Types of project activities of students. A guide to creating educational projects. Stages of project activity

  • 28.01.2024

In the modern world, people are surrounded by huge amounts of information. And in order to cope with this endless stream, a person must be able to receive information, analyze it, compare facts and draw conclusions.

These skills are not innate; they must be learned. And the sooner this training begins, the better.

Even in elementary school, you can try to instill research skills in children. After all, most of the learning takes place according to the scheme “heard from the teacher / read - remembered - reproduced in response in class.” And after such a chain, only part of the material remains in the child’s head. But if he himself obtains information, independently studies the issue or problem, puts together all the “building blocks” of the material and draws conclusions, such information will be remembered for a lifetime.

In addition, school projects develop children's cognitive interest. The child does not just ask questions, but will try to find the answer on his own.

A school project is a form of research work during which the student independently finds information on the topic of the work, studies it, draws conclusions and presents the material for public viewing in the form of a presentation. The child just needs to be explained how to do a school project.

School projects are of the following types:

  • research. Students should not just learn about the main topic of the work, but conduct research. This could be repeating experiments by scientists working on a given problem, or setting up new ones to confirm the theory.
  • informational. In them, students are limited to searching and analyzing information and drawing their own conclusions.
  • creative. Such projects are suitable for elementary school students. In them, research work is “diluted” with creativity. The project may involve modeling (for example, models of cars and roads on the theme “The Appearance of the First Car”), costume making (for example, on the topic “Balls in 18th Century France”), or whatever the little hands of talented students can do.
  • practical. If the topic is closely related to everyday life (for example, “How computers help humanity”), students should focus most of their attention on the practical part of the work. It is necessary to tie the topic to the life of each listener, give examples, photographs, and act out a scene.

According to the number of participants in the project, they are divided into personal, pair and group. Here the teacher must think for himself and decide how best to complete the project. If there are a lot of topics, they are not voluminous and more informational, it is better to choose a personal type of project. But if the work is large, there is a lot of information on it, you will need to make costumes or conduct an experiment, then it is better to divide the class into groups.

Based on the same criteria, project deadlines are selected. After all, even an adult cannot figure out how to complete a school project in one day. On the other hand, the project should not be extended over months.

To complete the project, you will need his passport; this is something like the title page of the work. It should be written on it:

  • Project name;
  • project Manager;
  • sciences or academic disciplines close to the topic of the project;
  • composition of the project team;
  • project type;
  • objective of the project;
  • necessary equipment;
  • brief description of the project;
  • school project plan.

It is better to prepare the project passport on a large sheet of paper, in several copies, and distribute it before the presentation.

The stages of the school project are:

  • problem analysis. After receiving from the teacher (or after independently choosing) the topic of the work, the student must describe what the question posed is, how important it is, whether other students have problems understanding the topic of the work and whether he can help them.
  • goal setting. The purpose of project work is usually to study information about the main topic. But there may be additional goals, such as confirming a theory with an experiment, searching for different points of view on a problem, refuting a theory, and others.
  • choice of means of achievement. Usually depends on the purpose. If this is just studying information, then sources are selected; it would be good not to limit yourself to the Internet alone, adding newspapers and magazines, books not published on the Internet. If an additional goal is an experiment (visual confirmation), you need to develop a plan for its implementation, select equipment and materials for the work.
  • search and processing of information. The most interesting stage. Scattered pieces of materials on the main topic need to be put together, facts confirmed with quotes and photographs. If a controversial issue arises, all possible opinions and thoughts of experts and researchers should be provided.
  • assessment of the obtained results and conclusions. After all the work done, it is worth taking a critical look at yourself and evaluating your work. How useful will it be? How much can an ignorant person learn from it? What new and interesting things did you learn during your work?

Before starting work, students must decide whether they are interested in the topic of the project. If not, you need to approach the teacher and ask to change the topic. Because the project is supposed to be fun for students, they will never learn how to work with the material properly or develop research skills if the project turns into something uninteresting and obligatory.

After receiving the topic, you should discuss sources of information among yourself and with the teacher. The work should not turn into simple copying of articles from Wikipedia and the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Here again the question of the interestingness of the work arises. Carried away by research, students will even go into the library, into the files of newspapers and magazines. Whereas the “obligation” will be investigated only within the computer network.

All information found must be collected together. You need to try to break it down into points. For example, the history of the appearance of the subject of discussion, its qualities and usefulness, positive and negative sides/qualities, controversial issues, etc.

For convenience, information can be enclosed in diagrams, tables, diagrams (if the information is in numbers) - all this will not only help the analysis, but will also become drafts for a future presentation.

After all the information has been systematized, processed and conclusions drawn, it’s time to write a short report and make visual materials.

If the visual material is an experiment, you should definitely discuss it with the teacher, there is nothing wrong with that. If these are chemical reactions, you need to ask the laboratory assistant to help with the reagents, and let the teacher select the most colorful and spectacular reactions and show how to carry them out correctly. If the experiment is physics, you need to contact your physics teacher for advice and equipment.

It is always necessary to conduct an experiment several times; it must be carried out by the same person (or pair), whose position is responsible for the material part. The presenter should not pour reagents, and the computer genius who drew the diagrams should not read the report.

By the way, this is a very important part of teamwork (if the project is a group one): everyone should have their own role, each participant should make their contribution, both during the work process and during the presentation.

"The only path leading to knowledge is action."
Bernard Show

Project activities at school

Success in the modern world is largely determined by a person’s ability to organize his life as a project: determine the long-term and short-term prospects, find and attract the necessary resources, outline an action plan and, having implemented it, evaluate whether it was possible to achieve the set goals. Numerous studies conducted both in our country and abroad have shown that the majority of modern leaders in politics, business, art, and sports are people with a project type of thinking. Today at school there is every opportunity to develop design thinking through a special type of student activity - project activity.

And although project activities are increasingly being used in secondary schools, no idea has yet been formed about what it should be like. A project can be called work of a wide variety of genres: from an ordinary essay and non-standard performance of a standard assignment (an answer on geography or history with the performance of songs and dances of the country or era being studied) to a truly serious study followed by a defense on the principle of a coursework or dissertation.

Project as a type of independent creative work for students

The project method, developed back in the first half of the 20th century, is once again becoming relevant in the modern information society. However, the introduction of project activities into school practice sometimes encounters certain difficulties.

A project is often called any independent work of a student, say an essay or report. In general, there is quite a lot of confusion with the terms, and our media actively contribute to this, in which sporting events, show programs, and charity events are called projects. It is not surprising that sometimes teachers do not have a clear idea of ​​the project as a teaching method, and students do not have a clear idea of ​​the project as a very specific type of independent work.

To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to clearly define what a project is, what its characteristics are, how it differs from other types of independent student work, what is the degree of teacher participation at various stages of the project, how does this depend on the student’s age and on his other individual features.

Among the various types of independent work by students, the genres closest to projects are reports, essays and educational research. Maybe that’s why they are often confused not only by children, but also by adults. Before talking about a project as a teaching method, you need to understand what a project is and how it differs from other types of work.

Report - oral or written communication with the purpose of introduce listeners (readers) with a specific topic (problem), give general information it is possible to present the considerations of the author of the report, which in this case do not require scientific verification or evidence. Since preparing a report may require a lot of time, studying various sources, and formalizing the results in a certain way, there is a temptation to talk about the project. The fact is that work on a project is associated with the presentation of information. However, a report and a project are not the same thing.

Abstract - collection and presentation comprehensive information on a given topic from various sources, including the presentation of different points of view on this issue, the presentation of static data and interesting facts. When working on a project, there is a similar abstract stage, which, however, is only part of the entire project.

Research work - work related to solving a creative, research problem with a previously unknown result. If scientific research is aimed at finding out the truth, at obtaining new knowledge, then educational research has the goal of acquiring students the skill of research activity, mastering the research type of thinking. This kind of work is very similar to a project. However, in this case, research is only a stage of design work.

Project - work aimed at solution to a specific problem, to achieve in the optimal way pre-planned result. The project may include elements of reports, essays, research and any other types of independent creative work by students, but only as ways to achieve the result of the project.

Project as a teaching method

The project method is currently very widespread in teaching. It can be used in any school discipline where large-scale problems are solved, preferably for middle and senior students.

Although computer science began to be studied relatively recently, the project method of teaching began to be used immediately when studying this discipline. At first, projects were compiled at school using programming languages ​​(Bacic, Pascal), but now they are studied little, and currently project activities in computer science are based on application programs (presentations, spreadsheets, databases, hypertext markup language HTMI).

Teaching methods such as the project method play a major role in the process of forming the professional self-education of schoolchildren.

Project activities are aimed at cooperation between teacher and student, development of creative abilities, is a form of assessment in the process of lifelong education, and provides an opportunity for the early formation of professionally significant skills of students. Project technology is aimed at developing the personality of schoolchildren, their independence, and creativity. It allows you to combine all modes of work: individual, pair, group, collective.

The implementation of the project method in practice leads to a change in the role and function of the teacher. With this approach, the teacher acts as a consultant, partner, and organizer of the cognitive activity of his students. In the process of working on a project, students have a need to acquire new knowledge and skills. There is a process of consolidating the skills of working on a separate topic or a large block of the course. The teaching method is complex, multidimensional, multi-quality education. “If we could build a spatial model of it, we would see a bizarre crystal, sparkling with many faces and constantly changing its color,” is how many authors define the concept of “teaching method.”

Project method in teaching

The main goal of the project is to develop students' creative thinking. There are many classifications of teaching methods, but almost all of them contain a research method, when students are given a cognitive task that they solve independently, selecting the necessary methods for this and using the help of a teacher. The project method can be classified as a research type, in which students individually deal with any given problem.

The educational process is based on cooperation and productive communication between students, aimed at jointly solving problems, developing the ability to highlight what is important, set goals, plan activities, distribute functions and responsibilities, think critically, and achieve significant results. In Russian pedagogy, this approach is associated with the use of teaching methods such as problem-based and project-based. Educational activities in this case are focused on successful activities in real society. The result of training is no longer the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but the formation of key competencies that ensure the success of practical activities.
An important feature of the project approach is humanism, attention and respect for the student’s personality, a positive charge, aimed not only at learning, but also at developing the personality of the students.

The word "project" in European languages ​​is borrowed from Latin and means "thrown forward", "protruding", "conspicuous". Now this word is beginning to be understood as an idea, which the subject can and has the right to dispose of as his own thought. Currently, this term is often used in management, meaning in a broad sense any activity presented as a set of individual steps. This understanding is close, but somewhat different from that which has developed in Russian technical jargon. Here, a project is an idea for a new object (building, machine, mechanism or unit), materialized in drawings, diagrams and other documentation.

In the pedagogical literature one can find various definitions of an educational project. In any case, the educational project is based on the following points:
development of cognitive, creative skills of students, ability to independently search for information, development of critical thinking;
independent activities of students: individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time;
solving some problem that is significant for students, modeling the activities of specialists in a particular subject area;
presenting the results of completed projects in a “tangible” form (in the form of a report, paper, wall newspaper or magazine, etc.), and in the form of specific results ready for implementation;
cooperation between students and the teacher (“pedagogy of cooperation”).

For a student, a project is an opportunity to maximize their creative potential. This is an activity that allows you to express yourself individually or in a group, try your hand, apply your knowledge, bring benefit, and publicly show the results achieved. This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem formulated by the students themselves. The result of this activity - the found method of solving the problem - is practical in nature and significant for the discoverers themselves. And for a teacher, an educational project is an integrative didactic means of development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop specific skills and design skills: problematization, goal setting, activity planning, reflection and self-analysis, presentation and self-presentation, as well as information search, practical application of academic knowledge, self-study, research and creative activities.

When working with a project, it is necessary to highlight a number of characteristic features of this teaching method. First of all, this is the presence Problems, which has to be solved during the work on the project. Moreover, the problem must be of a personally significant nature for the author of the project and motivate him to search for a solution.

The project must have a clear, realistically achievable target. In the most general sense, the goal of the project is always to solve the original problem, but in each specific case this solution has its own unique solution and its own, unique embodiment. This embodiment is project product, which is created by the author in the course of his work and also becomes a means of solving the problem of the project.

There is one more difference in working with a project - preliminary planning work. The entire path from the initial problem to the implementation of the project goal must be divided into separate stages with their own intermediate tasks for each of them; identify ways to solve these problems and find resources.

The implementation of a work plan for a project is usually associated with the study of literature and other sources of information, selection of information; possibly with conducting various experiments, experiments, observations, research, surveys; with analysis and synthesis of the data obtained; with the formulation of conclusions and the formation on this basis of one’s own point of view on the original problem of the project and ways to solve it.

The project must have written part - report about the progress of work, which describes all stages of work (starting with the definition of the project problem), all decisions made with their justification; all the problems that have arisen and ways to overcome them; the collected information, experiments and observations carried out are analyzed, the results of surveys are presented, etc.; the results are summed up, conclusions are drawn, and the prospects for the project are clarified.

An indispensable condition for the project is its public protection, presentation work results. During the presentation, the author not only talks about the progress of the work and shows its results, but also demonstrates his own knowledge and experience of the project problem, acquired competence. The element of self-presentation is the most important aspect of working on a project, which presupposes a reflective assessment by the author of all the work he has done and the experience he has acquired through it.

At its core, the project-based teaching method is close to problem-based learning, which involves consistent and purposeful presentation of cognitive problems to students, solving which they actively acquire new knowledge under the guidance of a teacher. Problem-based learning ensures the strength of knowledge and its creative application in practical activities. In addition, the project method is similar to developmental learning. Developmental learning is an active-activity method of learning, in which purposeful learning activities are carried out. At the same time, the student, being a full-fledged subject of this activity, consciously sets goals and objectives for self-change and creatively achieves them.

Terms and meaning of words used for project activities proposed by M.Yu. Bukhara.

Term Dictionary meaning Pedagogical significance
Method A method of theoretical study or practical implementation of something A set of techniques, operations of mastering a certain area of ​​practical or theoretical knowledge, a particular activity, a way of organizing the process of cognition
Project Plan, intention, preliminary text of the document -
Project method - A method based on the development of students’ cognitive skills, critical and creative thinking, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, see and formulate problem. A way to achieve a didactic goal through detailed development Problems, which should end in a very real, tangible, practical result, designed in a certain way.

A method that offers a solution of some kind Problems, which involves the use of a variety of teaching techniques and integrated knowledge from various fields of science, technology, and creative fields.

Problem A problem that requires resolution and research. The subject’s awareness of the impossibility of resolving the difficulties and contradictions that have arisen in a given situation with the help of his existing knowledge and experience. The problem originates in a problematic situation. A task containing contradiction, which does not have a clear answer and requires searching for solutions. It originates in a problematic situation.
Problem situation Circumstances and conditions of activity that contain contradictions and do not have a clear solution, in which the activity of an individual or group unfolds. Circumstances and conditions of students’ activities that contain contradictions that do not have a clear solution
Educational project Modern educational, cognitive, creative or gaming activity students - partners, having a common target, agreed upon ways activities aimed at achievement the overall result of a decision Problems, significant for the project participants.

Stages of work on the project. Motivation of students.

When organizing student project activities, there are a number of circumstances that must be taken into account during the work. A student cannot be offered a project for which he does not have any knowledge and skills, despite the fact that he has nowhere to find and acquire this knowledge and skills. In other words, to work on a project, the author must have a certain initial (even minimal) level of readiness. And, of course, work that is very familiar, has been performed many times before, does not require the search for new solutions and, accordingly, does not provide an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills cannot be a project. The first stage of the project is problematization- it is necessary to assess the existing circumstances and formulate the problem. At this stage, the primary motive for activity arises, since the presence of a problem gives rise to a feeling of disharmony and causes a desire to overcome it. The second stage of work - goal setting. At this stage, the problem is transformed into a personally significant goal and acquires the image of an expected result, which will later be embodied in the project product. The most important stage of working on a project is planning, as a result of which not only the distant goal, but also the nearest steps acquire clear outlines. When there is a work plan, available resources (materials, labor, time) and a clear goal, you can start working. The next stage of the project cycle is the implementation of the existing plan.

Upon completion of the work, the author must compare the result obtained with his plan, and, if possible, make corrections. This is the stage of comprehension, analysis of mistakes made, attempts to see the prospects of work, assessment of one’s achievements, feelings and emotions that arose during and at the end of work. The final stage of work - self-esteem and reflection.

The main stages of working on the project are problematization, goal setting, planning, implementation, reflection. However, within each stage there are smaller, but very important steps that must be completed during the work.

By formulating the purpose of the work, the author of the project creates a mental image of the desired result of the work - project product, which is an indispensable condition for work. During planning needs to be determined tasks, which have to be solved at individual stages of work and ways, with which these problems will be solved. Determine the order and timing of the work - develop schedule. At the stage implementation plan, it may be necessary to make certain changes to the tasks of individual stages and methods of work, and sometimes the author’s idea of ​​the final result may change. Project product. The project usually ends presentations the method found by the author to solve the original problem, the design product he created and self-presentation competence of the project author. A presentation is a showcase of the project. Everything should be subordinated to one goal - to best show the results of the work and the competence of its author, which he acquired in the process of this work. Self-presentation, the ability to show oneself in a favorable light without losing a sense of proportion, is the most important social skill.

The presentation schedule, as a rule, provides no more than 7-10 minutes for presentation. In this short time, it is necessary to talk about the work that was carried out over several months, which was associated with the processing of a large amount of information, communication with various people, and discoveries made by the author.

So, the two main problems of presentation are speech and regulations. It is very important to teach children to choose the most important thing, to express their thoughts briefly and clearly. It is better if the text of the presentation is written in the form of abstracts.

During the presentation, the author of the project may have to answer questions from the public. You need to be prepared for this. It is better to begin the answer by thanking the person asking it (any question on the topic of the project indicates the public’s interest in the speech and gives the author another chance to show his competence).

It is advisable to rehearse the presentation.

The essence of students' project activities.

The program of the new educational field "Technology" provides for the completion of at least one creative project annually by students of grades II - XI. It is the creative project activities of schoolchildren that will contribute to technological education, the formation of the technological culture of every growing person, which will help him take a different look at the environment, more rationally use the available resources of the Fatherland, increase natural resources and human potential. The reviving project-based teaching method, when applied skillfully, truly makes it possible to identify and develop the inclinations of a person and his abilities.

The project-based teaching method “Technology” assumes that design is carried out not under the tutelage of the teacher, but together with him, and is built not on pedagogical dictate, but on the pedagogy of cooperation.

Design also involves studying not only technologies, but also the actual activities of people in the production and non-production spheres of the economy. Thus, we can talk about the ergonomic content of the new educational field "Technology", which is a natural development of polytechnics in modern conditions.

Design as a method of cognition should provide students with practical assistance in understanding the role of knowledge in life and learning, when it ceases to be a goal, but becomes a means in true education, helping to master a culture of thinking. It is also aimed at the psychophysical, moral and intellectual development of schoolchildren, the activation of their inclinations and abilities, essential strengths and vocations, inclusion in successful work activities and the system of universal human values, the formation and satisfaction of their activity and cognitive demands and needs, the creation of conditions for self-determination, creative self-expression and continuing education.

A creative project is an educational and labor task that activates the activities of students, as a result of which they create a product that has subjective and sometimes objective novelty.

Organization and methodology for performing creative projects

By the method of projects in the educational field of "Technology" we understand the way of organizing the cognitive and labor activity of students. It involves the implementation of certain needs of people, the development of ideas for the manufacture of products or services to satisfy these needs, the design and creation of a product or the provision of a service, assessment of their quality, and determination of real demand in the goods market.

The project method is a flexible model for organizing the educational process, focused

It promotes the development of observation and the desire to find answers to them, and then check the correctness of their answers by analyzing information, conducting experiments and research.

The results of projects can be products, services, systems. Students receive technology, developments for environmental improvement and other skills in working with materials, tools and information as needed to complete a particular project. The system of projects is built on the principle of complication, therefore the curriculum is based on a number of provisions:

gradual increase in knowledge and skills;

implementation of projects in various areas, ranging from the more familiar (home, school, recreation areas) to the more complex (society, business, industry);

constant complication of the requirements for solving problems (using an integrated approach, taking into account a large number of influencing factors);

students gradually realize their own abilities and capabilities to meet the needs of the individual and society;

the ability to focus on local conditions, since problems for projects are selected mainly from the surrounding life.

Helping the student, tirelessly active guidance in choosing projects that are feasible for the student, that are actually carried out taking into account actually existing Material and other resources and, at the same time, the most promising from the point of view of expanding the experience, horizons, titles and skills of students, falls entirely on the shoulders of the technologist teacher,

These first functions of helping children freely choose a project are followed by a number of others: assistance in project planning, its practical implementation, and analysis of the final results.

The teacher must help students:

obtain various materials, reference books, information, tools, etc.;

discuss ways to overcome difficulties through indirect, leading questions;

approve or disapprove various phases of the work procedure;

teach how to briefly record the results of your activities;

give a brief analysis of the completed project.

When developing a project plan, students consult reference books, use the Internet, other sources of information, consult with family members, knowledgeable people, study the tools and materials necessary for the implementation of the project. The initial project implementation plan is constantly revised, possible omissions are corrected,

The technique of drawing up a plan, of course, can be as varied as the projects themselves. The most important thing is that the plan corresponds to the project and, and not vice versa,

Of particular importance is the project method, which allows schoolchildren in the system to master organizational and practical activities along the entire design and technological chain - from an idea to its implementation in a model, product, service, integrate knowledge from different fields, apply it in practice, while creating new ones knowledge, ideas, material things. The use of the project method as a leading method in the technological education of schoolchildren contributes to the implementation of didactic functions.

The educational function of the new approach to technology education involves introducing students to basic technological knowledge, skills and terminology.

The educational function of the new approach to technological education of schoolchildren is to develop personal qualities: efficiency, enterprise, responsibility, developing the skills of reasonable risk, etc. Project activities of students will allow them to realize their interests and abilities, teach them to take responsibility for the results of their work, and form the belief that success in business depends on the personal contribution of everyone.

The developmental function of using the project method in technological education is that schoolchildren realize the possibilities of using abstract technological knowledge and

Students develop skills in choosing one solution from multiple options1 and awareness of all the short-term and long-term problems of this choice

1. Introduction.

The concept of a project, project activities, project culture, Project structure. Typology of projects.

Students should know:

  • concept of project, project activity,
  • typology of projects.
  • Students must be able to;
  • distinguish between types of projects;
  • determine the project structure.

1. Practice-oriented project.

Aimed at the social and interests of the project participants themselves.

The product is pre-defined and can be used in the life of the classroom, school, city, etc. etc.

The palette is varied - from a textbook for a physics classroom to a package of recommendations for the restoration of Russia.

2. Research project.

Concept of a research project. Features of a Research Project Basic concepts required to complete a research project; object of research, problem It includes justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, identification of research objectives, discussion of the results obtained,

3. Information project. Aimed at collecting information about some object or phenomenon for the purpose of analyzing it and generalizing the presentation for a wide audience.

4. Role-playing project.

The development and implementation of such a project is the most difficult. By participating in it, projects take on the roles of literary or historical characters.

5. Creative project.

It assumes the most free and unconventional approach to the presentation of results.

The concept of a creative project. Features of a creative project. The main stages of creative projects.

Elaboration of the structure of activities of participants in a creative project.

Presentation of results in the form of videos, articles, albums Students should know:

  • concept of a creative project;
  • main stages of a creative project

Students must be able to;

  • choose and justify the topic of the project;
  • select the necessary information for the implementation of the project;
  • work out the structure of joint activities of participants; creative project;
  • formalize the results of project activities,

6. Design and evaluation of the project.

Registration of the results of project activities. Preparation of a list of references and applications.

Criteria for assessing project implementation. Project protection, Criteria for assessing the protection of the completed project

Students should know;

  • criteria for evaluating completed projects;
  • criteria for assessing the protection of the completed project.

Students should be able to:

  • evaluate the completed project;
  • protect the project.

Selection and justification of projects.

The choice of projects is determined by the needs of various spheres of life of the individual and society (school, industry, leisure, home), the need to satisfy them, improve and modernize existing consumer goods and services.

1) The main problems that arise during the selection, analysis, and implementation of the project:

1. How to determine the scope of activity.

2. How to choose a project topic.

3. How to choose a model and product design.

4. How to develop technology for manufacturing a product.

5. How to carry out an economic calculation of a product.

6. How to prepare a project report.

2) Main criteria for selecting projects:

1. Originality.

2. Availability.

3. Reliability.

4. Technical excellence.

5. Aesthetic advantages.

6. Security.

7. Meeting social needs.

8. Ease of use (ergonomics).

9. Manufacturability.

10. Material capacity.

11. Cost, etc.

For greater clarity, you can use the “justification asterisk” (thinking), where in the center is the object of study, and on the periphery are the factors that determine its consumer properties that need improvement.

"Thinking Star"

Next, the feasibility of production, the outcome of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in technology lessons, the possibilities of logistics, economic and environmental feasibility, etc. are determined.

Basic requirements for product design

Manufacturability - the ability to manufacture a product as simply as possible, in particular on existing equipment, from available materials, with the least labor costs.

Creatively focused and entertaining. Creative activity and consideration of children's interests are expected.

Systematicity. The content of work to implement projects must reflect the material studied during the academic year, be polytechnic-oriented,

Strength. It assumes that the level of students’ training corresponds to their individual, age and physical abilities.

Economical. Requires the manufacture of a product at the lowest cost, with the greatest profit from the sale and operation of the product.

Environmental friendliness. The manufacture and operation of the manufactured product should not entail significant changes in the environment or disruption of human, animal and plant life.

Safety. Provided both at the project implementation stage and at the operation stage. Safety is associated with a system of labor protection measures, industrial sanitation, and hygiene. The project should eliminate the possibility of injuries and occupational diseases.

Ergonomics. Associated with the scientific organization of labor. Provides for organizing a workplace with the least amount of human energy consumption during maintenance.

Compliance with design requirements. The designed product must be externally aesthetically beautiful, fashionable, the color scheme and all details must be harmoniously combined, and the tank must be functional and practical.

Significance. The manufactured product must have a certain value and utility in the interests of society or a specific individual.

Area of ​​knowledge used in technology projects

Anthropometry - measuring the human body and its parts when taking measurements, identifying the conformity of a product to the size and shape of a person.

Life safety is a system of measures for labor protection, industrial sanitation, hygiene, etc.

Biology - the structure of the human body, the characteristics of his body movements.

Geography - climatic conditions of various regions, temperature limits in a given climatic region.

History of costume - information about the history of development and modification of certain types of clothing.

Mathematics - calculation of formulas for constructing a pattern, calculation of costs of materials, funds, mathematical dependencies.

Materials science - the study of materials for the correct selection of products appropriate for a given model.

Mechanics, elements of mechanical engineering - the simplest adjustment (repair) of equipment on which work is performed.

Modeling (technical modeling) - changing the pattern drawing in order to obtain the desired model of the product.

Career guidance - information about professions, acquisition of professional knowledge and skills.

Psychology - features of human perception, for example, the laws of visual illusion in color, in artistic modeling.

Drawing - development of sketches of alternative models (elements of artistic modeling), laws of composition, drawing.

Technology - cutting, working with fabric, technological processes in the manufacture of products.

Chemistry, physics - physical and chemical properties of materials, dyes, various additives to fabric composition, information on fabric production.

Color science - the choice of color as an important informational quality of a suit: the influence of different colors on the characteristics of a given figure and overall appearance (the ability to emphasize advantages and hide flaws), a harmonious combination of colors, patterns of color combinations, color symbolism and the purpose of a suit.

Drawing - creating a pattern drawing.

Ecology - environmental friendliness of materials, influence of harmful dyes and other components that make up fabrics.

Economics, the basics of entrepreneurship - calculating the cost of a product, family economics, mini-marketing research, consistency of product quality, consistency of product quality and prices, that is, supply and demand), planning possible ways to sell your products.

Aesthetics is the embodiment of the desired aesthetic idea in a costume (taste, aesthetic sense, intuition, sense of color and shape, sense of proportion, understanding of rhythm and composition in a costume).

General view and structure of the explanatory note.

A project is an independent creative completed work of a student, completed under the guidance of a teacher. It usually consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The latter is a specific product, layout, model, video film, computer development, etc., and the theoretical one is the explanatory note. Below are recommendations for its preparation. Of course, when using them, it is necessary to take into account the age capabilities of students, and an explanatory note to a fifth-grader’s project will differ significantly in content from that completed by a high school student.

The structure of the explanatory note depends on the type of work, and in general should contain:

  • Title page.
  • Table of contents (contents).
  • Introduction.
  • Heads of the main part.
  • Conclusion.
  • Bibliography.
  • Application.

Structural elements of an explanatory note.

Title page

The title page is the first page of the explanatory note and is filled out according to certain rules.

The full name of the educational institution is indicated in the top field. On average, the name of the project is given without the word “topic” and quotation marks. It should be as short and precise as possible - consistent with the main content of the project. If it is necessary to specify the title of the work, then you can give a subtitle, which should be extremely short and not turn into a new title. Next, indicate the last name, first name, school number and class of the designer (in the nominative case). Then the surname and initials of the project manager.

The lower field indicates the place and year the work was performed (without the word “year”).

Following the title page is a table of contents, which lists all the headings of the explanatory note and indicates the pages on which they are located. They cannot be shortened or given in a different wording, sequence or subordination. All blanks are written with a capital letter and without a period at the end. The last word of each heading is connected by an accent to its corresponding page number in the right column of the table of contents.

Introduction to the work

It substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks set, formulates the planned result and the main problems considered in the project, indicates interdisciplinary connections, informs who the project is intended for and what is its novelty. The introduction also describes the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary, bibliographic). It is advisable to list the equipment and materials used during the project.

Main chapters

The following is a statement of the goal, and specific tasks to be solved in accordance with it.

The first chapter of the project discusses the proposed methodology and technique for its implementation, and provides a brief review of the literature and other materials on the topic.

In the next chapter (search) it is necessary to develop a bank of ideas and proposals for solving the problem considered in the project.

In the technological part of the project, it is necessary to develop a sequence for executing the object. It may include a list of stages, a technological map that describes the algorithm of operations indicating tools, materials and processing methods.

Next, it is necessary to consider the economic and environmental assessment of the project. In the economic part, a complete calculation of the costs of manufacturing the designed product is presented. Next is project advertising and marketing research. Particular attention must be paid to the environmental assessment of the project: justification that the manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in the environment or disruptions in human life.


At the conclusion of the project, the results obtained are outlined, their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks formulated in the Introduction is determined, and students are given a self-assessment of the work they have done.


After the Conclusion there is a list of references used. All borrowings must necessarily have subscript references to where the given materials were taken from.


Auxiliary or additional materials that clutter up the main part of the work are placed in appendices. The application contains tables, text, graphs, maps, drawings. Each application must begin on a new sheet (page) with the word “Appendix” in the upper right corner and have a thematic heading. If there is more than one application in the work, they are numbered in Arabic numerals (without the No. sign), for example: “Appendix 1”, “Appendix 2”, etc. The numbering of the pages on which appendices are given must be continuous and continue the general numbering of the main text. Through it with applications, it is carried out through links that are used with the word “look” (see), enclosed together with the code in parentheses.


  1. Kruglikov G.I. Methods of teaching technology with a workshop. M.: 2003.
  2. Morozova N.G., Kravchenko N.G., Pavlova O.V. Technology grades 5-11: student project activities. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
  3. Stupnitskaya M.A. What is a learning project? M.: September 1st, 2010.
  4. Stupnitskaya M.A. Creative potential of schoolchildren's project activities. Development of creative abilities of schoolchildren and the formation of various models for taking into account individual achievements. M.: Center "School Book", 2006.

During their time at school, children should not only gain knowledge, but also develop their abilities to the maximum. The formation of abilities is impossible without the active, interested activities of students. As a teacher, I am sure that any one method does not make it possible to use the entire range of students’ abilities. But, in my opinion, it is the research method, like no other, that makes it possible to turn a child into an active subject of joint activity. Remembering the rule: “There are no untalented people, but there are those who are busy with other things,” the use of the research method makes it possible not only for successful students, but also for weak students to use their strengths. Confucius also said: I hear and forget,
I see and I remember
I do it and I understand.”
Research activity is an independent activity, but the teacher can control the process of manifestation and overcoming difficulties, predict their occurrence, and, therefore, activate ideological positions in the educational process.
To explore means to see what everyone has seen, but to think what no one has thought. A school graduate must adapt to changing life situations, think critically independently, be sociable, and communicative in various social groups. The school must create conditions for the formation of modern key competencies in students: general scientific, informational, cognitive, and communicative. Among the various areas of modern methods and technologies, the most adequate to the goals set, from my point of view, is the project method. I received additional professional training as a school learning site tutor through Intel's 21st Century Learning program.
The project method is based on the development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space, and the development of creative thinking. The student becomes an active, interested, equal participant in learning. He experiences a departure from standard thinking and stereotypes of action, which allows him to develop a desire to learn. Such work in class and outside of class time has great educational, educational, and developmental significance. The project method provides the teacher with the broadest opportunities for changing traditional approaches to the content, forms and methods of educational activities, bringing the entire system of organizing the learning process to a qualitatively new level. It can be used at any stage of learning, in working with students of different ages, abilities and when studying material of varying degrees of complexity.
Chemistry is one of the complex sciences. Studying chemistry at school helps shape students' worldviews. However, in conditions of reducing the time allotted to studying chemistry while maintaining the volume of its content, it reduces students’ interest in the subject.
I believe it is necessary to create conditions for the development of the student’s cognitive activity and his self-realization through the accumulation of his own experience.

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The most important tasks of education are the formation in preschoolers of civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability for successful socialization in society and active adaptation in the labor market.”

The role of the kindergarten in solving these problems is defined in modern educational standards. Today, the teacher is called upon not only to form systemic knowledge in children, but also to teach them to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life, and to create conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual.

The draft state standard for preschool education, differentiating the content of programs implemented in preschool educational institutions, identifies several areas, among which an important place is given to innovative activities, which include the tasks of developing a child’s positive attitude towards himself, other people, the world around him, and the communicative and social competence of children.

To successfully solve the problems of modernizing education, it is necessary to improve technologies and teaching methods. Therefore, at the present stage of development of preschool education, the problem of updating methods of teaching, upbringing and development of the child is once again becoming relevant.

Planning and work in a preschool educational institution according to the administrative-command system, the implementation by teachers of already developed and normatively approved projects, requiring only the distribution of teaching content in time, are becoming a thing of the past. Modern education has come to the conclusion about the need for an individualized pedagogical process, the content and organization of which are adapted to the developmental characteristics of a particular child and the real subject environment through which the educational process is carried out. Teachers are faced with the task, already in preschool age, of developing in children the skills of independence, activity, initiative in finding answers to questions, collecting information, experimenting and applying the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in games and practical activities. This approach makes it possible to implement the project method (project method) discovered in the arsenal of world and domestic practice.

In modern preschool pedagogy, the level of child development becomes a measure of the quality of the teacher’s work and the entire educational system as a whole. The teacher focuses not only on preparing the child for school, but also on preserving a full-fledged childhood in accordance with the psychophysical characteristics of the developing personality. Respect for the child, acceptance of his goals, interests, creation of conditions for realization are mandatory conditions for development. The teacher should not only pay attention to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of the preschooler and his adaptation to social life, but also teach through a joint search for solutions, provide the child with the opportunity to independently master the norms of culture and behavior.

The project method is actively used in the school education system and in extracurricular activities. Over the past ten years, the project method as a general pedagogical technology has become the subject of many studies. Information on this method is available in the pedagogical and methodological literature.

In relation to kindergarten, project activities are actively used in environmental and patriotic education, in classes on cognitive development

An analysis of the state of preschool practice in the formation of children’s project activities allows us to conclude that modern kindergarten does not fully realize the pedagogical potential of project activities as a personally oriented learning technology.

1. Concept of project activities

preschooler project activity teacher

One of the fundamental characteristics of a modern person operating in the space of culture is his ability for projective activity. Projective (or project) activity belongs to the category of innovation, since it involves the transformation of reality and is built on the basis of appropriate technology, which can be unified, mastered and improved. The relevance of mastering the basics of design is due, firstly, to the fact that this technology has a wide range of applications at all levels of organization of the education system. Secondly, mastery of the logic and technology of sociocultural design will allow one to more effectively carry out analytical, organizational and managerial functions. Thirdly, design technologies ensure the competitiveness of a specialist.

There are two points of view on the connection between project activities and the project method, so G.V. Terekhova says in her report that the project method and project activity are two concepts that cannot be confused, they exist independently of each other. Most authors are of the opinion that the project method and project activities exist in close connection with each other.

Concept of the project. The word “project” (literally translated from Latin as “thrown forward”) is interpreted in dictionaries as “a plan, idea, text or drawing of something that precedes its creation.”

The project method has become widespread in the domestic education system in recent years, but it is not often used in working with preschoolers. Currently, there is no unambiguous interpretation of the essential characteristics of the project. The project is understood as:

The final product, a solution to a problem of a material, social, moral, historical, scientific research and other nature

A form of organizing classes that provides for the complex nature of the activities of all its participants to obtain specific products in a given period of time

A didactic means of activating cognitive activity, developing creativity and forming certain personal qualities

In other words, a project is an integrated activity of children, as a result of which it is expected to obtain a certain product and its further use.

Project activities. Activity is a specific human form of relationship to the surrounding world, the content of which is expedient change and transformation in the interests of people; condition for the existence of society. Activity includes a goal, means, result and the process itself. Project activities include:

Problem analysis;

Goal setting;

The choice of means to achieve it;

Search and processing of information, its analysis and synthesis;

Evaluation of the results and conclusions obtained.

Subject activity consists of three blocks: subject, activity and communicative. Project activity of children is one of the methods of developmental education, aimed at developing independent research skills (posing a problem, collecting and processing information, conducting experiments, analyzing the results obtained), promotes the development of creative abilities and logical thinking, combines knowledge gained during the educational process and introduces you to specific vital problems.

The goal of the project activity is to understand and apply by children the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired while studying various subjects (on an integration basis).

Objectives of project activities:

Learning to plan (the child must be able to clearly define a goal, describe the main steps to achieve the goal, concentrate on achieving the goal throughout the entire work);

Formation of skills in collecting and processing information and materials (the student must be able to select appropriate information and use it correctly);

Ability to analyze (creativity and critical thinking);

Ability to prepare a written report (the student must be able to draw up a work plan, clearly present information, draw up footnotes, and have an understanding of bibliography);

Form a positive attitude towards work (the student must show initiative, enthusiasm, try to complete the work on time in accordance with the established work plan and schedule).

Project activity requires great independence from children, which is not yet possible for preschoolers due to their age, so we will consider inextricably linked the project activity of preschoolers and the project method, as a form of organizing the project activity of preschoolers.

Interdisciplinary, practice-oriented projects have gained the most popularity in kindergarten. They allow children to rely on their personal experience and maintain interest in activities for a long time.

When creating educational projects with open, explicit coordination, the project coordinator performs his own function, unobtrusively directing the work of children, organizing, if necessary, individual stages of their activities. In the process of working on a project with hidden coordination, the coordinator acts as a participant in project activities. Both of these types of projects have become widespread in work with preschoolers.

When working with preschoolers, group projects are more often used, during the preparation of which they develop communication skills, the ability to cooperate and interact, which are perceived in modern society as integral positive characteristics of a person in all spheres of life.

In the practice of preschool pedagogy, L. Morozova conventionally identifies four groups of problems: family, nature, man-made world, society and its cultural values.

In the practice of teaching children in preschool institutions, the project method is traditionally used as part of classes on:

information, practice-oriented and creative projects are used to familiarize with social reality;

environmental education and education of children; most often, the projects that are carried out in these classes are of a research nature;

development of visual creativity (in particular, in the process of working on the production of collective collages): these projects are mainly of a research and creative nature;

museum pedagogy (for example, during the implementation of projects “History of Things, etc.”): most of the projects used are complex

development of theatrical activities of children and in the process of preparing for the holidays: projects of this kind are related to role-playing games

2. Mastery of project activities by preschoolers

The child's need for research is biologically determined; a child is born a researcher. It is this internal desire to explore that gives rise to appropriate behavior and creates the conditions for the child’s mental development to initially unfold as a process of self-development. Even a preschooler can carry out independent project activities - in the form of some types of games (role-playing, directing, etc.). The question is to select for each age period of primary school such types of project activities, the content and form of which would be age-appropriate. The child does not fit into the pedagogical myth that one’s own research should begin only when a person has enriched his memory with all the knowledge that humanity has accumulated. A creator and researcher is formed not during admission to graduate school, but much earlier than his arrival in kindergarten. Research leads the child to observations and experiments on the properties of individual objects. Both of these, when combined and generalized, provide a solid foundation of facts (not words) for children’s gradual orientation in the environment, for building solid knowledge and creating a scientific picture of the world in their own minds. It is also important that this whole process is colored with positive emotions, since it fully meets the needs of an active child’s nature.

How does a preschooler master project activities?

Until the age of five, a child develops at the imitative-executive level. The lack of necessary life experience does not allow him to fully exercise independence in choosing a problem and ways to solve it. Therefore, the main role in organizing work on the project belongs to an adult. Attentive attention to the needs of each child, studying his interests makes it possible to easily determine the problem “ordered” by children. Thus, as Evdokimova emphasizes, a child of middle preschool age acts as the customer of the project (explicitly or implicitly for himself), and its implementation occurs at the imitative-executive level. As practice shows, preschoolers of this age are happy to complete tasks offered by adults if these tasks satisfy their need for active activity. In addition, the child is fascinated by the process of joint activity with an adult.

Participation in a project “on the sidelines”, actions at the direct suggestion of an adult or by imitating him do not contradict the nature of a small child: at this age both the need to establish and maintain a positive attitude towards an adult and imitation are still strong.

By the end of the fifth year of life, children accumulate certain social experience that allows them to move to a new, developing level of design. Relationships with adults are being restructured: preschoolers are less likely to turn to them with requests, they are more actively organizing independent activities, and they are developing self-control. Children are able to adequately evaluate their own actions and decisions, patiently listen to the opinions of an adult and other participants in joint activities.

The following stages of development of project activities by preschoolers are identified.

Children 4-5 years old

1. Identification of the problem to adults (an intriguing start, taking into account the interests of children).

2. Determination by adults of the goal of the project and its motivation.

3. Involvement of children in planning activities.

4. Joint activity of adults and children to obtain results (“sharing together”), children performing certain simple tasks.

5. Joint analysis of project implementation, overall assessment of the result.

Children 5-6 years old

1. Identification (by adults or children) of a problem that meets the interests of both parties.

2. Joint determination of the purpose of the project, the nature of the upcoming activities, forecasting the result.

3. Planning activities by children with little help from adults; determination of means and methods of project implementation.

4. Children’s implementation of project actions, differentiated assistance from adults.

6. Determine the development prospects of design together with the children.

Children 6-7 years old

1. Identification (by children or adults) of a problem that meets the needs of children or the interests of both parties.

2. Children independently determine the goal of the project, the motive for the upcoming activity, and predict the result.

3. Planning activities by children (with the possible participation of an adult as a partner); determination of means of project implementation.

4. Children’s implementation of project actions: creative disputes, reaching an agreement, mutual learning, mutual assistance.

5. Discussion of work results, everyone’s actions, finding out the reasons for successes and failures.

6. Determination by children of the prospects for the development of design.

At the first stage of mastering project actions, the author recommends noting and encouraging the child’s attempts to solve the problem on his own: “You came up with a quick idea!”, “It’s good that you came to my aid in time!” This helps children become aware of their behavior, what they are doing right, and where they are making mistakes.

At the second stage of mastering project actions, the adult’s activity decreases somewhat. He not only generates his ideas, but also involves children in the implementation of their ideas. This approach helps to interest preschoolers and, as a result, expand the design problem.

The third and subsequent stages of mastering project actions are creative. They are characterized by children’s increased interest in new knowledge and the desire to gain independence.

In design, it is very important to maintain the necessary balance between the development of a preschooler, stimulated by the actions of an adult, and self-development, determined by the activity of the child himself. This balance is based on the optimal “child-adult” ratio, i.e. on their complicity in activities on a partnership basis.

In accordance with the principles of domestic pedagogy, children's design can be successful if the following conditions are met:

o taking into account the interests of each child;

o activities of children without coercion;

o providing children with independence and supporting their initiative;

o step-by-step goal achievement together with an adult;

o topic (problem) from the immediate environment of the preschooler, adequate for his age.

3. Organization of project activities

Do preschoolers need information and computer technologies? This question has long since lost relevance. Today, kindergarten should become a person’s first experience in the educational system - a place to test their educational strengths. At this stage of learning, it is important to develop initiative and independence, and maintain cognitive activity. It is these qualities of students that develop with the introduction of information and computer technologies into the educational process.

The system of work in a preschool institution for working with projects includes the following blocks:

The first block involves pedagogical support of the child in activities to master the world around him.

The second block helps to update the child’s knowledge, skills, and their practical application.

The third block stimulates the child’s need for self-realization, self-expression, and creative activity.

In setting the task, preparing the project, planning its main role belongs to the teacher and children. Children, parents, as well as all kindergarten employees take part in the practical implementation of the project.

The dominant methods used in working on a project can be playful, creative, educational, etc. Dagogs also develop various project themes.

Game project topics can be as follows:

- “Game-journey to the underwater kingdom”;

- “Theater” (role-playing game);

- “Building a city of the future” (game);

- “Journey to the Ancient World”;

- “We are building a fabulous snowy town.”

Topics of creative projects:

Autumn, spring, winter season (i.e. depending on the time of year);

Musical fairy tale (children's choice);

Tabletop theater (inventing a fairy tale, making characters, decorations and showing the play to kids and parents);

- “Fun Fair” (production of manuals, postcards, attributes, etc.);

Creation of a film library of hand-drawn filmstrips.

Topics of educational projects:

Arts Festival “Spring Kale”;

Magazine “Pochemuchka” (questions about nature, life safety, etc.);

- “Journey to the Kingdom of Mathematics”;

Competition “My Pedigree”;

Museum of Folk Culture; (history of tea drinking, history of lullabies, history of clothing, etc.);

- “Red Book” (creating a book from drawings of rare and endangered species of plants, animals, birds).

In terms of duration, projects in kindergarten can be short-term (from 1 lesson to 1 day) and long-term (from 1 week to 3 months), but more often projects use long-term ones.

Working on a project includes drawing up a well-founded action plan, which is formed and refined throughout the entire period and takes place in several stages:

1) goal setting;

2) search for a form of project implementation;

3) development of the content of the entire educational process based on the topic of the project;

4) organization of a developmental, cognitive, subject environment;

5) determining the directions of search and practical activities;

6) organization of joint creative, exploratory and practical activities with teachers, parents and children;

7) work on parts of the project, its correction;

8) collective implementation of the project, its demonstration.

Preschool teachers mainly use the project method with children of middle and senior preschool age. The project is a product of cooperation and co-creation of teachers, children, parents, sometimes and the entire kindergarten staff. In this regard, the theme of the project, its form and a detailed action plan are developed collectively. On this one?? developing the content of classes, games, walks, observations, excursions and other activities related to the theme of the project, the teachers pay attention and think through the organization of the environment in the preschool educational institution, so that it serves as a background for heuristic and search activities, developing curiosity in the preschooler .. For example, when working on a project for organizing an environmental museum, in the book corner you can put bright books, encyclopaedias for children, albums with images of plants, animals, birds, and the “Red Book” of nature. In the games corner you can organize and stage games on an experiential theme. In a group room, you can organize a “herbal bar”, and stick an image of this plant on the boxes of herbal tea. “Waiters”, when serving tea, can talk about its healing properties, encouraging children to learn new recipes. On the wall in the group room and in the reception area you can hang environmental posters made by the children of Erofeev T.I. Modern educational programs for preschool institutions. - M., 2000. - P. 30..

Parents and relatives should be involved in organizing the search and creative activities of children, since one child cannot cope with this activity. On the topic of the project, the teacher offers children tasks (prepare a model of a forest clearing, an album with drawings of wild plants, a poster in defense of animals, a herbarium of wildflowers, photographs of local wintering birds, etc.). The children, together with their parents, choose the task at their own discretion, and before distributing the tasks, the teacher carefully thinks it over, since it is important that they are not too labor-intensive and are completed with desire and joy, and if necessary, the teacher provides reference, practical material or recommends where it can be found.

The last stage of the project is protection. This is always the most spectacular moment. Guests, parents, and children are invited to the defense. It is at this very moment that the highest point of emotional intensity occurs and it must be strengthened by the social significance of the project. It should be explained for whom and why it was created and why it is needed. The form of project defense is bright, interesting and thought out in such a way as to highlight and demonstrate the contribution of each child, parent, and student.

The didactic meaning of project activities is that it helps to connect learning with life, develops research skills, develops cognitive activity, independence, creativity, the ability to plan, and work in a team. Such qualities contribute to the successful learning of children at school.

Analysis of the literature and the state of practice allowed us to identify the following stages of projects for preschoolers:

choosing a topic and type of project;

determining the potential of each project participant for its implementation, establishing opportunities for project implementation;

collection and processing of necessary information, its transformation by the coordinator into accessible information for preschool perception;

organization and implementation of the project;

project protection.

This logic of project implementation determines the activities of the preschool teacher. The activities of the teacher when implementing the project method are carried out in three main areas: the formation of a bank of tasks, the creation of conditions for the development and implementation of projects by children and equipping them with the necessary skills and abilities for this.

General didactic requirements related to conducting projects in educational institutions:

The first requirement is that the time allocated by the teacher to complete the task must be sufficient for a high-quality and calm solution to the problem.

The second requirement concerns the assessment of the child’s activities.

The third requirement is their systematic use: projects are offered throughout the year and represent a decent sequence of tasks, varied in form and content, gradually increasing in complexity.

A number of requirements for a teacher organizing project activities.

He must: define in detail the main and additional goals and stages of work that allow the formation of skills and development of the initiative of preschoolers;

constantly expand your knowledge on project topics;

provide the basis for the implementation of the project (demonstration, reference and visual aids, special tools, materials, etc.);

create a positive emotional background when completing a project (design, music, etc.);

primarily provide counseling to children;

during the work on the project, suggest only the general direction and main landmarks of routes for finding a solution to the problem, etc.

When organizing projects, teachers implement a variety of methods together with preschoolers in developmental classes.

The first group of methods is creative design methods.

Ш analogy method - a method for solving a given problem, which uses already existing solutions in other areas; the initial idea, borrowed by analogy, is gradually brought to a solution adequate to the plan;

III method of associations - a method of idea formation, which is based on creative imagination, turning to different ideas of the surrounding reality, drawing productive associations from there;

Ш method of neology - a method of using other people's ideas; During the borrowing process, it is necessary to answer the questions: what needs to be changed in the prototype? what can be changed in the prototype? how best to do this;

III heuristic combination method - a permutation method that involves changing elements and replacing them;

III method of anthropotechnics - a method that involves linking the properties of the designed object to the convenience of a person, to his physical capabilities;

The second group of methods are methods that provide new paradoxical solutions:

Ш inversion method - design method “by contradiction”;

Ш method of “brainstorming” - collective generation of ideas in a very short time;

III "brain siege" method - a method of conducting a quick survey of participants with a ban on critical comments, unlike the brain attack method, each idea is brought to its logical conclusion, so the process turns out to be time-consuming, hence the name siege;

Ш caricature method - a method of bringing the figurative solution of a design product to the grotesque, absurd; leads to finding a new unexpected solution.

Recommends the following project structure, consisting of several phases: initial phase - 1st stage of project development (preparatory) - concept development, answering the following questions: why was this particular project chosen? What is the current situation? What problems does this project solve? What is the result of this project?

The development phase, or drawing up a project plan - stages 2 and 3 of project development (practical and general) - is a key phase of project activity. At the planning stage, it is important to realize that the project will be successfully implemented provided that a social component is included. In this case, it is necessary to find answers to the following questions: how will the project result be achieved? Which partners will participate in the project? What funds are needed for this? Who is interested in implementing the project? How will they be involved in the project? What is the division of responsibilities7When and how will the activities be carried out?

Implementation phase - stage 4 of project development - implementation of the main activities necessary for the set goal. Main activities - organization of work; development of necessary documents; direct implementation of work provided for by the project; operational planning; control and adjustment of plans; inclusion of a system of motivation and incentives for project participants.

Completion phase - 5th stage of project development (final). Its main components are summing up; evaluation of results; preparation of the final document.

The following features of the project stand out:

· having a goal

· changes (purposeful transfer of the educational process from the existing one to the desired state)

limited time

· uniqueness and originality

· limited resources required

Some tips for teachers on organizing project activities in a preschool institution.

1. familiarity with the theory of the issue and experience of working using the project method.

2. during the preparation of an educational project, in order to activate and include children in joint project activities, you can conduct a survey of children on the topic and record the children’s answers indicating their names.

3. to model project activities, you can use the table proposed by the author.

4. It is recommended to carry out work on the project in stages - the preparatory stage (analysis, diagnosis and assessment of the state of the object, finding contradictions, making a decision on the need, choosing a topic, theoretical, methodological and time support, goal setting, dividing the goal into a set of tasks, forming a design group, distribution rights and responsibilities, establishing communications, instructing);

main stage (work on the project: modeling, collection and analysis of materials, meetings of participants to discuss the implementation of tasks, construction of a design product, testing of the project and its adjustment, creation of the project and its design);

the final stage (presentation of the project, reflection, independent examination, identification of unresolved problems and identification of new project topics).

Whatever recommendations the teacher relies on when designing, it is important for him to remember that he is the organizer of children's productive activities, a source of information, a consultant, an expert. He is the main leader of the project, but at the same time he is a partner and assistant to the child in his self-development.

Design technology requires an appropriate organization of the subject-development space of the group. Documents, books, various objects, encyclopedias that are easy to understand are placed in the group. It is possible for children to go to libraries, museums or other institutions if necessary for the implementation of the project.

The project is a unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation between children and adults, and a way to implement a person-centered approach.


Project activities have a number of characteristics that have a positive impact on the development of a preschool child.

First of all, during project activities, children’s knowledge about the world around them expands. This is primarily due to the implementation of research and creative projects.

The implementation of a project involves the formation of an original plan, the ability to record it using an available system of means, determine the stages of its implementation, follow the intended plan, etc.

During project activities, preschoolers acquire the necessary social skills - they become more attentive to each other, and begin to be guided not only by their own motives, but by established norms.

Project activity also affects the content of children’s play activities - it becomes more diverse, more complexly structured, and preschoolers themselves become interesting to each other.

L. Morozova emphasizes that she is impressed by the fact that she allows the child to fill his activities with personal meaning, to prove himself as an active subject of knowledge, does not set rigid boundaries, but is open, since the result of the project cannot be predetermined. The child is given the opportunity to show initiative, independence and creativity.

In its adaptive form, the project method can be useful and effective in the work of a preschool educational institution. in modern methods of teaching children (both in and outside of classes), the project method is considered as one of the options for integration (integration based on a single project).

The use of the project method in the practice of preschool institutions is the preparation of children for project activities in elementary school. At the same time, teachers sometimes do not differentiate it from the concept of problem-based learning and introduce both approaches into the pedagogical process. Meanwhile, project-based learning differs from problem-based learning in that the activities of pupils and students have the nature of design, implying the receipt of a specific result and its public presentation.

The project activity method can be used in working with preschoolers. This age stage is characterized by more stable attention, observation, the ability to begin analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities. The project can combine educational content from various fields of knowledge; in addition, it opens up great opportunities for organizing joint cognitive-search activities of preschoolers, teachers and parents.

The project method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment and synthesize acquired knowledge. Develop creativity and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of school learning.

List of used literature

1. Bakina M. Modern children, //Preschool education. 2005. No. 4. P.58.

2. Dybina O. Game is the way to knowledge of the objective world // Preschool education. 2005 No. 4. P. 14.

3. Are we playing? Let's play!!! Pedagogical guidance of games for preschool children / O.A. Skorolupova, L.V. Loginova. - M. "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2005

4. Mishchenko O., Nikishkina O., Gomenyuk E., Osipova M. We remember the heroes // Child in kindergarten. 2007. No. 2. P.36.

5. Moleva I. We get to know the world around us through play // Preschool education. 2007. No. 7. P.24.

6. Organization of story-based games in kindergarten: A manual for educators / N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova. - 2nd ed. Ispre - M. Publishing house "Gnome and D", 2000 - 96 p.

7. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution: A manual for managers and practitioners of preschool educational institutions / Author. - comp. L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, T.S. Lagoda, M.B. Zuikova. - 4th ed. Rev. And additional - M. ARK-TI, 2006 - 112 p.

8. Designing the development of preschool educational institutions. Methodical manual / S.V. Kuznetsova. And count. Auto. - M. Shopping Center Sphere. 2006 - 112 p.

9. Patranova I. Project method //Preschool education. 2007 No. 3. p81.

10. Growing by playing: Avg. And Art. doshk. Age: A manual for educators and parents / V.A. Nedospadova. 2nd ed. - M: Enlightenment. 2003 - 93p.

11. Role-playing games for children / T.N. Obraztsova - M: Etrol LLC, IKTC Lada LLC. 2005 - 192 p.

12. Solntseva O. Playing story games // Preschool education. 2005 No. 4 p33.

13. Design technology in preschool educational institutions / E.S. Evdokimova - M.: Sfera shopping center. 2006 - 64 p.

14.http://doshvozrast.ru/metodich/konsultac04.htm - Project activities in kindergarten


Project “Theatre for everyone.

Type: practice-oriented, short-term.

Age: middle group.

Problem: External interest of children and parents in theater and theatrical activities.

Justification of the problem:

1. Insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater.

2. Children’s “acting skills” have not been developed.

3. Superficial knowledge of parents about different types of theater in kindergarten and use for acting with children.

Goal: To develop an interest in theater and joint theatrical activities among children and parents.

1. Arouse the interest of children and parents in the theater.

2. Instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppeteering).

3. To encourage parents to purchase and produce different types of theater and provide information on ways to perform it at home with their children.

Project implementation:

At the beginning and at the end of the project, teachers conducted a survey of parents: “Do you play theater with your child at home?” and research observation of children “Independent theatrical activities of children in kindergarten!”

Solving problems with children:

Watching a musical puppet show: “The Journey of a Tiger Cub” (Theater - Skaz studio) and talking about what they saw.

Conducting an excursion to the Drama Theater with a visit to the artist’s dressing room, stage, hall, dressing room, foyer, props warehouse, museum, etc.

Presentation for children of different types of theater “Kolobok’s Journey!”

Active use of different types of theater in joint activities with children.

Playing out etudes, nursery rhymes, mini-scenes, etc. in individual work.

Creating a gaming environment for independent theatrical activities of children in kindergarten (production of theaters, tickets; selection of music, props).

Rehearsals with children for further demonstration in the music hall to real viewers: children and parents.

Solving problems with parents:

Visual information for parents: the folder “Theater for Everyone” with a description of the history of the theater, its types, a master class on making theaters.

Full house of performances for children in the city, drama theater with an invitation to visit and take photographs.

Exhibition and presentation of different types of theater “Play with us!” (examination of theaters, options for their manufacture, puppeteering).

Rehearsals of the play for children "Masha and the Bear" with the help of the author's tack theater.

Production of new types of theater in the group.

Solving problems with children and parents:

(During the meeting, the children were shown options for playing out various works: the fairy tale “Turnip”, the nursery rhyme “A squirrel is sitting on a cart...”, the mini-skit “Parsley and the Hedgehog”, the sketch “Silence”. The parents showed the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” for the children ).

Project result:

78% of the group’s families participate in the project.

Parents and children got acquainted with the history of the theater, its types, methods of production and performance.

When conducting a survey at the end of the project “Do you play theater with your child at home?”, the desire of parents to engage in theatrical activities at home with their children and attend the theater increased.

Many parents purchased and made theaters for home use.

Enthusiastic use of the theater center by children in the group in independent activities and good performance in “acting skills” for children 4-5 years old.

Photo report of the project “Theatre for everyone!”

Words of gratitude in the notebook of reviews and suggestions!

Posted on Allbest.ru


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1. Project activities.

1.1. Activity. Project activities.

1.2. Project. Typology of projects.

2. Theoretical aspects of design.

2.1. Principles of designing and designing individual educational programs (projects).

2.2. Modeling. Design.

3. Organization of project activities.

3.1. Design difficulties.

3.2. Stages of work on the project.

3.3. Activities at various stages of design.

4. Project topics.

5. Thesaurus.

6. Workshop.

Project activities

One of the fundamental characteristics of a modern person operating in the space of culture is his ability for projective activity.

Projective (or design) activity belongs to the category of innovative, since it involves the transformation of reality, is built on the basis of appropriate technology, which can be unified, mastered and improved. The relevance of mastering the basics of design is due, firstly, to the fact that this technology has a wide range of applications at all levels of organization of the education system. Secondly, mastery of the logic and technology of sociocultural design will allow one to more effectively carry out analytical, organizational and managerial functions. Thirdly, design technologies ensure the competitiveness of a specialist.

Activity. Project activities

Activity– a specific human form of attitude towards the surrounding world, the content of which is expedient change and transformation in the interests of people; condition for the existence of society. Activity includes a goal, means, result and the process itself.

Project activities include:

    problem analysis;

    goal setting;

    choice of means to achieve it;

    search and processing of information, its analysis and synthesis;

    assessment of the obtained results and conclusions.

Subject activity consists of three blocks: subject, activity and communicative.

Project activities students is one of the methods of developmental education, aimed at developing independent research skills (posing a problem, collecting and processing information, conducting experiments, analyzing the results obtained), promotes the development of creative abilities and logical thinking, combines knowledge gained during the educational process and introduces specific vital problems.

The purpose of the project activity is understanding and application by students of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the study of various subjects (on an integration basis).

Objectives of project activities:

    Planning training (the student must be able to clearly define the goal, describe the main steps to achieve the goal, concentrate on achieving the goal throughout the entire work);

    Formation of skills in collecting and processing information and materials (the student must be able to select appropriate information and use it correctly);

    Ability to analyze (creativity and critical thinking);

    Ability to prepare a written report (the student must be able to draw up a work plan, clearly present information, draw up footnotes, and have an understanding of bibliography);

    Form a positive attitude towards work (the student must show initiative, enthusiasm, try to complete the work on time in accordance with the established work plan and schedule).

Principles for organizing project activities:

  • The project must be feasible to complete;

    Create the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of projects (form an appropriate library, media library, etc.);

    Prepare students for projects (conducting special orientation so that students have time to choose a project topic; at this stage, students with experience in project activities can be involved);

    Provide project guidance from teachers - discussion of the chosen topic, work plan (including execution time) and keeping a diary in which the student makes appropriate entries of his thoughts, ideas, feelings - reflection. The journal should assist the student in writing a report if the project is not a written work. The student uses the diary during interviews with the project manager.

    If the project is a group project, each student must clearly show their contribution to the project. Each project participant receives an individual assessment.

    Mandatory presentation of the results of the project in one form or another.

Important factors of project activity include:

    increasing student motivation when solving problems;

    development of creative abilities;

    shifting the emphasis from an instrumental approach in solving problems to a technological one;

    developing a sense of responsibility;

    creating conditions for a collaborative relationship between teacher and student.

Increased motivation and development of creative abilities occur due to the presence of a key feature in project activities - independent choice.

The development of creative abilities and a shift in emphasis from an instrumental approach to a technological one occurs due to the need for a meaningful choice of tools and activity planning to achieve a better result. The formation of a sense of responsibility occurs subconsciously: the student seeks to prove, first of all, to himself that he made the right choice. It should be noted that the desire to assert oneself is the main factor in the effectiveness of project activities. When solving practical problems, a collaborative relationship with the teacher naturally arises, since for both the problem is of meaningful interest and stimulates the desire for an effective solution. This is especially evident in those tasks that the student himself was able to formulate.

Project. Project typology

Project(from Latin projectus, letters - thrown forward):

1) a set of documents (calculations, drawings, etc.) for the creation of any structure or product.

2) Preliminary text of a document.

3) Concept, plan.

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. It originated at the beginning of this century in the USA. It was also called the problem method and was associated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in philosophy and education, developed by the American philosopher and teacher J. Dewey, as well as his student W.H. Kilpatrick. J. Dewey proposed building learning on an active basis, through the expedient activity of the student, in accordance with his personal interest in this particular knowledge. Hence, it was extremely important to show children their personal interest in the acquired knowledge, which can and should be useful to them in life.

This requires a problem taken from real life, familiar and meaningful to the child, for the solution of which he needs to apply the acquired knowledge, new knowledge that has yet to be acquired. The teacher can suggest sources of information, or can simply direct the students’ thoughts in the right direction for independent search. But as a result, students must independently and in joint efforts solve the problem, applying the necessary knowledge, sometimes from different areas, to obtain a real and tangible result. All work on the problem thus takes on the contours of project activity. Of course, over time, the idea of ​​the project method has undergone some evolution. Born from the idea of ​​free education, it is currently becoming an integrated component of a fully developed and structured education system. But its essence remains the same - to stimulate students’ interest in certain problems that require possession of a certain amount of knowledge and through project activities that involve solving these problems, the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge, and the development of reflexive (in the terminology of John Dewey or critical thinking).

The essence of reflexive thinking is an eternal search for facts, their analysis, reflection on their reliability, logical arrangement of facts to learn new things, to find a way out of doubt, to form confidence based on reasoned reasoning. The project method attracted the attention of Russian teachers at the beginning of the 20th century. The ideas of project-based learning arose in Russia almost in parallel with the developments of American teachers. Under the guidance of the Russian teacher S.T. Shatsky in 1905, a small group of employees was organized that tried to actively use project methods in teaching practice. At the same time, he developed actively and very successfully in a foreign school. In the USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Israel, Finland, Germany, Italy, Brazil, the Netherlands and many other countries, where the ideas of J. Dewey’s humanistic approach to education and his project method have found wide circulation and gained great popularity due to the rational combination of theoretical knowledge and their practical application to solve specific problems of the surrounding reality in the joint activities of schoolchildren. “Everything that I learn, I know, why I need it and where and how I can apply this knowledge” - this is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method, which attracts many educational systems seeking to find a reasonable balance between academic knowledge and pragmatic skills. The project method is based on the development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, the ability to navigate the information space, and the development of critical and creative thinking.

Project method – This is from the field of didactics, private methods, if it is used within a certain subject.

Method is a didactic category. This is a set of techniques, operations of mastering a certain area of ​​practical or theoretical knowledge, one or another activity. This is the path of cognition, a way of organizing the process of cognition. Therefore, if we are talking about project method, then we mean exactly way achieving a didactic goal through a detailed development of the problem (technology), which should result in a very real, tangible practical result, designed in one way or another. Didactics and teachers turned to this method to solve their didactic problems. The project method is based on the idea that constitutes the essence of the concept of “project”, its pragmatic focus on the result that can be obtained when solving a particular practically or theoretically significant problem. This result can be seen, comprehended, and applied in real practical activities.

To achieve this result, it is necessary to teach children or adult students think independently, find and solve problems, using knowledge from different fields for this purpose, the ability to predict results and possible consequences of different solution options, and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

The project method is always focused on students’ independent activities - individual, pair, group, which students carry out over a certain period of time.

This method is organically combined with group (collaborative or cooperative learning) methods. The project method always involves solving some problem. The solution to the problem involves, on the one hand, the use of a combination of various methods and teaching aids, and on the other hand, it presupposes the need to integrate knowledge, the ability to apply knowledge from various fields of science, engineering, technology, and creative fields. The project method as a pedagogical technology involves a combination of research, search, and problem-based methods that are creative in their very essence.

Basic requirements for using the project method:

    1. The presence of a problem/task that is significant in research, creative terms, requiring integrated knowledge, research search for its solution (for example, a study of a demographic problem in different regions of the world; the creation of a series of reports from different parts of the globe on one problem; the problem of the influence of acid rain on environment, etc.).

    Practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results (for example, a report to the relevant services on the demographic state of a given region, factors influencing this state, trends in the development of this problem; joint publication of a newspaper, an almanac with reports from the scene; forest protection in different areas, action plan, etc.);

    Independent (individual, pair, group) activities of students.

    Structuring the content of the project (indicating stage-by-stage results).

    The use of research methods involving a certain sequence of actions:

    definition of the problem and the research tasks arising from it (use of the “brainstorming”, “round table” method during joint research);

    putting forward hypotheses for their solution;

    discussion of research methods (statistical methods, experimental, observations, etc.);

    discussion of ways to formalize the final results (presentations, defense, creative reports, screenings, etc.).

    collection, systematization and analysis of obtained data;

    summing up, drawing up results, their presentation;

    conclusions, putting forward new research problems.

For the typology of projects, the following are proposed: typological features:

    Dominant activity in the project: research, search, creative, role-playing, applied (practice-oriented), orientation, etc. (research project, game, practice-oriented, creative);

    Subject content area: mono project (within one area of ​​knowledge); interdisciplinary project.

    Nature of project coordination: direct (rigid, flexible), hidden (implicit, simulating a project participant, typical for telecommunications projects).

    X nature of contacts(among participants of the same school, class, city, region, country, different countries of the world).

    Number of project participants.

    Duration of the project.

The implementation of the project method and the research method in practice leads to a change in the teacher’s position. From a carrier of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of cognitive, research activities of his students. The psychological climate in the classroom is also changing, as the teacher has to reorient his teaching and educational work and the work of students towards various types of independent activities of students, to the priority of activities of a research, search, and creative nature.

Separately, it should be said about the need to organize external evaluation of projects, since only in this way can their effectiveness, failures, and the need for timely correction be monitored. The nature of this assessment largely depends on both the type of project and the topic of the project (its content), and the conditions of implementation. If this is a research project, then it inevitably includes stages of implementation, and the success of the entire project largely depends on correctly organized work at individual stages.

We should also stop at general approaches to project structuring:

    You should always start by choosing the topic of the project, its type, and the number of participants.

    Next, the teacher needs to think through possible options for problems that are important to explore within the framework of the intended topic. The problems themselves are put forward by students at the suggestion of the teacher (leading questions, situations that help identify problems, a video series with the same purpose, etc.). A brainstorming session followed by a group discussion is appropriate here.

    Distribution of tasks into groups, discussion of possible research methods, information search, creative solutions.

    Independent work of project participants on their individual or group research and creative tasks.

    Intermediate discussions of the obtained data in groups (in lessons or during classes in a scientific society, in group work in a library, media library, etc.).

    Project defense, opposition.

    Collective discussion, examination, results of external assessment, conclusions.