Increasing employee performance. Maintaining employee performance. Increasing staff performance

  • 01.02.2024


1.2 Performance phases



In the system of measures to create comfortable working conditions, rational work and rest regimes are of great importance, ensuring high labor efficiency and maintaining the health of workers.

Despite the enormous role of man in the production process, his influence is limited by the psychophysiological capabilities of the body. The study of psychophysiological factors that determine the capabilities of the body is based on the concept of human performance - a functional property of the human body necessary to perform a specific job.

From a physical point of view, this means that the human body must withstand certain loads - physical, neuropsychic and emotional, increase and maintain at a certain level the intensity of physiological processes in the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, circulatory organs, respiratory organs and thereby ensure normal course of work.

Performing any work for a long time is accompanied by fatigue of the body, manifested in a decrease in human performance.

Improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces is inextricably linked with improving working conditions, which are understood as the totality of elements of the working environment that influence the health and performance of a person, the development of his personality and the results of work.

Purpose of the course work - studying human performance and methods for increasing it in an enterprise.

Object of course work- enterprise LLC "Leroy Merle"

performance improvement employee

The subject of this work isworking conditions that are necessary to improve the performance of enterprise employees.

Coursework objectives:

1. Study the theoretical foundations of human performance.

To study the influence of various factors on the performance of participants in the production process of the Leroy Merle LLC enterprise.

Characterize and analyze the state of working conditions, analyze the performance of the enterprise’s employees.

1. Human performance

1.1 The concept of human performance

Efficiency is a socio-biological property of a person, reflecting his ability to perform specific work for a given time with the required level of efficiency and quality.

Efficiency is determined by a set of professional, psychological and physiological qualities of the subject of labor. The level, degree of stability, dynamics of performance depend on:

engineering and psychological;

hygienic characteristics;

means (tools);

conditions and organization of specific activities;

psychological and physiological forecasting systems;

formation of professional suitability, i.e. systems for selecting and training specialists.

Human performance is a characteristic of an individual’s existing or potential capabilities to perform appropriate activities at a given level of efficiency for a certain time.

The performance level reflects:

) the potential capabilities of the subject to perform specific work, his personal professionally oriented resources and functional reserves;

) mobilization capabilities of the individual to activate these resources and reserves during the required working period.

The degree of stability of performance is determined by the resistance of the body and personality to the effects of unfavorable factors of activity, as well as by the margin of safety, training, and the development of professionally significant qualities of the subject of labor. .

Speaking about performance, there is a general ( potential, maximum possible performance when mobilizing all the body’s reserves) and actualperformance, the level of which is always lower. Actual performance depends on the current level of health and well-being of a person, as well as on the typological properties of the nervous system, individual characteristics of the functioning of mental processes (memory, thinking, attention, perception), on a person’s assessment of the significance and feasibility of mobilizing certain body resources to perform certain activities at a given task. level of reliability and within a given time, subject to normal restoration of the body's expended resources.

Human performance includes both maximum performance in a short period of time and low long-term performance, which can be maintained over a long period of time. Performance is not a constant value. It is determined by numerous conditions that change over time and can interact with each other. This includes, for example, body constitution, gender, experience, basic abilities, knowledge and acquired skills.

Efficiency represents the productive capacity a person can have. This formulation does not fully describe the human performance offer, since it depends on whether the person is ready under given conditions and is able to use these abilities in whole or in part. Readiness to work is designated as the possibility or also the readiness to realize this productive capacity.

1.2 Performance phases

Efficiency is manifested in maintaining a given level of activity for a certain time and is determined by two main groups of factors - external and internal. External - information structure of signals (quantity and form of presentation of information), characteristics of the working environment (convenience of the workplace, lighting, temperature, etc.), relationships in the team. Internal - level of training, fitness, emotional stability. The performance limit is a variable value; its change over time is called the dynamics of performance.

The dynamics of work capacity per shift is graphically represented by a curve that increases in the first hours, then passes at the high level achieved and decreases by the lunch break. Figure 1.2

Figure 1.2 - Phases of human performance during the working day

Source: .

Figure 1.2 identifies three phases of performance:

a) development, increase in working capacity;

b) stable high performance;

c) decreased performance, fatigue;

d) lunch break.

After the lunch break, these phases are repeated, but they change in duration and magnitude: the working-in phase is shorter, the phase of stable performance does not reach the pre-lunch level, the fatigue phase occurs earlier and lasts longer than before the lunch break.

A) Development or adaptation phasecharacterized by increasing performance, a gradual increase in labor efficiency, adaptation to the environment, to the conditions of activity, and a restructuring of the psyche to the working rhythm. At this stage, especially in its initial period, significant fluctuations (up to 40%) in labor productivity, the accuracy of work operations and the quality of the specialist’s work are possible. This happens because the high level of performance and potential capabilities of the body does not coincide with the state of the psyche, which is not prepared to perform specific work operations in specific operating conditions. The total duration of the “working in” period ranges from 10-15 minutes to half an hour and largely depends on the individual characteristics of the employees and their areas of activity. It is best to assess the degree of adaptation of an employee by the qualitative characteristics of the activity (the number of mistakes made), since other indicators (response time, pace of activity, etc.) change relatively little at different stages of work.

B) Phase high stable performance, optimal operational efficiency, replaces the “working in” phase and is characterized by high and stable labor productivity, the absence of errors when performing work operations and is accompanied by positive emotions in the complete absence of any signs of fatigue.

The body's energy losses are completely restored during activity. The duration of the period of optimal efficiency depends on a large number of factors, which include operating conditions, the health of workers, adequate rest, diet, a favorable atmosphere in the team, the presence of positive emotions, etc.

IN) Phase of decline in performance, compensationoccurs as a result of accumulating fatigue . The transition to this phase occurs smoothly and imperceptibly, and constitutes the main part of the working cycle (in any case, at least 50% of the working time). Objectively, the onset of this period can be judged by a slight increase in heart rate and breathing, the appearance of tension, an increase in blood pressure, and a change in skin resistance. Subjectively, a person still experiences at this time a pleasant sensation in the muscles, pleasure from qualitatively performed mental or physical work, and only at certain intervals does he notice the need to more fully concentrate on the operations being performed, elements of uncertainty in actions creeping in. Labor productivity remains high.

At the same time, a distinctive feature of the period of full compensation is the appearance of the first signs of fatigue, which are easily overcome (fully compensated) by volitional effort, the corresponding attitude of the person to perform the tasks at hand in a high-quality manner, the strength of motives and behavioral attitudes that prevail for a given individual.

The degree of fatigue of the body is reflected by our psyche and is subjectively perceived as fatigue. Fatigue is a psychological state that prevents the successful implementation of performance into specific products of activity. Usually it is accompanied by heaviness in the head, in the limbs, “brokenness,” and the emergence of negative motives for work and for further performance of functional duties. The personnel officer should be aware that in some cases the feeling of fatigue occurs long before the onset of fatigue.

This occurs when a person lacks stable motives, has little awareness of the importance of flawlessly fulfilling his duties, and lacks interest in this type of work. And also in the case when the premature appearance of fatigue was the result of an unfavorable climate in the team or due to the rudeness and tactlessness of the manager, due to the deterioration of the employee’s mood caused by family troubles, receiving unpleasant news, etc. Conversely, it is possible to suppress fatigue in the presence of obvious signs of fatigue. Such cases are typical for passionate specialists who love their work, have a good attitude towards work, and have a high level of consciousness and responsibility.

The dependence of the moment of the onset of a feeling of fatigue on mental prerequisites opens up great prospects for a HR specialist to purposefully manage this condition and maintain high performance. The mental mechanism of suppression, postponing the time of occurrence of the state of fatigue is based on the property of consciousness to have in the sphere of attention a limited number of objects and phenomena of the external and internal environment.

Signs of fatigue are more pronounced at the stage of unstable compensation. An employee most often fails to use his willpower to maintain a high level of labor productivity or to respond accurately and timely to changes in the situation in the workplace. During this period, the feeling of fatigue becomes more and more pronounced, accompanied by significant changes in physiological indicators. The time of the onset of the period of unstable compensation depends on the individual characteristics of the employee, his endurance, fitness, lifestyle and activity of the organization, rest and a number of other factors. If signs of a period of unstable compensation appear, it is recommended to change workers or take into account the time of onset of this stage when rationing work (for example, work breaks).

At the stage of progressive decrease in activity efficiency, there is a rapid increase in fatigue, the number of erroneous actions increases sharply, and significant changes occur in the functional state of the body. Further performance of duties is inappropriate, since the body goes beyond the normal physiological norm.

At the same time, this does not indicate that all the body’s capabilities to continue activity have been exhausted. For example, it is widely known that even in a state of extreme fatigue, in some cases workers experience a short-term increase in performance efficiency (the so-called “final rush”) 20-30 minutes before the end of the shift.

Psychologists associate such a short-term increase in capacity with an improvement in the worker’s mood, his vitality, volitional mobilization of the remaining energy resources with the awareness of the approaching end of a successful work shift, and, consequently, a change in the mode of life, the transition to post-shift rest and replenishment of energy costs. There comes a moment when there is no longer a need to stretch out the remaining strength for a long time, but you can and should invest it in the high-quality execution of the working algorithm.

In some cases, the final impulse is caused by a person’s desire to show their best side, to demonstrate their endurance, maturity, skill and mastery in front of their colleagues or other people (for example, a manager) who have replaced them. This is easy to understand if you consider that a team member is not at all indifferent to the opinions of others, especially the boss, about the quality of the work he has done. Outwardly, this interest may either not be expressed at all, or the employee will mask it with disdain for praise.

Fluctuations in labor productivity caused by the daily rhythm of human life have been well studied. This rhythm is the result of getting used to the cyclical nature of natural processes such as wakefulness and sleep. The highest labor efficiency is between 8.00-12.00, as well as between 17.00 and 21.00. Workers cope worst with work tasks in such time intervals as 14.00-16.00 and especially 2.00-6.00 at night. It was found that 25% of the drivers surveyed fell asleep while driving between 12 and 15 o'clock in the afternoon, and 58% of drivers - between 0.00-5.00 in the morning.

Working capacity during the day also depends on the type of personality. The so-called "night owls" (about 30%) are better adapted to evening work. "Larks" work better in the first half of the day. “Pigeons” or “arrhythmics” are approximately equally efficient both during the day and in the evening.

There is a well-known simple method for identifying one’s belonging to one or another type of worker. Its author is the German physiologist G. Holdebrant. It is necessary to divide the number of heartbeats per minute (at rest) by the number of respiratory acts (inhalation-exhalation) per minute. If you get a 4:1 ratio, then you are arrhythmic. If this ratio is 5 - 6: 1, then you are a morning person. If this ratio is more than 6:1, then you are a night owl.

A change in labor productivity during the working week was also revealed. The research was based on changes in the incidence of occupational injuries. It was revealed that labor productivity is lowest on Monday (remember the well-known “Monday is a hard day”, “nothing important is decided on Monday”, etc.). Labor productivity is highest on Wednesday and Thursday, and decreases towards the end of the week.

Knowledge of the patterns of performance dynamics allows us to optimize the process of growth of a person’s performance, taking into account the specifics of his activity, psychophysiological state and individual characteristics.

1.3 Factors affecting performance

A person’s performance is influenced by both objective working conditions and his subjective (personal) characteristics.

Objective working conditions are the unity of all factors influencing a person in the labor process. These include:

material working conditions (equipment and fittings of the workplace),

state of the production environment,

organization of the production process,

work and rest schedule,

form of labor assessment and incentives.

In addition, objective working conditions are the social structure of the production team and the “psychological climate” in it, household and medical care at the enterprise and other socio-economic conditions.

Subjective (personal) characteristics of an employee include:

gender, age, production experience;

level of demands (material, cultural, spiritual);

compliance of psychophysiological characteristics with the requirements of production conditions;

general education and industrial qualifications.

Objective working conditions and personal characteristics of workers are closely interrelated. The same condition may be assessed differently by different people, or even by the same person at different times, and thereby cause different actions. This depends on the employee’s age, current state of health, level of physical and mental stress, and other personal characteristics.

There are significant differences in the content of the needs to improve the objective working conditions of workers of different ages, length of service and gender. As studies have shown, the higher the work experience, the higher the level of subjective assessments of satisfaction with one’s work, but at the same time, the higher the level of requirements for the content of work and especially its conditions.

Women have great needs for the psychological climate in the team, men for opportunities for advancement at work, young people for meaningful work, and middle-aged and elderly workers for working conditions. It should be taken into account that people with low demands (needs) and activity tend to be more satisfied with their activities compared to those with more significant needs and high activity.

The unity of influence of the influencing factors of the production process and the external environment, to which a person reacts as an individual or which cause the reaction of his individual biological functional systems or organs, determines the concept of his workload.

Main workload factors:

the structure of physical and mental operations necessary to complete a production task;

environmental exposure;

special risk factors or deterioration of working conditions (for example, stress from the use of personal protective equipment, etc.);

social (conflict situations).

The unity of the employee’s mental and physical reactions as a result of his workload determines stress.

Tension should be considered as a normal biological process associated with human activity. Determining the degree of tension is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body. The absence or insufficient voltage leads to negative phenomena; on the other hand, severe stress can cause a decrease in performance.

Decreased performance is called fatigue, and the associated psychological state is called fatigue.

The following types of tension are distinguished: physical (muscular) and neuropsychic.

Physical stress is characterized by dynamic and static work. By dynamic we mean work that ensures the movement of body parts. Static is understood as work that ensures the maintenance of a certain position of the body in space. It is characterized by an increased hold of the load or the force and time of its retention.

Neuropsychic stress is mental and emotional stress, determined by the degree of tension in the organs of vision and hearing, concentration, volume and distribution of attention, the number of deliberate switches of attention per unit of time, etc. The more often situations arise that require changes to the employee’s existing system of skills and abilities, the higher the level of neuropsychic stress. Working in underground conditions also requires a person to be hypervigilant and pay close attention to a number of signs signaling possible danger.

Weakening the adverse effects of physical and neuropsychic stress is achieved by optimizing the pace and rhythm of work, choosing a rational working posture, a rational work and rest regime.

The pace of work is one of the factors that determines its intensity. It is characterized by the number of employee movements per unit of time, determined by the nature of this work.

Rhythm is a uniform alternation of actions in time and space. When working rhythmically, a worker develops reflex time, thanks to which movements are automated, the brain is freed from continuous load and tension, well-being improves, and fatigue decreases. Disruption of the rhythm of work activity causes excessive tension in the nervous system, life support organs and, as a result, early fatigue.

For better understanding, the factors that shape working conditions can be divided into the following groups:

Sanitary and hygienic;




organizational and economic.

The listed groups of working conditions factors form the basis of the production environment, which directly affects human performance.

So, let's look at each of them in more detail.

Sanitary and hygienicconditions are formed under the influence of the environment on humans (harmful chemicals, dust in the air, vibration, lighting, noise level, infrasound, ultrasound, electromagnetic field, laser, ionizing, ultraviolet radiation, microclimate, microorganisms, biological factors). Bringing these factors into line with modern norms, regulations and standards is a prerequisite for normal human performance.

Psychophysiological conditions- the amount of physical, dynamic and static loads, working posture, pace of work, intensity of attention, intensity of analytical functions, monotony, neuro-emotional stress, aesthetic and physical discomfort (use of personal protective equipment, shift work). Limitation and regulation of physical effort, the optimal combination of physical and mental work have a significant impact on reducing worker fatigue.

Aesthetic conditions (color design of interiors of premises and workplaces, landscaping of industrial and domestic premises, adjacent areas, provision of work clothes, etc.). All these factors influence the worker through the creation of an emotional production background. It is pleasant, easier and more productive to work in a workplace equipped with modern equipment, the design of which takes into account ergonomic requirements, when the aesthetically expressive appearance of the equipment, mechanisms, tools, premises, and work clothes is maintained.

An industrial interior is an aesthetically designed architectural and artistic interior space of industrial buildings. Creating a production interior requires:

clear composition of the internal space and rational layout of workplaces;

systematic placement of main technological equipment and expedient laying of internal passages, driveways, sanitary and technological communications.

optimal lighting system and “color climate”, i.e. painting surfaces and objects indoors;

general improvement of the premises (recreation areas, visual information, etc.).

2. Methods to improve performance

2.1 Methods for improving performance and their classification.

As noted above, a person’s performance is influenced by a combination of factors - the forces of the external production environment, i.e. working conditions. Each of the factors should be taken into account separately, but it must be firmly understood that unfavorable conditions for one of the factors enhance the impact of other factors.

What are the means and methods of improving working conditions and reducing the harmful effects of adverse environmental factors on the performance and health of workers?

There are three directions for improving conditions and, as a result, increasing human performance:

) Minimizing the impact of certain factors, such as noise, vibration, gas contamination, dust, ionizing radiation, and the risk of mechanical injury.

) Maximization of such factors as ergonomic, aesthetic and organizational comfort in the workplace, moral and psychological climate in the team, labor safety, household amenities in production, and others.

) Optimization of factors such as lighting, microclimate, demographic and social structure of personnel, material working conditions, and others.

Specific measures to improve performance must be considered for each of the factors affecting it.

So, the main measures to reduce the physical burden of workwill be the following:

increasing the level of mechanization and automation of labor-intensive production processes, the use of modern high-performance equipment;

improving the organization of workplaces;

rationalization of techniques and methods of work;

optimization of the pace of work;

improvement of transport services for jobs associated with heavy objects of labor and others.

Overcoming or reducing neuropsychic tensioncan contribute , the following measures:

scientifically based establishment of standards for equipment maintenance and time standards for its maintenance, taking into account the amount of information that an employee can correctly perceive, process and make a timely and correct decision;

alternation of work requiring the participation of different analyzers (hearing, vision, touch, etc.);

alternating jobs that require primarily mental stress with physical work;

alternating work of varying complexity and intensity;

optimization of work and rest schedules;

preventing and reducing the monotony of work by increasing the content of work;

rhythmization of work (work according to a schedule with a 10-15% reduced load in the first and last hours of the work shift);

computerization of computational and analytical work, widespread use of personal computers in production management practice, organization of computer data banks on various aspects of production activity, and others.

By group of sanitary and hygienic factorsThe following sequence, or rather, hierarchy of work aimed at reducing their harmful effects on humans, is recommended:

the main direction should be the improvement of machines, mechanisms, technological processes to such a level that, while maintaining or increasing their functionality, they cease to be a source of harm or reduce the level of harmful effects on the environment to the values ​​​​provided by sanitary and hygienic standards. Such measures require large investment costs and cannot always be quickly implemented, but in the hierarchy of measures they must be implemented;

If it is not possible to replace machines, mechanisms and technological processes at a specific point in time, then their insulation or insulation of their parts and assemblies that are a source of harmful effects on the environment (noise, vibration, heat insulation, radiation protection, etc.) must be carried out. );

The third step to protect personnel from the harmful influence of sanitary and hygienic factors, if the first two steps cannot be carried out or do not give the desired effect, should be to protect workplaces from exposure to industrial hazards or remove them from the source of hazards by organizing remote control, creating protected from contact with hazardous work cabins, etc. At the same time, maximum use should be made of various means of improving sanitary and hygienic working conditions, such as ventilation, heating, air conditioning, gas and dust collection and others;

As a last resort, a forced and, by and large, temporary measure, there should be the use of personal protective equipment (gas masks, respirators, earplugs, special rubberized clothing, etc.). Of course, in jobs involving underground mining, such facilities are unavoidable. But in ground conditions, if an enterprise is limited to only issuing personal protective equipment, ignoring the first three groups of measures, this situation cannot be considered normal. .

Increasing labor safety is achieved, first of all, by improving equipment and production technology: you need to use safe equipment.

Passive means of increasing efficiency, which are becoming increasingly widespread in production, include healing methodson the human body - aeration, water procedures, air ionization, ultraviolet irradiation. The greatest effect is obtained when they are used when working in extreme conditions (in mines, in hot shops with the use of great physical effort, under the influence of intense noise and vibration, etc.).

Aeration is intensive ventilation, in which, under the influence of the difference in specific gravities of external and internal air and the influence of wind on the walls and roof, controlled and adjustable air exchange is successfully created through opening transoms and window sashes. When using natural ventilation, it is impossible to excessively increase the exchange of external and internal air, as this can lead to an increase in the concentration of foreign gases and dust in the air and to hypothermia of the body of workers due to an increase in the speed of air movement, or to reduce air exchange, since there will be no necessary influx of fresh air.

The restorative effect on the human body of other healing methods is known - water procedures (shower, wiping, washing, hygienic baths, etc.). In production conditions, they are means of restoring performance and means of adaptation to extreme conditions. To restore performance, water procedures are used, as a rule, during moderate and heavy physical work in hot shops, in mines, when repairing heating furnaces and boilers, in bakeries, etc. In order to improve performance, water procedures can be used both during the working day and at the end of it.

Health-improving means of increasing performance include ultraviolet irradiation. Physiological and clinical studies have established that when a person is limited or deprived of natural light, so-called light starvation occurs, which is based on ultraviolet deficiency, which is expressed in the occurrence of hypo- and vitamin deficiency (vitamin D deficiency), a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism (dental caries, rickets appears etc.), weakening of the body’s defenses, in particular, predisposition to many diseases. These changes worsen your well-being and lead to decreased performance, rapid fatigue and increased recovery time. (N.T. Danzig, 1963, N.F. Galanin, 1970, A.A. Minkh, 1976). To prevent light starvation, it is advisable to use the stimulating effect of ultraviolet rays.

It is known that the use of additional doses of ultraviolet rays has a beneficial effect on the human body, increases its performance, improves well-being and helps reduce morbidity.

Ultraviolet irradiation is recommended for people engaged in physical labor in conditions of low air temperature, working in rooms with low natural ultraviolet radiation (metallurgists, miners) and in conditions of sudden changes in ambient temperatures.

Health-improving means of increasing performance also include air ionization at work. The standard values ​​for ionization of the air in industrial premises are regulated by sanitary and hygienic standards.

Air ionization is the process of converting neutral atoms and molecules of the air into electrically charged particles (ions). Ions in the air of industrial premises can be formed due to natural, technological and artificial ionization.

To normalize the ionic regime of the air environment, it is necessary to use the following methods and means:

supply and exhaust ventilation;

removing the workplace from an area with an unfavorable level of ionization;

group and individual ionizers;

devices for automatic regulation of the ionic regime of the air environment.

Aesthetic methods to improve performance

Aesthetic factors are those factors whose influence can cause a person to have an appropriate attitude towards working conditions from the point of view of artistic perception of the environment (meaning the use of color, shape, music in a person’s work activity). These elements find their application in solving the artistic and design qualities of the workplace, tools, work clothes, aids, as well as in the architectural and artistic design of the interior.

Important elements in modern conditions are functional music and coloring of production premises. Their use has a positive effect on the state of the work performer and contributes to his performance.

Social and psychological methods of increasing performance.

The socio-psychological group of factors is determined by the composition and characteristics of the enterprise (socio-demographic composition of personnel, interests of employees, leadership style in the divisions of the enterprise, etc.). Under the influence of these factors, the moral and psychological climate at the enterprise is formed, expressed in the level of stability of personnel, its cohesion, the nature of relationships between groups of workers, moods, labor discipline, labor activity and creative initiative.

It is necessary to create conditions for the correct orientation of the team’s activities for the subordination of individual goals to the general group goal and for increasing the strength of intra-collective moral and psychological ties.

3. Study of the performance of participants in the production process at the enterprise

3.1 Brief characteristics of Leroy Merlin LLC according to the main technical and economic indicators

The Leroy Merlin store was founded in 1923 in France. Leroy Merlin has 285 stores worldwide. Leroy Merlin offers its customers a large selection of quality products, prices affordable for most customers and a high level of service. All stores offer a wide range of products in five main areas: home, interior, building materials, repairs, garden.

The main principles of the development strategy of the Leroy Merlin company in Belarus:

clear understanding of customer needs;

convenient location of stores for customers;

well-developed customer service concept;

active development in all regions of Belarus;

consideration of new cities for further development.

In 2006, the Leroy Merlin group became GROUPE ADEO. Nine brands from the D.I. sector are united under this brand. Y. (Do-It-Yourself) four professional categories:

Hypermarkets: LEROY MERLIN.

Medium-sized stores: AKI, BRICOCENTER, WELDOM.

Warehouse stores: BRICOMAN, BRICOMART.

Innovative concepts: ZODIO, KBANE.

These brands are different in concept and format, but successfully complement each other based on common values ​​and a common goal - to help everyone create the home of their dreams.

Today, the Leroy Merlin chain in Belarus has 18 stores with a favorable economic and geographical location, which contributes to the influx of a significant number of visitors. The Leroy Merlin store in Minsk was opened in 2010. Leroy Merlin LLC employs 320 employees.

Let's consider what functions are performed by different categories of employees.

The main functions of a hypermarket director (administration division):

organization of uninterrupted operation of the company;

organization and control of personnel work;

prevention and elimination of conflict situations;

control of the correctness and timeliness of product display;

participation in scheduled inspections and inventories;

Main functions of the deputy director (administration division):

control of the work of hypermarket departments;

compliance with the rules for display and storage conditions of goods;

inventory, sales and expense management;

organization of a high level of customer service;

interaction with regulatory authorities.

The main functions of the sales floor administrator:

control of the display of goods on the sales floor in accordance with planograms and rules defined by the company’s KSM instructions;

ensuring a high level of customer service in TK;

management of the work of the OPTZ in the absence of the head of the OPTZ;

management of the work of TC in the absence of DTK, ZDTK and ROPTZ.

The main functions of the section manager (trading floor division):

Market Analysis;

formation of assortment;




section personnel management.

department management;


training and monitoring the work of a team of 10 people;

inventory management and work with suppliers;

control over the display of goods;

organization and control of various promotions.

The main functions of the section manager (trading floor division):

% backlog of shelves with goods;

for customers to navigate the sales floor and find the product they need;

acceptance of goods;

managing the work of the entire section, as well as performing the functions of the RS during his absence.

The main functions of a logistics salesperson (trading floor division):

display of goods on the sales floor in accordance with planograms;

control and implementation of the export of goods to the technical zone;

% fullness of shelves with goods;

control over strict compliance of price tags with goods;

Helping customers navigate the sales floor and find the product they need;

acceptance of goods;

managing the work of the entire section, as well as performing the functions of the air defense system during his absence.

Table 3.1 - Main technical and economic indicators of Leroy Merlin LLC

Indicators 2013 2014 Growth rate, %PlanActual completed. plan %PlanActfull. plan % Volume of trade turnover, million BYN rub. 1890000.02396090.0126.783050000.03201850104.98133.63 Number of personnel of the enterprise, people. 30029096.67320320100.00110.34 Output per employee, million BYN. rub. 6300.08262.38131.159531.2510005.78104.98121.10 Payroll fund, million BYN rub. 59000.055780.094.5469000.068450.099, 20122.71Average annual salary. p. per employee, million BYN rub. 196.67192.3497.80215.63213.9199, 20111.21

From the above table 3.1 it follows that the company during the analyzed period increased the volume of trade turnover by 33.63%, while it is worth noting that the planned indicators were exceeded; in 2014, the volume of trade turnover was exceeded by 4.8%. Output per employee also tends to increase by 21.1% in 2014 compared to 2013. An increase in the number of personnel by 30 people led to an increase in the wage fund by 22.71%, and the average salary of the company’s employees also increased by 11.21%.

3.2 Study of the performance of participants in the labor process Leroy Merlin LLC

) Layout and equipment of workplaces in the logistics department:

Any company with an extensive structure simply cannot do without a logistics and management department.

Logistics is the process of coordinating the actions of all departments of the company, as well as working to reduce material investments in unproductive areas of business. As a result, logistics becomes the alpha and omega of the company’s management mechanism, and without the work of the department it is impossible to imagine a modern, developing company.

Three stages of the logistics structure can be distinguished:

At the first stage, the main function of logistics is the delivery of the enterprise’s products to the retail chain. At this stage, logistics functions are divided between various departments.

At the second stage, others are added to the delivery of products to the retail network: organization of storage in warehouses, inventory optimization, customer service, etc. LFs are not only expanding, but most LFs are also merging, and systems for delivering goods according to customer orders are being created.

At the third stage, there is a complete unification of all LOs in the enterprise. The set of logistics tasks includes the construction of drugs, participation in production planning and sales forecasting; organizing procurement for the enterprise, organizing the supply of goods abroad, etc.

One of the approaches to organizing the work of the logistics service is cross-functional teamwork, during which specialists from various functional departments of the enterprise work collectively to solve common logistics problems of the enterprise. The advantages of this work are:

combining the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees of various departments of the enterprise;

cross (vertical and horizontal) ownership of tasks and problems;

improving the quality of decisions made;

increasing the level of interaction between specialists from various departments and developing team cohesion;

acceleration of determination and solution of logistics problems, etc.

Logistics specialists must have systems thinking and an understanding of enterprise resources. They are divided into tacticians who have good knowledge and work skills (computer literacy, knowledge of information systems, warehouse equipment, vehicles, etc.) and strategists who have high analytical skills, communication abilities, planning, organizing and management.

To effectively solve logistics problems, a strategist must:

have access to all types and levels of information;

official powers of his position in the enterprise management hierarchy, which will allow him to make decisions, including personnel decisions;

report directly to one of the deputy general directors or directly to the general director in order to have relative independence from the heads of other functional divisions of the enterprise;

have high personal and professional authority;

be a good manager.

Logistics areas are adapted to different flows of goods and their respective operations. The movement of goods flows is optimized and allows trade sectors to receive goods that have been accepted, counted and entered into the information system.

Delivery of goods from the supplier is carried out to the store's acceptance. Acceptance of goods complies with the principles of separation of duties and counter control.

acceptance specialists performing the 1st acceptance do not have access to the supplier’s documents, which indicate the number of pallets;

acceptance specialists performing the 1st acceptance count the pallets and enter the number of pallets in the first acceptance form (BP1);

Acceptance specialists carrying out the 1st acceptance carry out visual inspection of pallets (damage to boxes, etc.).

After acceptance, all goods are shipped to the buffer zone, from where the goods are distributed among the zones.

Buffer is a zone intended for the delivery of goods to the sales floor.

Long-term storage area (RD) is a store's inventory that should not exceed 60 days.

Merchandise Issue Area (EM) - in this area, goods that are presented in the store are issued.

Department goods storage area (RM) - in this area, store departments can store and keep records of the necessary goods.

Also in the logistics department there is an area for storing large goods, such as building materials, rolls, and a specialized place for charging electric forklifts.

The main technological equipment includes: racks for storing goods and electric forklifts, which are used not only to perform work with various types of cargo, but also to stack them in warehouses.

Auxiliary equipment in the logistics department includes: knives and packaging material.

The store also has one mechanic on staff to quickly resolve problems with loading equipment.

Table 3.2 presents data on the equipment of the logistics department workplace.

Table 3.2 - Equipment of the logistics department

No. Name Characteristics Quantity, units. Deviations According to the standard In fact 1 Handling and transport equipment Loaders 108-22 Technological equipment Shelving 150 160 + 103 Materials Packaging material 20 170025 1700 + 5 -

Source [Logistics Department Data]

According to Table 3.2, it can be seen that the standard and actual quantities correspond to most items. This means that the company quite accurately calculates the required number of tools. There are negative deviations for the position - loaders. The reason for this is a malfunction of technical equipment, which will be eliminated in the future. In general, we can assume that the company’s equipment with working tools and labor equipment is at a fairly high level, but faulty forklifts have a negative impact on the store’s work process.

2) Identification of lost working time due to illness and injury

Leroy Merlin LLC maintains time sheets to record the use of working time. The responsibility for keeping records is assigned to the managers of the relevant structural divisions, whose job responsibilities include monitoring the actual time spent by the department's employees at work and maintaining time sheets with responsibility for the correct reflection of employees' working hours in the time sheet and the timely submission of the time sheet for calculation. The main responsibilities of those responsible for timekeeping are:

maintaining records of the staff of the department;

on the basis of documents, make changes to the list related to hiring, dismissal, relocation, changes in work schedules, grades, granting vacations, etc.;

monitors the timeliness of reporting to work and leaving work, the presence of employees at the workplace, notifying the head of the department about absences, tardiness, premature departures and the reasons that caused them;

exercise control over the timeliness of submission and correct execution of documents confirming the right of employees to be absent from the workplace;

prepare lists of employees for issuing orders to work on weekends and non-working holidays.

When recording working time, standard working time forms are used; it should be noted that these forms do not fully reflect all working time costs.

To analyze the actual time worked, not only the entire working time fund (FWF) is compared, but also the time worked by one worker in man-days and in man-hours and the average working day. Such an analysis is carried out for each category of employees, for each production unit and for the enterprise as a whole.

In Table 3.3 we determine the calendar, time and maximum possible working time funds, the average actual duration of the working year; average number of days of absence for all reasons per worker; average full duration and average lesson duration of the working day.

Table 3.3 - Indicators of the use of working time at Leroy Merlin

IndicatorValue Deviation 2013 2014 Actually worked: - person-hour - person-days 33731 391041990 42508259 340 Average actual duration of the working year, days 22021010 Avg. number of days of absence for all reasons per worker, days 31,836.5 + 4.7 Average number of full-day downtime per worker, days 0.20.5 + 0.3 Average full working day, hour 8.99.4 + 0.5 Average scheduled duration of the working day, hour 8.839.4+0.57 Calendar working time fund, hour 18261974+148 Time card working time fund, hour 17191861+142 Maximum possible working time fund, hour 1958.01974.0+16

Source [Own development]

As can be seen from Table 3.3, the company has losses of working time, which are caused by a decrease in the average working day, an increase in absenteeism and an increase in all-day downtime. However, the company is trying to use time efficiently. Thus, there was a significant saving of working time due to the effective use of calendar time, time-sheets of working time and an increase in the average length of the working day.

Table 3.4 presents an analysis of lost working time due to illness.

Table 3.4 - Diseases and injuries at Leroy Merlin

Criterion 2013 2014 Deviationcasespersons/dayscasespersons/dayscasespersons/days Temporary disability, including: 1866725975+7+308-general morbidity 1140717663+6+256-occupational injuries 41475195+1+48-domestic injuries 137278+1+41-occupational morbidity 276139-1 -37

Source [Own development]

The results of Table 3.4 on morbidity show that the morbidity rate has increased for all indicators, except for occupational disease, it decreased by 1 case and 37 person/days.

When considering the incidence rate per 100 workers, it is clear that there is a decrease (Table 3.5).

Table 3.5 compares the control and actual indicators of disability by type of morbidity per 100 people in the store.

Table 3.5 - Morbidity rate per 100 workers

Incidence 2013 2014 DeviationsNumber of cases, %49,449.1-0.3Number of days, %848715.6-132.4Average stay on b/l, %17,214.6-2.6

Source [Own development]

Thus, Leroy Merle LLC has a high level of occupational diseases and a high level of injuries. Based on this, management’s tasks are to solve these problems.

3) Analysis of labor mechanization of the logistics department. ud workers Let's analyze the level of mechanization and automation of labor in the logistics department, for which we calculate the share of manual labor using the formula:

Lv. t. = Chr. t/h total (1)

where Ch r. t. - the number of workers who performed work manually with machines and mechanisms and not with machines and mechanisms;

H total - the total number of employees.

The total number of store employees is 320 people. Of these, 49 are engaged in either completely manual labor or with machines and mechanisms (forklift worker).

Let's calculate U r. T.:

Lv. t = 49/320 = 0.15.

Thus, 15% of the company’s personnel are engaged in automated and mechanized labor, and the rest in manual labor.

We will also calculate the share of manual labor in a production operation using the formula:

At the r. That. = (Tp. z. + Top. + Tobs.) / (Tp. to-Tot.) (2)

where, Tp. h. - time of preparatory and final work performed manually;

Top. - time of operative manual work;

Tsh.k. - norm of piece-calculation time;

Totl. - time for rest and personal needs;

Tobsl. - time to perform manual operations to maintain the workplace.

To determine the volumes of manual elements, we will use data from a photograph of the working time of a forklift worker, taken on the sales floor. According to this data:

Tp. h = 82 min.;

Top. = 180 min.;

Tsh.k. = 585 min;

Tobsl. = 130 min:

Totl. = 30 min.

As a result we get:

At the r. t.o = (82+180+130) / (585 - 30) = 0.706.

The calculation results obtained indicate a high share of manual labor in this division, this is due to the peculiarities of the company’s trading activities.

4) Assessment of sanitary and hygienic conditions and the effectiveness of measures to improve it.

The ventilation system must provide air parameters that satisfy sanitary and hygienic requirements in the retail, warehouse and administrative premises of the enterprise behind each department. According to their purpose, ventilation systems are divided into supply and exhaust. Supply ventilation is carried out by supplying clean air into the room, and exhaust ventilation is carried out by removing polluted air from the room outside its boundaries. If there is a dispersed source of harmful emissions in the room, general ventilation is used to ensure dilution and removal of harmful gases. To remove harmful secretions directly from the place of their formation, local exhaust ventilation (local suction) is installed. For concentrated air supply to certain workplaces or parts of the room, local supply ventilation is used. Local ventilation is more effective, as it allows you to clean the air directly in places where harmful emissions are formed in a shorter time and at a lower cost. Air removed by local suction and containing harmful or unpleasant-smelling substances must be cleaned before being released into the atmosphere. The supply air must be taken in places that are remote and protected from the emission of polluted air.

Insufficient illumination of the work area is a consequence of insufficient area of ​​light openings, irrational location of the workplace relative to natural light sources. Insufficient lighting negatively affects the preservation of a person’s vision, the state of his central nervous system, reduces labor productivity, increases worker fatigue, and can lead to the development of certain eye defects.

Premises, both warehouse and retail, as well as office premises, must have natural and artificial lighting.

The assessment of the sanitary and hygienic situation at this enterprise is carried out based on deviations from sanitary and hygienic standards (Table 3.6).

Table 3.6 - Sanitary and hygienic working conditions

No. Investigated factors Unit of measurement NormActual Deviations 1 Air temperature º s2221-12Air humidity%6065+53Air speed M/sec0.30.4+0.14NoiseD/b8283+15IlluminationLux400380-20

Source [Own development]

Note: in the table, the norm of clauses 1, 2, 3 corresponds to the hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises - SanPiN - 96; clause 4 - noise in workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in built-up areas: SN 2.2.4/2.1.8 562 - 96; clause 5 - SanPiN 2.2.1/ - 03: hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings, SNiP 23 - 05.95: natural and artificial lighting.

From Table 3.6 it can be seen that deviations from the norm are mostly positive. The existing deviations are insignificant. From this we can conclude that the enterprise controls sanitary and hygienic standards and there is a focus on their compliance.

After assessing the sanitary and hygienic situation, the following indicators are calculated:

Share of jobs classified as favorable zones based on working conditions, K 1, according to the formula:

MB - number of jobs with favorable working conditions;

Mo is the total number of jobs.

in summer K 1 = 37/42=0,88.

in winter K 1 = 37/42=0,88.

The share of indicators of sanitary and hygienic working conditions that have a downward deviation from the maximum standards, K 2, according to the formula:

TO 2= Ms / Mo, (4)

where Ms is the number of workplaces that have deviations from the norm in terms of sanitary and hygienic working conditions.

in summer K 2 = 5/42=0,12

in winter K 2 = 5/42=0,12

According to sanitary and hygienic standards, deviations from the standards occur at the sellers’ workplace due to the poor exhaust system in this room. The share of jobs classified according to working conditions as a favorable zone in the summer is 0.88, in the winter - 0.88; the share of indicators of sanitary and hygienic working conditions that have a deviation from the maximum standards in the summer is 0.12, in the winter - 0.12.

To ensure standardized illumination values ​​in the premises, the glazing of light openings and lamps should be cleaned at least twice a month, as well as timely replacement of burnt-out lamps. It is advisable to replace the artificial light source with gas-discharge lamps that have high luminous efficiency, long service life, low fire hazard and allow you to obtain light in any part of the spectrum.

It is necessary to ensure optimal microclimate parameters. To increase the air temperature in the working area, additional heating radiators should be used. Humidifiers should be used to increase humidity. The premises should be regularly ventilated, which improves the quality of the air.

The work and rest schedule must be regulated.

Along with other passive means of increasing performance, color painting of industrial premises and equipment also has a significant impact on humans. Color can affect the human psyche and aesthetic perception. It not only changes the state of the visual analyzer, but also affects well-being and mood, and, consequently, a person’s performance.

In warehouses, the walls are painted with auspicious colors: green, blue, pink. Green color has the greatest stimulating effect on the visual analyzer and on the body as a whole (reduces intraocular pressure, prevents early fatigue). When choosing a color finish, the nature of the work is also taken into account. During intense mental work, color design should not distract from work.

Therefore, it is advisable to use light colors that stimulate mental activity. Where intense attention is not required, warmer colors can be used.

The equipment is painted in soft, calm light colors without bright contrasts, the surface is matte without light spots or glare. Technologically homogeneous groups of equipment are painted in the same color. It is important that the main color is calm and does not interfere with work.

The retail and office premises are always clean and cleaned every day. There are a lot of flowers planted in the offices, which “gives” fresh air and “pleases the eyes” of the workers.

Thus, the sanitary and hygienic environment reduces the productivity of sellers and leads to illness with temporary disability.

5) Analysis of staff turnover in the logistics department.

The analysis of personnel turnover in the logistics department of Leroy Merlin LLC can be traced by the movement of personnel in 2013-2014, the analysis of which is presented in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7 - Movement of personnel in the logistics department at Leroy Merlin LLC for 2013-2014.

Indicators 2013 2014 Deviation Average headcount 2228+6 Hired within a year 86-2 Dismissed within a year, including: at own request for violation of labor discipline 2 2 - 4 2 2+2 - +2

Source [Own development]

To characterize the workforce, personnel movement indicators for 2013 and 2014 were calculated . Turnover ratio for hiring personnel:

Kpr = Chpr/Chsr, (5)

where Kpr is the staff acceptance rate;

NPR - number of admitted people, people.

Kpr 2013 = 8/22 = 0.36.

Kpr 2014 = 6/28 = 0.21.

Disposal turnover ratio:

Kv = Chv/Chsr, (6)

Kv - staff attrition rate;

Chv - number of people leaving, people.

Quarter 2013 = 2/22 = 0.09.

Quarter 2014 = 4/28 = 0.14.

Staff turnover rate:

Kt = Chio/Chsr, (7)

Where Kt is the staff turnover rate;

Chio - the number of people dismissed at their own request and violations of labor discipline, people.

Kt 2013 = 0/22 = 0.

Kt 2014 = 2/28 = 0.071.

Thus, in 2014, the hiring of personnel was 2 people less than in 2013, and 2 more people were fired in 2014 than in 2013.

To analyze the degree of stability of the workforce, the coefficient of composition constancy was used:

Kps = Chpost/Chsr, (8)

where Kps is the coefficient of composition constancy;

Chpost - number of permanent employees during the reporting period, people.

The number of employees who constantly worked at the enterprise during the reporting period is determined as the difference between the number of employees and the number of those who resigned during the period.

Chpost = Chn-Chv, (9)

Chpost 2014 = 28 - 4 = 22 people.

Chpost 2013 = 22 - 2 = 20 people.

Kps 2014 = 22/28*100 = 78.57%

Kps 2013 = 20/22*100 = 90.9%

To provide a detailed description of the movement of labor at Leroy Merlin, the following main indicators have been calculated to assess the intensity of the movement of the enterprise's labor resources by 2014 (Table 3.8).

Table 3.8 - Level of staff turnover in the department

IndicatorsYears Deviation (+; -) 2013 2014 Coefficient - // - required turnover, %000- // - excess turnover, %000- // - personnel retirement, %0+7.1+7.1- / / - personnel reception, %3621-15- // - personnel stability, %90.978.57-12.33

Source [Own development]

The data obtained in Table 3.8 indicate. The recruitment rate of personnel in the logistics department decreased by 15%, the attrition rate increased by 7.1%, and the personnel stability rate decreased by 12.33%. These data indicate that there is staff turnover at Leroy Merlin.

6) Analysis of the psychological climate in the team.

A sociometric survey is used to study intra- and inter-collective connections and makes it possible to quantify interpersonal relationships in a small group by identifying mutual likes and dislikes.

For the survey, a special questionnaire is used - a sociometric card, on the basis of which preferences are established. The survey was conducted according to production criteria: “Who would you like to do this kind of work with?”

The survey was conducted among a team of 1st shift warehouse workers, which consists of 5 people with more than a year of work experience. The survey was conducted by an outside observer, the anonymity of the primary data is guaranteed to be absolutely anonymous. The group sits opposite each other, excluding mutual advice and consultation.

Processing data from a sociometric survey begins with the compilation of a sociomatrix, which brings together the survey data into a common table. It determines the number of choices made and given for each member of the group and for the group as a whole (Table 3.9).

Table 3.9 - Sociomatrix

Who choosesWho is chosenElections givenABBCD+-TotalSovenko O.S. (A) ++0+303 Zhurova N.A. (B) +--0123Moiseev A.S. (B) -0++213Rogova T.G. (D) 0-++213 Filin N.A. (D) -0++213+1132310-211105Total 3243315

Source [Own development]

We determine the maximum possible paired choices using the formula:

n* (n-1) /2, (10)

where n is the size of the group.

* (5-1) /2 = 10.

The cohesion index, Ipl, is determined by the formula:

Ipl = Sum of positive paired choices (actual) / Sum of possible paired choices,

Ipl = 3/10 = 0.3 - cohesion is not high;

Conflict index, Iconf. determined by the formula:

Iconf. = Sum of negative paired choices (actual) /Sum of possible paired choices,

Iconf. = 2/10 = 0.2 - low conflict.

As a result, we can conclude that conflict in this team is low, but the level of cohesion also leaves much to be desired. This fact indicates the need to hold events in order to increase the level of cohesion and form a unified corporate spirit, which will have a positive impact on the company’s activities.

A study of working conditions at Leroy Merlin showed that there are a number of problems:

Based on the results of a study of working conditions at Leroy Merlin LLC, it is necessary to develop measures to improve them. Based on the identified problems in this area, we propose the following activities:

Increasing the level of technological equipment of the workplace by providing each worker with the necessary equipment that is out of order. Some employees are unable to perform their duties in a timely manner due to breakdowns of equipment (loaders) due to the absence of a repairman on the company’s staff. This fact leads to loss of working time, since the loader worker is forced to wait for another loader to become available. Based on this, it is proposed to carry out timely repairs of equipment using the services of third-party organizations. Thus, carrying out this event will not only equip workers with all the necessary functional tools, but will also reduce the loss of working time, which will lead to increased efficiency.

Reduce the loss of working time that occurs due to absenteeism of workers and day-long losses. In order to reduce the loss of working time due to absence and reduce downtime, it is proposed:

reduce the loss of working time due to the fault of employees (downtime) by introducing a system of fines;

reduce the loss of working time due to the fault of the organization (breakdowns and repairs of equipment and machinery) by carrying out timely repairs;

reduce the number of absenteeism and absenteeism permitted by the administration by strengthening labor discipline;

achieve a further reduction in absenteeism due to illness (carrying out medical examinations, professional vaccinations, recreational activities);

develop a system of incentives (bonuses, awards) for success in work.

Improving the working conditions of workers is a priority, since unfavorable working conditions have a harmful effect on the health of workers and lead to loss of working time due to illness. Maintaining the premises and work items of employees in good condition is also a priority for the employer, since it is not beneficial for management to deal with the constant departure of employees on sick leave.

To ensure standardized illumination values ​​in the premises, the glazing of light openings and lamps should be cleaned at least twice a month, as well as timely replacement of burnt-out lamps. It is advisable to replace the artificial light source with incandescent fluorescent lamps, which have high luminous efficiency, long service life, low fire hazard and allow you to obtain light in any part of the spectrum.

It is also necessary to ensure optimal microclimate parameters. The premises should be regularly ventilated, which improves the quality of the air. In addition, it is proposed to install air conditioners, which will increase staff productivity and improve working conditions.

In order to increase the level of team cohesion at Leroy Merle LLC, it can be achieved by increasing the level of corporate culture in the company:

hold corporate events on holidays (March 8, February 23, Trade Day, etc.);

increase the level of job satisfaction, for this it is necessary to improve working conditions and indicators of employee incentives;

creating a sense of involvement in the work of the company by taking into account the opinions of employees when making management decisions.

The proposed measures, in my opinion, will allow the company to improve the working conditions of employees and thereby increase the efficiency of its activities; for example, we will calculate one of the proposals.

4.2 Expected economic effect from the implementation of measures and recommendations

As part of this work, it is proposed to calculate the economic efficiency of an event aimed at increasing the level of technological equipment of a work loader.

For these purposes, it is proposed to conclude an agreement for the provision of equipment repair services at Leroy Merlin LLC with the SibTEX company. Table 4.1 presents the initial data for the event.

Table 4.1 - Initial data for the event

IndicatorsDesign. Quantity1. Number of employees covered by the event, people. Cho102. Annual working time fund for one employee, daysFvr2623. Average number of employees of the entire enterprise, people. Chsr3204. Standard economic efficiency coefficient K0.155. Shift duration, hours 126. Reduction of lost working time per employee (minutes per day) Т177. Current costs, million BYR rub. Zed1200. (10000 * 12 months * 10 loaders)

Let's calculate the annual cost savings of Leroy Merlin.

) Calculation of time savings:

Evr = T*Cho*Fvr/60 = 17*10*262/60 = 742.3 man-hour.

) Calculation of headcount savings:

Ech = Evr/Fvr*Tsm = 742.3/262*12 = 0.236 people.

) Calculation of labor productivity gains:

PTohv = Ech*100%/ (Cho - Ech) = 0.236*100%/ (10 - 0.236) = 2.42%.

) Calculation of the increase in production volume:

∆Vyr = Vyr*PTohv = 10005.78*2.42% =242.1 thousand rubles.

) Determination of the annual economic effect:

Eg = ∆Vyr - K*Zed = 242.1 - 0.15*1200 = 62.1 thousand rubles.

) Calculation of the actual payback period for current costs:

Ted = Zed/Eg = 1200/242.1 = 5 months.

Thus, the payback period for this event will be 5 months. This corresponds to the regulatory deadline.

Carrying out the event will not only allow you to save money, but also employees will work uninterruptedly, without losing working time, increasing labor productivity and their efficiency.


Working conditions at an enterprise, as the living conditions of workers in the process of their activities, are both an element of the production system and an object of organization, planning and management. Therefore, changing working conditions is impossible without interfering in the production process. That is, it is necessary to combine, on the one hand, working conditions, and on the other, the technology of production processes.

During the work, a study of working conditions at Leroy Merlin was carried out.

Topics such as working conditions and the factors that determine them were discussed; An analysis was given of the state of working conditions in the department.

There are shortcomings in the field of labor protection:

insufficient technological equipment of the department's workplaces;

significant loss of working time due to absences and downtime;

insufficient level of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises (insufficient lighting, ventilation and air conditioning);

low level of cohesion in the team.

The examples of implementation of measures to improve working conditions discussed above indicate the achievement of a real economic effect from these measures. But working conditions must be understood as the result of the action of many interrelated factors of a production and socio-psychological nature. Therefore, when carrying out measures to improve working conditions at the enterprise, management must take into account all factors of working conditions, the effectiveness of their implementation depends on this. In order to identify the effectiveness of their implementation, a calculation was carried out for one of the measures, which showed that its implementation will not only save money (62.1 million Belarusian rubles), but also workers will work uninterruptedly, without losing working time, increasing labor productivity.

By implementing these measures, it is possible to achieve comfortable working conditions and motivate employees. In parallel with improving working conditions, it will be possible to achieve increased productivity, quality and reduce wasted time.

Thus, a person’s performance is determined by his ability to mobilize and accumulate the energy reserves of the human body and psyche. The performance limit is a variable value. It depends on many factors: the type of nervous system, general health, qualifications, motivation, work-rest ratio, working environment conditions, etc.

Along with physical and mental work, the surrounding work environment, that is, the conditions in which work takes place, also has a significant impact on fatigue.

To reduce fatigue during labor and increase efficiency, the following effective methods are used: rational organization of the workplace and time; rational work and rest regime; industrial gymnastics; rooms for psychophysiological relief.

To maintain a high level of performance during mental work, a number of conditions must be met. Gradual entry into work after sleep or summer rest ensures the consistent activation of physiological mechanisms that determine a high level of performance. It is necessary to maintain a certain rhythm of work, which promotes the development of skills and slows down the development of fatigue.

The correct location and layout of the workplace, ensuring a comfortable posture and freedom of labor movements, the use of equipment that meets the requirements of ergonomics and engineering psychology, ensure the most efficient work process, reduce fatigue and prevent the risk of occupational diseases.

List of sources used

1. Aksenova, E.L., Bazarov T.Yu. - Personnel management: "Methods of maintaining staff performance." - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013 - 246 p.

Aleksandrov Yu. I - Fundamentals of psychophysiology: Textbook / Ed. ed. Yu.I. Alexandrov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2010. - 324 p.

Apaneva L.V., Bartels V.I., Velikaya M.V. - Human physiology: Textbook. / L.V. Apaneva. - M.: MGOPU, 2012. - 173 p.

Volkov V.G. - Methods and devices for assessing the functional state and level of performance of a human operator. / Volkov V.G., Mashkova V.M. - M.: Nauka, 2011. - 206 p.

Kosilov S.A., Leonova L.A. - Human performance and ways to improve it: Textbook. / Kosilov S.A. - M., 2013. - 208 p.

Loshilov V.N. - Methods for assessing a person’s overall performance. / Loshilov V.N. - Perm. State tech. University // Theory and practice, 2013. - 242 p.

Noskova O.G. - Labor psychology. - M.: Academy, 2011. - 384 p.

Reshetnikov N.V. - Physical education: Textbook for secondary vocational education. - M., - 2012. - 193 p.

Rofe A.I. - Labor: theory, economics, organization: Textbook for universities. - M.: MIK, 2005. - 600 p.

Ups and downs

Experts define performance as “a state determined by the possibility of physiological and mental functions of the body, which characterizes its ability to carry out certain activities with a certain efficiency, with the required quality and for the required time.” Simply put, this is a person’s ability to perform production tasks efficiently with the least amount of energy.

It is clear that performance is not a constant value. The main reason for its decline is the work itself, or rather, fatigue, because even the most interesting and favorite activity causes it over time. We all know well the manifestations of fatigue: attention, speed and accuracy of perception deteriorate; RAM suffers, lethargy and absent-mindedness appear; visual acuity decreases; coordination of movements is upset, reaction time increases. If during rest the strength does not have time to fully recover, fatigue accumulates, the body experiences stress, which is fraught with the most serious consequences for health.

It is also clear that the degree of endurance is different for everyone, since it depends on psychophysiological characteristics. But external factors, of which there are many, are also of great importance. And if the employer does not have the power to change the personal characteristics of employees, then he is quite capable of “dealing” with the other reasons for the “loss of strength”.

Risk areas

All working people tend to get tired, and to one degree or another, all members of the work team are susceptible to the syndrome of decreased performance, regardless of their position. However, it is possible to identify certain “risk zones”, conditions under which the decline in performance is greater.

  • Depending on the type of work. Production workers suffer the most. Increased noise level, uniformity of operations (and, accordingly, monotony of actions), physical stress, danger of production - all this has a serious negative impact.

Decreased performance can also occur among office workers; This phenomenon is commonly called “professional burnout.” In addition to the monotony inherent in the everyday work of white-collar workers, the reasons for overwork can be high responsibility, an excessively long list of job responsibilities, and an excessively long commute to and from work.

  • Depending on the ergonomics of the workplace. There are standards, compliance with which ensures comfortable working conditions (lighting, temperature and humidity conditions, etc.). The employer is obliged to equip the workplace properly, but comfort is different from comfort. The degree of stool hardness, for example, is not standardized, but it affects our fatigue. Placing a table near the door to the room is less ergonomic than next to the window; working in a crowded, large room is more tiring than working in a room divided into zones by opaque partitions.
  • Depending on the time. There are so-called performance rhythms. There are daily, weekly and seasonal fluctuations.


At one company, the hour-long lunch break was rarely fully utilized. It’s just that the company’s office and canteen were located in the same building, and everyone had time to eat quickly.

Then lunch time was divided into two half-hour segments, giving workers the opportunity to rest twice during the day. In addition to lunch, there was also an afternoon snack: the cooks in the dining room baked wonderful buns, and the employees happily spent half an hour over a cup of tea.

The work only benefited from this.

As a rule, the daily maximum performance reaches 10 a.m. and remains quite high until noon. After 13 hours its level decreases noticeably; Usually at this time people have lunch and relax. After 2 p.m., we are again on the rise in energy, which reaches its evening peak by 5-6 p.m., and then gradually decreases. By 22 o'clock we return to the morning starting point. It is known that even the performance of the human heart at 13 and 21 hours is significantly reduced.

The weekly rhythm is as follows. Provided that you managed to have a good rest over the weekend, activity increases on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday-Thursday there is a slight decline; It’s not for nothing that there is office folklore that calls Wednesday “little Friday.” On Friday (or the day before the holiday), the body makes a “final push”, and in the last hours of the day experiences a decline.

The seasonal decline in performance occurs in winter, and the peak occurs at the end of summer and beginning of autumn.

What to do?

So, the least we can (and should!) do to improve the performance of employees is to provide normal, comfortable working conditions. We should not forget about the safety of the work process, labor protection and other legislative requirements for working conditions, which must be strictly observed.

Psychologists say that even the color of the walls affects performance. For example, light yellow contributes to the success of negotiations and stimulates mental activity. (By the way, rich yellow is said to provoke... greed, so don’t be surprised if employees in a trendy yellow office constantly ask questions about salary increases). I once happened to work in an office whose walls (an entire floor!) were painted bright pink. It was very difficult to work productively in these premises.

Psychological comfort in a team is no less important. Work is unlikely to go well without mutual respect, mutual assistance, and awareness of the opportunity to turn to colleagues for help.

Show interest in the personal circumstances of employees. If an employee has a sick relative or a small child, you should not demand full dedication from him, leave him overtime, or make him the only one responsible for an important project. It is better to insure such a person and allow him to be a little aloof from affairs until his personal problems are resolved.

It is necessary to constantly monitor conflict situations, no matter how insignificant they may seem. Conflicts take up too much time and lead to stress, and stress leads to fatigue. How effective is that!

For example, two people are forced to work at adjacent tables; one of them is used to listening to the radio during working hours (music helps him concentrate), while the other is enraged by it (he is disturbed by extraneous noise, listening to which he is distracted from his work and gets irritated). In this case, the performance of both will be low. The manager’s task is to notice and solve this problem in a timely manner, for example, by seating employees in different rooms or allowing a music lover to use headphones.

For effective work activity, comfort in the workplace is extremely important: its arrangement, sufficient space, normal temperature, proper lighting, acceptable noise level, etc.

The arsenal of means to improve labor efficiency includes receiving feedback, developing an attitude of trust and openness, maintaining corporate traditions, informing members of the work team about significant events, rewarding the best, maintaining informal connections, etc.

How to deal with periodic ebbs of enthusiasm? First, give employees the opportunity to take time off from work from time to time. No one can work continuously for long hours without compromising quality. Therefore, in addition to a full lunch break, it is a good idea to organize small breaks during the entire working time, and allow people to independently draw up a work plan for the day and not bother with petty control.

Secondly, correctly distribute responsibilities and organize the work process. For successful work, the absence of constant rush jobs and daily “changes of course” by management is very important. When assigning tasks, scheduling meetings, and scheduling other work activities, consider work rhythms. One cannot discount the individual characteristics of employees (for example, their belonging to the so-called “larks” and “night owls”: the latter are “asleep” at 10.00, and are full of strength and enthusiasm at 21.00).

Decent financial motivation is wonderful. However, even a lot of money does not compensate for “plowing for wear and tear” and does not guarantee long-term productivity of workers. If you want to harvest, the orchard must be groomed and cherished!

Work situation

I work as a HR manager in a manufacturing and trading company. I often notice the “dull eyes” of tired employees. Department heads often contact me about solving this problemi.

What determines the performance of staff, and how to improve it?


In addition to the well-known monotony, factors influencing performance include unfavorable working conditions, lack of understanding of the significance of work results, hostile relationships in the team that force a person to constantly be “on edge,” frequently changing tasks, short deadlines for completing work, rush jobs, etc.

If an employer is unlikely to be able to change the personal psychological characteristics of an individual employee, then he may well be able to influence all other causes of decreased performance.


Efficiency is not a constant value, it changes. The main reason for changes in performance is the work itself, with more or less prolonged performance of which the ability decreases. This decrease is usually called fatigue; it corresponds to the human condition known as fatigue. We are all very familiar with this condition and its usual manifestations: attention and working memory deteriorate, lethargy and absent-mindedness appear, speed, accuracy of perception and visual acuity decrease, the visual field decreases, the eye suffers, coordination of movements is upset, and reaction time increases.

If rest does not provide complete restoration of strength, fatigue accumulates and overwork occurs. At the same time, attention and memory suffer, lethargy, drowsiness and a desire to stop working appear. The performance of each person is based on physical and mental health, but there are also a number of factors that influence it.


Efficiency is a person’s ability to perform any work in accordance with given requirements.

Monotony of work is performing the same actions over a long period of time, which can cause a decrease in performance.

"Risk zones"

Subjective risks

The syndrome of decreased performance is known to everyone, because people generally tend to get tired. Let's try, however, to determine which categories of personnel are most susceptible to it.

First of all, these are production workers. Any organization of the production process always implies the same type of operations and, accordingly, the monotony of the work process.

Office workers (especially managers and executives) also quite often experience decreased performance. They usually call this condition “professional burnout.”

In addition to monotony (which also occurs in the everyday life of office workers), the reasons for this can be completely different: from incorrectly distributed areas of responsibility and job responsibilities to too long a time on the way to work and back...

Temporary risks

There are so-called performance rhythms. There are seasonal, daily and weekly fluctuations.

As a rule, by 10.00 the performance reaches the daily maximum and remains until noon. After 13.00 its level decreases quickly and usually falls below the morning start levels. At this time it is recommended to have lunch and rest. After 2 p.m., performance begins to increase again, although not as quickly as at the beginning of the day. By 17.00 - 18.00 it reaches the evening maximum, and then gradually decreases, reaching the morning reference point by 22.00. Even the performance of the human heart at 13.00 and 21.00 is significantly reduced.

As for weekly rhythms, everyone who works feels them. Starting from Monday (if you managed to have a good rest on the weekend), your productivity increases, on Wednesday there is a slight decline (it’s not for nothing that “office folklore” calls Wednesday “little Friday”), on the last day of the week there is a final burst of work and a clear decline in productivity in the last hours. Everyone is familiar with the feeling of slight fatigue experienced on Friday, Saturday and the days before the holidays, but in anticipation of rest, you want to do everything faster.

Of course, one cannot discount individual characteristics and habits (everyone knows the division of people into “larks” and “night owls”), but usually these are the rhythms of performance, and this should be kept in mind when distributing tasks, scheduling meetings and planning other work activities.

Actions of HR managers

There are no universal recipes or exhaustive lists of actions, but knowledge of some basic points allows you to increase the efficiency and, accordingly, the performance of company employees.

1. Strict adherence to normal working conditions. Nothing reduces a person’s performance more than poor working conditions. The arrangement of the workplace, sufficient space, temperature, lighting, noise level and other factors that provide the employee with a comfortable stay at the workplace are very important. We must not forget about the safety of work processes, labor protection and other legislative requirements for working conditions, which must be strictly observed.

To determine the degree of staff satisfaction with working conditions, you can conduct a survey. At the same time, the questionnaire should not be large and require a long time to fill out. Five to ten short questions aimed at identifying “pain points” in ensuring normal working conditions are enough.


Experts are sure that even the color of the walls in the office can affect the performance of employees. Thus, the yellow color, beloved by the majority, in large quantities can provoke the material side of work; employees will constantly ask questions about salary increases, but moderate yellow zones, on the contrary, contribute to the success of negotiations and stimulate mental activity.

2. Managing the organizational climate in the department. For productive work, any employee simply needs to be in a comfortable psychological environment. First of all, this concerns relationships in the team. Without recognition and mutual assistance, it is very difficult to maintain an effective work environment in the reporting department. HR specialists (and subsequently line managers) need to constantly monitor conflict situations, no matter how comical their causes may be.

A good method of identifying the real situation in a team is also a survey aimed at obtaining information about problems in this area.


Two people work at adjacent tables, one is used to listening to the radio during working hours (music helps him concentrate on business), the other is enraged (he is disturbed by constant extraneous noise, he listens, is distracted from his work, and irritation grows in him). The performance of both will not be high. The manager’s task is to notice and solve this problem in time by moving employees or allowing the music lover to use headphones. It would seem like a small thing, but it’s these little things that make up our life, including our work life.

3. Knowledge of the personal circumstances of the employees’ lives. If an employee has a relative or a small child at home who is sick, you should not demand from him full effort at work, detain him after work, or assign him sole responsibility for an important project. It is better to insure such an employee and allow him to somewhat reduce the intensity of his work before solving personal problems.

4. Organization of breaks at work. For any employee, it is important to be able to take a break from work at least for a while. No one can work continuously for long hours without compromising the quality of work. Providing employees with a full lunch break, micro-breaks during the rest of their working hours, and the ability to independently plan their working time in the absence of minute control also falls within the powers of the manager managing the department.

5. Monitoring the correct use of employee rest time. Each employee of the company must be provided with annual vacations and days off in accordance with the work schedule. Failure to provide vacation and work seven days a week is not only illegal, but also has a very negative impact on the productivity and efficiency of staff.

6. Organizing a competent distribution of responsibilities, the absence of constant rush jobs, and the inadmissibility of “daily change of course” are no less important for the successful work of almost any department.

Summing up

Maintaining employee performance is one of the main tasks of any manager. There are many tools for this: motivational schemes, providing employees with feedback from managers, forming trusting and open relationships, maintaining company traditions and rituals, informing staff about significant events, rewarding the best and mutual assistance, etc.

The main thing is to remember that it is the employees who turn management plans into real results, the quality and quantity of which depend on the performance of the staff.


Magazine: Personnel Management, Year: 2012, Issue: No. 2

  • Motivation, Incentives and Remuneration


1 -1

The main indicator of our work activity is our performance, those. a certain level of functional capabilities of the body, which characterizes the effectiveness of the work we perform over a certain period of time.

Since our performance depends on many factors, such as gender, age, physical and mental condition, mood, nutrition, knowledge, skills, and experience, in essence, we know how to manage many of the above. In general, you can learn to manage your performance.

And although performance is a variable value, which also depends on the influence of weather conditions, time of year and mood, scientists and researchers have found that if we better know the characteristics of our body and the conditions in which it works most effectively, then we will be able to manage our performance at different periods of time.

Stages of our performance

For what, you ask? Everything is very simple: knowing the time of the next period of fatigue, we can calculate everything in advance and prepare so that the work as a whole is completed within a certain time frame. It is useful to know interesting facts about several stages that characterize performance:

First stage: Working in - occurs in the first, and less often in the second hour of work.

Second stage: Sustainable performance - lasts for the next 2-3 hours of work.

Third stage: Fatigue - when performance decreases.

During the entire working day, these stages are repeated twice - before the lunch break and after it. The same can be observed during the work week: on Monday we sometimes have to work hard, Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday are marked by stable effective activity, and on Friday-Saturday we are faced with a period of fatigue (inhibition), on Sunday half of the day is spent preparing for first stage. I hope this is very familiar to those who work from Monday to Friday-Saturday.

It is important not to miss the stage of sustainable performance and learn how to optimally use the time that falls under this period.

There is a famous saying:

“He who gets up early, God gives him.”

I admit, being by nature definitely not a morning person, I had never understood the meaning of this proverb before. However, life constantly teaches its lessons, and we have to admit that using the early morning time can be very useful. Thus, switching to the language of scientists, we shorten the period of development and quickly bring our body into working condition.

Taking into account all the factors influencing human performance, British scientists determined the phases of the day and their main differences for the average type of person.

Interesting facts about human performance

From 6:00 to 7:00 is the “window” when long-term memory works best. All information received during this time period is easily absorbed.

From 8:00 to 9:00 is the most suitable time for any activity related to both memorization and analytics. It's all about the active work of logical thinking.

From 9:00 to 10:00 are the optimal hours for working with information and statistics.

From 11:00 to 12:00 – at this time the effectiveness of intellectual functions decreases. Therefore, you can switch your attention to something distracted. For example, listen to music.

From 11:00 to 14:00 is the best time for lunch. At these hours there is a peak, as they say in the East, of the “digestive fire”, when the food taken is digested and absorbed in the best possible way.

From 12:00 to 18:00 is the ideal time for active work. Working at later hours forces the brain to work harder. The first signs of such overstrain are difficulty falling asleep.

From 21:00 to 23:00 – the most complete rest of the mind and nervous system occurs.

From 23:00 to 1:00 – subtle energy is actively restored during sleep. In Chinese medicine it is called “qi”, Indian yogis call it “prana”, modern science calls it nerve and muscle strength.

From 1:00 to 3:00 – in a dream a person restores emotional energy.

From 3:00 to 6:00 – sleep, sleep and sleep again! Benefits health, mood and performance.

I suggest taking a ride on the performance roller coaster yourself and adjusting the daily phases in relation to your own person.

How long can you work? As much as necessary, but do not commit suicide. A worn-out and overly stressed body can fail at any time. It's important to know about this. Everyone knows the moments when overwork accumulates and loss of performance is inevitable. In this case, only a BREAK, sometimes a very long one, can help.

Drowsiness, lethargy, numbness of the muscles of the back or neck, headache, decreased concentration and memory impairment, deep exhaustion - all this and much more signals a persistent reluctance to even go to your favorite job and work at full capacity. These are clear signs of overwork, and dealing with it is similar to fighting weeds.

How to restore your performance?

And yet, there are many recipes for restoring sustainable performance. In any case, you probably use them:

  • Microbreaks
  • Short stops
  • Physical exercise
  • Sipping
  • Face and neck massage
  • Drink a mug of sweet tea
  • Eat chocolate
  • Wash with cold water
  • Change the type of activity, situation
  • Go to bed early today and get a good night's sleep
  • On weekends, prefer active recreation to active ones: swimming, skiing, running, sports games
  • Take a vacation and fly to the sea
  • Visit another country or another city for a change of impressions
  • Have a good time with friends
  • Reduce the load, take a time out

On the other hand, knowing about the features that affect our own activities, and about those recommendations that can prevent overwork, we will be able to manage our own performance, learn to multitask and increase the efficiency of our activities.

Moreover, the main recipe is simple: study your body and listen to it sensitively, understand the amplitude of its capabilities and develop your own work and rest regime. By replenishing wasted energy in time, we can increase efficiency, thereby remaining active, cheerful and full of strength to implement all plans, goals and desires, while experiencing emotional uplift, inspiration and enthusiasm.

Efficiency is the most important indicator of the influence of the organization of working conditions, professional qualities and adaptive qualities of an employee on the labor process. There are a large number of definitions of the concept of human performance.

In the psychological dictionary, performance is defined as the potential ability of an individual to perform appropriate activities at a given level of efficiency for a certain time. Large psychological dictionary / Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, V.P. Zinchenko. - M.: Olma-press, 2007 - P. 410.

B.P. Zagryadsky and A.S. Egorov believe that efficiency is the ability to perform specific activities within given time limits and efficiency parameters. See Noskova, O.G. Labor psychology / O.G. Noskova. - M.: Academy, 2011. - P. 229.

Efficiency is a state of a person, determined by the possibility of physiological and mental functions of the body, which are characterized by its ability to perform a specific amount of work of a given quality over a required period of time. Russian encyclopedia on labor protection: in 3 volumes. T. 2. - M.: Publishing House NC ENAS, 2007. - 407 p.

Efficiency is the ability of an individual to perform a certain amount of work over a certain period of time at a certain level of efficiency and active participation in the labor process. Prusova N.V. Psychology of work. Lecture notes / N.V. Prusova, G.Kh. Boronova. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - P. 60.

Thus, the concept of performance is considered as:

The ability to perform certain work at a certain level of quality and reliability, which is identical to the functional state of the body;

The ability to ensure a certain specified level of activity, work efficiency, which is identical to the concept of labor productivity;

The maximum capabilities of the body.

These requirements are generally met by the definition of working capacity as the value of the body's functional reserves, which, without compromising the state of health, can, provided there is a sufficient level of motivation, be implemented into the required amount of work of a given quality. Consequently, a person’s performance is determined by many physiological and psychological factors, as well as the degree of their compliance with the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the activity performed. Sysoev V.N. Diagnostics of performance / V.N. Sysoev. - St. Petersburg: IMATON, 2007. - 32 p.

The above distinction is important from a methodological point of view, because

If performance is understood as the employee’s potential, then to measure it it is necessary to use functional stress tests;

If we understand labor productivity by efficiency, then production indicators come to the fore.

Efficiency also refers to patterns of changes in the quality of activity and the functional state of an employee in the process of continuous work. Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended on June 28, 2014) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation dated January 7, 2002. - No. 1 (part 1). - St. 3.

At the same time, this concept must be distinguished from the concept of “work capacity”, which is understood mainly as a person’s ability to participate in work activities. The concept of “performance” should also be distinguished from the concept of “performance efficiency”, because performance is only one of the conditions of the latter (conditions of activity, organization of work, its mental hygiene, individual style, motivation, preparedness of the subject, and much more).

In general, performance is an integral characteristic, and not a property of individual functional systems, and is determined by a complex of professional, psychological and physiological qualities of the subject of labor (Fig. 1). / Bodrov V.A. Psychology of professional suitability. Textbook / V.A. Bodrov - M.. PERSE, 2007. - 845 p. P. 31.

Figure 1 - Structure of the concept of “performance of a subject of labor”

Experts offer several classifications of performance. Thus, potential and actual performance are distinguished, the level of which is always lower than the overall performance.

Potential performance is the potential, maximum possible performance when mobilizing all the body's reserves. Actual performance depends on the state of health and well-being of a person, as well as on the typological properties of the nervous system, individual characteristics of the functioning of mental processes (memory, thinking, attention, perception), on a person’s assessment of the importance and feasibility of mobilizing certain body resources to perform certain activities at a given level reliability and within a given time, subject to normal restoration of the body's expended resources.

In relation to the task being solved by the employee, maximum, optimal and reduced performance can be distinguished. During the activity, a change in the level of performance occurs, which is described using the corresponding “curve” (see Figure 2).

Based on volume, they distinguish between full and incomplete performance (limited, partial). Depending on the nature of the work that a person can perform, ability to work is distinguished: Tolochek V.A. Modern psychology of work: Textbook / V.A. Push. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 479 p. pp. 175-179.

1) general (ability to perform work under normal conditions),

2) professional (the ability to perform work in a certain specialty),

3) special (the ability to perform work in certain production or climatic conditions: underground, in high mountain areas, etc.).

Some researchers distinguish two more levels of performance: Shcherbatykh Yu.V. Psychology of labor and personnel management in diagrams and tables: reference manual / Yu.V. Shcherbatykh. - M.: KNORUS, 2011. - 248 p. P. 112.

a) actualized - actually existing at the moment;

b) reserve, which also consists of two parts: the smaller part is the trainable reserve, which can become part of the actual performance, and the larger part is the protective reserve, shown by a person only in extreme situations under stress.

There are also such types of performance as: physical and mental. A person’s physical performance is mainly determined by the activity of the muscular and nervous systems, and mental performance is determined by the neuropsychic sphere. Sometimes mental performance is also understood as the concept of mental performance. It represents a person’s ability to perceive and process information without causing breakdowns, and to maintain the abilities of your body in a certain mode. Both physical and mental performance deteriorates under the influence of both the external environment and changes in the internal state of a person. So, Yu.R. Bobkov and V.I. Vinogradov point out that in both types of performance there are many common points. In particular, when physical performance decreases, the corresponding groups of cells of the central nervous system suffer.

Some authors distinguish types of performance according to the nature of the predominant involvement of organs and analytical systems in the activity, assessed by drawing up a professionogram. For example, for the work of flaw detectors (workers whose work involves viewing a large number of parts), it is important for a long time to maintain the ability to visually distinguish and evaluate the elements of the parts being tested. Therefore, we talk about visual performance, which in this case entirely determines the effectiveness of performing a labor task.

Human performance depends on different conditions that coexist with each other and act together, having a complex impact on human performance.

The factors that determine changes in performance during work include the following:

Physical effort (moving loads, supporting heavy objects, pressing on objects of labor and controls);

Nervous tension (complexity of calculations, special requirements for the quality of work, difficulty in operating equipment, danger to life and health, special precision of work);

Rate of work (number of labor movements per unit of time);

Working position (position of the human body and its organs - comfortable, limited, uncomfortable, uncomfortable-cramped, very uncomfortable);

Monotony of work (multiple repetition of monotonous short-term operations, actions, cycles);

Temperature, humidity, thermal radiation in the work area;

Air pollution (presence of impurities in the air of the working area);

Industrial noise (presence, frequency, sound intensity);

Vibration, rotation, shocks;

Lighting in the work area.

Among the listed factors are:

firstly, those that are related to the content of the activity, which determine the expenditure of energy on the implementation of work actions;

secondly, those that are caused by external circumstances - the expenditure of energy to maintain the vital functions of the body and resistance to the negative influences of the external environment.

External factors also include: the amount and form of information presented to a person, the ergonomic characteristics of the working environment and working conditions in the workplace (ergonomics of the workplace, its illumination), and the organization of work.

Psychological reasons are those that lead to a decrease in performance due to the action of one of the following factors:

Lack of proper motivation for activity, a person’s interest in the type of activity in which performance decreases,

A person’s sufficiently strong preoccupation with something that distracts him from his main work,

An unfavorable emotional state of a person at a given moment in time, for example, apathy, boredom, indifference, etc.

Lack of faith in the success of the business, but due to a person’s lack of self-confidence, lack of hope for the success of the business in specific conditions.

The physiological reasons for decreased performance are as follows:

Fatigue, weakness of the nervous system, increased fatigue, general physical weakness of the body.

There are internal psychological factors that influence a person’s performance, these are: the level of individual psychological characteristics of a person, temperament, the magnitude of his reserve capabilities; professional training and experience; personal motivation, expression of needs, attitudes and motives.

The main performance characteristics are:

1) duration;

2) quality and efficiency, including accuracy, reliability and productivity.