Do flight feathers grow in pigeons. Biological features of pigeons. Blood and lymph

  • 07.11.2019

It is believed that the pigeon feather has positive energy and can be used as an amulet. Finding a dove feather is not so difficult - the birds periodically molt, giving many a chance to find their amulet. Let's figure out together what his strength is with scientific point vision, that is, find out how it works, and why birds can fly with it. From the article, you will also learn what exactly happens when a pigeon changes its flight cover.

Eyelashes and hooks

Light and graceful, dense and flexible bird feather is a special natural "gift". The plumage provides lift and thrust, and helps to correct the direction of flight. This is also a reliable warming cover: outside it is very dense, and inside it is loose, with a heat-insulating down layer. It makes up 60% of the total volume of the pigeon, and only 11% by weight.

The feather is formed at the stage of embryonic development. According to its structure, it has a fan and a rod, the bottom of which is called the center. It is deepened into the skin - a special feather "bag". Its main part is hollow, without a fan.

The rod runs through the middle of the wing. Small branches recede from it in both directions - "beards" of the first order, and from them, in turn, "beards" (second order). They have 'hooks' and 'eyelashes' that keep them hooked together and make the feather look continuous.

Powdered by nature

The dove has over 2000 different types of feathers.

The main elements of the contour feather of a bird are the trunk and the fan. It can be:

  • coverts - slightly convex and tight to other feathers;
  • flywheel - long, hard;
  • steering - located on the tail.

Among the flywheels there are paramount feathers - the first order. They are strong, developed, attached to the carpal part of the wing and forearm, forming an asymmetric fan. Their number is small - 10-12 pieces.

The flight feathers of the second order have a symmetrical fan; they are attached to the ulnar section of the wing. There are no down feathers in the plumage of a dove, but there are downy beards in the lower part of the fan.

Powder feathers are also available. Their ends break off, resulting in a powdery powder. It covers the entire feather "outfit" of the bird, gives softness to color shades.

The secret of beauty lies in the coccyx

Pigeons love to take baths, including sun baths. After a thorough cleaning, the feathers of birds become more shiny, clean, they retain heat longer. Rain for birds is a natural shower, many of them love stagnant water. Street individuals can be seen in puddles. Having fluffed up, they move their beak as if they want to dive. Then they freeze, rinse their heads, wash their necks, flap their wings in the water. And so not once.

Some individuals love to lie motionless in the water. After water procedures, the dove diligently cleans its plumage, goes out into a sunny place and lies down, alternately opening one or the other wing. Substitutes under the sun and his fluffy tail.

Change of bird outfit

The process of molting consists in changing the plumage of a bird. Periodically growing new feathers push out the old ones, which is reminiscent of the change of milk teeth to molars. For some pigeons, this begins at seven weeks of age, for others a little later, when they begin to fly.

Primary wings of the first order change the feather, as a rule, on the 48th day from the moment of the birth of the bird, tail wings - on the 52nd day, secondary flywheels - on the 78th day. This process lasts until the final puberty of birds.

In the young of early broods, feathers are renewed in the same year; in later ones, this process does not have time to complete and continues in the next. It happens that in the summer of the new year, with an unfinished primary molt, a secondary one begins.

If autumn chicks do not have time to change plumage in the year of their birth, then they uncertainly fly at 8-9 months. Spring chicks show good progress in flight business already in 4-5 months.

One feather, two feathers...

According to the molting scheme, at first the dove loses the tenth primary flight feather. Following him - alternately all the rest to the outer extreme (first).

The loss of flight feathers occurs at regular intervals, with each subsequent feather falling off only after the previous one has grown by about half.

Second-order flight feathers in a pigeon fall off after a complete renewal of the first 6 primary feathers of the same type. They begin to change from extreme to central.

Sometimes, together with them or a little earlier, the tail begins to shed. 12 feathers located on it (6 on each side) fall out in pairs. First, a couple of fifths, then sixths (in the middle), fourths, thirds, first (extreme) and second.

From about the second half of August and during two more autumn months, covert feathers change. The lateral plumage of a bird is updated the longest.

Warmth and nourishment, and courtship will wait

When molting, the bird looks lethargic, it has difficulty breathing, the shine in the eyes is lost, and the tongue becomes yellowish. Some birds refuse to eat.

As a result, it is necessary to follow the basic rules to facilitate molting in pigeons: protect them from drafts, high humidity and dampness, monitor nutrition.

It is better not to allow love games, mating during molting: the female may refuse to feed the chicks if they have appeared just by this time.

Bathing for molting birds is not prohibited, but the water should be at least 23 degrees Celsius. It is also necessary to maintain the room temperature of the water in the drinker.

Walking for birds is permissible, only you should observe the time they spend under the sun - it is highly undesirable for a pigeon to overheat.

Very carefully you need to take a feathered pet with an open molt in your hands.

Peas and fish oil: just what the doctor ordered

It is necessary to feed the molting bird tribe as plentifully as when laying eggs, since the formation of a new feather of a dove takes a lot of substances useful for the body.

Forage during molting should be nutritious and contain millet, rapeseed, peas, flax seeds, hemp, sunflower, rice, colza, cottage cheese.

There are many possible combinations of these and other ingredients. Daily feed intake for adult is 50 g.

An important element for the formation of feather cover is protein. Legumes can be its source. The amount of carbohydrates must be reduced in the diet of birds, for example, bread, potatoes. Due to their low mobility during the molting period, these products can lead to obesity.

It is recommended to give pigeons fish oil (preferably in the form of gelatin capsules) and minerals (especially sulfur) when changing feathers. To stimulate the appetite, you can feed the bird one or two peas of black pepper.

Everyone is different and not always according to plan.

If the molting was successful, then the new feathers have a bright color and shine. If not, the bird may be weakened throughout the current year and will not be able to fully perform at exhibitions and competitions.

How long the molt takes depends on the conditions of detention and the breed of pigeons. For example, it is easier in sports breeds - Permians, hryvnias, Bakuvians. But it’s more difficult for kosmachs - you just have to hook a new and still fragile feather on your leg - it immediately starts to bleed.

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Moulting is a natural process of annual feather change, but it is a little painful. It usually starts in July and lasts until October. Features of molting and its timing are a hereditary trait. In weakened or recovered pigeons, it proceeds slowly and painfully.

The change of feather proceeds gradually and in a strictly defined order, so that the pigeon does not lose the ability to fly, as is noted in geese and ducks. The change of the pen starts from the tenth flywheel, goes in turn to the outermost one. The secondary flight feathers begin to fall out when the six primary flight feathers are completely renewed. Between the feathers of the first and second orders, the so-called axillary feather grows on the border. The change of secondary flight feathers goes from the extreme ones in the direction of the shoulder joint. After the loss of half of the primary flight feathers, the change of tail feathers begins, which also takes place in a certain order: starting from the middle, two feathers fall out, then the next, and so on (Fig. 2).

The tail, consisting of 12 or more feathers, sheds simultaneously with the secondary flight feathers. Usually the tail is symmetrical in the number of feathers in it from the middle. Most breeds of pigeons have 12 of them. The second feathers fall out first from the middle. Then the two middle feathers are replaced, and then the rest in turn (in both directions). The second tail feathers on both sides are replaced last. The small coverts of the wing begin to change when the sixth primary feather falls out and are completely renewed before the change of primary feathers.

The change of small plumage is more intense than that of flight feathers. The molting of the head and neck is especially active, it is somewhat delayed on the sides, being the completion of the whole process. New feathers that have grown to replace those that have fallen out are easily distinguishable: they are lighter, brighter, and the fan is wider. The plumage of a healthy bird is abundant, dense, clean and shiny, covered with “powder” that remains on the hands from touch.

In the pigeons of the spring brood, the first molt, a partial change of feather begins at the age of three months and proceeds normally, in late broods it may occur next year. Such pigeons begin to fly much later than the early March pigeons.

Rice. 2. Scheme of molting of primary and secondary flight feathers

During molting, a new feather is formed deep in the skin under the dead feather, which pushes out the old one, so that it eventually falls out. However, it takes several days before the new feather pierces the skin and takes on its final dimensions.

Molting is a regularly repeated physiological process, which is strongly reflected in the course of metabolism. Pigeons at this time, as a rule, become lethargic, they have difficulty breathing, some have a yellow tongue, their eyes lose their inherent brilliance, sometimes the birds refuse food. During molting, pigeons require especially careful care and feeding. During this period, a little hemp or flaxseed should be added to the main feed, there should be plenty of mineral feed necessary for the formation of a feather. In case of poor appetite, domestic pigeons are recommended to give 1-2 grains of black pepper, and wild species - seeds of weeds and cultivated herbs.

The growing feather is intensively supplied with blood, therefore, when it is pulled out and broken off, bleeding may occur.

A pigeon with an open molt must be handled carefully so as not to hurt him and not to damage the tubes of the emerging new feather.

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Moulting Moulting is a natural process that occurs annually, usually after the nesting period, and continues for 2–3 months. In itself, it is not a disease, but in some cases, molting pigeons can cause them some inconvenience.

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Periodic molting An adult bird undergoes periodic feather molting every year. Shedding times may vary. So, in normally well-fed, healthy birds, it begins in October - November and ends rather quickly, within 1.5-2 months. In weakened chickens with

The annual process of changing the feather is a physiological phenomenon that proceeds in different ways (depending on the conditions for keeping pigeons) and has its own patterns. Usually, young pigeons bred from February to July have time to completely molt before the onset of cold weather. In chicks hatched in August and later, molting is delayed, and they are hard to endure the winter. Sometimes it happens that next year in birds, the unfinished first molt continues at the same time and the second begins. Such young people are almost always weak, with poor flying qualities.

If the molting of down proceeds almost imperceptibly, then the process of replacing plumage greatly weakens the pigeons. Therefore, during the molting period, it is necessary to pay attention to their full feeding (a high content of vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as cottage cheese is required).

We recommend that you give, such as -,,, and others.
Feed should be high-calorie, but light. We recommend adding flaxseed to the main diet, and also make sure that the pigeons always have mineral food with the addition of sulfur, which promotes feather formation. Bathing is one of the best strengthening remedies, and therefore, during the molting period, a bath with bathing water should always be in walking areas.
It is not recommended to mate and hatch chicks during the molting period of pigeons, since laying eggs and feeding pigeons delays molting. The molting time in the life of pigeons is a particularly important period, laying the foundation for a successful performance next year in sports competitions, exhibitions, competitions and high-altitude flights. Every pigeon breeder should be aware of this and follow all the necessary measures for the successful molting of their pets.

Doves sitting on eggs have a reflex due to mortal danger. However, the city sizar behaves calmly in this case.

When a person gets to his nests, which they weave in the niches of buildings or in attics, the reaction from the side of the pigeon can be twofold: the incubating bird breaks away and, flapping its wings, flies away, or it very reluctantly rises from the nest and remains sitting on the beam attic, looking calmly at the person who disturbed her until he leaves. In both cases, incubation continues, and the chicks safely fly out of the nest. Cesar are accustomed to humans and behave like semi-domestic birds. The same behavior is observed in wood pigeons that live in city parks. When he is disturbed on the nest, he does not leave his nest, as does a wild fellow living in the forest, but returns back and continues to incubate eggs.

Pigeons live in flocks and are diurnal. Most of them belong to sedentary or nomadic birds, and only a few species in temperate latitudes make correct flights. Their life in packs is not based on mutual friendship, but on the benefits that they receive in the joint search for food, water or protection from enemies. When pigeons are kept in flocks, the affection of birds of one pair is especially striking: the male and female do not intercept food from one another, willingly and a lot sit together and constantly express their tenderness. This never happens between foreign pigeons; they sit down from each other always at a distance that does not allow them to get a blow with their beak.

Molting in adult rock pigeons usually takes place in the fall, and in young animals after they begin to fly. For pigeons of early hatching, feathers change in the same year, for late ones, molting stops in December and continues the next year in summer time. The change of feather proceeds gradually and in a strictly defined order, so that the pigeon does not lose the ability to fly, as is noted in geese and ducks. First, the tenth primary fly feather falls out in pigeons, and then the rest in turn to the outermost one. The secondary flight feathers begin to fall out when the first six primary flight feathers are already fully renewed. The change of secondary flight feathers starts from the extreme ones and ends in the center of the row.

During molting, a new feather is formed deep in the skin under the dead feather, which pushes out the old feather, so that it eventually falls out. However, it takes several days before the new feather pierces the skin and takes on its final dimensions.

Molting is a regularly repeated physiological process, which is strongly reflected in the entire course of metabolism. Pigeons at this time, as a rule, become lethargic, they have difficulty breathing, some have a yellow tongue, their eyes lose their inherent brilliance, sometimes refuse food, during molting, pigeons require especially careful care and feeding. During this period, a little hemp or flaxseed should be added to the main feed, there should be plenty of mineral feed necessary for the formation of a feather. In case of poor appetite, domestic pigeons are recommended to give 1-2 grains of black pepper, and wild species - seeds of weeds and cultivated grasses.

Pigeons and prevention of their diseases. A.I. Rakhmakhov, B.F. Bessarabov (Moscow, Rosselkhozizdat, 1987)

Pigeon - beautiful bird and is very popular with breeders. It is called the bird of the world, songs are dedicated to pigeons, films are made where they play an important role. In order for domestic birds to be healthy and develop properly, they need good nutrition.

Many people like pigeons. How to feed these birds so that they have everything they need in their diet? After all, flying qualities, fertility, productivity, as well as resistance to diseases largely depend on this. The main diet of this bird is grain feed. For its preparation, millet, legumes, wheat, hemp are taken and mixed in a ratio of 4: 4: 1: 1. Depending on the body weight of the bird, they feed from 20 to 50 grams of one individual.

You can cook for pigeons and the so-called mash. To do this, boil the potatoes directly with the skin, cool and chop. Finely chopped leaves of cabbage, lettuce or nettle are added to it. These vitamins are especially needed by the bird from late autumn to mid-spring. So that the pigeons do not get sick. it is necessary to periodically add such green vitamin seasonings to their food. Grain is poured into the vegetable mass and everything is mixed well.

Instead of potatoes, you can use white bread soaked in water or milk and well wrung out. The main requirement of pigeon food is that it should be in an easily digestible form.

It is important to know the features of feeding pigeons in different seasons. So, for example, in the summer you need to limit heavy feed, peas. In autumn, it is necessary to develop a menu for birds, taking into account the fact that during this period they have a change of plumage. The sight of such a dove to an ignorant person may seem sick. But this is what a molting pigeon looks like, and besides, it suffers from heat loss. Therefore, during this period, it is very important for birds to provide rational enhanced nutrition.

Compound feed for poultry during the molting period may consist of: millet, rapeseed, hemp, flax seeds, canary seed, a small amount of rice, piles. 46% should be for substances that do not contain sodium, 10 for water, 16 for protein and fat, 8% for fiber and 3% for ash.

Pigeon feather is 92% protein. Therefore, feeding pigeons during molting must include, without fail, the presence of this element. At the same time, the menu reduces the amount of carbohydrates. During molting, pigeons move less because of this, there may be a danger of obesity. That is why it is important to strictly monitor at this time how much food containing a large amount of carbohydrates is added to the feed. These are: potatoes, grain, bread.

Of course, it is by no means necessary to completely exclude grain, since this is the main product of their diet. It should be mixed with low-fat cottage cheese, you can give crushed peas, lentils, vetch, which also contains a lot of protein. During molting, it would be good to add flax, sunflower, hemp seeds to the diet of pigeons, which make up 10% of the daily allowance. Then the new feather will grow faster and have a shiny appearance. It is also necessary to give fish oil and preferably in a gelatin capsule, since fatty acids are simply necessary for the bird during this period.

In order for the feather cover to grow faster, pigeons must also be given minerals. So pigeon food should contain proteins, fats, minerals, and also a moderate amount of carbohydrates during molting. Breeders recommend in this period such a diet for birds: 20% peas, 20% oatmeal, 10% each of vetch, millet, corn, barley, wheat.

For reasons of hygiene and to avoid contamination, it is necessary to feed the pigeons in separate feeders. In order for the pigeons to treat the owner with great confidence, you need to feed them individually or in pairs. The pigeon breeder should take an individual approach to each pigeon family, each cage.

Many experienced breeders themselves develop menus for their pigeons and proceed from the daily allowance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. So, pigeon breeders in Germany combine different feeds and like to change diet options quite often.

Feed the bird during the period of molting and plumage change 2 times a day. The norm of food per day for one adult bird is 50 grams. If birds have a poor appetite during the molting period, then pigeon breeders advise adding black pepper grains to the feed, 1-2 peas per bird.

In a certain way, you need to feed sports pigeons during molting. All year they are treated to enriched healthy food. Thanks to this, sports show pigeons do not gain excess weight. Feeding them with the right ingredients helps them to get to the finish line faster during the competition, thanks to their excellent athletic form. Autumn food is designed to provide pigeons with all the necessary nutrients, and, accordingly, energy. A balanced compound feed will help the bird to completely change its plumage in a short time.

Exhibition pigeons simply need to add hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, fish oil to the feed. Then their feathers will shimmer, have a very beautiful appearance and just radiate health. With improper feeding, some flight feathers in birds can grow underdeveloped and this will negatively affect flights. After the change of plumage occurs in sports pigeons, they should receive 30-35 grams of balanced feed per day.

The issue of feeding pigeons must be approached with all responsibility. Their diet should contain all the necessary trace elements and substances. It is especially necessary to carefully develop the bird's menu during the molting period, when it looks and feels especially unprotected.