The name of the best projects in the dhow. Educational portal. Project method at different stages of preschool childhood

  • 21.01.2024

Project for children and parents of the middle group: “Good Blanket”

For educators and parents
Compiled by: teacher: Kondratyeva T.V.

Project type: communicative and creative.
Project implementation: August – September 2014.
Participants: children of the middle group and their parents.
Problem: Middle-aged children are characterized by high emotional sensitivity to everything that surrounds them. The more sense organs are involved in the process of raising and developing a child, the more fully the picture of the world is revealed to him. The child actively perceives and masters everything new through movement, because movement for him is a way of cognition. Children learn about the world with their hands, which is proven by many researchers who note the role of fine movements of the hand and establish a connection between the development of fine motor skills and speech. Modern children, unfortunately, experience a lack of movement and sensory sensations...Parents do not spend enough time with their children, their constant busyness affects the children’s mood and affects their health. Children really miss their parents when they are in kindergarten, this project will help preschoolers reduce emotional tension, help children and parents feel a positive emotional connection with each other.
- strengthening emotional contacts between children and adults;
- development of sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of the hands.
- improving the quality of the educational process,
- development of creativity, increasing the competence of teachers
- development of psychomotor functions and communication skills in children;
- relieving emotional and muscle tension;
- involving parents in creating a “house scarf” at home;
- use of a “house handkerchief” in children’s joint and independent play activities;
- development of game exercises with lacing exercise machines;
- establishing trust and mutual understanding between children and adults;
- development of children's creative abilities.
Project development.
- Bring this problem to the attention of project participants.
-Select methodological and fiction literature, materials on this topic.
- Select materials, toys, attributes for play activities.
- Select material for productive activities.
- Draw up a long-term action plan. Preparatory stage

Cycle of creative tasks
Goal: to give the child the opportunity to participate together with their parents in the implementation of creative ideas, to show parents the importance of joint activities with the child in making crafts.
Provide an opportunity to show your individuality, creativity, put forward unconventional ideas and implement them.
Stage 1:
Project presentation
Goal: uniting participants in educational relations into a team of like-minded people. Unity through joint interesting activities of parents, children and educators, building partnerships between participants in educational relations. Implementing collaborative pedagogy.
Creative task for parents (methodological leaflet)
Goal: to show parents the basis for performing creative work with their children, to offer to select materials and sketches for completing the task according to their own ideas.
Consultations for parents
Goal: to show the significance of this project, which involves both independent and joint activities of all its participants.
Stage 2 Creation of an art object
Goal: complete a creative task together with the child, using materials and sketches according to your own plans at home.
Stage 3 Art object in activity
Goal: use of an art object during the child’s stay in kindergarten, as an attribute of a good start to the day and continuous communication with the family.
Stage 4 Final. “Good Blanket” campaign.
Goal: uniting and uniting participants in educational relations into a team of like-minded people, building partnerships between educators, children and parents.

Practical part of the project:
A series of creative tasks for parents
1. Creative task “Toys from a pillow.” Prepare the basis for the toy: a small rectangular pillow filled with synthetic padding. Using laces and ribbons, you can create different toys - familiar to the child and fantastic ones invented by him. Tie the pillow at the top with two ribbons to create ears, use laces to designate paws, and a long lace at the back to create a tail. The kitten toy is ready! Don't forget that cats love to play with bows on a string.
2. Creative task “Toys from scrap materials.” For example, you can make a bird of happiness from fabric. The bird of happiness is a symbol of good news. The bird of happiness is made from calico fabric, cotton or synthetic padding ball and thread.
Stage 1: making the bird of happiness: “making feathers.”
We remove the threads from the fabric along the contour to get a fringe, a bird of happiness without using a needle.
Stage 2: Making the bird of happiness: fold the fabric in half, then in half again, and then into a triangle
Stage 3: Tie the tip of the triangle with thread. This is the bird's "nose".
Stage 4: Unroll the fabric, put a ball of cotton wool in the middle. Tie the ball of cotton wool into the fabric.
Stage 5: We say kind, gentle words, a prayer, parting words... We tie a ball of cotton wool with a thread to make the “head” of the bird. We fold the corners of the bird together.
Stage 6: make wings, pull together one corner of the fabric, then the other to make wings.
Campaign “Collecting a good blanket”
The individual stage is carried out with the direct participation of the family. Parents need: a positive and friendly attitude, the ability to negotiate with the child and discuss everything new, a creative approach, but most importantly, the family’s interest in innovations in the child’s life. Recommendations for parents: It is important to treat the tasks and requests of teachers responsibly and not be afraid to offer your own creative ideas.
Quite often, children bring their favorite toy with them to kindergarten. For them, this is a familiar object and a piece of home, a memory of their mother. There is no doubt that a home handkerchief, decorated together with the mother, will help the child to be distracted, cope with fears and uncertainty, and relieve psycho-emotional stress. When decorating a home handkerchief, parents are reminded of its versatility, so that they can play with it, study, examine and transform it. It is important that activities with a handkerchief contribute to the development of fine motor skills, as well as ropes and laces attached to the corners of the handkerchief and on its surface.
Communication stage The child is already accustomed to the new environment and new surroundings. Friends appeared. We need to help kids take their first steps towards friendship.
“Interaction in pairs” - the teacher can invite the children to show their handkerchiefs to each other. Then they can exchange handkerchiefs and examine, examine, and compare them. You can discuss with the children what is depicted on different handkerchiefs, what is common, what is the difference. Simple tasks are recommended: “In which handkerchief does the color red live?”, “Who has a name on the handkerchief?”, “Whose lace is the longest?”, “What is in the pocket?” and etc.
“Interaction in small groups” - we repeat previous tasks and move on to new, more complex ones. For example, we create a common path from “household scarves” by tying the laces and ribbons of five to six scarves. From four scarves you can make a blanket for a doll or a festive tablecloth for the table. If it is still difficult for kids to tie their shoelaces, it is enough to simply lay out the handkerchiefs like puzzles. The main thing is to fantasize, come up with interesting tasks, maintain the child’s interest and not stop there!
“Group interaction” - the child feels like part of a large team and understands that he is together with all his different peers. One of the tasks is “Islands” - making handkerchiefs with different names: “Girls” and “Boys”, “Funny Animals”, “Colorful Islands”, “The Largest Island”, etc. Children are accustomed to the kindergarten, group room , teachers and peers. Fears have been mostly overcome, it’s time to combine the scarves into one common group “Cozy Blanket for Babies”.
The event was timed to coincide with this event and parents were invited. The event took place within 50 minutes. The main event is the joining of handkerchiefs into the “Good Blanket”. To do this, each “home scarf” had laces or ribbons sewn into the corners for easy tying. First, 2-3 scarves were combined, the laces were tied, then they were connected into paths, and then into a single cloth. So, the “Good Blanket” is ready!
The entire event took place in a festive atmosphere. Free communication between the participants of the action helped create a team of like-minded people, uniting the children's team and the parents of the group.
It is very important that the art object “Good Blanket” unites children and parents. And if the child wants to be alone, then the relaxation effect of the “blanket” comes in handy.
Each participant received the creative task “Handkerchief” - to design a piece of fabric (15x15 cm) as an individual “Home Handkerchief”.
Materials for decorating a scarf were offered: multi-colored laces, ribbons and strings, beads from waste material, buttons, floss threads, colored braid of various widths, beads, synthetic padding, pieces of fabrics of various textures.
The action “Collecting a Good Blanket” was carried out - compiling a common blanket from individual fragments - individual “handkerchiefs”.
Children have the skills of making toys and have the primary skills of cooperation in making joint crafts.
Participants in educational relations unite and unite into a team of like-minded people, positive partnerships are built between educators, children and parents
1. Preschool pedagogy, ed. V.I. Loginova, P.G. Samorukova M., Education 2001
2. Karalashvili E.A. Art. “Implementation of the project “Cozy blanket for babies” within the framework of a scientific and practical conference. Directory of senior teacher of preschool institution No. 4, 2014
3. Koskina N.M. Art. “Traditional forms of working with parents,” Magazine Preschool Education Teacher No. 4, 2012.

Project activities in kindergarten in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

Kemerovo 2016

Project activities in kindergarten in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education [Text] / N. A. Lukonenko, N. A. Kultaeva, T. V. Kolmakova, O. Yu. Nazarova, L. A. Luchsheva, A. Yu. Luchsheva . - Kemerovo, 2016. - 56 With.

Lukonenko Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of the Moscow Regional Preschool Educational Institution No. 241, combined kindergarten “Academy of Childhood”, Kemerovo

Kultaeva Natalia Aleksandrovna, teacher of the Moscow Regional Preschool Educational Institution No. 241, combined kindergarten “Academy of Childhood”, Kemerovo

Tatyana Viktorovna Kolmakova, teacher at MADOU No. 241, combined kindergarten “Academy of Childhood”, Kemerovo

Nazarova Olesya Yuryevna, teacher of the Moscow Preschool Educational Institution No. 241, combined kindergarten “Academy of Childhood”, Kemerovo

Ludmila Aleksandrovna Luchsheva, teacher at MADOU No. 241, combined kindergarten “Academy of Childhood”, Kemerovo

Anna Yuryevna Luchsheva, teacher of the Moscow Preschool Educational Institution No. 241, combined kindergarten “Academy of Childhood”, Kemerovo

The projects can be used by kindergarten teachers.


Research and gaming project in the junior group “Vodichka and I are best friends.”

"Fauna of Africa." Short-term project for older children.

"Water Sorceress" Short-term educational project in a preparatory group.

"The Secret of the Volcano" Short-term educational project in a preparatory group.

“It’s a miracle - a seed turned into a tree.” Long-term educational - practical project in the senior group.

“It warms a mother’s heart better than the sun.” Short-term creative project in the senior group.


“What I hear, I forget.

What I see - I remember.

What I do - I understand"


A modern preschool organization, in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and a huge flow of information, requires methods of organizing educational activities that would form an active, independent and proactive position in preschoolers.

A modern preschooler needs to be able to acquire knowledge on his own; he must have developed research and reflective skills. The teacher needs to develop skills that are directly related to the experience of their application in practical activities.

The task is difficult, but solvable. All of the above can ensure the use of the project method in kindergarten practice.

It is the project method that makes it possible to shift the emphasis from the process of children passively accumulating a sum of knowledge to their mastery of various methods of activity in conditions of the availability of information resources. This is facilitated by a personality-oriented approach to upbringing and education. Based on a person-centered approach to upbringing and education, the project method develops cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge and develops cooperation skills.

In European languages, the word “project” is borrowed from Latin and means “thrown forward,” “protruding,” “conspicuous.” Translated from Greek, a project is a path of research.

A number of authors, such as L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina, T. S. Lagoda, M. B. Zuikova, consider project activities as a variant of an integrated method of teaching preschoolers, as a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on the interaction of the teacher and pupil, step-by-step practical activities to achieve the set goal.

In modern times, this term is associated with the concept of “problem”. The project method is understood as a set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow solving a particular problem as a result of independent actions of students with the obligatory presentation of these results.

Using the project method in preschool education can significantly increase children’s independent activity, develop creative thinking, children’s ability to independently find information about an object or phenomenon of interest in different ways and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality. It also makes the educational system of preschool educational institutions open to the active participation of parents.

The basis of this method is the independent activity of children - research, cognitive, productive, during which the child learns about the world around him and brings new knowledge to life.

The implementation of any project involves the following main stages:

Choosing the goal of the project - the teacher helps children choose the most interesting and feasible task for them at their level of development.

Project development - drawing up an action plan to achieve a goal: who to turn to for help, sources of information are determined, materials and equipment for work are selected, what objects will learn to work with to achieve the goal.

Project execution - the practical part of the project is carried out.

Summing up - a debriefing is carried out, results are assessed and tasks are identified for new projects.

Projects come in different types:

Creative - after the project is brought to life, the result is formalized in the form of a children's party.

Research - children conduct experiments, after which the results are presented in the form of newspapers, books, albums, and exhibitions.

Game projects are projects with elements of creative games, when children take on the role of fairy tale characters, solving problems and tasks in their own way.

Informational - children collect information and implement it, focusing on their own social interests (design of a group, individual corners).

The introduction of the project method in our kindergarten began several years ago.

To achieve results in this direction, we are trying to perfectly master new technology, which allows us to change the style of working with children, increase children's independence, activity, curiosity, involve parents in the educational process, and create a subject-spatial environment in accordance with the requirements of the project method.

The practice of the first projects has proven the effectiveness of this method in the development and upbringing of children.

In our opinion, the project method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment and synthesize acquired knowledge. Develops creative abilities and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of preschool education.

We present to your attention a number of projects carried out by our creative group of like-minded people.

MADOU No. 241 combined kindergarten

"Childhood Academy"

Research and gaming project in the junior group “Vodichka and I are best friends”

Developed and implemented:

teacher Lukonenko N.A.

Kemerovo 2013

Research and gaming project in the junior group« Vodichka and I are best friends»

Project Manager: Lukonenko Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of the junior group “Smeshariki” MADOU No. 241 d/s apt.

The work on the project is carried out within the framework of the sections of the approximate basic educational program of preschool education of our preschool educational institution.

Age of project participants: children from 3 to 4 years old.

Project participants: teacher and pupils of the group, PDO for visual activities, laundry worker, parents of pupils.

Project type: mid-term, group, research and creative, interdisciplinary.

Project problem: children's awareness of the properties and importance of water in the lives of people, animals and plants.

Objective of the project: familiarizing children with the properties and importance of water in the life of living beings.

Project objectives:

Development in children of elementary natural science concepts about water and its properties.

Formation of one’s own cognitive experience in the process of studying this topic, children’s mastery of the methods and techniques necessary for design and research activities such as: observation of inanimate objects, conversations, examination of illustrations, experiments, experiments.

Development of creative and communication abilities in preschool children.

Fostering respect for the water resources of our planet.

Relevance of the project there is no doubt, since children's experimentation has enormous developmental potential (during the experiment, the child's memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, since there is a constant need to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification and generalization, and an ecological culture is formed).

Expected result:

Enriching children's horizons on this topic, developing environmental and moral education.

Children's understanding of the properties of water is expanded experimentally.

Intensifying work with parents and additional education specialists.

Literary series: small folklore, fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”, fairy tales by S. Prokofiev “About a Gray Cloud”, “Magic Basket”, poem by A. Barto “The Grimy Girl”, Slovak folk tale “At the Sun in guests";

Musical series: audio recordings “Sounds of water in nature”, video recording - cartoon “Kapitoshka”;

Demo series: didactic doll “Droplet”, albums, postcards, illustrations on the topics “Water in Nature”, “Human Use of Water”, photo exhibition equipment, toys, attributes for classes.

Practical results of the project: exhibition of drawings on the topic: “Cloud and Rain”, “Rain drip-drip-drip”, photo exhibition on the topic: “Vodichka and I are best friends”, presentation of the work done.

Project stage

Activities of a teacher

Children's activities

Parents' activities

Stage I. Formulation of the problem.

Setting goals and objectives:

Goal: to familiarize children with the properties and importance of water in the life of living beings.

Objectives: to teach children to draw conclusions based on experiments, to participate in feasible practical activities, to consolidate knowledge about the meaning of water and its properties, about the role in the lives of people and animals, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the planet’s water resources.

Children are getting into trouble.

Reading literature to children on this topic, watching videos, conversations on this topic.

Stage II. Preparatory

1. Work on preparing the photo exhibition “Vodichka and I are best friends.”

2. Making a “Droplet” doll.

3. Collection of waste and natural materials.

4. Collection of illustrations depicting rain, snow, water and other water bodies.

5. Selection of material for practical games and activities, selection of audio and video material for classes.

6. Making attributes for games and activities.

Get used to the game situation.

Assistance to teachers in selecting material for classes, assistance in preparing for a photo exhibition.

Stage III. Project work.

1. Integrated lesson “Visiting a droplet” (the role of water in the lives of people and animals).

2. Game with water “Funny Bubbles” (we get bubbles by blowing air through a straw into a glass of water).

3. Integrated lesson together with a specialist in the art activity “Multi-colored droplets” (experience in coloring water with gouache and finger painting).

4. Integrated lesson “I didn’t drink tea - what power” (introduction to hot water and the process of brewing tea).

5. Integrated lesson “Miracle - steam” (experience “Transition of water into a gaseous state (steam) and from steam into water”).

6. Observations of water in nature “Reflection in a puddle”, “Blue ice”, “A little white snow fell”.

7. Integrated lesson together with an arts specialist

“Rain, rain, let it rain” (drawing rain).

8. Lesson - the game “Bathing the Katya doll” (an experience of turning water from hot to warm).

9. Integrated lesson “Droplet - piece of ice - droplet” (experience of turning water into ice and ice into water).

10. Experience “The snowball melts - a stream will run” (show children not only the process of snow melting, but also the production of dirty water as a result of this, focusing on the fact that for this reason it is strictly forbidden to put snow in the mouth).

11. Playing with water “Funny Bubbles” (preparing a solution to produce soap bubbles).

12. Integrated lesson together with an art specialist. Drawing with non-traditional materials: “Clouds and rain” (foam rubber, finger painting), “Rain drip-drip-drip” (finger painting). Classes are conducted to the music “Sounds of Nature” and the song “Rain”.

13 Reading the work “Moidodyr” by K. I. Chukovsky.

14. Reading the work “Fedorino’s Mountain” by K.I. Chukovsky.

15. Excursion to the laundry (show children another role of water in people’s lives).

A series of practical activities both in kindergarten with a teacher and at home with parents.

Repeat the experiments at home, make beads for the Snow Maiden with the children (multi-colored pieces of ice on a string).

Stage IV. Summarizing.

Creation of a photo exhibition “Vodichka and I are best friends”, presentation of the work on the project.

Ability to apply acquired knowledge in everyday life.

View a presentation of project work during a parent-teacher meeting.

Belaya K. First steps.

Vasilyeva M.A., Gerbova T.V., Komarova T.S. Methodological recommendations for the education and training program in kindergarten.

Zherdeva E.N. Young children in kindergarten.

Zelenina T.N. Introducing young children to nature.

Photo report of the work done:

"Kapelka" came to visit

Preparing for experiments with water

Without water everything dies

What will happen on the planet if we behave like this?

We ask the faint of heart to leave!

Monitoring the process of water boiling, its transition to a gaseous state and back

Integrated lesson with an art specialist

African fauna

Short-term project for older children


Kultaeva N.A.

Kemerovo 2016

Relevance of the project:

Many children do not know the names of other countries and representatives of flora and fauna. In order to broaden the horizons of children, we adults must tell children not only about life in our country, but also the life of residents of other countries, as well as representatives of flora and fauna, and other climatic zones. The fauna of hot countries is very diverse and attractive to children.

Objective of the project:

To give children a basic understanding of the peculiarities of the geographical location and climate of Africa; to form ideas about the relationships, interactions and interdependence of living organisms with their environment.

Project objectives:

To form basic ideas about the features of nature and the climatic zones of the African continent (desert, savannah, tropical forest)

To give children a basic idea of ​​the African desert, to introduce them to the flora and fauna of the savannah, and to form an idea of ​​the tropical forest.

Expand your horizons, enrich your children’s vocabulary, and develop connected speech.

Cultivate a desire to share knowledge with each other.

Develop children’s cognitive abilities and actively involve them in creative and exploratory activities.

Education of moral behavior.

Organize joint cognitive and productive activities with parents.

Project type: research and creative.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Project implementation mechanism.

Project stages

Timing of project stages

Tasks of the project stages


1. Introduce children to the geographical location of Africa, its climate and animals.

2. Contribute to the organization of joint activities between parents and children.


1.Improve skills, imagination and fantasy.

2. Introduce children to the works of writers about animals in Africa.


1. Cultivate accuracy, the ability to complete the work started.

2.Summarize your experience on this topic.

Expected Result:

Involving children in the interesting and fascinating natural world of Africa. Knowledge of the names of animals and plants, the location of the continent of Africa on the map. Creating a favorable atmosphere for independent study of the flora and fauna of Africa together with parents.

Project implementation plan.


Implementation period

Stage 1. Preparatory.

1. An educational conversation about Africa and the animals living in it.

Get children interested in this topic.

Teachers, children.

2. Consultation for parents “Animals of hot countries.”

Expand parents' horizons on this topic in order to consolidate children's learning skills.

Educators, parents.

Stage 2. Basic.

3. Lesson on speech development “Animals of Africa”

Strengthen the ability to form new words (names of animals, their babies, etc.). Cultivate a love for animals.

Teachers, children.

4. Mathematics “Animals of hot countries”

Consolidation of quantitative and ordinal accounts; consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes. Find out the names of African animals.

Teacher, children.

5. Reading fiction K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, R. Kipling “Baby Elephant”

Expand children's knowledge about the world around them, in particular about Africa. Develop curiosity and horizons.

Teacher, children.

6. Drawing “Animals of Africa”

Clarify children's knowledge about animals in Africa. Cultivate accuracy in working with paints and pencils.

Teacher, children.

7. Children's story about a drawn animal.

Continue to teach children logic, coherence, and sequence of statements, develop children’s creative abilities, encouraging them to come up with various options for events not depicted in the picture.

Teachers, parents, children.

Stage 3. Final.

8. Making a model “Fauna of Africa”

Cultivate accuracy and the ability to finish what you start. To interest children more creatively and widely use knowledge about the life around them.

Summarize your experience on this topic.

Teachers, children.


O. Alexandrova. “My First Encyclopedia” Publishing house Iris Press. 2008

M. Borisenko. "Animals of hot countries." Publishing house Paritet Series. 2008

G. Banaru. “Where it’s always hot.” Publishing house "Karapuz". 2010

E. Valk. "Preschoolers about animals." Publishing house "Teacher". 2010

Galperstein. "My first encyclopedia." Publishing house Rossman - Publishing house. 2008

V. Kalashnikov. Encyclopedia “Wonders of Nature” Publishing house, Moscow, “White City. 2008

E. Prati. Translation by I. Tsibidov. "Animal. Encyclopedia for children." Machaon Publishing. 2010

L. Shaitanov. “First lessons 5+, animals of hot countries.” Publishing house "Dragonfly Series". 2010

Drawing animals of Africa.

Making a layout.

MADOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 241"

Sorceress water

in the preparatory group


Kolmakova T.V.

Kemerovo 2016

“Water stands apart in the history of our planet. There is no natural body that could compare with it in its influence on the course of the main, most ambitious geological processes. There is no earthly substance - a mineral, a rock, a living body - that does not contain it. All earthly matter is permeated and embraced by it.” Vernadsky

Project topic: "Water Sorceress"

Project type: research, creative, group

Duration: short-term (03/14/2016 - 03/28/2016).

Object of study: water.

Subject of study: properties of water.

Age children for whom the project is designed: 6-7 years old

Project participants: children, teacher Kolmakova T.V.

Research methods and techniques: observation, conversation, experiment, analysis and synthesis of results.

Equipment: transparent vessels of different shapes, transparent glasses (2 for each child), spoons, a basin of water, aprons (for each child and teacher), napkins, food coloring, ice, hot water, a basin of water, a projector.


Enriching preparatory group children’s understanding of the meaning of water and its properties and states. Fostering a caring attitude towards water as the source of life for humans and all life on Earth.


Continue to introduce children to the most important component of nature - water.

Develop the ability to observe, analyze, compare, identify characteristic, essential features of living and inanimate nature, natural phenomena, determine the basic properties and states of water. Develop cognitive abilities, creative imagination, communication skills.

Create conditions for developing skills in conducting laboratory experiments and research activities.

To form a conscious, careful attitude towards water as an important natural resource.

Expected result

Increased interest in GCDs containing demonstration experiments, elements of independent experimentation, and long-term observation-experiments

Development of coherent speech, the ability to construct complex sentences, and draw conclusions.

Fostering an ecological culture.

Careful attitude towards water resources.

Relevance of the project

Water is the first and favorite object for study by all children. Children come into contact with water from the first days of life. And as soon as they begin to understand something, they start playing with water.

It is very important to teach people, and especially children, our future generation, to be careful about water. Water plays a huge role in our lives; it is our constant companion.

It is important that the child can evaluate human behavior in nature and express his opinion on this problem. And we must create conditions for the child to communicate with nature and for feasible activities.

The project was developed due to the particular relevance of the problem of educating preschoolers’ environmental culture. A huge role in organizing this problem is assigned to the environmental education of children. Today, environmental awareness and respect for nature have become the key to human survival on our planet. In addition, environmental education for children has enormous potential for their comprehensive development.

Fostering an ecological culture is a long way to developing the right ways to interact with nature. Children need to be taught the skills of environmentally conscious attitudes in everyday life and taught to use water carefully and economically. Pay attention to the fact that even such a familiar object as water is fraught with a lot of unknowns. All this emphasizes the relevance of this project.

Project stages:

Organizational and preparatory:

select and study methodological literature on the topic of the project;

replenish the development environment;

selection of fiction on the topic;

selection of encyclopedias, maps;

development of a project implementation plan;

compiling card files of riddles, poems, sayings;

compiling a file of experiments with water;

preparation of equipment for experiments with water.

Practice-indicative (see project implementation plan):

Experimental activities;

Observations on walks;

Reading fiction;

Artistic creativity;

Didactic games;

Games experiments;

Observations on walks.


Final lesson on the topic “Wonders of Water” (see Appendix No. 1)

Creation of a card index “Experiments and experiments with water”;

Summing up the work done.

Project implementation plan:


Morning conversation, statement of the problem “Is life possible without water?”

GCD "Water in human life"

Experimental activity "Where is water contained?"

Reading fiction: G. H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid"

GCD "Life under water"

Experimental activity: “Properties of water” (fluidity, transparency, water-solvent)

Making the model "Inhabitants of the Sea"

Didactic game "Yes-no"

GCD "Journey of a Drop" (Water cycle in nature)

Experimental activity: "Cloud formation"

Artistic creativity: drawing "Rain, rain, drop"

Reading fiction: fairy tale of the peoples of Siberia "Water of Life"

GCD "Different water" (three states of water, structure, properties) - problem: "Why don't Icebergs sink?"

Experimental activity: "Properties of ice"

Story-director's game "Arctic Journey"

Didactic game "Good-bad"

Experimental activity "Water evaporation. Where does fog come from"

Artistic creativity: application "Clouds - white-maned horses"

Didactic game: "Who can collect it faster?"

Fiction: poems by A.S. Pushkin "About the Sea"

NOD "River of our city. Use of water. Kama hydroelectric station""

Reading fiction: memorizing the poem "Have you heard of water?"

Artistic creativity: drawing "Jellyfish and fish"

Experimental activity "Observation of surface tension", "Buoyancy force". (Appendix 2)

NOD "Sea Wonders", "Why is the water salty?"

Artistic creativity: modeling "Inhabitants of the Sea"

Story-director's game "Brave Sailors"

Experimental activity: "Water has power" (research on water pressure" (Appendix 2)

GCD "Reservoirs of our planet"

Artistic creativity: drawing "A Tale about the inhabitants of the sea or river" (book production)

Experimental activity: “Let’s transfer water” (use of a pipette, straw, syringe)

(Appendix 2)

Reading fiction: A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

GCD "Why do we swim and ships don't sink?" (formulation of the problem)

Experimental activities: "Investigation of objects for buoyancy", "Observation of surface film"

Didactic game "Name as many as possible"

Artistic creativity: drawing "Goldfish"

GCD: quiz "In the world of water"

Artistic creativity: modeling (team work) "Sea adventures"

Experimental activity: “Formation of soap bubbles”, “Weakening of surface tension” Final lesson “Wonders of water” (Appendix 1)


During the implementation of the project, children's knowledge and ideas about water, its properties, and significance for all living things expanded. Most children were active in cognitive, experimental, and productive activities. Seven children gave presentations prepared together with their parents on various topics related to water. The developing subject-spatial environment has been replenished with children's encyclopedic literature, children's presentations, printed board games, and figurines of sea inhabitants for a desktop layout.


Program “From birth to school” edited by Mu: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2011. - 336 pp.

Tugusheva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. “Experimental activities of children of middle and senior preschool age”: Methodological manual. - St. Petersburg. : CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2011.

A. I. Ivanova “Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten”: A manual for workers of preschool institutions. - M.: TC Sfera, 2003.

N. N. Avdeeva, G. B. Stepanova “Life around us” Yaroslavl. - 2003

Vinogradova N. F. “Stories - riddles about nature: a book for children 5-6 years old / N. F. Vinogradova. - 2nd ed. edited - M.: Ventana - Graf, 2012.

Shorygina T. A. “Conversations about water in nature” Methodological recommendations. - M., Sfera shopping center, 2013.

Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist: Program for educating children’s ecological culture. - M.: New School, 1999.

MADOU No. 241 “Combined kindergarten”.


Short-term educational project

in the preparatory group


Nazarova O. Yu.

Kemerovo 2016

Project implementation base: pupils of the preparatory group, parents of pupils of MADOU kindergarten No. 241.

Project implementation timeline: 2 weeks.

Objective of the project: Implementation in the educational process of cognitive and experimental activities of children of senior preschool age, through familiarization with the natural phenomenon - a volcano.

Project objectives:

Give an idea of ​​volcanoes, their structure, reasons for their occurrence.

To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of independently performing experiments according to the scheme.

Help students understand why volcanoes are formidable natural phenomena.

Develop the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions, and broaden the horizons of students.

Strengthen children's ability to work with a map and globe.

Encourage children to “read” encyclopedias, get acquainted with new phenomena and factors.

Give an idea of ​​active, dormant and extinct volcanoes.

Activate and formulate concepts: magma chamber, vent, crater, lava, eruption

Search for effective methods and techniques that contribute to the formation of ideas about the integrity of the surrounding world

Teach children to listen to each other, accept and develop the ideas of peers and adults, and interact creatively.

Formation of an active position among parents in the upbringing and education of children.

Hypothesis:- ability to create an artificial volcano.

Project participants: teacher Nazarova O.Yu., children, parents.

Object of study- volcanoes.

Materials and equipment:

Projector, laptop, plastic cups (for each child), deep plastic plates (for each child), soda, washing up liquid (any), red paint, vinegar, model of a volcano, small spoons (for each child), pipettes (for each child ), green and red cards, a diagram of the sequence of work, aprons, sleeves.

Relevance of the project:

Educational activities in a preschool institution are aimed at developing the child’s personality as a whole (the ability to compare and generalize their own observations, see and understand the beauty of the world around them), as well as improving children’s speech and thinking.

Knowledge about volcanoes helps a child understand that on earth and in our country there are such natural objects as volcanoes, which affect the earth's climate, living organisms, and changes in the earth's topography.

Knowledge is not an end in itself in education, but it is a necessary condition for developing such an attitude towards the world around us, which is emotionally effective in nature and is expressed in the form of cognitive interest.

The educational process will become effective only when the parent takes an active part in this work. The family has a decisive influence on the development of the child's basic personality traits.

Project Implementation Plan

Stages of project implementation







Collection and analysis of information about the needs and abilities of children;

Selection of methods, methods and techniques for studying personal changes in children;

Informing parents about the implementation of this project;

A selection of methodological, reference, encyclopedic and fiction literature;

Design of an information and reading corner in the group;

Monitoring children's knowledge on the following issues;

What is a volcano?

What types of volcanoes do you know?

What is the difference between active, dormant and extinct volcanoes?

What is lava?

What is magma?

Do you know what a vent is?

What harm do volcanoes cause?

Are there any benefits from volcanoes?

What is an eruption?

Do you know what a crater is?

Which countries and cities have volcanoes?

Reading encyclopedias on the topic “Volcanoes”;

Discussion of goals on this topic;

Active listening;

Examination of illustrations;

Guessing riddles, puzzles, reading poems

Message at parent meeting about the upcoming project (topic, goal, project objectives);

Information for parents in the information corner:
“How volcanoes are formed”, “What happens during an eruption”, “What types of volcanoes are there”, “What harm do volcanoes cause”, “Are there any benefits from volcanoes”.

Questionnaire “The world around your child”;



Joint planning of activities (where to start).

Preparing an educational video.

Organization of activities, assistance in solving assigned tasks.

Development of notes for educational events

Compiling a card index of poems and riddles about volcanoes

Watching educational videos “Stones from fire”, “What is a volcano”, “Name of volcanoes”;

Location of volcanoes on earth - working with a globe;

Visit to the library. Topic: “The mystery of a natural phenomenon. In the world of a volcano"

Looking at the volcano with the child, placed in newspapers, magazines, photographs.

Look at photographs of different volcanoes and read interesting facts about them
*10 most dangerous volcanoes on the planet -
*All about volcanoes -
*Interesting facts about volcanoes -
*Walk through the volcanoes of South and North America -

Cognitive - research

Organization of children's research activities

Conduct a series of educational events

The legend about the ancient God “Vulcan”

How are volcanoes formed?

The destructive power of volcanoes.

Prediction of eruptions

Lava transformation.

Joint activities at home.

Together with your child, draw a picture “Volcanic eruption”

Learn a poem"Volcano"

Volcanoes began to "volcano" -
Spew lava from the crater.
Lava flowed down the slopes
And the Earth was badly burned.
Centuries later, the evil one coughed
The volcano is both ash and ash.
The volcano is thundering! The volcano is chugging!
How menacing he looks now!
But then he began to get tired -
The fire in him began to fade.
The last time I breathed fire -
And he fell asleep for decades.
Centuries will pass...
And the volcano will wake up again,
And lava will flow from his insides.

Participation in a photo competition"Family of Volcano Explorers"

Prepare material for research

"Stones of volcanic origin"

Practical assistance to children, creation of conditions and motivation

Directing and monitoring the implementation of the project

Conducting an educational conversation “How do volcanoes form?” At the upper boundary of the mantle, where the pressure is less than at greater depths, the mantle material melts in places, forming a source of magma. If a crack forms in the earth's crust and reaches the source of magma, the pressure decreases. Magma, saturated with gases, seems to boil, turning into a fiery liquid mass, rushes upward, widening the crack, and pours out onto the surface. Its temperature is more than +1000C. The erupted magma is called lava.

Prepare material for conductingtrying: purchasing small bottles of mineral water.

Participation in the study

"Stones of volcanic origin":
Materials: a bowl of water, stones and a piece of pumice.
Look carefully at the stones and pumice. Compare them to each other: there are a lot of holes in pumice. Ask the children what he thinks: are the holes empty or is there something in them? (air is hidden in the holes, so pumice is lighter than ordinary stone). Suggest placing a piece of pumice in a bowl of water. Are there any bubbles? Does pumice float or sink? Why? Children make a discovery: pumice is a stone with many holes in which air accumulates. Pumice does not sink, but floats on the surface of the water.

Children's participation in the experience.

Take a bottle of sparkling mineral water. Shake it and open the cap. Water with gases will rise sharply and pour out of the bottle.

Experimental - search

Selection and production of materials for productive activities

Observing students in project activities.

Collecting information through the media on preparation for a seminar-workshop for parents.

Conducting safety briefings during experimental activities

Preparing for an open lesson for the teaching staff

Preparing material for the newsletter

Joint activities of children with the teacher

Conducting the “Volcanic Eruption” experiment;

Joint activities at home.

Together with your child, color the diagram of the volcano and label its parts.

Cognitive task

Try to find with your child on a map where volcanoes are located in our country and in the world, and what color they are indicated by.

Joint experimental activities

Strengthen your child’s knowledge of “why does a volcano erupt?”

Through experience:
Inflate and lightly squeeze the balloon in your fist and continue inflating. The ball will swell between your fingers. The same thing happens with magma, when mountains are pressed down from above, and magma with gases rises. As a result, some kind of explosion occurs.

Issue of newsletters,“What experiments to conduct at home with children?”


Preparation of materials for children's creative activities

Development of a summary of “Volcanic eruption”

Demonstration of a master class for kindergarten teachers

Design of an exhibition of children's creative works

Preparation of material for the design of the creative wall newspaper “All about volcanoes”

Gouache drawing “Secrets of the volcano”

Sculpting a volcano

Participation in creative work

"Miracle dough"

Making a volcano from salt dough, coloring the volcano.

Creative task at the request of the child

Together with your child, sculpt a model of a volcano from plasticine or salt dough (you can cut it in section), or write a poem (fairy tale) about a volcano.

Participation in a seminar-workshop“The child’s creative talent in experimental and research activities”


Control and evaluation

Repeated collection and analysis of students' knowledge.

Processing of obtained monitoring results.

Studying parents' opinions about the benefits of the group project.

Analysis of an innovative project in kindergarten and its effectiveness.

Preparing a presentation for the teaching council

Making future plans

Participation in the conversation “What worked and what didn’t”

Repeated monitoring of children's knowledge on the following issues.

Written survey:

*How did the “Secrets of the Volcano” project influence your child?

* “What new and interesting things did you learn during the implementation of the project?”

* How do you evaluate the results of the project, using a 5-point system?

* What topic would you suggest for further design in the group?

Project result

Based on the work done to create conditions and conduct experimental research activities in the group on the topic: “The Mystery of the Volcano,” the following conclusions can be drawn that, in comparison with the beginning of the study of this topic and the results obtained after the experiments, the level of theoretical knowledge in children has increased and practical skills (by 67%).

The set goals and objectives of the project were realized, each child independently performed the experiment and clearly saw the result of their activities.

The relevance of this project can be determined based on the results of this type of research and experimental activity. Carrying out such non-traditional events evokes in children a lot of positive emotions, more vivid, memorable impressions, creates a desire to evoke a lot of new, interesting things, and visually represent this or that phenomenon. Expands children's horizons, develops a variety of children's knowledge and skills, both theoretical and practical.

Thus, the conclusions made during the implementation of the project indicate its scientific nature and practical significance. About the prospects for the further development of children, their cognitive activity.

The results of the project will be of interest to preschool teachers and parents who care about the cognitive and research activities of preschool children. This work can be demonstrated at methodological associations for educators and additional education teachers.


3. Gushchenko I.I. Volcanic eruptions around the world. -M.: Nauka, 1979. (302 pages)

4. Publishing house "Makhaon", 2013. Series "Children's encyclopedia "Makhaon"" (128 pages)

5. Lebedinsky V.I. Volcanoes are a formidable natural phenomenon. - M.: Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, 1963. (108 pages)

6. Lebedinsky V.I. Volcanoes and man. - M.: Nedra, 1967. (204 pages)

7. Kovinko L. Secrets of nature - it’s so interesting! - M. Linka-Press, 2004. (72 pages)

8. Organization of experimental activities of preschool children./ Under the general. Ed. Prokhorova L.N. -M.: ARKTI. (64 pages)

MADOU No. 241 “Combined kindergarten”.

“Miracle - a seed turned into a tree”

Long-term educational and practical project in the senior group


Luchsheva L.A.

Kemerovo 2016

Where there was an empty place, where there was nothing,

Let everyone plant a tree and not forget it.

V. Berestov.

Abstract of the project.

The project is aimed at developing an ecological culture in children and adults, and is intended for implementation with children of senior preschool age in a kindergarten.


For many centuries, humanity has lived next to amazing living creatures - trees. The condition of these plants and their appearance reflect the ecological situation in which they live. We are so accustomed to their proximity that we rarely think about how important they are for the lives of people and all life on Earth. Everyone knows that trees are the lungs of the Earth, a source of oxygen in the air, and therefore a source of human health. It is important not only to know and be able to use these wonderful properties of trees, but it is also necessary to learn how to preserve what nature gives us.


Trees surround us all the time, but most modern children and adults do not pay attention to them. Preschoolers show much greater interest in animals and bright, beautifully flowering plants. Trees are sometimes not of such interest, because they consider them to be inanimate creatures, and therefore of little interest. But environmental education begins with getting to know the objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters every day. Trees are an excellent object for phenological observations. It is so interesting to watch how a small sprout will first hatch from a small seed, and then grow and gradually grow into a large beautiful tree that will live for hundreds of years!

Analysis of the situation

You can often see the barbaric attitude of people towards trees, when both adults and children just break branches, carve their names on the trunk, damage the bark while collecting birch sap, and cut down trees. Often, children's careless and sometimes cruel attitude towards nature is explained by their lack of necessary knowledge. A child in preschool age is able to consciously understand and accept basic information about the benefits of trees for insects, birds, animals, humans and the rules of behavior in nature. Studying nature only from photographs and pictures will not give a child much, but touching nature, living communication with nature is the key to nurturing a sustainable interest in nature in children and caring for it.

Formulation of the problem.

Children show little interest in trees, do not know how they grow, and have no idea where their seeds are hidden. We researched what trees grow around the kindergarten, near our house, in the city and found out that very few oak trees grow, and whether they can grow in our region. Then a problematic situation arose: “Can you and I grow oak trees?” Children had the opportunity to plant their own tree from seed and care for it.

Project goals:

1. To develop a caring attitude towards the natural world around us and a desire to take part in experimental activities.

2. Introduce tree species.

3.Grow oak seedlings at home.

4. Show the development of the seed at various stages of growth.

5. Show the importance of light, water and heat for development and growth.

6. Develop observation skills, the ability to experiment, and draw conclusions.

Software tasks:

1. To form an idea about different types of trees, the variety of varieties and their purpose.

2. Arouse in children a cognitive interest in growing new trees.

3. Create a desire to observe changes in plant growth depending on conditions.

4. Learn to create an experimental situation, make the necessary sketches.

5. Arouse interest in experimentation and research activities.

7. Plant and observe the development of the oak tree.

8. If the experiment is successful, compose “Tips on Growing Oak Trees” for other guys who want to grow an oak tree.

Expected Result:

After the experiment, draw a conclusion about what factors contribute to the growth and development of plants (Light, water, heat).

The project has practical significance: landscaping the territory of the kindergarten.

Project type: educational-practical

Project duration: long term

Project participants: Teacher, older children and parents.

Focus of work: Research.

Forms of work:

Examination, comparison, experience, observation, care, watering, loosening, planting in the ground, experiment, classification of material.

In the fall, we taught the children the theme of the week about trees, where we learned about the types of trees and their seeds. During the lesson we looked at oak seeds, i.e. acorns. The children asked the question: “How do sprouts appear from an acorn with a hard shell, and then a big tree grows?” So we decided to plant acorns. The largest acorns were selected. All selected acorns were washed under running water and some of the acorns were placed in the water, the other part in a wet napkin. The children checked every day to see if the sprouts had sprouted. Of course, we didn’t get any sprouts, as the children were very impatient to plant them.

We planted acorns on November 25 in order to plant them on the territory of the kindergarten in the spring and at the same time find out whether they will germinate in the winter at home.

The topic interested everyone. This is relevant, since our kindergarten works on environmental education. The subject of the study was oak. Start of the study: November.

Main content.

Information on this topic was collected from various sources: encyclopedias, reference books, and the Internet.

Oak and its structure.

How an oak tree grows. Oak is a perennial wild woody plant.

Oak grows slowly. At first (up to 80 years) - stronger in height, later - in thickness. Oak trees grow well where there is plenty of light. Foresters say:

“Oak grows well in a fur coat, but with an open head.” The "open head" is the top of the oak tree. The tree loves its top to be illuminated by the sun. The oak tree needs to be surrounded by shrubs and low trees. This is his “fur coat”. They create a side shadow for the oak tree and thereby accelerate its growth in height. Some species tolerate drought well, are quite winter-hardy and have little soil requirements.

An oak forest is called an oak forest. It’s very easy to breathe here, because oak trees give off a lot of oxygen. An oak tree lives for 300-400 years, and sometimes even lives up to 2000 years. Some trees reach 40 meters in height with a girth of 6-7 meters. The oak has strong, large roots that go deep into the ground and branch widely to the sides. Therefore, it stays firmly in the ground and no storm can knock it down. The branches of the old oak are thick, they spread far to the sides. The crown is dense. There is a lot of shade under the oak tree. The leaves are simple, serrated. They are easy to recognize. The oak leaf blade is large, oblong, with deep grooves. The leaves are attached to the branches by short petioles. The oak blossoms at the end of May, at the same time as the leaves bloom. The flowers are small and inconspicuous, forming earrings. The fruit of the oak tree is an acorn. Each acorn is placed in a special cup - a plus, a “cap”. Each acorn contains one seed. Acorns ripen in the fall. The tree grows well from a stump. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 15-60; it is more active in open areas than in plantations. Fruits abundantly every 4-8 years. It reproduces mainly by acorns. For sowing, use acorns collected in the same year, as they quickly lose their viability.

Oak propagation.

By autumn, fruits - acorns - ripen on the oak tree. The plus (“cap” on the acorn), which previously protected the base of the growing acorn, no longer holds the ripe fruit on the tree, and the acorn falls to the ground. Its cotyledons are rich in nutrients and it germinates quickly. A root appears from the top of the acorn, which then turns down into the depths. Frosts, cold winds, and bright rays of the sun are dangerous for oak tree seedlings. Young oak trees need the protection of other trees. Having grown stronger, the oak tree pushes aside its sheltering neighbors with its powerful crown. Now he is not afraid of either the sun or hurricanes. A powerful oak root goes deep into the ground.

A forest bird, the jay, often feeds on acorns. That's what they call it - the acorn jay. This is a motley bird the size of a jackdaw. The jay picks the acorn with its beak and flies further into the forest. Somewhere a jay will sit on a tree, press an acorn to a branch with its paw and begin to peck at it. An acorn can easily slip out and fall to the ground. And now a young oak tree grows in a new place.

Wood mice keep up with the birds. A family of mice drags up to 30 kg of acorns into their holes for the winter. It is unlikely that all this goodness will be eaten. Some of the acorns will definitely germinate, and then young shoots of oak trees will reach for the sky and the sun.

Loves to eat acorns and squirrels. She hides the acorns for the winter, often forgets about them, and they too can germinate in a new place.

Jay, Mouse, and Squirrel help people grow new oak trees.

It turns out that it is best to plant young oak trees on stumps! To do this, the stump is drilled to the ground, fertilizer is added into the resulting hole and the trees are planted in soil briquettes. This is very profitable, since there is no need to uproot stumps in forest clearings. And after a few years, when the young oak tree gets stronger, the stump will rot.

Use of oak trees.

Oak has a very strong and durable wood with a beautiful pattern. It is dense, strong, elastic, preserves well in the air, in the ground and under water, moderately cracks and warps, pricks easily, and is resistant to rot and household fungus.

In shipbuilding. In ancient times, huge oak trunks were split into two parts using wedges, and then a boat was hollowed out of each. Such an all-wooden vessel could accommodate 50 - 60 people. Only oak was suitable for making such boats.

In furniture production, construction.

Possessing great strength and having a beautiful pattern, oak wood is still highly valued. It is used to make furniture, parquet, barrels for pickling vegetables, and log houses for wells that do not rot for a long time.

On the leaves of some oak trees, with the help of insects, ink nuts are formed that contain tannic acid. This acid is used for tanning leather and preparing paints.

A coffee drink is prepared from acorns.

Oak trees are very beautiful, so they are often planted for landscaping cities.

Oak leaves and branches are used as livestock feed.

In medicine. Oak contains tannin, which accelerates blood clotting, improves stomach function and heals wounds, and is used for gargling and mouthwash, for burns and frostbite.

A decoction of acorn shells is used to treat hematoma, skin diseases, eczema, varicose veins, etc.

Acorns have a bactericidal, enveloping, antitumor effect. But few people know that oak leaves have much greater uses.

This is truly nature's treasure trove.

Oak leaves have an anti-inflammatory effect. Even in ancient times, they were applied to wounds, and they healed quickly.

In the old days, warriors made weapons from oak: clubs, spears.

Oak brooms for baths are made from its branches.

Bog oak was especially valued. People submerged entire oak trunks under water for many years. The oak that was (stained) under water acquired an amazingly beautiful color of wood, from which carved decorations, furniture for palaces, even thrones for kings were made.

Oaks and the Red Book.

Some types of oaks are listed in the Red Book, such as the dentate oak is listed in the Red Book of Russia with the status of a rare species.

Sessile oak is included in the Red Book of Russia and the states of Belarus and Lithuania.

Oak on the coats of arms of cities. Oak is famous not only in Russia. Some cities and states have depicted oak trees on their coats of arms. It symbolizes strength, power, confidence, protection, durability, courage. Here are some of them. Coat of arms of Estonia, Coat of arms of Tsivilsk (Chuvashia), Coat of arms of France, Coat of arms of Italy.

In Kemerovo we have oak trees in different areas: On Stroiteley Boulevard, on Volkov Square, near the Philharmonic, on Institutskaya Street, Lenin Ave. 108A, in the Park of Miracles. Many people plant oak trees in their garden plots.

Poets and writers wrote about oak trees in their works.

A) A.S. Pushkin, the great Russian poet, loved oak.

Remember the lines: Lukomorye has a green oak tree,

Golden chain on oak volume.

Both day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around and around in a chain.

B) In I. A. Krylov’s fable “The Pig under the Oak Tree,” the oak tree is also the main character. Pig under the ancient oak
I ate my fill of acorns to satiety;
Having eaten, I slept under it;
Then, having cleared her eyes, she stood up
And she began to undermine the roots of the Oak tree with her snout.

She, stupid, did not understand that without roots the tree would die and she would lose her delicious acorns. Again, oak was chosen here for a reason. Here the oak is a symbol of the universe, the basis of the foundations.

Conclusion of the theoretical part:

1. Oak is one of the most hardy and unpretentious trees.

2. Oak is a tree associated with the history and literature of our country. It is a symbol of strength, courage and endurance.

3. The information obtained gives hope for a possible successful result of the planned experiment.

We put forward a hypothesis - we made an assumption: is it possible to grow an oak seedling from an acorn at home?

How will the acorns behave in the winter after planting: will they sleep until spring, as in nature, or will they sprout?

1. We addressed these questions to the children and their parents and conducted a survey. Their opinion was divided: some said that the oaks would die in the warmth, while others said that maybe they would sprout, but they would stop growing.

2. Our research: To conduct the experiment, we selected the strongest and healthiest acorns, which I collected from relatives at their summer cottage in the fall (early October) of 2015.

3. Seed preparation: 18 acorns were selected from the total number of acorns. We washed the seeds in running water, then soaked one part of them in warm water, and put the other part of the acorns in a wet napkin. The prepared seeds were soaked for 4 days, changing the water daily and moistening the napkin. During this period, some acorns swelled, and the shells of several burst.

4. On November 25, 2015, we planted acorns in prepared, moistened soil. But there were 20 children in the group that day, and there were 18 acorns. We decided to take 2 more dry acorns so as not to offend anyone. And conduct an experiment: “Which acorns will germinate faster?” Once again they spilled the soil and covered it with cellophane film.

5. For two months we moistened the soil twice a week as it dried out.

The children were observed weekly, but there were no shoots. My children and I began to despair that nothing would come of it.

7. After another week, these oak trees grew up, produced their first leaves, and sprouts of other acorns appeared. In mid-February, their number increased to 8 pieces. At the beginning of March, four more acorns sprouted, making a total of 12 acorn sprouts, but we hope that the rest will also sprout.

8. In the second ten days of March, the oak trees grew a little, the leaves increased in size. For some reason, one oak tree has white leaves, but it grows like all the others.

9. In the third decade of March, the last sprouts of oak trees appeared. There are 20 of them in total.

All the planted acorns sprouted, which means the children had a “light hand”, or the seeds were very good. But one oak tree still has pale yellow leaves. We don’t know why. Maybe because his brothers blocked the light for him. Let's try to move it to a lighter place.

8. In the spring, when warm days come, we will plant oak trees on the territory of our kindergarten and begin to watch their growth.

8 The hypothesis that it is possible to grow oak trees at home has been confirmed.

The goal of our project work has been achieved.

We have collected a large amount of material about oak.

Together with my parents, we collected a folder, in it we placed proverbs and sayings about oak, riddles and poems, myths and legends, illustrations of paintings by famous Russian artists. As well as medical and culinary recipes related to oak and advice from our group on how best to grow oaks.


Encyclopedia “I want to know everything” (about everything in the world) Publishing House Reader’s Digest Germany 2001;

Encyclopedia “Great Atlas of Nature of Russia”, JSC “Egmont Russia Ltd”, 2003.

Petrov V.V. “Flora world of our Motherland”, Moscow, 1991;

Yaroshenko A.Yu. “How to grow a forest”, Greenpeace, 2004.

Encyclopedia "Planet Earth", publishing house "Rosman" 1999.

Information from the Internet:


MADOU No. 241 “Combined kindergarten”

“It warms a mother’s heart better than the sun”

Short-term creative project in the senior group


Luchsheva A.Yu.

Kemerovo 2016.


Cultivate a friendly attitude towards mother, respect for the older generation, respect for family values.

How many stars are there in the clear sky!

How many ears of corn are there in the fields!

How many songs does the bird have!

How many leaves are on the branches!

Only the sun is the only thing in the world!

There is only one mother in the world!

And indeed, everyone in the world has one mother. And she is the one who does everything to make us happy. We go to her with our problems. She will always understand, console and reassure you. No matter how much we talk about mom, it won’t be enough. It is important that children understand what their mother means in the fate of each of them, what role she plays in the family. In addition, in a conversation with children, I was able to find out that almost all children know and can tell what their mothers do at home, about their joint activities with them, but children do not know where and who their mothers work, not all children can tell about my mother's hobbies.

Target: To develop a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children.


1. Deepen children’s knowledge about the role of mother in their lives; promote team unity between parents and children, to involve parents in working on the project;

3.Promote the development of speech through expressive reading of poems, proverbs, composing stories about mother;

4.Develop creative abilities, the desire to give gifts to mom;

5. Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards mother.

Educational area: Familiarization with the environment, moral and patriotic education

Interdisciplinary connections:

Educational field "Socialization". Mastering initial ideas of a social nature and including children in the system of social relations. Development of gaming activities, formation of gender and family affiliation.

Educational field "Labor". Formation of a positive attitude towards work. Development of labor activity, formation of primary ideas about the work of adults (mothers).

Educational area "Cognition". Development of cognitive interests, intellectual development. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of horizons.

Educational field "Communication". Mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with people around you. Development of free communication with adults. Development of all components of oral speech.

Educational area “Reading fiction”. Formation of interest and need for reading (perception) of books. Development of literary speech, introduction to verbal art, formation of primary value ideas.

Educational field "Artistic creativity". Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, the need for self-expression. Development of productive activity, children's creativity, introduction to the fine arts.

Methods and techniques:


Consideration of illustrative material

Showing illustrations

Actions with objects


Word games and exercises

Reading fiction

Learning poems by heart

Making and solving riddles

Conversations with children


Didactic games and exercises

Visual games - activities


Questions for children

Actions for children's choice



Mom, like the sun! Mom, like the sky!

Mother is water, without which you cannot live!

So be always healthy,

So be always happy

So always be loved,

My mommy!

Project type: Short-term creative, group, game.

Project participants: children, parents, educators, additional education teacher.

Problem: Soon there will be a holiday - Mother's Day. What's the best way to congratulate your mother?

II. Project development.

1. Bring this problem to the attention of project participants.

2. Select methodological and fiction literature (poems, proverbs), illustrated material on this topic.

3. Select materials, toys, attributes for play activities.

4. Select materials for productive activities.

5. Draw up a long-term action plan.

III. Project implementation

Kind of activity

Subject - game environment

Conversation with children “Let's talk about mom”

Help children understand how much time and effort housework takes from mothers, tell them that mothers need help.

Illustrations on the topic.

Didactic game "Professions"

Expand children's ideas about women's professions, remind them of the importance and significance of work, teach them to correlate the actions of people of different professions

Cards with a picture of a person of a particular profession and cards with the attributes that are necessary.

Role-playing game “Family (Mom and children)”

Improve the relationship between mother and child.

Attributes for role-playing games.

Announcement of a drawing competition (fathers and children) “Mom’s portrait”, “Warmth of a mother’s hand” (mothers and children)

Development of creative abilities.

Drawings are made on A4 sheet.

Reading fiction.

A. Barto “Separation”, “Mom Sings”

N. Sakonskaya “Talking about Mom”

V. Berestov “Feast of Mothers”

E. Blaginina “Mother’s Day”

E. Uspensky “If I were a girl”

B. Emelyanov “Mom’s hands”

K. Kubilinkas “Mother”

E. Moshkovskaya “I offended my mother...

Artyukhov "Difficult Evening"

Demykina G. “Mom”

Mikhalkov S. “What do you have?”

Rajab U. “Mommy”

Tsyferov G. “How to become big”

Recall previously covered works with the children and introduce them to new ones. Through works of art, cultivate love and respect for mother.

Illustrated books with works by the listed authors.

Making holiday cards for mothers (applique, design)

Create simple plot compositions. Develop creative imagination.

Colored cardboard, paper, scissors, glue.

Reading poems about mother (by children).

Poems about mom.

Children's stories about their mothers.

To develop the ability to write short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher, to cultivate a sense of pride in their mothers.

Photo of mother (optional).

Reading and memorizing proverbs about mother.

Introduce children to proverbs about mothers and explain their meaning.

Illustrations for proverbs.


Photo vernissage “In the arms of mother”

Develop children's creative abilities; cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards mother.

Album, photographs of children with mothers, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

Conversations and consultations with parents

To cultivate a culture of respectful and attentive attitude towards mother, grandmother, sister, and women in general.

Presentation for children “Mother’s Day of Russia”

Strengthen close, trusting relationships between child and mother

Computer, screen

Questioning parents

To identify the willingness of parents to cooperate with teachers on the issue of nurturing love for mother. Is this work necessary? Why?

Interviewing children

Reveal your attitude towards your mother.

IV. Summing up the project.

Presentation of the project (working with parents).

Photo vernissage “In the arms of mother.”

Exhibition of handicrafts “Mom’s Golden Hands”.

Tea drinking with mothers.

Presenting mothers with gifts made by children and diplomas from the teacher.

Articles in the parent’s corner “Mother’s Day: history and traditions”, “Proverbs and sayings about mother”.

Conversations with parents on these topics. Carrying out joint activities between the child and the mother in manual labor (making toys, pictures, decorating, etc.).

Documentation of the project.

Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna, teacher of additional education, MBU DO "House of Children's Creativity in Kalininsk, Saratov Region"
In modern pedagogy, the project method is considered as one of the personally oriented teaching technologies. The project method is a pedagogical technology focused not on the integration of factual knowledge, but on its application and acquisition of new ones, sometimes through self-education.

Approximate design of the project.

Introduction. There is a problem. Work on a project is always aimed at solving a specific problem. No problem - no activity. What is the innovation of this project? Brief content of the project, a list of questions that the project participants pose to themselves.
1.1.Section. "The main part of the project."
Setting goals and objectives, relevance. Determining the time to work on a project (short-term, long-term), determining the type of project:
Projects are:
a) research;
b) creative;
c) gaming;
d) information projects;
d) practice-oriented.
1.2. Action planning. During the analysis and discussion of the project, a plan of joint action between the student and the teacher is developed. A bank of ideas and proposals is being created. Throughout the entire work, the teacher helps in setting goals, corrects the work, but in no case imposes his vision of solving the problem.
Project participants are divided into groups of 2 to 5 people, depending on the number of students in the group. Roles are assigned in each group: for example, idea generator, presenter, designer, critic, encyclopedist, secretary, etc. The tasks assigned to each group and the deadlines for their completion are clearly stated. The stages of work on the project can be reflected in an example table:
Tasks or task.
Responsible for implementation. Or a group.
1.3. Estimation: what pedagogical, student, and material resources will be used to implement this project. It could just be a list.
1.4. Definition of customer of this project: for whom?
1.5. Search for information. Provide sources.
1.6. Planned result. What will students gain? What will the teacher gain?
2. Section.
2.1. Result of work– product. Description of the work result: script, report, presentation, etc.
Students, having chosen feasible technologies to create their work, clarify, analyze the collected information, and formulate conclusions. The teacher acts as a scientific consultant. The results of completed projects must be, as they say, “tangible”. If this is a theoretical problem, then a specific solution, if practical, a specific result, ready for use (in class, at school, in real life).
2.2. Presentation of results- presentation of the finished product. In other words, the implementation of the project requires, at the final stage, the presentation of the product and the defense of the project itself, which can be carried out in the form of a competition, exhibition, presentation, or speech.
During the defense, students demonstrate and comment on the depth of development of the problem posed, its relevance, explain the result obtained, while developing their oratorical abilities. Each project is assessed by all class participants. Students watch the work of others with interest and, with the help of the teacher, learn to evaluate them.
The result of the presentation can be reviews or comments from listeners, a link on the Internet, guests or parents, articles in the media, diplomas, certificates.
3. The final part of the project.
Conduct reflection. Diagnostics. Suggested questions: Have you acquired new knowledge or skills while working on the project? What was the most interesting thing about working on the project? What were the main challenges and how did you overcome them? What comments and suggestions can you make for the future? Students can be encouraged by expressing gratitude in words or by presenting a diploma for a project developer, scientific researcher, best designer, etc.

Projects in kindergarten are an integration method that involves the use of various methodological techniques that allow you to deeply master the proposed topic. Integration is a combination of basic teaching methods that organically complement each other and increase the efficiency of the process.

Features of preschool age

Preschool age is the most fertile period for learning. Children absorb knowledge about the world around them like a sponge. At this age, everything is interesting; the child actively explores the world and learns models of social behavior. Therefore, this feature must be used. Education must be socially significant. Particular attention should be paid to the moral, aesthetic, and environmental directions. We must remember that the norms learned by children at this age remain with him for the rest of his life. The project method in kindergarten is designed to intensify work in this direction.

The importance of project activities

Projects in kindergarten involve independent activity of children under the guidance of adults (teachers and parents). Participation in the project allows you to demonstrate your abilities. In the course of work, the child learns to plan his actions, control the execution process, and also learns to predict the result of his activities.

Structure of project activities

Projects in kindergarten begin with identifying the topic and its relevance, setting goals, defining the subject and objectives of the project. The goal of the project is to expand children's knowledge on a certain topic, develop skills in children, cultivate appropriate feelings and develop empathy (sympathy) for the world around them. The feeling of empathy is a complex psychological reaction that is formed through personal experiences based on life experiences. Participation in project activities helps the child enrich his personal experience. The subject is selected taking into account the goals, then pedagogical tasks are set, they must be specific and reflect the intensity of the pedagogical impact. Projects in kindergarten have clear deadlines. The circle of participants is determined (children, educators, parents, additional education teachers). The result is a specific product, which becomes a report on the work done. Most often this is a presentation. The biggest part is the practical implementation of goals and objectives. It is carried out by organizing classes, reading fiction, organizing quizzes, competitions, and joint activities with parents.

Project "Family"

For example, the “Family” project in kindergarten has the goal of bringing family members together emotionally. The subject becomes family and family values. The objectives of the project may be: instilling respect for the older generation; involving parents in joint activities with children; attracting the attention of parents to the problems of moral education; nurturing in children a sense of empathy for younger family members and pets. The practical implementation of tasks is possible by involving parents and children in the improvement of the group and site, jointly creating a family tree of the family, holding open classes, holding various events (for example, “Help Another,” collecting things and toys for those in need) and so on. At the end of the project, a presentation is made.