How many words on one page a4. The information volume of the text and units of measurement of information. Information volume of the text

  • 10.04.2020

Information volume of text and units of measurement of information

A modern computer can process numerical, textual, graphic, sound and video information. All these types of information in a computer are presented in binary code, that is, only two symbols 0 and 1 are used. This is due to the fact that it is convenient to represent information in the form of a sequence of electrical impulses: there is no impulse (0), there is an impulse (1).

Such coding is usually called binary, and the logical sequences of zeros and ones themselves are called machine language.

How long does a binary code need to be in order to be able to encode your computer keyboard characters?

In this way, the informational weight of one character of a sufficient alphabet is 1 byte.

To measure large information volumes, larger units of information are used:

Units for measuring the amount of information:

1 byte = 8 bits

1 kilobyte = 1 KB = 1024 bytes

1 megabyte = 1 MB = 1024 KB

1 gigabyte = 1 GB = 1024 GB

Information volume of the text

1. Number of characters in the book:

60 * 40 * 150 = 360,000 characters.

2. Because 1 character weighs 1 byte, the information volume of the book is

360,000 bytes.

3. Convert bytes to larger units:

360,000 / 1024 = 351.56 KB

351.56 / 1024 = 0.34 MB

Answer: The information volume of the text is 0.34 Mb.

A task:

The information volume of the text prepared with the help of a computer is 3.5 Kb. How many characters does this text contain?

1. Let's convert the volume from MB to bytes:

3.5 MB * 1024 = 3584 KB

3584 KB * 1024 = 3,670,016 bytes

2. Because 1 character weighs 1 byte, the number of characters in the text is

The tool counts the number of characters, characters and words in the online text. Characters can be counted both in plain text and with HTML tags. The results display the number of characters with spaces, without spaces, and the number of words. The tool also contains a very handy text cost calculation feature.

Number of characters online

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  • Characters
    • Total characters:
    • Characters without spaces (zbp):
    • Number of words:
    • Punctuation marks:
  • Additional properties
    • Initial text size:
    • Number of spaces:
    • Extra spaces:
    • String translations:
  • Content Cost Calculation
    • Price:
    • 0.00 RUB (0 characters)
    • Price:
    • 0.00 RUB (0 characters without spaces)

Below are descriptions of all fields and values ​​that are used when counting characters and characters in text. It also specifies how each such value is calculated.

Total characters

All characters in the text are counted. Everything is taken into account and considered - letters, numbers, punctuation marks, as well as spaces. Displays the total number of characters in the text.

Number of characters without spaces (zbp)

All characters and characters in the text are counted, with the exception of only spaces. All spaces are excluded from the count and do not count in this result. This value is very often used when calculating or specifying the cost of articles for 1000 characters without spaces (zbp).

Number of words

All found words in the text are counted and displayed.

Punctuation marks

Punctuation marks are counted separately. The count is made by the most common punctuation marks. , : ; ! ? … , slash \ | / ⁄ , brackets () () ⟨⟩ , dashes - ‒ – - ― , quotes " " ` „ “ “ ” “ ” ‘ ’ .

Below is a description of all additional text properties, such as the original size of the text, how many spaces in the text, and extra spaces. It is told how all these values ​​are calculated.

Initial text size

The original text size contains the length of the raw text, which may contain service characters such as "tab", "line feed", "carriage return" and other characters that should not be counted in the text count. Web browsers do not display such characters, they are not visible on the site page.

Number of spaces

Counting all spaces in the text, the number of all found spaces is summed up and the resulting value is displayed in this field.

extra spaces

Extra spaces are doubled spaces, standing one after another, the number of which can be two or more. All such spaces are considered superfluous, they should not be present in the text. Extra spaces also include spaces that are present before or after a paragraph, as well as on empty lines.

Read HTML tags

Additional option. By default, if the text contains HTML tags, then they are ignored and not taken into account when counting the text, thus counting the characters of pure text, without HTML tags. This option is very useful, use it if you need to count text including html markup.

Content Cost Calculation

This feature will be interesting and useful to many journalists, copywriters and rewriters who write articles and texts to order. This function allows you to calculate the cost of the text, specify the cost per 1000 characters and enter the currency. The data is automatically calculated and immediately displayed, which allows you to instantly see the sum of the cost of the entire text or article.

Do punctuation marks count when counting characters?

Yes, they count. Periods, commas, dashes, exclamation marks, question marks and other marks are counted when counting characters in the text. Suppose you need add site to directory having come up with a title that is only 80 characters long, and if punctuation marks are present in this title, they will also be considered characters. The space also applies to punctuation marks and is also considered.

Copywriters in most cases indicate the cost of the text for the number of characters without spaces (zbp) in favor of the customer, but all other characters are considered and taken into account. The remaining characters are not excluded because their number has little effect on the final cost of the text.

Standard page of text call the page on which the text of 1800 characters (characters with spaces) is placed. The standard page is used when calculating the amount of text for translation and determining the cost of translation and the timing of the work.

One standard page in Chinese (obtained by translating 1800 characters from Russian) contains from 220 to 450 Chinese characters. For artistic, financial and legal documents, the number of characters per page is 10-15% more, since there are more numbers in the text. You can see the volume of 3 standard pages. The translation into Russian turned out to be 6040 characters, which corresponds to 3.3 standard pages (text increase by 10%).

The ratios are calculated by averaging the calculations of the volume of 3 typical texts for each language: technical translation, contract (legal topics) and medical text.

The number of words on a standard page is 1800 characters for different languages:

You can get more detailed information about the volume of the text and the method of calculating the cost of translation from the manager of the translation agency by sending the document by e-mail.

Today dear edition will tell, how to evaluate your imperishable creations, as well as calculate the cost of translation. Texts, as well as translations, in freelance do not consist of words or even letters, but from signs.

In a standard A4 page, written in 12-14 font, there are approximately 1800 characters. The cost of copywriting (selling texts) is usually calculated per 1000 characters with or without spaces. Dear editors always consider their texts with spaces, because, you know, “not” together or “not” separately is also a space, but if it don't put, in some cases it will be simply illiterate. However, many customers think differently, so I always recommend clarifying this point in advance.

A sad picture about the everyday life of freelancers who incorrectly evaluate the cost of their work from here

Translations are even more fun. Traditionally, translators, as well as translation agencies, calculate the cost of translation at the rate of 1800 characters with spaces, that is, for a standard A4 page. But since I'm not very good with mathematics, I'm used to counting copywriting as 1000 characters, so I count translations as 1000. But always for 1000 characters of the translation text with spaces.

Let me explain: the translation text in Russian differs from the original text in English by about 20-25 percent. Here is such a verbose our great and mighty. And, for example, the difference between Chinese and Russian can reach 100%! Hieroglyphs because. One hieroglyph = 4-5 characters in Russian. So if, due to inexperience, knowing Chinese, but not knowing the rates for translation, you calculated the cost of your services for the customer according to the characters of the original, you have lost from 3 to 4 payments for your labor. And this is a lot.

So it's up to you, of course, but you don't want to work for free either, right, darling?

1. Right-click on the file - Properties - Details - Number of characters with spaces (or without spaces, if you want to give them to the customer). But in a poppy, for example, this method does not work, as far as I can see, moreover, it does not always work in Windows:

2. Therefore, two more ways that always work:

Directly in the document - in the center, at the bottom, click on "Words:"
, and you will see the number of characters with and without spaces;

3. in Word - again in open document- top menu - File - Properties - Statistics, inside you can find detailed statistics on the document, including the number of characters:

Now about the cost of services. I know many people are interested in this moment. Friends, what can I say, the cost of 1000 characters of text depends on many factors - the availability and completeness of your portfolio, your experience, style, professional skills of a copywriter, feedback from your customers, demand as an author, complexity of the topic.

Rewriting is cheaper if you do it, copywriting is more expensive, the most expensive will be. What can I advise? Do not write for bread, write for money, friends!

1000 characters of text is half an hour of work (assuming you type), respectively, the page takes about an hour, with a check for uniqueness, a creative title and double-checking for possible errors. But a copywriter will not write more than 4 hours a day of high-quality texts. Consciousness will be clouded. So consider how much an hour of your work should cost.

Beginners can go here: and never write cheaper. And in general, I would advise adding at least 30-40 percent from above, because the price list at the link contains minimum price tags. Dumping is evil, there is no need to destroy the market with your own hands, especially since an adequate customer is unlikely to turn to those people who agree to work for a pie, knowing the "quality" of such cheap "texts".

As for the prices for translations - everything is sad here Often, translators themselves underestimate their work in order to be in the market. I don't do this for a number of reasons. If you are a good translator, over time you will have regular customers who will appreciate the quality and professionalism, and you can raise prices. But in practice, a freelancer translates 30-40 percent cheaper than a translation agency does.

Although translation agencies often recruit translators among freelancers, fortunately, you do not need to sit in the office to translate. How and by how much to count - again, it's up to you. A professional translator translates 1500-1800 characters per hour, the same standard page; it is believed that 10,000 characters a day is the norm. Well I do not know. I get tired, and so that the quality does not suffer, I try not to translate more than 5000-6000 characters a day.

So draw conclusions, consider, work. And may constant, adequate customers be with you, the fuse and inspiration, and, no less important, the adequate cost of your services.

Next time I'll tell you how to count the number of characters in a format file JPG and perhaps freelance translator tools that make his/her life much easier. I will be glad to your suggestions on new topics for the rubric.

Feedback - it always inspires, my friends.