How second hand buys goods. Own business: how to open "Second-hand". What documents are needed to open a "Second Hand"? Is it profitable to open a second-hand store in Russia

  • 25.11.2020

Few enterprises are able to survive the crisis in the economy, so now it is risky to open a new business. People have less money, they can afford less and try to save money “under the pillow”. But some business areas are gaining popularity, for example, second-hand trade. People always need clothes.

Do you want to start your second hand business but don't know where to start? Of course, you can simply lay out tables with clothes in a passable place, sell goods and give about 10% to the local director of the market. But you will spend more time and nerves on daily delivery, display of goods + you can forget about pensions and defending your rights in court. For example, if your product is stolen or burned.

Official work provides an opportunity to receive retirement experience, create jobs, raise the economy of the region and the country as a whole. You will be able to create your own brand and expand the network to several cities in the future.

In this article, you will receive step-by-step instructions from the emergence of an idea and discovery to profit automation. As a bonus, we will tell you about all the pitfalls that may come your way.

  • Starting investments: from 200 thousand rubles.
  • Projected net profit / month: from 60 thousand rubles.
  • Payback: 3.5 months
  • Number of employees: from 2 people.
  • Competition: low

The prospect of second-hand stores in Russia

How less people receives, the more his budget for clothes decreases. But the saying “We are not so rich to wear cheap things” has not been canceled - shoes for 400 rubles will wear out on the day of purchase. People want to wear quality clothes, but not for the money that offers modern market clothes. Therefore, they choose second-hand - excellent quality for a reasonable price.

There are economy-class stores that are scary to go into - with dirty floors, things and hangers. But in the absence of such elements and with the right promotion outlet, the store will make a profit and collect huge queues of customers. Key marketing message to be conveyed target audience- the quality of fabric and tailoring, the possibility of long-term wear, the preservation of its appearance after many washing cycles. Used clothes clearly show how they are preserved and how they will be worn in the future.

Remember! Most of the visitors are women (they buy clothes for themselves, relatives, friends) and schoolchildren/students (in pursuit of fashion brands). Take this into account when forming the assortment and interior design.

You can calculate the potential profit using a business plan. Best of all, it will be compiled by specialists - employees of a consulting company. Most often, a business plan is needed when not start-up capital and you need to use the money of investors or a bank loan.

Business mission- regular supply of high-quality clothing to the population low prices. The coverage of this mission on banners and in the media attracts the following categories of the population: schoolchildren, students, pensioners, young families, poor and middle-income people, large families, men and women with a non-standard figure.

Promising second-hand stores are opening near educational institutions, dormitories, grocery stores. It has been proven that this business brings more profit than the business of selling new things.

Financial plan

Costs for starting a business (in rubles):

  • Organizational - 5000;
  • For rent - from 5000;
  • For wages - from 40,000;
  • For the purchase - from 100,000;
  • For advertising - 10,000;
  • For stands — 35,000;
  • Others - 5000.

Thus, the approximate cost of starting a second-hand business will be 200 thousand rubles.

Types of clothes in second-hand stores

What kind of clothes are found in second-hand:

Elite class- ADIDAS, Hollister, Stone Island and others, that is, things from popular and expensive brands. Where else can you find cheap branded clothes? Interestingly, expensive stores do not disdain such a supplier as wholesale second-hand.

Economy class- used clothes that can be found in most stores in this area. Suppliers call this type of clothing "sorting" - things are pressed into large bales and sold by weight. You can choose among the following categories: type, wear, season, gender, etc.

The owners of successful stores make purchases of second-hand clothes at average prices, diluting their assortment with branded items.

Miniature business plan

What an entrepreneur will need to get started:

  • Place area of ​​about 40 square meters;
  • Goods (10-12 kg per square meter);
  • Several vendors that offer free shipping;
  • Money to cover the rent utility bills and salary (for 3 months).

The business will be profitable if the profit from trading covers the costs of rent, payment of utility bills, purchase of goods and taxes.

Possible risks:

  • Poor quality of things if the purchase occurs without a review of the contents;
  • Sanctions on the import of second-hand goods from abroad;
  • Poorly conceived price policy;
  • The growth of the average income of the population.

Step 1: Analyze the demand for future activities

First, enter the search query "population in the city N", where "N" is the locality in which your store will be located. If the number of people in the city and surrounding villages is about 10 thousand, you can safely start. Otherwise, think about another kind of activity.

Step 2: We are looking for suppliers, find out the terms of cooperation

You can find a wholesale supplier of second hand through search engines or in the database of taxpayers by type of activity. A prerequisite for cooperation is the ability to view things before buying them. It is clear that no one will allow you to take a few things from a 12-kilogram bale, but this will allow you to evaluate their quality.

Signs of a reliable supplier:

  • Official registration in the unified database of taxpayers;
  • Long time working in this field;
  • The ability to view the product before buying;
  • Free shipping;
  • Sale "from one bag" (not necessary, but nice).

Some suppliers offer to buy back "non-liquid" - a product that is not sold for a certain time. The price will be much lower than the purchase price, but there is no need to think about its removal or destruction. This is written in the contract. You can also sell leftovers to factories - they need rags to wipe equipment.

If providers do not provide the following documents, cooperation with them is impossible:

  • second hand processing certificates;
  • Invoices with a signature and a seal (or the inscription "without a seal" if it is not there);
  • Certificate of sanitary examination.

Step 3: Looking for a "fish" place

The better the place for trade is chosen, the more visitors you can count on. A good place for a second-hand shop - not far from potential consumers. Close to schools, grocery stores, residential areas.

“Nearby” does not mean directly next to another store. This means - the path of the buyer's movement to another store. For example, placing a second-hand door-to-door with a grocery store is prohibited by sanitation regulations.

Look for a well-ventilated building for rent, with an area of ​​40 square meters. If a shopping room poorly lit by a natural light source - you will have to install additional lighting. The rented premises must be divided into a staff room, a mini-warehouse, a cash register and a trading floor. Nearby there should be a toilet and a washbasin.

Place is one of the three pillars on which your business will stand. 30% of success depends on the right place, so it is better to wait with the discovery until it is found.

Once you've found the perfect spot, speed up the next steps.

Step 4: Registering an Entrepreneur

The second-hand trade is not a business where official registration is allowed after the promotion of the store. On the first day after the opening, the local authorities will be 100% interested in you. Therefore, you collect a package of chocolate and alcohol products and go to the tax office. You need to find out from tax agents about the following points:

  • KVED for conducting activities;
  • Preferred form and taxes;
  • Availability of local fees for your region.

In Russia, individual entrepreneurs pay tax - 6% of turnover. If the business owner has documents confirming the expenses for the purchase and delivery of goods from suppliers, he can change the taxation system to a more profitable one (15% of net profit).

Conducting business as individual entrepreneur has a big drawback - he bears responsibility for debts with his own property. Naturally, people try to circumvent this disadvantage by registering real estate for relatives.

Doing business as an LLC is safer for the owner - his liability in this case is limited only to the property of the company. But at the same time, the opportunity to freely dispose of the money in the account is lost - first you need to pay taxes. This minus is also bypassed, at the same time creating an individual entrepreneur and concluding an agreement on pivotal financial assistance for the required amount.

To open an official store, you need to collect a package of documents and permits:

  • Certificate of Conduct entrepreneurial activity;
  • Document on tax registration;
  • Trade Permit;
  • Permission to trade in this area;
  • Lease contract;
  • cash documents;
  • Journal of income and expenses (sold in a printing house or stationery store) - various options are available to simplify and general taxation system.

All documents from the list above can be obtained from local authorities or bought in a store. Some documents for doing business can only be obtained from suppliers, but this was written above in the text.

Step 5: Equip the trading floor

While the documents are undergoing state verification, there is time to prepare the hall for the first visitors:

  • Minimal cosmetic repairs, planning, installation of lighting lamps are being done;
  • Stands and racks are placed around the hall, a cashier's place and a warehouse for storing bales of things are being equipped;
  • A general cleaning of the premises and the road to it from the entrance + 5 meters of the adjacent territory is being carried out.

Step 6: Purchasing the item

While the tax office continues to prepare documents, it goes for the first batch of goods. It is advisable to find out when suppliers bring up a new batch, so as not to go through hundreds of bags of “illiquid assets”.

Suppliers at the initial stage are enterprises that buy goods in bulk from abroad. They buy bags weighing from 100 kg and resell packages of 20-25 kg. For the first purchase, one such wholesaler is enough.

The main condition for cooperation is the quality of the delivered goods. When the second hand business takes off, it won't be hard to find direct suppliers. Unfortunately, they do not show the contents of the bales prior to purchase.

You can predict the quality of things by the country of delivery: the Germans rent clothes in large sizes and heavily worn, the French supply things from natural materials and a moderate degree of wear. The ideal supplier is England - there are a lot of new, unworn things in bales from this country. It's not strange - London is one of the most expensive cities in the world.

Never order second-hand wholesale by phone! Only personal visits to warehouses guarantee the quality of the purchased goods. Purchases should be made on the spot, but before that you need to superficially study the meaning of product categories from Europe:

  • Cream— the most expensive category, new branded items;
  • Suite- clothes of popular brands of average cost, new or with minimal wear;
  • Extra- also branded items, about 10% wear (ideal for diluting regular goods).

Used clothes are divided into 3 grades:

  • Quality items, little worn (ideal for purchases);
  • Partially defective or moderately worn items;
  • Things that cannot be worn.

Beginners are advised to buy sorted second-hand 1st grade + a few bales of luxury with branded items (they are added daily to warm up the interest of visitors). It is necessary to carefully inspect each item from the offered bales. Pay attention to the following places:

  • cuffs;
  • Collars;
  • armpits;
  • knees;
  • Tips of socks.

We tell the supplier where to deliver the goods, wait for the loading and go with him. By this time, you will officially be an entrepreneur.

In addition to clothing, you need to purchase equipment:

  • Large mirrors for fitting rooms;
  • Hangers;
  • Cash registers;
  • Several mannequins;
  • Boxes for storing personal belongings;
  • Scales for weighing goods in the hall and at the checkout;
  • Cash registers;
  • Table for packing purchased goods into bags.

Step 7: We order advertising

From the standard - a sign, advertising in local newspapers, flyers for distribution. Flyers are difficult to distribute - people are embarrassed to take them in front of everyone, but you can arrange by mail - they will be attached to mail notifications (for a small fee). If the store is located in a residential area, we agree on the placement of signs and signs - people should be 100% sure where to go. Without this, you can lose some visitors.

Step 8: Lay out the goods

After receiving the goods, you need to decide on its retail value. There are 2 pricing options:

  • Sell ​​by weight, reducing the price daily;
  • Sell ​​at a fixed price.

In the first option, it is enough to hang things into categories; in the second, you need to sort and price each item separately. Some of the new clothes are sold at the checkout at a fixed price. All good things must be sold with a markup of 100-150%, otherwise the business risks not being profitable.

We divide things into the following categories: women's clothing, men's clothing, children's clothing + toys. It is desirable to use hangers of the same color.

You can do the first calculation yourself, and hire people for subsequent ones. You can hang a notice on the door: “We need employees to display goods. Contact the number: + 7ХХХ XXX XX XX".

Step 9: Opening

Good marketing is a guarantee that many buyers will come on opening day. It is advisable to put an arch of balloons at the entrance - this will attract random passers-by. Take care that buyers do not threaten other merchants - if a second-hand store is located in mall. Try to be as courteous as possible with the guests - the first day is remembered for a long time.

Make sure that video surveillance is installed in the store before opening - cutting tags and buttons, removing designer ones will reduce the attractiveness of many things.

Step 10: Hiring employees

For a month of work, you need to determine the approximate amount of revenue per day - this will help in assessing the work of staff. If the store is popular and brings regular profits, you can think about hiring employees.

People are divided into 2 types - those who buy second-hand or those who hate everything connected with it. It is desirable to accept the first for the vacancy of a cashier. They can steal a little - save things for the last day, pick up the best on the first day, sell to friends at a lower price. But they will not look at visitors with disgust, and a well-thought-out system of motivation and remuneration will help get rid of theft.

For the layout of things, the second ones are better suited - they definitely will not steal. Payment is set at 30-50 kopecks per kilogram. You can place an ad on the door about the search for employees with your number - those who wish will be found by themselves.

In addition to cashiers and merchandisers, security guards or cooperation with a security company will be needed - entrepreneurs calculate what is more profitable for their region.

Step 11: Expand

When the store is gaining momentum, it's time to look for a good manager-manager. He will be in charge of purchasing and overseeing the sales process. You can think about opening another department in this or a neighboring city. Remember about regular trips to the tax office.

Allocate money for the development of a website where the brand of the store will be promoted. Here you can place offers for the sale of the best things, make a section to attract wholesale customers. If you can arrange direct deliveries, you can start selling sorted bags of clothes to other stores.


We have described everything that a novice entrepreneur needs to open a second-hand store. it seasonal business, so you can open a laundry, a sewing studio or a chemistry / stationery / food store nearby - they will bring stable income during off-season.

  • Where to begin?
  • The documents
  • room
  • Recruitment
  • Advertising
  • Summing up

Currently, prices are rising for absolutely everything, including clothing. It can be especially expensive for those who need to update their wardrobe, and at least for several days in a row wear something for a shift. However, some people have been able to find a solution to this problem by buying clothes from second-hand stores. Moreover, these stores are intended not only for those who cannot afford expensive clothes from ordinary stores, but also for those who want to buy clothes from famous brands, since such things can often be found here. Therefore, it is safe to say that such a business will be relevant for customers of different walks of life. Below we will tell you how to open a second-hand store from scratch, what documents are needed for this, where to find suppliers and, last but not least, what kind of staff to select.

Where to begin?

Before opening a store, the first step is to find clothing suppliers, because. This is what your business will be based on. The purchase of goods for second-hand is usually carried out by weight. Most often, such clothes are sold in large bags, which can contain both high-quality items and rags that can only be used for washing floors. Quality items will help you recoup the money spent and earn money, but in order not to get a pig in a poke and not buy just rags, you can make purchases from trusted suppliers. There are even special firms that sell clothes from Europe. Although here you can buy goods more expensive, but in terms of the amount of marriage, this option is more attractive. Also, from companies you can find much more high-quality and worthwhile goods for your own second-hand.

Another option is to buy clothes of famous brands, but outdated. It will be new and unworn. In addition, it will be able to attract more young people to your store. As a cost, this option will cost you the most, but you can also sell such clothes at a good price.

If you know foreign language and already have experience of working with foreign companies, you can try to purchase goods for second hand directly from factories in Europe. To do this, you need the Internet, thanks to which you can find a suitable supplier, contact him and agree on the possibility of cooperation. In this case, you can buy goods at the lowest price, but you will have to pay for shipping and, moreover, accompany the goods personally for the first few times. If you are ready for this mechanism of work, think about opening a second-hand store according to this scheme.

The documents

After you decide where to buy goods for your own second-hand, you need to proceed to the collection of documents for opening a store. To register this business, you will need to open an individual entrepreneur and select a form of taxation (we recommend UTII). You will also have to obtain permission from the SES and the fire inspectorate.

Separately, it should be said about such a document as the certificate of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. Its presence is mandatory. As a rule, this certificate is issued by the factory (supplier) and is valid for three years. Additional licensing of second-hand before opening is not necessary.


It is best to open a second-hand store in a room no larger than 40 square meters. If you take a larger room, then you will have too high rental costs. In addition, in the initial stages, you need to earn more customers.

You will also need a suitable storage facility for imported goods before they go on sale. Bags of clothes should definitely not be in the main store area, as this may not appeal to your customers.

Pay special attention to the hygiene of the room, regularly dusting and airing it to get rid of the peculiar smell. Another important point regarding the organization of this business is that you should not call the store simply “second hand”. For some people, this name may cause prejudice. Think of something else, but in the name or in the description of the store you can mention that these clothes are from Europe. Helpful Hints About, how to name a company, we have provided in the corresponding article.

Please note that opening a second-hand store near grocery stores is prohibited by sanitary standards, so consider this nuance before organizing a business.

Be sure to sort the goods by creating several departments. These can be shoe departments, as well as men's, women's and children's departments, where clothes of the corresponding categories will be located.


Do not immediately hire a lot of sellers. In order to open a small second hand from scratch, one person is enough for you to help. In the future, if you decide to expand or things go up, then hire more people. If you need a loader, then this profession can be combined with the profession of a security guard. Let one worker, naturally a man, perform these two duties. It is important for your second-hand sellers to be kind, friendly, sociable and able to provide the necessary assistance to your customers in choosing an item.


To give a reputation in the eyes of your customers, you need advertising. For this you can use local printed editions. It will not be out of place even for second-hand to open an online store where you can place the best and highest quality clothes. Besides, good attraction people in your store will have promotions and discounts, where, for example, stale models will be 25 or 50 percent off.

It also doesn't hurt to create a group in social network and send an invitation to the residents of the city. Advertising of the best things, as well as news about the upcoming delivery of clothes, will attract new customers and will be a convenient source of information for a regular audience.

Summing up

The last thing I would like to talk about is how much it costs to open a second-hand store and what is the profitability of this business idea. To evaluate the initial investment and profitability of the store, be sure to draw up a business plan with calculations. Now we will roughly calculate the investments and profits for 2019.

About 50 thousand rubles will have to be spent on renting a small room ( average price). Equipment (computer, table, chairs, dressing rooms and hangers) will cost at least another 50 thousand rubles. The salary of the staff is at least 25 thousand for the seller and the same amount for the security guard-loader, which is another 50 thousand rubles. It is recommended to spend at least 300 thousand rubles on the first batch of goods (but you can do less, it all depends on the budget). The rest of the expenses - registration of individual entrepreneurs, advertising, etc. will cost up to 50 thousand rubles. In total, you can open a second-hand store with an initial investment of no more than 500 thousand rubles. The approximate net profit per month will be about 80 thousand, in total, the business will pay off in six months. As you can see, the payback of the store is quite attractive, so undoubtedly, if you correctly assess the demand and competition, this business idea will be quite promising!

More detailed second hand business plan you can download from our partners!

You can also learn some secrets of success by watching the video:

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to open a second-hand store from scratch. We hope our step-by-step instruction with advice, she helped you find out where it is better to buy goods, where to start a business and what documents are needed for this!

  • How to open a children's clothing store
  • Opening of a lingerie boutique
  • How to open a cosmetics store from scratch

Useful tips on how to open a second-hand store from scratch. Detailed Instructions with ready-made calculations are also in the article. Take and use!

♦ Starting investment in business: 300,000 rubles
♦ Second hand payback: 18 months

When organizing this business, entrepreneurs rely on customers who have an average and above average income.

However, the realities of the current economic situation are such that most people have begun to cut back on spending and can no longer afford the same shopping spree.

This led to an increase in the popularity of such an idea, how to open a second hand shop.

Although stereotypes greatly underestimate the level of average second-hand buyers.

A rather significant segment is made up of people who can easily afford shopping in branded clothing stores. They understand that in a second-hand store you can find almost or completely new thing.

The filling of second-hand stores with goods occurs with the help of products from Europe. And the mentality of the people living there is different from ours: after six months of wearing, they can hand over a thing to second-hand, because it is out of fashion or tired.

Often you can even find products delivered directly from European stores that have not been sold for too long and have been written off as illiquid goods.

The understanding that second-hand goods are high-quality European-made products that will last for many years, unlike the new Chinese consumer goods, comes to the inhabitants of our country gradually.

But the popularity of second hand stores is undoubtedly growing. This makes the question of how to open a second-hand store relevant for many beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

So that you do not get confused at the planning stage of this business, this article provides step-by-step instructions for organizing a store.

How to open a second hand: planning

Second hand shop space

Pay attention to neighboring organizations.

P.S. "Neighbors" should provide an additional flow of potential customers, and not scare them away.

The size of the leased premises can be any. It all depends on the budget, plans and opportunities.

A large second-hand store should be divided into zones: men's clothing, women's clothing, children's products, footwear, textiles. The children's part can be decorated in brighter colors than other second-hand areas, soft toys can be laid out and multi-colored applications can be glued to the walls.

For the rest of the second-hand walls, choose calm, neutral colors. Use them for additional product placement. This is not about two-story clothes racks that will be tall for people with average height.

You can hang dressed mannequins on the walls or place unusual and dimensional things (leather jackets with rivets, a wedding dress with rhinestones and a hem).

What should not be in a second-hand store is cold lighting, especially in the fitting room area. So that colors and shades are not distorted, the light must be warm and bright, and local light sources can be additionally installed in the booths.

Purchasing products for second hand

Before starting a second-hand business, an entrepreneur must decide on a supplier of goods.

Experienced owners give some advice about this:

  1. When transporting, do not tie the bags, but sew them up with strong threads.
    Upon receipt, weigh each and compare with the data of the consignment note.
  2. It is worth negotiating with the supplier in order to check not only by weight, but also by content.
    An entrepreneur can cut off the most low-quality products as a defect, returning them back.
  3. Average per square meter retail space second hand should account for about 10 kg of goods.
  4. When choosing things for second-hand, pay attention to the wear and tear of the goods, and only then to its compliance with the season and current trends.
  5. Trousers have the “weakest” places - the inner side of the thighs, knees, the seam between the legs.
    Skirts have a back upper part and a stomach area. For shirts - the condition of the material on the armpits, the collar, the wear of the cuffs.

Marketing plan for opening a second-hand store

Advertising campaign

People are embarrassed to shop second hand because of common stereotypes. That is why they are located in inconspicuous places.

To make it easy for customers to find the entrance, install clear and visible signs from the points of movement of customers (stops, intersections, metro stations).

Be sure to enter the company in the Internet space.

In the modern world, a second-hand store must have a website. On it, customers will be able to search for the location of stores on the map, view the work schedule and delivery dates for new products, write complaints and suggestions to management.

The target audience

Interesting fact:
Many famous people– musicians, artists, actors emphasize that it is at second-hand stores that they can buy things that correspond to their way of life and thinking.

Basically, second-hand stores are visited by the same customers, representatives separate category of people. They know how to select clothes, what days it is better to come and other subtleties of the process.

Casual visitors come relatively rarely.

Therefore, placing a second-hand store in the central area is neither profitable nor expedient. Rather inconspicuous and basements(preferably with a separate entrance).

secondhand staff

Recruitment of staff for a second hand store will not cause any particular problems for an entrepreneur.

The staff will not differ much from what is recruited in a regular clothing store.

On average, a point has:

QtySalary (rub.)Total (rub.)
Administrator1 30 000 30 000
Sellers4 22 000 88 000
Cleaning woman1 18 000 18 000

All employees must have work experience or high learning ability.

The owner of a second hand store must provide comfortable conditions work for team members. Then productivity will be high, and the level of customer service will increase.

How to open a second-hand store: organization of work

Recommendations regarding the organization of work from scratch in a second hand will be as follows:

  • fitting rooms should be in sufficient quantity - with mirrors, normal lighting, coat hooks and rugs;
  • place additional mirrors in the hall so that customers can try on second-hand outerwear without occupying booths;
  • do not forget about ordering something without which the presentation of products in a second-hand store will not be as effective - baskets and boxes, mannequins for demonstration, boxes for small goods;
  • keep good lighting in the hall - do not curtain windows and artificial light sources;
  • so that the “glory” of a cheap place does not stick to the second hand, keep the sales floor and premises clean (sellers and a hired cleaning service should be responsible for this);
  • do not forget about ventilation: in the warm season, windows can be kept open all the time, and in winter they can be opened on the days of receiving goods so that the specific smell of second-hand clothes does not stagnate in the premises;
  • your second hand can be additionally equipped with chairs or a sofa, because. people spend a lot of time here, and for the elderly it is quite difficult.

How to open a second hand: financial section

Opening cost table

Project maintenance and development costs

Second hand revenue and payback

If you want to open your own second-hand store with the expectation of a quick payback of the business, discard this thought.

On average, a second-hand store pays off in 1-1.5 years.

At the same time, the monthly revenue from the company can reach up to $ 1,500.

Some products will have to be sold at cost. Don't worry that it might not be profitable. Such a step will attract second-hand customers who come just the same in search of the lowest prices.

But for the rest of the goods, you can make an extra charge of 150-200%. And there will definitely be a client for him!

Usually these are people who want to buy something cheaper, but in good condition. According to statistics, they make up the majority of the target audience.

How a second hand store works from the inside

detailed in the video:

Tips for an entrepreneur: how to open your second hand from scratch

  1. If the budget allows you to open several stores, take advantage of this.
    Between several trading platforms second hand, it will be possible to move the remnants of unsold products, which will definitely remain before the delivery of new goods.
  2. In the hall it is worth putting several sellers to work.
    They will be able not only to advise buyers, but also to monitor the suppression of cases of theft.
    Attempts are made by customers quite often, and installing a scanner at the exit and magnetic “anti-theft” for each unit of production is an unjustified cost.
  3. To avoid fraud by sellers, install several CCTV cameras.
    One should be sent to the checkout. A few may be ordinary dummies, but this, of course, only the second-hand manager should know.
  4. Ask the cleaning company to add a little essential oil to the wash water to mask the typical smell of second-hand clothes.
    If you use mint or lavender, this can further reduce the level of irritability of customers.
  5. Use thick curtains with high-quality fixation for fitting booths.
    Warm shades of the material are best suited - yellow, red, orange.
  6. A product that was rejected during the purchase as absolutely not “wearable” can be sold as rags (for example, to a car service or to any factory as a cleaning material).
  7. Opening your own secondhand store will not bring high income.
    To speed up payback and increase profits at times, the owner will need to expand the network to several stores.
  8. It is better to set a fixed price for a good quality product and make a percentage discount on it on sales days.
    But the rest, evaluate at your discretion by category and gradually reduce the price.

Download a ready-made second-hand business plan with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

For people living in Europe, buying second-hand clothes is profitable and is considered normal practice.

According to statistics, their customers are about 2% of the population.

This trend is gradually entering our country. However, the impact of the crisis accelerates this process, as Russians' incomes are decreasing and the lion's share of them is spent on essential goods, on which it is impossible to save.

Opening second hand- a cost-effective business idea that will bring the owner 30-40% of the profit.

Moreover, starting from scratch does not require large cash investments, but on the condition that you will be personally involved in the process.

Some entrepreneurs even make their family contract out of the store, fearing theft and fraud by employees.

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  • Market prospects
  • Description of goods and services
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Marketing plan
  • Business risks
  • Financial plan
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Business plan for organizing a second-hand store in a rented premises on a retail space of 70 sq. m.

How much money do you need to open a store

According to preliminary calculations, the opening of a second-hand store in a rented premises will require an investment of about 1,190,000 rubles:

  • Cosmetic repairs of the premises - 100,000 rubles.
  • Acquisition commercial equipment and accounting programs (1C, KKM) - 150,000 rubles.
  • Creation of an assortment of goods - 600,000 rubles.
  • Business registration, approvals and permits (SES, fire supervision) - 40,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget - 100,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 150,000 rubles.

Store opening step by step

  1. Search for sources of project financing;
  2. Search for profitable suppliers of goods;
  3. Selection of premises in places with high traffic potential audience of buyers;
  4. Business registration;
  5. Conclusion of a lease agreement, obtaining permits;
  6. Cosmetic repairs of the premises, purchase of commercial equipment and its installation;
  7. Hiring;
  8. Creation of an assortment of goods;
  9. Store opening.

Market prospects

Why should secondhand shops be in demand? There are several categories of people who are interested in such a product:

  • Among the things come across quite a few branded goods from a variety of European and American manufacturers. At the same time, prices are several times lower than those that can be found in elite clothing boutiques. It is interesting first of all to fanatics of brands.
  • Here you can find trendy and trendy goods at the lowest prices. This is very beneficial for a poor audience of customers, such as students and youth.
  • Employees public sector, for whom a certain dress code is important, you can dress flawlessly without spending a lot of money.
  • In general, second-hand clothing is a product that is easy to decide on. This is a product that is comfortable to buy for the widest audience of customers.

Description of goods and services

The assortment of our store will include the sale of the following products:

  • Women's clothing (blouses, shirts, skirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, dresses, suits, jackets, raincoats, etc.);
  • Men's clothing (blazers, raincoats, jackets, T-shirts, T-shirts, shirts, etc.);
  • Children's goods (toys, shirts, sweatshirts, sweatshirts, jeans, hats, etc.);
  • Accessories (bags, belts, scarves, jewelry, gloves, mittens);
  • Shoes and socks;
  • Household items.

The margin on the goods will be on average 200%. For clothes of the first and second categories (the best goods), the markup can reach up to 500%, while the goods of the third category (clothes of poor quality) will be sold at actual cost. Planned average check will be 500 rubles. It is planned to purchase goods from large wholesale suppliers who import goods from European countries (mainly England, Italy, Holland and Germany). In addition, the assortment will include absolutely new product supplied directly from domestic factories and neighboring countries.

Production plan

To accommodate a second-hand goods store, a room will be rented in office center, in a fairly walkable part of the city (not the center). The leased area will be 70 square meters, and the amount of rental payments will be 32,000 rubles per month. The selection of premises was based on the following principles:

  • The presence of high traffic;
  • Not high rental rates;
  • Good condition of the premises, not requiring major repairs;
  • Convenient access roads and good parking.

Which taxation system to choose

As an organizational legal form planned to register individual entrepreneurship at the local tax office. UTII will be used as a taxation system - a single tax on imputed income. We believe that this is the optimal tax regime for a second-hand store. The tax will be fixed and will amount to only 7,500 rubles per month. Installation cash register with UTII it is not necessary, but KKM will still be installed in the store, as it facilitates the accounting of goods and raises the status of the store in the eyes of customers.


From the personnel our store will need sales assistants (3 people), warehouse workers (2 people) and a cashier. Accountant and cleaning services will be outsourced. The sellers will be subject to such requirements as: experience in clothing retail, the ability to handle the 1C program, good communication skills, tact, energy and goodwill. Wage will be about 18 thousand rubles per month (as a percentage of revenue) + bonuses for overfulfillment of the sales plan. The total wage fund, according to preliminary calculations, will amount to 95 thousand rubles per month.

Marketing plan

To attract buyers to second-hand, it is planned to use the following advertising methods:

  • Outdoor advertising (placing banners near stop pavilions, markets and other places with high traffic);
  • Advertising in newspapers and magazines, on the radio;
  • Distribution of leaflets, flyers, booklets in mailboxes;
  • Sound notification a few days before the opening of the store (travel on city roads by car with a loudspeaker);
  • Placement of a bright sign above the entrance to the store.

In total, advertising, according to the business plan, will be spent from 20 to 50 thousand rubles a month. For the purpose of keeping regular customers In our store there will be a cumulative system of discounts. At total amount purchases from 5,000 rubles for the following purchases will be provided with a 3% discount, from 10,000 rubles - 5%, and from 20,000 rubles - 10% of the purchase amount. In addition, our store will offer customers to leave their phone number and e-mail in order to be aware of all promotions and raffles. Thus, it is planned to gain an extensive base of regular visitors.

Business risks

Conducting this business, in our opinion, is associated with the following risks:

  • Decreased demand for second-hand goods due to the growth in the welfare of the population;
  • Increasing competition in the clothing retail industry. Reduced prices for new products;
  • The introduction of economic sanctions and new laws that restrict the import of goods from abroad (or make it less profitable).

Financial plan

The recurring monthly expenses of a second hand store will include:

  • Rent - 32,000 rubles.
  • Salary - 95,000 rubles.
  • Insurance contributions to the PFR and the FSS - 28,500 rubles.
  • Utility payments - 15,000 rubles.
  • Advertising — 30,000 rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 7500 rubles.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 25,000 rubles.
  • Other unforeseen expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 233,000 rubles. Variable costs:

  • Purchase of goods for resale - 30% of turnover.

How much can you earn selling secondhand goods

Break-even point of sales at fixed costs of 233 thousand rubles. per month and trade margin in 200% will be 349.5 thousand rubles. With a monthly revenue of 629 thousand rubles, the store's profit will be 279 thousand rubles.


  • The average check is 500 rubles.
  • Number of buyers per month - 900 people. (average 30 people per day)
  • Revenue per month - 450,000 rubles.

Net income: 450,000 - 233,000 ( fixed costs) - 135,000 (variable costs - goods) = 82,000 rubles per month. Return on sales is 18.2%. With such calculations, taking into account the period for promoting the business (4-6 months), the return on investment in the business will come in 18-20 months of the store's operation.

This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions