Commerce by industry - what kind of profession is it? Specialty "Trading". Where to study, what to work for, what kind of work you can do with education, commerce

  • 29.01.2024

Sooner or later, every person faces the problem of choosing a profession. In fact, this is an entire branch of psychology that studies various nuances of career guidance. But life dictates its own requirements to us, on which we rely when choosing a specialty. Most often, when choosing a specialty, future salary, availability of vacancies and social guarantees are taken into account, that is, the demand for a particular profession in the labor market.

Economic specialty "Trading"

Nowadays, economic processes are on the lips of every person - either the exchange rate of the state currency is falling (rising), then new supermarkets are closing or opening, then the population is monitoring the export or import of a specific product, its price or availability in specific shopping centers, and so on. . All these processes are considered by several economic sciences. Upon receiving the specialty "Trading", the student also masters other specific knowledge, for example, how to keep sales statistics, store accounting, and learns how to properly advertise a product.

Relevance of admission to specialty

Many people dream of rapid career growth, autonomy at work, as well as quick earnings - selling goods and receiving money for them. Therefore, studying commerce is important for young applicants. This specialty provides the opportunity to study many interesting subjects - not only economics, but also humanitarian ones. Students actively delve into the psychology of concluding commercial contracts, the specific needs of the buyer, and so on. Working in this specialty, a person has the opportunity to interact with many people, that is, make useful contacts, reach a new level of relationships, and change his social status.

By the way, this specialty can be divided into two types of professional interaction:

  • “Human-to-human” (constant communication with people: employees, customers, business partners).
  • “Man-sign system” (analysis of trading processes, study of financial documents).

What does trading activity involve?

Recently, in the field of higher and secondary specialized education, there has been an increased interest of future students in specialties related to sales. And this is understandable: today a person who has received the specialty “Trading” has extensive knowledge about processes in the economy, new technologies and optimization of resources.

Such knowledge provides the opportunity to succeed and ensure prosperity of the company with high profits. The main task of the specialist is to achieve the success of the company in the harsh competitive conditions of the market. These skills are implemented in large wholesale and retail companies, logistics centers, trade enterprises and insurance business. And, of course, you should not lose sight of the opportunity to organize your own business.

Necessary skills of a specialist trained in the specialty

By receiving the specialty "Trading", a student studies an exceptional special complex of educational subjects that provide knowledge in sales management, logistics, marketing, and business management. The acquired knowledge is in great demand today. It is known that among graduates of trade-related specialties, there are many private entrepreneurs. Trade today is an area characterized by high competition, investment and business activity.

An amateur cannot conduct trading activities successfully. It requires professional management skills. Its specificity is determined by the form of trade: wholesale, retail, trade on the Internet... This activity involves not only purchase and sale transactions, but also legal support for signed contracts, economic and financial sales transactions, pricing and product policies, leasing operations and other.

A high-quality education in this field will enable the student to become an excellent sales specialist.

What kind of career growth can there be in this profession?

The education received in this specialty and knowledge of economic processes are considered multifunctional and meet the requirements of the modern trading market. Therefore, graduates who have received the specialty “Trading Business” have broad prospects and the opportunity to realize themselves.

Such specialists do not feel any particular difficulties in finding employment.

It is remarkable that there are many vacancies in this specialty on the labor market. At first the earnings are small, but as you gain experience it will certainly grow. Trading is an area where you can quickly achieve high results with a certain perseverance and determination.

The functions of a sales specialist depend on the number of people on staff and the scale of the company’s activities. This could be logistics, department control, hiring managers, employees for trade departments.

Sometimes a career starts with a simple job as a cashier, but very little time passes and the hard worker gets a promotion. He can easily climb the career ladder to become a network manager.

How can a graduate of the specialty "Commercial Business" work?

Among the most popular professions that the specialty “Trading” gives you the opportunity to master, you can choose who to work in, even if you do not continue your studies:

  • Intermediary (broker).
  • Trade representative
  • Sales manager, regulating supplies and working with customers.
  • Commodity expert.
  • Merchandiser and supervisor.

A sales manager will always find something to do in a small store. After gaining experience, you can go to work for a company that has a network of retail establishments. A merchandising specialist and document flow specialist in trade will easily move to the logistics department or warehouse and can hire salespeople, warehouse employees, and managers. Depending on the authority, the trade organizer can develop a plan for market analysis, control of store departments, networks, and logistics of the company.

Young certified specialists can apply for the position of manager on the sales floor, engage in purchasing, sales, and take the position of senior salesperson. For those seeking career growth, it is possible to take the position of manager of a retail establishment, director of logistics and sales, senior marketer and others.

Moscow universities that produce such specialists

In the capital, it is possible to obtain higher education in this specialty at several educational institutions. These are the following Moscow universities, which are rightfully considered prestigious higher educational institutions:

  • MSUTIU im. Razumovsky (Moscow State University of Technology and Management).
  • State Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • REU named after Plekhanov (Russian Economic University).
  • NUST (National Research Technological University) MISiS.
  • RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration).
  • RGSU (Russian State Social University).

In addition to the above, universities and others with the highest level of accreditation teach “Trading”. They are less known, but can still provide a student with a decent education. You can study both on a contract basis and in government-funded places.

What subjects do students study?

Of course, the most important subjects that the Faculty of Commerce offers for study for a future profession are “Economics”, “Marketing”, “Pricing”, “Commodity Science”. In addition to highly specialized subjects, subjects are studied that increase the professional level of the future specialist. These are “Advertising”, “Management”, “Trade Law”, “Computer Technologies”, “Psychology” and others. “Commerce”, “Trading”, “Functioning of Organizations”, “Accounting”, “Innovations in Trade” are required to be studied.

Forms of training

You can receive education either full-time or part-time. In addition to traditional forms of education, there are evening and mixed education systems. The future sales specialist will receive a bachelor's degree in four years for a full-time program, and in five years for a part-time program. For a higher level of education, there is a master's program in "Commercial Business", where you need to work a little more. You can study for three years if you first graduate from a specialized college or already have one higher education.

You can perceive this reality any way you like, but it is fair to admit that the world is being built and modified under the influence of commercial interests. Not a single day or even an hour passes without completing a transaction for the sale of goods or the provision of services. Thousands of economic and financial transactions require services from hundreds of specialists.

Creating a cycle of events, professionals work every day because their help is constantly needed. Taking into account the realities of today's life, it becomes obvious - going to college to major in commerce is definitely a choice in favor of profession No. 1 on the list of those most in demand on the labor market.

Commerce specialty vocational education

Specialty 02/38/04 commerce (sales manager) involves a program with a mastery standard of 1 year and 10 months based on basic general education.

Documents required for admission:

  • school certificate;
  • diploma of initial professional level education;
  • a document confirming the availability of higher level education.

It should be noted that only one of the above documents can be provided for admission to college.

Specialty commerce by industry

Graduates of this specialty receive professional knowledge in the field of organizing and conducting commercial activities in various organizations - service, trade, production. The objects of activity of graduating specialists are:

  • manufactured goods;
  • goods sold in organizations;
  • services of service companies;
  • primary labor groups.

Program 38.02.04 provides mid-level specialists with the following professional competencies:

  • organization and management of trade and sales (assortment management, conclusion of contracts, control);
  • carrying out marketing and economic activities (marketing research, collecting information, studying demand, creating proposals, advertising, pricing policy);
  • ensuring compliance with quality standards, product distribution, and storage of goods.
  • organization of work (personnel management, safety of employees and customers, coordination of activities).

Commerce Colleges

Now there are several dozen secondary educational institutions offering programs in the specialty. Among the leading establishments in Moscow:

  • MTK nutrition at Plekhanov University;
  • College at MFUL;
  • educational complex "South-West".

The general qualification acquired by a SUZ graduate is a sales manager. This is a diversified specialty that allows you to work in organizations of various types. In general, the future manager learns to manage commercial processes. This includes establishing and maintaining business contacts, negotiating, control and accounting, organizing trade turnover, sales promotion, loss analysis, marketing research, forming sales plans and assortment, organizing and coordinating personnel activities.

Specialty Commerce - who to work with

Work in the specialty of commerce is necessary in all organizations involved in the trade of anything - retail and wholesale goods, services. Mostly college graduates get positions as salesmen and commercial agents. Sellers sell the product, and commercial agents work to organize communication between the company and consumers.

Based on the official educational standard approved by the ministry, a college graduate with a degree in commerce (by industry) also masters the following working specialties during practice:

  • commercial agent: code 20004;
  • cashier in the sales area: code 12721;
  • controller-cashier: 12965;
  • seller of non-food products: 17351;
  • seller of food products: 17353.

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Specialty 02/38/04 COMMERCE (BY INDUSTRY)

Qualification – sales manager

Duration of training:

  • on the basis of basic general education (9 classes) – 2 years 10 months;
  • on the basis of secondary general education (11 grades) – 1 year 10 months.

According to recruitment agencies, the position of sales manager ranks first in popularity in the labor market. If earlier people engaged in commercial activities were called merchants, today they are professionals in the field of trade.

Sales manager (sales manager) is the head of a department or group of sellers engaged in direct sales. The task of a sales manager is to facilitate the successful promotion of goods to the market; he does not stand behind the counter himself, but manages the sales process.

The sales manager must have complete information about the product and know the preferences of his customers. His responsibilities include negotiations with suppliers, drawing up contracts, preparing payment documents, monitoring compliance with delivery conditions, and determining the size of discounts.

The main mission of a sales manager is to provide value. And this can only be done with high-quality goods or services that are needed at the present time.

The sales manager is the foundation of modern business.

The sales manager organizes his work in the following areas:

  • establishes contacts with business partners;
  • concludes contracts and monitors their implementation;
  • makes claims and sanctions;
  • provides basic and additional services of wholesale and retail trade;
  • applies methods, means and techniques of management, business and managerial communication in commercial activities;
  • controls the results and planning of commercial activities;
  • prepares necessary documents using automated systems;
  • participates in conducting market research, development and implementation of marketing solutions;
  • participates in the formation of the assortment;
  • controls the conditions and terms of storage and transportation of goods;
  • ensures compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for goods and packaging.

During the training process, we will teach you how to navigate market conditions, organize commercial and advertising work at an enterprise, modern methods of financial and economic activity, a foreign language of business communication, the use of computer equipment and modern software, office work, e-commerce, methods for improving retail trade, we will help you learn psychology of consumer behavior.

The acquired knowledge and experience enable graduates to work not only in trade enterprises of various forms of ownership, but also in production and service organizations.

In addition to its popularity, the profession of sales manager is in demand and has good prospects for career advancement. A manager’s career may begin in a trading company in a position, for example, as an employee of the organization’s commercial department, a sales agent, or a salesperson. As a result of career growth, he can reach the position of store department manager, warehouse manager, or company manager. In addition to the basic salary, it is quite possible to earn another 30-80% of its amount.

Graduates can work:

  • sales and purchasing managers;
  • employees of the organization’s commercial department, sales and supply department;
  • managers of small businesses;
  • warehouse managers;
  • heads of sections, departments of the store;
  • marketing department specialists;
  • managers of the organization,
  • sales agents, sellers.

Place of work

  • commercial trade organizations;
  • trading bases;
  • consulting companies;
  • Insurance companies.

To effectively manage business processes in a company, a specialist needs comprehensive knowledge in the field of sales, purchasing and other key areas of the enterprise’s economic activity. College of Commerce- the best choice for those who prefer practical skills to theoretical knowledge. Here you will learn:

Basics of Product Marketing

Promotion of services on the market

Learn to navigate consumer demand trends.

Today's high school students have a difficult time choosing the right college to suit their interests and abilities. The specialty “Commerce” is universal for everyone: the humanities and technical sciences are closely intertwined here and, as a result, lay a solid foundation for a truly necessary and in-demand education. Labor market statistics show that sales specialists are required by companies in all segments of the economy, moreover, the demand for such professionals is constant.

College: Commerce by Industry

In our college, commerce is studied by industry: this means that you will be given the maximum of useful and applied knowledge in many industries at once:

Logistics - transportation and delivery of goods;

Organization of the sales and purchasing process in the company

Work with personnel

Working with budgeting

Regulation of commercial activities in the modern legal field.

Upon graduation from college, all graduates are issued a diploma of secondary vocational education, which allows them to start a career earlier than their peers and qualify for higher positions.

Practical knowledge and skills, internships, preparation for work - this and much more can be offered by our college of commerce. It’s easy to apply to us: pass the final exam at school and come to us with your OGE/USE certificate. Classes at the college are conducted five days a week, full-time. In essence, this is a transitional stage between school and university, where it will be much easier for you to enter if you have a secondary vocational education.

Much attention in the curriculum is paid to developing students' analytical skills, the ability to select the necessary information and systematize it.

You will study subjects such as:


Business Basics

Organization of trade

Sales Psychology

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management


English language

We develop curricula using recommendations from real employers, so we are convinced that we provide only the necessary knowledge that will be useful to a college graduate in work. Few commerce colleges in Moscow cooperate with employing companies as closely as we do.

Where do our graduates start their careers? In fact, they are faced with a huge choice of entry-level professions:

Sales Representative

Commercial agent

Sales Manager.

It is no secret that all these professions provide the opportunity to earn big money already at the very beginning of work: the salary of specialists in the field of sales and distribution of goods consists of a fixed amount and a percentage of sales. College will help you learn to work for results. The Commerce major is specifically designed for those who want to build a career in one of the most dynamic industries.

After graduating from college, you can continue your education at Synergy University in almost any department, but the faculties of Business and Management are recommended. College graduates with knowledge of commerce often choose management in the retail industry and become managers in chain supermarkets and branded boutiques. Some college students begin their careers as sales assistants and rise to sales directors within a few years. The main thing is to be able to apply the skills acquired during your studies and constantly develop in your profession.

Commerce is business activity. This term implies being engaged in trade work. The specialty “Commerce by Industry” is now in great demand, since employees are needed in many areas. The profession has several directions in which you can work in various fields.

Training is carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary and Higher Professional Education. These documents establish training rules and the required level of knowledge and skills for successful performance of work. The Federal State Educational Standard allows you to gain the necessary experience so that activities in any company progress successfully.


Humanity has been engaged in market relations since ancient times, since the modern economy is built on them. Commerce appeared in primitive society. With the improvement of speech and other skills, people began to divide into gatherers and hunters.

During the period of human development, merchants and traders began to appear. They created goods themselves or purchased them from artisans. After the markup, the products were sold at a higher price, thereby generating income. This population was considered the most prosperous.

On the territory of Russia, commerce arose in the 16th-17th centuries. At that time, merchants appeared who bought goods at a low price and sold them at a higher price. There were intermediaries between the manufacturer and the user. Then merchant guilds arose, which existed until 1917. Since then, the trade business has been actively developing, new directions are emerging. And this leads to the emergence of many in-demand professions.


Commerce by industry is considered an in-demand job today. Its implementation requires work and knowledge. There are 2 types of commerce:

  • simple;
  • Internet commerce.

The latter type is considered an innovation. This area has been actively developing for several years. It provides an opportunity to earn money without large investments.

Standard Commerce

The sphere consists of several processes. It is necessary to use an organizational plan, since the progress of the entire business depends on it. This work requires obtaining certificates and trade work permits. It is important to find suitable premises and manufacturing suppliers. Commerce by industry will allow you to make a profit if everything is organized correctly.

Correctly selected elements for the job will allow you to compete on price with other merchants. It is important to think about the organization of the trading process. A sales manager may be involved for this purpose. Commercial organizations sell not only goods, but also provide services.

Internet commerce

This area is new. With a small investment you can get big profits. The work involves organizing the activities of online stores and offices to attract customers. Nowadays, many goods are sold and services are provided via the Internet. With this activity you will be able to save on many items.

Internet commerce includes information business. The sphere involves the sale of information products. These include video courses that contain useful information. The topics of training materials may vary.

Types of specialties

Many institutions teach the specialty “Commerce (by industry).” What kind of profession is this? Usually graduates get jobs as managers. To learn trade, you need to get an education in this field. He is taught in several professions:

  • economy;
  • merchandising;
  • management.

In all specializations, students receive the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully organize a business and work in the trade sector. Graduates are awarded a diploma in the specialty "Commerce". Training can be completed in bachelor's and specialty degrees.

Where does the training take place?

There are many institutions on the territory where they teach specialty 100701 “Commerce (by industry).” The following institutions are considered one of the best:

  • Russian State Trade and Economic University.
  • Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

To enter the trade business, you need to pass exams in social studies, Russian, foreign languages, and mathematics. Chief among these subjects is social studies. Training is carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Secondary and Higher Professional Education.

What is done at work?

If you received a specialty in “Commerce (by industry),” what kind of profession is it? This depends on whether an individual entrepreneur or hired employment will be organized. This is usually the job of managers. In this activity, you must be able to manage and organize trading processes.

Commerce requires constant development. Employees search for suppliers and create business plans necessary to improve the company's activities. They organize the trading process. The sales manager selects personnel, trains employees, and organizes work activities. Marketing activities are required.

Trade workers report to their superiors and the tax service. This activity involves drawing up documentation on profits, expenses, and measures to increase income. First, information is collected, then analyzed and submitted.

Who can choose a profession?

The Commerce by Industry track is ideal for leaders. The employee needs not only to provide instructions, but also to organize events correctly. A job applicant must be stress-resistant. When organizing work, a manager needs to be able to force his subordinates to respect themselves.

Working memory is a mandatory skill. This is necessary to solve several issues simultaneously. The work requires a mathematical and analytical mind, as it is necessary to perform calculations. With such qualities, success in work awaits.


The field of Commerce by Industry is developed. Professional employees are needed in many prestigious companies. After training, every graduate can find a job. And you don’t have to get hired, since you can organize your own business.

Income in each area can be different, it all depends on the position. Beginners receive from 35,000 rubles per month. Over time, income can increase.

Starting a business

If a decision has been made to open your own business, then its promotion depends on the invested funds. The time to create your own business is determined by the investments that will be made initially. It takes approximately 3 days. Preparation is carried out from a week to a month, when a website is created or a retail space is set up.

When interviewing for a management position, everything depends on the applicant, as well as on the requirements put forward by the employer. Typically, the stress interview technique is used to establish stress resistance and adapt to different situations. It is important to have experience and completed projects.

An employee needs to be sociable, which is required for negotiations with partners and clients. If you meet all the requirements, you can get the job you want.


After training, you can get a low-paid position. Graduates are usually hired as managers and managers with career opportunities. If you show excellent results in your work, you can become a director or president of the company. This profession allows you to get a prestigious position. You just need to work hard and develop.

Commerce is considered a promising area. Everything in business and trade is constantly evolving, resulting in job opportunities for young professionals. With a profession, you will be able to apply the necessary knowledge for career growth. For true professionals, there is always the possibility of promotion at work.