

Before his death in 1747, Pargo made a will, in which he indicated that he buried a chest with fabulous treasures: silver, gold, pearls, jewelry, precious stones and expensive fabrics. For several decades, many adventurers have tried to find this treasure, including the most famous pirates. There are still a lot of blank spots in the story of Pargo's legacy. Despite a long search, no one found the treasure of the Spanish pirate.

My grandmother smokes a pipe in her Khrushchev room,
My grandmother smokes a pipe and sees the waves of the seas through the smoke.
All the pirates in the world are afraid of her and are rightfully proud of her.
Because grandma robs and burns their frigates,
But spares the elderly and children!

Sukachev Garik and the Untouchables

M ama is a pirate ... what could be more authoritative for a child, and it helps to keep her husband within limits.
For most people, the word "pirate" is associated with the image of a bearded sea robber with one leg and a boarded up eye. However, among the successful famous pirates, there were not only men, but also women. This post is about some of them.

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Scandinavian pirate princess Alvilda

One of the first pirates is Alvilda, who robbed in the waters of Scandinavia in the early Middle Ages. According to legend, this medieval princess, the daughter of a Gothic king (or a king from the island of Gotland), decided to become a "marine Amazon" in order to evade a marriage forced on her by Alf, the son of a powerful Danish king.

Having gone on a pirate voyage with a team of young women dressed in men's clothes, she became the number one "star" among the sea robbers. Since the dashing raids of Alvilda posed a serious threat to merchant shipping and the inhabitants of the coastal regions of Denmark, Prince Alf himself set off in pursuit of her, not realizing that the desired Alvilda was the object of his persecution.

Having killed most of the sea robbers, he entered into a duel with their leader and forced him to surrender. How surprised the prince of Denmark was when the pirate leader took off his helmet and appeared before him in the guise of a young beauty, whom he dreamed of marrying! Alvilda appreciated the perseverance of the heir to the Danish crown and his ability to brandish a sword. The wedding was played right there, on board a pirate ship. The prince swore to the princess to love her to the grave, and she solemnly promised him never again to go to sea without him.

Everyone is dead... Hallelujah! Is the story told true? The researchers found that for the first time the tale of Alvilda was told to readers by the monk Saxo Grammatik (1140 - c. 1208) in his famous work “The Acts of the Danes”. Most likely he learned about it from the ancient Scandinavian sagas.

Jeanne de Belleville

The Breton noblewoman Jeanne de Belleville, who was married to the knight de Clisson, became a pirate not out of a love of adventure and wealth, but out of a desire for revenge.

In the period 1337-1453, with several interruptions, there was a war between England and France, which went down in history as the Hundred Years' War. The husband of Jeanne de Belleville was accused of treason.
King Philip II of France ordered his arrest, and without any evidence or trial, on August 2, 1943, he was handed over to the executioner. Known for her beauty, charm and hospitality, the widow Jeanne de Belleville-Clison vowed cruel revenge. She sold her property and bought three fast ships. According to another version, she went to England, achieved an audience with King Edward and, thanks to her beauty, received three fast ships from the monarch for corsair operations against France.

She commanded one ship herself, the others - her two sons. The small fleet, dubbed the "Vengeance Fleet in the English Channel", became the "scourge of God" in French coastal waters. Pirates mercilessly sent French ships to the bottom, devastating coastal areas. They say that everyone who had to cross the English Channel on a French ship, first of all, wrote a will.

For several years, the squadron robbed French merchant ships, often even attacking warships. Zhanna participated in battles, excellently owned both a saber and a boarding ax. As a rule, she ordered the crew of the captured ship to be completely destroyed. Not surprisingly, Philip VI soon gave the order to "catch the witch dead or alive."

And once the French managed to surround the pirate ships. Seeing that the forces were unequal, Jeanne showed real deceit - with several sailors she launched a longboat and, together with her sons and a dozen rowers, left the battlefield, leaving her comrades-in-arms.

However, fate cruelly repaid her for betrayal. For ten days, the fugitives wandered the sea - after all, they did not have navigational instruments. Several people died of thirst (among them - the youngest son of Jeanne). On the eleventh day, the surviving pirates reached the coast of France. There they were sheltered by a friend of the executed de Belleville.
After that, Jeanne de Belleville, who is considered the first female pirate, left her bloody craft, remarried. Popular rumor said: she began to embroider with beads, got a lot of seals and settled down. This is what the life-giving cross does, which means a successful marriage ...

Leat kiligra

About two hundred years after Jeanne de Belleville, a new female pirate appeared in the English Channel: Lady Kiligru. This lady has led a double life: in society she is the respected wife of the governor, Lord John Kiligru, in the port city of Falmet, and at the same time secretly commands pirate ships that attacked merchant ships mainly in Falmet Bay. Lady Kiligru Tactics long time turned out to be successful, as she never left living witnesses.

One day a heavily loaded Spanish ship entered the bay. Before the captain and crew could recover, the pirates attacked and captured him. The captain managed to hide and with great surprise discovered that the pirates were commanded by a young and very beautiful woman who could compete with men in cruelty. The Spanish captain made it ashore and quickly headed for the city of Falmet to inform the royal governor of the attack. To his new surprise, he saw a pirate sitting next to the governor, Lord Kiligru. Lord Kiligru ruled over two fortresses, the task of which was to ensure the unhindered navigation of ships in the bay. The captain said nothing about what had happened, and immediately left for London. By order of the king, an investigation began, which brought unexpected results.

It turned out that Lady Kiligru carried violent pirate blood, as she was the daughter of the famous pirate Philip Wolversten from Sofolk, and as a girl she participated in pirate attacks. Thanks to her marriage to the lord, she gained a position in society, and at the same time created a large pirate company that operated not only in the English Channel, but also in neighboring waters. During the process, many mysterious cases of the disappearance of merchant ships were revealed, which until now were attributed to "supernatural forces".

Lord Kiligru was condemned to death and executed. His wife also received a death sentence, but later the king commuted it to life imprisonment.

Mary Ann Blyde

Irish Mary was exceptionally tall for her time - 190 cm and unearthly beauty. She became a pirate quite by accident, but she devoted herself entirely to this dangerous activity. One day she was on a ship to America and was captured by the most famous sea pirate in history - Eduard Ticchu, nicknamed Blackbeard. Thanks to her good upbringing, Mary Ann Blyde stayed with the kidnapper. Soon she proved herself to be an excellent student of Ticci and received her ship. Her passion was jewelry and precious stones. She and Ticch are said to have amassed $70 million worth of treasure, and together they buried it somewhere on the shores of North Carolina. Treasures have not been discovered so far.

All pirates, both men and women who did not die in battle, end their lives ingloriously: they are usually condemned to death or life imprisonment. Mary Ann, however, had a different fate. In 1729, during an attack on a Spanish ship, she fell in love with a young man who was on that ship. The young man agreed to marry her, but on the condition that she abandon her occupation. Together they run away to Peru, and there their traces are lost...

Ann Bonnie

Ann Cormac (her maiden name) was born in a small Irish town in 1698. This red-haired beauty with an exuberant temperament became an icon of the Golden Age of Piracy (1650-1730s) after she secretly threw in her lot with a simple sailor named James Bonney. Ann's father, a respected person, having learned about his daughter's marriage, disowned her, after which she and her newly-made husband were forced to leave for the Bahamas, which at that time were called the Pirate Republic, a place where loafers and idlers lived. Happy family life Bonnie didn't last long.

After her divorce from her husband, Ann met the pirate Jack Rackham, who became her lover. Together with him, she went to the open sea on the ship "Revenge" to rob merchant ships. In October 1720, members of Rackham's crew, including Anne and her bosom friend Mary Read, were taken prisoner by the British. Bonnie blamed her lover for everything. On the last date in prison, she told him the following: "It's a pity to see you here, but if you fought like a man, you wouldn't be hanged like a dog."

Rackham was executed. Bonnie's pregnancy allowed her to get a reprieve from her death sentence. However, the fact that it was ever put into action is nowhere in the historical records. Rumor has it that Anne's influential father paid a huge amount of money to have his unlucky daughter released.

Mary Reid

Mary Read was born in London in 1685. Since childhood, by the will of fate, she was forced to portray a boy. Her mother, the widow of a sea captain, dressed an illegitimate girl in the clothes of an early deceased son in order to swindle money from a wealthy mother-in-law who did not know about her grandson's death. Pretending to be a man in the Renaissance was easy, because all men's fashion was very similar to women's (long wigs, big hats, puffy outfits, boots), which Mary managed to do.

At the age of 15, Mary was enlisted in the British army under the name Mark Read. During her service, she fell in love with a Flemish soldier. Their happiness was short-lived. He died unexpectedly, and Mary, dressed again in a man's dress, went on a ship to the West Indies. On the way, the ship was captured by pirates. Reid decided to stay with them.

In 1720, Mary joined the crew of Jack Rackham's ship The Revenge. At first, only Bonnie and her lover knew that she was a woman, who often flirted with "Mark", making Ann wildly jealous. A couple of months later, the whole team knew about Reed's secret.

After the ship "Revenge" was captured by the pirate hunter, Captain Jonathan Barnet, Mary, as well as Ann, managed to get her death sentence suspended due to pregnancy. But fate still overtook her. She died in her prison cell on April 28, 1721 from puerperal fever. What happened to her child is unknown. Some suspect that he died during childbirth.

Sadie Goat

Sadie Farrell, a 19th-century American pirate, got her rare nickname because of the strange way her crimes were committed. On the streets of New York City, Sadie gained a reputation as a merciless mugger who attacked her victims by headbutting them hard. Sadie is said to have been kicked out of Manhattan after she got into a fight with a fellow criminal, Gallus Meg, which resulted in her losing part of her ear.

In the spring of 1869, Sadie joined the Charles Street gang and became its leader after stealing a moored sloop on a bet. Farrell and her new black-flagged crew with the Jolly Roger sailed the Hudson and Harlem rivers, plundering the farm estates and mansions of the wealthy along the way, and sometimes kidnapping people for ransom.

By the end of the summer, such a fishery became too risky, as farmers began to defend their holdings, firing at the approaching sloop without warning. Sadie Farrell was forced to return to Manhattan and make amends with Gallus Meg. She returned a piece of her ear, which she kept for posterity in a jar with a special solution. Sadie, since then known as the "Queen of the Port", placed him in a locket, which she did not part with for the rest of her life.

Illyrian queen Teuta

After Teuta's husband, the Illyrian king Agron, died in 231 BC, she took over the reins of government, since her stepson Pinnes was then too young. In the first four years of her reign over the Ardiei tribe, who lived on the territory of the modern Balkan Peninsula, Teuta encouraged piracy as a means of fighting against the powerful neighbors of Illyria. The Adriatic sea robbers not only robbed Roman merchant ships, but also helped the queen recapture a number of settlements, including Dyrrhachium and Phoenicia. Over time, they expanded their influence into the Ionian Sea, terrorizing the trade routes of Greece and Italy.

In 229 BC, the Romans sent ambassadors to Teuta, who expressed dissatisfaction with the scope of the Adriatic pirates and urged her to influence her subjects. The queen derisively reacted to their requests, stating that piracy, according to Illyrian ideas, is a legitimate trade. How the Roman ambassadors reacted to this is unknown, but apparently not very politely, since after meeting with Teuta one of them was killed and the other was sent to prison. This was the reason for the start of the war between Rome and Illyria, which lasted two years. Teuta was forced to admit defeat and make peace on extremely unfavorable terms. Ardiei pledged to pay an annual burdensome tribute to Rome.

Teuta continued to oppose Roman rule, for which she lost her throne. There is no information about her further fate in history.

Jacotta Delaye

Jacotta Delaye was born in the 17th century to a Frenchman and a Haitian mother. Her mother died in childbirth. After Jacotta's father was killed, she was left alone with her younger brother, who suffered from mental retardation. This forced the red-haired girl to take up piracy.

In the 1660s, Jacotta had to fake his own death in order to escape the persecution of government troops. She lived under a male name for several years. When everything calmed down, Jacotta returned to her previous activities, taking the nickname "Red-haired, returned from the other world."

Breton lioness

Jeanne de Clisson was the wife of the wealthy nobleman Olivier III de Clisson. They lived happily, raised five children, but when the war broke out between England and France, her husband was accused of treason and executed by beheading. Jeanne vowed revenge on King Philip VI of France.

The widow de Clisson sold all her lands in order to buy three warships, which she dubbed the Black Fleet. Their crew consisted of merciless and cruel corsairs. Between 1343 and 1356, they attacked the ships of the French king, sailing across the English Channel, killed crew members and beheaded with an ax all the aristocrats who had the misfortune to be on board.

Jeanne de Clisson hunted for sea robbery for 13 years, after which she settled in England and married Sir Walter Bentley, a lieutenant in the army of the English king Edward III. She later returned to France, where she died in 1359.

Anne Dieu-le-Veu

Frenchwoman Anne Dieu-le-Veu, whose surname translates as "God wants it", had a stubborn and strong character. She arrived on the island of Tortuga in the Caribbean in the late 60s or early 70s of the 17th century. Here she twice became a mother and a widow. Ironically, Ann's third husband was the man who killed her second husband. Dieu-le-Veu challenged Lawrence de Graaf to a duel to avenge the death of her late lover. The Dutch pirate was so mesmerized by Ann's courage that he refused to shoot himself and offered her his hand and heart. On July 26, 1693, they got married and had two children.

After her marriage, Dieu-le-Veu went to the open sea with her new husband. Most of his crew members believed that the presence of a woman on the ship meant bad luck. The lovers themselves laughed at this superstition. How their love story ended, no one knows for sure.

According to one version, Anne Dieu-le-Veu became the captain of de Graaff's ship after he was killed in a cannonball explosion. Some historians suggest that the couple fled to Mississippi in 1698, where they may have continued to engage in piracy.

Saida Al-Hurra

A contemporary and ally of the Turkish corsair Barbarossa, Saida al-Hurra became the last queen of Tetouan (Morocco); she inherited power after the death of her husband in 1515. Her real name is unknown. “Saida Al-Hurra” into Russian can be roughly translated as “noble lady, free and independent; a woman overlord who does not recognize any power over herself.

Saida al-Hurra ruled Tetouan from 1515 to 1542, controlling the western Mediterranean with his pirate fleet while Barbarossa terrorized the eastern. Al-Hurra decided to engage in piracy in order to take revenge on the "Christian enemies" who in 1492 (after the conquest of Granada by the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile) forced her family to flee the city.

At the height of her power, Al-Hurra married the King of Morocco, but refused to hand over the reins of Tetouan to him. In 1542, Saida was overthrown by her stepson. She lost all power and property; nothing is known about her further fate. She is believed to have died in poverty.

Grace O'MailBald Greine"

Grace was also called the "Queen of the Pirates" and the "Witch of Rockfleet" . O it is impossible to write briefly for this woman))) everything in her life was so interesting and confusing. Dumas smokes nervously. She was so famous that the Queen of England Elizabeth I herself met with her.

Grace was born around 1530 in Ireland, in the family of the leader of the O`Malley clan, Owen Dubdara (Umall-Uakhtara). According to legend, she “lost her hair” by cutting off her hair in response to her father’s remark that a woman on a ship was a bad omen, and after her father’s death, she defeated her brother Indulf in a knife fight, becoming a leader.

By marrying O'Flaherty's tanist Domhnall the Warlike, Granual became the head of her husband's fleet. Three children were born in the marriage - Owen, Murrow and Margaret.
In 1560, Domhnall was killed, and Granual, with two hundred volunteers, went to Claire Island. Here she (continuing piracy) fell in love with the aristocrat Hugh de Lacy, who, however, was killed by the MacMahon clan, which was hostile to him. Granual, in response to this murder, took their fortress and killed the entire clan.

A year later, she announced a divorce and did not return the castle; however, she managed to give birth in this marriage to a son, Tibbot. According to legend, on the second day after giving birth, her ship was attacked by Algerian pirates, and Granual inspired her people to fight, declaring that giving birth is worse than fighting. Considering that men will not have to give birth anyway, this is a dubious motivation. Apparently, female logic was the most logical then ....

Gradually capturing the entire coast of Mayo, except for Rockfleet Castle, Granual married (according to Irish tradition, in the format of a “trial marriage” for a year) Iron Richard from the Burke clan.

In the life of Grania there were defeats; one day the British took her prisoner and placed her in Dublin Castle. Somehow, the pirate managed to escape, and on the way back she tried to spend the night in Howth. They didn't let her in; the next morning, she kidnapped the burgomaster's son, who went hunting, and released him free of charge, but on the condition that the doors of the city were to be open to everyone looking for an overnight stay, and there should be a place for them at every table.

Queen Elizabeth hosted her twice and wanted to enlist her in her service. The first time at the entrance, a hidden dagger was taken away from Grace and Elizabeth was very worried about the fact of his presence. Grace then refused to bow before the Queen because she "did not recognize her as the Queen of Ireland".
As Grace took a puff of snuff, one of the noble ladies handed her a handkerchief. Using it for its intended purpose, that is, blowing her nose, she threw the handkerchief into the nearest fireplace. Responding to Elizabeth's astonished look, Grace stated that they, in Ireland, once used a handkerchief are thrown away.

This meeting was captured in an engraving, the only lifetime image of a pirate; even the color of her hair is unknown, traditionally considered black, according to her father's nickname, but in one of the poems called red. Why her name was bald history is silent.

The pirate queen died in the same year as the queen of England - in 1603.

Zheng Shi

Zheng Shi has earned fame as the most merciless sea robber in history. Before meeting the famous Chinese pirate Zheng Yi, she made a living as a prostitute. In 1801, the lovers got married. The Yi fleet was huge; it consisted of 300 ships and about 30 thousand corsairs.

On November 16, 1807, Zheng Yi died. His fleet passed into the hands of his wife, Zheng Shi ("Zheng's widow"). Zhang Bao, the son of a fisherman, whom Yi kidnapped and adopted, helped her manage everything. They turned out to be a great team. By 1810, the fleet consisted of 1,800 ships and 80,000 crew members. Zheng Shi's ships were subject to strict laws. Those who violated them paid for it with their heads. In 1810, Zheng Shi's fleet and authority weakened, and she was forced to conclude a truce with the emperor and go over to the side of the authorities.

Zheng Shi became the most successful and richest pirate of all time. She died at the age of 69.

Madame Shan Wong

200 years after the death of the first Chinese "pirate queen" in the same waters where her fleets robbed, a completely worthy successor to her work appeared, who rightfully won the same title. Shang, a former Cantonese nightclub dancer who became famous as China's most seductive diva, has married an equally famous man. His name was Wong Kungkim, he was the largest pirate chieftain in Southeast Asia, who began robbing merchant ships as early as 1940.
His wife, Madame Wong, as her friends and foes called her, was a faithful friend and intelligent assistant to the pirate in all his operations. But in 1946, Wong Kungkit died. The story of his death is mysterious, it is believed that the pirate's competitors are to blame for it. When, in the end, two of Wong Kungkit's closest assistants came to the widow, so that she, purely formally (since everything had already been decided by these two), would approve the candidate they had named for the post of head of the corporation. “Unfortunately, there are two of you,” Madame replied, not looking up from the toilet, “and the company needs one head ...” After these words, Madame turned around sharply, and the men saw that she was holding a revolver in each hand. This is how the “coronation” of Madame Wong took place, because after this incident there were no hunters to talk with her about power in the corporation.

Since then, her power over the pirates has been unquestioned. Her first independent operation was the attack on the Dutch steamer Van Heutz, which was boarded at night at the anchorage. In addition to the seizure of the cargo, everyone who was on board was robbed. Mining Madame Wong amounted to more than 400 thousand pounds. She herself rarely took part in the raids and in such cases she always wore a mask.
The police of the coastal countries, knowing that the pirates were led by a woman named Madame Wong, could not publish her portrait, which negated the possibility of her capture. It was announced that there was a £10,000 reward for her photograph, and whoever caught or killed Madame Wong could name the amount of the reward, and the authorities of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and the Philippines would guarantee him the payment of such an amount.
And one day, the head of the police of Singapore received a package with photographs, on which it was written that they were related to Madame Wong. They were photographs of two Chinese men cut into pieces. The caption read: They wanted to take a picture of Madame Wong.

That's almost all...

The theme of beautiful women among pirates is glorified by cinema... and every year it will only gain popularity.

Pictures (C) on the Internet. If they are highly artistic and colored, then they have nothing to do with the described pirate. I apologize to them and to you, I am sure of real life they looked better...

I never thought that I would arrange pirate party . After all, we have two girls growing up - beauties and all the holidays we revolved around princesses.

But recently I received an email from the company " Holiday in a cube with an offer to test their holiday box. The company slide announced "Pirate Party" as well as the "Knights and Princesses" and "Shadow Theater" set.

I gladly agreed to be tested, being sure that we would get "Knights and Princesses".

It wasn’t there, a package with a “Pirate Party” came to us. Nothing to do - had to unpack.

Pirate party - collage 1

To my delight, the box turned out to be not scary at all, but excitingly interesting. I myself, as a child, began to consider everything that was inside. And there were as many as 9 tasks for the "Pirate Party".

Pirate party - collage 2

I carefully examined everything and my eyes “lit up” - I wanted to arrange a “pirate party”. And we made it!

Since spring has already begun, it is warm outside, we decided to arrange a pirate party for children in nature and invited friends for a picnic.

I love to arrange holidays for children and prepare for them for a very long time - 2-3 weeks. This time, I was released from training. Everything was already prepared in the box “Holiday in a Cube”: and the script pirate party with wonderful contests, and props, and gifts.

I just have to take care of the pirate picnic.

Pirate party treat

We have prepared:

  • good rum (juice, which had very successful inscriptions "Sharp Eyes")
  • treasure chest (rafaelki)
  • shark brain (boiled milk sugar)
  • pirate bread (fried bread)
  • crocodile eggs baked in sand (boiled chicken eggs)
  • from a pirate island (cucumbers, tomatoes, bananas)
  • sour worms and monsters (marmalade)

Pirate party - collage 3

Our Olesyunka, who was always terribly afraid of even the word "bones", took an active part in decorating pirate dishes. But when I started drawing the Jolly Roger, Olesya laughed and said that I didn’t get a skeleton, but a funny baby. Her fear disappeared and her daughter herself drew several skulls with bones.

Pirate party - collage 4

And then came the long-awaited day of our picnic. Instead of 10 children there were 5 aged 5-7 but they had a lot of fun.

First, I told the children a story about how someone called our apartment and placed a strange box painted with skulls under the door.

The children became interested and we began to examine the box. It turned out that not skeletons were painted there, but jellyfish and fish.

Pirate Party - Package

Opening the box, we found a will from an old pirate sea ​​urchin. He told us that he hid his treasures in a secluded place and only the most daring and courageous pirates who will master 9 tests will be able to find them.

Pirate Party - testament

After talking with the children, we decided to hit the road in search of pirate treasures.

To find the treasure, we had to read a secret message of 16 words.

First Pirate Party Challenge

The first test was to transform into pirates. We painted the children's faces and hands with pirate symbols: for girls - hearts on their cheeks and arms, for boys - mustaches and beards.

Little Pirates

Pirate symbols:

  • seagull - a sign of freedom
  • dagger - a sign of villainy
  • heart is a sign of love
  • coin - a sign of wealth
  • target - a sign of vigilance

The children were also asked to forget about their names and choose suitable pirate nicknames for themselves. So we got:

  • beauty Jenny
  • Madame Zin
  • Baby Janelle
  • Captain Flint
  • Jack Sparrow
  • Hook - iron hand

pirate names

All new pirate names were written on sticky notes and we attached them to the new pirates.

The second test at the pirate party

In this test, it was necessary to paint a pirate flag and strengthen it in a safe place. Pirates easily coped with this task.

Pirate flag

As a reward, the pirates got a real sea bell, which helped to quickly gather all the pirates together.

Pirate Party Trial 3

In this test, the pirates learned to "sneeze" like a pirate and caught a pirate fish.

Pirate Games

Fourth Pirate Party Challenge

It was a very interesting test. We found a secret message wrapped in a lot of papyri.

Each papyrus had a riddle, and inside were 2 cones "Poison" and "Magic Water".

The pirates got a little scared, but then they realized that they needed to connect the cones. When we poured magical water into the poison, everything foamed, the water turned from white to brown, and on a stick inside the flask, we found 2 secret words.

Pirate letters

Fifth Pirate Party Challenge

Also a very interesting and difficult test. We took out a brick with encrypted words from the pirate box. For a long time we fought over its solution, but then we noticed the numbers. It turned out that there was a mirror inscription on the brick, which we successfully read with the help of a mirror from a magic box.

Mysterious letters

Sixth Pirate Party Challenge

Here the pirates had to move, which they did with pleasure, playing the tail of a sea serpent, the captain with the ship and pulling a real ship's rope, which also lay in a wonderful box.

Even mothers joined the tug-of-war.

Pirate Games

Pirate Party Trial 7

In this test, there was a warning that treasure hunts often end in the death of seekers. It was said in the message that white bones keep many secrets. One mystery had to be unraveled.

Cards with parts of the skeleton were attached to this test. Savvy pirates put all the pieces together and read another word from the message of the Sea Urchin.

Pirate secrets

Pirate Party Trial Eight

A very interesting test. A pirate cipher with mysterious signs was kept in a beautiful handkerchief. The cherished word was encrypted in the form of strings on the bracelet.

The pirates figured out the encryption very quickly.

Pirate message on knots

Ninth Pirate Party Trial

This test turned out to be one of the most difficult - it was necessary to hit certain sectors with darts that store encrypted characters. Our shooters had little accuracy and they threw darts for a long, long time.

The young pirates liked throwing darts so much that they still played this game after the picnic.

Pirate fun

When all the trials were over, we read the encrypted message “You want to find a treasure. It's less than a meter away. Immerse a brick with inscriptions into the water - a secret hidden for centuries will be revealed.

We put a brick in a bucket and started pouring water on it.

Pirate treasure is close

The brick began to dissolve and inside we found a real pirate treasure: golden piastres, a lot of jewelry and precious stones.

pirate treasure

The pirates equally divided all the treasures and the picnic began.

Children drank rum with great pleasure, snacking on crocodile eggs, octopus caviar, pirate bread and sour worms.

pirate picnic

While the pirates were eating, we found the last message from the Sea Urchin.

Pirate's message

In this message, the Sea Urchin revealed the secret that real pirates are thugs who live by the principle "Every man for himself and all for one." And our young pirates are not real, because they managed to overcome all adversity, remaining friends, guided by the rule: "One for all - and all for one!"

So it was. After the pirate party, we all together launched a huge balloon into the sky, which flew away to fulfill the good wishes of the children.

wish ball

good luck! Children want a repeat, and parents ask - where did I get such a wonderful box? I answer is « Holiday in a cube ”and readers of the Razvivashka blog are given a 5% discount when ordering, just tell the code word wunderkind

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and the occult, authors of 15 books.

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Surnames and names of famous pirates

Pirates- these are sea and river robbers of any nationality, who at all times robbed the ships of all countries and peoples.

The word "pirate" (Latin pirata) comes from the Greek. "try, test" The meaning of the word "pirate" is to try one's luck, a gentleman of fortune.

The word "pirate" came into use around the 4th-3rd centuries BC. e., and before that the concept of "leistes" was used, known since the time of Homer and closely related to such concepts as robbery, murder, booty. Piracy in its original form sea ​​raids appeared simultaneously with navigation and maritime trade. All the coastal tribes, who mastered the basics of navigation, were engaged in such raids. Piracy, as a phenomenon, is reflected in ancient poetry - in Ovid's Metamorphoses and Homer's poems.

With the development of trade and legal ties between countries and peoples, attempts began to be made to combat this phenomenon.

The pirates had own flag. The idea to sail under a pirate flag appeared in order to psychologically influence the crew of the attacked ship. For the purpose of intimidation, the blood-red flag was originally used, which often depicted symbols of death: skeleton, skull, crossbones, crossed sabers, death with a scythe, skeleton with a goblet.

The most common method of piracy attack there was a boarding (fr. abordage). The enemy ships approached side to side, grappled with boarding gear, and pirates jumped onto the enemy ship, supported by fire from the pirate ship.

Modern piracy

Currently, most of the pirate attacks occur in East Africa (Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique).

The region of the Strait of Malacca in Southeast Asia is not free from pirate raids.

Types of pirates

Sea pirates

River Pirates

Tevkry- Middle Eastern pirates in the XV-XI centuries BC. They were destroyed by the combined forces of the Greeks during the Trojan War.

Dolopians- Ancient Greek pirates (Skyrians), in the second half of the VI century BC settled on the island of Skyros. They hunted in the Aegean Sea.

Ushkuiniki- Novgorod river pirates, who hunted throughout the Volga up to Astrakhan, mainly in the XIV century.

barbary pirates- Pirates of North Africa. Based in the ports of Algeria and Morocco.

Likedelers- pirates of the northern European seas, descendants of the ancient Vikings.

Buccaneers- the English name of the filibuster, a synonym for a pirate who hunted in the waters of America.

filibusters- sea robbers of the 17th century who robbed Spanish ships and colonies in America. The word comes from the Dutch "vrijbuiter", which means "free earner".

Corsairs- this word appeared at the beginning of the XIV century from the Italian "corsa" and the French "la corsa". AT war time the corsair received from the authorities of his (or another) country a letter of marque (corsair patent) for the right to rob enemy property. A corsair ship was equipped by a private shipowner, who bought a corsair patent or a letter of reprisal from the authorities. The captains and crew members of such a ship were called corsairs. In Europe, the word "corsair" was used by the French, Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese in relation to their own and foreign gentlemen of fortune. In the countries of the Germanic language group, a synonym for corsair is privateer, in English speaking countries privateer(from the Latin word privatus - private).

privateers- private individuals in the countries of the German language group, who received from the state a license (diploma, patent, certificate, commission) to seize and destroy ships of enemy and neutral countries in exchange for a promise to share with the employer. Such a license in English was called Letters of Marque - letter of marque. The word "caper" comes from the Dutch verb kepen or the German kapern (to seize). Germanic synonym for corsair.

Privateers is the English name for a privateer or corsair.

Pechelings (flexelings)- so in Europe and the New World (America) they called Dutch privateers. The name comes from the main port of their base - Vlissingen. This term has appeared since the mid-1570s, when Dutch sailors began to gain fame (rob) around the world, and little Holland became one of the leading maritime countries.

Klefts (sea guides)- Greek pirates in the era of the Ottoman Empire, who attacked mainly Turkish ships.

Wokow- pirates of Japanese origin who attacked the coasts of China, Korea and Japan in the period from the 13th to the 16th centuries.

Surnames and names of famous pirates

Teuta (Teuta)- the queen of the Illyrian pirates, III century. BC.

Aruj Barbarossa I(1473-1518)

Khair-ad-Din (Khyzir)(1475-1546), Barbarossa II

Nathaniel Butler(born 1578)

Hawkins John(1532-1595)

Francis Drake(1540-1596)

Thomas Cavendish(1560-1592)

Dragut-Rais(16th century)

Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin(c. 1645-1707)

Edward Teach(1680-1718), nickname "Blackbeard"

Jan Jacobsen(15(?)-1622)

Arundell, James(d. 1662)

Henry Morgan(1635-1688)

William Kidd(1645-1701)

Michel de Grammont

Mary Reid(1685-1721)

Francois Olone(17th century)

William Dampier(1651-1715)

Abraham Blauvelt(16??-1663)

Olivier (Francois) Le Wasser, nicknames "La blues", "buzzard"

Edward Lau(1690-1724)

Bartholomew Roberts(1682-1722), nickname "Black Bart"

Jack Rackham(1682-1720), nicknamed "Calico Jack". It is believed that he is the author of the pirate symbol - the skull and crossbones.

Joseph Barss(1776-1824)

Henry Avery

Jean Ango

Daniel "The Destroyer" Montbar

Laurens de Graaf(17th century)

Zheng Shi(1785-1844)

Jean Lafitte(?-1826)

Jose Gaspar(first quarter of the 19th century), nickname "Black Caesar"

Moses Vauclain

Amyas Preston

WilliamHenryHayes(William Henry Hays)(1829-1877)

From this list, you can choose a surname and order us its energy-informational diagnostics.

On our site we offer a huge selection of names ...

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

In our book "The Energy of the Name" you can read:

Automatic name selection

Name selection according to astrology, incarnation tasks, numerology, zodiac sign, types of people, psychology, energy

Name selection by astrology (examples of the weakness of this name selection technique)

Selection of a name according to the tasks of embodiment (goals of life, purpose)

Name selection by numerology (examples of the weakness of this name selection technique)

Name selection according to the zodiac sign

Name selection by type of people

Psychology name selection

Name selection by energy

What you need to know when choosing a name

What to do to choose the perfect name

If you like the name

Why you don't like the name and what to do if you don't like the name (three ways)

Two options for choosing a new successful name

Corrective name for the child

Corrective name for an adult

Adaptation to a new name

Our book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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