Assessing the effectiveness of the press service’s work with documents. Assessing the effectiveness of PR and advertising services Methods for assessing PR services

  • 31.01.2024

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Table of contents

Introduction 3
Chapter 1. PR activities of the press service 5
1.1. Concept, structure and functions of the press service 5
1.2. The nature of interaction between the press service and the media 9
1.3. Criteria for the effectiveness of the press service 11
Chapter 2. Analysis of the activities of the press service from the point of view of its effectiveness using the example of the Ural Dumplings holding 19
1.1. Company profile 19
2.2. Analysis of the activities of the company's press service 20
2.3. Assessing the effectiveness of the company's press service 23
Conclusion 30
References 32
Applications 35
Appendix 1. Ural dumplings holding 35
Appendix 2. Organizational structure of the Ural Dumplings holding 36
Appendix 3. Structure of the marketing department of the Ural dumplings holding 37
Appendix 4. Sample survey questionnaire 38


On the one hand, today the lives of people are influenced by the efforts of public relations specialists. They have a large variety of technologies in their arsenal, not least of which is the organization of special events.
On the other hand, in the era of television, global telecommunications, the Internet, public opinion is formed to a large extent under the influence of what people read in the central, local, and specialized press. The press serves for the organization, firstly, as a channel for widely informing the public of the organization itself, and secondly, as a source of information necessary for decision-making. This necessitates the presence of a press service in the structure of any organization. Consequently, in order to skillfully influence public opinion using the media, it is necessary to clearly know what the functions and tasks of the press service are, what the directions of its activities are. This confirms the relevance of the topic under consideration.
The degree of knowledge of this topic of the course work is quite high. In almost every book on PR you can find a chapter on “Press Service”. Using the example of different press services, I tried to identify the general concept of press services, understand the most successful organizational aspects, and identify criteria for assessing the effectiveness of press services. I was helped in studying this by: books by various authors on PR, official websites of various organizations, PR portal RASO, almanac “Laboratory of Advertising, Marketing and PR”.
The object of research in the course work is the Ural Dumplings holding, and the subject is the activities of the press service of the Ural Dumplings holding.
The purpose of the course work is to analyze the effectiveness of the PR activities of the press service using the example of the Ural Dumplings holding company.
The stated goal determined the choice of research objectives:
1) analyze the concept, consider the structure and functions of the press service;
2) characterize the interaction between the press service and the media;
3) identify criteria for the effectiveness of the press service;
4) characterize the object of research - the Ural Dumplings holding;
5) analyze the activities of the press service of the Ural Dumplings holding;
6) assess the effectiveness of the press service of the holding company “Ural dumplings.
Research hypothesis: the lack of assessment of the effectiveness of the press service is a problem for the company.
Practical significance: the conclusions and recommendations obtained during our research can be used in the practical activities of the PR department / press service.
The following methods were used in the research process: content analysis, comparative analysis.
The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

Chapter 1. PR activities of the press service

1.1. Concept, structure and functions of the press service

The Great Russian Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concepts of press bureau and press center:
1) an information service organized during the period of conventions, congresses, sports competitions, etc. to assist journalists covering these events; the press service organizes press conferences, issues press releases, etc.;
2) permanent information bodies at the editorial offices of large newspapers, press agencies, telegraph agencies, etc.
At the same time, the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language contains the following interpretation of the word “press service” - “department for collecting and processing information based on press materials.” This definition echoes the definition given by Sam Black in his book “Public Relations”: “The press service is a group of people engaged in collecting information, storing, processing and distributing information.”
Thus, in the first definition, the main emphasis is shifted to assisting journalists, that is, to targeted work to bring any information to the media. Whereas in the second and third - on the collection and analysis of already held speeches in the media on one issue or another.
These definitions reflect different points of the same entity. The ideas contained in them do not contradict each other, but only demonstrate the ability of these structural units to perform a whole set of diverse functions.
The multifunctionality of press services, the dependence of the target areas of their activities on many factors, for example, such as the size and structure of the company itself, the specifics of the region in which the company operates, the characteristics of management, suggests that it is hardly possible to create an ideal model of the press service. service and the optimal list of its specific tasks.
In his work “Desktop Encyclopedia of Public Relations” A.V. Beketov and D.I. Ignatiev states that “the nature of the functions of the press service, its staffing and the budget for its content, as well as, to a large extent, the effectiveness of its work” largely depend on what approach to its construction will be chosen. Based on a study of the activities of press services of various organizations, the authors identified three such approaches, each of which determines the place of service in the overall structure of the company, its role in managing the life of the organization and the degree of independence of the company in carrying out its information activities.
Within the first approach, the press service is considered as one of the key mechanisms for managing the activities of the organization and its development. In this case, the press service acts as a “system-forming element”, is directly subordinate to the company’s management and has broad powers to use the organization’s resources.
When using the second approach, the press service is assigned the role of an “intermediate link” between the company and external subjects of information activities. The tasks of the service are limited to the list formulated by management and, as a rule, are limited to monitoring the media, holding events and interacting with the media.
The third approach involves the use of outsourcing tools, that is, entrusting a number of functions to third parties. In this case, there is no need for an own press service, or the main purpose of its activities becomes the coordination of the work of contractors.
Within each of the presented approaches, the authors of the work also propose their own logic for constructing the organizational structure of a company or organization.
This or that approach to determining the place of the PR department in the structure of the organization directly determines its number. Developing this topic, F. Jefkins and D. Yadin, authors of the book “Public Relations,” cite a number of factors that also influence the size of the PR department:
- size of the organization;
- the company’s need for effective PR and the importance attached to PR by its management;
- special requirements that the organization sets for PR.
Depending on the combination of these factors, the public relations department may consist of only a PR manager and a secretary, but it may also have a larger number and include assistant managers, such as a press attaché, editor of an in-house publication, print designer, photographer, etc. . A possible structure of the PR department of a large company is shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1. Structure of the PR department of a large company
Vadim Demin and Tatyana Pak, authors of the book “Organization of the work of press services - international standards,” share the point of view of F. Jeffkins and D. Yadin, saying that there are many options for the composition of the PR department, however, specifying their position, they argue, that often during ongoing work, that is, when there are no major events, a public relations specialist and his assistant are sufficient to carry out the organization’s PR activities. When holding public events and promotions, it is necessary to form a press center with the involvement of PR specialists from primary or regional organizations. They should be considered as potential employees of the PR department and constantly maintain contact with them - they should be informed about important events, new programs, professional seminars and master classes.
Press relations departments, regardless of what they are called (press service, press bureau, press center, press secretary), perform a number of tasks. These include:
- creation and implementation of the company’s information policy strategy;
- formation of public opinion with the help of the media in accordance with the company’s information policy strategy;
- interaction with Russian and foreign media in order to provide complete and objective coverage of the company’s activities;
- interaction and development of contacts with the press services of state executive authorities and local governments, partner companies, firms operating in the same market as the company;
- analysis of trends and conditions for the development of specialized media;
- studying media materials in order to determine their positions and prepare reviews of these materials, analytics and references for the company’s management.
Unfortunately, public relations and press relations are often referred to by the same abbreviation PR, sometimes causing confusion. This problem does not exist in the United States, where the term “mass media relations” is more commonly used. But in Russia, confusion extends not only to names, but also directly to the specifics of activities. Very often, the functions of a PR specialist and a press secretary are identical.
Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the main functions of the press service. These include:
- drawing up work plans for the implementation of the company’s information policy strategy;
- preparation of statements and messages for the media, briefings and press conferences;
- prompt dissemination of official messages in the media;
- maintaining the company’s official website, supporting interactive services, information correspondence with site visitors;
- control over mentions of the company and management in Internet sources, media and informal communication resources;
- maintaining working contacts with chief editors of the media, television and radio executives...

Before we start discussing evaluation criteria and performance indicators of a PR specialist, let’s define what he actually does. A PR person in Russia most often informs media platforms, and through them, the target audience (read consumers) about the company’s products and services and about the company itself. Increasing awareness increases sales in the long run. It is quite obvious that it is very problematic to sell something if no one has ever heard of the company.

Vladislav Isaev

head of the press service and press secretary of the Finam company

– The simplest method for assessing the work of PR specialists is mediametrics, that is, assessing the quantity and quality of mentions of a company and its speakers in the media and changes in these indicators over time. As a rule, special attention is paid to publications in the media that reach the company’s target audience.

To facilitate such control, there are currently a lot of domestic and foreign products that allow monitoring the media space quickly and with the required degree of thoroughness.

Of course, the necessary information can be obtained using an advanced search based on the Yandex and Google search engines, but it is much more effective to use professional systems - libraries that provide access to full-text publications from hundreds of publications and resources simultaneously, if we talk specifically about media space monitoring tools .

Such databases automatically collect and store information on a variety of media in Russia and the world. True, access for permanent work in such systems is paid. The most popular libraries that provide access to electronic media databases in the Russian and foreign markets are Integrum, Faktiva, Medialogy, Public Library, Lexis Nexis.

Some of them allow you to automatically perform not only quantitative, but also qualitative analysis, assessing the significance of publications in certain media, the tone of publications (positive, neutral, negative), the volume and position of publications in the layout.

Another Thirst expert, Ekaterina Pushkarskaya, a PR manager with 18 years of experience, a marketing auditor and copywriter, the head of a number of PR projects in different regions of the country, a teacher at the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at Altai State Technical University, also speaks about quantitative assessment. Polzunova, public relations specialist at AKUNB named after. V.Ya. Shishkova.

Ekaterina Pushkarskaya

Lecturer at the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at Altai State Technical University. Polzunova, public relations specialist at AKUNB named after. V.Ya. Shishkova

– Let’s say, if a business owner wants to start by somehow entering the information field and entering as positively and with perspective as possible, then the plan could be as follows: some kind of PR campaign is being developed (as an action or as a promotion campaign through the media or networks , or other sites) is implemented and its results are measured and compared with the starting point. For example, in January no one wrote about us, in February - 6 publications with 100 views, in March - 100 publications with a million views, and so on.

Quantity to quality

Vladislav Isaev: “The effectiveness of the press service can be assessed by receiving feedback from clients, which can be carried out on a regular basis or at the time the client contacts the company - and this is an important indicator. The main task in this case is to find out where the client learned about the company, whether he had to see its mentions in the media, what their nature was, and whether this information influenced the decision to become a client. For large companies whose activities affect a wide range of the population, it is permissible to use opinion polls that determine the level of public awareness about the company and attitude towards its activities.”

Ekaterina Pushkarskaya: “In addition to the scope of communication, its quality is also very important. In all respects - from the presence of comments and their tone to the actions that the activity led to: sales, increased traffic to the site, calls, etc. This parameter is also clearly visible in the activity of users on the company’s website (the depth and time changes, the core is growing), in public pages (in terms of coverage, response to motivating posts and shares-likes). The receptivity of the media is also an indicator of the quality of work, although a very conditional one. At first they ignore the company, then, so be it, they put a press release in the issue or news feed, then they do it willingly, and also invite them to be an expert in the material, and so on.”

Two more important criteria that both interlocutors of “Thirst” mentioned were “working through” crisis situations that happen to everyone. “It’s quite easy to assess how quickly and efficiently the PR service handled a negative news story, and whether it was able to minimize its impact on the company’s reputation,” says Mr. Isaev. “And of course, the company’s recognition,” Ms. Pushkarskaya summarizes, “it can be measured in the field with the help of sociologists. If there is a positive dynamic, then the PR specialist is great!”

Counting money

Ekaterina Pushkarskaya: “Although this is wrong in the case of PR, everything, one way or another, comes down to sales: material or not. Either a PR person can “sell” their topic to the public, the media and social media, or they can’t. His activity increases attendance at events - or not. Sales of real goods are growing, the number of repeat purchases (that is, loyalty) is growing or not. Of course, we remember that PR is a strategic thing and we don’t expect immediate results, just as we remember that the final result of a campaign or period is the sum of the achievements of not only the PR specialist, but also the customer service department, marketer and other specialists influencing sales. One way or another, PR must be profitable, no matter how experts view it. And here it is important to evaluate for yourself another CPC parameter – the cost of contact with the target audience.”

CPC (cost per contact), the cost of a contact is a marketing indicator that reflects the effectiveness of investing in making one high-quality contact with a representative of the target audience as part of a promotion event. In marketing practice, it is generally accepted that this figure should not exceed 5% of a one-time purchase.

Ekaterina Pushkarskaya: “The essence of this marketing indicator can be explained with a simple example: if events developed by a specialist or public relations department cost the business owner 100 thousand rubles, but the company sold goods or services, for example, only for 200 thousand - this is bad . The cost of contact is appallingly high. But if the promotion cost 10 thousand rubles, reached 100 thousand people and brought the client 200 thousand - this is a good indicator. Based on the channels and resources involved, as well as the measurable response, everything can be calculated quite accurately. Of course, such calculations are no longer public relations in its pure form, but rather marketing and economics, but a PR specialist must learn to keep such factors in mind if he wants to achieve something in the profession.”

Ekaterina Pushkarskaya notes that PR activities and their methods should be promptly adjusted if necessary. “A specialist and a manager should always consider the main indicators and look for various methods to improve work efficiency, and mercilessly get rid of unpromising ones,” says the expert.

Experts agree that assessing the work of a company’s PR department is still a sore subject in the Russian business segment. Primarily due to the fact that the owners do not understand the functions of specialists well enough, they confuse them with advertising and marketing, which “PR” is not. The result is incomprehensible and impossible goals, zero efficiency and rejection of the tool as such.

Ekaterina Pushkarskaya: “A competent specialist will help the business owner formulate goals and objectives and, after assessing the market and internal situation, offer options for achieving them. Any activity should be measured only after the task is clearly formulated and has a time frame. Fortunately, there are practically no owners left who would hire a PR specialist “just to make things happen.” Almost everyone has learned to count money, which means that the level of competence (understanding of what they want from a public relations specialist) has also increased.”

1 Principles of performance assessmentPR-department

2 Methods for assessing effectiveness

3 Evaluating the effectiveness of individual PR tools

4 PR-audit

The results of the activities of the PR department in an organization create an information field for its development, influence public opinion and contribute to the formation of its reputation. One of the features of PR activities of modern companies is the difficulty of assessing its effectiveness and efficiency, both from an economic point of view and from an informational, social and image point of view.

The question of assessing the effectiveness of the PR department arises if the funds invested in PR seem disproportionately high compared to the results from the PR events carried out. Evaluating effectiveness is also necessary to confirm the choice of certain tools for implementing a communication program.

Regardless of the specific practical context, the topic of the effectiveness of PR events naturally raises the question of the criteria for its measurement. Today, in the market of professional PR services, proposals are being formed to evaluate the effectiveness of communication programs and strategies both at the planning stage and at the stage of implementation and summing up. In fact, a new area of ​​activity is emerging related to the implementation of communication audits.

1 Principles for assessing the effectiveness of the PR department

There are a number of basic principles, deviation from which can significantly complicate the performance assessment process:

    The goals of PR activities must correspond to the business goals of the company. The goals of any PR event should, at a minimum, not contradict the overall goals of the organization at this stage of development. In general, it is necessary that the work of the PR department corresponds to the company’s strategic priorities in the field of relations with target groups and the public in the broadest sense;

    PR activities should be assessed in PR terms. However, quite often there are attempts to evaluate the results of PR activities as a percentage of turnover, profit or growth in the number of customer requests;

    Methods for assessing effectiveness are varied. There is no one reliable and uniquely correct tool for assessing the effectiveness of an organization's PR activities. There are quite a few tools for assessing the effectiveness of PR activity, both qualitative (content analysis, expert surveys, focus groups, etc.) and quantitative (telephone/on-line surveys, mass public surveys, etc.).

Thus, areas of PR activity cannot be assessed using the same methods. To achieve this, there are two main types of PR results/PR consequences:

Measurable intermediate PR results, which are usually short-term and superficial (for example, the amount of media used or the effectiveness of disseminating a particular message in society);

PR consequences (key outcomes), which usually have a strong impact and significant consequences in the future (for example, determining the extent to which the program has changed the level of attitude, understanding, consciousness and possible behavior).

Planning a PR event makes it possible to evaluate effectiveness. Evaluating effectiveness is always a comparison of achieved results with planned ones, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine the strategic goal and tactical objectives of the ongoing PR activities. In this case, it is desirable to define the goal in terms and concepts that can later be used as criteria for assessing effectiveness. For example, you can set a goal to include bank experts among the most relevant financial news commentators for the media. In this case, the criteria will be an increase in the number of quoted speeches by bank experts, an increase in the number of requests to the press service, etc. Such indicators can be clearly measured.

Assessing the effectiveness of a PR campaign is always directly related to its planning, since this allows you to formulate the expected result already at the preparation stage of any PR activity. And conflicts associated with misunderstanding and opacity of results achieved with the help of PR tools are the result of the lack of initially set tasks and the ability to compare one’s own actions with any benchmarks. Practice shows that it is in the interests of a PR consultant not to hush up the situation, expecting that the client’s assessment of the work will be based on subjective satisfaction, but at the very beginning of the project to discuss how the results of PR activities will be measured.

Performance measurement is not performance evaluation. It is necessary to distinguish between these concepts. Both are based on having a workable PR strategy and dividing the results of PR activities into short-term and long-term. If we mean a single event, the purpose of which is local and not tied to the strategic communication priorities of the company, then it is possible to measure the effectiveness of the work performed. As a rule, this opportunity is provided immediately after the PR event.

However, if we are talking about systematic work on creating and managing reputation, then there is a need to conduct significant research devoted to assessing the effects achieved as a result of PR activities.

The effectiveness assessment should not exceed the cost of the PR campaign itself. This thesis is directly related to the timing of the implementation of the PR program: if an organization is aimed at long-term work to build an image and reputation, then it is imperative to collect empirical data in order to verify the correctness of the chosen direction and demonstrate the results. As a rule, in such campaigns, performance evaluation becomes a periodic project that requires no less resources than ongoing PR activities. For these reasons, the task of communication audit can be outsourced (writing custom programs for other companies).

Criteria for evaluating works for the fuel and energy complex media competition (evaluated by experts and jury members) using a 10-point system:

1. Number of publications

2. Quality of publications (accuracy of wording, figures, facts)

3. Professional approach (degree of analyticality)

4. Depth of study of the topic (objectivity, presence of different points of view)

5. Presence of errors and inaccuracies

6. Quality of information sources used

7. Literary excellence

8. Journalist activity

Criteria for evaluating press services (assessed by journalists) using a 10-point system:

1. Availability of information (openness of press services)

2. Responsiveness

3. Quality of information provided

4. Number of press releases

5. Quality of communication

6. Level of perception of the company (in dynamics, assessed by Medialogy - IIB)

7. Level of perception of the company’s top person (over time, assessed by Medialogy - IIB)

Criteria for evaluating special projects in the field of public relations development in the fuel and energy sector

The best PR projects of fuel and energy companies in the field of international activities, research and analysis, economics, development of corporate culture, reputation management, ideology, culture, social problems, information support for socially significant events in the fuel and energy complex are awarded.

Applicants must demonstrate broad proficiency in communication management - planning and management skills.

Main criteria for evaluating projects using a 10-point system

Originality of the concept and implementation of the project

Having a strategic approach to project planning

Difficulty level of project goals

Project efficiency

Compliance of the results with the set objectives, scale, including the presence of qualitative changes in the declared audiences

Significance of the project for the country

There are three stages for competition participants:

the first is a technical examination of the design of the project in accordance with the recommendations;

the second is the assessment of content in accordance with the criteria;

the third is an open presentation of the project (for the 10 best according to the results of the competition).

The final decision on awarding the title of laureate of the ConTEKst Competition is made by the Jury after the completion of open presentations.

The success of the project presentation is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • reflection in the presentation of the essence of the project - issues, strategy, results;
  • Presentation of the material (clarity of concept, logic, oratory);
  • Visual execution of the presentation;
  • Mastery of communication with the audience;
  • Content of answers to questions;
  • Compliance with the regulations (no more than 20 minutes, including answering questions).

Evaluation criteria for independent experts of the fuel and energy complex (according to a 10-point system):

1. Number of mentions in the media,

2. Number of comments on the issues of the fuel and energy complex,

3. Accuracy of wording, figures, facts in comments,

4. Professionalism and depth of elaboration of the topic in the comments,

5. The significance of the topics being commented on,

6. Degree of involvement in solving the problem,

7. Objectivity,

8. Analyticity,

9. Subsequent resonance.